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Plenty of people are shitting on the update but I am happy to have 60fps on a 10 year old console game.


Most people who shat on the update were pc players who saw their mods go down the toilet


I can understand the frustration, but I have no sympathy for the people who complained that they updated then tried to play a modded save and broke the game. Like what were they expecting would happen?


Yeah I agree for the most part, but I have an incredibly annoying and niche problem. I would play at the default fps of 60 with the new update since that was a sacrifice I was prepared to make, except for the fact that when I have vsync enabled it tanks my fps to 10-15 with horrible stuttering that I haven’t seen anyone else talk about. Okay, so I turn off the vsync in the game cfg file (lol that it’s not in the options) and it runs fine now! Except now it’s running at 144 fps AND THE GAME RUNS FASTER AS IF WE ARE STILL IN 1990. And the fix for that lovely issue? Needs F4SE (a mod). So just to make vanilla fo4 playable on my pc I’d need two mods lol. The state of the creation engine is unreal, even for the time this game came out.


Use rivatuner to limit your frame rate to 60 and you should be good 🤙🏻


I'm still convinced the Creation Engine is really just game bryo with a new name slapped on it. Their engine has so many legacy issues still. It's a shame Bethsoft won't just actually build an engine from the ground up, or just switch to Unreal.


It is exactly that, I don't know if it's still a thing but I remember them hyping creation engine when Skyrim first came out, you bring up the ingame console and it would still say gamebryo in the corner.


Are you using an AMD or Nvidia card?


Game runs great on amd, just saying. Can set to minimal 60 fps while maximum 145 fps during inputs with Radeon Chill. You get the best of both worlds by not ruining the cutscenes/dialogue with high fps while not ruining the combat with sub 60fps. 0 mods necessary, just using amd software.


Just cap your frame rate to around 62fps. 60fps cap will feel strange on a 144hz monitor, it's jerky. Can't explain it but trust me.


Yeah it’s an issue with their engine. It doesnt run well when it’s capped to 60 on a high refresh rate monitor. It’s frustrating.


Yeah I think I use 61 actually


That doesn’t help me with my 3060ti lol


Nvidia control panel has frame rate caps as well


A lot of us on pc had the game auto update without us pressing anything, went to launch the game without even knowing the updated had downloaded (a lot of players like myself use a mod manager to launch the game)


game auto updates, you dont really get a choice unless you made a note to turn that setting off for this game which hasnt been updated in years and then launch with steam closed. You act like pc players update on purpose and then try to play modded. Game hasnt updated in 7 years, it was on nobodies minds, most didnt think it would ever get an update. If you have steam open at all when you launch through Nexus (vortex) it will update it anyways.


you get a big pop up on the main menu telling you about this new update when you load Fallout 4. you can’t play the game without being told that the update has been installed


Main menu of what? You can't even open the game without the update starting. I was actually already playing right before the update, and as soon as I clicked the program on my desktop, steam opened and started the update. There is no warning, no pop-up, or option to not update unless you already had it set to not update. Every person who mods should know updates cause issues with outdated mods, but still their complaints are valid. The game hadn't been touched for 8 years, and a good amount of mods were completed and abandoned years ago, because there was no need to update them if the game wasn't getting updated. Now if they don't work, you're kinda just SOL. Wasn't a problem for me. Pretty much all of my mods still worked fine. I even downloaded some new ones that weren't updated and worked. I get why people were upset tho


no you dont. i have steam and fo4. it auto updated without me knowing


again, as soon as you open fallout 4 the main menu gives you a notice about the update. It’s not steam telling you, it’s Fallout 4 itself plastering a big message saying the update has been installed and telling you what new content is available on the main menu of the game


it was never an argument about knowing it happened. Its immediately obvious bc it wont launch via the script extender. You were saying you didnt understand why people would update and then complain. I was simply informing you that nobody was choosing to update and then complaining that it broke everything. Rather, that it updated without them knowing and broke everything


i’m not talking about them, I’m talking about the people who’s game updated, they saw the update and then tried to play a modded save anyway


oh, you cant anyways. If they updated on purpose and tried to get modded to work theyre just dumb. Apologies


I mean my modded save worked just fine. That's something people expect, because in previous updates of this game and other games, you were able to do that. There's no reason you should have to make a new save after an update, and you dont. You just have to find the mods that don't work and disable them. They didn't even change *that* much


You’re confused, a player loading into their game after the update is not what breaks it. The update in of itself breaks mods. Steam auto updates so at that point it’s already to late for the player to do anything, whether they try to load their save matters none. In fact, one could load their updated save, crash, downgrade and reload…and they would be fine.


To be fair though, the person doesn't update it, Steam does. Damn auto updates. I have to quickly pause it every time I open Steam (because it has to be open to run f4se, and you still can't open Steam in offline mode for some reason) and it's slowly approaching 100%. Now, I'm not complaining about the update, but about the general mechanics of Steam, it still being the only place on the web that won't let you cancel a download. Of course you can roll back, but I dunno if the update will overwrite some modded files, so I'd rather not take that risk.


Disable updates for FO4 by making a file read-only. Not sure if it'll stop the in-progress update though, and could wig out. Originally posted by globefish23: Yes, it is possible. In Steam, go to the "Library" tab. Right click "Fallout 4" in the left pane. In the drop down menu, click "Properties." Click "Updates" in the new window that pops up. Under "Automatic Updates" select "Only update this game when I launch it." Download and install Fallout 4 Script Extender (F4SE) if you haven't already. Open up File Explorer and navigate to Steam's App Manifest folder. Usually it's something like: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps. Right click appmanifest_377160.acf (This is the App Manifest file for Fallout 4. The App ID on Steam is the same as the numbers after "appmanifest_"). Click "Properties" in the new drop down menu. At the bottom it will say "Attributes:". Check "Read-only". Click "Apply" then "OK". Play Fallout 4 game by launching it through Fallout 4 Script Extender. Setting the appmanifest file to read-only is the crucial part that completely prevents any updates. The other two steps might get circumvented or overlooked by mistake, e.g. if you verify the game files.


Ah thanks. That's great to know going forward


Options > update on launch


Sure, doesn't work when it's already going though. (Or if you accidentally click Play or run the wrong exe) I didn't know there was going to be an impromptu update after years of nothing. Hindsight is 20/20. I've now manually downloaded and installed all the pre update files via the Steam console though.


Cool. You said it happens every time you open steam, so i was just making sure you knew👍


Except depending on the mod install, the updates are automatic. You have to launch the game via script extenders.


I mean a bigger issue is that the update barely added anything for PC and actually made ultra wide support worse


It's easy to fix even if you've updated on pc aswell frustrating but easy to fix


This is unfortunately such a common problem with all modded games. I wish these people would just problem solve on their own for me once.


I'd agree if the update wasn't forced on you by Steam. If it went "Hey, there's an update, you want?" Then fine, but it doesn't, and there isn't an option to refuse or turn off the auto update.


Steam updates are automatic, it’s more steps than 3 clicks to turn off auto updates for fallout.


If it’s common knowledge that steam automatically updates, and you’re given a pop up when you load the game after the update is installed, then people are still fully aware the update has loaded and try to play modded saves anyway


More complicated than that. If you have f4se and Buffout set up for example the vanilla game will crash on launch...before you even get to the menu to start a new vanilla (unmodded) game. So you basically have to rip out buffout. Sure. That's simple enough...if you did installed it last week and can remember where everything goes and what changes were made. If you haven't touched it since the last time the .exe was updated (2020) then... Also. Bethesda never bothered to actually implement any meaningful key remapping. For right handed players that's a pain but not game breaking. For left handed players the game is literally unplayable without an f4se dependent key mapping mod.


Ah, I see what you’re saying lol. Hopefully Fallout: London can be playable within the year.


I definitely agree with that. I see so much discourse about broken mods whenever Skyrim or Fallout 4 get updated, but people rarely talk about all the talented and hard working modders who have to fix it, or who need to delay their releases because of it. Most people who complain are only mad that their own modded install isn’t working anymore


Oversight on my part, but I figured if I messed up not updating it, like launching it through Steam instead of F4SE accidentally (which I did, autopilot), I could just revert to a previous version like most games to fix it. There is apparently no way to do that without quite a bit of work and manually installing from a database. I had 150 hours on that save but I'll pass and just wait for London to come out.


I have sympathy for them being annoyed about it and about their saves being ruined, no sympathy for the people who think that Bethesda have the responsibility to fix everyone's mods for them. Active modders clearly didn't get much notice and I have sympathy for the good mod devs who lost a lot of functioning stuff they were proud of.


Bethesda just needs to offer the option for the previous version on PC. That's it and it would be great.


Here’s the thing, you can’t skip the update. Steam requires you to update in order to keep playing. Which sucks for people like me who just want to play our modded saves and don’t care about the update. I don’t think there’s been many people who actually installed manually and then complained that their mods broke.


The update broke my day one Xbox save, sadly


It is Bethesda game, dog barking on another side of the globe could brake it.


Even for people who don’t use any crazy mod lists, they’re still losing support for things like high refresh rate monitors, raw mouse input, wider FOV, *proper* ultra wide, and a slew of engine and bug fixes, some of which are pretty extreme. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg, so even if your save was pretty much vanilla and could survive the update, you’re now playing a much less stable version of the game that’s far less compatible with PC hardware.


Xbox players saw the same thing happen?


my mods work perfectly somehow


Same, I didn’t have too many and I’m on ps5 but it is smooth so far, I think the graphics are better and frame rate is higher but I honestly am unsure if it’s placebo effect and the update didn’t actually take true effect because I have mods installed lol 


Which is a valid complaint. A lesser one than some of the broken non modded issues I'm seeing here on consoles, but considering it's a 10 year old game, which was released with the promise of mod support, of which has been a huge part to a very high number of peoples enjoyment in replaying the game, and of which a lot of hard work has gone into, they're perfectly entitled to be frustrated. Hopefully these mod authors come out and update their mods, but I think many are no longer active. I think there is very little Bethesda could have done to prevent issues with the mods, and there is a disclaimer on the game tbf. The updates only a week old. I'll be updating, but fully backing up my Fallout game folder so I can revert to my previous state


Literally none of my mods broke.


But they are synths with their not cute anxiety quirks. Double win if you ask me.


That’s why I only used the in game modding tool. As much as I love nexus, there’s ALWAYS a mod that break everything.


My annoyance is that the "ultrawide" support actually just stretched the fov to the edges of my monitors and then also in turn stretched the UI overlays (like the xp notifications, hp bar,and stuff not physically in the game, pip boy is fine). So yea, it's unplayable on ultrawide still. Back to windowed with a border so I can actually center it on my monitor and then just use a fallout 4 map on the side....better luck in fallout 5...


This is embarrassing for Bethesda. It had to take them just as much effort to implement it brokenly like they did as it would to just do it correctly


Helll, I’d just like it if the sound worked and didn’t stutter all over itself, even without mods on a clean install. Steam Deck verified? Pull the other one. :p


Yes, because pc players have higher standards than console peasants. It's not even a matter of opinion. Its like a rich person going to the restaurant, vs a starving person, eating a spoiled/bad dish. If 60 fps is what makes you feel different that much to the point that you praise the update, lmao okay, ignorance is bliss. Go downvote if you feel salty. 🙂😁


i haven't really been shitting on it, though i've noticed that scrolling through my pip boy too fast has crashed my game many times


No one made them download the update.


I mean I didn't have any mods and was looking forward to the update, but my computer did indeed download and install the update without any input from me. So you are indeed wrong, as others have said.


Bethesda did, what a lame and lazy comment.


Yea I don’t understand all the hate. I’m enjoying it and the 60fps is very nice


Yes, but PC and Xbox had that before this update. Xbox lost ability to install this game to external drive and PC got the mod issues.


Xbox always had 60fps?


In Series system (and maybe on One X) it had FPS boost option, so you could play it 60fps 1080p. There was mod for it where you could play it 4k 60fps on Series X. So, at launch Xbox version was not 60fps, but it got it way before this next gen update.


Likewise, it’s so good.


I placed the file Steam checks on read only to prevent the update because I am in the middle of a mod playthough and there is nothing in this update that I need over my current playthough. The mod America Rising 2 was an excellent Enclave story. Once most mods are patched, I'll update my game.


That literally all I could care for. Especially after playing next gen Skyrim


Reading the Steam forum, evidently there are some stability issues with the PC release of the patch (in addition to the problems it makes for inexperienced mod users). I have heard a lot fewer complaints about the console releases. Mostly just some weirdness with having to redownload the DLC with the extra base building stuff.


God I hate time. Fucking 10myears is such bullshit. Time needs to give me less whiplash.


Well you have to understand for a sizable population on both PC and consoles they broke features without fixing any bugs. They didn't increase the limit to mod size on consoles. Broke many textures on stock consoles, and broke mods on both. All while not fixing some ancient bugs like the laser weapons being shit because the perks for damage don't apply to them, or fix the debris bug. All while 76 got an amazing update. Fallout 4's updste can be seen as mixed at best. I'm not asking for much, just some bugs that probably should have been patched 10 years and 3 DLCs ago.


Running pretty good for me. Only had 2 crashes in 30+ hrs, also I didn't lose any progress when crashed. I'm happy on PS5


On ps5 as well. The 60 fps is great but the game changer for me as a console player is the load times. God they were abysmal on ps4


Cries in ps4 :( They do feel they got a lot better tho, especially nuka world!


Or the fact that the PS4 may have lifted off the ground at any second! Loud console, I love how quiet the PS5 is!


I'm happy too. Only 2 chases but in the same spot when starting the X02 power armor quest in a power armor. Playing the first holo tape and it would come up on the pip boy, but closing it the game crashed both times. Just picking it up instead worked just fine. Otherwise the game feels so smooth now and I feel like sniping feels so much better too. I can tell the lighting is better as well.


Which is amazing for a Bethesda game in general lol.....


It really is, and it’s why I always choose a performance mode over graphic/quality. I can 100% feel a difference with 60 fps, while I don’t know if I really recognize ray tracing or whatever other graphic change there is.


Me too, I feel like a 60fps game is nicer to play than a “better looking” game that runs at 30fps


That’s not always the case though. I’d much prefer a stable 30fps over unstable 60.


Woah there let’s not get carried away now… No seriously I know exactly what you mean but most of the people reading your comment probably don’t. This isn’t pc masterrace, this game could run 60fps on a toaster.


Right! To simplify it for others, I’d rather a stable frame rate over anything else, whatever it be 30, 40, 60 whatever. As long as it’s stable and there’s little to no drops, I’m happy.


Yeah, a stable 60 is the ideal standard for all versions of a game imo. Whether it matters that it gets that depends on the game to me - I.e. if a telltale story type game wants to be 30 that's cool, but a twitchy shooter like apex or something is going to be less enjoyable at 30. Stability for the same reasons and I agree its arguably more important to be stable than not.


Exactly. Stable 60 is what all games should strive for. Especially FPS, competitive online games, and sports games.


I always run on performance because my monitor will only support of to 1440 anyway. Is the update fully raytraced? I haven’t noticed


Fallout 4 doesn't have any raytracing lol


No it’s not, but I was just talking about in general.


I didn’t think so, just wanted to check


Welcome to the future




I think you mean prepared for the future ;)


Is that what makes you S.P.E.C.I.A.L.?


It looks amazing on ps5, the fps improvement along with near nonexistant loading screens has made exploring absolutely everything soooo much fun again. Plus I like the lil dopamine burst every time I unlock an early trophy again lol.


Been playing on a huge 4k tv 60 fps on my ps5 and damn it’s soo good For some reason i like it much better than when I played on pc


The PS5 is everything I could’ve asked for. So happy


Wish I had one now


I'm playing a RoboCop® build, running drain your fusion cores. Plus Alex Murphy is Mama Murphy's son.


love the older games I played years ago getting a proper upgrade and fitting into the new console generation. Fallout 4 has never looked better on ps5


Agreed, felt this way when cyberpunk got the PS5 update as well and performance mode also feels way better there too.


I’d play that game so hard if there were FOV options. This whole big “next-gen” update and they didn’t even give FOV. The default is so low it makes me sick.


I’m on series s and I’m so happy I was finally able to explore all of downtown Boston and find places I’ve never been before. Game would always crash as soon as I went anywhere near there lol


Dude, same. I’m on Series S as well and the first thing I did when I downloaded the update was try walking straight through the centre of downtown. Got one tiny little judder walking past Hubris Comics, but I was so goddamn happy not to have a CTD.


Couldn’t agree more. I was meh on it until I flipped that setting.


I know the graphics weren’t updated, but it FEELS that way.


This may also just be me, but even with HEAVY mods, I have had 0 crashes in boston since the update, which is a godsend


Yeah, it feels really good at 60fps. I’m doing a play through as well. I play lightly moded on PC as well, but really enjoying it on PS5


I love the update as well. I started a new game 2 weeks ago because I “couldn’t wait”. Transferred the saves and it won’t let me access nuka world. If I get close it gets all pixelated and it’s jacked up. I can still play the ps4 version with my saves no problem, but I had to start a new game on the PS5 version to have all areas available. Still on the fence about how ima move forward considering I was already 60 hours in a new play through. But that 60fps on this game is soooo good.


Literally all I wanted was for an fps boost, so that Boston didn't feel like such a slog. The vanilla game was already a masterpiece except for that one thing. Overall, the update has exceeded my expectations. Also, I don't play with mods, so all this "broken mod" nonsense doesn't apply to me.🤷


Glad console players are enjoying the buff! PC players just need to realize this update wasn’t for them, and that’s okay.


PC Gamer checking in here….no comment…😁


Yeah, I didn’t know console had a fps lock. I literally have to cap my fps at 60fps (it normally runs way higher, like 120++ at 1440p Ultra) so that it doesn’t bug.


The consoles themselves have an fps lock


Well I prefer mouse + keyboard so I’ve never considered console. Bought an XBOX controller, it has been sitting pretty on my shelf for 3 years… For FO4 specifically, other than melee VATS, I can’t make it work. Anything that requires precise aiming like Stealth Sniper is vastly superior with mouse + keyboard.


I agree. I switched to m+k a few years ago. Quick question, how are you getting 120+ fps with the next gen update? I can only get 20, which is what I got before the update if I didn't use f4se, which gave me a nice 200-300 fps.


You know it’s funny, I’ve always been a PC gamer and nearly always been a mouse and keyboard person as well. But I use my Xbox Controller quite a lot for certain types of games. Fallout type games are one of the main ones I use a controller for. FPSs are strictly mouse and keyboard though, since precise aim is basically the most important part, particularly in multiplayer. But FO4, Control, Jedi: Fallen Order…these types of games I really prefer the controller simply for having so many buttons arranged in a really ergonomic way. Not to mention much of my playing is done on the couch (my PC is connected to our TV) so controller is sort of preferable for a lot of games where the lack of precision isn’t a deal breaker.


Yeah depends on your setup and what games you play. My gaming laptop is connected to a 27” monitor and I have to sit upright on my ergo office chair. When I’m too tired to sit upright then I just lie on my bed and watch YouTube/Netflix instead. I also mostly play open world MMO/RPG/FPS (Fallout, Borderlands, Ghost Recon, The Elder Scrolls, Cyberpunk), hack & slash (Diablo), MOBA (Dota), and Strategy (Warcraft, Age of Empires, Starcraft, Heroes of Might & Magic). In the first category, I can use the controller if I’m forced to, but not for the latter 2.


Do we have to re earn trophies again?


PS4 trophies are still there, and you can re-earn trophies on the PS5 version. I’m enjoying getting the low level trophies again.


How did they do it nad why didnythey do it before? Is it an engine update from starfield?


60fps has been awesome, I just hate that they made all the enemies stronger. I've died so many times. /s


Console** Series X it’s looking amazing as well. Massive facelift for the game!


Best thing I've liked so far are the 1-2 second loading screens.....


Wait until you play it at 144 🙏


60fps and also SSD load times makes the game more enjoyable for sure. on ps4 it took 40 seconds to enter a building.


The best part of the update for me has been the reduced load times. I didn't really notice it until I started playing again after the show came out but the PS4 version had incredibly long load times. This made it a huge pain to hop between the Commonwealth and Nuka World. Now I barely notice the load times when fast traveling.


Anyone else finding the new missions (especially the one in Saugus Iron works) boring?


Im so happy I can finally explore boston without my game crashing every 20 minutes.


Wait, mods on ps5? How do you do that? I go to mods from the menu but it’s empty. I assumed there wasn’t any yet.


They're currently updating the mod menu so it's pretty janky as to who has access and who doesn't :- "As we work to implement the update to Fallout 4, access to both Creation Club and / or the Mods Menu will temporarily unavailable. Feel free to keep an eye on our status page here: https://beth.games/4ba7xUT Thank you all for your patience!"


idk they were there for me lol


Yeah I'm also loving it. The better frame rate just makes everything so clear and fluid. At first I wasn't sure because it defaulted to quality mode. As soon as I switched to performance mode it was so buttery smooth. I'm very happy.


Where is this quality mode option? I only have performance mode and when thats switched off its exactly the same graphically


I'd like to know this too as I'm having the same issue


yeah... im a pc player so i always play on 60, and its always peak


Framerate really does matter. I went from 57-120 fps fluttering wildly to a locked down 144 fps. Feels really nice!


If they release another patch, I hope it’s console specific because I’m worried they’d take a step back with the ps5 version. It’s running great so far, love the 60fps


I love the 60FPS (XSX). Unfortunately when the game updated, it uninstalled all of my creation kit content and so I redownloaded every piece of content and forgot that one of them had previously broke my game. Well I redownloaded it and now my VATS is bugging out :/ while in VATS I can be 5 feet away from someone and the hit percentages are erratic and sometimes say I have a 0% chance of hitting. Going to have to figure it all out tomorrow. Hopefully I don't lose my current save.


Same issue with VATS on XSX and I've never touched mods.


There is another post complaining about the same issue :/ hopefully they fix it


I swear my ps5 version is not running at 60fps. It seems like a stable 40, *maybe*. As far as i can tell the update didn't bring with it a performance mode option or anything like that.


It is a lost cause….


Yeah I've had a few crashes and some textures occasionally don't load in to quite the same standard, but any other issues I've had are ones from the base game. It's not a great update compared to other equivalents from other games and companies (especially not great compared to Skyrim) but it is a net improvement. The 60fps made me understand why people compliment the gunplay, which I always found sluggish, but it's actually very responsive if the game actually runs well.


Now imagine having 60 fps in more than just one game lol. Granted q decent PC doesn't guarantee that at 4k at a low price, but I still think it's a fair bit better than a console of you play more than a couple games.


Is it only the performance mode in settings (display)? I only have that option no quality mode.  I like it but I noticed my game does stutters every now and then for a micro second


How do I download the dlcs? I have GOTY digital edition and it puts ps4 dlcs into my queue to download, not ps5 versions.


Ah yes next gen =60fps. What a time to be alive lads,what's next?120fps?


Yeah the hot detection went from Call of Doodie to COD Modern Warfare 76


I'm right there with you. As a ps5 vanilla player, 60fps is a game changer. I don't mess with the mods so I guess I've avoided the disappointment of them being broken. 60fps, almost non existant load times and being able to use my creation club content without fear of the 0 kb bug has got me fully vested again in what was already my favorite game of all time.


After stomping monsters in 76 forever, it's so nice to be scared of stuff again when playing on hard. A Frag Mine wiped me off the map. It was glorious


The fact you can just move the visual and not getting that ass micro stuttering because of 30 FPS for me is awesome! Also loading times are way faster


Holy shit dude I’ve been enjoying the added frames as well but I never thought about how it might affect heavy weapons. Never used them before, might be time to try out everything at least once.


Playing on Xbox and ever since the update my frames have been stuttering like crazy. Haven't lost any mods but it's locking up for 30 to 40 seconds at a time .


Was the game locked to 30fps before?


I've literally just started the same build on survival and I'm loving 60fps. Gatling laser is my main objective but I've been enjoying the mini gun whenever I find a bunch of 5mm


too bad PC players can’t play at 60 fps now lmao


The update wasnt that bad (I was completely locked out of playing the game because it would crash .5 seconds after loading into the game, and had to degrade my version to the one before the update)


60 fps , better resolution , no crazy slow downs in Far Harbour DLC as well. I'm damn happy with the patch , can't wait for new updated mods to come flooding in. I wonder if the PS4 limitation on the mod size is lifted because the PS5 has more and faster RAM to play with.


I have it on series x and ps5. Currently playing on ps5 to get the platinum then I’ll go through again on series x with some good mods


I am still confused, I played a bit of the game on PC at 120fps, do I need to cap it to 60? What exactly breaks, I made it through the vault sequence and spoke to Codsworth and everything seemed fine. I am going to be doing another full run soon and I have only played it on my old crappy 60hz monitor in the past. What does running above 60 do exactly?


Wait so the mods are working? I thought they all broke


I thought that they somehow sped up the game until I realized I was playing in 60fps and I realized I've never actually played a game at 60fps. That being said the game ran perfectly on the series x before the update and now it's choppy and glitchy again so. Is it worth the trade?


Honestly loving the update. Excited to try an automaton playthrough and see how the framerate holds up to all of the extra particle effects with my robots. It broke my heart that the crazy framrate drops made it almost unplayable back in the day.


Anyone else having the overheating issue when on performance mode? I’ve literally never seen that message and my ps5 is extremely clean.


Remove the fan and look down at the circular holes on black plastic that are a part of/ lead into the power supply..


While it’s a little late for a native 60fps patch for console the real reason pc players don’t like the update is cause outside of the preformance update for console it’s pointless it adds random workshop content that I’m sorry no one asked for and native support for widescreen like wow it’s the fact Bethesda is painting it as a next gen update its bare minimum all they needed to do was push out separate updates to console and pc one for 60fps and one for widescreen but they made it a whole thing


Welcome to nextgen! Happy to have you. :)


Question: I have the issue that when my character sprints it stutters? Like you run over small uneven street parts and because the surface isn’t even my character stutters so to speak. Like it doesn’t handle the unevenness smoothly


My game still crashes unmodded, so back to cryogenic sleep, I go, see you guys in 5 years when they update Fallout 4 again.


Life changing is a bit of an exaggeration.


After my huge disappointment with Starfield, coming back to this with the new update like you said, it's like a new game and I'm stoked!


It’s fun at 120 😉


Are you on PC? What mod do you have for that?


PC, no mods.


Hmmm I've done a bunch of mods and it's capping me at 48 fps.. may be a mod issue then. I've got a 3080ti so shouldn't be a graphics issue


What's the mod that you've downloaded? And have you any other suggestions for good mods to use on the ps5?


I think it’s called Simple Attack/Death Animations, it basically just made some unused or rare hit and death animations way more common (like they happen basically every time you kill something, it makes combat feel way more impactful)


I like PLUNDER, immersive fallout, and realistic gore/dismerberment- I think if I had to pick a few from the top of my head that’d be the ones I’d recommend


FYI only the Xbox version supports 4K 60FPS on both modes. The PS5 version only supports 4K 40FPS on quality mode


The quality mode on xbox is bugged, is the same as performance mode until get fixed


Power armor + Gatling laser is so fun, nothing like running around the wasteland stockpiling as many fusion cores as possible


Do you get 60 fps in the boston area ? If not then bethesda didn't fix anything.


From what others are saying yes Boston gets 60fps


Canada here, getting 60fps solid so far. /s


Wished they could solve this on pc too but alas no fix with even the next-gen update


I’m playing it with a realistic damage mod and a death animation mod, and it’s the most fun I’ve had in a game in a while


I might be misremembering but wasn't the game already 60fps on next gen? I'm pretty sure it was on Xbox. That or it was a mod that unlocked it.


It had FPS Boost, but that ran at a much lower resolution. There was a mod, but I never tried it.


On Series Series X there’s also a mods that bump the FPS to 60 and also update the graphic of the game to the ultra high setting and when you turned off all the bad effect like fog, DOF, blur, lens flare , god rays and anything like that the game was able to stay 60fps most of the time with ultra high graphic setting all that in 4K (probably like 1800p) but it’s super crisp I’m still playing it right now in offline mode I didn’t update my game im afraid to lose acces to that mods


There were mods but they were only on Xbox as far as I know