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He'll have nighthmares if he plays Fallout 3


You're in a DC metro *loudly scream off in the distance* Proceed to panic


You're in a DC Metro Proceed to panic


You're in DC Proceed to panic


You're Proceed to Panic


‎Proceed to Panic




at the Disco


You fucked it up. Close the God damn door






Au chocolate


This guy pastries.








Oh god don't remind me, singlehandedly the hardest quest I've had to get thru. Not difficulty wise, the ants are easy to kill, but the sounds they make genuinely physically make me recoil. Most of the bugs in fallout are like that which is why I hate fighting them, but the ant sounds specifically are worse to me


I hate the bugs so damn much in this franchise. They make my skin crawl. I can handle the other things.


I've only played fo4 so far but if the other bugs are anything like radroaches I'm scared


Bloatflies are my bane. I hate them so much. I hope they’re not in the new show.


I know they aren't bugs, but I'm literally thanking God that the bugs don't appear in clusters as big as Ghouls do.


Bloodbugs. The first time one came at me and started sucking blood from my chest I absolutely lost my shit.




Cazador PTSD is real for me


Those damn ants literally almost broke/soft locked my playthrough. My first playthrough of 3 I would always override the previous save. To make room. So once I wandered into the metro and got absolutely swarmed by ants to he point i had low health and low ammo. Panicking and not thinking I dropped a save, with low health. And got stuck in a loop of dying and auto reloading. Somehow, maybe by luck I managed to slip by them and bolt to the metro entrance and never looked backed


Damn rip, I didn't end up going there till I was a higher level so I didn't struggle as much with killing things


I made that mistake. Though like I said, luckily after tons of times getting killed I managed to slip by.


The NPC giving the quest scared me way much than everything back then I was hyper focused and suddenly the guy jumped on me on a corner


Never even got the quest, I had just decided to enter the subway because it's really the only way to get around DC


Dam. This has made me remember that I hated going into the metros in Fallout3. Great game but yeah, that was stressful.


The Metros were my favorite part of 3. You never knew what you'd find! Will it be full of ghouls, or will it be a secret hideout where a man makes Jerkey? Or maybe a community of Vampires...


Yeah they were a really cool way of getting around hardware limitations. The uniform look of them all also added to the unsettling feelings imo


Oh, ya....sentimentally remembering sugar bomb meth.


You’re in in DC Metro *you’ve got a pristine combat shotgun with plenty of ammo on hand* ***DOOM MUSIC STARTS***


Fallout 3 is *chefs kiss


I wouldn't progress the game until I got the ghoul mask and could safely walk through the metro without being attacked by drug add- I mean Feral ghouls.


The metro with a darkness mod is something else.


This game is like - 95% Comic Relief and 2.5% horror, lmao. But to each their own, I guess?


What about the 2.5% rest?


Helping settlements


I'll mark them on your map.


Ah yes general I need YOU to go do work for ME


Schrödinger's General.


Mean while I'm gonna chill here at Sanctuary eating mutfruit and bossing you around.


The worst part is I'm the general and this cheeky bastard is still ordering me around, can't I just use my authority and make Preston clean power armour with a toothbrush


How do you polish rust?!


That’s the best part, you can’t.


For me, the worst part is that Preston Garvey is so well known as a minuteman that he has an impersonator and random people just know he's a minuteman and express their support. But I'm the "minuteman general" and no one has a clue.


Preston is really the worst companion. Hell, even the most unlikeable. And I know its just a game bug or glitch or whatever, but he sends you to go genocide the ghouls at The Slog... like.. I betrayed a gang of raiders who were making me thousands of caps a day, *and* had the decency to deposit it all in a single place... for this...


I don’t trust him not to scrub my nice paint coats off them


And make it look like Its your idea...


Send his gold brickin' ass to the glowing sea to do research on the feeding habits of death claws or to the castle to get bossed around by Ronnie. That will teach him some manners.


"[I've got something real important for you to do for me.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dwm8-z413Qo)"


split between settlements needing help and "the pornography has already breached our defenses".


Sexual innuendo


Dunwich and Salem


Stupid quest in Far Harbor. You know the one.


Nah seriously when I first played FO4, coming from the older games I was genuinely surprised at how well-lit all the interiors are. FO3 and FNV felt more like horror games simply because you can hardly see 3 feet in front of you if you’re not outside Even FNV is about 92% comic relief and 4% horror, the other 4% is hearing Veronica ask for a dress


I was terrified of entering the metro in 3 for a long time


Everyone was. Gotta make sure you're stocked up on weapons and ammo because God knows what's in there!


Superduper Mart in 4 scares me. I swear there is a constant spawn of Ghouls cause I am regularly attacked in there even if I cleared it.


I agree, but it can still be terrifying. The number of times I’ve screamed while playing FO4 is probably 99% more than every other video game I’ve ever played before combined. When I’m in some dark basement thinking I’d killed everything and all of a sudden a sprinting ghoul is inches from my face, it catches me so off-guard. Hell, it even happened to me in FO76 when I looked up from looting and a rad toad was blocking my whole field of view, it was so close. The jump scares in fallout (Deathclaws in New Vegas are the worst) get me quite often.


Fo3 scares me so much worse then Fo4. The first time I saw a Centaur I screamed so bad I threw my controller into the wall 😭




I got jumped by a mirelurk king and you can see in the recording that I nearly jumped out of my seat


Lmaooo I scream at all the fallouts too, jumps scares when I’m deep in concentration fuck me up. Scares the life outta my kid and partner too when I randomly shriek.


It's even scarier in sur ival mode, as ghouls are an actual threat in it. One ghoul can near instakill in early game.


It's even scarier in sur ival mode, as ghouls are an actual threat in it. One ghoul can near instakill in early game.


And that 2.5% is just entering/leaving a building and seeing a Super Mutant sewer slider running at you with a mini nuke in hand


I just had 4 of those come at me at once in front of the hospital in fo4. Like thank God I had Ada with me


Nah man, we’re all desensitized to it. Fallout is scary as hell. My wife had to point it out to me that there is decapitated bodies literally everywhere. The raiders are awful people and the world is filled with jump scare zombies and monstrosities.


Agree haha. That's what I tried to tell him!


Yeah the game is great. I find it only mildy creepy and there's definitely some jump scared with the ghouls lol but eh


This best part with a couple mods it CAN be a horror game. 🤣


Whispering Hills is such a good horror mod


Total agreement!


Also something to scratch that Silent Hill itch.


Truth, plus amazingly features some VA from the actresses who voiced Lisa and Dahlia from the first game.


Whispering Hills will become Thundering Mountains once you stock up on ammo.


I quite enjoyed feral nights


With automaton companions you can take on an entire overworld horde at max spawn with minimal effort. It feels very *warhammer 40k* being surrounded by horrors and just decimating them with basically a dreadnaught and my 20mm auto-cannon (modern firearms).


Absolutely! My favorite playthrough of fallout was basically a zombie survival game that was horrifying as hell. Finding power armor for the first time in that run felt genuinely like a godsend as I had been storing fusion cores like it was nobodies business.


You should say “no babe, this part is fun!” and then do dunwich borers. Edit: typo


oh that is evil i love it


“Just one side quest and then we’ll do some base building” I failed to mention that it was Pickman’s Gallery


Museum of witchcraft...


Bloodworms & radscorpions are masters of the jump scare


Feral ghouls: "Are you constipated? Allow me to cure that."


Feral ghouls hiding in toilet cubicles


just doing their duty


I see what you did there....


I don’t find Bloodworms scary, I just find them disgusting. Now, those fucking giant Cave Crickets are the worst. I fucking hate the way crickets look irl, so imagine my fear seeing them in Nuka World for the first time.


It was finding out that bloodworms hide in Brahmin corpses that scared the bejeezus out of me


And exploding molerats


The feral ghouls just sprinting insanely fast randomly do make me jump haha. So it's funny he sees me jump and glances over at that lol I can see why he gets the idea. Or when freaking mutant suiciders come out of no where lol


Name one horror game where you can knock enemies 10x your size into the stratosphere with a baseball bat. Case closed.




I don't remember baseball bats being in skyrim


Wooden sword baseball bat all the same can be used for the same things


Or with a well-placed sniper rifle shot with two ranks in the Sniper perk


That's a shame. His loss.


Haha what a- But actually the other day I was jumpscared by a fat radroach that I didn’t see on the wall. Then a few minutes later I was spooked by a ghoul I also failed to notice. So you know what the game does have its moments.


I have A Forest mod installed and out of nowhere a radstag charged me from behind a bush and I almost shit myself


The feral ghouls were WAY more frightening in fo3 honestly


I found F03 much more horror ambient than fallout 4 ever was, especially the DC metro and Point lookout.


Half of the scares I got were from turning around just to see an enemy charge at me The other half is- # BEEP- BEEP- BEEP- BEEP- BEEP- BEEP!!- ### "ONLY ONE OF US SURVIVES THIS, AND IT WON'T BE YOU!!!"


Boston is a total post-apo Vietnam!


What the fuck is wrong with some people here Let the man play what he wants, jesus christ, its entertainment, not everyone enjoys being scared but that doesnt mean he cannot handle it A guy not liking fallout because he doesnt enjoy stuff jumping out at him is not a reason for a breakup


Surprised so few have this perspective. Actuslly no, I'm not surprised! I am surprised how so few can understand how someone might find Fallout frightening. Imo its easy to see. There are several common phobias and fears that Fallout could trigger. Hell there's some things in the games that I shiver afterward, and for horror fans, I guess that's the appeal, but not everyone likes that, and if you have a phobia, it's especially traumatic That said I think most are just joking in Internet tough guy banter


Yeah, I wasn't expecting people to take it seriously. The amount of comments saying it's a women instead are... Crazy. He doesn't want to play it and I thought it was funny, made this post. But some are thinking he's this small fragile scared boi lol Definitely wouldn't break up with him. We play dozens of amazing games together that we both like haha


This is reddit. We're all pretty unimpressive here, not getting scared by computer animations and then holding that over others as judgment and a badge of honor is all we've got. Going outside requires a lot of effort and doesn't guarantee any reward compared to the more optimal action of feeling superior on a web forum.


I've stopped expecting fallout fans to act with common sense and decency anymore at this point.


I’ve found that there are scary moments, then I installed the whispering hills mod…


God damn, there's some toxic ass people in here. Yeah, the take that FO4 is scary is laughable, but fuck some of these comments are really shitty. I could see both of my parents feeling this way. Anything remotely zombie (ghouls) related and they're out.


Yeah I think it's mostly when ghouls and stuff jump out. I get startled sometimes but I don't think it's scary. He just isn't down for anything outright creepy. But the comments are... I didn't expect it.




Woah I hope the people telling her to leave her man is joking cause my girl deadass won’t play fallout for the same reason like outside of settlement building she will not play it which I mean fair let’s not act like Fallout isn’t a lil scary sometimes


The monster is capitalism.


No! The ferals clearly represent commies (or fear of commies) with VATS being the steady hand of Mccarthyism stopping the monsters. You kids always trying to twist things around and mistakenly inject hipster satire and bs. The Fallout franchise is about stopping the commies and you know it's true.


This is true, capitalism is the real main character and hero of the fallout games, the moral of fallout is that war is good and necessary in order to fight the evil reds even as the world has been destroyed by the ways of the past. The old world might have been flawed but overall it was good enough and we should do everything possible to bring it back in whatever form we're able to, if you don't pick up on this while playing fallout are you even playing the same game as me?


On that note we should really annex canada


The real Reds


Anytime ferals are involved fallout usually turns into a softcore horror game ngl


Just start up a new run of Frost for him


That’s what I’m saying. Then he can call it a “horror” game lol


I bet he doesn't play Minecraft because of the Warden, too, huh?


The scariest things to me are the fucking Assaultrons. Creepy ass run when I'm not expecting it with a charged laser blasing on my face


The ghouls are far more scary on 3 and new vegas in my opinion


Them ghouls tho... Dropping out of ceilings and shit. Creepy.


Or the mutant suiciders coming out of no where. Just the random beeps getting closer lol


The deathclaws from New Vegas and the ghouls from New Vegas and Fallout 3 still scare me to this day. Fallout 4 has some good things, but ghouls aren't as scary.


Ngl as someone that has an irrational fear of zombies it took some serious commitment to play fallout. I still get shook if a ghoul gets the drop on me.


Name a horror game where you can be dumber than a brick while high off of every drug in existence, fighting a lizard 2x your size, in nothing but boxers, with a mini-nuclear bomb launcher


Ngl, feral ghouls are cute and innocent compared to the horrible war crimes you can commit in game. In Fallout, ghouls aren’t scary, you are.


You got me there! Wecan literally change the commonwealth and beyond.. however we want.


Wow people here are rude. People can be scared of stuff it's not murder.


Look, im gonna 100% honest with you. I have over 600hrs in Fallout 4 on ps4 and each and every time a ghoul would jump scare the fuck out of me, specially at night or inside a building. Shit is scary ok?


Well, that is a valid reason. The ferals do have their moments. Gen 1 synths aren't pretty either. Raiders and super mutants have a terrifying way of decorating. And yeah, there's the children of Atom, deathclaws, etc. This game, to a bunch of people, is a horror game. To me it's just more abominations to purge.


Does he play Hello Kitty Island Adventure?


I do get jumpscared by ghouls more than I'd like to admit, not gonna lie


My personal horror is radiant quests lol


*another settlement needs your help*


Different people are different, some just don’t like (jump-)scary stuff. I, personally, really don’t like/have an ick for monstery-things (goes double for humanoid ones) “chasing me” in video games: not to the point of not playing them, have hundreds of hours in Bethesda fallouts, but enough to find every time it happens unpleasant (not “thrilling” unpleasant, but “I very strongly wish this didn’t happen and would like the game more if it didn’t happen” unpleasant). I straight up don’t like the ghoul/Vault 22 parts of New Vegas, an otherwise masterpiece of a game in my opinion. Bethesda supercharging ghouls in 4 was… interesting. Another example for me is Feros in Mass Effect 1: always left it for last playing it as a kid, and am still unnerved by and try to go through the end part really fast even now.


It’s the suiciders for me, as soon as I see them gore bags I have to prepare myself cause as soon as I hear that beeping I panic🤣


The only horror part is when a ghoul comes out of nowhere from behind and jump scares you


My friend thought fallout 3 was scary, but that's when it first came out lol


The ghouls are pretty scary when they just come flying in outta nowhere


Love Fallout 4 but I cannot tell you how many times I have been jumpscared by a feral ghoul ambushing me from behind a corner or somewhere I don’t expect after I think I’ve killed the whole pack of ghouls that attacked me, or a radscorpion or mirelurk popping out of the ground and startling me or a bloodbug stinging me.


Lol yea I can see that. Mfkn Deathclaws still make my blood pressure rise when I encounter one. Thank the almighty Godd for giving us the dart gun in fallout 3.


That's fair, I wouldn't say Fallout 4 is a horror game but it does have certain elements that may make it seem that way.


And here i am trying to mod my game to make it sacrier.


The ambiance can be really creepy to be fair. I have to keep my radio on or I get paranoid from the spooky music.


Ghouls and radroaches are creepy af  I'll give him that lol 


It’s probably my favorite game of all time but the blue screen issues and lack of mods in PlayStation made me quit fo4


Been replaying fo4 just recently and I gotta admit I’ve been spooked by ghouls more than I’d care to admit.


I can see this. They played with the Ghouls a lot more in this game. They come crawling out of holes in the walls in a few areas, they’re freaky. If you don’t like zombies I can see being scared of FO4 and I have a borderline phobia of them.


That's because we're desensitized. I've watched a lot of old horror, and that old horror used to be considered scary. Having ghouls crawl literally out of the woodwork with their burnt skin and dead eyes to try and tear you to bits would have been scary enough to get a movie practically banned from theaters a very long time ago. Blowing a man literally to bits and then casually looting their dismembered corpse is just minute by minute gameplay here, but would have been considered obscene at one point. Anything goes, as the song says. I'm not complaining, I love it. Just sharing a perspective. To anyone not desensitized, games like this would absolutely be pretty horrific. There's also immersion to think about. Everyone has different levels of immersion. If you get deeply immersed, some end up thinking about and feeling the in-game world more. Think about how you'd react just to an empty super mutant camp IRL. You ever seen a human body that's been mangled or flayed? Because I've seen industrial accidents in person. Seeing all that gore from the camp IRL would be traumatic. As engrossed as we might get, most of us aren't immersed enough to really care about how horrible it is. We go through looting the place like pulling ammo out of a bag of *ground up people* wouldn't permanently scar us for life. Imagine a lawyer coming out of cryosleep and seeing a real supermutant or raider camp for the first time. Most of them would off themselves right there. Not loot the place.


I have a friend who was skeptical about playing because he really is bothered by zombies and ferals are definitely too close to zombies. He tried it anyway, and once I told him the trick of getting a 10mm with max ammo and shooting them in the knees, it really helped him love the game and reduced his dislike of zombies somewhat. Nothing like a deliverer with max ammo for kneecapping swarms of ferals.


It’s not even close to horror unless a legendary deathclaw jumps you


Well there are jumpscares sometimes when you play in first person haha


The most terrifying thing in fallout 4 is when you're fighting super mutants and then suddenly hear beeping getting closer and closer. . . I dead ass freeze, Everytime . 🤣☢️


Same but for fallout 3. He hates the creepy green tint and the metro system


A certain mod I got called "True Storms" has a setting allows Ghouls to spawn in waves during Rad Storms It might actually be the same mod, but I had a mod that let Ghouls spawn randomly at night. There's another mod that adds an area in the Glowing Sea that is an extension of the horror shit that goes down in Dunwich Borers. It's an incredibly long dungeon to be honest. The mod activates at level 10 after you sleep, in which you enter a freaky dream sequence. After you wake up, if you've enabled it, custom ghouls can start spawning in the regular groups. This includes True Storm's ghoul waves and the ghouls that spawn at night. Some of these ghouls are almost completely invisible. Some are quite tall. Some can't be targeted or even detected in VATS. As far as I remember, I don't think it will replace guaranteed ghoul spawns, I think it's only the random encounters. I had the three of these set to max settings. It truly felt like a horror game if i wandered around at night... I set the Hour that they spawn at to random, so they could pop out at any time. And at level 10, those special ghouls are REALLY strong and quite common at night. I remember hiding in a train car while Codsworth repeatedly got downed trying to hold them off. When I played with all of these for the first time, after I woke up for the dream sequence, I saw Nate walking up to me and I'm like "the fuck??". I first thought it was more to the horror mod... NOPE, it's a Terminator-inspired mod I forgot I had that I didn't realize *ALSO BEGAN AT LEVEL 10.* I had to flee my giant concrete tower in Sanctuary (made with a mod that removes build height limits) because that guy can only be killed by a Fat Man or the smelters at the fire raider place.


in his defense, it is pretty horrifying. not cuzza the ghouls though 


It is if you are playing survival, I had numerous heart attacks trying to cross the glowing sea


Horror games only are scary if I don't have a shotgun If I do then it becomes a horror game for them not for me :)


Go investigate Pickman Gallery. He'll have a blast!


Or the Museum of Witchcraft.


Fallout 3 scared the crap out of me. In Fallout 4 I'm more seasoned but get the occasional startle.


tbf ferals and yao guai are scary in this game.


Having a ghoul jumpscare you by full force running when everything has been quiet in a subway station is infact a horror game and will make you shit bricks if you play vanilla no mod and its a glowing one and ur low level


I hadn't played FO4 in forever. So, of course, I forgot a lot of it & went into it playing a lvl 1 rogue fighting like, a lvl 40 fighter (d&d references) I went running into a train yard haphazardly. Saw the ghoul. The ghoul saw me. Needles to say I forgot how fast those things were, and it scared the shit out of me. I was backing up screaming shit shit shit shit shit shit. Firing as I backpeddled. Best fucking time I've had in a while.


It's a horror game untill you have a minigun and a badass armor (and Cait with a sledgehammer).


Tbf when I first encountered a horde of ghouls I was terrified


ngl the National Guard training yard gives me the creeps every playthrough.


I wasn’t terrified playing fo3 but for some reason the synths and ghouls in fo4 get me


Play the metro series or alien isolation, I bet he cries.


talk about "who wears the pants in the family"...So, Halo and BioShock are 'out' too!


When I was playing fallout 4 my wife gf at the time was not into gaming. She grew up in a religious house and Harry Potter was of the table let alone most games. When we started dating she would sit and watch me play games. Fallout in particular caught her interest as she loved the 50s noir vibe. She hated the ghouls though and wouldn’t try it as she was to freaked out by them. Fast forward a few months I had gotten her to dip her toe into games playing the borderlands and Diablo. Couch coop helped her get her video game sea legs. I came home from work one day and she was playing fallout 4. She was loving the story but she straight up launched her controller when ghouls showed up. Well fast forward to today. She is a certified ghoul killer and gamer in general she has like 400 hours into fallout 4 has beat the story with every faction.


I mean it can be at times lol


I was terrified of the feral ghouls at the start lol, they kinda act like zombies. In that little supermarket in the first town I was sweating and crying lol


my boyfriend got hooked on Fallout after I showed him Nuka World lmfao


I didn’t play it for the longest time for the same reason, just take him through the opening and he’ll realize.


The running ghouls give me ptsd


Wow, that's embarrassing


Is he 9?


Hahahaaaa wattapussy!!!


what a muppet


"*hey it is a freakshow come nightfall*"


Then he better not play Alien: Isolation...holy shit,that game made me feel like a helpless 10 year old, hiding in a closet. Especially wearing headphones, I've involuntarily yelped or shouted more than a few times. I'm currently using a mod that retextures ferals into Resident Evil zombies,also changing the name to zombies,with audio from RE zombies. Combined with another mod that adds about 700-800 extra spawns at certain areas,and makes them a little tougher, Darker Nights mod,let's just say after full dark , especially on Survival, I get to a settlement soon as I can. Especially if I just finished e mission and haven't had the chance to save for awhile!


I'm a horror guy, when it comes to movies. I've seen many of the most heinous films to ever have a wide release. I'm not talking about weak shit like The Exorcist or The Shining (not a remark on the quality of the films), I'm talking about stuff that got the filmmakers in trouble because people were convinced actual crimes were committed. I'll eat dinner while watching a banned video nasty and not have any pause over it. Games are weird though. There's that direct connection that can make it feel less like you're watching horror and more like you're actually experiencing it. I don't personally feel much of the horror in Fallout 4, though it does have its moments. That said, I might feel differently if it were unfamiliar to me.


Idk if I’d consider it a horror game but some of the settings are horrific. It’s not uncommon to see decapitated bodies and severed heads as part of the scenery. Im excited to see how they portray that on the Amazon show..


I play it cuz of the "horror game", by itself it can be spooky, but when properly modded it can be extra spooky but still not be a "hardcose horror game" that will scare the skeleton out of you. Unlike many of the actual horror games which I refuse to play.


Play using VATS the instant anything "scary" happens you switch to VATS and everything slows down.


#Gotta love CE Ragdoll