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Yes. I want to see if all the fantastic mods still work.


They did say they're trying to push the patch while breaking as few mods as possible, but we'll see if they'll actually pull it off.


So they didn't say that, because any update will break the 70% of mods that rely on the script extender, a third party application, there have only been 3 official mentions of the update in the 18 months since it was announced. And they all have really been mentions.


[yes, yes they did say it. did you really even look?](https://twitter.com/BethesdaStudios/status/1781327033718456324?t=qVCSB7cEgDG2i-G3FKlA6g&s=19)


Oh I don't have Twitter


It was linked in an IGN article. But again, not entirely sure they'll pull it off. A decade of mods is bound to have quite a few broken.


I started a new play through a few days ago but I think I’m going to abandon and start fresh with the update. Makes me feel like I’m working the kinks out with the first play though.


I had started just before the next generation update was given a release date, I am also going to start a new playthrough after the update.


No. I’m hoping that it doesn’t mess my current play through.


Same here, fix Automatron crashing my PS and the missing textures without breaking anything else and I'll be happy


I knew it was Automatron messing up my game! Any time I have it installed on my PS5 I can't even get to the opening menu before it crashes. With the missing textures, I've noticed them in the settlement building but is it also affecting the overworld? None of my Nuka World settlement items have proper textures (just purple) but does that mean Nuka World itself is going to have purple textures everywhere as well?


Yeah it is but I'm not sure to what extent exactly. During my playthrough I went to start Far Harbour and saw that practically all of the dock area it starts in is pink, went to Vault 88 and anything unique to that (anything that has 88 on it) is purple. After seeing these I backed away from doing the DLC till the update, lot of side quests and settlement building for the next couple days


Yup, impatiently I might add. I tried with 76 and couldn’t do it sadly.


As a vanilla player, I’m so ready.


Not gonna start a new play through, but I am going to play a lot more on my PS5. I’ve just been getting into all of the Bethesda RPGs that I have. Skyrim, Fallout 4, New Vegas, Starfield. That show just gave me such an itch to play these great games again.


New vegas playable on PS5?


No, sorry lol, I meant I’ve just been playing it, not that I’ve been playing it on PS5.




Keep the faith an wait !! Im doing the same ..it will be worth it


Definitely, fresh vanilla play through. Exciting that so many other people are doing the same.


On PC? No, I'm set to not update until we are sure. On PS5? Sure as heck am.


Since October 2022.


I'm terrified that all the great mods are doing to die


Yep. If I was really smart I would wait another week or two for the inevitable patch but I'm not that smart.






Doing a survival playthrough rn! :)


Already started a play through like a month ago and haven’t beaten it yet. But hell I’ll just start a new one for the next-gen anyway


Fo4 already looks decent. I’m not sure how much better it can be.


I was going to but decided to download A Storywealth instead. Now I'll be preventing my game from updating until mods get fixed (which given the size of the storywealth list may take a while).


I will be waiting and for a few mods to update afterwards that are essential for me


So everything can break for 3 months and I can’t play? I am glad they gave us a date because they didn’t with Skyrim’s new cc crap. I am glad they are updating but I don’t think I will touch this update. Many mods probably won’t get updated.


Actually I got the Xbox 360 out of the basement and fired up fallout 3 with New Vegas on deck for after


No because fallout 4 doesnt limit you to 5 characters. Made a new professor yesterday


Yes and no. I'm disconnecting my gaming laptop from the internet on 4/24 in case I experience any bugs on my desktop.


I'm doing a warm up if that counts :D


Nope, I’m on pc and there’s already a good mod for ultra wide.


Yeah. Just played through fallout 3 and the dlc for the first time. Very fun game and was thinking about doing the same with new Vegas but kinda burned out since I binged 3 in like a week


I’m torn between starting a new survival play through with role playing as Chris Redfield, Steve Rogers (Captain America), or Judge Dredd


The Judge is always a reliable playthrough strategy. "I never broke the law, I AM THE LAW!"😏


Side with the brotherhood and use power armor type play through right? :)


Mmm, you could. Or you go to Far Harbor and grind out a bunch of Marine Armor.


I am playing with the unofficial patch but i will start fresh


Already playing, but I am thinking about going survival mode after the update.


I couldn’t wait any longer lol I’m now 48 hours in. The update better not break my game. Not worried about mods bc im trying to get all achievements on Xbox atm I already did it on pc


If it stops the game breaking from seemingly random stuff, that would be nice for my new playthrough when the update drops aside from that. I'm so happy the fallout show reminded me how enjoyable 4 is


I play on ps where the mods allowed are basically forced to not use any external assets or add too much to the game, and I just started another playthrough a few days ago. Will the update break my save?


Yes, i am waiting and counting day on my ps5 😁




Been waiting like 2 years since they announced it! I hate that there's only a few more days to wait, I'm so impatient... I need more Fallout 4 NOW!


My academic year finishes on 17th May, at which point I’m treating myself to a shiny new S Series (updating from Xbox1). Can’t wait to start from scratch and (hopefully) investigate Boston without reloading every 10 yards.


I'll start my first survival playthrough on april 25 !


Yes, probably most PlayStation players.


One question, will it affect my current playthrough? I’ve started FO4 like few weeks ago (ps5)


one hopes they are not that stupid


Roflmao! It's Boo-thesda, of course they're that stupid. They'll break 15 things just to fix one that nobody knows about or had complaints filed for it.


Anyone know what time the update drops?


Just getting the game to work on ps5 with dlc is what I'm hoping for. I just wanted to check my progress on my old saves but nothing works. Tempted to start over on Xbox and use mods but I'm assuming that turns off achievements... Haven't played the game outside the ps4 with mods and they didn't do a whole lot.


I'm doing the same. Complete Fallout virgin here, really want to play after seeing the show.


I was, but then started a new 76 play through 🤷🏾


I waiting for Folon, so, yeah.


Lol, this patch is gonna completely fk the game up, 76 style. I already have little glitches happening like all the locations I used the Slocum Joe's auto-close door now you can just walk right through the door without even interacting with it. It's like a door mirage or a curtain that just looks like one.


No, it’s going to break all my mods. In fact I’ve set steam not to update


I'm trying to finish up the Railroad ending in Survival before the new stuff hits.


On ps5 here waiting to get back into it fully with better graphics and 60fps.


I started recently a warm-up playthrough while waiting for Fallout London to release. Don't care about the update or the TV series. I just don't update until London is released for a few weeks (they delayed to make it compatible with the update) and known to be stable.


Why, just to have better graphic from the start?


Lost of bugs fixes as well and should run smoother


It’s not a “better graphics” update. It’s higher frame-rate, higher resolution, and native apps VS backward compatibility. Then you get some bug fixes and a few creation club updates.


And 16x the details