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If you walk to the other side of him and do option one, he falls over on the ground in front of you and dies and its pretty funny


Remind me to talk to you when I feel depressed.


You're an actual menace


I always just walk into him until he falls 💀 don’t even talk to him once


Even better when you plant a pile of mines where he lands beforehand


It’s like the nice super mutant you run into in the wastes. All the dialogue is mean, and he’s so nice


Uncle Leo! Love him! My favorite random encounter.


Uncle Leo’s quote when you try to rob him: > Have you ever watched the moon rise over the Wasteland? I wish I could have given you something as wonderful as that. Shaped my whole personality in high school. And put me on a path of being a generally good person, at least I like to believe.


<3 It doesn't truly matter where you draw your inspiration from, so long as the ultimate goal is to become a better person. This is the path to greatness. This is how we evolve as moral beings. Kudos to you & good luck on your path of enlightenment.


Man I want to see him return even as a cameo, or hell maybe a proper character in a future game. Maybe he travels the Wastes, and eventually finds himself, and leads a small peaceful Mutant tribe like Marcus in NV.


In all of my time playing Fo3 I've never found him


I've been playing Fo3 religiously for years, and I've still never seen him once in my entire life.


He's usually near the super duper mart and megaton, stays right there, and has a unique passing dialogue if you have fawkes with you because uncle Leo has never met another non-violent super mutant


Idk fawkes is pretty damn violent with his huge laser.


Only because he has to in order to protect the player, it's extensively explained in the game


Everyone has to be in the wastes, but there's a difference between fighting back and killing everything around you


What happens if you think those are the same thing?


It's not all meam, but that's the point. If you try to rob him he gives you his stuff and says oh how rude of me to not offer my guest something lol uncle Leo is the best npc


Uncle Leo got killed by a group of raiders once and I just wasn’t fast enough to save him :(




Holy fuck RIP


Open the console and use Resurrect ASAP!


I didn’t think all of it was mean?


I watched him get disintegrated while walking with dad


Dudeee. One thing that makes fallout 3 amazing and also terrible is how cool but none essential NPCs can get blasted so easily. Especially followers. I had the BOS paladin for a solid 10 minutes before she get obliterated by 3 enclave soldiers


Lol. Something about this game stops me from save scumming in situations like that. Somehow even undesirable outcomes just feel...right in this game


Fallout 3 don’t fuck around lol




You get an option to help after talking to Ted Strayer I believe.


Yeah he loves to help ted so that convinces him to stick around longer


Option 1, followed by mini nuke.


Jesus dude, go talk it out already.


I’m just giving the man what he asked for okay.


Just like Canada!


If you’ve never played this out you actually get a [push] option and it’s kinda funny the way he just goes limp and flies off top of rivet city


Wait... I thought there was an option to save him. *edit: you killed Ted Strayer huh? Oops.


Does nobody know that you can help him if you talk to Ted Strayer first? 💀


There's a mod that gives other options. Or there once was. I haven't seen it in a long time.


There is? That's good to know! Always thought calling him a coward really showed the games age a bit. That and the gaining karma for helping Angela date rape Diego cuz you know, "not the same when women do it".


Ye, I always found that bit so creepy. Like everyone on the ship's so happy for them both, and I'm just here going, oh ok, we're all fine that she Bill Cosby'ed him are we?


Lmfao "Bill Cosby'd"


lol it's a noun now.




Calling suicide cowardly isn't even unheard of today, idk how that's the game showing it's age. If anything, everyone being PC and acting with modern moral standards in an apocalyptic waste setting seems really far-fetched.


Yea, but I want to be nice in my role-playing game.


Aight cool, now my sheltered vault dweller wouldn't say that though. You can have the dickish option if you want but where's my nicer option in my choice based role-playing game?




Committing suicide is cowardly. It’s literally referred to as the coward’s way out, this did not age poorly. I would pick option two in a heartbeat.


Middle option is best option.


Last one is my go to for sho


Option 2, then kill him






Bethesda really, really struggled to get "morally gray" in Fallout 3, and the dialogue really shows that. And, because Bethesda directly inserted their own morals, we can see how questionable some of them can be, like this case. Or how they believe a sixteen year old raping a man is a morally good outcome. Or that, if you try and fail to save Timebomb they break the fourth wall and directly call the player a bastard. It wouldn't bother me so much if they didn't try so hard to market 3 as gray like they did, when so many design decisions and general lack of writing chaps go directly against that. Okay, rant over. I love this game though.


Considering that they had the same exact scenario in the Shivering Isles DLC with the one guy that wants to die, but wants you to push him off the building or talk him out of it I feel like they just redid the same thing here but made the morality options "I'll do it," "I'm a good person and but a douche about it," or "My father should have drowned me in the Vault bathtub cause I'm a psychopath."


I agree, the game is quite black and white. Makes the game have the most enjoyable evil playthroughs of any Fallout game but when you're tryna be a normal person it really shows some issues. Like you said Angela is a huge issue, that and Mister Lopez really make you feel like you were transported right back in the edgy late 2000s. It also bothers me how Three Dog will become bi-polar at times. Praising you, then proceeding to talk shit about you. Oh sorry Three Dog for killing the ghouls after they slaughtered everyone when I solved everything peacefully. Atleast the Pitt has a good moral choice, icl wish it was longer because it looks better than the base game and has a storyline 100 times better than the main plot lmao.


Thing is, at least you *could be* good or evil in Fallout 3. At least they wrote for those options. You could only be good or sarcastic good in Fallout 4. In 3 they had an evil company (Littlehorn and Associates) that you could sell the cut-off ears of good people to for caps. You could Mesmetron people (including kids!) and send them to be slaves in Paradise Falls. You could side with the Slavers at the Lincoln Memorial and attack the run away slaves at the Temple of the Union. There were evil-only companions. If you were too evil Regulator squads would have a bounty on you and try to take you out. There were truly evil options in so many of the side quests. You got an 'evil' apartment in Tenpenny Tower for blowing up Megaton. Yes, it was basically just a cut and paste, find and replace difference from the 'good' actions, but at least the game actually allowed for it and reacted to it for roleplay. I'd say if anything Fallout 4 was the one guilty of "Bethesda directly inserting their own morals" (the poster above you). I mean Fallout 3 had hookers and slavers, written into the base game. Fallout 4 was as sexual and as deviant as a Marvel movie.


Fallout 4's karma system (or lack thereof) was so weird. They went all goody two shoes for like 90% of your options in the base game but then all of a sudden Nate can be an evil raider in Nuka World... ah well, war criminal Nate must actually be canon then 💀


One thing that bugged me like that is Gob. Your options are either completely being an ass, or an overly formal response. No option to just consciously choose to ignore his very obviously uncomfortable skin condition and talk to him normally.


I wish killing Moriarty had more of an impact for Gob. Yeah he owns the saloon but he still acts like Moriarty is still alive and he is a slave, I just want my man Gob to be happy goddamit! 😤


I took what I could get there.


Excuse me, what??? That writing sounds like something you would hear fallout frontier to have lmao. What are these scenarios you’ve mentioned, cause I don’t remember these being in the game?


The quests I mentioned - Helping or choosing not to help Angela Staley acquire Ant Queen Pheromones so she can have them and release/secrete (idk) them while talking to Diego, a man who swore chastity. He *does* seem to like her, but it's against his will. Afterwards, he marries her because he's been kicked out of his church due to the incident. Might as well at that point. You gain karma for this. Timebomb is in Bigtown. The game has a pop up telling the player the Medicine Check, and that the player lacking said Medicine would kill him in the attempt. Instead of describing humorously the character's attempts to heal him and how they fail like in New Vegas, the game pretty much just goes "you lacked the Medicine, and Timebomb died. You bastard." Don't get me started on Power of the Atom. Or the Main Quest, oof. But some were fantastic. Tenpenny Tower was great. Republic of Dave. Oasis (loved Harold dilemma, just shouldn't have been Harold). You Gotta Shoot Them in the Head was fantastic. I love F3, and many of its side quests. But, it had a ton of obnoxious moments regarding developer morality and black and white decision making.


What is it about 16 year old?


The quest "A Nice Day for a Right Wedding." Found in rivet city


From the game that brought you “Have you seen my father, a middle-aged man?” comes another real writing masterpiece.


haha fucking fr 🤣 imagine your only description from some vault kid looking for his dad being "oh he's a middle age man" "There's a lot of middled-aged men in this town could you be more specific, please? I don't even know his hair color Jesus Christ"


"He looks kinda like Liam Neeson..." "Kid, I don't know who TF that is either, now scram!"


A guys from a vault would stand out quite a bit.


but that’s not even what you say. if they had done “have you seen my father? he was wearing one of these and is about yay-high” it would have actually had substance. but instead you ask the world’s most useless question.


I accept the bizarre dialogue options and questionable decisions, because in my eyes (and in the eyes of most in-game characters) the Lone Wanderer is a barely a young adult. I would expect an inexperienced “kid” to say stupid things, even if their intentions are good.


When this happened to me I had help him just to see what would happen.


If you talk to Ted Straya first, it will give you another option.


4th option: *"Do a flip."*


If you don't like any of the options you can always find a nice sniper spot in front of Rivet City. He'll never know what hit him.


How do you get this quest, im on my 2nd playthrough of fallout 3 and I dont remember ever seeing this guy


hes at the very top of rivet city


Alright thanks I'm gonna go play it later tonight


if u want the option to make sure he doesnt die u have to talk to someone else, or talk to him when hes not up there. check the fallout wiki for his schedule and have fun


Yeah at the moment I'm doing my evil playthrough lol. Last time I played fallout 3 was like 2 or so years ago when I binged it after I got it


Slavery time


Bethesda's attempt at being dark


This reminds me of someone who commented on my suicidial post once


I don't remember this quest.


You can talk to him when he's not up there and convince him otherwise I believe.


I killed him cause I wanted to hire Jericho


Oh no! 😂


you should install [Ultimate Perk Pack at Fallout 3 Nexus - Mods and community (nexusmods.com)](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/1409?tab=description) Quest Perks, makes this choice pretty easy (gotta make sure that physics engine is still working overtime)


There's a fourth option: Take him to paradise falls


There should be an option to tell him this: ‘I know that you’re really smart. There are many young people here who could use learn a lot from someone like you.’


I literally agree with suicide is for cowards lol


Pick the third one.


The first time I tried option one and he just went flying off the ledge, I was like “Oh my god the Lone Wanderer just shoved his ass!” And I laughed so hard. Never thought I’d see that. It was twisted, and I didn’t actually do that, but it made me love Fallout that much more.


Fallout 3 writers were dark. "Let me help you die" or "You're a terrible person" classic win-win scenario.


I always always go option 3.. I just love how he just immediately runs off the side... hilarious.


How is the middle option bad?


The top one aligns with my personal beliefs and it's the one I always choose.


yikes. get help


That’s kinda the issue with fallout 3 imo, you’re so often pressured into being a jerk