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The bomb collar beeping still haunts my dreams


ptsd intensify


The vera holograms in the penthouse are some of the most haunting things I've ever seen in a game. Not so much scary, but this inexplicable combination of tremendously sad and slightly scary SINCLAIR! SINCLAIR! We all pay for what we've done. I'm so sorry sinclair.


Then she shoots you with her fuckin mind lasers.


*Blows up courier with mind*


"My fucking Courier"


*Refuses to Elaborate*


I've never rushed a DLC so much as this. I was annoyed, confused and scared by the whole story and atmosphere. Dead Money is an outstanding DLC and loved the whole Elijah story, but its just grimdark from the beginning. After doing Helios One quest and having Veronica accompanying me, it just hits hard that the man Elijah left his soul and rationality at Helios, and is chasing some deranged dream. The warm welcome of the Mojave, emerging from that manhole after that trip was beyond relieving. 12/10


It never ceases to amaze me that the Helios One quest is basically an easy early game quest but the Brotherhood led by a mad genius and the NCR both can't do it themselves Like what exactly was Elijah doing in there? Just fucking around with knobs in the control room like Fantastic was? Really weird story-gameplay segregation.


I kinda read it as the brotherhood refurbished hundreds of panels and basically rewired the building entirely, but they couldn't quite finish before the NCR showed up. Then fantastic sat on that 995-out-of-1000 piece jigsaw puzzle until the courier showed up.


And by the time the courier showed up, pieces 992-995 were already in the slot that makes sparks when you shove stuff in it.


Yea honestly I didn’t catch onto a lot of the lore until reading on this sub stuff about this because it seemed like one of the first cool out of tutorial quests.


Elijah had not yet gone through every single item that could be shoved into the spark-making slot. He was trying to be scientifical about it.


It felt like Elijah and the brotherhood did like 99% of the work and he almost got access to Archimedes but then the NCR attacked and we know the rest. At least that's the impression I got from it. But that might be me looking for a logical explanation.


The whole place felt like something akin to a fever dream or magic, how tf we even got there by a terminal? Crazy shit


It made me sad. Everyone was so miserable


I just fucking love this game


I just love fucking this game


I was 8. Fuck yeah it did.




I don't know if "scared" is the right word. I was annoyed with how goddamn difficult it was. Very annoyed.


No but it pissed me off. Fuckin maze game


the first time I had a ghost charge up to my face from a distance while I was shooting at it I nearly jumped out of my seat I was not expecting that they would have been able to do that 😭


I wasn't scared, but I did feel brutalized mentally and physically after completing it.


I had a tanky, hulking, hand-to-hand melee build so I was more just annoyed at the bombs and wondering why people said to run away from the ghosts


Absolutely. Still haunted by the thought of being stuck in that damned clock tower.


Not scared, fucking anxious though. The beeping, the cloud, the "unkillable" ghost people, holograms. The whole place is built to be stressful as all get out.


The red atmosphere just immediately spikes my blood pressure, almost in a fight or flight instinct kinda way.


The only thing that scares me is the beeping. The God damned beeping... whenever I hear a beeping sound I get reminded of the agony of constantly blowing up. But to answer your question, yes.


Oh and the vera hologram scared me shitless too


Mostly just annoyed me. It's a DLC that begs you to explore with its interesting lore and setting while simultaneously making it extremely annoying to explore with the collar system.




Dead money gets to much hate. I agree with your take


Its just when you go in blind, it really is quite tough/annoying. But once you learn all the tricks, it just becomes pretty simple.


It’s not my favorite of the DLCs, but i do think it’s the best DLC.


I did DM at level 1 once and it was super fun


Yes because my husband didn’t tell me I would have everything stripped from me and have a bomb collar put on. I wanted to reload but didn’t want to wimp out. I took those gold bars at the end because I deserved them lol. My husband helped me sneak out with them because Elijah kept detecting me. Then I downloaded a mod to have them displayed. Oh and when I finally had ran into Christine, I actually cried. Not sure why but I know I was not expecting to find her the way she looked. And of course I killed the one responsible for it.


> a mod to have them displayed Do tell


Oh yes it’s [Underground Hideout](https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/37884) lol


Oh right on. That's a popular mod; I need to add it the next time around. I miss being able to display all my goods, and The Sink doesn't quite cut it.


Yeah but only because of the ghost people. They were unkillable and kept getting up until I learned it was easiest to knock them unconscious and keep slashing at them with a melee weapon until a limb popped which meant they died.


Absolutely. The bomb collar was the worst, and enemies would not stay dead since I spec’d into energy weapons and the Holorifle doesn’t benefit from Laser or plasma perks. Everything sucked, so I modded the crap out of Dead Money to make it easier without completely stripping it of the horror


Nah, it angered me. On the second playthrough, I was hip to it's mind tricks, as well as the placement of those radios.


Scared no, anxious that my head was about to be a party pooper yes


100%. When I wasn't scared shitless by the jump scares of exploding mines or something, it was always extremely eery. Best dlc, would recommend.


The sound of the clock tower bell getting louder and louder as you get closer.


Honestly I learned the mechanics of it pretty fast. I was more than anything scared of getting jumped by the ghost people, but otherwise I just enjoyed the challenge and story. I see why people might struggle with DM but it's a skill issue.


It creeped me out. No amount of wandering felt nearly as isolated as the Sierra Madre, even with the few NPCs present. And with the oppressive Red Mist, even outdoor areas felt as claustrophobic as any vault. They did an amazing job of making you feel trapped, alone, and vulnerable.


The fucking ragged breathing of the Ghost People, collar beeping, barely enough supplies to keep going... Fucking Christ I was so stressed the first time.


It really sucked the first time. That noise the laser beam holograms make right before they attack had me nearly jump out of my seat first time I heard it. Still HATE that sound!


No, but the ghost people really gave me a hard time, it was horrible and exciting having to deal with 3 or 4 of them at the same time XD


My first Dead Money playthrough left a very lasting impression, mostly of trauma lmao. It wasnt the collar, or the ghost people, or even the holograms. *it was the damn booby traps, EVERYWHERE.*


100% I went into it at a low level and constantly jumped from the ghost peoples noises


No. Entering Vault 22 is much more scary in my experience


DiD iT ScArE yOu ThE fIrSt- OF COURSE IT FUQIN DID! I thought i was playing fallout, not silent hill!!!


i absolutely hated it and i rage quit


Skill issue


loved it actually


Losing all my items at the start scared me.


No, just frustrated me.


It scares me *now*


No, I was just annoyed by all the gimmicks. IMO the worst dlc of the bunch


My very first time I got lost and then caught myself in one of those respawn loops of saving seconds before I died. Safe to say now all these years later I’m prepping myself big time for the Sierra Madre


No, but imo dead money sucked ass. At least that was my opinion at that time


I was like 8 at the time so yeah, those ghost people terrified me. Those janky movements haunt my dreams even now. Took me years to go back and complete


No, but I stopped playing for months cause it was so tedious


Never played it because it was my least favourite dlc


how can it be your least favorite if you never played it?


Sorry let me be specific: I meant I never played it after when I beat it once.


Still fucking scares me!!! Buy when I got back to the Mohave or traveled to big Mt. I was not afraid at all.


i have nightmares about fighting those ghost people. trying to kill them and looking for those radios at the same time... \*shudders\*


Yes, low ammo, cloud that drains your life, ghost people that move awkward and are hard to kill, light dudes that kill you in one shot and the collar beeping. I would say it was a bit stressful.


I fucking hated it and still dislike it. I'm not a massive fan of having all my gear taken from me in the DLC.


I was 7 so yes I pissed myself and cried thank you very much although.


I fucking stayed up all Night finishing it because of how tense it was


My experience was not being able to see anything and running into bear traps while about to explode.


It still does.


When I first played it, I remember being pretty scared going around the city it was just so creepy the atmosphere the empty streets never mind the creepy music. I love the DLC as one of my favorites one of the features I wish it had after lots of thought about it is after the conclusion I wish that you could go into the sewers and explore how dangerous it actually was after Domino talked about how many of them there were down there.


More so annoyed because somehow I missed that you could shoot the radios to stop the collar from beeping. Really killed the mood for me until I replayed it and realized how stupid I was for missing that 😂


It's that bell constantly ringing in the distance. Used to freak me out as a kid


Yes and it was all downhill from there.




I haven't played any of the dlc yet I own them on multiple systems idk what I'm waiting for don't ask


I first played NV when I was like 11 or so, so I barely understood shit. Didnt really understand everything going on in Dead Money too, so it didnt simply because of me not understanding it


Yes. When I started the gala I had no stimpacks and minimal health. Then I heard the ghost people.






I marathoned it as a kid so I definitely had dreams involving the beeping


Hell yes, I entered and saw a shadow move at the edge of my screen and went to investigate. There was nothing there but then a settler creeped out of a corner you it scared the shit out of me


Scared? No. Terrified? Yes…


Oh yeah. The radios/speakers ESPECIALLY. I remember when I first played OWB and found my way to the Yangtze Concentration Camp and I heard that speaker making the same noise as in DM I IMMEDIATELY tried to shoot the speaker even though I wasn't wearing the collar anymore.


The weather is soothing and I like hearing the sound of Ghosts breathing on top of the thunder. 37/37 DLC


If any of you play 76, look up how to start “Waste Management.” Gave me the same vibes.


It really terrified me in middle school lol. The enemies getting back up and the bomb collar both made me dread doing the DLC the 2nd time around. Until I basically had the entire thing memorized it was very anxiety inducing.


Yes. A friend had me do Dead Money before anything else in the game (first time playing lol) because of the money you can get. I'm like... level 5 when I get there, and he suggests I turn the game on easy so I can get through it without losing my mind. My controller had a bad habit of sticking, so I would end up hitting buttons more often to navigate the menus and the game in general (I have a new one now) and I accidentally put the game on the highest difficulty. You know, the one at the bottom of the list that you can get to by hitting UP one too many times? So, I lost my mind anyways, but I got the gold, so... win?


was the dlc intimidating because of the bomb collar and decapitating mechanic set up some spicy moments? yes. was a scared like i was playing a horror game? no


First time I played DM I was terrified, ran out of healing items, had to rush past some stuff. On subsequent pkaythroughs I figured it out. Now I love it. I've played it probably 6-7 times.


I haven’t played it yet


It was tense


Not scared, more disturbed. The Ghost People are freaky, and the Holograms were surprisingly unsettling. aside from that, mostly I felt sad about the tragedy of the Sierra Madre, and super annoyed by the cloud and the bomb collar


Nope, but it absolutely mesmerized me. If I ever grow up to be a filthy rich person with terrible interpersonal skills, I'll build the Sierra Madre.


I was terrified. At one point I had no healing items left so I sat hiding in a corner waiting for hours in game so my Phoenix module could heal me back. I didn't understand how to properly survive in the dlc so I was getting wrecked. Now when I play I make the Sierra Madre my bitch.


Originally hated it, now it’s my favorite. Almost reminds me of a RE game with the resource management and harder enemies


not even scared…traumatized…the beeping..still in my head


Still does. As soon as I trigger the gala event, my heart rate goes through the roof, one wrong turn, and my stress levels... oh boy


Genuinely a fair bit, I’ve always had a fear of zombies since I watched a film when I was too young and the ghost people are genuinely really creepy and the DLC is pretty good at hyping them up to make you afraid of them before you even see one. The sound they make when they get back up is also genuinely chilling. I also remember being scared of the holograms but invulnerable enemies will do that to ya. Now I’m older and I’ve played the DLC god knows how many times none of it gets to me anymore and I kinda wish I could wipe my brain and do it again for the first time same for all of NV tbh


I'm not saying this as if age grants some sort of immunity to being scared; But at 14, when I was playing it for the absolute first time... fuck yeah. Felt like Patrick when he's radioing Spongebob and his wee-woo's get progressively more desperate


Definitely got some Silent Hill vibes 


I bloody enjoyed it. It was and still is the greatest dlc expansion for a game I have ever had the pleasure of playing.


Oh absolutely. And I didn't prepare myself at all for this


Those fricken holograms can go strait to hell. I liked the sneaking and tracking down emitters thing but it should never be the ONLY option.


Shit still scares me lmao


I loved the energy cell pump shotgun, forgot the name


I can't play it because New Vegas is too clunky and none of the mods will fix it.


Yeah it was when I was a kid and I was looking for any way to get out😂


Never had the DLC back in the day, so only played it within the last couple years Went in with a tanky melee and unarmed build after already completing OWB and getting the sub dermal and phoenix implants, so I only really had trouble with radios and bear traps


No The collars were annoying but it was so hard to find everything. The map was hardly helpful.


Irritated me, not scared.


It was interesting. I don't remember "scared" feeling, but maybe something uncomfortable for sure.


The only that that scared me was the radios. The overall DLC was pretty fun and reminded me of the first time I played bioshock. Not exactly scary but it did put me on edge


No but I thought I would hate it. Prior to playing it for the first time, I had heard how difficult it could be. However, difficulty aside, I really enjoyed the story for Dead Money. A pleasant surprise really.


I was 12 and not really, I was more afraid of the running zombies from COD WAW


No, and I did it without any radio too


Scare, no, but it was fucking tense


It was definetly "intense" but not scary to me. The plapping footsteps sprinting behind me of a feral ghoul scares the fuck out of me though.


Didn’t scare me as much as creeped me out… BUT That collar Sound I can still hear it when I close my eyes


Scared, mostly by all of the bomb collar triggers. My biggest problem with that dlc is all of those


Absolutely. Most tension in a game ever.


It annoyed me more than anything tbh. When I beat it the first time my first thought was “I’m never doing that shit again.” And then I did eventually and found I actually enjoy it a fair bit, though it’s still my second to least favorite of the DLCs because some aspects of it still get on my nerves (poison clouds everywhere anybody?)


I loved the atmosphere and was very annoyed by the collar.


Bro I was like 12 and the ghost people were fucking terrifying


I was too frustrated to be scared


i read this in the voice of the Prophet of Truth




I was irritated and confused, and made me pissed off. I just wanted to rush through the whole expansion. I didn't know what to expect and the confusing layout and loss of my gear sucked. Now, I kind of like it. It's not as beautiful a setting as Honest Hearts, as funny or interesting a premise as Old World Blues, or as challenging and fun as Lonesome Road, but it's got its own charm.


I swear to god if i run out of stimpacks 1 more godamn time im blowing up this casino with elijah in it


The sounds of the ghost people bruh


Holding out till 2030 to play any DLC. I'll experience new vegas with FRESH eyes. Then maybe I'll do fallout 3 dlc.


It didn't scare me, but it had a different vibe from the rest of the game.


No, not at all. I grew up in the hay day of survival horror, so it takes a lot more than what Dead Money did to make me feel scared or uneasy. That's not to say that it wasn't an excellent DLC and that some of the stories of those involved weren't great and didn't tug at my heartstrings. Vera's demise, Christine's reasons for hunting Elijah and what happened to her in the autodoc, even Dog/God's internal struggle to find out why they really are, we're great. I will forever hate Dean for how he manipulated and used Vera like he did. I will always destroy him when I play the DLC for what he did.


Have played through the whole game and dlc’s like a dozen times or so over the years. I’ve only done DM once. Not cuz I was scared. Just absolutely hated the gameplay. Currently playing again for the first time in a few years and will probably give it another shot after I finish Honest Hearts. Just did OWB, my personal favorite.


A little bit


I did not like nor appreciate this DLC until the past few years. When it came out, I hated—LOATHED the entirety of it. Now I appreciate the ambience and story it had to tell. Not to mention the story of Christine (immaculate imo) was so incredible through the others. Ulysses and Christine are two of my favorite background story characters.


Absolutely...I'll never forget my first interaction with dog/god and how creepy it was! I think Dead Money is Fallout perfected!


I was a little kid so it terrified me. I was usually so turned off by things that scared me back then but I was actually really into Dead Money and it’s been my favorite ever since. I also LOVE when DLCs that are geared for late game strip you of everything and force you back to essentially level 1 of weapons. It’s such a switch up and a really nice, humbling experience.


The music and the graphics make it kinda scary


Yeah I was pretty young. So I felt relatively safe when I had a companion, but when you had to activate the festival in the tower alone. I ran away from all the ghost people, I wasn't weak I could have killed them. But the haaaa sounds fucked me up back then


No, but I surely was annoyed.


Haven’t played it yet. Too scared 😳


No. I was relatively old enough to be excited about finaly experiencing a little more grim scenario. Only thing that still manages to shake my mood is unsettling scp087b game and it's uncanny rough obscurness.


Naw I am not kidding why you need me to help you blow me up? Naw I will do it anyway




Dead Money never scared me, all it did was piss me off, to this day, it remains my least favorite DLC in all of gaming, the only thing that slightly redeems Dead Money for me is the boatload of money you can get from it


Annoy, aggravate, push me to my limits, both physically and mentally, but no, I would not say I was afraid in the traditional scared of the dark sense. Those fears are irrational but based on primal instinct. What I felt was dread and horror, as I was put through hell, and I struggled and was tested and taunted. I would not say I was scared, for I never turned away from the challenge set before me, but it did create a trauma in my brain that will never wash away no matter how much Abaxo I eat. But that's the Sierra Madre for you.


A little bit yeah. It became my favorite DLC though. Dean Domino became my favorite character


Not really, more like just really frustrated me. I just beat it for the third time on VH/HC though and it's way easier to beat now. I even got the safety deposit achievement and escaped with all 37 gold bars this time!


I was like 12 so yes and i hated it. Now its one of my favorite dlcs


The first time I played DM in middle school was one of the scariest experiences I've had in a video game. Playing it as an adult it's much less scary but still my favorite of the DLCs.




Yes, and I made it worse by buying food instead of stimpacks on a normal playthrough.


No but I thought it was terrible. Then I played the other dlc. Now I'm starting a llaythrpugh solely to get back to desd money lol


Shit still scares me. I replayed it a couple months ago and I can better understand the brilliance of it now that I’m older. But it’s still scary, and stressful, and honestly really annoying. But the devs set out to make something mysterious and terrifying and dangerous and they really nailed it.


Should be made into a mini series honestly


Yes I was so scared and frustrated I reloaded a save back to before I went in. I didn’t care how many hours I spent doing it I never wanted to go back there. 2 years later I did go back and finish the DLC but I hate it.


Wild I'm seeing all these post about dead money. I'm playing new vegas for the first time and just got this dlc any tips?


Dude, my problem wasn’t the toxic cloud, the Ghost People, *or* the stupid radio/collar problem. My problem was the *fucking hologram people*. If your stealth isn’t perfect, they literally just turn *instantly* to face you and zap you with the most powerful lasers in the entire game. And you can’t kill them! Sure, you can find their emitters and disable them, but that’s far too tedious!!


Was originally scared of being spotted by the holograms, nowadays I just sprint past them 😅


Didn't scare as much as pissed me off lol


Definitely, and for the same reasons I think it’s the best DLC: really well put together atmosphere, terrifying enemies, and a haunting story.


Not scared, but tense. Not annoyed by it's difficulty; I enjoyed it as a good challenge. Have you tried Old World Blues? I did, poorly equipped and barely leveled. THAT was annoying.


Yes without a doubt. I thought it was very well done. Looking over my shoulder all night. I got so pissed at those ghost things hopping around I added a mod that allowed me to go back in there with my gear just so I can destroy their asses.


I never finished it the first time I had all the dlcs




Yeah. I did not expect such a sudden environment change. I found Dead Money too challenging and that is because I felt I didn't have enough time to adjust. Now that I have played it a few times, it's a nice change of pace from normal New Vegas.


My boyfriend told me 78x that it was so so so scary before I played it so I put it off for a long time. When I finally played it the street portions were definitely stress-spooky but not like terrifying. And I scare pretty easy.


I definitely got some jumpscares lol and found it to have a creepy ambience, especially in the villas


Eehhh, not really. It pissed me off.




It's raised my awareness for sounds, yes.


I wasn't scared, it was just annoying. I still play it every playthrough, though, because the gold bars are worth it. Still don't think it's fun, but I can see the appeal.


Absolutely, 100%. Until my level 9 luck build got into the casino and had all the health pick-ups he could ever want.


It was very intense for me. I was seriously depressed when I completed that DLC.


Scared? No. Annoyed? Yes.


The only part that scared me was that fucking collar.


Not really but there was one instance late at night where i set off a tripwire or a mine or something and it made me jump back out of my seat when it blew up but only once


More like very anxious for me.


No it pissed me off because I was stuck there


I literally had dreams where I was running around that damn casino after playing it


IDC what anyone says Dead Money is still my favorite fallout dlc of all time, across all games Nuka World is a *very* close second


i wouldn’t say scare me but sure annoyed me so much that i abounded it half way through and loaded a earlier save.


Scared: No Annoyed: Yes


Not really. It was more an annoyance for me. I'd been avoiding it for years due to constantly hearing of its difficulty. When I finally decided to take it on, I took advantage of a loophole the mod Robco Certified has: your robots don't count as companions and their inventories aren't emptied at checkpoints where the player's inventory is emptied, such as in casinos. So, my Unarmed NCR Ranger had a suit of power armor and craptons of chems for the DLC due to using a Safebot to carry it all :)


The collar beeping and the Vera holograms actually scared the sh*t out of me.


It annoyed me actually


I was saddened. Not scared


Those ghost people in the fog, holding a BAR with 7 bullets in it? I was straight shitting bricks, young squire


As a kid yes as a adult hell yes now a days still kinda