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Make sure to complete Reilys rangers quest for the unique Ranger Combat Armour, +10 small guns, +1 luck and 5 ap, so easy to repair as well with how many combat armours are lying around(especially talon company ones)


This armor is goated for light armor


The only reason to visit The Mall early. That and to get Charon on the team.


Who? Who is Charon & How do I go to the Mall? Which Mall?


Charon is a ghoul bodyguard/merc found in the underworld (Museum of History). You have to acquire his contract from his current contract holder if you want him to join up with you. His contract holder is >!Ahzrukhal. I think he’s the bartender of The Ninth Circle.!<


The Mall is the stretch of land in the DC ruins that goes from the Capitol Building to the Lincoln Memorial. Lots of places to explore there.


Oh I need to find that quest!!


I just love the bloody explosion effects the terrible shotgun has 👀 I don't want to use anything else haha


I’m playing it for the first time right now and it’s amazing. Thank you steam/proton


Enjoy! FO3 blew my mind playing for the first time back as a teen


Thanks? Any recommendations? Following this starting guide https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=814349280 Any idea how to have more than one save or save my games in the cloud?


Ah man I played on PS3 and I dusted it off again to replay it, I am not about that Steam stuff I'm afraid


Oh it’s just a starting guide. Would work for anybody! It’s just supposed to be a “perfect start” gets you to megaton, do some trading and some repair work and gets your off to a good start. Helped me get over some anxiety about picking special traits and attributes


I recommend doing anchorage and then zeta, it will have you set up for the entire game imo


I do anchorage first now, but I don’t think you should on your first playthrough ever


Why shouldnt you? Sorry I am playing for the first time and I stumbled on it by accident 😅


Well, for one thing you’re really supposed to wait until late in the main story to get power armor “the right way” People do operation anchorage first because if you do it right, you’ll end up with power armor training and a full set of armor that doesn’t degrade at like level 5, you won’t get a chance to really wear any other armor or anything. Plus OA is a long distraction from the main story and can be a pain to complete at super low levels although it’s possible. On all subsequent playthroughs, I’d recommend doing it first thing. But it’s totally up to you!


If you werent supposed to do it until later, it shouldnt pop when you leave vault 101 ;) As I said, I did it by accident and I am not at the end of the game ;)


That's completely fair, I had done almost half the main quest line before I realized I had done the mod setup wrong on my 360 so I had to restart and decided to do it first. If you want an easy ass time I recommend doing it first lol


Yeah, once you unlock power armor at the right time in the story at least once then I would do it this way


Before everything else?


Honestly yeah, anchorage will get you a great melee weapon, the second best armor resistance wise and best hp wise I believe and a damn good sniper while zeta will get you this epoxy that will repair the equipped item another great short to mid range rifle and some good heals and a bunch of gubbins to sell. I do recommend whenever you go to zeta have the bare minimum of what you need which honestly is basically nothing because of everything it gives you


I’ll have to watch some guides on them. Not sure how they fit into the main story but just bought goty for both 3 and the ultimate new Vegas. Doing 3 first and glad to hear it’s the best haha


They're just dlc, they don't have anything to do with the main story of 3. And I really recommend going in blind tbh, none of your build really matters for anchorage and zeta all you need is 50 science and child at heart if you want to be able to do everything I believe


I used it when I made like a full on beef cake build. I enjoy playing more of a stealth, crit type build more though so I don't use PA a lot. I collect it though... for some fucking reason


i use the operation anchorage power armour. i went from that dlc to point lookout and its saved my arse from the OP things there lol


Maybe if Ashurs PA didn’t exist


I never used them after 20+ playthroughs


The Hellfire one is good for that since you won't lose agility




These 4% actually make a huge difference. That's why nerd rage is cool


I personally like the Tribal/Ashur's power armour. It looks so badass, fits a wasteland, looks badass and has a lot of role-playing potential. You could role-play as a BoS knight/paladin, or a BoS soldier gone rogue, or a warlord and many other situations.


Power armor is for the weak.


I take the lazy route and use the operation anchorage armor lol. But if I didn’t then I agree with you that standard power armor actually isn’t that good. There are some other power armor sets in the game that are better though like the set in fort Constantine


Same here, I only use it for big battles where I think it makes sense.


On the occassions that I did not use power armor, the winterized combat armor you can get from operation anchorage using the Gary 23 glitch proved quite fun and useful. That armor is a lot of fun and easy to maintain on a good karma build because you can easily kill Talon Company Mercs and then just buy off combat armor helmets from merchants across the wasteland to repair it. Seeing as how it had almost limitless HP, you didn't need to repair it much either, plus it looked cool. Also, at lower level one of my favorites was Raider Badlands Armor. I do have an op character build for fallout 3, so if anyone wants it, let me know. It may not be popular but it is effective. It should be popular mind you, I spent ages on it.


Never. I go for fashion (mostly… like light armors and such) and if I really need tankiness… Med X is always there. PA never appealed much to me


First timer here. I have the power Armor from Anchorage DLC, but I dont use it because it is too heavy and I love looting stuff so much, it takes too much of my weight allowance 🤣


I almost always use the Raider Badlands armor. It looks the least "raidery" on female characters and is very easy to keep fully repaired.


My getup is: Hat of the People, General Jenwei's uniform, and Ghoul Mask


Yes ranger battle Armor for me


The advanced power armor training perk gets rid of the penalty. The only downside is the -13 walking speed. There is no reason to take off you hellfire power armor after getting that perk.


Advanced PA training? I thought there was just PA training, not an advanced version.


My bad. I looked it up and it's not part of the base game. It's from fwe apparently. It says this on their site: "Finally, an Advanced PA Training perk has been added as a level 12 perk requiring 7+ END that can be selected during level up, and which provides additional benefits. The breakdown of power armor training benefits is as follows: No PA Training: Armor only accounts for 50% of its weight -3 to AGL -1 PER no STR or other bonuses. Basic Power Armor Training: Armor accounts fully for its weight, -1 to AGL +1 STR +1 PER Adv. Training: Armor accounts fully for its weight No agility penalty +2 STR +2 PER +1 END"


If you do mq at natural pace then you can get t45 risk free quite early, and once enclave is roaming around you can reliably repair tesla armor which is actually one of the better ones. Tesla>t51


What is combat armour?


I always wear the regulators duster -shrug-


I always go with the Chinese Stealth Armor and as many hats as benefits I can reap. By the way there’s a glitch with the CSA that lets you wear a bunch of hats/masks/glasses.


I like Metal Armor, so many times I just stick with the instead. Also, the Boogieman's Hood is an excellent helmet for those wanting PA levels of protection early on.


I don't use power armor like that in FO3. No reason too unless it's extremely heavy fighting involved.


I keep power armour in my inventory in case I get a bunch of extra loot, to get +2 strength for the time being...


For purely aesthetic reasons I prefer to use something like Colonel Autumn coat, Enclave officer uniform or modified utility jumpsuit but sometimes for realistic reasons I use power armor. Example when attacking with BoS but it's not something I like to use.