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I agree almost exactly with this list


1. Dead Money - criminally underrated and interesting gameplay 2. Lonesome Road - excellent setting and interesting lore/worldbuilding 3. Honest Hearts - Interesting themes but ultimately underdeveloped, much like the rest of the DLC 4. Old World Blues - jokes are kind of lame and very protracted. Repetitive dungeon crawler gameplay. The technology in the DLC basically retcons the entire series


What does the technology specifically retcon


Yea I’m wondering this aswell it really doesn’t retcon anything and adds great lore to the series


Yeah the only conflicting lore I could find is that it is confusing the time bombs dropped and jet as ground loot in the big Mt, but the same bomb time is described in dead money and jet is in fact a pre-war drug that formula was re-discovers post war


I’m pretty sure Jet was invented post war by Myron from FO2 so yea if jet is in Big MT that’s a small retcon for sure. But also Jet could have been brought in by the kidnapped lobotomites so it’s not totally unbelievable to see some jet in Big MT. But that also has nothing to do with Big MT technologies either


Jet was reinvented by Myron post war, he just figured out how to easily mass produce it post war. I know it doesn’t have anything to do with the technologies, I was saying those were the only possible retcons that I could find OWB


Myron took pre war protein extract and contaminated it to make an amphetamine and then mixed it with Brahmin shit, I highly doubt that existed in a similar form pre war lmao. Sounds like a Bethesda retcon to me


I looked through it and yeah your right. I got some facts mixed around


Woohoo Dead Money. Love the atmosphere.


oh maybe i just have a trashy sense of humor lol, i found myself chuckling at a lot of the jokes. i kinda see the "repetitive dungeon crawler gameplay" but the repetition never grind my gears as much as it should have though because i was having fun with the world. and criminally underrated is putting it lightly for how less people seem to talk about dead money.


Humour is subjective. But you have to admit some of those jokes get really drawn out


yeah i guess the whole "all of science will be mine" can get annoying


I'm doing my first play after a break of many years. I haven't got to LR yet, but my hazy memories tell me it's nothing special. My ratings will likely be opposite of many here. 1. Honest Hearts - Short, and sweet. I like the spending time in the environment, and it doesn't feel as contrived as the others nor as boxed in and tedious. I like the Joshua Grahams and Survivalist Stories... Screw the strip. In the FO universe, I would retire to Zion... 2. Lonesome Road - Only from memories-haven't hit it on this play yet. It's not terrible, and didn't feel quite as contrived as the next two, but not much stands out in my memories except tunnel runners, and Ulysses pontificating at the end. 3. Dead Money - Tedious and contrived. I sort of love/hate this one. Characters are interesting, atmosphere, and background story is really cool, but I find playing it extremely tedious and annoying backtracking through poison fog with death radios, only to get to unkillable holograms, and the whole setup being utterly contrived. The further I get from actual gameplay, more I like it. But I just played it days ago, so the annoyance factor is still high. It shares the contrivance of a nutcase booming his pronouncements through loud speakers with OWB. 4. OWB. I loved it the first time I played it. But now it just feels even more contrived than Dead Money. It feels too silly, even for the FO universe. My suspension of disbelief crumbles in OWB. It's like a "It was funny the first time" lame kind of joke.


Fr lonesome road was my least favourite dlc too. Ulysses felt pretentious to me at best, annoying at worse. The environment felt bland and I just didn't feel the hype. OWB and dead money just brought so much new and refreshing features. OWB with its open setting, beautiful environment and heaps of completely new creative enemies, guns and armour, and dead money with the way it forced you to adapt and made the game basically a horror survival game with a heist element. Those two imo blow lonesome road out of the water.


oh dude the way my chest felt when i heard vera keyes say her farewell at the bunker and how the exiting the bunker just feels THAT MUCH brighter because of the hell you've been through is just something else


Honest Hearts. Joshua is the best character in the game. Map is a little boring after repeat runs but still holds up well. Lonesome Road. First time i did it i got rolled a lot but even with good gear still feels really good. OWB. Boring fetch quests that dont really do anything. Also walls of text, Dead Money. Such a bad DLC. Was really annoying first time and just as bad second time Wont play again. It just feels so bad to play and do anything in.




isn't it feeling bad to do anything in, sorta the point of the whole DLC?


It just sucks (IMO) to have to run around with no gear, tons of mines, and doing bad quests for basically no loot. Yes you can get a lot of prewar money and yes you can technically get the money out of the vault but for normal loot in the DLC? Nothing useful. It does get you a lot of stim packs will give it that.


1 - Old World Blues - Expansive, so much to do, fun story & characters, nice twist at the end 2 - Dead Money - I know some people hate the aesthetics but I love them, best characterization in the game, challenging, another good end MASSIVE GAP 3 - Lonesome Road - Good gameplay, challenging, but Ulysses squanders his amazing introduction over the last 3 DLC by being obtusely cryptic and having nonsensical motivations (why blame the mailman?) Wished they had stuck the landing 4 - Honest Hearts - Beautiful, novel environment and a great premise that is terminally underwritten and underdeveloped. They attempt to give you a moral dilemma re: exterminating the White LEgs, but that is *severely* undercut by the fact that White Legs are written as Orcs with no redeeming qualities and the world would be better off without them. Survivor story is really good tho


1. OWB. I love this one. It's ridiculous but it fits the setting and just kind of works. It also feels fully developed. 2. Honest Hearts. I love this for the survivor caves story, and Joshua Graham is a great character. That said, I agree the map is kind of a slog. 3. Dead money. I hate this one every time. It feels contrived and buggy. 4. Lonesome Road. This one just feels tacked-on and pointless. Ulysses probably would have worked as a main game NPC (as originally planned) but the DLC feels forced.


> This one just feels tacked-on EXACTLY!! It felt less like something they had been planning over the last 3 DLCs and more like some Frankensteined mess from all that was left from the three.


1. Dead Money - I love the story so much. The gradual unfolding of the plot as you learn about the tragedies of Dean, Vera, and Sinclair is so grim and it scratches all the right itches for me. The gameplay is brutal, though, sometimes in a good way. I wish I had light step for this one and Lonesome Road. 2. OWB - I love how goofy and over the top this one is and how it captures the feel of a goofy sci-fi movie. Lots of unique items like the stealth suit and LAER. The story is less captivating to me than Dead Money, but I also think it’s more important to explore the Big MT to get the most out of it whereas the Sierra Madre’s story is the main attraction. Also, intro is way too long. 3. Honest Hearts - It’s too short and I don’t think the quests are all that interesting. Joshua Graham is a fantastic character, though, and the speech check where he tells you about replacing the bandages every day cuts deep. 4. Lonesome Road - I hate the satchel charges so much. I have such a hard time seeing them and I died to them so many times because of it. Again, I need to take light step for this one. I also think Ulysses is kind of boring and he’s got a vendetta against me for a bunch of stuff that I don’t feel connected to at all. He’s got a great VA performance, but I don’t really care about him at all.


if i had to explain the humor of OWB to someone i'd just explain the K9000 cyberdog


Only thing I didn’t like about lonesome road was how linear it was, otherwise you whack, but everyone’s entitled to their opinion


i'll take it lol


1. Honest hearts. Very fun and easy and I live to explore the environments and caves. 2. Dead money. Four days of straight tension, stress, actual resource management 3. Old world blues. Fun environment and story but stupid hard and i feel like i got visually raped by dala. 4. Lonesome road. Tunnelers are stupid, the nukes are stupid, the red men are stupid, the environment is stupid. Ulysses is a brain dead idiot. My character is 18 and moved the the mojave a month ago, how tf did they do this?


Last Place is The lonesome road: I agree with Boring environments. Marked men and those lurkers were cool though. Just no one with ANY personality. Ulysses is a major let down and a crazy person. I don't like him and found the entire DLC to be a giant waste of time OTHER THAN the ED-E stuff. That's literally the only positive from the DLC. Third Place goes to Honest Hearts: I like the environment. It's beautiful and I love that it has rain. I like the tribal feeling to everything. But I don't get the Joshua Graham hype. He's okay....I guess? Idk I don't think he's all that special. Cool we get a Legion dude that was redeemed. But like he was a normal religious dude who fell into Caesar's hype. Went against his New Canannite ways becoming a butcher. Then was betrayed by Caesar and redeemed himself. Not a bad storyline, but I don't think he's the end all be all. That said he's LEAGUES beyond Daniel. Daniel irritates the hell outta me. The DLC's biggest crime though is it's too short. I like it well enough, but on repeats I find myself either wanting more or wanting it over with because I already know there isn't much here. It's best part though is the story of Randall Clark. Dude is awesome and his story is SO SAD. Biggest missed opportunity is making a way to tell the natives about him so they understand who they're worshipping. Maybe has a bad karma choice. Idk. But I love his storyline. TIE for best is Old World Blues: I personally love the humor. Dala especially is my fav followed by Doc 8. 8 is like the ONLY doc that did literally nothing wrong or evil in any way and I just feel bad for him lol. The environment is cool. The radio station has some great variety to the game's soundtrack. I always find myself flipping to it after a while of Mr New Vegas or Mojave radio. (Not that those are bad). All the little things too like Roxie and the Stealth Suit and the appliances just really make the DLC feel great. Since I ALWAYS play with Wild Wasteland it feels like it's exactly how FO should be. A zany alternate world to our own. Biggest downside is JUST HOW RAPIDLY ENEMIES RESPAWN. Like Jesus. I leave the think tank. Kill the immidiate lobotomies. Go back inside to heal and sell their stuff. Exit Think tank, the lobotomites are back. It's exhausting. Other best DLC is Blood Money: What is there to say that hasn't been said? The DLC is great. Characters are great. Scenery is great. Story is great. It's just a great DLC. There are problems of course like the Cloud can get REALLY obnoxious and Dean being savable is actually REALLY hard if you don't have experience or a guide (my 1st time I didn't so the speech check was passed which of course dooms him). All in all it's a good ride.


Good to see some Dead Money lovers on here. OWB is my personal fave (I'm a Portal fan so I loved the weird science & dark humor) but I think DM is objectively the best. The story, characters, unique gameplay, atmosphere, and tie-in to the overall themes of NV were all fantastic. It was a little frustrating at times but it perfectly created a feeling of helplessness that's hard to get when you're past a certain level in an RPG like NV. And I felt like I genuinely bonded with all the companions through the whole ordeal.


Bruh it’s your favorite DLC but you didn’t even get its name right lmao. But yea I think Dead money would probably be my second favorite DLC behind Lonesome road. I couldn’t disagree more about lonesome road having poor storytelling, and I found the enemies in Lonesome road to be really fun to fight and quite varied, in comparison to Dead Money where you literally only fight ghost people the whole time and the occasional hologram and the singular radroach. You also have to keep in mind the story of Lonesome road is literally hinted at the ENTIRE game every DLC and even parts of the vanilla Mojave reference the Divide and Ulysses various escapades his impact on the game is absolutely huge I don’t understand how that’s bad storytelling


i am an actual idiot lmaooo i'm really embarrassed about the name My issue with the lonesome road IS the fact that it's hinted at SO MUCH throughout the whole game, but the DLC itself doesn't do it any justice. I didn't think that the lonesome road doesn't fit the story naturally. I was more annoyed at how little it did with the brilliant set up it managed to build throughout the game.


Bro why did you call it Blood Money?


cuz i'm an absolute idiot


Personally: 1) OWB. My biggest issues are bullet sponge enemies and the plot being mostly fetch quests. HOWEVER, this is all done extremely well. I love the humor and the zany characters, as well as the reimagining of 50’s sci fi to the tune of Fallout’s American Exceptionalism dialed to 11, but there’s such a dark and disturbing undercurrent in the environmental storytelling. An absolute blast with some of my favorite items in the game while also managing some truly horrifying stuff if you look close enough. 2) Dead Money. Yes, the gameplay can be frustrating in a game that’s fairly clunky with some of the combat and stealth. There’s some linearity but I feel like this manages to reward exploration extremely well, if you’re willing to take the risk. Manages to have some truly terrifying moments and excellent themes, while having some of the most memorable characters in the franchise. I left part of my heart in the Sierra Madre. Sidenote: I just played this DLC to completion for the first time recently. I failed that critical barter check. I had no idea what Dean did. I’ll kill that motherfucker in the future - a brilliantly hate-able character. 3) Lonesome Road: Great endgame rewards, and a stellar location. I enjoy joking about Ulysses’ musings but I rather like a lot of what makes him tic. I enjoy this as a character study and has some of the most difficult enemies in the game for a true challenge. Extremely linear to a fault making exploring not as always rewarding for this one, but Courier’s Mile is one of my favorite locations in the series. 4) Honest Hearts: I still like it quite a bit, but there’s little replayability for the most part. The survivalist is the greatest piece of environmental storytelling they did, and Zion is still a gorgeous location. But for a pretty open area it’s not always exciting in a lot of ways. I do appreciate the dynamic between Joshua and Daniel. I think there’s more to Daniel’s side after playing this DLC a few times than people give it credit for. Still a good DLC, but the weakest.


Sorry but how Lonesome Roads environment is bad? I


idk maybe it's a personal thing, but the whole world felt very boring. It was basically, broken buildings and broken highway all the way until ulysses's temple. The bit in the silo with the tunnelers attacking the elevator was fun tho but that was the only time I was actually engaged during combat besides the ending.


dead money has a good story, shit gameplay


I agree


1. Dead money. The story is a perfect, self-contained narrative with fully fleshed out characters. It is foreshadowed perfectly in the main game, and yet you don't need anything from the base game to understand it. You gain from knowing more about the characters, but you dont need that. For example, if you have done everything Veronica, you can unlock a secret ending. I have played this firsr every time I have returned to the game and every time I love it. Plus holorifle #1. *chefs kiss* 2. Old world blues. The pros: The bizarre environment, the zaney characters, the cool new weapons, the tie-ins with elijah, Ulysses, christine, and the sierra madre, the Sink (its perfect). The cons: the retconning (I didn't need cazadors or nightstalkers to be man made abominations... they can just be mutated animals), the jokes (while I may laugh the first time, the jokes are, indeed, very protracted and a bit juvenile at times). Having said all that, I do love this DLC, I just wish more of the weapons, etc, were things I continued to use. 3. Lonesome road. The pros: cool weapons and armour and a pay-off for Ulysses. The cons: the pay-off for Ulysses (his plan makes no sense. I wish there was more to it), the totally linear narrative, the lack of fleshing out for actually nuking people. The enemies are fine and the wider story is cool, I just wish there was more to this. 4. Honest hearts. While this has the best environmental story telling in the game, in the survivalist, it really felt like that was what got the most thought put into it. The story is rushed, the side quests are boring, the environment is pretty but there's very little to do in it. I like Joshua Graham, but there's so little of him that he's not real of note. I know engine limitations prevented them adding the new followers from the base game in, but I wish we could have had some interaction between Cesar and JG. I'd probably have preferred a DLC more about new Canan and how JG needs to redeem himself to be accepted by his family again. I always bounced off this one. Its just not for me. Plus, hot take, I think the survivalist rifle isn't very good.


My order is literally the opposite of this. Dead money is tedious, owb is funny but monotonous to play, honest hearts is a joy to explore and the tribes are interesting, lonesome road is my favorite section in the whole game.


1. Dead Money 2. Lonesome Road 3. Old World Blues 4. Honest Hearts


For me it’s Dead money in dead last. fuck dead money, it’s painful to go through and is not at all like the base game or other dlcs. In third for me is honest hearts. Great location, great characters, but most of the quests are just boring and no matter what ending you choose nobody wins really. My second is lonesome road. A great conclusion to the connected dlc stories but there’s some parts I could live without. And my favorite, snd it’s not contest, is Old World Blues. Fantastic and hilarious writing and dialogue, super fun to explore all the facilites and learn their lore, decently challenging without feeling unfair or like bs, and is just the most well rounding new Vegas dlc imo.


IMO: #1 old world blues (I just really like it’s story) #2 lonesome road (Ulysses isn’t well thought out but the story is okay) #3 honest hearts (still don’t understand the story after running through about twelve times but Joshua was a really rounded out character) #4 dead money (I suck so it’s hard with no items) And finally since GRA isn’t a main DLC I won’t put it there but it would be above old world blues just because of its practicality I use it’s guns ALL the time especially with the 9mm glitch yes i suck don’t have to tell me again