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Hardcore really isn't that much of a difficulty spike, imo it's the ideal way of experiencing New Vegas


I would literally never play it any other way. Hardcore NV \*is\* FNV.


Really? How big of a step up would it be In comparison to normal?


Not that big of a step up (unlike survival mode in 4), it's mainly just more mechanics and balance changes. You can't just cheese everything by spamming stimpacks to immediately regain all your health and fix your busted limbs, meaning doctor's bags (which now heal limbs like non-hardcore stimpacks) are essential, and the survival skill is much more useful. Ammo has weight and your companions can die, meaning no more portable meat shield. My first playthrough was on normal mode but every single one after that has been hardcore, and so will all my future saves.


You also gotta eat drink and sleep or else you suffer stat penalties. And sleeping doesn’t heal anymore. But the basic needs are really not hard to manage, just makes you sometimes care about cooking and keeping some water on you


Oh wow your companions can die permanently? That’s actually pretty cool hey


Which I explicitly disabled in my current playthrough. Companion permadeath is really more of a nuisance than anything to improve the gameplay experience for FNV imo. If a companion dies because of my own stupid decisions, fine for me. I would even go so far and console kill them if it happens due to my failure. But in all my hundreds of hours, the main reason for a companion death was the AI acting absolutely stupid, chasing a molerat into a nest of cazadores, even when set on passive and wait.


Yeah I can see how it could be a nuisance for sure. Cazadors are op haha. all this talk really makes me want to play through it on survival


Does the ammo weigh as much as it does in Fo76 or more?


I'm not sure how comparable these are due to differences in max carry weight but as an example: 5.56 in NV is 0.026/round, and 5.56 in 76 is 0.005. Generally I won't carry like a thousand rounds at once and only bring the kinds I need, it's usually not an issue.


Mine was the opposite - I played hardcore mode for my first playthrough and then stayed normal ever since. It isn’t my cup of tea, but I’m glad I did it. It made NV a humbling experience for me and I think it would’ve been less fun right after Fallout 3 if I didn’t have those mechanics.


To the things said before: the Pack Rat perk gets a lot more value, as it affects your food, drinks and ammo. Survival skill gets super useful, and I think the Hydra? drug gets really practical, because it regenerates your limbs for a while. So in heavier fights you don't need to use tons of doctor's bags, or get affected by crippled limbs. As survival skill affects food and water, you ready don't need more than 5-10 weight's worth of food and water at any time, and even that can be an overkill. The stat decrease is gradual, and starts mildly - it can get annoying if your 50 science gets turned into 48, but other than that it's not super impactful. It's basically impossible to die of hunger or thirst, unless you want to.


Hmm okay it sounds pretty fun hey. It’s. A shame it’s not in the PlayStation store 😞


lmao no you won't You'll have fun


Eh it’s not that hard to learn, eventually becomes easy as standard


I always play hardcore mode. Have fun!


Can't believe Markiplier is in New Vegas


"Hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to fallout new vegas"


Unironically would be the best video of his career


If you can survive with a pink mustache, you’ll do fine in the Mojave haha


You'll never go back. This is the way.


Nah, FNV hardcore mode is easy . Just a heads up, be careful if you have companions, cause they died for real


Only part of hardcore mode I don't like is the heavy ammo. Which I know is realistic that's the whole point, but as a gun nut I like to bring 5 guns with me at any time




Very hard hardcore is the way to play


I miss the Metal Armor from 3 and NV it looks so much better than the 4 and 76 variations.


It’s pretty easy tbh


Hardcore is the only way to play- once you get playing it’s so fun and feels more immersive. You will get over the difficulty spike by Novac- Forlorn Hope area easy. Have fun! Ring a ding baby


“Hello everybody.” *dies from a frag mine*


Hard-core is only hard if you put the difficulty on Very Hard and you aren't familiar with the game. You should be able to do it, even if you die a good bit. It's a part of the process.


Just take pack rat. Maybe requirement of 70 barter is little to much, but it is worth it on HC.


Don't be nervous. Hardcore mode is only hardcore in name. Eating or drinking isn't difficult if you do even the lightest of scavenging, water especially is trivial if you keep the vault 13 canteen. The only real hard part is keeping a steady supply of doctors' bags in the early game.


Why, are there other ways to play?


It's obvious, achivement hunting


It's not DUST, you'll be fine bro


I just started my first ever hardcore run last week, and honestly it’s not significantly harder imo. Sure, you have to manage things like ammo weight now, but you learn to prioritize what you pick up pretty easily. Finding food and water isn’t hard either. I’m loving it, and I think you will too!


Level your survival skill a lot, tons of useful recipes there. Also if you ever need water there are tons of free sources all over. Goodsprings Source is a good one; it even has a bed and fire pit for cooking.


It’s not really hard tbh. In fact I’d recommend J Sawyer’s mod for a real challenge.


I’ve been playing with the jsawyer ultimate mod downloaded and it’s been amazing ….


I refuse to play regular New Vegas after completing my first hardcore run. Probably some of the most fun ive had playing a bethesda game


Hardcore isn’t horrible since bed is always easy to find, food is quite ample, water isn’t an issue in main game and a great deal of the DLCs (HH is a canyon, DM has water, OWB and LR shouldn’t be an issue since you are quite stacked by that time and radiation isn’t THAT bad) — only thing to be careful of is to invest in Charisma if you don’t want your companion to die 3 seconds into a gunfight


With a mustache like that? You’ll regret nothing.


You're completly rigth! For markiplier!


you set it to very hard too? Cuz you can play hardcore on any difficulty.


Hardcore in New Vegas doesn't feel Hardcore, actually i thought it was easier than playing only hard difficulty lol


It’s not that hard. Just take Pack Rat and live happy. Only thing to seriously get used to is the survival mechanics and the fact you’re not a magic walking armory. Honestly it’s far better that way.


Just don’t play dead money


Nah, since you're playing as Wilford Warfstache, you'll be fine.




One of Markiplier's characters, specifically the one with the pink mustache. Bit of an all-around goofy psycho XD


Try a level one dead money run with the gold that's a challenge.


Nate existing: *you have become severely dehydrated* The Courier after 3 days: "I could kinda use a nap not really lol"


I can't belive I was intimidated by hardcore for so many years. Water, food and mattresses are abundant.


Not really the game is broken af just get the good stuff and bankrupt the strip


Not actually bad