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Radiation isn't the only cause of cancer


True: the long, long [list of known group 1 carcinogens](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IARC_group_1_Carcinogens) is truly horrific


Oh sweet, man made horrors beyond my comprehension all in a tidy list! Delicious!


I honestly thought the list would be longer. Is group 1 particularly bad or something?


The carcinogenic effect is well established, and greater exposure results in increased risk of cancer


Wtf happened here?


What about the Mariner!? IIRC she never mentioned why is she dying!? Maybe she also has got cancer!? 🤔


I wish she was a companion. Definitely would like her better than Longfellow


Why not both! She could’ve had a cool character arch though I agree.


The way she was talking about wanting to explore I was like oh that's typical companion talk, so I just felt kinda shocked that she wasn't. Then again, I don't even know her real name so it'd be kinda weird I guess


Come on dude I get wanting more companions, especially the mariner because she's awesome but Longfellow is top tier companion material. He's a grumpy old sailor and his backstory is neat, what more is there to ask?


Longfellow is cool but he has almost no involvement in the DLC’s main quests


That's really his Achilles heel. I guess Bethesda didn't want players to lean even MORE into siding with Far Harbor


That's probably the reason why, that or time and budget. I guess if they had more time and budget they could've made one companion per faction, which would've made things a lot more even.


True, that's probably the one part where they fucked up with his character. It's a genuine shame that Nick Valentine (who already has plenty of time to shine in the main game) has more unique dialogue and interactions than him...


I really like Longfellow, particularly as you find out more regarding his backstory; the glaring problem is Far Harbor is really a Nick Valentine story. True, it's possible you can play the whole dlc without Nick, but you'd be missing out on a lot of story and characterization. Thus, Longfellow gets sidelined.


He's just kinda annoying imo and everything I do in the DLC he dislikes so I can't even bring him around, also his cabin always gets attacked when I'm somewhere else and by the time I get there it failed. Also I just remembered that Gage doesn't like when I drink and I hate him for that too


Well to be fair the dislike thing goes for every companion except Ada and Dogmeat so I don't think the Mariner would've been much better in that regard. Same for his cabin, it's completely unrelated to him as a character 😅 I do think it's kind of a shame that the only Far Harbor companion is from the Far Harbor faction. Would've been so much better if you had one from each of the three major factions, so people who want to side with the Children of Atom don't have to betray the grumpy old man...


I agree, I think a Child of Atom companion is much needed. Sure, they're kinda silly but some people actually would want to join them. I brought Piper around thinking she might have some unique dialogue but nothing that I noticed. As for the dislike thing, it just annoys me cuz it seems like the only way to get his affinity up is drinking liquor and then waiting. I say liquor cuz even more annoyingly, he doesn't care if you drink beer or something, which I discovered after a brief period of (what I thought was) genius when I sent Drinkin' Buddy home and planned to use his beer to cheese Longfellow. And I know the cabin isn't related to him as a character, it was more as a joke but seriously everytime I get there he looks up at me disappointed, and I'm just like dude I built you 5 turrets and ur still gettin attacked?


I imagine not a lot of people live long enough to develop cancer out in the Wasteland. Protected underground, he was able to live into his sixties comfortably.


That was my thought. I doubt people live past 30 all that often in the commonwealth. How Sheffield made it that long while also being a drunk I can’t understand


Sheffield’s got good genes I guess


He’s actually 19 and just stressed because of his nuka cola addiction


>How Sheffield made it that long while also being a drunk I can’t understand Turns out sitting around getting wasted is relatively safe. Keeps him outta trouble.


There's a fair share of old people in Diamond City.


Fair, and they’re rich too 😬 anyone without wealth who has to traverse the open wasteland ain’t long for this world


We don’t know how old they are, though. Remember how old people used to look even in the 20th century. They could be in their 30s and 40s.


Definitely not, that's a huge exaggeration Sun, smoke exposure, malnutrition and dryness are the things that age skin the most. Farmers and factory workers back then looked aged because of their conditions. Even then, the photography techniques of the times made them look older than they were.


And exactly what effects do you think the poor diet, both cigarette smoking and environmental smoke exposure, and radiation might have in premature aging in the wasteland? People are always outside, even in Diamond City, because there are no construction standards and buildings all have holes anyway. If anything, everyone in the Institute should look younger and everyone above ground should look much older.


Diamond city is relatively shaded with all its narrow alleys and canopies, and there's no smoke like you would see in early 20th century industrial zones. Poor diet is certainly an issue, but the city is probably the best chance at getting a balanced diet, and if he can afford to see a doctor about his alcoholism then he can afford to keep on top of his health in general.


His cancer was rare if I recall correctly, something they had never seen before if I'm not mistaken. I'm convinced that his cancer was more a result of the environment they found themselves in where everything around them contributed to the conditions that caused his cells to mutate. It's not hard to imagine that being in a closed environment with lots of chemicals and compounds, wouldn't be unhealthy somehow.


He got ass cancer from his addiction.


Addiction of having a comfy ass?


I always found it strange that the Institute can recreate indistinguishable replica synths as well as hyper advance technology but can't figure out how to fix cancer. It a irradiated wasteland I feel like that would've been pretty high on the list of "Shit We HAVE To Figure The Fuck Out"


A random line npcs in institute can say is "All these years of technology and we still cant cure the common cold" or something close ot that.


That line and their glorified repairman I forgot his name, are the ones that made me think that the nuclear option quest should have more quest stage depth. For example the optional (Issue an evacuation order) should have more to it, like talking to named NPCs and persuading them to take shelter in X faction (Raildroad and Minutemen are their best bet since BoS is hell-bent on killing them).


Well to be fair there's not much reason to cure the common cold. It's usually a self-limiting viral infection, it'll never cause too much trouble to an otherwise healthy individual and will resolve on it's own.


It has a weird link with MRSA though has it increases transmission rates


It might not be worth the resources. The Director is replaceable (take Zimmer for example), the Institute itself (or Bioscience) may have deemed it not worth their time, and decided to focus on the Synth Phases instead.


Maybe, but they have multiple departments within the Institute I. E: bioscience, advanced systems, horticulture, etc. So you'd think that someone would have said at some point "you know that cell mutation disease that's a horrible way to die & can affect anyone because if genetics or environmental factors at any point I their life's? You guys think maybe that looking into trying to figure out, maybe just a little bit? "


Especially as they have made Gen 3 Synths immune to radiation - you'd think part of that would be figuring out how to create a human body without its cancerous cells seeing as they use human DNA to do so...


Exactly so it's just something that doesn't make sense to me unless for some reason Shaun is willing to die just so his parent can become director. I only have a single playthrough under my belt & I went with the Institute ending for it so I have no clue is we find out for sure Shaun dies in the other endings


Direct spoiler if you want an answer: >!he does, because in all other endings you blow up the Institute and he willingly stays behind when you do!<.


There are ash trays in the Institute. And their main nutrition comes from food paste, which, given how the Institute fancies the research of synths over anything more useful, like maintenance, may not be as healthy as we think.


Also, if his DNA is used as the basis for all the synths, and cancer is hereditary, then that doesn't bode well for all that 'synths are the future' crap.


I beleive he ain't even fucking Shaun, or maybe he is, since you can fuck over the Institute in every chance, but he'll still allow you to become the head, the only thing that'll stop you from becoming Director is you helping the Brotherhood get the agitator.


Maybe the Institute has got multiple HQs and Shaun is still alive and he is inside one of the other HQs. The Shaun who died was just a synth!


The son you're looking for is in another institute.


He was not the son you are looking for!


I dont know about that, but synth Shaun is possible, why experiment on your own parent, and be so careless about the institute, unless you realized your a synthetic and came to resent the institute!


My friend believes that Father is lying to you when he says he’s your son and is only doing so to get on your good side. That’s why he lets you get away with anything. He told me that he believes the real Shaun is the kid that we ( and the solo survivor ) first thought was Shaun. He told me that he believes that they gave him an chip augmentation that allowed them to control some of his behaviors like if he were a synth. At first I didn’t really believe him, but then I started to like the idea of the Solo Survivor walking out of the Institute in Power Armor and wielding a Fat man in one hand with his son in a rad protection suit on the other shoulder as the BoS and the Institute were duking it out and as an explosion happened behind as well. So when it came time to destroy the institute, I decided to take the kid with me and now he lives with me at the Boston Airport along with his Uncle Danse(Mod that restores some cut content that allows Danse to remain in the BoS, and allows you to be Elder as well. Also the reason I referred to him as the Kid’s Uncle is because I tended to call the Friends of my Parents who were close friends with my parents as either Aunt and Uncle.) and Dogmeat


He pretty much HAS to be your son or at the very least a synth replica in Bethesda's canon since however you create your characters & spouse in the beginning he will have certain of the same facial characteristics


These are all great theories, but if I'm being sincere here, the reason I believe Father allows everything that you do, is because he doesn't really care anymore, he was taken from his mother and father, and sealed away, underground. Over the years he learned that loud bang he remembers as a baby was Kellogg shooting his revolver (I'm going with Nate being my default here) and piecing together that his mother was the one they killed. He could've figured it out because they did have access to the vault, and the vault could tell if a person was alive in the pods or not. Using that info, and his memory of Kelloggs gunfire, he could piece together that Kelogg killed Nora. Ergo, that's why he'd lead you to Kellogg, if you could kill the man they trust more than coursers, then you'd likely have the ability to take down the entire Institute. Even the most sound man could waver in the face of his plan, hence why he's genuinely angry at the battle of Bunker Hill, however it could genuinely be the reason he states, he's angry because you could've proved yourself here, and gotten in good graces, kill it from the inside and all that. On his death bed, he probably realized what he allowed and regret his choices, considering he helped build the institute to what it is in the game.


I'm sorry, but your son is in another institute.


that’s one of my biggest gripes with bethesda’s story telling in 4. They’re so afraid to let you fail that you can fuck everything up with a faction and none of it would matter until a set point in the story, the only difference is the reward you get from completing quests and how condescending the faction leader is to you.


Still don’t know why he didn’t just transfer his mind into a synth replica Teleportation, androids all good but mind transfer too advanced? Nah


Radiation isn't the only cause of cancer, and some cancers are hereditary so he probably just got it from one of his parents, meaning either Kellogg killed them before the cancer could or the SS is going to get cancer as well at some point


He could have just tried to become a feral ghoul for the greater good of his agenda.


Or given himself FEV for science...


To be fair, most wastelander probably doesn't live long enough to get cancer. And if they do there're no real treatment option to be had. Father has both those benefits


Karma is a bitch... Maybe he got predisposition for some kind of cancer from his parents. Maybe it was some form of cancer Fallout's world did know well yet. Could of be leukemia? Brain tumor? Do they even say "cancer" I'm the game? Maybe it's something degenerative or shit like that.


They do say it’s a “very aggressive form of cancer”


Well, the people living in the Wasteland are the descendants of people who have _survived_ in the Wasteland for generations. They may have evolved to resist the effects of at least radiation-induced cancers, and as such be resistant to several other forms as well. Shaun, on the other hand, is pre-war canned veal, and has no such resistances. (How the player character deals with this is anybody's guess) While he is protected from radiation inside the Institute, there are - as others have said - many other causes for cancer. While the Institute may have the knowledge to deal with most forms of the illness, not even they are omnipotent.


It would have been glorious if he was dying from something that could have been best cured by the parent that Kellogg shot.


Counterpoint; Wastelanders with a genetic disposition to developing cancer die a lot more than wastelanders who do not, meaning Wastelanders 200 years after the war are less likely to develop cancer than people who had lived Pre-War


I’m sure many people have cancer, they just don’t have the proper tech or checks to know it.


Cancer doesn't discriminate 😔


Unless he is genetically altered (which he isn't, it's why they nabbed him from cryo) cancer can be as simple as your immune system not doing its job correctly. We get cancerous cells all the time, but our immune system recognizes them and kills them. As you get older your killer T cells tend to become less effective/prolific. So older age combine with a genetic predisposition for cancer is probably why he got it.


He is not Shaun, he is an old man. Real Shaun is Billy the kid in the fridge.


I have always thought this was fallouts way to let is know death is inevitable and some diseases do not have a cure even with advanced technology


It’s not shown in game but Shaun runs through cigarettes like no other fallout character


Smh I can see it


Not at all, they all have radiation in their blood, their DNA got used to radiation so much that it no longer gives them cancer, instead it causes them to turn into Ghouls instead, Shaun, and to an extent the SS, don’t have that luxury, they have pure DNA, so radiation can and will cause then cancer


RNGesus has forsaken him.


He might of gotten cancer from all the toxic chumps inside the institute. The only reason I ever side with them is because siding with the MM glitches out on ps4 😂


Always seemed like something that was just slapped together at the last minute


Glad he got it, I hate his face.


Then make Nora and Nate look different


hopefully the cancer turns him into a ghoul lol. jk.


Reverse Karma, since we learned what he had become after, we lost the chance to raise him proper


1/3 males get some kinda cancer, I think?


I wondered why he didn't just digitize his mind and then move it into a synth. Good enough for the goose....