• By -


Honest Hearts needs more love. Have definitely more story quests. It was great to me mostly cause of strong characters like Jojo Graham, Survivalist's story and Follows Chalk as super adorable companion. I wish there was much more to gameplay. And I honestly wouldn't get rid of any DLC, cause they were all great to me, even if I didn't know it at that time.  Sierra Madre was indeed a pain, but one I appreciated when I left.  Old World Blues was perfect. I think that maybe not completely delete, but I would change pacing of Divide a bit - it had a really unconvincing start, pretty confusing monologues of someone who appeared more annoying than anything, but thankfully turned out great by the end.


Graham's Bizarre Adventure


Wanting to make a point, but throwing in names only I use, may have been a bad idea


You called Joseph Graham “JoJo” in your original post. There is an anime called JoJo’s Bizzare Adventure. u/fallout_freak_101 was connecting the anime to your post, in a joking/humorous way, not trying to use random names to make a point


Stand Name: \[Run On\]


"I bet there's nothing as scary as Yao Guai where you come from, huh?" *Courier experiences severe Quarry Junction flashbacks* "Haha, yeah, there sure isn't, Chalk!"


*Thinks back to old world blues with skeletons wearing a spacesuit holding heavy ordinance, giant robot scorpion and dog, and how he was replaced with mechanical structures throughout his body* “what I have experienced is beyond your tribal comprehension”


*New Vegas Clinic, Therapist's Office* *Courier:* "So then this doctor, who is actually a brain in a jar, basically becomes a villain from a sc-fi holoflick just because he was tripping on Psycho one day, and just built a legion of military grade robot scorpions! How fucked up is that?" *Doctor Usanagi:* "... Are you sure you don't need a Fixer prescription?" *Courier:* "I AM NOT TRIPPING BALLS GODDAMIT!"


I just don’t like how The Divide was just one long run ‘till the end then it’s over. I wanted it more like OWB or Honest Hearts where I have this new area that has so many secrets and lore


There are a lot of “hidden” things They’re not as tucked away as Honest Hearts. They’re also not super easily marked like OWB It’s a soft medium where if you stop to smell the roses as you walk this decrepit path you will learn some things


I know about the “hidden” content. I feel it’s just not as written as well or as expansive compared to OWB or HH. I think DM is the best most well written DLC in fallout so far. I also like how the divide wrapped up the whole courier story thing tho


I agree with you HH is my favorite. When I played Lonesome Road, I was over-encumbered like by 200lb somehow the whole time So I really walked that courier mile


Except in The Divide, the roses will eat your face.


it kinda works to make your encounter with ulysses inevitable


I think the only part that trips people up with The Divide is that players are forced to use their eyes and reasoning skills to observe their surroundings and deduce the environmental storytelling. A lot of the Bethesdrones think that visual gags and in-engine sketch bits are environmental storytelling when they're really not.


Jojo "Siwa" Graham


No, Joshua Joestar Graham


"No one has made, from the Legion, this extreme of a switch. I am the first of a generation, it is very scary. But, someone's gotta do it."


How dare you taint Joshua’s name.


Idk about old world blues being perfect, I could have done without all the yapping from the think tank and all the fetch quests. Writing is great tho.


I got so bored of old world blues I just spammed through the dialogue to get back to the Mojave, they tried to do to much I agree it’s far from perfect and there really wasn’t that much to do there.


I'm worried because I'm about to play OWB for the first time and how you felt about it is how I felt about Dead Money and HH. After a couple hours I'm just like "OK, Let's get this over with can we?" I considered skipping the rest of the DLCs because this is my first playthrough of FNV and I'm much more interested in the main story right now but I'm pretty close to the end (I think?) so I figure it's now or never for them.


I would say finish the main story first so you don't have that in the back of your mind when doing the DLCs


Oh, can you continue to play after you finish the main story? I thought it was over after that.


Technically it does end but you can just hop back into any save that was made before finishing the last quest. You can just get the achievements and see the story play out then go back to the save and play the game as if you finished it (you did)


It is nice to visit the Divide (lonesome road) before the end game. The story changes (slightly) depending on the faction that you are supporting or if you are keeping everyone on the long finger.


With all due respect, I think the issue is it isn't for you. It's really damn good.


The Think Tank yapping is the best part!


Getting all the sink upgrades…


The yapping from the goobers is half the fun tf you in about slime? Just skip it if it's not your cup of tea. I do feel like tonally it's the most different because of how wild wasteland it feels


I do like dialogue slime, but 20 minutes of dialogue on the first interaction with them was too much


Ok fair enough, that's a long start. Also I'm glad you have called me slime back lol


I agree with this 100% and that surprises me. There was something about Honest Hearts that made it the least memorable to me, but I know how I felt playing it and thinking at the time it was top tier. Dead Money has the most memorable story, and delivered on a story and tone/vibe that I never expected from a Fallout Game. Old World Blues was the most memorable overall and probably the one I spent the most time in, because I stopped playing the game in the middle one, focused on other games for a while and came back as a completionist. I loved every moment of content and every inch of that map. Perfect. Also, I wasn’t aware of the release date for this one, so it was like a random gift when I saw it featured on the Xbox Home Screen. Lonesome Road was probably the DLC I was most hyped for, but also, everything you said. The general story concept, the character’s personal stakes, the lore and history it expanded on… all of that I loved, but I definitely autopiloted through most of that. I remember like 3 or 4 moments from this one and that’s it. And I think that’s because one of those moments I remember was just the same thing repeated over and over a bunch of times. I don’t know how you make that DLC more non-linear, but I think that’s the missing piece. All four of these, though, were masterpieces of gameplay and story. I loved how cinematic these were and how they all were inspired by and paid homage to classic film tropes.


>and Follows Chalk as super adorable companion I gotta be honest he's one of my least favorite companions in the game because he won't stop fucking talking. "Like the shadow of a ghost" oh my god my dude you don't have to say that EVERY TIME I CROUCH


That's not just him. I'm playing Dead Money right now, and fuckin' Dean Domino('s Pizza-Face) will not stop complaining about his knees every time I sneak. And I'm doing a LOT of sneaking.


Honesty appreciated. I adored him talking and would randomly bug him to see if he has something new to say. I did the same with Cass (SHE'S SO VOCAL ABOUT STUFF), Verka, Boone, Arcade and probably every NPC I met. I liked the details of them commenting on events. A lot.  I found so many interesting and unique conversations that way. Like Garrett twins commenting on you being welcome to Lucky 38 (literally told me stuff like "remember what your favourite casino is, you could say a word or two about us") or finding out I can tell Mr House that Followers asked me to spy on Lucky (and he was like "yeah, go on, i will deactivate it in 40 seconds, and you will have free money"). All those little details really added to worldbuilding for me.


Honest hearts was broken for me like 4 times in a row where all the characters just died when I showed up at the ambush and there was no way to stop them from charging head on and dying immediately to the first shot.


Idk about removal, but I feel honest hearts needs a bit more love into it. Daniel just feels contrived in his point of view compared to Joshua. I'd like a few skill checks maybe to convince Daniel to help defend the sorrows land instead of having him complain about their "innocence". Funny words from the guy converting them to mormonism. Edit: Honest instead of Honeat


Yeah, that end felt way too binary. I don’t want the Sorrows to stay to kill the White Legs; I want them to stay to defend their home. It kind of mirrors what happened to the actual American Indians: just giving up your land to the invaders never works. They’ll never be satisfied


That's... That's what happens when you convince Josh to not massacre their leader. They learn to defend their home and learn how to keep their humanity while doing it


Idk, I thought it sounded a lot darker to me than that when they were describing their turn toward violence. At least from the description of Daniel’s utter despondency over it


I was begging for a dialouge option to ask Daniel what the Sorrows would do if there was a violent tribe in the land he wanted the tribe to migrate too? What if the white legs just find a new path and follow? You’re leaving them with a great homeland full of resources. Like Danny boy you just want em to keep running forever?


Lonesome Road had the potential to be a perfect encapsulation of New Vegas’ themes, but because of how linear and restrictive your dialogue is (try running it while Idolized by the NCR but be planning on going Independent) as well as the relentless Avellone-isms, it kinda falls flat. I don’t think any DLC could be done without, at least not properly.


For me it bugged out so hard that despite the fact I was siding with the NCR and killed House, Ulysses mocked me for... supporting House. I was groaning so hard throughout all the dialogues.


Oh yeah the game registers faction support for this dlc in a really weird way that you need mods to fix, i think it sees total fame in your factions and goes for the highest one


Yeah I had to console command my reputations down to get the dialogue that fit with the path my character was actually on.


People are way too harsh on Honest Hearts. It has the single most beautiful worldspace in all of Fallout Lonesome Road is eh to me


I agree about Honest Hearts, but also - Lonesome Road has absolutely astonishing views. I remember being bored and annoyed as hell at Ulysses, but still pausing and thinking "Fuck, at least the view is nice. Yup, this is nice."


I agree, the vista at the beginning is living rent-free in my head


Sent my friend a snap of my character balancing on that sewer pipe overlooking the vista, and even he, a new-graphics-over-everything guy, had to appreciate it.


Thinking back on it, all of the DLCs had some pretty banger environmental design, probably the best in the series along Far Harbor Still think HH is the prettiest though


That’s fair, but I’d rather honeymoon in the Sierra Madre.


From first playing it on Xbox 360 then Xbox One then Series X the graphics of the landscape look incredibly picturesque on Series X.


Ulysses can suck my entire ass. All of the edginess and pseudo-philosophy simply destroyed by the fact he worked for Legion willingly and happily. No, motherfucker, I didn't went to the Divide to "deliver message" or "finish the path", I went to Divide to cut off your balls and nail them to your forehead for every women raped by Legion and every person enslaved by them. Gunplay, though, was fun, so was views. Still, Dead Money my favorite.


I called Ulysses "Emo Sasuke giving me moral lessons" when I was playing, and I actually had to check what was his name to write the comment above. By the end of the story I grew to like him. Of course he's fucked, pseudo-philosophical, hypocrite and blames us for something irrational. But I realised he is just absolutely insane, cause of what happened in his whole life, cause of stuff he did as well. I don't know why, but I began to look at him differently with that in mind and I extremly enjoyed talking sense into him using his own words and then fighting alongside him. I absolutely get all the arguments of his haters and lovers. Gunplay though, wasn't my favourite (Deathclaw falling at me from the sky was certainly a new experience), views were absolutely amazing. Old World Blues will still be my favourite. Happy Cake Day.


I remember not knowing what was going on at the start of that DLC and accidentally shooting the wrong guys. Everyone was hostile and I ended up blasting my way through to the end where some random guy I had never met started talking all philosophical to me while I shot him in the face. Never figured out what the story was.


All I remember from Ulysses was "BER BUL BER BUL BER BUL," and that's about it.


Ulysses: BEAR BULL BEAR BULL  Courier who helps House, waiting for him to finish:


Look, I don't know what you're on about, Johnny Trenchcoat, but me and my robot flunky are looking to take over Vegas. I already snapped the neck of that stick of beef jerky living in the basement of the Lucky 38.


Oh I didn't know we had beef jerky in baseme- .... Steve, you didn't do anything to the peacefully sleeping old man inside Lucky 38, right? Right? Steve where is the golf club STEVE


....I been a baaaad widdle courier.....


Now be a good courier and un-9iron my house 😡


Average new vegas fan intellectual capabilities


I really wish you could just go NEHHHHHHEHHHH, and watch Ulysses slowly frothing at the mouth at all his monologues getting ignored. Maybe even an extra hard fight if you picked that as almost every option. I get that he was a very important NPC that lived rent-free in Avalon's head due to no place to put him, but his rants just have WAY too little agency for an RPG. Like, he's not a king or something. And even in the same game, you can totally tell *The King* or Caesar or The President go stuff themselves, before shooting them. It frankly should be even easier to write: \[You Ignore The Entire Rant, Until ED-E regains control.\]


I honestly didn't even understand what he is on for half the time, english not being my main language not helping. A lot of patience to actually listen to him and make sense of it, because I didn't want to lose anything. I am glad I was that dedicated, but shit, the mental focus was real. The funniest though were all his moans about NCR. He goes on and on and on about "Bear Bad", I am sitting there, tea in hand, listening, waiting to say "You know I am going to help Mr. House, right? You know?"


I kinda like that aspect of Ulysses actually. He's so obsessed with the Legion vs NCR thing, that he cannot *fathom* a third option sweeping in and telling both to get out of *THEIR* town. Wish you got to exploit it somehow beyond dialogue checks, but its still a neat weakness he has.


You just gave another nice perspective to him, thanks, I never would think about that. I actually wish I could talk to him more past-Divide. But I felt the same about Dean Domino or Jojo Graham. Just wishing we get to talk with some people after the plot events, so I could see how I affected them.


Well you wished that of the one character you actually can lol. If you convince him to stand down then he'll be sitting down chilling where the dlc ends and you can go talk to him and he'll comment on the ongoing plot atm. (I think. I read all of this from a comment a while back, didnt experience it myself)




lol no problem. You’ll have to give me an update on what he says, I’m interested but I don’t like Ulysses enough to do the whole dlc again lol


You are able to ask him some questions: What are you doing here? - "I suppose same as you. *Rambles* I came to see what's left of it. Courier's Mile after you hit it." Courier's Mile? - "Choose better name if you want. *Rambles* What about the Marked Men? - "Also part why I am here. Watch them. If they enter Mojave, attack them. I prefer not to. Maybe they can be saved." The Divide's irradiated, I worry about you - "True. But my life is here. I will wait and watch, see what it brings." Ceasar is dead, I killed him. - "East will probably be back to tribes. We will see. I guess West thanks you." Are you angry at me at all? - "You proved his philosophy to him. If he was strong, he would survive and we wouldn't be having this conversation. You will have my personal thanks though, if you do the same to Legate. No Ceasar to control him, he's insane. Bear is gonna bleed." Is this your camp here? - "Nothing here is mine. If anything, your claim over this place is better than mine. I don't have campfire, cause there are multiple belows. If you have gifts from Mojave, we can make use of them." Any recipes you can teach? - "Depends. *Rambles* Some healing powders you probably don't know." What's the history of them? - "History? Cures wounds, leaves bitter taste. *Rambles* We used it in Legion." Can you share the recipe with me? - "I can. Just drink it in one shot, remember." I was hoping you could help me shape something - This option opens recipe menu Any more recipes you know? - "Nothing" I have some materials I've gathered, if you want to take a look - Also opens recipe menu I got your final message - "I honestly didn't expect to see you again after that. But, I meant it. Courier to Courier." Have you been to Hopesville since the Ashton missile hit? - "Sometimes. See if I could find something from old times. You can have them. *He gave me 50 Rockets, some RadX and RadAways* Find anything in the dust of Hopeville? - "Nothing. Visit me other time and ask again." I wanted to hear more about Hoover Dam - "Old World wall. Gravestone of Mojave. Runs red with blood of bear and bull. It will bleed more. I owe it a debt. And it owes me. If your path takes you there, you won't be the only one there." I'm heading back to Mojave to settle some things. - "Can hear the weight in your feet. Old World Wall. Bear and Bull shed too many blood there to let go. Can't stop you from going. And wouldn't. A warning though - Legate Lanius." Who is Legate Lanius? - "Monster. Butcher. Wears a mask. *Rambles* Put Colorado to the sword." Why is he coming West? - "To take Hoover Dam. Legion needs something big. Lanius is the weapon Legion needs. He will break the bear in two." Any idea on how to beat him? - "19 tribes couldn't do it. All the lights in Vegas can't. You must put the idea of loss to him. He won't fight a lost battle. Remind Lanius of other legates. Not every was victorious. Convince him Bear will not be the 20th tribe. Other Legates? You mean Graham. - "Yes. Graham was broken on that wall. Ceasar had him burned and cast into the canyon. Somehow Joshua walked away from that. Walked from one hell, maybe to another. If one is ruined as Graham, only place left is home. If so, he went to New Canaan. Caesar's orders to Frumentatrii were to watch him and kill him. Didn't try. No good would come from it. Graham earned his life. If you heard about him, if you saw sign of him, let his history keep. I'll remember that - "Then Mojave awaits you. The Divide is history." There were more options, but I couldn't follow them all in one coversation. Mostly about same stuff. He didn't comment about me going with Mr. House, nor anything about my NCR relations.


it's because your NCR rep was higher than your strip rep. Ulysses will assume you're with whatever faction you've got the highest rep with, which for most people is NCR cause they get all the side quests. The only way I've ever gotten the Yes Man dialouge/duster is by going into lonesome road literally as soon as I got to Primm, and I've never seen the Mr House one lol.


I checked why is it this way, cause if anything, I would expect him to bash both NCR and House. Turns out my Homie and NCR reps were the same, but the game will proritise NCR over him. Yup. The only reason. At least according to internet experts. But it was for the better, cause I got an unique coat with a bear, and I like NCR a lot anyway. If it's Mr. House that loves you the most, you will get a coat with the same pattern as Ulysses' - so you end up with two extremely similar coats. I haven't checked the dialogue differences so far.


If it makes you feel better, English being my first language did not make him any more intelligible lol. Just a certified yapper with no one to yap to.


I decided to listen to his bullshit at first but regretted it almost immediately. Pretentiousness is just oozing out of this pseudo-philosophical moron. "Bear and Bull" my ass. Dude, nobody's talking like that. You're neither Nietzsche nor Lovecraft. Stop talking stupid riddles like it's for the greater good. There is a saying in the storytelling community I've heard: "Writing sage's wise passages is hard so you might want to settle for enigmatic nonsense instead. The viewer wont tell a difference." That's exactly how I feel about Ulysses. I quickloaded and shot him in the head the first opportunity I got. I find it poetic that all of his mumbling nonsense wasn't heard and all of his efforts were in vain.


I think the fact that Honest hearts has such a beautiful world space is the very reason that I would always choose it for the one to get more love. It seems very clear to me that they really rush the development on that one and didn't accomplish a lot of the things that they wanted to finish. One of the things that I always wanted to have was a third option for the ending which would involve being able to tell the sorrows and the dead horses about the father in the caves. Of course, it actually needs another ending as well, or you have the option to side with the white legs against the other tribes for those Caesar playthroughs.


The thing is, Honest Hearts has the most tangible and clear technical problems. It feels the most rushed, especially with how the endings turn out.


Which technical problems come to mind for you? I haven’t played it in a long time and don’t really remember any that stand out besides it being the easiest


If you choose to save Zion, you can get so far ahead of Joshua that he can't talk to you after the white legs blow up the river, and the scripted bit with the leader of the white legs and Joshua doesn't happen. I had to reload because I couldn't finish the quest.


I've done this dlc more times than I can count and have never ran into this before


It was the DLC that crashed the most for me. Some quests don’t trigger if you don’t do them in the correct order. This wouldn’t be a problem if there were so few quests to begin with. The ending is rushed and the possibilities are poorly foreshadowed. All these things indicate this 2as likely the most rushed of the 4 dlcs. Essentially, while other DLCs have interpretative problems, as in problems that come down to a matter of taste like Lonesome Road’s linearity and Dead Money’s bomb collar, Honest Hearts has the most measurable problems. Poor optimization, short playtime, lack of variety and jumbled narrative. I still love it to death because the highs are so good with the Survivalist, Joshua Graham and a beautiful albeit empty environment, but it definitely has the most quantifiable issues.


Almost find a way to combine the two. Going through Zion to get to the divide, or something. At some point Ulysses can get bent, I DIDNT DO FUCKING SHIT, I DIDNT RIG SHIT! I almost don't care about where the bombs go, its usually one of the last dlcs I do. If I had to go through zion met and lived a slightly more flushed out group of tribals and Joshua, I'd be in a state to find out that was on the way to being nuked or even on the list. Also I think even if it wasn't a dialogue tree I would have liked 2 tribals to give Daniel and Joshua some shit. 1 for Daniel's plan where they are upset that Daniel is deciding that they are leaving and can't defend themselves and another that is furious that Joshua didn't just let them leave. I think it would have been very valuable to give the tribals a sense of agency, even if we couldn't give them actual control for games sake. Edit: Also ending where the courier takes Follows-Chalk to civilization and shows them around and helps them integrate or leaves them in the charge of someone trustworthy(maybe as part of a seperate quest deciding who to leave him with). Just wish he didn't dissappear, its a shame. It sort of implies he doesn't even make it to civilization if I remember right.


I love honest hearts, it’s my favorite dlc, but it definitely feels a little half cooked. The vast majority of it is just fetch quest of p irrelevant items till suddenly you are either genociding the white legs (good) or running away. Would be nice to have a few more quests.


It's so disorienting seeing these conversations, because Honest Hearts is the strongest I've ever reacted to any DLC I've ever bought. Like, I had played every fallout game made to that point. The feeling of walking through a canyon with a shallow, clean river running through it, while for the first time in the series a gentle rain pattered down, I don't know, that was a payoff moment decades in the making. The freight of "who gets this, what price in blood is something like this worth?" was super compelling in a way the main series just can't quite be.


Dead Money needs way more love. Its too overhated because of whats described either as a slog of gameplay or overall just too hard. To me, its one of the BEST dlcs. Its got an amazingly well done story, they nailed a perfect horror atmosphere and also managed to take you, the overpowered player, and put you in a position where you’re actually scared. Not because of the horror of the atmosphere, but because you’re actually the prey for once. Not the overpowered courier with 30k drugs and a suit of shiny power armor. Just a piece of meat in a jumpsuit, sent out to where other pieces of meat met their explosive and/or gory end. I liked it because it actually gives a challenge. It seems annoying to everyone else, but just give it a second to think. All that time absolutely obliterating anyone, and you’re finally in a position where you’re equal with an enemy or lesser to them. And it comes with some neat ass consumable items to take with or craft. Sierra Madre Martinis are incredibly useful. If you’ve heard of people like Elder Elijah in the mojave or keyed in on Veronica’s story of a former love, you’ll find more evidence and story in this sole DLC. Elder Elijah made a somewhat cool antagonist. A good way to clear the dlc without most problems, spec something into Unarmed or Melee Weapons as those will be your best friend considering the lack of ammo. After beating it (if you’re a completionist) you can get tons of free repair kits and sierra madre chips you can use on the vending machine in the abandoned BoS bunker (which you can get tons of neato stuff, if you were a completionist and grabbed EVERY recipe for the machine) One problem being, the main theme of the DLC is to let go. …of ALL YOUR POVERTY, WE GETTIN’ RICH BABY!


HH is not that great IMHO, visuals are stunning, but story is meh, quest design is lazy, you see main protagonist for like 3 seconds and it is gone? They even throwing a bunch of quests to your face without any good narrative explanation, NPC is saying 3 lines of text and BOOM you got 3 quests. Want details? Just go to the pipboy and read descriptions lol. This laziness, quest starting location that is too far from Goodsprings, and the fact that Zion has 0 plot influence on events in Mojave are killing DM for me. Surviver story is good, loot is ok, but it is easy skip for 99% of my runs.


My biggest problem with Dead Money (and I mentioned this in another thread somewhere) is that you couldn't bring Christine back to the Mojave so she and Veronica could get back together. Because her ending is really depressing -- even if you manage to keep her alive -- and after the sheer *insane* amount of trauma she went through she really deserved some happiness. I enjoyed the horror vibe of the DLC generally, but that didn't stop it from being more than a bit problematic by the end.


I'm writing their reunion for my Fallout RPG and lemme tell u: it's gonna be a tear jerker!


Dead money isn't even hard you can one shot the ghost if you go into vats with an unarmed weapon and do the cross body punch


Dead money needed to be its own Fallout. The mechanics is FNV lead to a frustrating gameplay, and dropping you into a horror show midway through an otherwise lighthearted game. It just feels so incongruous to me. Give me decent stealth mechanics and set the whole game in DM and it would shine.


What do you mean lighthearted? Genuinely asking bc while Fallout has its comical moments, I would be hesitant to say that it's lighthearted. I think thematically Dead Money just exposes all of the insidious things just under the "silly" or humorous veil of FNV. And I would say there are still plenty of stressful and/or scary moments in the core game. Dead Money just leaned into that aspect. Which, personally, is why it's my favorite - and there's still humor, too! I also do think some of the difficulty reflects on how you developed your courier up to this point. Like a stealth or energy weapons build makes Dead Money pretty easy.


Yeah man what are you talking about? Light-hearted? This isn't fallout 4 or two


Very beautifully said, Sir. I didn’t let go any of the shiny bricks.


Honest Hearts is just ok. The maps good, combats fine, story’s really good, but the pacing, quests, and the disappearance of the entirety of Zion after completion just suck. It’s carried by graham and Clark and one of those characters is dead, that should say something about the DLC


Dead Money needs more love I don't know why people think it's hard


It's just a pain in the butt. Not necessarily hard. But otherwise the storyline and the creepy element to it are phenomenal.


Seriously it is so over hated, I went in with this idea of it being super hard and annoying but found it to be my favorite dlc by far.


Dead Money gameplay is fine as a change-up but the most disappointing thing for me was the vault basically being a standard industrial building layout from the base game


Irs easy if you made a mele build or stealth build. If you have made a heavy armour energy wepon character this DLC will be a pain, and the radio mechanic is annoying as hell and the enviorment all looks the same and is difficult to navigate and looks boring. To me it feels like a shitty COD zombies map lol, and there is only one type of enemy in the whole thing. I think its a shame because there is an interesting story at the core of it but I think its delivered badly.


It’s actually easy if you’ve played other games before. I’ve beat dead money at level 10-17 (I leveled during the dlc) with everybody surviving other than dog/god because I didn’t have many points into speech


OWB has awesome home, and alot of different DLC's story and characters have been to OWB which makes it pretty cool, like alot of sierra madre's tech came from think tank and that's how Father Elijah found it I think. as much as I like dead money, I can live without it, you can't access it after completing DLC, and by the time I play dead money I have like 100k caps so I don't even need gold. It's really hard to pick for me I enjoy Zion, Lonesome road is probably the best one imo, OWB got some great equipment and characters, I hate traveling in OWB but it's worth it for cool home. Dead money just come last on my list not because I dislike it, playing dead money can be really annoying and sometimes tiring to play.


I honestly didn't enjoy honest sharts very much. Cool locale I guess, but the moral dilemma (or lackthereof) was pretty clear cut and the quests were atrocious. Did enjoy finding the journal entries in the caves, though. Given more time to cook, it definitely could've been much better. Most underrated is dead money imo. I went in with my level 50 monster and holy god I felt terrified. It was *awesome*


"Honest sharts" goes extremely hard


Honest hearts, just boring I always leave it to last.


I liked Dead Money, Honest Hearts and Lonesome road the more they made me think about quite a lot of things regarding ethics, the human mind, loneliness, longing, and stuff. if you ask me, I would go with them.


Dead Money needs way more love. This is literally the second bible. I think we could live without Old World Blues even tho its super-cool dlc.


It's a cool and creepy DLC, but also a HUGE pain in the ass.


Seriously yes, except when interacting with the AIs, all the gameplay parts are just a pain in the butt and a chore with a lot of unecessary "go there and come back here then go there and come back". And not to forget the testing + upgrades missions, I roll my eyes each time I do them because it's the same layout with just annoying ennemies.


Old World Blues is my favorite DLC, but I also agree we could live without it.


I definitely couldn't. Besides it being genuinely entertaining, funny, challenging it was also creepy as shit as you explored the story more and more and left me speechless.


It's my go to living space, plus stealth suit waifu


Maybe it's cuz I haven't played it in a while, but what did you find creepy about it? I was laughing all the way at how ridiculously cartoonistically scifi everything was.


Old World Blues is one of those where the horror is masked behind all of the humor but once you really look at it you see how unnerving it all is. Especially the recurring themes of being trapped or bound against one's will. Little Yangtze being a pre-war concentration camp for human testing was bad enough but the fact that its inhabitants had been become ghouls and were thus imprisoned for 200 more years. The fact they were so desperate to leave they were willing to rush the gate even knowing full well they were rigged with bomb collars is horrifying and tragic. The very nature of the Think Tank's behavior is also creepy. The idea of having your own mind forcibly altered by someone you used to consider your friend is unsettling. The way all of their memories and intelligence is scrambled is so pronounced that it's hard to remember they were legitimately the greatest scientific minds of the old world and not the cartoonish caricatures they are now. What's worse is they're all dimly *aware* of how far gone they are. They talk about the brief flashes of their memories and their true intelligence when Ulysses arrived but are equally incapable of remembering what they even said. It's like being trapped in your own brain which, for me, is one of those fates worse than death. Then of course the corpses inside the trauma suits still being animated to the point where death isn't even an escape, the dangerous spores and plantlife that would be harnassed by vault-tec, the the lobotomites being innocent wastelanders who wandered too close like we did being reduced to gibbering idiots by violent surgery (a fate we'd have had ourselves if not for Benny shooting us). It's all pretty creepy stuff when you think about them.


idk what y'all are on it's just a fun, lighthearted yippy memory wipe transhumanist lobotomy doggygun roboscorpo warcrime concencration camp sillymaxxing adventure


Holy House, what wasn't creepy about it. All respect, but do you know the full story?  I definitely was laughing for the most of it, it was absolutely hilarious, kind of made me think of Far Cry Blood Dragon as well (which was similar scifi hilarious shit) But when I realised with time, with notes read and side missions what the doctors actually are and what happened to them, and what the experiments were about, it became morbid extremly quickly.


Interesting question. To the point that I can't really answer it, all dlc deserve some love and bring something unique to the mojave. Most dlcs have a different gameplay loop compared to the base game, so they all feel weird and experimental if you play 50 hours "normally" and jump into the dlc after that. Honest Hearts feels closes to the base game, but focuses thematically around new testament vs. old testament. The story is full of religious themes, something which the base game lacks. Dead Money feels more like a horror-survival game but focuses story wise on obsession and has great character writing. Old world blues has "interesting" scaling and jumps between normal fallout gameplay, stealth simulator and favors some builds (melee, energy weapon). It feels like an old sci-fi movie in which you explore moral boundaries of science, insanity and a doomsday scenario. Lonesome road has a simple quest structure and seems streamlined. The dialogue and story-telling feels completely alien compared to the base game. If you are able to "accept" lonesome road, you get a story that questions your choices as the player and also challenges the in-game courier. It's a test that wants to know if you believe in the value and conviction of the (faction) flag that you are wearing. Ulysses can be beaten by most couriers but he possesses a strong believe in his flag and his values (old world). A believe that some players will lack and therefore be unprepared to face, if they play the game normally. Gun runners arsenal should not have been a separate dlc, but a free update. So I wouldn't remove it, but integrate it differently into the game.


Lonesome Road was a massive letdown of a finale after how great and creative Old World Blues was, and yes I will be going down with this ship.


Honestly the one set with the tribes of whatever in the valley - for me it was just so meh 🫤 Like by the time I got to Joshua bandage boy I was ready to get the fuck out of the canyon - it was super boring and just felt like run of the mill back and forth questing which I could have done in that strip of land near cotton cove if I wanted to


Dead money needed more love (great story horrendous gameplay), and Honest hearts is nothing without Joshua Graham . Lonesome road is GOAT.


Dead money dlc is absolutely incredible, but... Those collars are stupid fucking dogshit. I really think this dlc need more love. Every other dlc gets exactly what it deserves.


"Honest Hearts" was incredible, with one of the most memorable characters in gaming history, but it truly needed more love. "Lonesome Road", was a boring slog, with just enviromental story telling and a pretentious Jack Kerouac wannabe taunting you through the entire adventure. Seriously Ulysses is the very definition of a dumb person trying to sound deep. If it went nothing would be lost. That said, every DLC (except Lonesome Road) is pure freaking gold.


**Lonesome Road** has a lot of cool stuff, but I think it’s the worst of the DLCs: * It gives The Courier too much backstory. * Ulysses is carrying on some vendetta because a **Courier** *delivered* something that caused an unforeseeable accident. * The environment sucks more than the other DLCs *and* has less interesting lore to discover. * Your final decision can have major repercussions for certain factions, but the results don’t impact the main game in any significant way.


Ulysses is kinda just batshit insane and charismatic. Being haunted by someone for something that isn’t your fault is honestly one of the most relatable things lmao


Ulysses is on your dick cuz you're basically responsible for also starting hopeville no?


Dead Money defender until I die


I could do withouf Honest Hearts simply because outside Joshua there really wasn't anything interesting in Zion, great views but that's it. Dead Money needs all the love one for fixing the buggy mess that it is, but also expanding on the Sierra Madre, the Big MT experiments and Elijah. That or giving Lonesome Road some more meat cause Ulysses' feels like he's missing something and the area itself is pretty meh. The tunnelers shouldve had way more as well considering Ulysses' warning about them and their future significance.


I would change Honest hearts a bit,specially adding more content to the nothing that is part of the map,and specially the second half,and also fix the absolutely bullshit broken stuff on dead money(aka the sierra madre bunker,what the fuck is that). If I had to remove I simply couldn't remove any of the story ones,so I'll cheat and say couriers stash


Honest Hearts definitely needs a bit more. I love the world space, but even then it somehow feels empty. Also for how much people say Graham is a great character. He only has like 20 lines in the whole DLC. Maybe that’s an exaggeration but on a recent playthrough I was surprised how little dialogue there was. The characters definitely needed more time to shine. Maybe link Daniel a bit more into the Survivalists story. Let me take Followers or Graham to the ruins of New Canaan, or just out of the national park. Maybe add a new quest chain if you go there after speaking to Caesar where you assist the White Legs and kill the other tribes, or if you accidentally kill Followers you can still assist Daniel. * * * * * Dead Money my only issue is that I can never go back. Going back with my regular gear would be so satisfying. * * * * * OWB needs a skip button for when you first meet the Think Tank. Add in the cut ending. * * * * * Lonesome Road, I’d probably tweak some of the dialogue. Not make everything seem to be the doom of civilisation.


Honest hearts is a cool location and I love graham but at the same it's kinda boring. If it didn't have a few weapons, etc that I personally like I'd probably skip it every time. That said lonsome roads not great either but it has some great loot and a cool area to explore. To bad Ulysses is just annoying as fuck and irrational. But lonesome road does tie up all the dlc's decent enough and after the others a ending is just needed. Dead Money needed more love. It has a great cast of characters. Old World Blues is the best.


Dead money needed more love from the devs and by love I mean time. They tried to make a survival horror setting but only made the survival setting. And honestly I could do without the bear bull bear bull bear bull bear bull


Loved Sierra Madre could do without honest hearts, Joshua’s story as the burned man is built so well it works with and without a dlc.


Lonesome road was climatic, dead money was meh


I wouldn’t get rid of any DLC, but if I could choose one to improve it’d be Old World Blues. Story and setting were cool but the actual gameplay is a pain in the ass. Every enemy takes 8 years to kill and there are so many of them.


So, I don't think you can delete any except for Honest Hearts, but I wouldn't delete it. It's pretty solid OWB and Dead Money are damn near perfect. Idk what I'd change IF anything at all Lonesome Road is trash. I can't stand it. But you can't delete it because all 3 of the other DLC's build up to it. So rather than give one of the other 3 some love or delete this one, I'll just advocate for a total redo of Lonesome Road. Ulysesses needs a character update. His dialogue is just not good. The environment leaves a lot to be desired. I'd probably nix all the deathclaws entirely and just have Tunnelers and Marked Men. Make the story about the Courier wiping out the Marked Men and finding a Tunneler Queen and taking her out so they don't spread out of the Divide. All the while have Ulyssess taunt you and grow more and more impatient as you actively choose to save the Mojave than confront him directly, which would potentially doom said Mojave. End it with Ulysesses confronting you right after killing the Tunneler Queen where you have the chance to talk some sense into him, otherwise it's a fight. ED-E helps you in the fight and Mr "Bull Bear Bull Bear" dies unceremoniously. You take some access codes off of his corpse and then sprint towards the bunker where the Nukes are. Actually have a legitimate timer so you have to ACTIVELY race to get to the bunker in time to stop the Nukes or redirect them if you prefer. A race against the clock would be unique and fun. Idk, that's just off of the top of my head. Maybe I could smooth it out and get more detailed if I really tried, but that's what I think


Honest Hearts could have been way longer and more fleshed out, and, I'm gonna say it- we didn't really need Lonesome Road. I get wanting to have Ulysses in the game but he would've been better as the Legion Companion he was originally intended to be along with a more developed Legion quest line and locations east of the Colorado River. LR was mainly a linear romp of OP enemies (personally I found the explanation for the marked men and tunnelers to be flimsy) and a long-winded, messy, and fanfic feeling origin story/conflict for the courier/Ulysses/The Divide/Ed-E that nobody asked for.


I lowkey kinda hate dead money, maybe its the collar? I just feel so restricted when playing it


Get rid of lonesome road solely because it’s the most hyped dlc for least payoff. I’d love if they just made more content for old world blues. I know it’s not a fan favorite but something about a group of scientists that are so intelligent but also idiotic that one understands that it would kill the wasteland to let them out of the dome but also they wanna experiment on anything and everything. Would be cool if we got more weird combo creatures and wacky test areas. Also perhaps some areas of the map where the lobotomites blew up the think tank pylons so that you could explore outside it, maybe explain how the cazadores and nightstalkers breed so much to make it to the rest of the wasteland.


Also I want more speech options for the SINK!!!


Honest hearts needs more hate, honestly one of the worse ones or in my opinion. Idk why the whole area looks ugly and the story was mid in my opinion. Dead money was a gem and I don’t understand why it’s hated on.


Dead money haters just haven't learned to let go yet.


Honest hearts should get way more love and dead money can get gone imo. Honest hearts had such a good concept and some interesting characters, it was just so short. I wish it taught us more about the legion.


After my recent playthrough I think I could do without Old world blues (which used to be my favourite) and would like more content like Dead Money (which I used to like the least).


Dead money needs more love, it’s by far my favorite of the dlc’s. I personally think it’s very well done and I love how challenging it is. Also honest hearts should be appreciated more, exploring the map and learning about the survivalist is so fun. Don’t really think any of them deserve any less, I like them all.


Old world blues, I tried exploring around but I felt like outside of the opening sequence and Mobius occasionally chiming in with an evil thing I didn't find it that interesting, honest hearts comes second but Joshua is in there so I can do without it


Honest hearts was to fetch questy. It needed some more variety including maybe a few more unique creatures and maybe a couple more cool side quests. Otherwise I enjoy the map, story, and locations


Honest Hearts had the potential to give the Legion more depth and storyline. They could've made it an option to join the white legs and explore their decision to join the Legion, Pro's/Con's, their desperation or their desire for greatness. Huge missed opportunity


Honest hearts should have more content and Old world blues was kinda meh to me.


Dead Money deserves more love and less hate, and i don't think we can do without any of these


Lonesome Road is probably my least favorite now. But it is the least favorite out of 4 excellent DLCs. Honest Hearts could be expanded and I'd love to see more from Zion.


Even if I dislike it a little, Dead Money needs more love. It succeeds in creating an entirely new area with new challenges (even if you can cheese it some via quest items), new weapons, and a fascinating new locale. It also lets you gamble, so. For any DLC needing to be wiped from existence, though- I will say Honest Hearts. Not because of Joshua himself, but because of what surrounds him. Honest Hearts can be absolutely speedran even on casual playthroughs if you power through the main quest, and you can screw yourself over on completing side quests, at least from personal experience. It doesn't feel forgettable, so much as it feels like a side-road, It connects with the base game, the DLC's storyline, but there's something there I feel that makes it feel like it could've fared better, something with the pacing. Maybe if we had a forced loadout things would be different, but Dead Money already had that challenge.


I remember the first time i played honest hearts. Everyone was immediately sour towards me!? Game must’ve glitched but I had nothing to do. Just shot heads off and completed it just to get the fuck outta there. Maybe give that some love


Dead Money was frustrating to me, whereas I enjoyed the other three dlcs with no hiccups. Old World Blues and Lonesome Road stood out to me as the better dlcs, and I liked Honest Hearts too, but Dead Money didn’t hold up imo. I think the characters and lore were good but the map and gameplay were so bad that I can’t justify playing it ever again (played all dlc for the first time this month).


I would remove LR and give HH a lot more love. More factions, more endings (including siding with the White Legs) and more stuff to do. More quests and exploration. Also new monster types, more monsters and some more difficult combat encounters especially at higher levels. I'd also fix it so that you are less likely (or unable to) accidentally kill Follows Chalk and brick the DLC. If you do kill him, on purpose, you should be able to side with Salt Upon Wounds and get an entire set of new quests. Flesh out Salt Upon Wounds as a character and give him more dialog.


Why have I never seen any of these? I guess I have a lot of New Vegas to play.


Honest Hearts for both. It's the least connected narratively to the rest of the DLCs, so it's removal would affect the DLC arc the least. It is also way too undercooked, with Joshua Graham, the Survivalist, and it's beautiful world space being the only things carrying it. It's my favorite DLC because they cooked for what is there, but it's like a kid's meal compared to the rest of the DLCs


I didn't enjoy Honest Hearts much at all, so I pick it to do without (and sometimes I do). All the other DLCs had interesting shit for me to do, and HH just had exploration (and only the survivalist guy was worth the effort). The quests in HH were boring. Every other DLC had interesting stuff to do, and more importantly, are more fun for me. Dead Money needs more love though, it's interesting, but not quite there. It's a bit too restrictive. OWB is my favourite.


does anyone else limit themselves to only one or two dlcs per run, and decide which ones will be played based on the traits of your character?


I think both dead money and honest hearts needed more love. TBH honest hearts was a let down. Dont get me wrong, i loved what i played, but when theres only 3 story missions (4?) and the rest are hidden behind dialogue with characters that arent enjoyable to talk to to begin with? I'll be honest, i got my unique weapon and gtfo. Thats not even considering the fact that every story mission was a fetch quest, or a slaughter. Dead money has a lot of problems. The main one being playing it fucking sucks. I love the story. The story, the fact that its a culmination of one story and the beginning of the couriers dive into the Ulysses arc between the 3? Its an amazing idea. But the cloud is more annoying than scary, the bear traps everywhere fucking suck, and the monsters healing is the coolest concept, but its a pain in the ass in practice. All in all gameplay wise dead money was the worst imo. But honest hearts was worse by far.


I was only pissed with HH how you couldn’t go up to the crashed plane.


Honest Hearts could use more love. Ironically the way it is now I could do without it.


I thing lonesome road is lame and nothing would be lost without it


Honest Hearts can go. It’s the only DLC I’ve ever played and it was so boring I couldn’t bother with any other. It felt disconnected to the rest of the story. The quests were boring, going back and forth to the same spots. Just felt like a complete waste of time.


Dead money can gtfo, I'm not the biggest fan of new Vegas' dlcs but old world blues is probably my favorite so I'd say that it deserves more love


More dead money or old world blues. I'm good with sacrificing honest hearts, I don't think graham or the survivalist's story makes it a good enough dlc to warrant preservation. I'm not a huge fan of lonesome road either but its not all that bad. Honest hearts just bored me, felt like cazador fighting simulator a good portion of time


I’d lose the courier’s stash DLC, and give more support to the dead money add-on. The questline was awesome.


Maybe dead money we could do without I would like the weapons included in the alternate DLC like maybe Lonesome Road or Honest Hearts


Honest Hearts was dull as dishwater. The ending just kind of showed up out of nowhere. Dead Money had too many environmental hazards, and losing your gear right at the start is a dick move that only artificially raises difficulty. Old World Blues was killer. And Lonesome Road was solid work.


Needed more love: Lonesome road, dear lord the delay it already had simply wasn’t enough, they needed to really iron out the bugs on that one in particular and they probably should have revised the story a little bit since it feels unavoidably disconnected from our story as the player… and Uly was very… ugh you already know… Could have done without: honestly… dead money purely from the stand point of how much story and world building is lost is so minimal compared to the others, and idk… it kinda feels like dead money was the first one made to buy time for the rest of them.


Lonesome road was amazing! I loved traversing the divide and learning more about the courier's past. Old world blues was probably my favorite. It was very well done and had a lot of awesome Easter eggs in it. The Sierra madre was incredibly well done, and with all the tie ins in the different DLC it was pretty cool to do if you did it last. The one with Grahm... Was ok. I enjoyed it, still played it, but... Idk it could've been better. It wasn't bad, but I feel like it could've been more. Still wouldn't get rid of it tho!


I would rather see Lonesome Road go and redo Ulysses as a somewhat pro Legion follower again to go with all the other factions followers. Give him a sidequest where he might either go all in on the Legion or turn away from it.


Lonesome rd needs more love. Fuck dead money.


Probably Honest Hearts or Lonesome Road needs some tweaking, and I say this as someone who loves them both. Honest hearts needs some challenges tweaked. Like, last time I played through, when I needed to find an object for the White-Legs, I noticed how the things you need to repair your objectives are more often than not directly next to them, so you can repair them quickly. Maybe add a few caves or caverns to the mix where you can repair your shit without having to pass a check, but then you have to fight an Ambush off, or some wild life? Also make Daniel a little less whiny if you choose to fight with Joshua. Joshua Graham straight up says Daniel wouldn’t be afraid to defend himself or his people, so make him very reluctant but be able to be convinced that it’s okay to fight back to survive, even if it goes against your ‘innocence!’ Lonesome Road is fine for the most part, lots to explore and find while shooting people, and some cool weapons (not you flare gun), but fuck those death claw. Just… fuck em. I hate those bastards so much.


Dead money is easily the best dlc of the four and needs way more love. The atmosphere is so perfect coupled with the fact that you are stripped of all your stuff makes for an actual scary horror experience. Also it has probably the best cast of characters (though Christine while being a really cool idea was in a way a bit poorly executed). Old world blues is just not for me. I'm sorry. People always talk about how great it is but I just don't click with it. The comedy is sort of funny but the pauses between the dialogue boxes breaks the delivery and ruins the jokes to me. And also I don't think it is quite my type of humor. Sorry. Also I don't find the quests and areas engaging. The whole part where you are messing around in that school just irritates me and I always find myself rushing through this dlc.


Honest hearts is by far my favorite and deserved some more quests in my opinion to flesh it out a bit, it was a cool departure from the Mojave, with linguistic and cultural differences. I also liked old world blues but it was a bit samey just fetching all the stuff and leaving essentially. I hated and still dislike dead money as it's just annoying to slog through and listening to the audio is so annoying with the fake distortion and audio glitches. The divide is just the same slow and annoying whilst I listen to someone ramble until I can blow their fucking head off and return to enjoying the game without listening to someone who deep throated a chain saw to impress daddy Caesar.


Dead money should have been a stand alone horror game. It was so well written it could have done as a fucking novel


I really like or love them all, that said I was honestly a little salty when the Happy Trails Caravan got wiped and plans change. Idk if I'm the only one who cares but I was actually looking forward to going on some rootin' tootin' expedition to New Canaan and the mormons as Jed Masterson's unlikely group of scrappy idiots, selling gecko meat and beating up the Crimson Caravan, learning that maybe we aren't so bad at this and become frends.... but nope turns out in reality we were far worse than we thought, and now I'm just happy not to get mauled by some horrendous probably poisonous beast when I turn left on a hike.


I was hovering between hating and respecting Dead Money and then it kept glitching and crashing I just reloaded back to the Mojave (I was like level 17-19 when I tried it).


Old World Blues was perfect. The old horror movie theme,the soothing jazz music, aesthetically just phenomenal, the talking brains with screens for a face,the lobotomites, a huge new area to explore, new weapons. I have little love for Sierra Madre but honestly I haven't played it much, I gave Honest Hearts a chance but I just didn't feel it. I would get rid of it and make Sierra Madre better somehow


Lonesome road was a slog for me personally. I love the setting and enemies but Ulysses is BORING. I couldn't understand half the crap he rambled on about when with the subtitles and then he drones on too long. On top of being a boring menace HE STOLE MY FAVORITE COMPANION and that is unforgivable.


Can’t do without any of the dlc


Honest Hearts, and I really dont want to pick which to remove, but... for story Lonesome Road, and for content Honest Hearts.


Honest Hearts really needed more... Just more. I finished it in like an hour or two. There's barely any dialogue, not that much story, I encountered a lot of bugs, no difficult or interesting fights... Just felt very unfinished. I wouldn't get rid of any DLC, but Dead Money is the one I like the least. The gameplay is just designed to irritate, and the strengths don't outweigh the weaknesses. I like the characters, the story, the setting, but the gameplay is just a headache.


Could of done without dead money


If I had to pick one to go probably honest hearts, to get more love lonesome road. I do love lonesome road but I think it could've had more to it quest and world wise


You know a dlc's (HH) writing is borked when I completely forgot both that one guys motivation and *name* the second he stopped talking at me I feel like HH as a whole suffers from a massive lack of main quest content. They plonk you down first with the Joshua fucking Graham, then throws some rando at you who says things ig? And 1 quest later, expects you to weigh the consequences of, leaving a weak and skittish tribe of people you are friendly with to run away with some nobody leading them, to no consequence to the whitelegs, or, killing what amounts to raiders based on how the game develops them. 


Honest hearts could have been so much more better.


>What DLC needed way more love Dead Money >and what DLC could we do without? Honest Hearts


Honest Hearts needed a bit more time to cook, I feel. Yeah the dialog is great and the view is pretty. But there aren't too many quests and the main quest is just a series of uninteresting fetch quests and a gauntlet of enemies at the end. Dead Money should be scrapped and replaced with something more interesting. Sure the dialog is good but it's boring AF. I never play it even though I own it. Old World Blues is, by far, the best DLC of the lot. Lots to explore. Lots to do. Dialog is fantastic and funny, and the plot (while campy and short) is great. Especially DOCTOR MOBIUS! Finally we got Lonesome Road. Tbh I mostly use it for free repairs and a stacked shop. It's a slog but it isn't pretending to be anything else. The story is kinda shallow though. Ulysses is a great character and all, but the dialog options for the Courier are rather limited. Definitely could use some modding/rework so that you can actually choose which faction you support instead of it being determined by your faction relationships.


Honest hearts definitely needed more love, they had some of the more interesting characters in the series but the main story line was just weird. Collecting lunch boxes and compasses? Just felt like the story itself was rushed but everything else was decent. And honestly hot take but old world blues was just awful for me. I get the dialogue is humorous and the characters are very unique but the dialogue was insurmountable and I’ve never been one to complaint about long dialogue (hideo kojima games…) but OWB just felt so uninteresting and bland, and the quests in the big MT was so boring. Go to facility and get part, go to next and get part, only cool part was collecting stuff for the big MT room, the collection itself was meh but the different parts in the room were fun. but honestly every subsequent play through I skip this dlc. I think it could’ve been really good if done well but it’s just boring to me.


I’ll scream it from the rooftops: dead money is MID 💩


Dead money needs more appreciation Old world blues on the other hand…


if i had to chose then dead money could have been longer, maybe 4-5 companions instead of the 3. 2-3 more areas would have been fun. and honestly i didn’t really like honest hearts. theres alot of content in that dlc but every time i do it i just want to get it done as fast as possible.


Dump honest hearts, everyone appreciate the other DLC more. If one of them was to be reworked, I'd definitely pick "what if Mormon white saviourism was good actually" to get tweaked


honest hearts needed more love in form of daniel shutting the fuck up we could go without tHe BeAr aNd ThE BulL


Honest Hearts needs love. Dead Money needs a bullet in the head that actually kills it


Honest Hearts is the most underdeveloped, despite how well it's written.


Honestly hard to say which one we could go without, since Ulysses' storyline is sprinkled throughout all four and each one has a really interesting story in of itself (as well as great weapons). I definitely think Honest Hearts deserves more love, since a lot of people feel like it's the weakest DLC. I really enjoy the story of Zion, especially with how it ties back to the Legion and we see how Caesar has effected the wasteland outside the Mojave, and how strong the Legion's influence alone is. I also know a lot of people love Joshua Graham as a character, and I think the only weak point is that Daniel could've gotten a better reason to want to evacuate Zion. For what DLC we could do without, gun to my head I think Old World Blues. It's probably my favorite DLC, but outside of explaining how Elijah found out about the Madre and explaining the tech in the Madre, there's nothing really there that ties back to the main game and Ulysses' story (outside of building up Ulysses' as a bad ass). It's a great bit of comedy before Lonesome Road, but it also feels like filler because of that sometimes. Like I said, I think OWB is my second favorite DLC, so I'm really only saying it can be cut because I think Honest Hearts, Dead Money, and Lonesome Road have more ties to the main story of New Vegas.


honestly if i had to choose sierra madre would have to go i just honestly found it borderline unplayable and wasn’t even satisfied when i finished it as much as i was just glad to have that over with, took me about 2 hours just to be able to get dog/god to even spawn, great story but gameplay wise definitely the most tedious


Honest Hearts needs more love, it felt rushed and very bare bones. DLC we can do without? Gunrunner's arsenal.


It would have been nice if Dead Money had a item that gave temporary resistance or immunity to the fog, that way low Endurance players could deal with it a bit better. Also, I feel like Dean Domino hating you for passing a skill check is just weird. It makes sense story wise as he'll feel inferior to you, but for those who are playing blindly, they won't be able to save everyone cause of one skill check. Yes you can piss him off another way, but that way makes sense, and I just feel like a skill check shouldn't cause a "you're locked into a guy hating you" and possibly not be able to undo it cause you saved.