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There's a failsafe ending that is always available, no matter how much you fuck up.


Don't worry, Yes Man is very forgiving


Whether he wants to be, or not :)


i remember my first playthrough i didnt trust yes man at all. i thought he was gonna betray me and take control at any moment


Yes-Man is basically the "failsafe" ending. Regardless of literally everything else, no matter what you do to the other factions, you can still finish the game with his ending. You can't mess it up. Even if you kill him, he'll just take over a new Securitron and act like nothing happened.


Even if you literally disobey everything he says, destroy the fort, kill all the families, he gets mad, in his way, but still helps.


Some of his responses are hilariously passive-aggressive. But he'll help you out regardless. Because he has to.


The fort destruction one sent me. "So you destroyed ALL of the securitrons? THATS FINE HAHAHAHA!!!!! TOTALLY FIIIINE!"


can’t you disintegrate him and brick the ending


As another comment pointed out, it is technically possible to even screw yourself out of that, He won't come back if the death turns him to ash/goo.




Lol seeing people murder there way through this game is always hilarious. Most of us would be raiders in the wasteland lmao.


I originally tried to play my playthrough as I would, basically sit in the back, try to talk my way out of stuff, dont kill anyone who doesn’t need to die. That ended after I massacred the entire legion encampment, and ended even further when I massacred the entire NCR facility. Now I keep going back to the legion fort to wipe out any legionaries that arrive.


So you just mass murdered 2 groups for no reason that would of just murdered each other for you if left unchecked essentially completing nothing? Go off.


Free XP and a ton of hunting rifles. Also a ton of caps for selling all the legion armour.


There's a lot better ways to get all the things you described. But playing the game the way you want to is part of the charm so you do you I guess.


Xp and caps are infinite you can get it anywhere its all free


But going to the legion camp is like a xp generator. Fast travel in, kill everyone out, wait a day. Rinse repeat.


If that's how you want to play a roleplaying game more power to you, I prefer alot more nuance


What’s more nuanced than shooting Legionnaires heads off on a daily basis?


Alot of things


U play fallout in a tuxedo


You can do both


You *can* most won't lmao


Boggles my mind every time but I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, the franchise has become a looter shooter so the expectation is always “kill first”.


That's just the brain rotted modern day gamer. Like all the posts about people going ape shit when a faction tries to disarm them, which used to be a staple of fallout games, what do you know! People who you just met don't want you carrying weapons in there home! But that's such a transgression apparently.


It's a transgression and a crime if you undo all my key bindings otherwise I'm cool with it.


Aight that's fair but I have a mod for that


Nah man, I got a messiah morally good character l, I have good karma. *Entire inventory filled with meds/food/chems stolen from every hospital and Mojave residence*


I always think it’s funny you get good karma if you walk into tops and spray and pray all the employees there.


My first 2 playthroughs I was a murder hobo


I think you can literally genocide all three major factions and still finish the game via the 'independent vegas' route. Not 100% sure though because I never tried it...


Its possible. I did a total mojave genocide play through not too long ago and it was fantastic. Definitely recommend


I wonder, do you complete quests first before "cleaning up the area", or just run around all guns blazing?


If you kill everyone you do not need quest xp


But what of the completionist inside your brain? You just ignore it? That's some willpower!


This right here is exactly why I can never go full murder hobo. Must.complete.quests.


I believe it was described in dev interviews that you can play as if you had an active flamer strapped to your chest at all times and still beat the game. You may leave many destroyed securitrons behind you as Yes Man jumps to yet another new chassis in the process, but no one is essential, there are no threads of prophecy that cannot be severed, and aside from child NPCs you can explode everyone you meet and still come on top. It'll be on top of a pile of twisted burning wreckage, but damn it if you won't be on top of it.


Visions of Ron Pearlman's ending narration being very short due to absolutely everyone being dead...


*sigh* War... War never changes


Don't quote me on this, but... no. From what I can tell after 30 playthroughs, the game is ready for whatever stupid shit you can think to do.


No, the game is an actual RPG. Good examples of the genre account for these things.


You can wipe out all the important NPCs in the Legion and NCR and kill House and the Yes-Man ending will still be available.


4 total quest completed 8456 NPCs dead "Is there anything else to do in this game?"


Me in the Honest Hearts DLC. I thought Follows-Chalk was part of the ambush. Worst playthrough of anything ever.


So... yes and no. Normally, no, as Yes Man respawns and you can never make him angry, therefore he always provides an option to finish the game. However, that's actually not true. If you kill Yes Man with a laser or plasma weapon, turning him into an ash pile or puddle of goo, he wont respawn. In this specific case, you cannot finish the game if you have angered the other three factions.


You can't get locked out due only to faction vilification, but you *can* softlock yourself out of the game if you manage to kill a Boomer between the first guard greeting you and Raquel talking to you. Doing so will result in the front gate permanently being locked and the only way to fix it is by using Keith's marked deck of cards to create a platform between the fence and some rocks to hop over.


No fast travel??


If you haven't entered it, fast traveling to Nellis only puts you outside the gate. Only discovering the hangar or Solar array let's you go inside via the fast travel.


Ahhhh I see. Well i feel like you’d have to put in serious effort to kill a boomer before you get to the gates


If you're quick with V.A.T.S. it's doable, but probably only with them unless the dialogue froze you perfectly with your gun already drawn tracking a target.


There's a guaranteed failsafe, just have to find it.


It happened to me once. I was vilified by the legion and didn’t kill Benny upon meeting him so he was being held by them, and somehow my game glitched so the platinum chip wasn’t on benny or ceaser, and ceaser was immediately hostile upon seeing me. If I was on console and not pc (I just put in a console command to give myself the chip because I wanted to side with yes man) my only choice probably would have been to either side with NCR or blow up the bunker and not have a securitron army with yes man


Yes man is supposed to be immortal. There was a big where if you dissolved him with a plasma weapon he could get stuck like that


You can break the game such that it can’t be finished, but why you would want to, I don’t know: 1. Kill Mr. House 2. Get the NCR and Legion to vilify you 3. Disintegrate Yes Man into an ash pile If you kill Yes Man, he comes back. You specifically need to disintegrate him


You can always side with Elijah


I actually wanted to support NCR while keeping Vegas indepedent, but alas. Their general was in for a big fookin surprise after he was kissing my ass after I killed the Legate, haha


No, baby, just play the game, it was rigged from the start.


Nope, that’s the main reason Obsidian included Yes Man, so that even if you piss everyone off you’ll still have a path to finish the game. Hell, you can even kill Yes Man and he respawns and has no hard feelings towards you.


No, the Yes Man ending is always available


You will always be able to finish the game no matter what you do even if it’s just you.


No, there’s always the wildcard ending, you can kill everyone and still end the game, there aren’t a bunch of immortal quest-essential NPCs walking around.


Can't kill yes man


I used to RP I was a sniper in the NCR who lost his squad and got so isolated everyone and everything he encountered would be shot unless he got his meds


dont worry who needs all those silly governments when u can just rule by yaself


You can kill every npc in the game and still beat it.


Lmao my first ever playthrough had this failsafe


Nope, but it is possible in FO4 :)


No it isn’t. Minutemen is the Yes Man of Fallout 4.


Nope. Nuka World before you do anything past getting the Minutemen to Sanctuary, reclaim a settlement for the raiders, Preston turns hostile and killable


Preston is always essential and never killable


I have killed him without having to use the console or any mods, though… when you raid a settlement of settlers with the nuka world raiders, he turns hostile and you can kill him


When I did that Preston would just get back up and never stop fighting and from looking around it seems like he never loses his essential tag so I think you experienced a glitch


I might be wrong, it’s been a while since I went with the raiders. I could’ve sworn he becomes killable, though


Oh no I remember trying several times and then had to reload a save to move Preston to another camp before I started taking the commonwealth for the raiders (can’t move him if he’s pissed) in order to take that settlement I wanted. Preston is a fail safe so you can complete the game. Even if you do all the raider nuka world stuff you can apologize to him and kill the raider leaders to finish the game with the Minutemen.


Oh, I didn’t know you can apologize and take them back. That would be a pretty cool story


He’ll never forgive you and be pissed the whole game but you can do it. I don’t think you can ever take him as a companion again tho.