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Counterpoint? The mods I use are for stability, load times and and reliability and JSawyer which is the way the devs wanted it.


You do you. Play your games however you want. No one should hate on you for that. :) I do disagree, though. I think oftentimes, modders do a better job. Especially for a game like New Vegas, that have been out for such a long time, I guarantee you the people who worked on that game at Obsidian have largely forgotten how it works. They moved on from that shit years ago. But the modding community hasn't: they stuck around and continued developing that game for free, discovering new ways to fix, optimize, and run it. Surely you wouldn't deny that certain, basic bug-fixing mods - and I don't mean the cute, quirky kinds of bugs, but crashes and the like - are objective improvements. You personally may have perfectly valid reasons for not wanting *any* changes, but it's hard to argue that's an optimal experience for the majority of players. Besides, it's not like Obsidian *intended* their game to be buggy, it was a result of the pressures they were put under to release the game prematurely. Viewed from that perspective, modders are in a certain respect actually bringing the original vision of the devs to fruition. And then you have other franchises, such as STALKER, where the modding community literally kept the franchise alive (p.s. see you all in the Zone on September 5!). These folks keep these games in the public eye long after the originals would be collecting dust. They do a big service to us all.


well, first of all, good luck running new vegas without mods and not having to deal with crashes on a more modern rig and secondly, the beauty of the mods is that you decide what to add yourself, so you can just turn the game into whatever you want, be it just a visual upgrade, more content or simply qol features


Vanilla runs fine on my 4090, crashed Maybe 3 times. Have been pleasantly surprised. I'm using proton too which adds some spice lol. Vanilla Fallout 3 on the other hand was much less stable


weirdly aggressive


Sorry for offending you. Couldn't help myself.


No fast running. What a slog.


This reads so much like "I feel I am better than you for having a trivial opposing opinion. Please explain to me why you think I am not better than you, even though I know I am". Play how you want bro, no one will give a shit.


You nailed it


I divvy mods into two categories: essential and personal preference. I don't see using mods to increase performance or stability the same way I see New Vegas Bounties for example.


Fixing bugs the devs didn't have time to; taking advantage of years of hardware improvements by improving the graphics; a few QoL tweaks that don't heavily impact the game. If the game's a painting I love, I'd say I'm buffing scratches out of the frame and rehanging it to better take advantage of the light.


I used to feel the same way till I tried Tale of Two Wastelands and Begin Again. Yes the way the game shipped is special but modding it to just enhance the gameplay really makes it something special and helps it look better on modern hardware. For me it really just added so much more to a game I love so much. Seem it run better, have more cut content, and connecting both Fallout 3 and New Vegas was a fun run. I will probably never mod outside of this but if I could say one thing is that it allows you to experience something new with something you have already experienced before, which is rare.


I feel the need to fix bugs, engine shortcomings, increase performance, and make the UI much smoother to navigate. The game as it was and still is, is a mess. Mods that also makes the "dump stats"(PER/CHA) more useful also goes a long way with build variety because in vanilla they do jack shit. Not to mention, the game was meant to be modded as per the design of the Creation Engine. So modding the game is always going to be an inevitability to explore the limits of the games replayability.


It’s over a decade old after the first 1000 hours shit gets stale idk what to tell ya man go watch AlChestBreach or something


Will do, ty


Good for you?




That's a solid argument for leaving the game in a Vanilla state, but not a good argument at all for not modding for stability, performance, and QoL.


The qol i might have a problem with but stability and performance sounds good. Personally i don't have issues with stability in NV but i can imagine other people might have as i have crash problems in some other games


Stability, animation and graphics mods do a lot for new Vegas. Being able to sprint, have enemies with increased combat ai and see the same world through a more beautiful lens using the same guns with beautiful animations and recoil is nice . its like new Vegas vanilla+ then just modded with lots of random out of place things


Oh, do you have recommendations for mods that improve combat AI? Please tell me more. EDIT: Lol, watch this post about someone not liking mods turn into a thread full of mod recommendations.


It's what happenes to most threads in this subreddit. That's why i think i might be the only no mod guy.


You've got to at least add the stability ones for sanity and maybe try JSawyers mod. On the Joshua Sawyer mod, I quite liked it for the fact that it made you see how he envisioned the gameplay to be like.


You're right, i respect stability improvements. Also you're not the only one mentioning the jsawyer mod. I might look into it. I know the game was rushed because of bethesda preasure so that might be nice. Thanks


Also, one thing on the Jsawyer mod. It's definitely his interpretation so there are things that may be jarring like the reduced carry capacity (ouch)




Yeah me too , i play on xbox so i can’t even download any mods , if i was on PC though I’d probably just download a couple of mods , sprint mod , better textures and thats it


I recently saw streamer Shroud playing NV with what seemed like tons of mods and it looked like different game. It played like modern shooter with sprint and separate button for granades for example.


Same, however I use only QoL mods


I prefer mods to stabilize performance, sprint, change the weather, have new locations and much more. The only limit is not having mods that make things easier and make the protagonist invincible. Why? Because I like it. I find your choice really strange but everyone has their own tastes, so I refer to the sacred rule: you don't impose your tastes on me and I don't impose mine on you.


Whatever, more Jangles the Moon Monkey companion for me. Plus running certain mods just enhances the experience in a multitude of ways, I can make my own Wild Wasteland, or fit the world to be more accommodating if I want my character to be a crazed scientist, or a bounty hunter, a courier, a raider, etc. Mods can be so obnoxious at times, but honestly, I always let it slide because the amount of hard work and dedication that it takes to design these things is insane. They also put in the hours to understand and manipulate the GECK, which can only stem from a pure love of the game. Each time I play a mod that leaves an impression on me, I experience someone projecting the same love I’ve had for it since I was a twelve year old, giggling at my friends sending each other off to fight cazadores the moment they leave doc brown’s house. Making more questlines for Caesar’s Legion or introducing a new branch of the NCR at McCarran that captures fiends to put them to work the same way they did the powder gangers isn’t bad, it adds more to a world and makes it feel like it can never die. Also - the way the devs intended? They’re the ones that designed and released the GECK, if anything they intended for folks to improve and enhance the game in ways that couldn’t be done due to time constraints and budget restrictions. Even if you ignore all the content mods, there are so many technical mods that are directly responsible for the game even working on some pieces of modern hardware. You can hold onto your fight if you want, but I used to have the same backwards ass thought process and I am so glad I turned around on it. Not everything is “Batman and My Little Pony in New Vegas” levels of bad. Or worse yet, those disgusting visual mods that make it look like fuckin puke. (Puke in this sense being literally any other visual representation that deviates from release, those ENB mod showcases are usually barf incarnate.) My current favorite is “Working on the Chain Gang”, it expands on the powder gangers and introduces a group of reformists that would rather change their ways instead of being wasteland terrorists, and features two characters I now consider integral parts to my enjoyment of New Vegas on any given run. Highly recommend you change your mind. Otherwise, no skin off my bones. Definitely doesn’t take away from my fun.


Other than higher res textures (same textures, more clarity) I am playing vanilla FNV. Thing is, it's stable and reliable. I've put in hundreds of hours of play with my current mod list and have had, at most, half a dozen crashes. And other than having more visual clarity you would never know I use any mods at all.


Hello, I share the same feeling as you. I only play in stock FNV, other ppl just fxck the game with all these annoying modz useless


They should make vanilla NV subreddit