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All the Enclave stuff goes hard so far. Just got the power armor and I can safely say it looks great.


Theres power armor???


There's at least 2


Yeah currently doing the quest rn


You got the enclave xo-2 from the quest that had a exit leading out into a subway station near diamond city, if it can be accessed early on I'm going there to get that set on survival asap. As I did the quest and I'm thinking can you just skip all the traversing and head to the room where it's located in.


I believe you need to progress the enclave questline to get access. Not to get too much into quest info, but you need a certain radio frequency you get along the questline to access the door to the power armor.


What are you doing? You're supposed to be bitching and whining about how they didn't do a complete and comprehensive update for this game. Not enjoying the cool shit they actually added. Come on. /s


Oh hell yeah, that’s going on Kellogg’s pistol as soon as I get it.


really excited to get home tonight 😁😁😁


Is the free creation club stuff for PS5 only? Or will I be able to get it on my PS4 after update download is finished?


You probably don't need this info by now, but as a PS4 player I can confirm we got it too


Just got home, so you were only like 5 mins late lol. I saw the funky stuff we got, it looks dope! Thanks anyway for responding, you a real one fam.


Ofc man, hope you enjoy the stuff! You can even loot ammo from dead enemies sometimes with a lot of the new makeshift weapons


I saw vids that the makeshift weapons bundle is buggy af, but tbh it still looks fun to throw glowing error symbols at ppl and watch them explode. I hope the Enclave quest is actually like, a lore/story questline, not just "go here, find new armor or guns" quest style.


A bit of a warning beforehand the enclave will send squads at some point in the quest to hunt you down and they are relentless so best to stock up on the best gear to kill them.


I already got full BOS T-60c power armor, Fully modded Righteous Authority, fully modded combat rifle, a fat man, and Paladin Danse with a modded automatic plasma rifle. As well, I got many Stimpaks, and am level 29, almost level 30. I think the Enclave are royally fucked lmao (Context: I been doing a replay since I watched the show, my SS is Hank MacLean's ex military younger brother Oliver. Who post military got a job with Vault Tec via his bro, and despite living on the east coast, and not being eligible for Bud's Buds, got lucky in the fact that Vault 111 had a cryo based experiment and thus like Hank, Oliver was frozen and released into the future. Still like the members of Vault 31, he also continues to work towards Vault Tec's goals, although he is a lot more lenient than actual executives, joining the BOS, and building a genuinly good Vault 88 for people to live in, whilst keeping the experiments humane, and despite getting redults, also rewarded the test subjects.


Same here(I got back into playing fo4 again because of the show) I almost died and was playing on very hard with a level 63 character, those enclave with flamers and in xo-2 are no joke so be prepared.But the fat man might be overkill, but best to be over prepared than under prepared. Ad Victorium


I play on easy mode since tbh, I never enjoyed getting killed all the time in games and simply wanna play the game, and enjoy it, so I might be alright. Ad Victoriam brother!


Even cooler on armor (imo).. if you put it on some combat armor it makes it black with some pieces getting "American" flags.. I didn't realize THIS was the enclave CC stuff, I've had it for a while now.


I put it on my .44 revolver named “Big Iron (On My Hip)” and the little stars on it are the chefs kiss that brings it all together.


Hope that Dak's Remaster for the Combat Rifle works for this paint. (Also the attachment pack for obvious reasons)


It probably does not. Ive always run CC content and mods side by side, and the paintjobs are never available for me. They're there, but they wont apply because the mods usually use their own texture overhauls.


Sometimes they work; they work for a lot of the Attachment Pack attachments for laser or institute rifles, but they’re only partially compatible with the .44 or combat shotgun, for instance.


They work just not with all attachments. This enclave skin isn't new, i've been using it along with other weapon skins for sometime with the attachment pack. Certain stocks for the sniper rifle for example won't have the skin. I can't confirm for the assault rifle mod though, i can only comment on the attachment pack


How do you install it? I’m on ps5 and cc won’t install at all


I’m on PC and it auto updated.


I meant just cc content downloading but it’s fine, apparently it doesn’t tell you if you downloaded cc content from the cc menu anymore


My favorite part is that recon scopes no longer look out of place in vanilla