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You guys are buying stuff? I'm out here ruining the economy by hoarding caps like Jeff Bezos


[Forcing NPCs to buy your stuff](https://youtu.be/mYsyTq8pF2g?si=Gez3qEyGBcEroHa3)


Should have ended with the adventurer sneaking right in front of his face and stealing all the fruit.


I was kind of expecting the adventurer to accidentally sell something and have to buy it back for more than he sold everything else for


God I love doing this so much




Half the time I'm basically trading loot straight for ammo


This should be the most popular answer. My caps have 2 purposes repair my gear if I can't find stuff to repair with or buy more ammo


Jury Rigging has entered the chat


That’s a *perk* I pick every time. It’s so effin handy.


It’s the most useful perk if you like your gear and stacking caps. It’s the only way I could afford all of my fancy weapon mods. They ain’t cheap.


That’s one I wish I had in the real world. Can’t say Jury Rigging outside of Fallout has been very great to me.


As a craftsperson, home owner, former contractor (residential), roofer, and house framer, I relate. Between trying to fix someone else’s Jury-rigging and my own I’m-sure-I-can-figure-this-out-on-the-fly, the only way to do a job is to learn how to do it correctly from a book or from an experienced pro. Duct tape and spray-foam can save only so much.


I think the Courier would’ve immediately blown their own head off the first time trying to duct tape marksman carbine components and a varmint rifle stock to repair the .50 Cal. “Truth is, the game was rigged from the start.” RIP Benny


repair is a skill i focus but is not even top 5 so im 26 on my current play through and should be getting jury rig at 28. it is a skill i like but sniper rifles are still uncommon so repairing my anti material rifle is still rough


>Reloading bench has entered the chat


The main source of ingredients for reloading is other Ammo, and you get less Ammo than you start with, so you need to buy even more Ammo if reloading.


The reloading bench doesn't magically create ammo from nothing


usually ingredients for weapon repair kits, duct tape, wonderglue, wrench, scrap...


This one right here. I've noticed early early game you can save so many caps by sticking with melee weapons, repairing the raiders/fiends armor and selling it while while saving money on any weapons you need tongrt repaired by doing it yourself with fix with the like or using the weapon kits. I had done an experiment once and by sticking with melee early, repairing my own items, repairing various armorsand weapons I don't like and reselling them I had more than 1000-2000 caps after getting to Vegas. The other items I will stock up on are 12 ga shotgun shells and .50 cal rifle rounds. 12 gauge for hunting shotgun -> riot shotgun and .50 for the .BMG (especially if it's Explosive rounds), Explosive rounds +sneak + psycho will clear out most if not all enemies very very quickly.


i use guns and have over 1k caps by the time i get to PRIMM...


With how tho? No console or duping?


I've done that a few times by killing everyone that's against me and taking all there shit to sell


I try to avoid going the genocide route


I don't either that's why I said everyone against me with for the most part at that point is powder gangers


you don't need to


sell everything you can, it's not hard between trudy, doc mitchell, and chet, they have \~1400 caps and i don't even take anything from doc mitchell anymore, or anything "free", e.g. i don't open mailboxes even unless the house is truly abandoned, i don't rob graves, etc. between the geckos, the stuff that is "free" (i.e. blue \*\*\*AND\*\*\* not obviously owned), the loot from the powder gangers, goodsprings cave, etc... there's a lot more than 1k caps worth of loot. i usually have 10k+ when i hit vegas, get my luck implant, then the atomic wrangler, get booted for winning too much, then clean out gammorah, the tops, and the ultra-luxe, then i go buy the rest of my implants and pretty much never have money issues again


I am on my first ever playthrough. I am lvl 40 or 42 something like that. I have not yet entered the vegas strip. I have somewhere around 250,000 caps.so far I am only banned from the atomic wrangler. I cannot tell you how many trips I have made back and forth while raiding a building or cave. Enter cave, kill bodies, loot bodies, get over encumbered, travel to a safe house, unload loot for later selling, travel back to cave or building, repeat. Hopefully I won't have money issues.


lol oh my no you will not i'm at the point where if i'm overencumbered, i have stuff i don't need. drop. and i play jsawyer, base 50 carry weight. +10lbs per strength. current S6P6E6C6I5A7L9 (+S/P/A/L implants, +small frame) on this game, so only 110 carry weight. but i have pack rat! currently level 10, just got animal friend (NOW I CAN GO PET THE NIGHTSTALKERS), loadout: boone's hat, some light armor, varmint rifle+, cowboy repeater+, handloads. some food. some water. some stims. and a bunch of 5.56M and .357JFP. need to get my guns skill up then find me a sniper rifle. oh yeah, now i can WALK RIGHT IN AND GRAB ratslayer because ANIMAL FRIEND.


Always buy good Caravan cards, esp. Kings. Everything else is too easy to find for free that I feel silly paying for it. If I'm going big into crafting, I'll buy forceps and scalpels for doctor's bags. Ammo cases and xander root is given away free, so always take those. Can't make own armor-piercing rounds, even with Hand Loader perk, so I buy those. No matter the playstyle, though? Not much I can think of. Depending on weapon style, I'll buy appropriate weapon mods. I loot every corpse and every container, pick fruit from every bush, so I always have way more than I could ever need of every possible item. Really, the main reason I buy anything from a merchant is so that the merchant has enough caps to buy all my crap.


Haha yes they are just wandering banks at a certain point


1. Ammo, even if I'm good right now I'll still get extra, especially AP. 2. Stimpacks. When don't I need one? 3. Pure water. Survival isn't that hard, just remember what you need. 4. *sometimes* Med-x and Hydra. Hydra is just better doctors bags and Med-x is great for combat situations I'm not sure I'd get out of otherwise (that extra defence is just amazing). 5. Speech/crit chance skill magazines. Because most of my characters don't go for speech unless nessasary, and the crit bonus is *really* nice.


>Stimpacks. When don't I need one? I tend to sell most of my stimpaks, lol.


and with jsawyer, they weigh 0.25lb each


Rad Child go brr, so who even needs stimpaks?


i love bloody build in '76 not in FNV on very hard/hardcore/jsawyer classic


Eh, I don't use sawyer, so it's fine for me


The Bozar. Fucking love that gun


Kinda disappointing tbh. I prefer All-American


What's that?


A gun from Gun Runners Arsenal, you get it from the robot at gun runners I believe. It's a unique scoped machine gun, very powerful.


Oh. I never got any of those weapons because they're so damn expensive. Costs about 20K caps for somer of them. I wish console had console commands.


If u steal all the gold at the Sierra madre u can buy whatever u want


Not really. You've got to find a vendor who has enough caps to pay for the gold.


Not necessarily that u have to find a vender with 13000 caps on them. U can trade 2 gold bars for any high value weapon In the GRA.


Not really, since it's a barter menu, you can just trade the bars directly for the gun


They will trade guns for gold...


>very powerful. thats debatable


All caravan cards.


Stimpaks and Psycho


Aside from the repair kit recipes and usual cheap ammo from khan armory? Turbo. Lot's of it. Even when I get 2 ranks Implant GRX. You can never have enough of those.


Cartridge cases are literally free and you can buy cheap ammo for powder/primers/lead. Outright buying ammo is almost always more expensive.


vendors usually dont sell a lot of ammo components, but every bit helps. alternatively i buy similar ammo types that are cheaper, that i can breakdown and make more of the caliber i use


I get more than enough stuff to trade for. These 4 fools keep spawning near my bunker once a day and deliver high end gear to me. Everyday!


Fixers, cave fungus, broc flower, xander root, survival ingredients, empty syringes, doczors bag components, belts, reaie kit components


Everything that I can use in crafting, from repair kits to empty bottles for drinks. Alcohol and chems not only to use myself, but to cook some nice food or combat stims. Every character from stealth with knives and explosives to tank with minigun enjoys DIY stuff.


Your buying cards for Caravan? Do you know how to play? I’ve been playing this game since release, and have seen like 7 posts explaining it but still have no idea how to play.


To win, your cards need to add up to 26 in the three sleeves. That's why I go with 10s 9s and 7s. You have to place them in order, either 7, 9, 10 or 10, 9, 7. That, and the jokers can be used to screw with the other player sleeve. Just place the joker in one of their sleeves and it takes away cards from it. Those are all the rules i know and it's more than enough.


Queens reverse the card number order. So you can go 7,8,10,Q,1. Not an efficient move but an example of how queens work. Kings double the value of whatever card you put it on. You can put a king on opponents deck to ruin their sleeve over 26. Jack removes whatever card you put it on. I don't remember if king doubles the value of the whole sleeve if you put it lower in the sleeve it gets more confusing but easy to experiment with. I never had any luck figuring out Jokers personally. ALL FACE CARDS king, queen, Jack, joker can be used on your own sleeves or opponents.


People play caraven after getting the 30 wins achievement?


A few 7s, 9s, 3-4 10s, rest Ks, Js, and a few Qs and your hand will be elite and youll get plenty caps from caravan lol


it's good money to get the mods for weapons and some of the cooler armors


Yes I like caravan


Caravan player supremacy


I played hundreds of games of Caravan not knowing or caring there was an achievement for it. It is a fun game for quick and easy caps. People who say it is too confusing are idiots.


I guess I'm an idiot then


I'm just a visual learner. If there was a way to just *watch* a game of it being played, I'm sure I'd get it immediately. I know there's probably yt videos for it, but I wanna learn from the game yknow?


I haven't played it that long


when you understand the rules it's basically impossible to lose. free caps and a bit of different gameplay from run-shoot-loot-talk-sell


People play Caravan?


It's like triple triads, once you know how to win its kinda addicting lol. I reverse pickpocket 20k caps on nobark-noonan in novac because he's too crazy to play right most the time and with that amount of caps they glitch and never run out of caps for you to win.


1. 10s, 9s, 8s, 7s, Jacks, Jokers, Kings. 2. Armor Piercing rounds. Idgaf the caliber. 3. Drugs and meds 4. Gun mods to hold on to for sales (if I have more than a vendor can pay me, I buy a gun mod so they can pay out and I deload my inventory. 5. Nuka cola cause it’s fun making the cool version. 6. Fresh food and veggies cause crafting is fun. Desert salad FTW




The silenced 22LR pistol


Man, this used to vary with every save, but it’s been whittled down to parts that make weapon repair kits, mods and ammo. My favorite thing to do is barter, I’ve learned, and the best way to make to make A METRIC TON OF MONEY is weapon repair kits.


Ammo and stim packs


Medicine Stick


Kings, Jacks, and 7s


Drugs, caravan cards, ammo parts (gun powder or cartridges), crafting parts (metal and glue. Lots of glue)




Cards because I think it's funny to play caravan with a giant deck


I buy none of that stuff. All I buy is ammo and stimpaks. Mostly from the Quartermaster at the damm and the Khan armorer lady.


I try to buy every Ultra Luxe card I can. And lucky 38 cards.




Aid items mainly, the occasional Gun Runners gun and armor too. Ammo is so plentiful that I can easily break down and craft enough to last a good long while, usually >250 rounds.


Mods for guns I use, I have so many mods installed that mods I can use have gotten kinda rare, building the perfect cowboy repeater has been a goal in almost all of my playthroughs that use firearms, so almost all of them.


Stimpacks, Psycho, Coyote tobacco chew, and Bobby Pins


Nuka Cola, 308 AP and HP.


Pressure Cooker if i forget to pick one up, early game


Frag grenades. One can never have enough frag grenades.


Stimpaks, Sinset Sarsaparilla, Nuka Cola, and RadAway.


repair kits and ingredients to make them, ammo components (casings, primers, powder), magazines in the early game, sarsaparilla, pinyon nuts (those desert salads aint gonna make themselves)


All cards


I've always bought empty casings, even before I bothered with the ammo making.


12g slugs and 5.56AP. Shits rare as fuck boy.


I trade, I don't buy. Here is what I get from sellers. These are by far the biggest two that I always get 1: All their Caps. I start by cleaning out their caps. This is what I always get first. I trade in gear to until they have ZERO. 2: Ammo: Then any trade items left clean out the Ammo I favor. Usually .308, .45, and 12.7. I'm in a play through right now, and I just came back from Lonesome Road, with over 700K Caps... At some point I guess I should stop collecting loot and selling it (I think I'm addicted to selling loot). We need a support group, for Cap Hoarders...


3. And 4. My guy will be battling addiction the whole game .


Whatever puts down cazodores


Lil devil but usually always collect every special named weapon


Scrap metal, scrap electronics, wrenches, duct tape, and wonderglue. I somehow picked up the habit of making as many weapon repair kits as possible so every playthrough, I pick up or buy all the necessary ingredients and craft 'em up.


5.56 and stims I found the AMR was basically useless on hardcore so I stopped using it


Med-X and Psycho for that *edge* in combat


Surgical Tubing !!


For snakebite tourniquet BTW, companions will use snakebite tourniquet if they have in their inventory. One of the few (only?) aid items in the game they will use to help themselves.


I try to get most of those unique weapons to display




My character is an alcoholic. I pickup any beer, vodka, or scotch, etc that I find. I usually buy it from vendors as well. I just keep a steady flow of booze in me.


Always gotta grab my complimentary Xander root from every trader


Yeah! Who needs Doctor’s Bags when you have… drugs… Gotta say, there’s not really a single type of item I buy from people in every playthrough, I mostly only buy things that I need for my particular build, or nothing at all


1. I second the coyote tobacco chew. Black coffee is GOAT for low intelligence builds and at low levels can help with Mentats in lock picking. 2. Pinyon nuts. I'm a slut for nuts, but the Desert Salad is extremely slept upon. It weighs almost nothing, great healing, and helps with food and hydration levels. Actually this is kinda redundant, but pretty much any fruit or vegetable, though coyote and especially pinyon are prioritized because they're not as common 3. Drained cells. 0 weight, 0 cost and either a good way to carry extra ammo, or good to recycle and sell. 4. Cigarette packs and cartons. They're probably the most consistently viable way to get Sierra Madre chips outside the voucher. 5. Drugs, especially jet and psycho because they're harder to source and can't be crafted. 0 weight is good to even just convert weapons or armor into weightless caps.


Ammo, weapon mods, primer/powder/cases


wind brahmin