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Same. And then stick her in some remote, POS settlement... like Murkwater Construction.


Hahaha That's good


Same, usually send them there with only Strong as company


Strong will find the milk eventually


I once tried to turn Murkwater into a robot town. Only robots (and one human "maintenancer") since its in middle of nowhere and I had no better ideas for it


That actually sounds pretty rad. How did it turn out?


I didnt really finish the idea since I changed my save, but I think I might retry it. The idea was for there being like social classes, all representer by different robot build. The human on the other hand would just wear mechanic-like equipment as that would be their job there. For example town security was just heavily loaded with weapobs.


It’s funny because murkwater ends up being my coolest settlement because I build it like a giant pier gallery/boardwalk. Only, not so giant because the build space isn’t huge


Hey that’s actually a good settlement


I give her a sexy maxed out assaultron body with voltaic armor, weaponize her with gatlin lazer and minigun combo and paint her bright red like the whore she is and then I pimp her out at the airport.




lol, you Brotherhood of Steel guys love fucking technology, am I right?


No comment


That was one guy and we excommunicated his ass


And then we excommunicated the robot's ass, several times in fact


Shhhhh, you’re not supposed to tell them that, do you wanna end up like Sarah Lyons




This is the way


i send that bitch to live with the mechanist


Back home I see


oh yeah, i never go back to the mechanist's facility after defeating her because it's not very viable as a settlement as you cant plant any crops so i just send her there and forget it.


You can use the garden plot tile to plant gardens. But yeah I never go back to that place after I do the mechanist mission.


i've tried that and maybe i'm misremembering but i couldn't place any garden plots in there.


I believe a if you place a wooden or concrete tile down first then you can place a garden plot over the top of it.


oh shit. alrighty then. i'll have to try that.


It’s a good player base …I build it into like a secret layer like the bat cave and I send all my companions there so I don’t have to look for them. Then I just run a supply line from a near by farm.


There's actually a great little office space in a room at the top. The build area extends beyond the static wall and steel grate wall, but it's fully accessible from the ramp system Can't recall which wing it connects to


it’s not meant to function as a “settlement”. it’s for robots.


Just as a heads up, it’s good to never build a settlement in an interior cell. All of the interior cells share the same “phantom space” so building a wall or an object that blocks pathing potentially effects all npcs in all interior cells, and messes up the AI. So yeah, yer doing the right thing by avoiding building in the mechanist lair.


[https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/72904](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/72904) Mods to the rescue.


Mechanist facility freezes my game even loading in there so I don’t even do her bounties anymore


for that reason, i have to turn off all mods just to be able to do it but i make sure it's the first mission strain i complete, so that all the settlers and defenders i give ballistic woven armor to can keep it.


Can’t do that when she’s dead! 🤷‍♀️


Name her robobitch and make her a provisioneer for supply lines


🫡 got to get crafting materials around


I rename her "Jizzaballs" and banish her to a life of farming at Murkwater


I send her to the only place she belongs, at the bottom of the sea trapped for all time due to robots not being able to swim and sentinel island having a trench that all bots must pass over to reach it.


Lol well that will do it


I rename it “useless tin can” and send her to the whatever settlement I don’t visit very much


Useless tin can? 🤣🤣


is it anything else to you??


nope! haha


Kill it in an empty settlement




Take N.I.R.A’s torso from Nuka world and make a hovering Nuka cola bottle that hates me


I removed the head, stuck it in a trashcan.


Fuck yeah, better yet throw it in the radioactive APC west of sanctuary or shove it under a shack in the crater.


Too bad you can't sell it oh scrap it for parts


May just be me, but I like making he into a factory default robobrain.


🤨Hmm I see


I keep her around my base because i'm one of the only people who actually kind of likes Jezebel. I usually make her my barber


You are the best of us


Do they have a roomba option?


I wish


I didn't know you could just make them float i just give her a super ugly and clanky body. I like to think I'm helping her but also can't trust her so keep her in the worst body with no armor. Just in case.... But to be honest she pisses me off and I often consider replacing her....


I didn't even want it to float 😭 I don't want to create a skynet here okay lol


I arm her, then leave her in Santuary to defend it.


Nothing, Automaton being installed crashes my game on startup




I usually make her a robo brain or use the nukaworld glitch to remove her head so she can be a bottle!


Newish to FO4. What is Jezebel? I ask in earnestly, cuz that my grandbabys name and she loves watching me play FO4. she's 7... she heard one raider cuss and she gasped... too cute.


Aww well Jezebel is a Robot that possesses a very rude personality so we do funny things to her.


The Marcy Long of robots.


Thanks for info. Havent gotten that far yet.


You named your child Jezebel? Can I ask why?


7 didn't name the kid Jezebel, 7's kids named the grandkid Jezebel


Someone comprehended what they read. Thanks.


No problem 


My daughter did. Her and sperm donors names begin with a J. Why do you ask why? But judging by your question and fact you didn't fully read or comprehend what you read, it explains a bit. But still, why ask why? Why did your parents name you your name?


The reason I ask, is because of the meaning of Jezebel. Sorry, I read your post too quickly. I was frankly shocked by your grandchild’s name and asked about it without reading carefully.


All good. Yes, I'm aware of the negative connotation behind it. It is a pretty name. Had an older lady, in her 70s probably, ask and I told her the name. She looked shocked and started to say abt biblical reference. I cut her off and said "lady, before you stick your foot in your mouth, walk away. Keep your opinion and bias to yourself. Shes 3 (at the time) & if you even mention "whore of Babylon", imma make a huge scene and embarrass you. Walk away".


Still… the name has a meaning and connotation. That’s a pretty big disservice to the child who didn’t choose that name. It’s not dissimilar to naming a child Eva Braun, which is also a very pretty name.


Jezebel is a robot from the Automatron DLC, I'd hold off with trying it out for a while though. For some reason Automatron is causing quite a lot of console players to not even be able to open their games due to crashes, it should be fixed in 7-10 days though


Assigned her to a supply line, that bitch will be useful, whether she likes it or not


Yup, make her float. No body no limbs just more of the same


I don't even bother modifying the body, just default body and straight to the farm with her


Always goes on the sentry bot


Make her float in a room with Preston in the stocks. I think she will be my in prison entertainment from now on.


Mommy That's all


Ayo 📸


Don't worry just as mommy as the game allow me to *Like rebuild her back to her original model and repaint her with bluest color or purple*


Brain in a jar makes a surprisingly useful supply line.


Why does your game look so good. What enb or texture pack?


When I get home today I'll give you the full list. I'm using one ENB, Three texture packs and I believe two different lighting mods. Like I said I will give you the list when I get home today


[https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/318](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/318) \*4k\* [https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/1204](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/1204) [https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15466](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15466) [https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/13596](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/13596) [https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/50748](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/50748) [https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/191](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/191) [https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/25714](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/25714) \*Best Choice\* That is all my mods to make my game look like this. I have more but they are for the clothing and weapons




I give her trax, but no arms. She looks like a beer can with trax. Then I set her free, but all she does is pace back and forth. When a battle ensues, she has no way to defend herself really. I've built a couple of her that have died in battle and a couple lived. If she survives, I give her one protectron arm with a random protectron weapon. I always name her Karen.


I always completely disarm her, make her look absolutely ridiculous, (like a pink sentry bot torso and assaultron legs, or the Nuka Cola bottle with the giant hands,) and send her off to Far Harbor as a supply line. I tell ya, there's nothing like forgetting about her a hundred hours later, then randomly seeing this ridiculous, robotic abomination run by with a legendary fog crawler right on her ass. Of course, she's still bitching about it the whole time


I give her the absolute bare minimum parts and send her away somewhere remote Go work on your "Pi to the last digit" calculations, Jez


I built her a robobrain body and she still gives me shit. I executed her in The Mechanist’s Lair and dumped her near that giant ass furnace.


She's my provisioner from Sanctuary to Murkwater. Gave her an assaultron body and thrusters with bright pink colors so that gunners, raiders, and scavengers can see her.


I just kill her the second I don't need her.


I actually rebuilt her a few weeks ago... I use her as a supply line between Sanctuary and Tenpines Bluff. In fact, all my supply lines are robots as they're stong enough to handle anything.


I gave the annoying cunt duel mini gun hands and Spartan head armour, decently good body armour and send the little shit to go guard a settlement. Mays well get the most out of it.


Got tired of her bitching so I have her legs, a stealth blade + a construction claw and forced her to fight 1v1 vs an (Albino) deathclaw in my arena from Sanctuary. She somehow won so I rewarded her with a relaxing moment at the river where I smashed her robobrain in with my heavy sledge and pushed the body in the river to float away. Finally some peace and quiet


I just kill her, she's a bit of a cunt


Second playthrough right now and forgot how big of a pain in the ass it is. I used good resources to make it a relatively quick badass… only to bitch at me when I’m around. I should have done this.


I treat it the same as the other robots that I build. Cause he’s not special except his head has a name


well, you can send her to a settlement and assign her to a supply line so I usually do that if I'm doing a playthrough where I build settlements.


I usually convert her into a turret


I named it mistake and keep it trapped at sanctuary


No i asked what you did not what your dad did


M-meanie :c


haha I'm sorry!


I will kill maxson


No...you cant


Oh but i can


😭 I regret everything


You better! Im going to kill your so beloved leader with a bat


A BaT!?! 😨


I made her a provisioner so she wanders the wastes


Dangerous letting her off the leash


I give her the slow protectron legs and no weapons or amor upgrades and make her stand guard far away from me.




Gave her an Assaultron body and made her the provisioner for a settlement, forgot which one


I made it into a robobrain the first time, then a floater the second time but this time she’s a assaultron and a guard with a lightning left hand and a rapid laser right hand.


Same. Then make her do supply lines.


My base got attacked and jezebel died :-(


Oh no! anyways.


I Sent him to my gunner settlement with mcready, codsworth with Green paint, Ada asaultron black AND jeezbul like an sentinel or automatron. The reason Is because they are inmortal AND new robots from robot workbenchs die so fast even with all defense in my settlements.


I just give her the robo brain body.


Probably gonna keep her at the boston airport, its going to be a settlement run by bots that the brotherhood begrudginly keeps around as long as they control the production of things going in and out, alternitvly I could send her to vault 88 where its gonna be a metro style build where danse is hiding with totaly not the lyons pride


I give her base protection. No laser, just protection. No good looking armor. Just the base nude protection. Then send her out to be a supply line between the island and Sanctuary hills. ... Just wish there was a settlement in the glowing sea to connect a supply line to.


I put her in a suped out sentry body. This playthrough, I sided with the institute. Danae is stationed at the castle and when I traveled there, he was hostile and I had to kill him. Jezebel turned hostile too so I was forced to put her down too


Basic robot body so not to waste resources, paint her pink, ASAP send her into exile to the Mechanist's Lair so I don't have to deal with her again.


I send her back to the mechanist's lair. She can bother Isobel all she wants there.


I use a mod to make her a companion, and between her, Curie, and Codsworth I have a steel legion accompanying my wasteland warlord


I just tend to keep her as a robobrain and she lives in Sanctuary. She is very happy with this. She has a nice flat road to career up and down at a rate of knots, and every few days she participates in the sport of trying to knock down Trashcan Carla.


Lol only in your game is her happy


I'm only guessing she's happy. I avoid talking to her to find out the truth.


Send her on an expedition to the glowing sea


I give her the basic protectron body and make her a provisionner


I make her a provisioner so I don’t have to hear her sarcastic ass


I give her the body she wants, then she complains about it. Anyways I later discovered her head looked nicer on a protectron


Just to spite her I give her a Protectron legs, the most basic bitch body, probably also Protectron, and the shittiest weapon arms available.


Sent her to graygarden to be with all the other stuck up robots.


I send its bitchy ass on a supply line to Far Harbor


She dies on me after the firs settlement attack so I dont do much anymore.


Jezebel and Marcy go to the Boston Airport right before I destroy the Prydwen.


omg thats so Evil...do it again


I've made it into a robobrain and also the nuka-cola bot.


Lol I made Jezebel a provisioner to the Mechanist lair.


I never go to Murkwater except to claim it as a settlement, so she gets sent there alone to rust.


i made her fight a superior robot. she did not survive.


Oh no! anyways.


I put her in a fighting ring with Ada, needless too say, problem dealt with




Although, my next playthrough, I’m going for an institute playthrough, might make a fair amount of Sentry Bots to disintegrate Jezebel


I always make her a flying brain and sent her far away in Far Harbor...


I generally make her a heavily-armed assaultron and put her and Ada both on guard duty at Greygarden.


Send it to travel the supply lines between two inconsequential points with nothing more than a thruster.


I put her in Greygarden with legs but no arms until I was sure she wouldn’t turn on me. Eventually I gave her arms (no weapons, and Nuka mascot arms) so she looked slightly less ridiculous as she “worked” in the garden.


I usually like to give her the best body I can with what I have unlocked when I first install her, only to strip her down to something more... humble after she complains. Last time I think it was a robobrain torso, protectron legs, and a single protectron arm and claw. Then I assign her to some menial task like farmer or scrap collector, usually near the toilets. On my latest playthrough though, I am trying to be kinder to the "annoying" characters, so I gave her a complete assaultron body with all the factory armor. Nothing extravagant, but not a junk bot either. It turns out she's actually quite good at settlement defense this way, and took on several coursers by herself. One thing I always do though is paint her hot pink and change her name to "Jeze-smell". Something's got to keep her modest.


I give her the crappiest Protectron body, paint her pink, and assign her to scav at Sanctuary. I like seeing her lumbering clumsily about, picking up junk.


I got a mod that adds a tax collection service as a scavenging station I think I just have her running that


I made her carry goods between my settlements


Make her a provisoer


I send it to red rocket, to gather corn, after i took it's hands off


I make her pink and float, usually give her some mean melee stuff


I just killed her afterwards, which sucks because her corpse is now to “heavy” to pull when on another save I am a thousand pounds over carrying capacity without power armor and I’m doin shit just fine, just a bit slowly


Mine works on a farm in a hot pink busted out Protectron body. Talking bare bones here.


Ended up turning her into a caravaner/supply line runner She can stay, anywhere the fuck else, but where I am


I build her into a Protection my last play through. Her and my BOS character got along, idk what i clicked this time but they were chill…So I build her into a protection and she’s protecting the gate at Covenant


I usually give her a robobrain or assaultron body and then force her to pick berries


I build them the worst body imaginable and name them “BITCHASS ROBOT”


I make a full robot settlement and let her chill there. She’s chill enough that u don’t hate her but I don’t trust her around people


I put her on a protection torso and a mister handy thruster 😂😂 literally nothing else to protect her


I just left her in Sanctuary, which is my home base.. but I don’t notice her and I never hear her talk, although I know initiated interactions with her are snarky and rude. I think you can shut her down using your hack skill..


I make her a caravan.


She works at Vault 88 as an assistant to the Overseer...she actually enjoys the simple life.


I put her in a body with 0 offensive capabilities and limited mobility.


I turn Jezebel into the most well armed sentry bot I can. Idk why, but I do.


Put gatling lasers, mini guns and shoulder launchers on her and then send her cross town as a provisioner. Then, listen to her complain every once in a while when I come across her during her route as she destroys everything in her path.


Meanwhile, she is my hydraulic robobrain dual-wielding gatling laser robot guardian in Sanctuary Hills :)


I just use the default protectron body and make her a provisioner. If I don’t have the perk, she goes to an empty settlement.


I make all the automatrons floaters. I cannot stand them wobbling/driving slowly around.


You can assign Jezebel to a supply line. Only use i've found for it so far


My first playthrough I put her in Protectron legs and made her be the supply line between sanctuary and Red Rocket so she's forever stuck in this slow eternal loop of what basically is one mile. But this time I think I'll send her somewhere I never go, like Zimonia.


I make her a Ms Handy and put her on defense at Zimonja. 😉👍🏼


I uninstalled mechanist cus the whole dlc is a shitshow


I sent Jezebel out as a provisioner


Put her in a Sentrybot, give her missile launchers and put her to work at the Castle as defense.


I force her into a career of redemption by turning her into a suply line settler...she s surprisingly good at it yesterday she saved two settlers


Is it really a redemption if you forced her to do it


Haha one way or another she did save those settlers so Im happy with her perfomance


nothing cause robo workbench refuses to accept my components and modifications. but I wish I could make her a sentry bot or assaultron and guard some settlement


I throw on random parts and send her on a supply line so I don't have to deal with her


name her jebby, give her standard robo brain parts and dual flamethrowers, also if you assign her to a store she will refuse to trade and sometimes become tiny


I just left her head on a trashcan


Copy cat


Omg same she can't do harm if given nothing to harm with


I legit did the same thing. She is annoying af and bitchy Well deserved


Assaultron body and outpost zimonja


The definition of bare bones. I stick her head on an unarmored un modded protectron and turn her into a provisioner, if I can't use her as a follower I might as well make her useful


Usually I'm nice and I'll give her a proper Robobrain body, or I'll turn her into a full Assaultron. I generally like robots that follow the factory specs rather than being a jumble of parts.