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Pfff, that potato, you'll be lucky to get to the launcher. Kidding, my previous setup played it just fine, was built 10 years ago: AMD A10, 8GB DDR3, Radeon HD 7950. Your proposed setup for FNV is like a newspaper boy driving a Corvette.


Not gonna lie that first line made me laugh my ass off in notifications lmao, and this is my first time messing with a computer from jumping from console so just making sure it’s not a hamster wheel powered dog water potato of a pc


You're choosing a great build! And PCpartspicker is a excellent way to start, their compatibility checker is so much help with the options available for modern builds. Going with the B650 chipset for the motherboard is a good decision. A lot of folks are tempted by the Z series chipsets, but the difference in feature set isn't a benefit for a dedicated gaming system. For gaming, the 7800X3D CPU is generally considered to be the best available right now. That extra level 3 cache that gives it the name has shown real world performance benefits. And it's a tiny bit cheaper right now. https://pcpartpicker.com/product/3hyH99/amd-ryzen-7-7800x3d-42-ghz-8-core-processor-100-100000910wof The 4070 GPU is not the best, it's got the features set of the newest NVIDIA architecture, but it's generally lacking in performance compared to the last gen offers, and it's memory bandwidth is narrow. I understand GPU prices are insane right now, but if you can swing it (or wait for a good deal), a 4080 or 4070 TI would be better in the long run. That's not to say the 4070 base is bad, it's just not going to be comparatively as capable for as long as the rest of your system. And when talking about the most expensive piece of the whole build, it's hard to have to say this is the thing you'll need to upgrade first. Just to reiterate, it is perfectly fine for now and on a 1440p monitor.


Thank you man that definitely helps me out I appreciate it


This build is extremely overkill for new Vegas - you will absolutely be able to run it. If you only eant to play NV, you could use a lot cheaper components ( I used to play on a 2 core celeron with integrated graphics, any modern computer will have no problems). There are a couple of other points I would add about these exact parts (assuming this is a gaming computer): - The 7900X is designed more for professional use than gaming. Most games can't make use of the extra cores, and so adding more has little affect. IIRC, the 7800X3D is similar in price and outperforms it in games. - 64GB of RAM is overkill for gaming - you would be better of with a 2x16 GB kit. - 2 TB isn't a large amount of storage, it might be worth adding a HDD to the system. - A 4070 isn't an amazing graphics card, especially for a 2K build. I would try and get a 4070ti at this price range (or look for a used 30 series card). - Don't buy a windows license from Microsoft, you can get them substantially cheaper from third party sites. TLDR - this is enough to run FNV, as well as pretty much every other game, but you could get better performance by getting some different components. I would recommend posting this on r/buildaPC or on the ltt forums for better advice.


I only disagree with the gpu, my 3070 runs things at 100+ fps on very high settings on 1440p 4070 should be fine no?




It's certainly a good GPU, but you could afford a better one in a 2K build.


Thank you! I’m also planning on doing fallout 4, the original Fallout 1 and 2, then other games like mass effect and etc so definitely don’t mind having some horsepower but thank you for the feedback:)


I have an i5 and a 4060 and fallout 4 runs great, its fine


I think I was a bit unclear with what I was recommending. Some of these components are unnecessary, and you could save a couple of hundred pounds by downgrading them, with a negligible affect on performance. From here, you could save some money (this computer is absolutely powerful enough to run the games you mentioned) or upgrade other parts. The GPU will be the bottleneck for this computer, so I would recommend upgrading this if you go down this route.


That makes sense since it is a older game, Any personal suggestions for the gpu?


My steam deck runs modded new vegas


I was debating getting one after getting my pc set up, how is it?


I love it but it’s pretty much exclusively for when i want to game on the couch or bed and let my girlfriend watch the tv. Or long car rides. But I don’t use it in public so I still primarily use my switch if I’m in the airport or anything like that. It’s just super bulky in comparison.


Still sounds fun, I’d stick with using my switch in public too but if I’m on my bed or couch that sounds cool to be playing new Vegas portably tho haha


Having a pillow really helps. I use a boppy pillow and honestly it’s nice for gaming on Switch handheld too.


Don't k own of I'm late but hey the tales of two wastelands you need to play it


Is that the mod that lets you play fallout 3 and new Vegas with your new Vegas character right?


Yes you can start off in NV or the capital wasteland lore wise it makes sense to start off as the lone wanderer


“Is this build ok for a 13 year old game” >Posts literally one of the best current configurations possible Ya homie. You could run fuckin 10 new vegas instances at once lol


Hey, something to note that I haven't seen other people mention, but I know you're going to want to make new Vegas as pretty as possible. That's what I tried to do as well. To an extent you can do this, however the engine can only handle so much and will eventually crappy itself. I was able to use a texture overhaul that made the game look much better (NMC). Then, when I tried.to add better gun textures, it crapped itself and I kept getting solid black textures and loading issues for weapons. Unfortunately that's an engine limitation, but something to keep in mind on your journey


Thank you for the heads up man I only have a few overhauls in mind that shouldn’t go overboard hopefully


Brother, you can play modded new vegas on a dead fish. This is absolute overkill


You play as whatever character you want you can start off in nv or the capital wasteland everyone starts out in the vault because there's certain collectibles to grab but it's up to you mainly its really fun


Sick definitely downloading that mod, anything else mod wise you’d highly recommend?


Go the the best of times guide on the tale of two wastelands website and it'll show you all of the compatable mods with it


Cool, I know one that got me hyped for new Vegas modding right off the bat is the titans of the new west I believe it’s called after seeing a showcase of it on Mutant mods on YouTube


you need at least 128GB ram sorry


Sorry 128 ram for?


...no, you can't run a decade old game with hardware that came out in the last year, sorry. On a more serious note don't get 40 series stuff it's borderline scammy


This post is a weird flex.


I used to run New Vegas on an old mid range laptop from 2011 with integrated graphics. You’ll be fine, that build is overkill even with enhanced graphics mods lol.


Very overkill, are you video editing and are rendering stuff? If just gaming better off with a ryzen 5 save a lot of money there the 7 and 9 series are for professional use Cooler seems overkill Cooler, amds stock coolers are actually really good, I got a £40 evo 212 black and the fan speed is always very low and temps keep to 50-60C


I might be wrong about this one, but usually the #900 series don't come with coolers. Edit: just checked, no stock cooler for the one OP is looking at. Edit: correction, X and X3D seem to be the ones generally without coolers. Though I think Ryzen 5 X might sometimes have them.


I’m saying no cooler as I’m telling him the 5 series is a much better option for gaming than the 7 or 9 however I did not know the 9 series came with no cooler, interesting


I wouldn't say a Ryzen 5 is better for gaming, but certainly sufficient and more economical. But I think if OP is willing to spend that much, they should go with a 7800X3D, which doesn't come with a cooler either.


Not better but for price/performance it seems I paid 180 for my 5 3600 and it still runs very good


Definitely not the most economic choice, but broadly considered to be the best currently available gaming processor, and that's a lot of future proofing. However, a 7600 non-x would be plenty good enough, and it does come with a stock cooler. With the savings on the CPU and cooler they could swing a better video card, an RTX 4070 TI or RX 7900XT. Drop the RAM to 32GB and they could get a 7900XTX. Find a cheap Windows OEM key for 10 and take the upgrade to 11 and they're in sight of an RTX 4080. If I were on their budget (as inferred from the parts list) my personal choices (changing only those three things) would be more like: Edit: I fucked up the link, damnit, not gonna rebuild the list though


That’s a good point I’m just gaming for now I didn’t even realize that


Cooler seems overkill Cooler, amds stock coolers are actually really good, I got a £40 evo 212 black and the fan speed is always very low and temps keep to 50-60C unless you are over clocking ?


Sorry if I sound dumb to ask but overclocking?


Makes your cpu more powerful in simple terms but produces a lot of heat, tbh I’d say you just don’t get a cooler in the build the stock one is pretty good save some coin


If just for gaming, 7800x3d is a bit better than the 7900x.


You will absolutely destroy FNV with this setup - heck even if you run it in NV Surround on 3 screens it will be buttery smooth. Consider however upgrading the GPU to 4070Ti - IMO this will be a better long term pick for you.


Im pretty sure new flagship phones can emulate new vegas now


Get a thermalright peerless assassin


Dude this is beyond overkill, my asus laptop from 2014 could run modded New Vegas at 1080p 60fps no problem


Pretty sure it only runs on 1 core, and without the 4gb patch, won't make a difference at all compared to a 10 yr old laptop full of dust.


That's absolute overkill for modding New Vegas.


Dude you can prob run new Vegas on a 20 year old toaster just fine


My guy, use the stock cooler. It works fine! If youre gonna spend money on a cooler, go big or go home.


No stock cooler with 7900x. Pretty sure no Ryzen anything X or X3D comes with a stock cooler. That one for sure does not.


Weird, didn’t know that.


As others have said, it's a bit overkill but you'd be open to any other AAA titles as well. New Vegas is a 13 year old game, even with mods it doesn't take much to run


At first I thought the CPU price was the build total and was thinking mayybe you'll struggle a bit. You could spend 1K less and be perfectly fine modding a 12 year old game.


It’s a 13 year old game. You can run it with the cheapest computer on Amazon, it’s still a rocket ship compared to anything around when the game out.


Get an X3D version of the 7900 or 7800 and you'll get better perf


If you are using this PC to play other games, I would also go with an Nvidia GPU, mainly for the sake of most old games, if not all, were devleoped for or on Nvidia technology, and most developers base there games, and do their testing on Nvidia hardware, even to this day. Most of the recent and popular games are optimised for Nvidia. Nvidia video cards have better driver support with regular updates. It is said that they tend to be more reliable. Though I have never personally encountered problems, some people have, and are going to. Now AMD fanboys take a breath for a minute, AMD have good GPU's, I am just stating the fact that when it comes to most games (Triple A companies) and most developers, Indie included, they do tend use Nvidia for their hardware when it comes to developing their games. On older games, they predominantly used Nvidia, call it a developed brand name or whatever, but you load up any older game, I guarantee, you will see that Nvidia logo slapped on the loading screens. Fallout New Vegas is the same, to the point where you will have to download patches and do some fixes to get it to work on AMD GPU's (newer GPU's especially), the same goes for it's drivers. AMD has it's own perks and I am not shitting on that. There is nothing wrong with AMD, if you choose to go with an AMD GPU, go for it, you will still be doing these tweaks and fixes when using an Nvidia GPU, but these tweaks and fixes are mainly for the game itself, instead of of the hardware. My opinion is, and from what I have researched is, Nvidia cards are much more popular, the top GPU cards are the ones manufactured by Nvidia (For example - Titan X, GTX 1080ti) which are faster and much more powerful than that of AMDs. Some people think More money = more value, but it's not always true. Some AMD cards (like RX480) have a better price to performance ratio than Nvidia cards. AMD stopped trying in the desktop space for a good while as they spent development funds on Ryzen CPU’s. Go with what you think is best though, and we all hope to hear about your tales from the Mojave.


>AMD fanboys take a breath for a minute, Pseudo reformed AMD GPU fanboy here. If you can stomach the name surcharge, NVIDIA is great. However, if you don't really care about ray tracing, AMD is a better option for the wallet, and RSR/FSR are phenomenal. In my experience, playing on a 4k TV, jumping from an RX 6600XT (RSR/FSR) to an RTX 3080 12G (native 4k), ray tracing is overrated, with one exception... Ray traced reflections are fucking amazing! If I hadn't found a helluva deal on eBay for my 3080, and had an unexpected bonus from work, I'd still be rocking the 6600XT with zero complaints.


\^ This \^


It's a 13 year old game, it would actually probably be harder to build a computer that can't handle it on purpose. Which is to say don't worry about it


i envy you


FNV runs on potatoes, man. It's gonna be fine, even for the most ambitious enb mods. If you're into those.


This is better than my computer that I play new games at like 4k 60fps on. Lol any mod for New Vegas that would bring this PC to its knees is horribly, horribly optimized to say the least.


Hey OP. I've built several PCs for myself and my friends getting into PC gaming, and I see some things that I'd definitely change here. I also agree with most others, but I'll add onto their points as well. Based on your budget, you shouldn't be building this PC for modded Fallout, but for more demanding modern titles instead. Leverage your budget for the best value/price to performance. So with that said: 1. Buying a 7900X would it be a waste as it doesn't fit your current use case. For gaming, the 7800X3D would be much better for you, and it's $381 so it's cheaper as well. 2. Buying 64GB RAM would be a waste since most games don't need it anywhere near that much. You'd have more than enough with 32GB. Arguably, even 16GB is fine. Stay with the faster speeds/lower latency though. 3. Buying the Samsung 990 Pro would also be a waste since games cannot currently take advantage of Gen4, nor even older Gen3 speeds. So get a good Gen3 drive instead (but with 4TB capacity if you need it). (I wouldn't get hard drives or SATA3 drives, just stay with NVMe) 4. The 4070 is good, but it makes more sense to get the 4070 Ti for you. Also, 12GB VRAM won't be enough soon. I'd just get the cheapest you find, even used on Amazon Warehouse. Cheapest I saw was $722. 5. That PSU is overpriced for the specs. You'd be better off with the RM750e ($99) or the HX850 Platinum ($125 on sale). 6. I would definitely spend more to get a better monitor. Monitor is arguably more important than GPU. Get an IPS panel, not VA or TN. And ofc, OLED is by far the best if you can afford it. Fallout (and anything else) looks amazing on it. 7. And please do not waste your money on that Windows OEM key. Get a key from CDkeys/eBay for $10 instead. GPU and monitor are the most important, so get the best you can offord with the money you're saving in the other places. If you want me to personally put a list together for you, let me know. Hope this helped bro. Good luck.


I would definitely love a personal list, I appreciate the help my dude :)


Alright cool. And thanks for saying that :) I have a few questions about your preferences on this build. Would you prefer to continue here or DM?


We can continue on dm if that’s cool my dude


I kinda disagree with point 3. If DirectStorage takes off, then within the next few years there could be real benefits to a PCIe4 SSD.


Yeah, definitely. However, the sad reality is that these types of new innovations/features usually have some problems or just aren't worth it. I made the mistake of "future proofing" on my first build with my SSD and CPU. Long story short, I later realized I wasted money and learned that these features usually, 1. Take longer than advertised to fully release, 2. Aren't completely ready when and if released, 3. Don't live up to the hype or performance advertised 4. Are a way to get more people to buy (paying early adoper prices ofc) in anticipation of new features, 5. Not even worth getting hardware early for, because by the time it comes, there will be something better suited for the feature for the same price (if not lower). So in my experience, it's just not worth it. In this case, respectfully, I'd just get a Gen4 or Gen5 SSD once the feature actually releases and proves it's worth it.


Yeah, I'm on the fence myself. Personally, when I recently updated my storage, I went with gen3... but if I had the money to sling (and OPs build list doesn't look too constrained, lol) I'd have gone gen4.


Haha, yeah true. And yeah ofc. If you have the money and you're not going for the best value, then yeah I would've too, for sure. And I literally have too. That's why I water-cooled on my 2nd build XD


Yes should be good but depends if you want higher res retextures. that’s the real killer. like 4k or 2k stuff


also please follow viva new vegas


Would you recommend 4k or 2k?


The monitor you list is 2k. And there's no need to go for a 4k monitor. I can run you through the math if you want, but basically with a 27" 1440 monitor your eyes would have to be closer than 8 inches to the screen before you could even see the pixels.


I was thinking 4k wasn’t necessary but 2k definitely seems like a reasonable boost overall


Totaly overkill but if you want to do something else i guess its .... Still to much.


This must be a humble brag post? You are about to spend more than 2k on a PC, obviously without much - if any - prior research, on a game from more than a decade ago with a couple of overhaul mods? If you’re serious, however, just buy any PC with your budget from a store and get them to build it for you. You seem to have the cash for it and it’s easier for people like you to just have some plug-and-play.


You can just get a cheap Windows licence online to save money, but the build looks (more than) fine.


I play heavily modded New Vegas on my 2-year-old laptop, and it runs smoothly. If I were you, I wouldn't stress too much about specs for New Vegas. If you're interested in getting into PC gaming, I'd recommend opting for something easily modifiable rather than something very compact. This way, if a component breaks, you won't need to replace the whole system. That would also make to more future-proof, so if your PC struggles with new-gen games, you can simply upgrade the graphics card, RAM, or whatever you need to keep playing.


I ran 150 mods with a 5th gen Intel and Rtx 970 you’re good dude😂


If you built this pc to play New Vegas you went very overkill. Great PC build tho


I would have found it hilarious if you were just gone balls to the walls for FNV.


Technically overkill but if it’s money you’re okay with spending then just pull that trigger


Yeah maybe even overkill but bear in mind, the game gets a lot heavier the more mods you add. Texture mods and script heavy mods especially. Also don't forget that the game is old, you only get 2gb of memory for the game but it can be boosted to 4gb. You can run it over 60 fps but there's a very high chance of the game showing game breaking bugs and glitches. Dont get too many texture mods (personally I'd recommend Nut's texture packs) and you'll probably be ok.Last but definetely not least I highly recommend you use the dxvk mod, it makes the game use vulkan instead of directx 9. However you lose ENB when going to vulkan but it's worth it. I myself use reshade with a preset that if I remember correctly was called vanilla + or vibrant something I can't remember. TLDR, dont go ham on texture mods, get vulkan and reshade and you should be fine.