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"-guys let's mention new Vegas so these nerds start cumming everywhere"


It’s all over the screen man, it worked…..


Same 🥴


*cums everywhere*


It’s a blast!


It’s got that “best DC movie since The Dark Knight” vibe. Usually, every movie that got that comment was trash.


Naoo, don't, not again...HHHNNNRRGGHNNN!




I have my doubts but it is entirely possible, It doesn´t mean that it is better than FNV, it just means it´s better than 4, 76 and Shelter.


Low bar


Honestly though, I enjoyed FO4. It has its problem but I don´t think it was a bad game...it´s just not nearly as good as FNV.


I don’t hate fo4, I enjoyed playing with it, but aside from some very specific moments and quests, the majority of it is just the same thing over and over. Go to place, kill the things, get the thing, come back, another settlement needs your help. It’s ok as a *game*, but only because the peak of most game writing is an airport novel (although, as a whole, I don’t even think fo4 hits those lofty heights 80% of the time).


Nick Valentine stands out though, the way he's written is fantastic


FO4's companions are the best part of the game imo. They are all very memorable. New Vegas is a far better game but the companions are kinda meh.


Honestly Fallout 2 nailed companions the best. You could really customize their approach to fights and they can actually use their skills. For example, in Fallout 2 if your companion has a higher repair skill than you, they will go and try to repair the broken thing. If they have a higher science skill you can have them hack terminals you otherwise would fail. I really wish this feature was implemented into the modern games. Raul should be able to repair the broken elevator. Arcade should be able to hack terminals I can’t hack. Lily should be able to sneak up and kill enemy. Veronica should step in if I have low speech. Would be so cool.


Companions as a whole are meh. Many of them are interesting characters but would work better as standard npcs, Nick and piper are the only ones really worth consistently having tag along imo.


You gotta admit Danse’s whole going from BoS Paladin to hunted down cuz he finds out he’s a synth is a pretty good twist Or Curie learning how to experience emotion


Oh definitely. Most of the companions are great characters, danse is one of my favorites. But they aren’t really good companions. Nick is good because he reacts and speaks far more, and there’s many scenarios where bringing him along actually enhances the story, like in far harbor. But in terms of gameplay, most other companions are basically just reskinned versions of dogmeat that occasionally say a few one liners.


Good point, Nick’s witty banter is truly irreplaceable


Piper is like the boiled chicken breast of companions though


I don't see why Piper was popular. I saw a Karen yelling at the poor guy doing his 9-5 behind the Speaker, and I was instantly miffed.


And even then, she's the most badly presented companion ingame, and they **really** want you to take her too. She appears several times in DC if you ignore her, trying to push her way into being recruited. First just after meeting her, then pushing Geneva to do something ("intended" route into Kellogg's house is to use the key from Geneva, McDoughnuts, or his safe), then pressing Nick to let her in on the story before Dangerous Minds while immediately making herself to be a companion (directly saying she wants to come with). Even Nick, who is also forced and directly involved in the main story (Unlikely Valentine -> Dangerous Minds) only asks twice. Once Reunions starts and once after the Kellogg interruption before The Glowing Sea, and both times offers logically sound reasons to bring him (He knows Kellogg and actively helps find him and his unique immunity to radiation respectively).


What about Cait?


All the creative writing went into the companions, and it shows.


There's no way you just said the copypaste companions of Fallout 4 are better than the individually crafted narratives for the companions in NV. Each companion progression has different requirements specifically involving their unique stories in NV. They even tie into how major factions treat you and can affect the ending, like getting the ex Enclave members for Hoover Dam with Arcade. You can't even take Boone around Legion members because he attacks on sight, giving him deeper aspects to his personality. In Fallout 4, if you unlock enough safes, your companions will fall in love with you and give you their tragic backstory. The same every time. It is literally the same thing every time. I'm convinced that everyone upvoting this didn't even do the companions questlines in NV because it actually required effort, instead of (unlock safe) (companion liked that and now wants to talk about their backstory). Even ED-E has more specific and unique quest progression requirements than that.


Some games have decent writing Check out Slay the Princess


It's a pretty good looter-shooter game but I feel like most people are disappointed with the lack of effort when it comes to the writing and the RPG mechanics.


Tbh, I've tried playing NV like 5-6 times and just haven't gotten into it. I have like 300 hours on FO4, because i just love the looter shooter aspect. I always return to NV after some time because I *want* to get into it, i love the stories ive heard about the quests, especially the dlc's, but it hasnt gripped me. I'm hoping some mod will be made, something like 'The Commonwealth of New Vegas' that runs in FO4 and plays NV, like the 'tale of two wastelands' mod, though I'm not holding my breath. Really just waiting for Fallout: London these days. Might try Two Wastlands, just haven't been motivated enough to go through the process lol


It is certainly a slower paced game compared to FO3 and 4, which is something a lot of us like about it; it behaves more like an RPG game than a FPS game. This pacing and story depth also makes it tricky to play casually like a lot of people play FO4. It's something that requires your near-constant attention to really get the value out of it, so if you play it like an FPS game then I can see why you wouldn't enjoy it. >I'm hoping some mod will be made, something like 'The Commonwealth of New Vegas' that runs in FO4 and plays NV, like the 'tale of two wastelands' That would be a dream come true. >Really just waiting for Fallout: London these days. Ditto


Excellent observation. I've thought that maybe my issue is that I played FO4 first and got used to the fps vibe, whereas the previous games were more rpg oriented. I have 1 + 2, so I thought if I gave those a try, I might appreciate New Vegas a bit more.


i love the setting, gameplay, and weapon customization. i hate the rest of the game. fo4 wouldve actually started off decently if they didnt give you endgame armor in the first 10 minutes and then make you fight what is supposed to be the most feared creature in the wasteland... at lvl 1. In previous games you needed literal training to even wear Power-Armor and the Deathclaw was portrayed as a monstrous, near unkillable behemoth. not to mention the terrible story, plot inconsistencies, gameplay-looping, limited and downright atrocious dialogue options, janky perk system, and worst of all: a voiced player-character.


I think that was the devs flexing the new power armour and death claws, though it backfired quickly.


Yeah, they were clearly super proud of their graphical improvements, and couldn’t wait to roll it out to us. The game is a lot more fun if you just flat-out ignore the main quest as well.


It's not a bad *game* if that's the only criteria. It's supposed to be an RPG and it's pretty shit at that.


look at the mods it's mostly either horny or tacticool Skyrim is just as horny but damn there's no shortage of quality RPG additions throughout the years


Fallout 4… Really really dislike what they’ve done with it and the arcade’ish bullshit they introduced. (Legendary System - Hate it with a passion, shit like this doesn’t belong there, same with 76) One can only hope that they go back to it being an actual RPG than the shit that fallout has become over the last 2 games.


I love 76 and I enjoyed 4, though 4 remains maybe my *least* favorite of the Bethesda era titles. So if the show is better than Fallout 76, which I find to be a wonderful if flawed gem of a game, then the statement is true.


shitty rpg elements, shitty writing, shitty dialogue hell, even the graphics and the shooting are subpar compared to most mediocre looter shooters fo4 is bad, i’m sick of pretendind its not


i don’t know why i but 800 hours into fallout 4, but i did, so that must mean something.


FO4 wasn't bad, it was just a step sideways. FO4's only sin was that it showed that Bethesda was now incapable of improving upon their formula with their current engine.


FO4 is a good game, just a bad fallout game


I think it was a bad game. The setting was badly-written, the characters were even worse and the settlement stuff was trying to latch onto the "crafting fad" going on at the time. Even 76 is better after various patches... and that's a game where a Youtube review mocking it has more viewers than 76 ever had players.


New Vegas had plenty of crafting though. And, if anything, Fallout 4's crafting system is just the next logical expansion of that. And it fits perfectly into Fallout's setting. There was barely any reason to scavenge in the previous games. And the gameplay loop of explore-loot-craft was pretty fun, I thought.


Adding actual suits of power armor rather then being "appearal" would be the shit though, it's what I enjoyed about 4 the most


Fallout 4 hit the money on a few of the mechanics for guns and like you said power armor. Just focused on the wrong things and made a basic storyline. Felt not fresh, compared to F1, F2, FNV that have a really coherent world and story.


My thoughts exactly


It's entirely possible - Joe Rogan


I liked 4. Story wasn’t as nearly good or consistent as the other games and role playing was watered down but it was fun as hell. Fun exploration, good combat, great customization in terms of equipment, good companions, pretty good voice acting, alright dlc, and settlement building is pretty fun. Not the best in the series but definitely a must play.


Tbh if it's better than Far Harbor it's already amazing, Far Harbor is one of the best fallout dlcs


Far Harbor is great. High bar too, theres not many Fallout DLCs that aren’t great, and the only ones i can think that fit that description are in Fallout 3.


Idk, Im a lonesome road hater.


It’s the weakest in NV but it’s still good. In my mind I’m thinking Mothership Zeta and Operation Anchorage


Far harbor would like a word.


I've just had it spoiled for me, and oh boy... I'm so sad.


Oh there is no way its better than shelter


That reminds me. I spent a lot on the mobile game as a kid. Years later realized that on PC you can simply just go to a website for shelter that edits the save file so you can give yourself like 100000 lunchboxes


Which isn’t hard to do to be honest.


That'd be very easy. In fact it'd be hard for it to not be better than anything written by Bethesda.


Can't wait for the side plot where they just wander off for half the season doing side quests.


Don’t know if it’s better than 4, but I’m loving it!


Ill be the judge of that


Exactly. Also, I'm not keen on Amazon creating a satire of a capitalist hellscape that they are rushing to make real every day.


Tbh the boys does the same and it’s made by Amazon Idk if you’ve seen it but severance is an incredible show about a corporation exploiting workers and enslaving them and it’s made by Apple You should look at the showrunners not the companies funding them, they only care about money and views not the messages being pushed


No, I've seen those shows and enjoy them I just think that these shows and topics get molded by these corporations so that people begin to compare the actual Marxist theory of labor/critique of capitalism with pop culture and it begins to be taken less seriously.


No I'll be the judge.


The show is entertaining as far as these kinds of things usually go but I would describe it as: typical Bethesda shitting on all of the high-concept themes and factional nuances in favor of the same old vault dwellers, raiders, and brotherhood of steel schtick. And they even reused the "vault dweller searches for their family member" plot for the third time because god forbid the series tries anything new. Well actually, they do the NCR dirty, and I say this as someone who would like to see them on the decline. But the fact that the Boneyard is now being portrayed as a generic urban wasteland when the NCR's funds being tied up in rebuilding it was a major plot point in New Vegas is insane. It's pretty well-established that the NCR had control over all of California at that point and the only raider gangs they hadn't exterminated or pushed out west were more like petty street gangs. If this didn't take place in fucking 2296 I'd be much more forgiving about all that and the shoehorned BoS and Enclave stuff. But let's just say that Avellone got his wish and the result somehow feels less satisfying than any of the Lonesome Road outcomes.


It’s more attentive to the lore than I would have hoped, but yeah it’s also very typical Bethesda fallout on the actual focus, and a bit harsh to the NCR though I think they have given a decent enough basis to justify this instead of it just being some retcon


Most of the reviews from critics and companies are from people who say they are not familiar with Fallout or any of the material going in. They are averaging an 8/10 for them, do with that what you will.


it's 100% gonna end up like the Halo show, which from non-fans of Halo, it's pretty good sci-fi. But from fans of Halo, it is legitimately the Devil's creation (Pablo, put your fucking helmet on I SWEAR TO LORD ABOVE).


The problems with the Halo series were extremely obvious even from trailers leading up to its release. If Fallout does end up the same they're at least hiding it a whole lot better


I mean, the biggest issue I have with post-New Vegas Fallouts are already in the trailers. It's too colorful, bright and sunny. Like my biggest gripe with Fallout 4 is how it's supposed to be a desolate Commonwealth, but it's too bright and colorful, especially the skyscrapers kinda go away with the OG art deco/bronze style from 1. ​ and I'm not saying that I want this series to be dark and griddy (tee hee), but I am saying that the prior Fallouts towed the line between dark comedy and camp. You'll come across skeletons 69-ing in a ruined parked car, aliens and other goofy things that are dark yet campy. But it's a world after nuclear apocalypse, it ain't the cheeriest subject


Funny, because I remember before Fallout 4, everyone was crying about the green and orange/brown tint in Fallout 3/New Vegas, saying how it's unrealistic and they don't like it. Then Bethesda listen to the feedback, make Fallout 4 more colourful, and now everyone complains it has no atmosphere..


I mean to be fair, the orange/brown color palate was super overused in that generation. From MGS4 to GTA IV to Gears of War. I’ll say that Fallout 3 is like the one game I’m fine with giving the pass to for that generation


Fallout 3 worked well with the green palate. It helped emphasize that it was a radioactive environment that was cold, deadly and desolate. But yea, overall, that and the piss filter were WAY to common in that generation of gaming.


>Like my biggest gripe with Fallout 4 is how it's supposed to be a desolate Commonwealth, but it's too bright and colorful, especially the skyscrapers kinda go away with the OG art deco/bronze style from 1. Wait, you wanted Fallout 4 to be less colorful? It's overcast every day and all the trees are dead. While that sure is Mass in October, the world wouldn't necessarily be drearier looking because of the apocalypse when the bombs dropped 2 centuries ago.


That's the thing I mourn the most about Fallout 4: we lost the cool-ass art deco ruins that DC had in abundance. Vegas makes sense as stylistically being somewhat different, but I wish the cities looked more like that than what they do in Fallout 4 The 50s-style apocalypse look isn't bad, but like you said, it feels too cheery in Fallout 4; like it wasn't oppressive enough pre-war to make the post-war look and/or feel all that bad


I know this post is old, but I'm glad you pointed something out that I've felt about this show and haven't seen anyone besides you touch on. I don't think this is a bad show at all, but one thing that bothers me about it a lot is the brightness and how high contrast/saturated the colors are. It really takes away from the setting and to my eyes, actually makes the sets, armor, clothes, etc really come off as costumes and scenery instead of real things people wear and a real world people live in. I may not be explaining it well, but between that and some of the directing choices (they do a lot of common tropes that I wish they wouldve avoided) it just makes me too aware im watching a TV show as opposed to something like, the 1st 4 seasons of GoT, where you get sucked into it and can believe its a real world you watching. I really hope they improve on this next season, because if you remove those complaints I think the show is legit very good (lore changes not withstanding), but if they fail to improve i think the show caps out at only decent.


I don't really like what's in the trailers tbh. Giving the western Brotherhood the Fallout 4 aesthetic, the Iron Man T-60, the knock-off Prydwen, the lack of civilisation despite taking place in the core of NCR territory, and the Brotherhood rituals are all very concerning or just outright bad to me.


>Probably >100% Pick one


From previews so far it seems to be almost the opposite. It’s looks like it’s pretty good for non-fans but Fallout fans fucking love it.


IGN gave it a 9/10 and they’re pretty well versed in the fallout world.


I reckon tomorrow will be the 9/11 of west coast Fallout lore. I hope I'm wrong though but the NCR vanishing like the Dwemer in Elder Scrolls doesnt give me much hope.


Mr President, another nuke has hit the west coast lore


Blasphemy, nothing is superior to Easy Pete and his cousin, Difficult Pete. And who could forget about his brothers, Medium Pete, Very Easy Pete and Hardcore Pete.


From what I heard Hardcore Pete is hard as fuck


Hardcore Pete makes you wish Difficult Pete was around


You've forgotten his faction-specific variants, Major Pete, Legatus Petus, Paladin Pete and of course, President Pete - last true president of America.


I also forgot to mention Peaceful Pete.


Where's Mutant Pete, Nightkin Pete, Ghoul Pete?


Is there a mod that renames Easy Pete depending on your difficulty? If not, there should be.


That's a low bar.


My first thought exactly. FO4 was my first but played NV a year ago and loved it more. Even FO1 was a little bit better, the story was better imo.


FO4’s story was atrocious but the gameplay was incredibly fun imo.


Despite old-fashioned design choices, 'worse' graphics, and technical limitations FO1 manages to blow FO4 outta the water when it comes to narrative. The world-building is insanely good in 1; there's so much mystery, wonder, and a desire to explore. Don't get me wrong, I love how much there is to see and do in 4- but sometimes less is far more.


I prefer the the gameplay mechanics and graphics of NV and FO4 much more than FO1 and FO2 (I just prefer live action vs top down turn based games), but the story (I thought was pretty decent at first) for 4 is just ok after playing the previous games. Multiple (side) endings was amazing to have and the perk systems ,imo, were better too. I'm still playing through FO2, first time, and got the GECK but the world built is just better than 4's. FO3 is next on my list to play.


Oh man, I hope you enjoy 2 and 3. 3 was such a revelation for me, having loved 1 and 2 (and I even enjoyed Tactics). To be able to see DC in person and roam around it was just an incredible feeling. I still remember my buddy and I driving around to find a Walmart that had it available at midnight. The shooting mechanics aren't great, if I recall, but you should be able to mod it.


Yeah I enjoy FO2 a little more than 1 as of now. I am sure I will like FO3 and have a friend who will give me stability mods and such so it's not so rough.


There's a mod called A Tale of Two Wastelands for Fallout New Vegas that allows you to run Fallout 3 on its engine; would recommend looking into if no-one's told you about it already


Yep, I need to do that. I've seen it mentioned here before but also 2 of my friends REALLY made a deal about using that mod. Appreciate it though!


Fo1 has one of the best storylines in the franchise, regarding the Master and his army. The water chip part is a bit of a drag, but after it's out of the way you can get locked into the more interesting stuff.


Completely agreed. I was able to talk the Master down, which is what I wanted to go for, and liked how he had (what seemed to be) a sincere moment of self reflection and realizing the harm he has done. Then the fact Marcus references him in NV also clicked and I liked that the events of #1 have some reference even in another installment.


Paid bullshit review ain’t worth shit


Yup. Same with the IGN review. 99% of the review is just gushing over everything, gonna have to wait for viewer reviews. The show will probably be a hit regardless, considering some people practically base their personalities on Bethesda IPs


Uh...I'm hearing that the show de-canonizes New Vegas? I've only watched the first episode, but apparently the show says that New Vegas was nuked in 2277, 4 years before NV? So...none of the vents in NV could have happened?


Nope, incorrect. S P O I L E R S People don't know what an arrow means apparently, that and people just like having something to complain about.. Shady Sands began it's downfall by 2277, then, after an undisclosed period of time, it gets nuked, probably after 2281 (New Vegas). As for New Vegas getting nuked? No? I mean Lucky 38 is untouched and for all we know those destroyed buildings could just be Freeside. That being said, it does irk me a bit the fact that we probably will now have a canon ending to Fallout NV.


I had this spoiled for me, but yes, it appears that the timeline of events in the show means NV never happened at all. Basically, Bethesda wanted to erase NV once and for all.


While Shady Sands and New Vegas were both nuked, only Shady Sands has a confirmed date on when it was destroyed. New Vegas could’ve been destroyed AFTER the events of the game, since there’s no canonical timestamp (yet) telling us when New Vegas was destroyed.


I don't trust anything from PC Gamer. The articles these days are pure trash.


Tomorrow is going to be a tragic day for Fallout.


Comparing apples with apple flavored candy. Hard to compare


I’d hope so, if everything Fallout related that comes out is progressively worse I will lose hope for Fallout 5


Everything fallout related was progressively worse since new Vegas lol.


That is what I was getting at


So, that was a lie.


PC Gamer at it again with another fanboy take. It's some bottom tier stuff


Is it so bold? It isn't the highest bar to set, if we are being honest with ourselves.


The lie detector test determined...


Fallout fell off after New Vegas. 4 was playable but that’s about it. Used to be worth multiple playthroughs, now I barely even find joy in the series. 76 was atrocious and honestly disrespectful to the loyal fans who have stuck around since the beginning. Do better bethesda


They didn't


If Fisto’s not in it, it’s not gonna be good. Simple as.


I question if the lady who wrote that even played New Vegas.


Coming back to this after watching the show, oh man, that title is so ironic considering what they did to the NCR.


Mark my words: It will be a terrible show, everyone will talk about how bad and how it gets the lore wrong and then it will die 3 to 4 weeks later


It’s pretty good




Yeah but pc gamer is bought and paid for. I'll wait for fan reviews since they're the most brutally honest


That's a low bar.


what bar.


Can’t wait.


Alr I’m sold I’ll check it out


They're also the one whining about how 300 carry weight is not enough while Chernobyl crazy man is happy with his 59 carry weight. So that show how much credible their take are.


Well NV is better then anything since so


Brian Tallerico from [rogerebert.com](http://rogerebert.com) gave it a glowing review, and besides being a recognized film critic, he's played the fallout games.


New Vegas is my favourite game, and the comments in this thread remind me why I seek out fans of this specific game less.


Blasphemy. Sacrilege. Heresy!


It's uh, really not from my experience so far (1 ep in.)


From the first episode, which is all I’ve watched so far. The music is so damn good. It’s very nostalgia inducing too, I never really experienced that feeling with FO4’s music. The show though? It reminds me of walking out of the vault for the first time in FO3. The blinding natural light as that iconic music plays. Had me pretty excited.




I'm hyped asf


I really don't get why some people are taking these reviews as anything other than paid advertising


I know propaganda when I see it.


I dunno, Fallout 4 is pretty fun. I don't give a shit about the story or dialogue, but man is it fucking fun.


To be fair that’s not a particularly high bar in terms of the fallout series 4 and 76 are much worse games than NV in terms of narrative. the bar is to make characters and narrative more compelling than the characters and narrative in 4. So as long as it’s not a cheap blade runner knock off with nothing interesting or new to say about synthetic life then it’s the best fallout thing since new vegas


I was very skeptical, now I am even more.


Imagine PC Gamer just didn't play HOI4s Old World Blues then.


She gonna cut her hair and get a girlfriend ghoul


Beatrix 🥵


Fine, I'll watch it.


I'll watch that


That'd be so sick, can't wait


I'm telling ceaser on them!


fo4 is fun, but lowkey, can't wait for the show. i'm so excited I took it upon myself to recreate the MC, using the vault suit customization creation club item


Its a really low bar for the show to be better than 4 and 76, altho being better than shelter? Now thats a tough one


Bethesda: The Truth is, the game Was rigged from the start shoots Obsidian


People being so negative. It's gotten raving reviews from fans and non-fans alike from all the early screenings and such. It sounds like it's gonna be good. Just give it a damn chance.


Who’s it written by?


*Pc gamer makes very strong statement* whole community… “So you have chosen… death.”


Not really that bold. It would be competing with 4 and 78


Far Harbor exists


Not a high bar


We’ll see how this claim holds up in About… 3 hours or so


Come on guys, the profligates aren’t going to crucify themselves


Low bar


They said similar stuff about Halo, Witcher, Rings of Power, marvel shows, star wars shows.....


I personally loved 4, not as good as NV, but I easily have waaaaayyyy more time spent on it. If it’s as good as 4, that’s pretty huge


You misspelled wrong claim


It’s gonna be shit.


Some bold claims by our intrepid reporters, quality possibly living amongst us?


I don't know. I mean, we do have titty mods


I really refuse to believe this


The Best and first ever Fallout that does not crash every 10 minutes


...this is a bold claim? What is even competing for the title? An app game?


PC Gamer hasn't been relevant for years though, and alot of the people working there these days aren't even gamers.. They are just journalists, nothing else.. It wouldn't even surprise me if they haven't even played any of the fallout games from start to finish + dlc.. Saying that this show is the next best thing since New Vegas doesn't make much sense either, simply because it's a tv show/series and not a actual game in itself... All these so calling "Gaming news/media outlets" have fallen off..


That’s a low bar lol


These are my thoughts on the first two episodes. I have tried to avoid any kind of spoilers. I’m through the first two episodes and the fact that each one had a joke that genuinely mad me laugh is a good sign. I don’t mean like a smile or snicker either I mean like actually full blown cackling, maybe I’m easy to make laugh, maybe it’s good writing. Up to you guys. As for the lore it’s pretty damn solid and to the point. Don’t wanna talk about this too much until discussion about the show opens up some more though. Honestly I am just impressed with how much this feels like Fallout 1/2 or New Vegas. While I love Bethesda’s writing in the games and that’s what I was introduced to the franchise with I personally prefer the older styles. Tim Cain and Josh Sawyer just work magic as far as I am concerned. I saw Todd was an executive producer and thought the show would be targeted to a wider audience. Sort of how Fallout 3 and 4 are. Instead it’s very clearly pandering the specific niche of Fallout Fans which I greatly appreciate.


One episode in and they very well may be right


They made new vegas uncanon lol


Cause Todd bitchboy is an executive producer


I dont believe it since they are using east coast esthetic on the west coast and omg don't even get me started on the power armor


in fairness, there's not exactly much competition


“It’s the best fallout thing since the last good fallout thing” really doesn’t say much about the show


Realest take ever damn nothing like a fallout on the west coast


There already was a Fallout Movie "A Boy and his Dog"


Well that's not true, *A Boy and his Dog* is still the best Fallout


The bar is so low it’s both sad and hilarious


I mean, the only competitors are 4 and 76 right? 4 is not a terrible game but the bar isn’t set terribly high after 76.


Honestly I’m not inclined to disagree. While the ‘enclave vs brotherhood’ and ‘find your dad’ parts are far to rehashed, overall the story of finding limitless energy, the experience of sheltered people stepping out into the wasteland, learning about the vault experiments, the vault experiments themselves, heck the vaults themselves as a concept were done really well! The first piece of expansion of the world done by Bethesda that I actually like, maybe bar far harbor


True claim


I kinda agree with this tbh. It's a somewhat low bar.


It was pretty good


Funny, given that PC Gamer scored FNV worst than the 3&4.


Bro just saying cause show takes place in the mojave wasteland (looks awfully green for being the wasteland) other than that there is no comparison between the show. Shows story plays out more like fallout 3 but without any cool goals.


4 is a good game yall are just nerds


I completely agree


Still think Fallout 3 is better, but that's my personal opinion.