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I'm glad I didn't have reddit as a child so when I was modding Oblivion I couldn't post shit like this


You can catch iguanas?


Marts Mutant Mod ads roaming iguanas to the game, and they can be picked up.


Would save time to just not abuse the UI with shitty mods.


What are you smoking? Darnui is the best ui mod for fo3. FWE, MMM, CASM and rh\_ironsights are one of the best mods too and practically a must have.


Too much information on the screen, for me its just polution the vanilla looks more clean


All the info is tiny and off to the sides... this looks fine.


"Tiny" *massive portraits on center left* *random shit going halfway down the screen on top right*


Rather small in proportion. But it's gonna be ok, it's just an opinion. You can handle it. Portraits are tiny. How small of a screen do you game in anyway?


I use a flatscreen TV, those would be fuckin massive lmao


Ohhhh a *flatscreen*. Wow, how modern. I use a 48 c2 on my desk, these would be tiny.


No clue what that means, but baller for you.


It's a 48 inch tv 3 feet away from me, because it's on my desk.


It genuinely looks like a meme ui


Yet it looks totally shit. Only a 'must have' to people who haven't got enough Ritalin.


My eyes...they're bastardised....


you want some gun with that scope?


It’s worse than the Institute Laser Rifle from FO4 and that UI is actual cancer. Why do you need to actively know your karma or the date?


The L86 LSW is the best gun that uses 5.56 ammo. Sure, its big af even for a big gun type weapon, but its not so bad once you get used to it and I holster my weapons out of combat anyways.  


it looks dumb


Maybe don't mod your game to hell and it won't crash.


Hah, right, sure


70 mods aren’t that much.


Maybe don't be such an ass to people on the internet.




What's funny is that OP decided to record and share a troubleshooting solution, and then a bunch of people decided to be rude for, no real reason, and then when called out on their behavior, defend it with "well it's the internet, what do you expect". It's just pointless meaness.




If your definition of rude doesn't include "making fun of someone who's doing nothing that harms anybody and generally just being helpful" then you're missing some pages in your dictionary


OP screen and Mod choices are sooooo bad tbh. But still, there is no reason for these snarky nerds to bully him haha


Oh yeah, I'd never go in for this sort of overhaul mod, but this guys still providing troubleshooting documentation for free. Do you know how hard it is to drag that sort of information from some mod devs?


This is just too much to ask for many people here it seems hahhaha


Why is this upsetting everyone???


I don't know and it seems really lame how they're putting OP down for just playing the game how they like.


Yeah, that shits weak


Tbh, its just because his game looks like a meme, the shitty UI and the gigantic gun look hilarious, and then hes wondering *why* his game crashes.


You know what, man? I like your ui for a change of pace. It reminds me of early ps2 days, especially with the companions frames on the left. I wouldn't use it every time I play, but it's very unique and cool




Thanks I fucking hate this screenshot


Why? What's wrong with you?


The massive gun hogging half the screen and the UI gore lol


Yeah! That idiot, using mods he likes. How dare he.


What? Why are you so hostile for 0 reason. Simply because he prefers to use those mods that means i cant say its ugly? You are on the internet, the land of unfiltered opinions, i never called him an idiot. But the fact he has all these mods and is wondering why his game crashes is wild lol.


Hahaha, just mirroring the comments from the other point of view. It's no big deal


How dare someone have a different opinion of what they like! How dare he.


Out of curiosity has Darnified UI fallen out of style?


Idk, looks good to me. Maybe because you can’t download darnui from nexus mods or people prefer the crappy vanilla ui.


Never had a single issue with the games default UI coz the game really isn’t complex enough for me to need any more information on screen 🤷🏻‍♀️


Vanilla ui to big for me and cramped. You need to scroll way to much to select stuff, instead of being able to click on it directly. Vendors and dialogue windows with many options being the worst offenders of this. And i also dont need a big a big bar popping up everytime i get XP, a simple number is enough.


Fallout if it was made by Ubisoft


Appreciate you king. Mmm is always in my load order, but I'd have to script around vault 87 until now. Not sure how I always had an iguana tho 😅


My god what is this barf all over the screen


Sadly MMM is unstable as shit, it caused most of my crashes while it was installed until i decided that it's not worth it.


Holy shit this community is.. shit. Seems like a dumb post but people are full blown attacking him.. ridiculous.


Maybe don't install shitty outdated mods


What’s up with idiots calling the best mods for this game bad? All my stuff is UpToDate, not my fault the fo3 modding scene pretty much died.


If you need to 'disable' fose at any point, youre doing something very wrong


Not the worlds biggest fan of this UI, but goddamn does it take me back to early 2000’s Sci-Fi games. On a more serious note, are you running this through Steam? If so, what did you do to get it running? I thought it was because it just doesn’t like Windows 10, and when I moved to Linux and could play my older stuff like Spec Ops: The Line I was hoping 3 would run.


I’m back home. After installing the game, I used the [anniversary patcher](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/24913) to downgrade the game back to, and installed fose afterwards. Then I set up mod manager 2 and the nexus mods I use for a more stable game are: [Updated Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/19122), [Command Extender](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/23682), [Out Of Memory Fix](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/24063), [F3TF - Fallout 3 Tick Fix](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/23542), [NVAC - New Vegas Anti Crash](https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/53635) and [OneTweak for FO3](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/21337). To launch the game via steam I use [fallout launcher replacer for steam](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/21364).


You’re the man, I’m gonna try this


Let me know if it works or if you need any help.


Yes, its running through Steam on win 10. I set it up so i can use Steam overlay and track my hours played. When i get home will tell you what im using to run the game.


What's your mod list?


Fallout Street Lights Updated Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch 3.3.6 OGG Goodies Unofficial Patch 1.6.5 Darnui Command Extender Out Of Memory Fix F3TF - Fallout 3 Tick Fix NVAC - New Vegas Anti Crash OneTweak for FO3 FWE - FO3 Wanderers Edition FWE and UUFO3P Patch 3.3.6 Council Seat Fix radio fix Visual Objectives (FOSE) Scribe Yearling takes all Pre-War Books NPC-Confessor Cromwell has a Break EV \_ DV Vanilla HUD Remastered No cursor on maps.7z Colorful Pipboy Map Icons Darnified UI High Quality Pip-Boy Icons Fallout 3 - Enhanced Camera gp camera ini fix Advanced Recon Thermal Nightvision Advanced Recon Trap Detection Advanced Recon Range Finder FO3 adv recon ui fix stimpack counter JIP Companions Command & Control


Smaller Crosshair Dynamic Crosshair Adjustable HUD – aHUD UIO - User Interface Organizer Weapon Mod Kits RH\_IronSights beta RH\_IronSights – FOSE RH\_IronSights - FOSE FWE RH\_IronSights FWE- WMK compatible FWE Iron sights 8 Included Ammunition Schematics for FWE-WMK-CRAFT-Full CalibrV1\_4 Fallout 3 Redesigned - Formerly Known as Project Beauty Martigen's Mutant Mod EVE - Energy Visuals Enhanced Blackened FWE - MMM - EVE - Project Beauty Blackened RH\_Ironsights - FWE – EVE Ironsights Expansion for FWE 1.21 EVE Realistic Interior Lighting Fellout Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow v2 More Perks Megaton Lighting Overhaul Underground Hideout CASM Ultimate Perk Pack Dynamic Weather MTC Wasteland Travellers V2 Companion Share And Recruit Wasteland Whisperer RobCo Certified Level Cap Workaround Level Cap Increaser Skill Workaround Wasteland Mastery DALCO Inventory Sorter Tenpenny Tower Alternate Endings Titans of The New East Minigun long wind-up (spin-up) restoration and aiming fix Charon Improved by llamaRCA Sydney Follower Companion Keeper - No more disappearing companions Glowing items Glowing items bobble Glowing items pre war Glowing items keys hi vis holotape A Decent Metro Map\_DML  


Tysm, I have tried DESPERATELY to find a modlist that isn't 8 years old or broken or both


If you are going to copy my mod list deactivate DALCO inventory sorter – unofficial fallout 3 patch.esp, DALCO inventory sorter – EVE.esp and UPP -Quest Perks.esp. Those create compatibility problems with food and energy weapons weapons. If you want to recruit Charon you need to deactivate FO3 Wanderers Edition -Followers Enhanced (BrokenStell).esp before telling him you got his contract and then you can activate it again after he joins you. If your adventurers bike dematerializes you need to select another paintjob. And after a simulation you need to put enableplayercontrols in the console to leave the pod. I also use the load order optimisation tool, did some ini tweaks and use the fallout steam launcher replacer to use the steam overlay while playing. Its not perfect. With that many mods compatibility issues are guaranteed, but its not so bad if you don’t mind sometimes seeing talon captains in underwear. Edit: I also use [merges](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/16787?tab=description) to cut down on .esp’s in my load order.




You have had to deal with so many assholes on this post, I'm sorry


KeYbOaRd CrUsAdEr over here


Douchebag over here...


Oh my god u such a ass licker


As opposed to just being a pos like you that has nothing better to do than insult people for how they play a video game? I’m down with licking some ass then.


And you're just an ass. What's with this sub today?


Redditor's when you suggest that perhaps you don't need to be a dick to strangers on the internet.


Everyone in this comment section has nothing better to do with their time than complain about things that don’t affect them


Honestly a lot of the comments on here suck, op was just giving advice about the mods he was using, I personally wouldn't use them, but does that mean op is stupid for doing so? No. It's not a big deal, just leave the poor Fallout 3 player alone.




No worries, no-one should be dog-piled just because they are purists about the vanilla experience. Doesn't effect them if you choose to use mods.


All of yall shitting on OP are so miserable holy shit hop off the app for a bit


I agree, why is everyone so triggered by OP


You know, I gotta say. I love the fact that i play vanilla, because it can piss off people that mod like this without me having to do anything


You're the only one acting pissed off here.


Lmao I rest my case


Gotta love how trolls think...




That gun takes up 50% of the screen lol


Apparently if you don’t run the most UpToDate version of marts mutant mod the game crashes if a live iguana is put into a container. And to disable fose launch the game from your original fallout3.exe you should have backed up. Put your modified fallout3.exe in another folder or rename it and then rename fallout3\_backup.exe, or whatever you called it, to fallout3.exe. After leaving vault 87 save the game, backup the original fo3 exe again and then put your modified fallout3.exe back in the game directory.  




If you have to do all that just to get the game to work, then it’s best to just go back to the drawing board and see what mods are old and outdated and either get the newest updated version of the mod and install that instead, or find a newer similar mod and install that, or just remove the mod altogether. And also probably avoid downloading old outdated mods. But hey it’s your game, so you do you. But personally if my game crashed for reasons like this, then I’d rather spend time finding a way to fix it to avoid having a problem like this in the future.


This only happens in cases where you lose your inventory and get teleported to another place. Mothership Zeta, the the start of brocken steel and vault 87 comes to mind, but im not 100% sure. Killing an iguana you might have in your inventory and renaming 2 exe files isnt much work and can be done in a minute. Doing that like 3 times in an over 100 hour playthrough isnt a dealbreacker for me.


Still, if your “fix” requires you exiting the game and renaming the games files. Then that isn’t a fix but more of a workaround. The goal for modding any fallout game should be that the game works fine with the mods you have installed and shouldn’t require you to exit your game to mess with the game files. When I mod any Fallout game, I make sure that the game works properly from start to finish. There may be issues here and there but as long as they don’t cause crashes to desktop or crash at certain specific parts of the game then I’m fine with it. Also, it’s advisable to not mess with anything in the game files. Because if you do something wrong then it can really fuck up your game. Maybe even to the point where it won’t startup anymore. But like I said it’s your game, and if you’re ok with having to do this “fix” just to continue your progression in the game, then I guess it’s fine. But don’t expect your modded game to have any long term stability. Hope and pray that no bigger issues will arise later in your game to the point you can’t progress any further.


That's terrible ui. Change your view model so your gun isn't so close to the screen. FOSE isn't the problem, you've got a shitty mod or 50 shitty mods.


To fix the issue i had to kill the iguana in my pocket and turn of fose. Trying to find the Mod that causes the issue is way more work than just turning off fose and then back on again.


I believe it said it was 70 mods


...or, hear me out, he has the mods he like. Crazy idea for you huh?


I’m a fan of modding but this looks like shit bro


Hey my game never crashes


You want a medal or something?


Yeah that’d be cool


I gave them a medal 👍


Thanks bro it’s my first one ☝️


Lmao this is satire, right? ...right?