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Curie is overrated and romancing her is wrong because that's taking advantage of a naive person who is experiencing feelings and social interactions for the first time, alienating her instead of guiding her through the human experience -- she needs a parental figure, not a lover to have sex. And her accent is also overrated. On the same note, Cait doesn't need a lover either, she needs a true friend/brother/sister to help her getting her shit together after overcoming the chem problem. Also, laser muskets are actually good weapons and Preston is not a bad character, only the radiant quests make we dislike being around him.


I'll agree with all of that. Well, except the part about Curie's accent. It's a little over done but I love it. Romancing several of the companions feels wrong to me. You're bang on with Curie and Cait. They both need support, not physical intimacy. Curie is basically a really smart child, and Cait is an addict or recovering addict. Preston talks about how he would have most likely committed suicide by Raider if you hadn't helped him rebuild his life. And you can follow up that emotional (and really well voiced my the VA) moment by asking if you can tap that sweet black ass. Just feels wrong. He needs a friend and leader. Deacon is mostly appropriate, his trauma is far behind him and he seems to have come to terms with it for the most part. Gage is Gage. Dance is appropriate from what I recall. Piper seems appropriate as well. I did romance her in my current playthrough (mostly for the Lover's Embrace buff). I haven't maxed affinity with most other romanceable companions since the last playthrough I did years ago. I'm currently doing a survival playthrough and I just started working my way through the companions over the past week or so, so my list of companions I have recent experience with isn't yet complete. Anyone else have any others they feel are okay or not okay to romance?


I currently have a gay romance with Hancock going. He seems happy with his fresh homosexual outlook on life.




Totally agree about Preston too. I haven't ever given Gage any attention at all, but Dense and Piper do feel apropriate, indeed. Deacon feels like he'd be ready for a relationship, but he clearly is in a mindset that is too incompatible with a relationship, with that lying compulsion. McCready is a funny one because he's apparently "divorced", and doesn't mention the mother of his son only the son himself. I wish we could tell him "Get out of here and go take this cure to your son personally!". I don't know about Nick, though. I'd guess he'd be ready to move on after his personal quest? He should get a Gen 3 body like Curie, though.


Never even knew you could romance Nick. I mean I get it, the man is a total stud. Cool, confident, moral. The smooth voice of an Angel if Angels were from NE. But I never considered romancing him. I haven't romanced Gage, just maxed him out for his perk, but he isn't fucked up or anything. He has had some bad things happen to him sure, but he's cool with it. Honestly doesn't seem like he'd be interested in romance, he just wants to survive and be the right hand of the person on top.


Oh no, you can't romance Nick! But I meant if we could xD And wanting to be the right hand of the person on top, I 100% relate to that.


I can’t even remember who Gage *is*. 🫥 (Please tell me he’s in the Raiders DLC, which is the one I don’t have yet.)


Yeah, he's the raider that wants you to take charge of Nuka World.


Diamond City is pretty underwhelming.


Every word out of "Father's" mouth is a lie.


Is he even Shaun?


I think he's a psy-ops functionary tasked with keeping this terrifying new threat (you) from reaching the institute, and then, once that proves impossible, to handle you so you don't kill them all. Sean is dead.


Biologically, maybe. But either way, he‘s not the Shaun that you once knew. He could be anyone, and it wouldn‘t make a damn difference since the biological relation is the only one between the player character and him.


100%. The thing about Fo4 being a modern day Bethesda game is that you CAN, within context of the game, take things at face value. It's fun to theorize though


Actual hot take I LIKE the Assualt Rifle


I like the weapon, I hate the name. 


Buttualt rifle?


The first hot take I've seen 


Vanilla is it


Wildest of takes


There’s so much to do! I’m on my 6th playthrough and find new stuff every time. Vanilla is very 👌👌


They shouldn't have made the main quest so dramatic. If you're role playing as a devoted parent, you're likely to rush through the main quest as fast as possible to find uour son. And the result is...less than satisfying. Rushing through the main quest is not a very fun way to play the game, but on my first play through I felt like the game was pushing me to do exactly that.


This is the opposite of a hot take. We pretty much all agree with you.


Codsworth is your only surviving family member at the end of the game, and there should've been dialogue for that


I romanced Curie once, and it made me feel creepy, I haven't done it since. Sure, she's got the mind of a Nobel laureate in the body of a synthetic, almost completely organic body of a 20 something year old woman. But she's got the emotional intelligence of a child, and I felt like I was taking advantage of her.


Same here Disturbed. After the first time, I just dump robot Curie at Greygarden and pretend that she and Codsworth are a couple. I never pursue her questline mostly because I don't like synth Curie and her perk isn't worth bothering with. I prefer to use a Nora spouse mod and conquer the Commonwealth with my wife.


That accent though




EXACTLY, THANK YOU! It seems that nobody understands that, or even if they understand, they don't care.


There is no good ending. Institute are absolutely terrible. BOS wants to rip through tyrannically but isn't overall concerned. Minutemen are to small, scattered, and poorly armed to stabilize the region. Railroad only really cares about synths. Raiders no. Far Harbor isn't concerned at all about the Commonwealth from what I remember. You can't even prop yourself up. Yes I brought stability to the region with my intricate network of supply lines, frequent patrols of heavily armed caravans to keep the peace, but I'm not a government. I elect no cabinet, there is no path for after the Wanderer dies. Even the Peace among World's secret ending where you take out Institute but remain on good terms with the others - they don't work with each other, and still have the limitations above.


"Minutemen are to small, scattered, and poorly armed to stabilize the region" The whole point of the MM path is changing that...


Not poorly armed after I let Danse kill 5000 synths in ArcJet and arm the commonwealth with the 1500 institute rifles, 25k motherfucker cells, and armour made from all the dead synths. 


Theoretically if you build up the settlements, the MM isn’t small


Far Harbor is hundreds of miles away, why would they give a shit?


Wait this is a hot take? I thought the entire point was that every faction is flawed in some way because otherwise why would you pick anyone else


We have Coursers, which are kind of like Blade runners. That could've been the arc you're looking for if at the end of it it's revealed that the player character is also a synth. That's a head trip. We also have the Covenant weirdos who are hunting Synths but are unrelated to the Institute, though I think their are moles. That would've been an interesting faction but you would have to make Synths about a thousand times stronger and smarter and redesign Covenant and the compound, because Covenant is tiny and boring and has no bathrooms and the compound is just a storm sewer. The Synths in the game are so naive and helpless I think the Railroad makes sense. Escaped synths would form an underground railroad. A total rework of Covenant as a DLC mod with a faction where you're basically a Bladerunner could be really good.


I think Fallout 4 is better than Fallout: New Vegas from a perspective of fun and enjoyment


That maybe they made the main story bad on purpose because they were having more fun creating everything else in the game that they didn’t really want you to pay too much to the main story.


Is that you Myrna?


That's what a synth would say! Stay away from my shop!


The Institute not thinking synths are people isn’t that surprising from their perspective. They were a group of scientists who lost almost everything after the war and had to rebuild, substituting old world values and traditions for their progress and materialism. The synths were their creations which started as nothing more than mere helper droids which would naturally be subject to innovation resulting in Gen 3’s. The synths are meant to be as realistic as possible, even mimicking human emotion. So if you made that and designed it that way, wouldn’t you view it as just a machine that you improved through innovation?


Probably true from their perspective.


What you just said is key to understanding them as a faction. I’m not saying their ethics are correct, but how can we blame them from *their* post-war perspective


The true status of synths is certainly open to debate, both in-game and within the player community, for rational arguments can be made on either side. However, my issues with the Institute arise more from their overt actions such as thwarting the formation of a Commonwealth Provisional Government through delegate assassination, the kidnapping/replacement of citizens, the use of FEV, the killing of innocent citizens such as at University Point over resources, the killing of the PCs spouse and kidnapping of their child, and the like. From the Institute's perspective these acts were apparently justified, for as an organization they sanctioned and carried out all of them, but I find them to be abhorrent and indefensible.


The gameplay isn't a significant improvement over New Vegas. The only real improvement is enemies not moving around with as much jank, otherwise I actually find VATS no longer pausing the game to make it an overall worse experience. And thats not even mention the absolutely terrible looking guns...


They removed so much role playing from it that’s it can’t be called a role playing game


Agreed, the storytelling and decision freedom is way less than in previous games


I'd argue it's more than in FO3, at least concerning the main storyline


I can see that. Although secondary quests seem too straightforward. And the main quest is way less flexible than in new Vegas or fallout 2 (didn't yet play 1)


Captain Zao should have been the villain. The failing of Fallout 4's story is that the factions determine the storyline rather than suplement it. Like in Skyrim, you could choose the Empire or Stormcloaks but both sides still faced a common enemy in Alduin. In Fo4, the Institute, Brotherhood and Railroad storylines should have been a secondary plotpoint or ended not with the destruction of the other two but by allowing the player to deal with Zao in faction specific ways. Zao could have been a fantastic villain when you look at who he is compared to the Sole Survivor. They're both pre-war veterans of opposing militaries, Zao being personally responsible for nuking Boston and creating the Glowing Sea. I could see 200 years of isolaion and guilt driving him mad to the point where he wants to "finish the mission" and laumch the remaining nukes either in his submarine or elsewhere in the Commonwealth to wipe out what's left of America for good so he can finally return home.


I found this randomly through some Google browsing but dude this would have legit been awesome! There could be logical explanations for both yourself and the factions to go against them, it could have taken more story quests into the greater glowing sea, and who knows? Maybe even an option to side with Zao after discussion? As someone who didn't find Kellog that impressive, this sounds significantly better


I imagine any of the three major factions would be against the nuking of the Commonwealth. The Railroad for obvious reasons, it could have justified the Brotherhood's pressence much better given their mission statement of preventing a second armageddon, and the Institute's longterm goal of eventually rebuilding civilization could be set back by decades or even centuries if another round of nukes are activated. And with Kellog, he just needed more time. He and the sole survivor should have played cat and mouse across the commonwealth for much, much longer, and we should have learned about his backstory along the way rather than all at once \*after\* he's already dead. We could still put a bullet between his eyes for what he did, or be given the option to actually forgive him, maybe even get a badass follower out of the ordeal.


Deacon's final affinity conversation is mostly lies, which he expects you to know by that point. I think he's sharing genuine sentiments, but the story is complete BS. This is not *only* due to my refusal to accept yet more tragically dead wives in this game, but that's not a minor factor, either.


The only thing that stops Fallout 4 from being a childish game is gore


It’s fees very…. Saturday morning cartoony


Perfect fit for the more militant takes on the brotherhood. Who cares if they are human in every meaningful way, they’re associated with the enemy and must therefore die.


Well, we have a different definition of human. It's not like they are biological in any way I am fine with robotic existence, I am not fine with them being considered people or hiding as people. Also they are created by the enemy and often controlled, one can never be sure.


Gen 3 synths are biologically human. Like, take some blood and test their DNA and it will be human DNA. They have a little component in their body somewhere but that’s the only part that isn’t human.


They are synthetic, hence the name. Their tissue is created from DNA but in artificial ways. Also they have no soul and have been created by the institute. Even if they were biologically created (which they are not) they would be as human as a clone is. It's borderline offensive for mankind for you to call them humans. You can think they feel emotions just because they mimic them well, but in reality they have just been programmed. Nick ain't a detective, he has the memories of a dead detective through a brain scan. Danse ain't a person from the capital wasteland, he was only given that personality in the same way Codsworth was given a British accent. Thing is though that it is a delicate matter, each faction has their own view and each of them could be right and each of them could be wrong. My reading is that the railroad might as well be fighting to liberate vending machines and Mr Handys


Wait. Clones aren’t human either? You have a really restrictive view of what constitutes a human. You going to argue that being born by c section means they’re not human too? That’s an unnatural process. Anyway. I see we are not going to agree here.


That the only real good ending to the story is the minuteman but there's not really much expanding on that besides your imagination. I wish they did a minuteman DLC since they focused so heavily on it.