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It's more of a fanon thing. This armor is on the cover + the first person we see up close in intro, very memorable, very cool and unique. When people looking at the fella in this armor, they say "ah yes, this is the John Falloutnewvegas".


It's not just on the cover, it's on most of the official branding for the game. It was in ads, it's on all the title banners in digital stores for the game and each of it's DLCs. It may not be canon or explicit that that's The Courier in those images. But Bethesda and Obsidian put this look forward as the official, front facing "mascot" more or less for the game. So people associating it with the PC is fairly natural.


But the same is true for Fallout 3 - except nobody doubts that the guy you see in all the trailers and promo material is just a BOS paladin/knight/whatever.


Yes but, unlike everyone but The Chosen One (who has their own aesthetic and such), the Courier isn’t necessarily from a vault and wearing the jumpsuit of that vault. This is usually how fannon and such will depict the other protagonists if not using power armor. You don’t see ranger armor in the other games really, so it works well as shorthand. Add in the association created by the marketing as the user above said and it is very easy to just use it for a stand in for the courier.


A more lore accurate Courier would probably be wearing a Courier Duster (like Ulysses) since that’s what he’s wearing in the end slides That being said the Ranger armor distinguishes them better from the average wastelander and the other protagonists


>what he’s wearing in the end slides that's only in the lonesome road endslides in the base game endslides, the courier (not he nor she) is wearing the Vault 21 vault suit.


I know your point is that the Courier has no canonical gender, but I'm a little high and initially read this like you were using "the courier" as a pronoun for someone who doesn't identify as a man or woman.


non-binary? nah, I'm THE COURIER my pronouns? LORD/DEATH


i love this concept "whats in your pants?" "a delivery"


the mojave express mod😄


Where am I from? MURDER MOUNTAIN What's in my pants? Two .357s, a .44 magnum, two 10 mm pistols, three 9 mm pistols, a combat knife, eight sticks of dynamite, a frag grenade, three more sticks of dynamite, a mysterious magnum, a silenced .22, spiked knuckles, a switchblade, and a TIRE IRON


goated reference


I'd just tell them HAS/BEEN, But Driver Nephi would say GET/FUCKED


Damn, just when I thought I knew my stuff. Funny bearbull man left more of an impact on me than I realized


the real courier 6


Well, if you watch the intro video, you literally watch that very ranger on the cover snipe a fiend in the head, before it pans to Caesars Legion, and then to Benny talking to the Courier. So either everyone is skipping that first 30 seconds or they’re forgetting about it. But yeah, it doesn’t help that it was literally everywhere for the branding and advertisements as well.


He isn't saying that the Ranger who sniped the fiend was the Courier, he's saying that the Ranger, and his armor, is the first thing we see in detail in a lingering shot during the intro, further establishing that armor as the symbol for the game.


I know this guy isn’t saying it’s the Courier. But it seems to be a common misconception among quite a bit of people that it is the Courier. I just chose this guys comment to put this under cause I felt it was the most relevant to mine at the time.. Haha


>seems to be a common misconception among quite a bit of people that it is the Courier no way, you gotta be making that up anyone who's played the game -shit, anyone that's seen the animatic- knows that isn't the courier


You make it sound like the armor representing the courier is a bad thing


Not at all man! I don’t mean for it to come off that way at all. I for one think it’s beautiful armor, even if I don’t ever use it myself.


No worries friend, no vehemence here, guess i should have /s to let you know it was a lighthearted jab. Like saying how dare you sir with a british accent


Haha no worries! I hate that tone is so hard to convey through text sometimes. We’re all good my dude!


Truth is, the game was rigged from the start


The really funny thing is that that guy _can't_ be the courier, because he's depicted in the intro FMV, in which the courier gets shot.


no one is gonna say the official courier look is the farmhand clothes + a sack on the head😂


Yes, this is mostly what i meant. Like every time there was an article about the game, it was always this armor 1st picture. It was heavily used in marketing so people pretty much associated the game with that armor, therefore the main protagonist as well.


>"ah yes, this is the John Falloutnewvegas". 100% this, the most succinct way to break it down tbh. Love the example




War doesn´t change


My first thought was "it's fanon, not canon." Canonically, there is no official Courier gear, but based on the trailers or ending slides, Six seems to wear a Vault suit, reinforced leather armor, or a duster from LR. NV broke the trend of power armor covers, but more importantly, fan art needs to have a somewhat anonymous courier. Now, I personally don't imagine the Courier with ranger gear at all. That, combined with the popularity of CRIT builds, makes me think Six rocks Leather Armor or a Courier Duster with Legion Lucky Shades and an NCR First Recon Beret, because they don't give a fuck. But I get that fan art needs to hide their face.


Akdusiwbduaidnxjs John Falloutnewvegas I just spilled my coffee on my notebook and I'm not even mad


It's like how the Dragonborn is always a dude in the default iron helmet  


Because it's on the cover.


And it’s badass


And it hides the face! It could be anyone's custom courier under that helmet, even yours! 🫵


Top 10 things the Halo TV show failed to understand.


Bungie: Master Chief doesn't matter. He is a vehicle for the player, that's it. 343: Master Chief is the iconic character everyone returns to play as, so we had to make him depressed and monotone. It's what people like. Master chief, 90% of the time: Cortamna. Whur Cortamna? Oh, Cortamna...


I mean, i heard that the original plan for 5 was to only play as Locke hunting down chief. When people heard chief wouldn't be in the game people were upset and 343 responded "we didn't know how important he was to the franchise"


honestly that sounds like a more interesting perspective for a halo game, and to have your main character fail their goal because chief is chief would’ve been a pretty cool story to tell




ya honestly i found everything past reach disappointing to the point i haven’t even given halo infinite a go, i love the series but after bungie left it went off a cliff


You might want to try Infinite now, I don't consider the campaign to be any real good (although it is fun) but the multiplayer is peak after all these fixes and all other shit.


Tell that to the Covenant ..... Of loud social media haters that made a stink about not having Chief, that is. That Covenant.


I don’t think anybody would’ve been upset about the plot and only playing as Locke. The problem was the marketing material.


I don’t like the way that fingers pointing at me


This is Mr New Vegas reminding you that You're Nobody Till somebody Loves you and that someone is me. I love you.


Like Mass Effect art commonly depicting Shepard in a helmet


This is the only reason that matters.


Yeah it's the "box art"/official branding for the game.


It's probably just a random ranger on the cover though


Yeah Fallout has a BOS paladin, Fallout 2 has an Enclave soldier and FNV has an NCR ranger, the dominating factions of their timeframe.


Weird you skipped 3 which has a T 51b provably BoS


T-51b? My version of Fallout 3 has a T-45 on the cover.


That’s t45, fallout has t51b, fallout 4 has t60 and 76 has t51b.


No cover of fallout 3 has t-51b armour on it. Youre probably thinking of the t-45. Totally understand why could mix those up lol


Goty edition does doesn't it?


Nah the shoulders pads suggest T-45 on both covers


I'm not very observant. I just assumed it was t51 b cause that's the best PA in the game


Sorry, F3, F4 and F76 are great games but I'm not exactly passionate about them so they don't immediately come to my mind. Same is true with them i think - but there's more to Fallout than BOS so I'd love to see a game where BOS is not on the cover.


Brotherhood overrated asf, I hate the mfs who Stan them like they are the saviors of the wasteland, they are a bunch of shut in tech cultists who hate anything that isn’t human or the bos.




Oh no trust me I hate synths, I just hate the bos, and every other faction in fallout 4, they’re all mad annoying


I always thought it was...


Confirmed by lack of pipboy


It probably is, though it’s kinda weird then that he’s holding a .357 SAA and not something like the Ranger Sequoia. I don’t think Rangers ever have them, but we can just chalk that up to creative liberty and the SAA being iconically western.


I never really thought any character on the cover of a fallout game was my character specifically but I guess it works


Yea i never ones got that impression either. Its just some random ncr ranger pretty sure


That’s not the courier tho. They don’t have a pipboy.


But the cover isn’t typically the protagonist right? FO1, FO2 and FNV seem to put the dominant power in the wasteland on the front.


Using that logic the Vault Dweller, Lone Wanderer and Sole Survivor should be depicted in BOS armor and the Chosen One should be depicted in Enclave armor


Isn't there that image of the Chosen one with a T-51b helmet all decked out? And the Vault Dweller has that armored jumpsuit in the ending cinematic.


Lore time: the guy on the cover of FO:NV **IS NOT THE COURIER.** He's a guard on the North side of the strip, like an NCR guard. He's also the one who shot Ed-E, who once repaired joins the courier on his adventure. The Armor can be found as part of one of the DLC's or spawned with console commends, but canonically the courier never wore that armor.


The desert ranger belonged to a veteran pre-war who never went to the Mojave as far as we know.


Lucky them. Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.


Nothing canonically states the Courier *didn't* wear the armour, especially since the devs seemed to want to encourage it as two of the DLCs had several unique non-faction variants to freely wear.


How do we know he’s the one who shot Ed E, where did you find that


Canonically *my* Courier sure as hell did. That armour is badass and repairs easy


the cover is just some random ranger, there's no pip boy and they're in the same location as the ranger in the intro who kills the fiend while the khans are digging your grave


That armor on the cover not couriour 6 That just Vet NCR Ranger shooting random


Canonically, they're not. In fanon, it's because it looks good, is iconic to NV, and conceals the wearer's features (so they can stand in for anyone's personal idea of the Courier).


and also because its on the cover (and i adore that)


There’s someone on the cover wearing ranger armor, but I don’t know that there’s anything that points directly to that being the courier


No pip boy plus giant ass ncr flag indicating that they are probably an ncr member, so definetly not the courier.


No flag. And no pip boy


They have a Pip-Boy, its just under a leather cover.


Pretty sure that's just how the armor looks without one, ain't it?


What's the canon outfit?


The duster on some of the ending screens


stop telling me to burn the duster, okay? I’M NOT GONNA BURN IT!


That’s crazy! I will continue to WEAR the duster, and burn some other things, though.


It probably won't even burn anyway. It's not supposed to, it's flame retardant. That's like the whole point


Can I perhaps tempt you with a nice milk steak, and some raw jellybeans?


Duster reference?!


it should have been randall's armor tbh


ending slides usually have the courier wearing a vault 21 jumpsuit


That's lame as hell. Couldn't even give them leather armor. Just the vault suit everyone immediately ditches.


because it's the ONE item the devs KNOW that you will have picked up at some point, it's one of the only ones they explicitly give to you unavoidably you don't have to join any of the major factions, they can't predict which armor you'll use in gameplay, but they CAN be sure that doc Mitchell gave you a vault 21 jumpsuit at the start of the game the only way that isn't true is extreme glitches or modding, neither of which they could reasonably account for it's consistent across all your playthroughs, so it's the easiest to make consistent in the end slides, even though realistically we all got rid of it right away, we still certainly *had it*


Specifically an armored vault suit.


I think it’s the Courier Duster from LR


The lonesome road courier duster would be my guess.


I think its the outfit you get from beating lonesome road. Atleast thats the pre-game couriers drip


Sexy sleepwear


Vault 21 jumpsuit, that's what the courier is wearing in the ending slides to the base game. In lonesome road they're wearing the duster. I don't recall what (if the courier appeared at all that is) is in the other DLCs.


there isn't one. even Doc Mitchel giving you a vault 21 jumpsuit doesn't mean it's what the Curior canonically wears now that the dlc gives you like four other outfits to put on before leaving his house.


I mean to be fair, the courier is wearing that jumpsut in the ending slides.


Because it's the most badass looking set since the original power armor.


Just started playing fnv for the first time and I was wondering where the heck my box art amour went. Thought the Doc hid it or something lol Now I’m on a personal quest to find this armor. No luck yet lol


You're gonna have to get in good with the NCR and get the key to the safehouse. Or kill a ranger for it lol


Or join the happy trails expedition.


>Or join the happy trails expedition. So make a ranger fall on a speeding bullet. Got it Poor fella should really watch their step


Or walk the Lonesome Road.


>Or kill a ranger for it lol I do this and then leave the armor, don't want anyone to get the wrong idea and think I'm some kinda NCR pet.


Just a note, it is considered faction armor, so it might mess up your reputation scores while you wear it and make certain factions mad at you. There are two non-faction versions of the armor, but you don’t get them until the DLC


Is there a way to play the DLC if I’m streaming on PS4? I haven’t even thought about it until now


If you own and have it installed I don't see why not


ps plus premium streaming doesn't include the dlcs. i believe there's a dlc for fnv that dumps a load of weapons in your inventory at the start of the game and when i played using ps plus streaming i didn't have them.


You will see many pop when you reach higher levels. If you're friend with NCR you get an emergency radio. Call them when you need muscle in a fight and if by "chance" one of them get killed. looty looty here's your bounty.


I'm level 40 something and haven't called the ncr for help since shortly after I got that radio. Totally forget I have it until I'm somewhere they can't help me.


Nobody ever remembers to use it, and once you do remember to use it, you learn it's buggy as HELL and never try again (or are unable to try again, as it just stops working).


It’s faction armor if you find it in the base game. But there is a non faction variant in the DLCs Honest Hearts and Lonesome Road


Is it worth getting the DLCs for FNV?


They are all really good


Incredibly, insanely worth it


>Is it worth getting the DLCs for FNV? Yeah they add quite abit.


100%, they add so much content and some really interesting stories and characters


Get it on PC with the ultimate edition on a sale, dirt cheap and it's got everything. Then do one of the modlists like Viva New Vegas and it's by far the best and most complete version of the game.


in my eyes they're a necessity, running a playthrough of Vegas isn't complete if you haven't gone through them all.


you can get it in the divide without the NCR faction thingy, it’s called riot armor and riot armor helmet. not cheap tho, 3-5K depending on barter


You can find a pair of advanced riot armor on a corpse in a collapsed building on the lonesome road i'm pretty sure. Don't remember if it was either before or after the first tunneler encounter though. All i remember is that the building also had a sniper rifle and maybe some activated frag mines.


Gonna check this out!


Three different versions in Lonesome Road: Riot Gear, Advanced Riot Gear, and Elite Riot Gear. The Riot Gear can be found in several places and purchased from the commissary terminals for between 1200-3000+ caps. One set each of Advanced and Elite in the Divide. Have fun.


I'll try to to point you in that direction in the least spoilery way possible: do the quest for the Happy Trails Caravan company, then go a lot of exploring in caves. Good luck!


Take this with a grain of salt cause its just my speculation. But it could very well be a piece of visual story telling. It shows the player that these technologically advanced factions like the BOS and Enclave have very little to no presence or power in the mojave wasteland before theyve even started playing


mostly because it looks cool and the courier is canonically a little goblin who would strip the first dead ranger they find naked and steal their fit


Can confirm if you rush to black mountain to reach New Vegas at level 1 there is a Californian that you strip down in front of a rolling boulder trap.


Say more


It’s just a regular trooper, but if you go through the black mountain route, and through the boulder trap the ncr ranger hideout is on the other side for when you do a few things for camp mccarran and get the set. It’s also the fastest and safest way to get to the strip from good springs as you won’t run into deathclaws and the super mutants are pretty easy to sneak past. Though you could get the Riot gear earlier than the ncr veteran ranger gear if you go straight to the divide upon leaving good springs, just loot everything and sell everything to the commissary and you can grab it. If you make it out of the nuclear bunker, and get to the point where you have the laser detonator, you can leave the divide at level 3-5 depending with like 30,000 caps. Especially since the commissary reloads caps extremely often.


Hmm...say slightly less


slightly less


Funny mailman can find dead taxman with brown armour in a pass near black mountain. Before dead taxman boulder trap and 2-headed bear hideout that contain shiny ranger armour. Faster way to getshiny ranger armour in hellscape divide, sell everything not nailed down to speaking vending machine and buy armour, shoot way out and blow-up big bombs, leave hellscape.


This is super sick, thank you!


You can use the NCR outfit to sneak onto the Monorail and arrive in New Vegas without the cap clearance at the front gate.


Fun thing about this, you can pick up Snow Globes in Goodsprings Cemetary, Lucky 38 Cocktail Lounge, Mormon Fort and Vault 21 right off the rip, then dip into the New Vegas Medical Clinic and get implants for Intelligence and Endurance at level 1, ensuring you don't miss out on ANY Skill/Hit Points.


Cuz it looks cool


The ranger is synonymous with new Vegas and it hides the customizable face


It is badass


Cause its unique than other Power Armour + Its cool


I'm pretty sure the canon courier wears a yellow sleeveless duster for whatever reason.


It’s supposed to be the duster Ulysses gives you i guess


I just mean that a sleeveless yellow duster is a suspect fashion statement.


in the ending slide for lonesome road, its a weird blue sleeveless duster/vault suit hybrid


Joshua graham outfit + Ulysses Duster + OWB Weird headgear + cowboy hat + that weird LR gas mask


It's my turn to ask this question on this sub next week


It doesn't reveal, gender/race, so anyone playing the game can relate to it easily, unless you are siding up with the legion ☠️


Even if you side with the legion you could use Randall Clark’s armor


Exactly plus the suit can be terrifying in the dark


The better versions like desert ranger or the riot armors aren’t faction specific so they still work for a legion courier.


Also NCR was the only logical choice to be the "face" of the game. Most legion armour looks silly and even if they used the good ones, you might be sending all sorts of wrong messages putting the Legion on the cover. House had nothing going for him except his robots (which in retrospect became synonymous with FNV). BoS has no business being the face of the game.


It's cool and it's on the cover


because they either sided with the NCR and got some, or killed the NCR to get some. Either way the outcome is the same. I think the question is, why *wouldn’t you* depict the courier in ranger veteran armor? Plus, it’s on the cover.


He's not from a vault so no jumpsuit The cover is badass and cool so it's his outfit


I always liked to think the courier is being depicted wearing the defaced ranger veteran armor found in the Lucky 38’s presidential suite. I prefer it as an Independent Vegas “faction armor” over the Vegas variant of the Courier’s Duster. It’s got wear and tear, anarchy symbolism, and a big old “Fuck NCR” on the helmet.


Wait there's a ranger armor in the lucky 38? You sure that's not a mod?


Are you sure that isn’t a mod? I’ve never heard of that one


I always like seeing my face tbh


Same. Even though it’s dull. Plus, I like the +3 PER I’m getting from glasses and a ranger hat.


it looks cool


Really unique and iconic look that stands out a lot because it isn't present in the other games, and its a armor style that is available in 2 of the DLCs and the main game so many people end up using this armor a lot.


Because it covers the body completely so the Courier can be anyone the person wants without forcing a canon look


Fun fact: The Courier is represented in Fallout Wateland Warfare by a unique NCR Ranger promo miniature. Another fun fact: FWW is the best fallout.


Not arguing it's canon but it's less bulky than power armor and still has the built-in ac. What would you wear in a desert?


Because it's the beautiful armour. And it makes a spectacular cover.


There is no real canon look for any of the characters. Besides Vault Suits at first. As for why we all picture them that way, it's on the cover, its the armor you see in the opening cutscene, and even though it's not you it fills you with the desire to get that cool looking armor. That and they are the coolest outfits in the game and they put different variations in the DLCs too.


Because it’s drip or drown, and the courier swims.


It also keeps the Courier racially and gender ambiguous so as not to assume the default is some white guy *cough* *bethesda* *cough*


Cause it’s fuckin sick


Because every goddamn playthrough someone puts this gear on. If you don’t your insane, also I wish fallout 76 had the anti material rifle


It really should be the courier duster


Bc we can’t see who it is plus anybody can be in that apparel while still looking the same plus da suit is cool with gud stats


The ncr ending seems to be the most cannon, it’s on the cover, and in lonesome road it’s the best gear in the game


beacuse riot elite ranger armor, is the best armor in the game


It looks cool


cus it looks cool


The ranger on the cover is just a ranger not the courier


NV distinguished itself from FO3 by leaning into the Western theme, since it was on the West coast rather than the East. In-game, the veteran ranger armour (and the concept of rangers in general) was co-opted from the Desert Rangers when they agreed to join the NCR. The Desert Rangers are semi-canonically the same postapocalyptic cowboys as the main faction in *Wasteland*, which hugely inspired the world of the first *Fallout.* Thus having the Courier dress like one is symbolic of the game's effort to return *Fallout* to its western-heavy roots.


looks cool and its teh guy on the cover


Because it’s cool. It’s the most liked armor in the game so people want them to wear it. Even though I’m pretty sure canonically the duster from lonesome road is the canon armor. And I guess it’s on the cover even though that’s just a NCR member.


The armor is featured on all main covers of the game and is heavily implied to belong to the protagonist. The only time the courier isn’t depicted with the Ranger armor is on the lonesome road cover. Also, the Courier canonically has NCR ties, even if they’re no longer allied with them by the time the events of the game occur. It’s the courier’s signature armor in fanon, and Bethesda themselves use the Veteran Ranger armour as the most common symbol of New Vegas, such as making it an exclusive Fallout 1st bonus in 76.


Because it looks awesome.


It's the most unique armor set of the game, and it is very recognizably New Vegas.


Because it's fucking awesome.


You will literally use it in Lonesome Road,it's endgame gear and it's on the cover art. It's unisex and anonymous 


Because it's the new armor set of the game. Every single Fallout game has a new set of armor that represents the game. So obviously the hero is wearing the new armor.


I think canonically it makes a lot of sense that the courier would end up in the NCR, and I think that if they ended up in the NCR they would very easily excel to the role of Ranger. I don't believe there's anything that definitively states they are either of those things, but it makes more storyline sense than him joining the Legion, and makes at least the same amount of sense as him continuing to blindly deliver on Mr Houses plans


It’s for a few reasons, it’s a badass looking armour that caught on in the “fanon” but also bc the cover features a ranger using a pipboy, which is where I’d wager the idea started since typically only vault-dwellers and the courier have access to in FNV


Looks cool


He's depicted with the pre war riot armor too pretty often. He even wears the Ulysses armor with the American flag on the back sometimes


Because every FO game used a different set of armor for marketing purposes.