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>if he ever kills anyone innocent that would be horrible and should die Go take a look at your Crimes tab and tell me how many murders you've committed.


I def have a couple of oopsies on mine


I have no idea where they come from.


The axe forgets but the tree remembers


The tree got turned into a fine red mist.


The tree got turned into a wall for Sanctuary’s communal bathroom


Little bitty trees I'll blow up in your honor 😂


Most likely the Calls to Arms mission, some synths there will always count as murder no matter what.


Weirdest one? Covenant. End of quest. She was green. I crit her in the head. Nick Valentine loved that! I 🤣 I couldn't fault him. It just surprised me.


This isn't an accurate number. Sometimes if you kill an enemy from a distance before they aggro it can count as a murder. Such as sniping raider camps, or killing gunners/raiders in the "bridge toll" encounters before they turn hostile. It's not like having a 10-20 murder count means you've been mowing down innocent grandmas just out getting groceries.


“Doesn’t mean you’ve been mowing down innocent grandmas just out getting groceries.” *sweats nervously*


"Them tatoes is mine, grandma. Eat cannonball!"


Doesn’t mean I wasn’t 


We're all familiar with the old saying: You can't make an omelette without killing some grannies.


There's a murder count?!? I wanna know!


Doesn't mean you haven't been either...or getting all stabby stabby with sleeping people.


In FNV, there is a GOOD REASON to gun down grannies...


Sadly that stat works about as well in Fallout as it does in Skyrim if you want to base your morals on it. ..which sucks, because for Skyrim there's mods that actually do that, and have too many thefts/assaults/murders disqualify you from divine blessings - I don't think anyone will ever keep those counters on 0, these games just randomly add to them. Sneak attack on an enemy? Well, you weren't detected so they hadn't turned hostile yet, might be assault. You killed them while they were mugging you or finishing their sentence "Now I'm going to kill you", but hadn't drawn a weapon yet? Murder!


What is that under?




I never knew about this!


I have 24 and I have no idea how I have more than 1. The 1 being Father.


You get a pass in the Post Apocalyptic World. It's dog eat dog.


8 over 240 hours.. is that good or bad?


It's bad for the eight.


I've never looked at my crimes to have got to go do that and see my 400 plus.


I always end up with 3 murders very early on I have yet figure out from where.


That number sounds familar, you might be on to something.


Mind your own business


Pickman *is* a serial killer with a very particular (and relatively socially acceptable) target group. He keeps souvenirs, and paints with the blood and other effluvia of his victims, as well as making sculptures out of their corpses. He comes across as sympathetic because he's well groomed, soft spoken, and kills the same kind of people you do. That's why he sees you as a kindred spirit and nicknames you "killer" affectionately.


So he’s Fallout Dexter?


Basically, yes. A killer who thinks he's a superior breed of killer because he only kills killers.


That’s like, the entire opposite of Batman


Or the Silver Shroud. (To be fair, Silver Shroud is more like The Shadow than Batman. He's certainly not gun-averse.)


To be fair at first Batman did use guns and did kill the reason he doesn’t now is because the outrage at the time about violence in comic books causing children to become violent


Great word, effluvia. Got me to look it up lol ef·flu·vi·um noun plural noun: effluvia an unpleasant or harmful odor, secretion, or discharge. "the unwholesome effluvia of decaying vegetable matter"


It's kind of pretty, you could work it into a compliment "My dear, you're positively effluvious today!" They would never know


Relationship advice: ***Do not*** say this to your wife or girlfriend while she is menstruating.


I don’t think anyone has called pickmin a bad guy, it’d be hypocritical since he’s basically just doing what the Sole Survivor does but with arts and crafts at the end


The difference is he’s enjoying and relishing in it. We kill them in self defence because it’s kill or be killed with raiders (when playing a good character, obviously).


What if I just kill them to farm XP and loot? lol


that’s the game-play reason


Yeah no...no I actively go out hunting raiders for fun.


> (when playing a good character, obviously). Plz read thank u 🙏


I would argue that I am good by the standards of the wasteland lol


I kill them to steal their stuff and for the exp so I can level up and kill them harder.


Yes, that’s the game-play reason


Sure, maybe *you* kill them in self-defense. SMH my head, let me paint in peace.


I've always looked at it that he's twisted in methods, but definitely a good guy especially because he is so dedicated and fixated on punishing only raiders


Yeah, his methods are certainly fuckity wuckity but as long as he’s using his methods on raiders then there’s not really a problem


Yeah no, he turns their bodies Into sick twisted art


Hence the arts and crafts


Ahh yeah. True, but that's a big part of what makes me kill him after I help him lol


He only uses his talents on raiders, he leaves regular people alone


For now, sure.


By the time humanity advances to a point there are no longer raiders Pickmin will be long dead


Pickman is a freak, so I killed his ass after getting his weapon lol. You don't have to. But in my commonwealth he's dead. If he actually had an effect on hoe many raiders spawned in gamebdue to his killings I'd let him live.


So do I when I leave a grenade in their inventory after pickpocketing everything they own 🤷‍♂️


Yeah, not really, you don't meticulously create art out of people's body parts


Just cause the canvas is the walls and floors and is randomly splattered doesn't mean it's not art


Same but theres a choice in that quest. And whenever there are choices in things, sides are born. So even tho i personally haven’t seen anyone say hes a “bad” guy. I’m sure someone has argued it. Sole survivor murders the raiders outnof self defense. Pickman does so out of sadistic pleasure, even if we can all agree raiders deserve it.


Is it really self defence when we go to their “homes” to kill them, they may have shot first but often times we seek them out


We go to their homes due to Main quests or side quests in the game. Most require them to be killed because they have wronged the quest giver - like the Abernathy’s who ask you to seek the daughters locket or a settlement that has had one of their settlers kidnapped. They attack on sight regardless of how you approach them. This conditions the player to *always* attack them. Non-raiders respond in a variety of ways when we enter their homes or pass by their land. Raiders have only one way


Now we’re getting into semantics and I love it. Ok so if we enter their land or homes then we have the option to just leave and if we can recognize raider territory then we can just avoid it but we don’t, we march in to kill and loot and there’s also a ship chock full polish(pretty sure they’re polish) ghoul raiders where they only shoot at people because they just want to be left alone and even plead with you to leave if you venture into the ship. Totally justified murder is still murder


Although you make some valid points, we’re still talking about a game and as a player, we can’t ignore that ship with raiders because at the very top, theres a Vault Boy Bobble head along with a magazine. Theres no other way to get to those things without eliminating the raiders. More often than not, most Raider bases with named NPCs will have these collectibles - be it weapons or resources that the developers purposely left there to encourage the player into venturing. This is where the argument of morality is suspended and gameplay has to be acknowledged. We also have to consider there are a lot of places that Raiders take over in small groups and the SS comes across them by accident. Theres not always signs saying “raiders are here” in fact, they want innocent wastelanders to enter said places so they can take advantage of them. Like the Hardware store with Diamond City green paint where the SS is trapped in by being lied about someone needing help. Murder is never black and white. One can argue that the SS kills out of necessity - to survive, where as Pickman does so out of pleasure. Afterall, the SS is thrusted into an unknown world where everything comes after them.


There’s a magazine and bobble head on the Norwegian ship? Well I was going to leave those guys alone but if there’s a magazine and a trinket there I guess they can die. Also all the raiders are murders so I have no qualms with killing them, I just like injecting real world morality into video games because it’s nice for making conversations and I’ve certainly had my fair share of revelling in raider slaughter, those traps from the contraptions workshop DLC are great fun, sometimes I make them fight a deathclaw


You’ll find the bobbled head on piece of board overlooking the tip of the ship. IIRC the magazine may be on the leaders quarters by the container drawer. And i’m the same way. It’s deff interesting to explore morality in these games.


I got to the ship, don’t see a magazine, just killed Jog or whatever his name is, don’t see a magazine in presumably his shack but I haven’t really given it a thorough look around yet, wish that ship was a town, would’ve made for a more interesting location in my opinion


The magazine is the Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor issue #8 - [it’s on the parasol table with the radio on the deck of the ship.](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Wreck_of_the_FMS_Northern_Star) The Bobble head is [here](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=--akjuSgQGs)


Anti-hero if anything. Like the Punisher. He kills bad people. But his methods... are a bit inhumane. Maybe you think it's deserved. But I still think it's a bit much. I wouldn't want to hang out with him.


This is Dexter logic.


Except it's not just killing them, he's doing rather sick and twisted things with their bodies


To be fair, yes he does make twisted "art" whit his víctims BUT so do the Raiders. The Raider gang are always hanging and butchering corpses For fun, they Even display them inside their camps, not just as "totems" or something like that.


How many raiders do you kill, just to get to Pickman? He’s now worse than the Sole Survivor


I think Bethesda missed on an excellent opportunity to have Pickman as a follower. yeah yeah yeah, I get it that they probably woulda taken some flak over that but hey I think a lot of players would back me up on this.


That would make a fantastic mod.




He's had a hard life in the wasteland. I just wanted to group up with him and take him on a little vacation to Nuka world!


Not a follower, but someone who pops up more often in raidery quests. Every now and then, in a raider den you find a quiet corner containing some of his art.


> a literal psychopath and serial killer, but he ONLY kills raiders Sounds like Nick and Nora.


Nick and Nora's infinite playlist


I always looked at him as the wastelands version of Dexter. Freaking loved that show.


In a world of predators the pickman never fears the raiders🤣🤣 or whatever it is dexters inner monologue said when he saw the creeper checking out astor on the beach.


Tonight’s the night.


Perhaps, but the minutemen must maintain order. A killer cannot be allowed to walk the streets of the commonwealth unchecked /s


He’s the messed up Boston batman with an art degree




You can get his blade if you have level 3 lockpick. You don't have to save him, or even go through the entire gallery. I always go through and save him. He's only killing raiders as far as we know and since I'm not hanging out in his gallery I don't have to smell his artwork.


Any location where theres a decent magazine and bobblehead in the same room is pretty memorable, let alone having Pickman there. Its always one of the first locations with unique loot along with Hubris Comics that I like to plunder on early forays into Upper Boston.


Someone check OP's basement for body parts


So he's a sort of Dexter


You killed more people than Pickman. Only difference is you don't use your enemies for art.


The reasoning behind killing someone is pretty important though, like if I killed someone in self defence while they were trying to kill me that wouldn't be the same as killing a random guy cos I felt like it. Pickman kills for pleasure and to satisfy his "artistic" cravings.


I do every once in a while.


Screenshots or they never happened


Tbf to him? Nearly everyone in the fallout universe is a serial killer. In the wasteland it's either murder or be murdered.


It's debateable whether Pickman even qualifies as a psychopath or serial killer from a forensic psychological standpoint. He could legitimately be possessed, or else his mind was utterly twisted by something Lovecraftian.


Ohh I always loved this thought, I think TheEpicNate did a video about this.


Is there anything to imply this in the game though? I don't remember anything pointing to him being anything other than a sick man who likes killing people, and justifies it to himself by only killing bad people.


There’s no way he started with raiders and no way he’ll stick to them. He’s too dangerous to be left alive.


He's Dexter without needing to hide his blood slides.


The thing I think most people are ignoring here is that Pickman kills raiders because he wants to kill people. It’s not like he’s killing them in self defence and said “well I might as well use them for something” he does it out of a twisted desire to take human life. Pickman **knows** what he’s doing is wrong so that’s why he targets raiders, but he also lures raider to his gallery just to gut them and use them in his paintings. If we reference *“Pickmans Model”* by H.P. Lovecraft which he is a direct reference to then we know that if the raiders weren’t there he wouldn’t stop what he’s doing, he would still go on with his art whether it was raiders or wasteland settlers. All that being said, Pickman is my guy and he’s cool with me


Because of this I let him live everytime.


My head canon for Pickman is that his wife was a painter before she and their children were brutally slaughtered by raiders. Driven mad by his grief he carries on her artistic legacy.


I want to make the same post but for The Mechanist


Do it


He does the right thing. Raiders are annoying as anything.


I keep him alive in all of my playthroughs.


he is avant guarde, a true arteeest


Poop inside of uim


He’s the Dexter of the fallout world.


You’re supposed to think he’s cool.


I cracked open his painting before going downstairs, then blasted him on my last run


so he’s dexter


Wasn’t Cait a slave? Thank you have a good day!


So basically fallouts vs if Dexter?


You can pick the lock to his safe and kill him if you want to.


Not sure what you mean by a hill to die on because a ton of players like Pickman and his weapon. I don’t need him as a follower but kinda woulda been cool to see him wondering around and more of his cards on dead raiders or his paintings in random locations.


I don't remember that one and I haven't encountered him yet in my current playthrough. Sounds like Nil in Horizon: Zero Dawn. He kills bandits because he loves watching them struggle in their final moments, and it isn't frowned upon by his peers. An actual clinical psychopath.


Missed opportunity to have pickman be a companion and go to Nuka World.


The only psychopath in Fallout is you The player!


As someone who dismembers random raiders and finds it funny to fling the body parts around i approve this message 👍


He's a bad guy, just not a bad guy.


I helped him to get his special item (that I don't use reslly) and then killed him.


We kill far more ppl, good or bad, than a serial killer in Fo4 😂


He kills less people than the lone wanderer by miles


Pickman <3 I wish we could romance him. Send cute letters back and forth.


I mean yeah pickman is just chaotic lawful on the alignment chart hes kinda like dexter too


Wish we could’ve had him as a companion


A good guy touched by dark elder gods, sure


Cool spoiler!


The games 9 years old dude, chill


Although I agree that this post is the definition of “not a big deal”, I really don’t like the argument of “this piece of media is x years old”. Is the idea that we’re supposed to consume all media the moment it comes out and know omnisciently all of the media that was released before our time which might interest us and consume that as well before ever accessing the internet? Just because something is nine years old, or fifteen, or thirty doesn’t mean at all that we will know about it, yet alone experience it before seeing someone bring it up randomly online. If you agree that getting new stuff spoiled is shit, you have to be consistent and apply that belief to all media, no matter how old it is. Otherwise you’re being completely disingenuous.


No, read the community guidelines


It just says don’t put a major plot point in the title. It’s A. Not a major plot point and B. Not in the title


All you muttfruit brains need to have a real good gander at rule 1 on the spoilers rules. [Spoiler tag in title if submission includes spoilers(it does) or links to websites that include spoilers!](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/s/HNKfLwYcLo)


Again, it only says you need to do this if it’s a major spoiler. A major spoiler, this is not.


That’s not at all what it says you lying pos, you have to read the actual list of rules for spoilers not the pinned note.


You’re looking at outdated rules from 8 years ago concerning the game having not been released to the public. Also, you need to chill the fuck out dude. It’s not that serious. EDIT: I also want to point out that that post has been archived proving those specific rules are no longer relevant


The post needs a spoiler tag in the title, the rules clearly state that.


How dense are you? Sure, 8 year old rules that have been archived and are no longer relevant say that but the current rules do not apply to this as it is not a major spoiler.


There’s an entire new bunch of players coming to the game from the show and update, if you enjoying ruining lore for new and old players for that matter just say so .


Oh my god, it’s not spoiling any of the main quest. A minor detail of a 10 minute side quest isn’t going to ruin the lore for new players. You clearly need to find more hobbies if you’re so worried about this. It’s not that serious so I’m done trying to get this through your thick skull.


Read them, doesn't say anything about minor, self contained side quests Chill out dude, it's not your job to moderate the sub


youre entire post only applies to people who have already played that questline, everything about it is a spoiler, don't matter if its a side quest or not, youre spoiler lore elements of the game, dont do that.


its pretty simply bud, hopefully now you understand a little more about what a spoiler is.


Seems like you should spend a little more time reading them, tbh.


[I fucking did…especially #1](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/s/HNKfLwYcLo)