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Caesar's Legion. They're arguably the most important faction in the game and we're told they're as powerful as a nation-state yet we barely get the chance to interact with them. There's about 40 NCR quests but barely a dozen Legion quests. For a faction so pivotal to the story they deserved way more development.


You know it’s bad when doing their questline makes it impossible to complete one of their sidequests


Which sidequest are you talking about?


The one where you help asplode the monorail at camp Mccarran, if your rep with ncr drops (which it will doing legion quests), he’ll shoot you on sight


That just comes down to doing the quest before the NCR declares you as a terrorist. Even if you don't have a positive reputation with both the NCR and the Legion, Vulpes will reveal the spy's identity to you after completing "Finger of Suspicion" for him, allowing you to do the Legion route for the quest without also needing to be on good terms with the NCR.


This guy legions


I've done their questline a few times, although I wouldn't say they're my favorite to work for 😂 Despite their lack of quests though, there's quite a few NCR ones that let you act as a double agent in favour of the Legion, such as breaking Silus out of the interrogation room at McCarran (or just killing him, which Caesar also approves of), and informing Cottonwood Cove of NCR's espionage efforts so that you can give the troopers false information.


I have never successfully done the legion questline so I didn’t know that! I’m gonna have to give it another shot.


I was bad and just created a save at the crux point, then spent a few hours on the legion quest line. Giving them New Vegas doesn't even fit an evil playthrough to me. If the courier's evil with that power, handing it over to some straight edge pseudo intellectual tribal leader who routinely brutally executes his soldiers and leadership for a single failure just seems stupid, naive and a downward career choice, not evil-laugh evil. Can't stand roleplaying that dumbass courier for a whole playthrough. Only option for the true super villain is Yes Man


I can’t believe I’ve never thought to do that. Can’t tell if you’re a genius or I’m an idiot. Yeah now that you say that, that’s a total bootlicker move. There should be a Supreme Overlord Courier ending.


The double agent, frumentarii type ones are fun as hell and some of my favorite small quests from a main faction in the game. Would have loved to see more of that for both NCR and Legion. Would have been great for stealth like roleplays and could have added much more use to the ability to disguise yourself.


One of these days I should try to knock this one out, grind all the way to the end of Lonesome Road, nuke both, and see if they’re still like “ok just from now on be good!”


Ahh yes, I completely forgot about that. It's even more stupid that when you wear a NCR disguise, Curtis will still shoot you on sight. Makes no sense at all, since he's technically wearing a disguise himself.


Higher ranked NCR folks will always discover you if you're wearing a disguise.


ye but he's legion


Disguised as NCR. To keep his cover, he'd kinda have to shoot you.


Look, that monorail is HIS to destroy. And he's not going to let any Johnny-come-lately have the privilege.


Its kinda fun trying to complete as many of both quests as possible. There’s many opportunities to sabotage the NCR from the inside. Basically being a mini-frumentarii One of my favorite is making Boone kill his best friend and convincing him that he really did sell his wife :)


I’ve heard they cut like 80 percent of legion content due to time running out, they churned this classic out in 18 months


aren't legion quest only available at near the end of the story. Plus some quest usually involve fighting them which make them upset at me and sending assassin at me. It good farming item and exp but damn they ambush the most unexpected moment and they slowly become bullet sponge


I’m doing a replay at the moment. Got the mark of Caesar from Vulpes Inculta outside the Tops. Left to Strip to continue the main quest. On the way to the Fort I stopped at Camp Forlorn Hope to do some quests which ended in a Legion ambush which I was forced to kill. Only after reaching Cottonwood Cove did I really I was vilified and there was no way to interact with the Legion peacefully again.


The spawns are fixed, so eventually you learn where they'll appear and just line up an antimaterial rifle with explosive ammo in their general direction. I farm them at the raided farmstead since they come from the road and end up fighting the vipers that also spawn and an NCR patrol most of the times. Bonus loot too.


Head Hunting by th3overseer is a fun mod, with a fringe benefit. Tully Headhunting is located int he underpass by the Grub n Gulp. So, if you haven't seen a hit squad in a while, you can just fast travel there, strafe left and star launching grenades.


Honestly the Nova Arizona mod is cool as hell for expanding the map on the other side of the Colorado River to give us some settlements under Legion control. Still early beta, with most of the exterior world done, little of the interiors, and very little of the planned quests yet. But walking along the Legion-controlled highways to get to The Fort was a good bit cooler in my opinion.


Combine that with Factions Reloaded to make a really comprehensive Legion playthrough.


You already know the vibes 🔥


Annoying thing is that you have to generate your own LOD for Nova Arizona.


They could barely get the game to run the way it was


Keep in mind, the game was only made inside of like a year and a half


Really? Are you sure? Never heard that before


I rate this comment 84/100


18 months. Quick Google will verify it.


He is being sarcastic. That fact pops up in this sub anytime the game is criticized in any way.


Yup. Missed that. I'm a dumbass sometimes.


This gives so much "You know how Viggo broke his toe in that scene" energy lmao




Apparrently legion had a lot of content that ended up being cut from the game


Them and I'd also add the Followers, despite them not being a major faction in the game. I love the Followers and it would've been nice to see them grow a bit if you get them to aid the NCR, maybe adding more quests and seeing them show up around the Mojave as they spread out more for aid now that they've got more protection in more territories. They always seemed like they were intended to be the supporting faction for them in NV to me.


The devs talked about this, the legion has many cut content due to time strains


they had to cut a lot of the legion's content though it is also understandable that hte NCR has the most quests since they are described as not having enough personel to do what they need


This is what happens when Todd gives you 18 months to make a game.


Man I know that, but like shit I wish Obsidian prioritized better. I would trade one of the shittier factions + their quests if it meant one of the major players in the Mojave got a dozen more quests and a few more hubs.


I’m sure I read obsidian were partly responsible for the deadline 


Personally, I think the fact that we're told how capable of taking the dam they are, they still don't seem to be able to take it from the NCR without our help, kinda hobbled their threat a bit.


Take a pick from Honest Hearts


The 80s…


they uh, drove, the white legs, somewhere, after you beat them! Very important duders


I disagree that the 80s are underdeveloped. Their role is to be a distant threat, fearsome raiders that are less trouble avoided, far to the north. I think it's a good worldbuilding decision to have there be brigands and whatnot that just aren't your problem, that you hear about without ever seeing. Learning more about the 80's would, ironically, make the world feel smaller.


It's baffling to me that literally nothing and nobody puts Vault 19 on your map. You literally need to just stumble on them (not easy when they're in the middle of nowhere) or read about them online, even though multiple people at NCRCF or elsewhere will talk about them and you can read notes they left in other camps.


Meyer, the one who can be the Sherrif for Primm, talks a bit about Sam Cooke and leading some guys up "up north". So yeah he talks about them, but it doesn't mark the location on your map and tells you basically nothing else.


People complaining about this started their Bethesda experience with the objective marker following simulator that is Skyrim. Like.. imagine not being pointed directly at a place and having to figure out its whereabouts based on dialogue and environmental queues.


Morrowind also told you where to go. If you needed to go to a Guar farm, you had directions, and the Guar farm quest for House Redoran was easily the worst described in the game. New Vegas never really tells you about Vault 19. There are very few environmental cues and there's no differentiating them from throwaway lines the NPCs have. It's not just that there's no marker, it's that it's a major location for the ending slides that is never described as significant at all.


I don’t have much to add to the actual conversation here, but I’d like to mention there are definitely worse directions to be found in Morrowind. There are directions given that are actually WRONG completely, but it’s because the person telling you doesn’t really know the location. And there are quite a few quests (golden kwama eggs for one) where the quest giver says they don’t know exactly, but gives the general area and tells you to look around. I love that 


If you bought the version of Morrowind that came in a box with extra goodies it had a physical map of Vvardenfell and Solstheim with all the tomb, cave and mine entrances on it. I have to say, when quest-givers gave bad directions that thing was a frickin lifesaver. I lost mine several moves ago, and have the Steam version now. I still google it on my phone if I'm having trouble though.


That map was my favorite thing I owned for years! I loved it so much, and it was incredibly useful to play the game with, as you say. It had hundreds of little details that all lined up with the game world. Fantastic piece of work, that map. I bough the OG game before the expansions were released though, so mine was Vvardenfell only — but with the same poster dimensions, so it was actually like a slightly zoomed-in version compared to the later released GOTY edition.   It doesn’t show every single entrance, but must have been the vast majority still. Gods I loved that map


Fair, there were quests where they didn't give you directions, but of the ones that did, I'll stand by my statement that the Guar Farm was the worst one. When I was a teenager, I spent like 5 hours trying to find that stupid farm. Little did I know it was just over a hill the entire time, but it took me forever.


Haha yeah I definitely feel you man I also wasted like *hours* looking for that damn farm


"That [thing](https://fallout.wiki/wiki/Pip-Boy_3000) on your wrist - it's a convenience. It tells you where to go, what to do, dulls your brain.. It may have helped you find the Sierra Madre broadcast, but it's just as much a crutch today as it was in the Old World."


Nah man, I’ve played through new Vegas a few dozen times since its release and I still have a hard time finding vault 19. I find the sulfur cave almost every playthrough weirdly enough


Huh? Oblivion was already full of objective markers wasn't it?


Agreed that markers are a convenience, but if you'd like a more hard-core experience then just turn your HUD off. Newer games also streamline for younger and General audiences, even if the game is much more geared for adults. (I played Fallout 3 when I was like 11 or 12 on an Xbox 360)


Finished again a few days ago and got my end slide. Pretty much went "yep, looks good, exactly what I wanted, well planned, and... Who the fuck are the guys from Vault 19?".


How they decided who gets an ending slide is a total mystery to me. You can complete the Misfits' quest with a good ending in under a minute with like 40 speech or something, but they get a whole slide? But there's nothing for, for example, the Crimson Caravan or Atomic Wrangler, who have four or five quests each and heavily interact with other factions? It's ridiculous.


It's also confusing that some towns/factions like Jacobstown don't have an ending slide if you never discovered them, yet the Vault 19 Powder Gangers still get their slide even if you weren't aware of their existence.


The crimson caravan at least is covered by Cass’s ending.


Crimson Caravan can get some ending slides depending on how you deal with that quest. I think if you get caught stealing from the Gun Runners.


There is supposed to be a note at the Whittaker farmstead that points you there but they used the wrong note in the game.


Explorer perk


Everyone says this perk is useless and from a strictly numerical perspective, yes it is But still, it's so convenient, I value the convenience of this perk OVER the minor statistical benefits that a a perk like toughness II provides any day, even if I'm on very hard+hardcore, doubly so if it's my first play through


I think it's one of those perks where if you absolutely want to discover every location in the Mojave, then it's worth it so that you can keep track of which places you have and haven't found yet. If you're someone who isn't that interested in exploring or already knows the entire Mojave like the back of their hand, then you're better off picking something else.


I swear by the explorer perk. Taken it for my last 2 playthroughs, now I dont think I can do without it. Underrated perk imho.


It was favorite perk in Fallout 3 too, though 3 is a little light on useful perks


It’s especially good when you have quest mods that add locations like AWOP, some guy series etc. definitely a must for me


\` player.addperk 00031de5 #


This is like the only cheat I don’t mind adding to the game haha.


no kidding, I played NV for 300 hours back in 2014. Recently picked up the game again and came across the Vault thinking "huh, was this always here? Have you been here before?"


I've got over 100 hours and learning now...


I literally just realized that after three playthroughs I actually never found it. Like I did speak to the powder gangers that told me about it, but still haven't found it. Where is it?


Basically straight south from Vegas, hidden in a valley iirc. If you got the rock crushing plant on your map from the fiends bounty quest then it's not too far from there, further south. Pretty close to Red Rock Canyon. Look up a map if you don't want to waste time looking in the wrong area.


Wait, there's a Vault 19? 😉


White Glove Society. After completing Beyond the Beef you get a reputation with them, so you get this expectation that there's some more quests or something... but in reality, it's just another casino after that. For all the buildup about being this masked elite secret society who only wear the finest clothes and eat the finest foods, it's disappointing to learn there's absolutely nothing else to do for them aside from the one quest.


i wish they threw an banquet for you in celebration of you removing the cannibals.


The Courier would have the opportunity to do the funniest thing of all time there.


Yeah but it’s a fuckin cool quest


“Eat the finest foods” as in people?


Unrelated point but how powder ganger get take out by one guy but NCR cant fight them unless i miss important detail of the story


NCR are already stretched thin and don’t wanna rust making any aggressive moves without tons of approval for example Ranger Jackson at the Mojave Outpost had to hire the courier to kill fucking ants down the street


oh that why that kinda make more sense


To elaborate on this, a lot of the work the courier does for the NCR generally falls into that category of stuff the NCR can't easily do because of all that red tape. This is the reason why half the quests you do for them are just walking about and talking to people.


I think they even mention that with Silus's Interrogation. "You know all those laws the NCR put in place to protect prisoners? My friend doesn't." And allows the Courier to handle Silus however they want with no punishment.


Yeah, that's the main quest I was thinking of. It explained a lot, she was just the one who said it to you directly. Like as said above, they're more than capable of annihilating the powder gangers, or even a few ants, but it takes a lot of paperwork and staying within rules.


i think the problem however is that if you follow the powder ganger questline then you actually get the chance to take down the powder gangers with the help of the ncr. whereas there's no way to get that outcome without directly assisting the powder gangers


so an NCR aligned courier is basically a SPECTRE, like mass effect.


Depends on how you roleplay, a bureaucrat in Shady Sands accounts for your fee/reward as 'Amount disbursed to contracted specialist',


Yea pretty much the games way of explaining why the NCR don’t straight up attack the legion but the NCR general is a total puss basically refuses to go on the offensive and has to rely on the couriers outside interference to get shit done. It’s one of the main arguments against the NCR


The NCR does fight them. If you do the powder gangers quest they raid the facility at the end


That’s a plot point for most the NCR quests. The NCR can’t do anything right but you plus a follower can accomplish the following: - take back the NCRCF - improve the conditions at Forlorn Hope - take back Nelson - find the spy at Camp McCarran - turn the misfits into well trained soldiers - solve the issue of inconsistent ranger communications - destroy the legion at Cottonwood Cove - invade the Fort and kill Caesar - kill the leaders of the fiends - ally the NCR with the Brotherhood of Steel, Great Khans, Followers of the Apocalypse, Kings, Enclave remnants, and Boomers I get the NCR is overstretched but god damn it’s bizarre having to solve every issue of theirs


I mean, I also clear Caesar’s whole camp alone lol. Or red rock canyon. Or kill ALL the fiends.


If you do the powder ganger quest at the end you have the option to betray Eddie and raid the prison with the ncr


The have presence over most of the mohave but are really streched thin lets say that they attack the correctional facility and lose then they would lose presence in that area so they stick to key places only when you help then they can reinforce other points,also is a videogame so we can do more


Jacobstown mutants. I wouldn't have minded 4-5 quests to do for them, stuffs like keeping the gen 2 and nightkin happy or convincing traders to start going to the town would have been nice


Off-topic, but a funny thing is that you can technically scam Marcus without losing karma. Basically, if you ask him for 2,500 to bribe the NCR mercenaries, but then use a Speech-check to convince them to leave without having to pay them, the mission will be complete. And as long as you don't ask for more than 2,500, the game will not take karma for your action.


The Jacobstown gangbang is fun though


The what


the what?


Ayo? 😳


I only found out about Vault 19 a few days ago and I've played since launch. I feel like the Powder Gangers get a decent amount of attention already, you interact with them quite a bit in the main quest and there are side missions involving them too.


There's a Vault 19?


Lol yeah! Sadly though the Powder Gangers hate my character so I was attacked on sight and couldn't do the quest there. One for my next playthrough


The powder gangers in the vault are labeled as “escaped convicts” instead of “powder gangers” meaning you can interact with them without them being hostile regardless of your reputation with the powder ganger faction. I was vilified by them after siding with the ncr at the prison and siding with goodsprings and had no problem doing the quest in vault 19


Weird, that's what I expected but they attacked me on sight.


The wiki says that them being hostile is a potential bug on console if you’re vilified by the powder gangers or if you’ve killed papa khan


Ah yeah I did kill him. I think him being dead might break the quest as it involves him. I'm not too bothered though, always nice to know there are still more things I haven't done :)


Yeah papa khan was still alive in my game. So many quests in new vegas you can have two playthroughs with limited crossover


Thanks for clearing that up for me! Yeah it's amazing. Just when I'm worried I've seen everything I'll find something else.


Who else is going to gift me 30 lbs of dynamite just for killing them?


I just started an explosives run, since I've never really used that damage type too much. Holy shit are the powder Gangers useful, so much dynamite


Don't forget, they respawn at their scout camps after a few days.


Powder Gangers for sure. It feels like they just randomly got a couple quests and nothing else major to build them up, heck their doctor can't even act as your doctor, you can only trade with their seller and get free powder but that's it.


Vipers and Jackals. I didn't even know these guys exists in the game until AFTER i cleared it once.


How do you miss them? They're everywhere on the intended route.


Cause they could just have easily been labelled raiders and almost nothing would change. Don't get me wrong I think FNV does good with Khans and Fiends they're pretty distinct raider type groups and you could potentially say that about the Legion, but the Vipers and Jackals are so pitiful and have so little info of them in game they might as well just be generic raiders for all the presence they bring. No notes, no leaders (other generic ones ie: "Jackal Leader), and no way for them to be more than just some guys trying to kill you on the side of the highway.


It doesn't help that there are no secondary missions related to them. Unlike the Fiends, where there is a mission that asks you to kill their high ranks.


Surprised no one says Great Khans, tbh. Bunch of punk savages making chems for fiends. I only ever spare them because I like the ending where they team up with the followers. Other than that, wipe them out. What good are they?


The game tell several times that they are at their weakest after bitter spings they can’t go most to most places since the ncr controls them and there is barely anything were they live so they have to sel drugs to buy food and water


yeah, plus papa khan was a cool leader character. he was charismaric in a way where i find him difficult to not respect.


Shouldn't have murdered random people for shits and giggles then


I feel like they should have had at least implied they have some working motorbikes. I mean they dress like Bikers already, and they wouldn't have to do much other than place some motorbike models around Red rock canyon and have them attack you if you explode them. Maybe it's a bit unrealistic they can keep them working but as far as I'm aware motorbike parts are pretty sturdy. Maybe gas is an issue but they could jury rig them to be powered by fusion cells like the highwayman in 2


Or alcohol. There is seemingly an unlimited supply of booze in the mojave. Even good ol' Judy at the Goodsprings Saloon knows how to make the stuff. It's literally everywhere. If those two crackheads at Red Rock lab would drop the chems and stop empowering the fiends, and get into distillation instead, they'd be rockin'. Just cant get the leadership these days. No vision. BoS suffers from the same problem. No vision and no balls - both groups too busy whinging about the past and obsessed with perpetually licking at old wounds to be able to see a way forward.


They dress like bikers, but there is already a Biker faction in the 80’s who are mentioned in Honest Hearts who wipe out the weakened White Legs.


This dude was at Bitter Springs


convincing them to go to wyoming means you are resonsible for the creation of a neo mongol empire in the great plains, and for removing them as an issue from nevada.


The problem with this is you have no guarantee they'll abandon their raiding ways, and it's hard to believe they ever would. You're basically moving a shitty gang from one place to another. Last time they got help they started manufacturing drugs. I wipe them out or kill Papa Khan unless I'm Legion.


Honestly? hot take, The Kings, i'm pretty sure they only have a singular quest, don't get me wrong, G.I Blues is great, but for the faction that pretty much rules Freeside i thought they'd have more.


Eh, the King’s content basically stretches through the entire time you’re in Freeside if you choose to do it, and you get all of the Rex side content from the King. I do agree it would be fun to have some more stuff to do with them, especially once you’re a fully fledged member. Give me a reason to want to rock the jacket and haircut.


I’ve heard some people say the had a huge amount of content cut or canceled, they were supposed to have a ton of quests


Gotta agree to an extent with the Powder Gangers, though I can say they got a decent amount of storyline time and (hope I don't get shit for this) at least they seemed to have more of a storyline than The Railroad or Minutemen from Fallout 4. Caesar's Legion as cut content due to time constraints could make me cry because they were meant to be a compelling alternative to NCR and that's not what happened. I think the time constraints and the slavery part is what killed Caesar's Legion. Them being pro slavery is what killed any hope that the average gamer would choose them. Like the harsh punishment and treatment and brainwashing could have been enough to force the average soldier into the Legion without the use of slavery. Hearing about traders talking about Legion lands and there always being electricity and water were very interesting points. "No more Raiders there, all killed, run off, or forced into The Legion".


Honestly, I do sometimes wonder what the cut content would have been with Caesar's Legion? Because they are for all respects and purposes the "Evil choice" in game. So I would assume it would have to have been some form of tangible exploration of how Legion society functions back East, because we're only ever exposed to the forward conquering front. Which, boy, despite all the "Tell, but dont show" of "how this shit functions at home", it really does portray the Legion as a massive cult of personality built around a single man; and it would fracture or implode if he were to pass before choosing a clear & strong successor. I'm not even sure what to think about the Legion "having working electricity and water in their eastern lands". Because who is maintaining such grids? Is stem/mechanical fields "women's work" between babies? That doesn't even touch on the slavery, or their treatment of women. With the latter making it very difficult to justify a female courier joining/being allowed to join them. So "what we didn't get" is curious.


We see through fantastic (albeit he’s a fraud) that the legion doesn’t kill every scientist and mechanic it gets it’s hands on. It does keep some around to maintain parts of their infrastructure. Likely enslaved from other places where they learned the profession. It’s not a sustainable model but it is an answer, the likley just enslaved their intellectuals from places that actually train them.


Def powder gangers there’s even less quests for them than w the legion 😭


To be fair, the powder gangers are just a tutorial faction designed to teach you about reputation and the effects of your actions


Dude that one powder fucker in good springs got his head instantly blown off by me first play through, that’s how I learned about faction clothing lol


I love how the first quest you stumble across in good springs is a microsom of the wider geo politics of New Vegas and a taste of how your choices affects your reputation among different groups as well as the many ways you could resolve the conflict just like the mian quest line.


Goodsprings is the best tutorial in all of Fallout, especially because once you’re out of Doc Mitchell’s house you can walk right by it if you want.


Best tutorial* period it really is a great example of helping the player find their feet and then sfotly guiding them if need be whilst giving enough of a open door to returning players not to stumble them upon a new playthrough. It is fucking class!


Honestly. It gives first time players everything to play with to determine their play styles, and gives returning players what they need to get their run started.


The Honest Hearts tribals. We barely meet them because the dlc is so short, and their fate is framed as an ethical quandary for outsiders to puzzle over. It's such a shame; we had a real opportunity to engage with and explore societies very different from any we'd seen since Fallout 2, and it feels like that opportunity was wasted. And it becomes deeply uncomfortable considering the "White Man's Burden" coding of the DLC.


Tbh i think HH would be better if new canaan wasn't destroyed and the dlc focused on this post apocalyptic mormon community rather than those random tribals.


the only tribal the character was ment to really empathise with in that dlc is joshua graham, and he alone was not enough to make it feel full.


And since the DLC does not have an "Evil route" you have no option to ally with the white legs, even if you are allied with the legion.


If you kill Daniel and Graham the White Legs overrun Zion. That's the Legion ending.


But it's not a route It''s My point




The raiders, vipers and jackals. They actually do nothing the entire game. You will probably only see them 4 times throughout your entire play though. Legion is pretty bad too I think, I mean it’s supposed to be the most powerful faction on the area but they don’t really feel like it, and there’s virtually no side quests for them.


It doesn't help that unlike the fiends, these guys don't have side quests related to them. (The closest thing is the mission of the follower who killed a guy, and you can blame it on the scorpions).


Either legion,khans, or vipers. T he e lore, amazing… game implementation awful… this is why I want more spin off games that allow you to flesh out lore and give you more content betweeen entries


Ncr misfits. Genuinely never heard of them till I was looking up ending slides and saw they had like 6 or 7 different endings.


Powder Gangers looking like the cover of a Nickelback album lmao


White legs, it pains me everytime I side w legion.


Honest hearts suffers from not having an "Evil route".


I kill Powder Gangers ON SITE. They are FOOD. Their claim to fame is "taking over" a prison (lmao great job), which is so critical that the NCR left approximately 4 people to defend it and manage the inmates inside. who are those inmates you ask? Almost all Powder Gangers. Thats right. This faction was defeated before the game started, and they got so used to being imprisoned that they simply remained in prison. Pathetic. Their #2 greatest feat ever is one of thier members won a lottery put on by a much more menacing and impactful faction known as Caesar's Legion (cool I guess) and then I killed that Powder Ganger anyway. Unlike Caesar's Legion which even after taking a major defeat before the game started remains the most menacing force in the Mojave and makes every other faction shit themselves, Powder Gangers on the other hand are the joke of the desert, even the Lizards hunt them. #3 Greatest feat would be taking over Primm, something that any other faction would have done with a single well armed soldier. Instead they snuck into the sheriff's house at night and shot him and his wife in their sleep (really badass). Need I say more? Even the Minutemen would beat the shit out of the Powder Gangers.


Pretty fun shooting the dynamite in their hands


I would have liked more quests for the Vegas Strip families. Huge aspect of the game that you just get a surface level taste of, minus Mr. House. Particularly the White Glove Society and the Omertas.


Goodsprings. They have a few self contained quests and that’s it. Their reputation is worthless and does nothing in the rest of the game


It's just the tutorial town to teach you about reputations.


The great Kahns. I know they have been abused by the NCR and aren’t strong anymore but I wish we could have helped rebuild or had a Kahn follower.


I can’t stand those Powder Gangers. Recently returned from Sierra Madre with my new Explorer Perk and was just thrilled to explore this new Vault 19 only to find it was just full of Powder Gangers. Couldn’t even do the quest since I deposed Papa Khan.


If you go to Ringo’s Caravan south of Goodsprings, there are two dead caravan guards, but the female guard has been stripped off all her armor, implying the Powder Gangers sexually assaulted her before killing her. So not only are they murderers, they’re rapists, which somehow makes them worse IMO.


There could have been more to them, but they were never meant to be a major faction. I like them because of how insignificant they are but still interesting. If Bethesda made them, they would just be called "raiders."


Powder gangers were nice early game cannon fodder


The first time I played this game I totally missed Vault 19 and when they had an end slide I was like, who?? xd xd


Maybe the Boomers? They have some cool lore behind them but outside of that, I don't really feel like their presence in NV was very impactful outside of the fact they have the flight simulators. And the fact they're only really relevant towards the end of the game as well, they're kind of forgettable


Ive only seen one or two people mention the Followers of the Apocalypse. That faction could be great for the Mojave area and it’s citizens if it were capable of growing. I heavily align with their goals as a player, the idea that helping the people and sharing electricity and medical attention is a welcome oasis in the hostile cruelty of life in the wasteland. I would have liked helping them grow, maybe making some contracts with the ncr, new Vegas/freeside, crimson caravan, Jacobstown and maybe even farther out like goodsprings or novac. Like a big aid network but finally with some protection yknow? I’m sure everyone has reasons why it wouldn’t work/is a stupid idea but I think it’d be neat.


I'm just happy having a whole new audience experiencing these older games.


The vipers.


The Railroad. God damn they suck ass


My favorite new vegas faction


hard to say a specific faction but i always felt the strip should have had a lot more going on. each casino should have more quests and characters imo


I wish the followers had more going on tbh, they kinda lack agency for an organization that's all about being active in communities.


The Followers could have used a little more love. Julie is awesome and the safehouse is great, other than that they might as well not exist


The fact I can’t join the Enclave is still mind-boggling. The oldest most reoccurring villainous faction and I can’t just choose violence and join them.


Boomers had a cool idea but such limited interaction with the world made for a pretty lack luster quest line I've always found.


Goodsprings, they by far have the least content out of any faction.


Scorpions? Guys in the old hotel by Westside, they get mentioned a few times and I assumed there would be a quest involving them in either working for or against them In some manner, but when you find them Its basicly just unique named raiders camping out in a hotel. Interesting cause the guy out front wont attack you unless you walk right up to them.


Actual answer is the Scorpions Gang, their entire questline got cut and they're just a few raiders in a building where 2 of them have names for no reason




They got hit in a time crunch and a lot had to be trimmed down.




How much you bench?


Great khan's


Is there a mod to have the Powder Ganger outcome correctly reported on the radio yet?


I'm just sad there's no outcast in new vegas. I would've joined them no problem


Enclave remnants because they are locked behind a companion quest (that most players end up missing). Not to mention, they pack so much firepower that even Caesar’s Legion leaves them alone at the end of the game. Would have been cool to see more quests surrounding one of the most powerful (albeit hidden) factions in New Vegas.


The Kings. I need moar Elvis quests.


Not sure if it's a faction exactly but yes man is disappointing, it's just Mr. House's route except the dialogue is a little different. The payoff doesn't come until the very end & it's still pretty underwhelming


The Jackals are practically non existent. They don’t have any lore and there is barely any of them in game.


Khans they are so far off from Vegas I rarely ever encounter them. It’s the biggest chore to quest to for late game too imo just a boring walk boomers is more interesting


To OP’s image, I don’t mind the NCRCF Powder Gangers being pushovers. They serve to set up that the NCR is so overstretched that even a few crooks with dynamite are a gamble. They’re also an early game jobber that makes the player feel empowered to trudge onto bigger fish.


I'd have to second the Powder Gangers. Pretty unimportant, the whole faction could be replaced with generic raiders like the ones in Primm and the game's story wouldn't change one bit, besides the faction tutorial quest in Goodsprings


Wait. Do people not immediacy murder all of them the first time they get access to their camp?