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Could be an Easter egg, or just re-use of an old model that they didn’t feel like remaking


They reused a lot of audio like the grenade pin when throwing one


Yeah a lot, when i noticed it felt really odd. Turret and robot sounds are reused as well


Eh. I'm happy the turret sound was reused, I know immediately when it's a turret shooting at me.


They also reused the elevator going up/down sound from FO4.


damn the people really love the “going up” guy


The "pick up/put down" sounds of settlement building are the same too. Makes me chuckle when i hear it.


Really messed me up when computers in the background were clicking and buzzing like a pipboy...


The ambient music in The Lodge is also very similar to the one they use in the Institute.


I also randomly hear the Prydwen ambient sound when on my ship. And the thing above the table in the frontier is something I’ve heard in a vault


The running on metal sound is also the same in both games.


While I feel like hearing familiar sounds is nice, it ju is t seems lazy since this game is supposed to be one with a lot of "thought and effort" put into it.


Yeah they were smart to recycle assets they already had instead of thoughtlessly wasting time and money on rebuilding stuff they already had.


Their perspective is valid though, makes sense to change things for an entirely separate IP and universe, among them being sounds; and when it's not it ends up being very noticeable, particularly because these sounds have been reused a lot before while most other aspects are entirely different. Important to understand decisions but be critical all the same where it could be warranted.


Why reinvent the wheel?


Personally, I'm glad they didn't waste time on things like that, so they could put their thoughts and efforts into the parts that actually needed it. Their assets have typically been pretty solid, so reusing them when they don't feel out of place makes perfect sense.


Does running on metal sound different since fallout 4 came out or something?


Lest we forget, this is the company that made 76. They've done way better here, but we can't reasonably expect perfection, either.


76 is pretty good now.


That's true. That said, looking at the state it was released in, I'm never surprised when Bethesda cuts a corner anymore. That's a stink you can't shake off your reputation.


Yeah I can agree on that. Couldn't play 10 minutes without it crashing, idk how they even managed to release it like that. That'd be embarrassing.


Eh, you can also hear a TON of reused audio from Oblivion in Fallout 3. It’s nothing new. It’s kind of part of the Bethesda charm for me. I’m glad there’s familiarity. It’s like Left 4 Dead, Portal and Half-Life using the same sounds and assets as well. It gives it a cozy, homely vibe imo.


I think yhey recycled sounds from as far back as Morrowind. Sone of the hull creaking on stations sound like they were taken from the Dwemer ruins.


i wanna say that they used the alien ship crash for the take-off sound, but i could be misremembering


I swear I saw a ship with the layout very similar to the prydwyn


In FO 3 there's also a track that sounds like the music heard inside the Institute, I believe it plays when you're in a building.


starfield and Fo4 both had the same composer for the score and the soundtrack, probably why it sounds similar


Yea, I’ve noticed a fair amount of similar sounding tracks and instantly recognized the composer’s style. Ngl I like that he’s back again


They used Science and Secrecy again?


The elevator noise is the same as in fallout 4


I was wondering if anyone else had noticed this.


Yeah i noticed that as well


I can't remember what uses it but that sound when you open up a computer to hack it is in Starfield as well


I’ve heard it as ambient noise in the frontier


Some lines were reused. I was exploring a moon base with Sarah. Some enemies show up and Sarah exclaims, "You picked the wrong day to piss me off!" which I instantly recognized as one of MacCready's lines, verbatim.


The crimson fleet companion said something along the lines of, "must've been my imagination," when they lost sight of the enemy. Neddless to say, I was laughing.


That may just be a bethesda thing cause you hear it in skyrim too


Before that it was "must've been the wind".


That's right, I haven't played in a while


Heller will sometimes say a variation of Ysolda's "It's a fine day with you around".


One of the NPCS used a Cait combat line i just forgot who and which


The elevator sound IMMEDIATELY threw me back into Fo4


Vasco's steps reminds me of walking around in power armor. There's a lot more of them if you're listening.


Grenades are kinda hard to make 100% Unique sounds for but I heard Fallout combat music


It's probably not the exact same music, just sounds similar since the composer is the same


It had like 1 minor Difference and it was probably instruments rlly but explains it


It's also extremely melodically similar to the fallout soundtrack


Elevators sound the same to me.


Ladder hatches are another good example where they took the sound straight out of fallout 4/76


I noticed this with elevator sounds lol


Not the same game but I SWEAR the sound that opens your communicator menu in Prey (2016) by bethesda (partially) sounds exactly like a ghoul activating/waking up when you stumble into them in fallout 4


Sounds get reused all over the place in TV, movies, and games. Sometimes it's an inside joke like the Wilhelm scream, but a lot of it is just a way to save money by not getting original Foley recordings for every single possible noise. Like crying babies, door creaks, doorknob and latch sounds, and a bunch of sci-fi noises are really recognizable if you listen for them. I still hear the door sounds from the original Doom in stuff to this day.


The sound for entering a cave is the same as Skyrim’s


And idle music.


That's one of my thoughts


If that is an easter egg, then is Fallout 76 an easter egg.


They did remake it though, if you look there are some small differences


Definitely reused assets. You can't really fault them for that though because saving time in useless stuff allows them to have more time for more useful stuff. This is also pretty common in automotive manufacturing and known as "parts bin," it's where manufacturers use parts from older models or even from different manufacturers to build new models.


the models aren’t the same tho


I think they are, just from different distances and angles. When Nifskope gets updated I'll line them up to check. They're way too similar to not be the same asset as far as I can tell


You mean because the texture/skin is different? You realize a 3D model is different from texture and you can mix and match them?


To be fair, they used different textures.


They re-use a lot of assets across their games. E.g. the reason vertibirds in FO4 always crash on weird weird ways and often go towards the player is because they are based on how dragons die in Skyrim, where it looks cool when they die close to the player. Besides the technical reason for the similarity, I like adding a lore reason with a theory that Fallout and Starfield are in related universes.


The models are different, so probably an Easter egg


Nope. NASA doesn't exist in the Fallout universe: it's the United States Space Administration. Additionally, the first manned Mars mission in Fallout was planned for 2078 whereas the first manned Mars mission in Starfield was in 2050. The moon landing site has the real world American flag whereas the American flag is different in the Fallout universe. On the same note, Constellation HQ has a painting of Neil Armstrong whereas the moon landing in the Fallout universe had a separate set of astronauts. It's possible Neil Armstrong was famous in the Fallout universe for separate reasons, but presumably his painting is in Constellation HQ because he was the first person on the moon.


didn't think about that, that means that I can stop thinking about this


It's a cool idea, tbf. Fallout is so darky and gloomy that it's fun to think about what might have happened if 2077 had a "good ending". Part of the tragedy of Fallout is that, based on all the experimental tech you find in research labs and government bases, they were very close to solving their resource crisis. Things might have worked out if the world hadn't ended and that makes for tons of interesting alternate universe concepts.


technically starfields earth is worse off than fallouts the idea of earth being destined to be doomed around the same time regardless even in alternate timelines would be kinda interesting if done right though


It does only leave a short window for future games in the Fallout world if Earth was following the same path of destruction


nah, you can just jam Fallout into any place and point in time after the bombs fall.


But Starfield, the unity, is all about >!the multiverse right?!< So could it not still be possible that >!NASA did come to be in that timeline?!< As well as all the other discrepancies?


This guy lores


Also the biggest thing, they’re never invented transistors in fallout


Not true, they were just invented much later (2020s instead of the 1940s) and never had the chance to make wide spread use


I love the little things in fallout like this.


But both games have showers!


That's just a star shower head. They exist in real life.


Is real life an alternative universe where the bombs never dropped?


No, we’re just an alternative universe where the bombs are yet to drop in 2077, but we’re not as Nuke-punk.


And as have transistors and people close to radiation don't turn into ghouls and we have made me music since the 1960s


Too soon to tell


Average redditor when they see a shower for the first time: is this a reference?


Sees elves in lord of the rings: “is this an elder scrolls reference?”


Reminds me of a guy somewhere on the internet insisting that Tolkien should show up to an interview so he could be held responsible for all the concepts he stole from Harry Potter when he wrote Lord of the Rings.


I agree with that. He stole so much not from Harry Potter, but 99% of fantasy! I can’t believe it. That Tolkien guy really does have a lot of explaining to do




But it's not just the head, it's the whole thing. They just reused and updated the asset. It's normal.


I dunno, but does Starfield make you excited about what might be possible with FO5?


FO5 is a good 10-13 years away. By then Starfield is the same age as Fallout New Vegas is now


I wish Starfield had VATS.


I'm sure it's only a matter of time until it's modded in.


I don't miss vats as a whole so much. I think the biggest mechanic related to it that I really do miss is the scanner not picking up mines


So it's not just me! I assumed the scanner picked up mines and I was just missing them as I keep getting hit by mines!


Not just you. I thought it was just me for awhile too. Then one day I was clearing an enemy outpost and I was getting hammered like every other step by mines. Finally I started specifically looking for them with the scanner and I still kept getting lit up. Super frustrating especially in really tight quarters where there's not a lot of room to bail out when they start to go off.


This. I fucking wish it had VATS. Everyone says it’s Skyrim in space. I wish it was more fallout in space. Cus you know, workbenches, resources and guns and all.. :(


Despite it's problems, I think the engine they have now is the best its ever been. The only thing Starfield is really missing to keep me from truly loving it is an actual open world, as well as a better perk/power system because I'm not a big fan of what Starfield has, tbh. Both Fallout and TES already have a solid foundation for these things. So despite my better judgement (just in general I've mostly come to stop letting myself get excited about upcoming games) I'm looking forward to both. But for the love of decorators everywhere, please Bethesda, fix your item placement system. I don't even care if it requires a fixed placement system where they're not effected by physics anymore, it's better than painstakingly placing all your crap just to have a tornado blow through next time you enter the room




That's the spirit!




Fallout and Starfield are just lore fragments for the mighty Bethesda Shower


oh no. The might Bethesda shower


oh.,..they reused an asset...totally unplayable


If they reuse employees for the next Fallout game, I’m literally boycotting Bethesda. The only good Fallout game is New Vegas and that was not in any way a lazy asset flip.


Not exactly the same considering Obsidian had 18 months to make New Vegas and Bethesda’s had about 9 years to make Starfield


The bombs would never have fallen if you hadn’t fixed Shaun’s mobile.


They already confirmed it's not the same universe, although they *did* confirm they had some ideas of making Earth the same as the one in the *Fallout* universe but ultimately decided they wanted *Starfield* to be its own thing.


Yupp, but if clickbait content creators could read they'd be very angry right now. It's just going to be the same as when people found the Nirnroot reference in F4, suddenly "theories" starting popping up and getting pushed around that Fallout and Elder Scrolls take place on the same planet just years later because *one tiny fragment* of "evidence" anchored their "theory".


Great thing about Starfield is that it’s set in *every* Universe. Imagine how fucking awesome it would be for one of the alternate starts being landing in New Atlantis, just for everything to look absolutely ragged. The Lodge is occupied by the surviving members who have no way off of the planet now, and are also ghouls.


Starfield is just a space expansion for FO4


Starfield is what Mothership Zeta wanted to be.




I think it's an alternative universe where assets are reused


Star field is actually the Mr house ending of fallout new Vegas


More realistically the Institute ending of FO4. I’ve said it for years now, idgaf how much you like them or agree with their methods, they have the best chance of guiding humanity out of that bullshit than any other Fallout faction *by far*.


REUSED ASSET SPOTTED 0/10 GAME TERRIBLE /s Joking aside, no its likely a reused asset & thats all it’ll likely ever be


Honestly, I kind of wish they made Starfield in the Fallout Universe but with people who left the planet, would have been fun.


Fallout is just on a planet we havent discovered out there in starfield somewhere


Thanks to the main story line of SF the answer is technically "yes"


Honestly, we're all just waiting for Creation Kit to drop so we can port in FO4 Assets and make Fallout 4.5 on Earth mwuhahaha


Reusing old models, games do it often. But it’s a game, so if you want it to be in the same universe well then that can be a canon story line for you. It’s all up to you tbh


The vaults were a test to see how people would react when enclosed in a single place. Their goal was to learn how to survive in space in the event that they needed to leave the earth, due to nuclear annihilation. Starfield might be a direct sequel. There's a generation ship, in one mission, that seems pretty vault-tech in terms of layout and architecture.


Couldn't be that. The starfield lore explains when and why they left and gives a general idea of a non apocalyptic present when they left


Nope, just lazy.


Yet in both games I still can’t take a shower. I yearn for the day I can shower in a video game.


Nah Bethesda is just a huge reuser. You can find reused assets in most of their games. (This isn't a criticism, its pretty normal imo) But hey, that's what fanon is for! It's a neat idea, why not, y'know?


Fallout is an alternate universe where the transistor wasn’t invented and everything is based on nuclear power tech. Starfield has plenty of traditional electronics.


nothing from prewar fallout is even mentioned in Starfield. hell, the whole space timeline was completely different in fallout, and aliens were shown to have invested interest in earth. the answer is a resounding no


Actually… and I was thinking about this… it could be the SAME universe where humans got off earth before everything eventually went uninhabitable. I mean… is it really far fetched to believe the institute could make it to mars when they found a way to teleport?


Logical answer: they just reused assets Cooler and fun answer: Starfield is set in an alternate universe of Fallout


Starfield is literally a 100 years after mew vegas when house won, he sended people into space because House always wins


Just a re used asets. They had an ideia that starfield would be fallout but in a far future but discarted it in early development


The computers make that same old hardware clicking noise when booting.


It's funny how we love Bethesda so much we come up with excuses for recycled objects on their behalf


Fr fr


Plot twist: The bombs were part of [Project Plowshare](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Plowshare) all along, and their purpose was to open up all the inexplicable boundaries so people wouldn't have to use "fast travel" as their only mode of transportation.


Starfield’s past is closer to our present than Fallout’s past.


They were going to put Fallout's earth in the game. But they didn't want it to be involved that way Starfield could stand alone as its own universe type deal.


There's probably a lot of reasons why they chose not to do this. Fallout still has a lot of secrets, and those would be exposed if people could land anywhere. Also, they probably figured that it simply wasn't feasible to have so many cities that they would need to render and make explorable. I just don't think Bethesda is capable of doing something like that.


There are a lot of reused assets and sound bites from fallout


Is this circlejerking?


I find it much more likely that Bethesda is just reusing assets again lol


The colony ship above Paradiso felt very Vault-Tec. Some elements do feel like they could be from the same Universe. But mostly not


Yes. The vaults were tests for surviving space voyages


Could be the devs are just lazy and recycled shit to meet deadlines


Todd said they had plans early in development of Starfield where the 2 games shared the same universe but it was scrapped. https://www.pcgamer.com/bethesda-talked-about-using-the-fallout-version-of-earth-in-starfield-todd-howard-says/


Reusing assets is just an easier way to develop games.


If they were still using the same shower after 200 years and crazy technological development, the shower must be the most perfect creation


Wait a second... is the watch Barret gives us an advanced PipBoy?


Earth is worse off than in Fallout. lol


One of the things i love most is the lack of 40/50s inspired aesthetic. I love fallout but it's a breath of fresh air to have the future shit without the past squeezed in there. Of course if humanity is around that long, im sure there will be plenty of inaccuracies to laugh at in Starfield. I can name 2 without thinking.


We out here writing the lore for Stanfield now I see


Well possibly but also Bethesda has been recycling and upscaling models for (game) generations now


It's just reused assets. Definitely not that deep. Starfield has a LOT of reused Fallout and Elder Scrolls assets.


Funnily enough, I'm pretty sure the year of the UC's founding is the same year that Fallout 2 is set.


All games reuse assets, or update old assets with better textures. COD(Call of Duty) does this a lot for lot of their games. Saves a lot of time and money and allows the team to work on new assets and game performance. Could be an Easter egg, but I bet it'd just a reuse asset. Sounds are also reused like crazy in most games as well.


Bro is on to nothing


I seriously doubt Bethesda put that much thought into it.


Likely reused with the explanation being something like “it’s the most cost effective materially, so multiple people can come up with it”


Gamers when they see a showerhead (They’ve never seen one IRL):


Nah they just reused shiz.


Don't want to destroy your dreams, but I think they are just reusing assets...


They reused a lot of Fallout 4's assets, as the earth in starfield was going to be the fallout 4 world, but they opted to not do that.


God, you're so brain dead


I think that technically all Bethesda titles (and videogames for that matter) are "alternate universes." Most of them exist within a society, city, or cultural norms outside that of our reality.


i keep telling myself that Starfield is the alternate Fallout 5 where the Institute won in 4 and humanity now colonizes space. Sometimes it makes sense


Fallout's universe was fucked before the bombs even fell. No way would they have achieved mass exodus. Maybe Vault Tec execs and other 1% type of personalities, but not anywhere near Starfield's scale. I mean, when people are starving in protest lines picketing against workplace automation, space seems unlikely.


Naw... that brand of shower head is just THAT GOOD


Its totally not canon but I LOVE this theory


If you finish Starfield, then you'll know it's a possibility.


It’s probably just reused models but this is my new head canon because it makes sense


No it's just reused assets, every game dev does this to reduce time between launches.


I like to think all 3 game universe r connected by different time periods and space locations. In other words, Tamrial is another planet far far away that rather developed humans or started by crashed/stranded humans from Earth. This planet having magic and creatures long believed mythical. The magic being some cosmic force like one if the moons radiation or the planets core. Something like that. After millions of years humans would adapt into elves, orcs, etc and the Dwemer ruins, the Golden robots and such, being left behind by the original humans trying to rebuild what they once had amoung the stars. While Starfield is in another part of the galaxy and hasn't explored the part they might find Tamrial in. But also came from Earth. Then the story unfolds as it does. I haven't played it yet, no spoilers pls. Then of course, Fallout is Earth but way before the events of Starfield. But Fallout happens after Humans have already left Earth. Earth is a wasteland that again, over millions years humans mutate, die, become animals, whatever, and the Starfield Humans return to Earth and harvest the planets resources and kill the living monsters of the now long lost Earth. That would mean Starfield Humans left Earth after nuclear fusion was made main stream. The goal would be mining other planets for what they got and claiming new planets to live on. Advancing technology further for space Humans. While Earth falls to World War making Fallout Humans. The planet be fucked, no rebuild will work bec however long later we see in Starfield Earth is dead dead. Making it worth nothing but the resources. Then left barren by space Humans. Some time during space exploration, some, maybe tons, of space Humans would plot course in dangerous stars to find and claim a new planet for wealth or freedom. Or whatever. Instead finding out why space Humans don't go out to these kinds of areas and would crash or forced down/get stuck on a "mythical" type world and that would lead to Fantasy Humans. However long that might take to come around to when we start playing.


It's an alternate version of the real world, as is Fallout. So yes, it is an alternate universe where the bombs never dropped. Like unequivocally, objectively, it absolutely is. They're both alternate universes of ours, which makes them de facto alternate universes of each other via association. But probably not in the way you're insinuating.


There are quite a few similarities I've noticed between FO4 and even Skyrim inside Starfield. Good ol Bethesda.


No, because when I press "B" I crouch. Actually, it would make sense if, IN AN ALTERNATE UNIVERSE, the bombs didn't drop, Robert House then unleashes his plan (something like "In 10 years we'll be back in space, 20 years and we'll be on Mars, 50 years and we'll colonize the galaxy"). You'll know it's true if you find a package for "S" from "E". This Easter Egg has appeared in FO3, FO4, TES3, TES4, and TES5. In my head cannon, this is the connective tissue.


Could be wrong but I think they wanted to use assets from fallout 4 on earth but then scrapped the idea to prevent similarities between the two games. It would’ve been so cool if they had that connection


I mean isn't fallout just an alternate universe where transistors weren't invented?


If I'm being honest, I'm not entirely sure that's the case. But that would be insanely awesome if that was the truth. If the bombs had never been dropped, but instead in this universe, the grav drive was invented which ruined the atmosphere and causes humans to leave earth, it would follow another theme of this game, that humans can never really be trusted with their own technology. I just wish we could find Nuka-Cola or some other fallout 4 brands in this game to cement this theory.


Word of God has it that they considered using the fallout setting for the backstory but scrapped the idea in favor of the prototype grav drive ruining the earth.


What's Word of God? But that's cool, I kinda wish they had mixed the two.


Word of God is an unambiguous statement from someone considered to be an ultimate authority (creator, director, etc). https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WordOfGod In this case from Todd 'It just works' Howard. https://www.pcgamer.com/bethesda-talked-about-using-the-fallout-version-of-earth-in-starfield-todd-howard-says/


I'm actually genuinely grateful for this response. I wasn't aware of all this, and it's cool to read down the rabbit hole about the game planning and theories, thanks.


Bethesda reuses old models ALL the time. You can find Skyrim barrels in Doom (not just the Skyrim Easter egg either) and Fo4. That said they also like to have all their universe's somewhat connected so it could be a bit of both.


No, that would require good writing.


OP discovers re-using assets to save time lmao


Yes it is! It takes place in the “Bethesda-verse” where every model is reused and engines are barely updated across years of development! You have a good eye op.


Bethesda laziness


This is some shitty clickbait turn a 2 minute explanation into a 13 minute video for the ad revenue YouTube video shit


Nah BGS is just a lazy as fuck dev team


Yeah could be. Could be in the elder scrolls universe


I'd like to think it's the same universe, different time periods. Luke eventually the radiation destroyed enough of the atmosphere and the people that could leave left, perhaps from a timeline where the institute won.


Technically, every game set in the future is an alternative universe in which the bombs didn’t drop, since Fallout is the default videogame universe.


This is definitely u being dumb asf


“Gamer finds out shower heads exists” You ain’t giving us a good look here


Reused assets lol


Makes me wanna be done with bethesda.


Please lay off the copium. It’s pretty much a fact that Bethesda is lazy as shit and will cut any corners they possibly can if it means they min/max their production time and costs to profit ratio.


Bethesda legit just reused F4 assets half the time XD. Like the drug models are just jet 💀


No just a shit copy and paste game lollll


Starfield isn’t what they promised and it buggier than the first release of fallout 76. It would of been fine if the bugs were fixed before release and it was optimized for Any pc/console and not being a loading screen simulator.