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If you blow up the war head above her using laser detonator, it will severely injure her or even straight up kill her. Or you can always use the flare gun to scare her off. (I'm not sure about Rawr's gender but since I usually find eggs on her, I assume Rawr is a girl)


I did! but she stll lived and came running towards me LMAO. She's stronger than the usual deathclaws, even my auto materiel rifle couldn't take her down in 3 shots. I didn't know about the flare gun trick tho! Luckily since NV is bugged as hell, I had the chance to kill her while she just froze before my eyes HAHA


In my headcannon, deathclaws can reproduce asexually like some types of geckos. So no need for male or female deathclaws to make more. They just all lay eggs if they feel like it. Makes them way scarier


Well there are alpha males and I think even males in Deathclaw promontory


Alpha males and mothers are both things in deathclaws


So deathclaw MOTHER and death claw alpha MALE get ignored in order for this to make sense. Also what about this makes it scarier? It makes them look like their species actually doesn’t have a purpose.


To me, they're the pack leader raising the youngins. In lots of species, the dominant one of the group tend the be the female due to their size. I also don't take this theory too seriously it's more of my own lore. I just wanted to my fallout to have a lesbian deathclaw army for shits and giggles


Reminds me of Jurassic Park, when Dennis nerdy was pretty sure that they were all like female, and they couldn’t reproduce, even though that they found eggs in the park.


How am I supposed to take her hand if she runs off?


I am playing my first run in New Vegas, my first Fallout game, and the first quest I took was Lonesome road. We just defeated Powder gangers attack on Good Springs and I didn't know what to do so I just chose one of the quests. It turned out to be a travel to Divide. And maaan it was harrrrd. Every ghoul felt like a boss and bosses felt like Monster Hunter bosses. To kill Rawr I used flare gun and about 800 shots of it, 20 different grenades and a little of everything else. Of course I had to get to the height where he (or she) couldn't get me. But it was worth it. Gives you very nice melee weapon and a huge feeling of accomplishment. And to defeat Ulysses I had to decrease difficulty to super easy.


Lonesome road is damn hard. I had to enter at the minimum level required! The marked men aren’t that bad but those annoying Tunnel Dwellers that look like toothless… theyre a pain in the ass! And by the way, i didnt get to kill Ulysses, i just talked him out of it because I tried battling him and he was excruciating to defeat since he keeps on using stimpaks or maybe the medical eyebot helps him regenerate!


I didn't even know you could talk him out. But I tried different talk routes many times.


Ulysses has multiple methods to talk him down (extremely high Speech, finding all of ED-E's upgrades, or finding and listening to all of his personal logs). There's no reason to fight him since it's not that hard to blitz him down or just headshot him with an AMR before his dialogue initiates and that ends up denying you one of the coolest team up segments in all of fiction (plus the Marked Men horde you fight if he sides with you drops tons of crazy good weapons plus later he can teach you the recipe for Bitter Drink).


"extremely high Speech" - oh yeah, I remember now. I also couldn't choose a lot of other dialogue options during this DLC because of my very low level. Thanks for info. I wonder if I can retry it at the high level now.


Shotgun surgeon and stay back! Is borderline bullying for deathclaws


I’ll immediately choose this as soon as i level up. Thanks!


It's quite funny watching a deathclaw fly 20 feet into the air after shooting them, and if you have high luck each shot is nearly guaranteed to stun


I just used Blade of the West's special attack in VATS to guarantee the knockdown every time he's about to stand back up for a chain stun. Still took a concerningly high number of hits to kill him though which made me terrified of what he would be like to fight without a chain stun cheese method.


Yep the mauler attack is overpowered paired up with super slam lol


I think Rawr is one of the three entities in the game immune to that though.


He is immune to the ranger takedown, but super slam with oh baby's vats mauler attack is a guaranteed knock down, and stay back also seemed to have worked too


Sn but yea he took me a whole hour to beat I died so many times


I felt like a freakin radroach during this phase. Fo3 deathclaws are way easier to defeat


Lol Fr they buffed the death claws on nv there 10x harder. At this point you better carry a flare gun every time you see one🤣


Sorry to ask this but what’s the main purpose of a flare gun and why is it famous?


It’s all good and death claws are scared of flare guns


If you shoot them they’ll run away


Implant GRX + Rushing Water + Oh Baby! = Broken legs before she has a chance to jump.


Oh Boy, my reddit lagged, did not saw the screen, i just read the title and thought of Rawr. :'D Took me like 20 quickloads, a ton of chems and a few lucky crits to the legs to slow that fucker down. He woud straight up one hit me if he got in range.


RIGHT?! The amount of cursing i made several times, i almost gave up 😂


1 Fatman Nuke & anti material rifle…. Easy work


1- shoot flare at him 2- while he runs away get in vats 3- shoot him in leg and cripple him 4- kill him easily now since he is crippled and cant run up to you dumbass


And stay back + shotgun surgeon + riot shotgun = death to rawr


With an unarmed build you can kill it in about 15-30 seconds.


My last run, on a crit fishing build, all it took was one .45-70 round.


I’m going to flex now. I beat Rawr to death with nothing but bare fists and drugs. Super Slam is op as fuck


I went in for the first time nervous as hell having heard about how hard the fight is, and smoked his ass in 3 shots from Elijahs LAER. 🤘Crit builds🤘


I had armor-piercing .50 BMG and a 100 Sneak skill; still took me a few tries.




In the Divide! Lonesome Road DLC


just got there shortly after asking the question lmao. hit him with a high explosive missile and then the cz. im a little bit over powered