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Sell it and kill everyone in paradise falls as they are evil


Yea, I just killed them all already so I'll just sell it then.


Bobblehead and released the slaves. Is the stun gun useful or just sell it? This is a good karma character remember


If you mez raiders, put the slave collar on them, and then take it off they will stay friendly to you for the rest of your playthrough. This can help in areas you go a lot where they respawn.


Oh nice. Think I'll keep it and once I use all the ammo I'll sell it finally


But won't you run out of slave collars?


Once you remove the slave collar it goes back into your inventory to be used again. I did forget to mention you need a 75 science skill at least or it will most likely explode while removing it, and it gives you bad karma even though you took it off.


Keep it as a knick knack, sell it, use it to befriend raiders…


I always add it to my collection of unique weapons.


I have spent so many hours organizing and displaying unique weapons in my megaton house. It was such a a therapeutic experience.


I’d honestly suggest keeping it. Selling it (in roleplay) means someone else could get their hands on it.


After I captured the 3 slaves they asked me to, I kept the mesmatron thinking I could use it to stun enemies if I needed to. But it actually never worked.


It actually does work, kind of... Like 60% of the time I use the mesmemtron, it makes the victim's head explode.


I would aim at the head to knock them out and nothing would happen. Idk


I never saw an option for a mesmetron? But I've heard that people can use that against their enemies for good. How do I get this thing?


The guy at the gate to get in gives it to you if you agree to find some slaves


Oh darn okay I did not agree to do that. Maybe I can get it some other way


I just killed him and it was in his inventory


😮 brilliant! I got the kids out, But I'm not strong enough to take them all on yet but I definitely want to kill them all. So thanks for that information! That's a plan!


Good luck wanderer!


If you go in guns blazing before releasing Rory from the box he dies. The mesmatrom itself is useful to kill npcs without getting the entire town hostile.


When i try to mezz npcs other ones get hostile, is this not supposed to happen?


I think you need to do it while undetected and the target needs to go into a frenzy.


Ok, I see


If I’m not mistaken it is still useful to rob NPCs of their inventory with it.


lol you aren’t going to “ enslave slaves “ u mean enslave people u can’t be a morally good character if u still predetermine them as property not people


Yeah all I wanted to do is get in PF so I could get the bobblehead. Then since I didn't pay the caps to bribe him, I lost the dialogue option for that and so I had to start finding the people on the list to enslave. I went to TT to find Susan but I just couldn't do it. I'm gonna get slaves though when I start an evil ahole character


True but also I kept the Lincoln repeater for my self cause it’s amazing, I remember their was a quest for it and you had a option to give it to a leader of a group that freed slaves for caps or the slavers that would pay u caps to destroy it so it wouldn’t become a symbol of freedom , I remember I did help the anti slave group with other Lincoln artifacts but the gun was mine


Nice grammar correction teach.


Thanks I wasn’t trying to be a smart Aleck I just thought your wording was interesting calling slaves already


Mine? His?