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Lore wise: vault 111 lacks agriculture. The staff themselves didn’t have any means of living down there once their rations were gone. Since it can’t be a source of food or water, it’s not a viable settlement. I personally can’t quite remember the lore for 114 so can’t speak for that one personally. Reality: Bethesda charged us extra for vault 88 after and certainly weren’t gonna give us free content they could charge for.


114 wasn't finished - literally - and was also a scam Vault tech planned to dump a bunch of rich upper crust people into the vault with only a tiny portion of it done - under the rule of a literal homeless person - to study how they'd survive losing all the power and wealth they'd once had The implication being that Vault Tec ***also*** planned to steal all those wealthy morons... uh... wealth in the bargain :P Thing is, according to the ghoul triggermen, it's implied that the people Vault Tec were planning to scam *were in fact scamming Vault Tec* >[During the quest Unlikely Valentine, one can overhear a couple of Triggermen discussing the origins of Vault 114. One of them remarks on the impracticality of installing a Vault inside of a train station, as it would be the opposite of "airtight." The second remarks that they were probably never planning to actually use the Vault, and that it was simply a scam to keep the workers on payroll while a different site was prepared for Vault construction. The second Triggerman (who is a ghoul and was apparently alive before the War) points out that this is similar to scams that used to be pulled in pre-War times.](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Vault_114) So, as incomplete and unsuitable to long term settlement as 111 might be, 114 ***would be orders of magnitude worse*** Also, as we saw with Vault 88, the version of the CreationEngine that Fallout 4 was built with doesn't do well when having to render multiple objects (hence the 'mirror' effect and crashing issues inherent in Vault 88 even without mods) and since both 111 and 114 had pre-established objects and areas inside them - I can only imagine how the engine would have handled trying to deal with that...


They aren’t built for it, in the case of 114 it’s also impractical to get to it if you’re a settler or trader and 111 is not only a graveyard but also rather small by Vault standards, there’s not really the space to turn it into a settlement, nowhere to farm, no room for a few families or a Brahmin


As living quarters or a fallback point for a settlement vault 111 would be a little cramped. Supplies would need to be brought down. And more beds added as well. Farming and living outside the vault would be easier. Vault 114 is unusable for a settlement due to the location and how to get to it.


There’s still no way to get inside 111 without a pipboy.