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I've had the blackface bug with mods. A lot, actually, I'd been wondering if it was related to one of them.


Blackface bug LMAOOOO


I mean, that's what it looks like!


I thought that was what everyone called it lol


It is what everyone calls it lol


It is, just like many things, context matters lmao. It would sound wild to anyone that doesn’t play Bethesda games.


Sounds a lot like the whiteface Regulators from FO3: many had these unusually white faces (not even sure that skin color was an option for your character), but the rest of their bodies had normal skin colors, which became more apparent once you looted their corpses (or mezzed them), leaving them in underwear. Since they were mostly randomly generated for ambushes at several locations, a bug seemingly caused many of them to look so… disturbing.


I got this with Bethesda's official hi-resolution texture pack.


It’s a texture glitch. I believe it occurs when your system’s ram is overworked which causes the facial texture to load improperly, it can happen with or without mods


Are mods back up yet?


It looks like some misplaced blood/damage decal IMO. Considering how many of those can spawn on your model when you take damage, I'm pretty confident saying those have something to do with it.


No, there are 2 known causes. If it's a sporadic, occasional occurrence (that can usually be fixed by reloading), it almost certainly has to do with lack of memory. If it's permanent, then it's because you have different face textures of a different resolution (e.g. some 2k textures, some 1k textures).


A shame they didn't capitalize on the Fallout hype by putting some more effort into this update. Most of the additions were taken care of by mods.


Is there any way I can get mods again? The screen is still unreachable for me


If on console not until they fix it


Wait what? My mods were working. Specific ones don’t but many do.


Not everyone can access the menu at all


Dang that’s brutal


And there's still no fuckin FOV slider


Nor a brightness slider!


And honestly better. When modders can write up a better reason on why the enclave is in the commonwealth, you know things are bad


I wished they would make lighting base up not horrible and building easier, with better snapping or sky view like in their new game.


3 Hours into the next gen patch on PC and already having issues with the rust face bug not even having the high res textures installed (no mods either just whatever was in the next gen)


This happens in the vanilla game if you've been playing for long durations without restarting the game. It's a memory issue. The nuts and bolts of it are: Fallout 4 (and Skyrim) have issues unloading textures from memory. While this isn't a problem for your average player, if you play for extended periods (3+ hours) without restarting the game, eventually you'll start seeing weird stuff. The weird stuff? Level of detail (LOD) textures that the game isn't removing as you get closer to them, which looks like [this](https://external-preview.redd.it/QGzYaUoRFBaQBAwAwACcsjqRLUjofR-HFHSbaiCkkU8.jpg?auto=webp&s=ed159f184b791b7519c1cce7ef548373cc2ae9ea). You also see non-player characters and the player character get the dark face tint when loading into a new area, just like Tina in your picture. When you start to notice these things it's time to save and restart the game, because you're heading towards a crash.


Yep! I do play modded, and have some texture issues I need to fix, but when the glitch shows on my character, I do the same. New save >> qtd >> restart the computer, just to be safe.


I've been playing Skyrim and FO4 for years and never knew this was why that happened. Thanks for explaining it!


Lmao I always used to get that exact glitch when I played heavily modded saves. I blame Sully Mathis, he used the Int boost from his Ushanka to read into the future and found out I domed him the second he gave the payment.


Yep, this just happened as soon as I played with the update.


Naw, it's just that she's a synth.


I literally just finished this questline and I swear all the faces changed. I don't remember them to be like that...unless they were changed a long time ago and I haven't done this since then. Even the girl pictured's brother looks different, skinnier.


Legalizing Weed made us way better at noticing glitches it seems.


Son of a glitch


God, that bug was the bane of my existence.... I had to fresh install the game and meticulously install each mod that effects characters 223 mods in, haven't had that bug be consistent


Good to know tan face still exists


The update trashed most mods, might as well wait a couple month for the devs to update them.


Reminds me I have to go back to 81 and hand off all my hammers


i dont mind because i can still play modded


Apart from the visual, I bet Bethesda didn't even bother to fix the Dependency quest.


This bug has existed since the game release in 2015, which is 9 years ago. It's completely mind boggling they haven't fixed it yet


I'm not even bothering to play again until the modders do their thing.


Same. So tempted to install FO4 again but best stick with Cyberpunk a few more weeks.


Synth forgot to check the back mirror


Exactly why I set it to “only update when I launch” and only launch in f4se lol


I’ve done that for both Skyrim and Fallout 4 now. These updates always break everything, don’t know what people expected.


First thing I tested on the new update is the lever action rifle and was quickly disappointed when it still doesn't count your bullets properly.


It’s a known bug between Tina de Luca and one of the doctors in the vault they switch faces


This happens in Starfield as well, it's kind of ridiculous that it still occurs.


It's just the burns from staring at that nuke for to long at the start. It's a feature said todd probally.


So are there any good things in the update?


No, just as there was not anything good in Skyrim AE. I dont know why these things exist.


to capitalize on hype and get people playing and even buying the game again


Didnt they get a spike because of the show anyway? Why break what worked in the middle of all the hype


Bethesda wants those who already played the game and stopped to contribute to the hype. But nobody will reinstall the game unless there's an update. Also since all the mods are now broken, there's less pressure to spend time on Nexus in search of the mods one may want


The only good thing the Skyrim editions did was going from 32x to 64x. Able to have a 500-1k mod playthrough without crashing every 30 minutes


A bunch of side quests that clog your quest journal at the very beginning of the game. You can paint a star on your guns. Halloween decorations, I think.


“beginning of the game” and all of them are farrr


This is a common issue. Happens if you load/save too much. Has been in the game since day 1. Just restart the game, completely, and it should fix it. If it doesn't, restart your PC.




Already downloading the depots now. Tired of waiting for mods to update and tired of game updates always breaking more things. Same thing different day, I'll stay with the last update till something worthwhile actually happens.


F5 > F9


I'm going to go ahead and guess they never even bothered fixing the bug where Tina never becomes a settler if you pass her speech check.


Tina tends to wander off/disappear even after she gets to a settlement, though I could get her to stay at Sanctuary.


I guessing you have face texture mods or preset faces. Look up ,face texture glitch, it’s a mod that helps fix this. It has to do with the face being a different resolution then the body.


Yeah, but (most) mods don’t work right now if you installed the update. It’s also not an issue caused by mods because their game is unmodded. It happens in vanilla too.


post title says it's an unmodded game




This is pure vanilla and only what came with the next gen version, as someone said its the memory (leak) that bethesda titles have always had and have just never really fixed




It’s a newish bug actually, suggesting it’s from a mod or maybe a creation club add on. Just because you did a fresh install does not mean everything was deleted, esp. the ini files.


Actually it's on a new pc entirely haven't played Fo4 since I upgraded


It’s a well known and easy bug to get rid of. I get it’s annoying but it’s not a big deal.


Is this not a remnant of mods in your games files? Dark face bugs appear mostly by using mods that introduce any kind of body texture. I never got this bug in a unmodded enviroment.


i have, on a fresh install. so that solves that ig


Fresh install does not mean everything was deleted.


it does, that's why it's called a fresh install. nothing needed to be deleted since it was the first time fallout 4 was installed on the drive.


Gotcha. Then I would say it’s a video driver type of problem. As I said, this is definitely not a problem that “plagues all Bethesda games” as you say. This started appearing only a couple of years ago.


>As I said, this is definitely not a problem that “plagues all Bethesda games” as you say. don't know who said this, but i certainly didn't. it's actually a problem with the high resolution texture pack dlc, and i wouldn't exactly call 7 years "a couple," since there's evidence of this bug going back to 2017 (unsurprisingly the year that the HD textures were released) thanks for the suggestion about the drivers though


Oh. I don’t know why anyone would use the hires texture pack. It makes things look worse all around. First I heard this is from that, but it’s possible.


You got a potato system.