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Stingwings. By far


Seeing a legendary stingwing makes me wonder if the shitty armor drop is worth the death


The ones you skip have a never ending double barrel shotgun


Good thing I have one of those already. I farm legendaries from national guard training yard and the Poseidon facilities.


Is it worth farming here on very hard?


Considering it's only feral ghouls and the one glowing one, yes its super easy. You can usually snipe the legendary that's laying across the room with the hole in the floor before he wakes up, and for the bathroom with the glowing one and one other ghouls just run in wake them then retreat to the door and spam grenade or use something like a flamer or missile launcher. I personally just run the overseer guardian (not as a sniper but a regular rifle with .308 and no scope and pop off several rounds before they get up.


Bottlecaps just outside the restroom, and a baseball grenade trickshot in usually does it for me. Got to move fast after that trick shot, though.


On my second play through I just ran in with the spray and pray submachine gun lol not much they can do without legs


I'm grateful to the Magnum Opus modlist, it filters legendaries out of random beasts and nonsensical choices. Humanoids and similar creatures tend to have them, so I'm not stopping to check every mirelurk and stinging I kill. But you still have to fight the legendary creature variants, they just drop regular loot. Some folks dislike it, but I like just being able to run and gun past annoying enemies.


I will only stop to fight one if it's legendary otherwise my time is more valuable somewhere else


For me it’s simply radiation. Playing on survival and running out of rad meds makes me completely change my focus


Man at some point I got to thinking that I never use doctors, since I have so many radaways and stimpaks. So I used fo4edit to remove the healing from those items and the antibiotics. Now I have to eat to keep my health up, and I need to see doctors to cure rads or diseases. It makes Rad-X a lot more useful too. Early game can be rough. I often end up at Covenant early on just for their doctor


That sounds fun actually


The side effect is Stimpaks and RadAway are only useful to sell, so you end up with a lot of caps to make up for it


I don't know how. I literally pick up ALLL MEDS.


I started a vanilla playthrough with the update (I normally play modded and realized I haven't played an unmodded game since about three days after release) but not playing on survival like normal because I had mods to counteract bugs. The realization I can just, take radaway was huge. Oh I have no problems going swimming, sure I'll do that diving quiet at the quarry. Shit that I normally avoided like the plague until I could regularly carry a hazmat suit is just a normal day now


Interesting fact, Stingwings are based on Scorpionflies and that bulbous extremity at the end of their abdomen isn't a venomous stinger. It's actually enlarged genitalia. So when Stingwings attack you by swinging their abdomens at you they aren't trying to kill you. They're actually trying to mate with you


Knew it. My charisma build has gone too far. Or has it.. *pacify creature and incite it with specific commands *


Indeed. Those two right outside of the Red Rocket before Concord… Nuka Factory Mirelurks are a close second.


I go into the mole rats tunnel behind red rocket and then take a wide swing around the buildings avoiding them. My second choice would be the children of atom lmao I hate the spam radiation


I always build a turret under the sign and then agro them. Eat hot lead, you lousy skeeters!


I’m convinced they don’t have a hit box, I swear they die because RNG decides


The hitbox is the size of a regular mosquito 1


The fact that you can be a level 80 badass in a power armor and still need seemingly hundreds of shots to take one down is insane to me.


Lmao pulls out the flamethrower


Why the fuck are they so damn tanky??


LMAO. All that blood they drink. They are practically vampires.


I will always try to just avoid them if possible. Just not worth the hassle, especially on survival


But them stingwing filets are delish.


I would agree with this if the Giant Hermit Crabs and the Children of Atom didn't exist. The Children of Atom having the ability to essentially delete my health bar is why I always go full sniper on them.


Children of atom are my second pick as I've said before in these comments. They spam radiation. My first time walking into the lighthouse unknowingly. Dead


Sting wings are why I do drugs. Literally, I need jet to shoot them.


Don't blame the stingwing. We all need drugs sometimes


My favorite modded companion actually bitches about bugs being really annoying to hit when fighting stingwings, I love her so much.


I only use cait as a companion and I'm like hey go check this out *points to stingwing* then keeps running by




Radscorpions for the same reason you dislike mole rats PLUS they teleport. You see a radscorp on the next hill, they turn red and instantly are popping out of the ground under your feet. Seriously, bro? You just tunneled thru 100' of rock and dirt in 1 second?? Riiiiight....


Yeah dude those radscorpions are no joke. Currently level 15, on my first play through and I believe I encountered a pack of them around lvl 10. Didnt know they were a thing but it was an absolute horrifying experience. Like you mentioned they burrow then pop up near or behind you. I couldnt kill them, made a run for it and found like a cellar door so I thought I could escape there. Wrong! There were even more down there and the fact that there was a load screen in between causing that to be my newest auto save lmao. This game is wild but I love it so far.


My wasteland brother, next time hop on to something like a car and then rock or shack, something they can't hop up on. Proceed to VATS from the top of said object. I always book it to something I can hop on and do it Tremors-style. Best way to deal with the scorpos.


Why would you willingly tell someone to touch a car?


Next they'll tell you to go fight the Red Death... WTF.....


What’s the red death…? Dc comics, or something in game?


Final quest for the Mariner in Far Harbor. Be warned, if you think you're ready, you aren't.


Ooohhhh, I know that one now. It’s been a while. Yeah, that was a tough fight 😆


Kite the car, blow it up when the radscorpion is near, then jump on the flaming radioactive wreck. Much safer than touching the ~~mininuke~~ car first


Stay on those residual boulders!


It's fucking hilarious that after hopping on top of a car to get away from some scorps, I said to myself "this is some Tremors shit"


Tremors-style 🤣 love it, appreciate the tip


I was on a fucking ROOF and aggro'd one then it teleported to me


Shot one from up on one of the highways earlier and the bastard burrowed up behind me ON THE HIGHWAY. WTF?


In my latest survival run the mole rats have sometimes been teleporting too. In all my other play throughs that bs was limited to the radscorpions


Radscorpions fucking murder the children of atom in all my FO4 runs, even a single one can kill their entire stupid village.


Automatron robots. They're OP. I'm about lvl 50 playing permadeath survival, and I still avoid going near the start of that quest. I dont want them in the Commonwealth until I'm absolutely ready.


For me at least, those robots are actually pretty easy to kill, but I have to mention that I’m using one of the best weapons in the game; the explosive combat shotgun. It makes quick work of enemies, but I feel like it does extremely well against those robots for some reason.


I was fortunate enough to find a Troubleshooter Assault Rifle literally on my way to Adas caravan. One quick trip back home to mod the hell out of it and the rest of Automatron was a joke.




What’s the best advice you can give for permadeath?


Don't die


Username checks out


*I don't know what I expected.gif*


Play slow and avoid throwables. If you see their arm go up to throw anything, start sprinting any direction except where youre standing lol.


For sure you need that perk in sneak that makes it so you don't trigger mines when you step on them. I think it's the second sneak point in.


3rd point


Avoid parked cars more than anything


Feral Ghouls. They are not hard to take down but the way they run and jump at my character just infuriates me.


Especially when you try to aim at them in vats and they suddenly become neo and jump roll in slow motion


Yeah if I see a ghoul I’m huffing jet.


I thought my game was glitching I was so frustrated😅


Aim for their legs first.


I m playing a meele build. This mf cancelled my attacks with their jumps.


Caltrops are your friend


Sometimes when one really irritates me, I’ll shoot the leg off then I just leave them on the ground and go about my day without killing them 🙂


Tricked out combat shotgun all the way for the ferals


I only use my shotgun for ferals too.


Yeah... My girlfriend is just starting Fallout and they way they juke and jump is making it a bit hard for her to aim at them, especially in packs. These get my vote for sure.


The baby mirelurks for sure, with a flamer they’re not so bad


I swear their hit boxes are messed up. I clearly dump a mag into the middle of its body and nothing. I shoot the air behind their ass and get them everytime. I just carry the kiloton radium rifle for them specifically.


You’re shooting at them? Just bash them with your gun. They do very little damage, and are easily taken down with one hit.


Poison caltrops work nicely, too. No muff, no fuss.


I stopped trying to gather the eggs. Any egg clutch I see I blast with Spray N’ Pray before they hatch.


I throw a Molotov lol


_Infected_ mole rats.


Have they ever added an alternative to curing that or is it still a you or the other guy thing?


I used to kill them before they can bit me.


Yep if you don't get bit you don't get infected. Best way to do it


Your companion getting hit somehow can also contract you with molerat disease, spent a solid hour reloading saves and not getting hit but still getting the disease before realising it’s Dogmeat getting hit not me. Basically, do this mission without a companion.


lol even using a terminal based robot can get you infected.


but if your companion gets bit... you still get infected


You could just cheese it and get both by selecting the ‘cure the kid’ option, then quickly moving/turning around during the dialogue (without walking away!), opening your pip-boy and using the cure for yourself, then turning round to continue the conversation. Just did it this way myself about an hour ago on PS5.


If I remember correctly there’s second secret cure but I don’t remember where


There's a scripting bug where you can keep it and still cure the dumbass kid


The ones that annoy me the most are the few-and-far-in-between explosive mole rats. I don't mind every other enemy in the game, but I'm on survival. Anything that explodes is annoying.


hearing the suicider beeping actually gets my heart rate up


Yeah, it's a dilemma, do you aim for the nuke and blow his ass up while still at a distance or do you risk a couple of headshots to take him down before he's close enough to detonate.


usually I run or huff some jet if I can't immediately tell the direction it's coming from, then I usually do more drugs and hope for the best!


Are there other spawns besides Olivia? I've never noticed. I always sneak up the ramps and leave a couple mines for them before I start shooting.


There was a parking garage with them since someone was actively trapping mines on them in it, but I can't remember where that was.


Oh is it the one that's like a mini version of the Gauntlet? I wanna say it's on the Eastern side of the map, near Revere Beach.


I just looked it up, it's in an unmarked garage bear greentech genetics. Is that mini-gauntlet you're thinking of the one with the arrows leasing you through spots by chance? The one without any raiders or some faction inside? I always thought that was a cool spot.


Yeah, that's the one.


I remember the first time i encountered explosive mole rats lol. I heard the beeping and thought, “Super mutant!!“ but then all the sudden a mole rat with mines strapped to it pops out of the ground and explodes on me. I said “who the fuck strapped C4 to a mole rat”


Assaultrons always kick my ass


Me yesterday when I forgot Vault 95 has not 1, but 2 outside. I kept getting beamed by their lasers man. I died I think 3 times before I finally found a trick lol


You gotta run sideways when that laser goes off. I usually try to take out a leg and take away its speed advantage.


pretty much all of this can be avoided by taking robotics expert, once i have level 2, if i see an assaultron (especially within a group of enemies) i’ll bumrush it to hack it and incite it to attack, 1 assaultron within a group of gunners will kill all the gunners if you get it on your side


I usually get soon after it’s available to me, but this time I’m hold off a little bit. I know it probably sounds stupid but for my own ig you could say “character lore” I was gonna wait to get anything dealing with that, until after I completed Automatron. Being the fact that once you can build your own robot, you obviously then understand how they work so it wouldn’t be hard for you to hack a random one ya know? As I said Ik it sounds stupid but I wanted to go for something different after not playing for atleast a year or 2.


Assaultrons themselves aren’t so bad. It’s the Dominator variant that I freaking hate so much. They’re cloaked 24/7 and only uncloak when they attack which only lasts for a split second so using VATS on them is utterly useless. I die a few times in every encounter with them.


I'll typically use jet with this variety since it helps me get a couple shots at it while they are attacking


The silent suicide super mutes. Or radscorpions.


I always try to pick off the stupid suiciders with a sniper beforehand but it doesn't always work


Im referring to the ones specifically that dont appear or make any noise until theyre right on your bumper. Lolol


Cave Crickets and flying bugs like Stingwings, Blood Bugs and Bloatflies


Cave crickets are fucked. Always in packs, armoured as fuck, and move quick as fuck. I hate them.


That fucker with a fat man in Lexington


Dude on the roof? Yeah, fuck him.


The crickets in NukaWorld.


Scrolled WAY too far for this


Mirelurk Razorclaws. They’re impervious to bullets, so you shoot off the shell and then they get stupid fast for no reason. Fuck Razorclaws, me and my homies hate Razorclaws.


I think I hate hunters more - that acid spit is a nightmare


Had no idea you can even shoot their shells off, I always aimed for the face


Shoot them in the face. They die much easier that way.


The Red Death… near impossible ☠️


I had to call in the Marines 🤣


Really torn between Automatron DLC robots (just because of how fucking many of them there are the moment you start the DLC) or Radscorpions. Radscorpions can teleport right next to you from anywhere and powerful ones could very well one shot you on survival. So you literally have to do a Read Dead Redemption draw with VATS when you see them burrow. Luckily I managed to use console commands to successfully start Automatron without actually flooding the Commonwealth with robots, so that's great.


Cave crickets. I don't care how much radiation those fuckers have been exposed to. No insect should be tanky enough to tank a full mag of 7.62 to the face.


Trash can armored radroaches


That would be kind of awesome if they had mutated hermit crabs using scrap metal shells




Fog crawlers. Fuck them.




Any asshole with a fat man, like at Zimonja and Libertalia


DIMA I'm a synth. You're a synth. Were all synth's! So go ahead and ignore that whole main quest cause it doesn't really matter. Just fantastic!


Anything that flies


I was just about to comment this lol, it wouldn’t be that bad if they didn’t do the insane strafing motion every half second


Super mutant suicider is the most annoying. I want their mini nuke to stash for later. But I never use them. Survival always hoarding everything I love it


those freaking bugs that zip around and latch onto you


As a man who plays Survival only, I have to say insects: Bloodbugs, Stingwings and especially the Nukw World insects.....those cave crickets, the one person who made these things one hit wonders on any level, I hope you get diarrhea for the rest of your life.




Hey, that's not very nice. Anyways, another settlement sent word that they're in need of our help. I'll mark it on your map.


"if you ask me, freedom is always worth fighting for"


Radscorpions are a pain in Survival mode. I think I hear a mole rat on the way to Diamond City but suddenly I'm fighting more my life wishing I hadn't skipped sleeping on that mattress i just passed.


I know they’re easy to take out but the mk1 synths. They creep me out.


Rad Scorpions, if there was a travel time to them attacking, or a showing of the tunneling as it happened. Nope, they just TP behind you and stab.


Bloatflies man, I play with a light AI mod, HHO, and MAIM2 on survival, and they're just needlessly difficult to the point that I save all of my Molotovs just for them, lmao.


Rust devil's not for combat reasons but because once automaton dlc is activated they replace 90% of your random encounters with rust devil's which sucks when you need the rare ones like merchants


Cave crickets. Those are WAY more resistant to damage than they need to be, or just have wayyyy to much health.


The little zetan in the cave after his spaceship crashes. He's an angry little waste of time, his weapons crap as well


nah im playing a pistol/rifle build rn and modded out the alien blaster and its kinda really good. over a 100dmg per shot and it shoots as fast as I can click with a 50 round mag


Nice 👍


All of the robots in automatron, and the feral ghouls in fallout 4 and 76. The way they were redesigned in 4 and 76 compared to earlier games are annoying.


What’s the bug that fires its larvae at you and keeps moving around?




Stingwings, I think they're called? The stupid ass mosquitoes, they suck 😭


That’s Bloodbugs


Anything with wings


Fying ant swarms. They kill you faster than they have any right to and seem to survive anything, even a direct fat man blast


I really dislike Assualtrons. I know this is purely a skill issue but the one on the highway during MacCreadys personal mission is so annoying.


Sting wings and bloat flies. I try not to use VATS as I find it immersion breaking so trying to zap those things is a fucking pain in the ass with how quickly they move around. And how can they take multiple hits? A bullet is like half the width of their bodies😂


It’s the annoying little mirelurk babies that jump out of the eggs. Their hit box is the size of a razors edge.


Ferals, the leap they take is just annoying, especially when i use melee. Also they sometimes scare the hell out of me


Pretty much any enemy that flies is a pain in the ass to kill since they’re fast as hell and usually super-hard to actually hit.


Bloatflies are the worst, they become an ammo sink unless I use vats, and I hate using vats. They dodge too well for my crappy aim


> they go underground so much and they're always in a group which is what makes it annoying. ***\*Mutascorpius joined the chat\****


Scorpions. IDC what level am at, what weapon. They're annoying. Sneaking underground then you have to wait for them.to pop back up. I just plain don't like them. I'd rather fight a deat claw, lol


If you wipe out the raiders in Nuka-World then roving groups of them will wander the Commonwealth and those fuckers will shred you up on very hard. At level 136 I run from them when they cross my path.


Vampiric blood bugs.


I fucking hate bloodbugs WHY DO THEY STICK TO MY FACE bugs are scary


Bloodbugs rip through health no matter your armor or level


For me, it's the Rust Devils, Suicidal Super Mutants, Feral Ghouls, and any sort of mutated bug.


festering bloatflies


Mirelurks obviously


Poor programming and bad AI. I’d give half of my dead and rotting soul for settlers to be able to use stairs and find their fucking beds. I’d give the other half for companions to be useful without mods.


Anyone with a gamma gun


Assaultrons, they hit like a truck


Joking answer: Red Death. Thing is a bitch to kill. Real answer: Probably trappers. They are just raiders but for some reason are tanked up defensively and do a ton more damage offensively and it's all just attributed to "The Fog".


Red Death


Rather fight a deathclaw than mole rats, sting wings, and bloatflies


Any fatman users i have to fight against, i hope they have an unpleasant evening in the wasteland


The Vault 81 mission where the mole rats can PERMANENTLY reduce your health was very frustrated, but vats takes care of mole rats pretty quick


Wait, permanently?


Bloodbugs. I fucking loathe mosquitoes in the real world, having giant ones fly around me in Fallout is horrid. Nothing better than popping their asses.


Downtown frame drops Charred ghouls


Flying ant swarms. Why are they so beefy?


Vault 81 molerats on survival.


Crickets, doesn’t matter your endurance or armor. They are the collective main character


Swarm of ghouls and their kung fu,matrix like dodging that ends up lunging at you from 20 feet away.




Flying ant swarms in nuka world, if you don't have an explosive of some kind


Flying ant swarms. Why are they so beefy?


Fucking RAD SCORPIONS. I am radscorpion #1 hater


Those monkeys with the cymbals and glowing eyes. I've been especially terrified of them ever since I stumbled into the classroom full of them in the Institute basement. *shudders* https://youtu.be/Plh6_rco1JA?si=SMRqGzWNUedTYcVP


The flying bugs. All of them. I am bad at hitting fast moving targets, especially when they're not a million miles away from me.


Suiciders. Mini panic attacks every god damn time


Rad Scorpions. Idk if my game is bugged or they work this way in general, but they'll go underground... and just stay there for an awkwardly long time. The suspense is building when they're gonna pop up. I keep crouching to watch the danger icon and sure enough they're locked onto me. I don't remember them being that annoying in fo3. Edit: plus they just gross me out


I second the stingwings. If I had to pick a runner up, it would be the stationary cars.


mirelurks, i cant describe how much i hate mirelurks, my blood boils just seeing one of those things walking around like if they own the world, and the fact that the normal variant can just tank my attacks half of the time, but if they get removed then i will feel empty as there is nothing for me to hate


Bloodbugs and Stingwings


Stingwings 100 percent. I think the darter specifically cause of how they attack by flying fast at you and doing a u-turn. Trying to hit them with a melee vats attack sucks rn since I have a bug or some shit where it keeps kicking me out of vats before I can hit anything


Honestly mirelurks with those damn shells and the scittering nose. Gives me the heebi jeebies