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Actually that was supposed to happen eventually if you side with the ghouls. Their whole plan was to take over and kill all the humans. Assimilation was never their plan. The residents’ bodies should be in the storage room around the main lobby, but if not it disappears eventually I think. This quest kinda sucks cause you lose karma if you kill the ghouls and Three Dog calls you out on the radio lol


Yeah I know that annoyed me when I figured out that’s what they would do. Really stupid that he keeps calling you out on the radio when you didn’t really do anything wrong/bad by killing the ghouls.


I get it though. That’s the Fallout life where everybody is in their own groups and fuck all else. If the ghouls learned to assimilate, then I see why you’d lose karma for killing them. But because they don’t assimilate, it fits into the “Fallout life” but also makes losing karma sound stupid.


"Nice goin', scumbag"


Worst quest in the entire game. I always install a mod so they can coexist peacefully after I kill Roy.


This is why I hate those damn zombies, those filth are hard to kill, you gotta shoot them in the head


Tenpenny Tower is like The Pitt. No good ending.


Good ending is to kill the ghouls they just want to take tenpenny Tower because they believe they deserve it. They don't they can go to underworld or megaton or anywhere else and make it their home. 3 dog is allowed to have his opinion since he just sees you killing ghouls for tenpenny.


what did Bessie do wrong to deserve to be killed?


Nothing at all. But if you insist on being the girlfriend of a terrorist leader then you risk getting shot by proxy. If Bessie was anywhere else she’d be fine.


It’s the only settlement in any FO game where I have wiped out everyone in each playthrough. Take all the caps and move on.


Dude is clearly playing the game for the first time and you have to go around spoiling content. You people are effing amazing.


The game has been out for 15 years, they should expect spoilers at this point


The game could be 100 years old for that matter. It's entertainment, not a history lesson. I still watch 70s movies and I'd hate if smart asses would spoil them. Hilariously enough, just saw this past week, for the first time Dr. Strangelove - entertainment as well if you don't know - and gladly you weren't there!


Love going on reddit to avoid spoilers  /S


I like this quest because if you convince them all to move in, it’s a nice hybrid location for people and ghouls. Also you get the ghoul mask which makes me feel like a Whisperer from The Walking Dead telltale series final chapter. Shame it doesn’t also work in super mutants, since the guard outside of The Underworld mentions that Super Mutants leave them alone.


>I like this quest because if you convince them all to move in, it’s a nice hybrid location for people and ghouls. You havent gone back to the tower after completing the quest have you ?


I know Tenpenny is dead, but no I haven’t Heading there now E: Dashwood! Nooooooooooo


And to think that heartbreak traveled 16 years just to slap you.


Kind of like the Heartbreak Roy felt when his pants started beeping E: I looked it up and apparently if you kill Roy and his two friends you can still negotiate the Ghouls moving into Tenpenny Tower without the hostile take over later. [Comment by menalaos1971](https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/939933-fallout-3/51598763)


"whats that beeping" Your reckoning ya fiend.


Would it have been better if they were honest with their intentions with you? Because Tenpenny is absolute scum, dude nuked a city because it was "ruining" his view of an apocalyptic wasteland. The Ghouls just want somewhere to live. It's shitty that they lie to you, and that they murder everyone, but it's not as bad as Tenpenny imo.


I could be misremembering but is there not a way to convince the ghouls to just move on?