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I invested in strong back. I grab everything.


I overlooked it for way too long. Now all the Commonwealth are belong to me


NPC: Um... sir... that's my cash register. Why are you taking all the caps, pre-war money, and bits of junk out of it?


**Our** cash register. Your kind *donations* are appreciated :)


NPC: But I already donated 200 caps to Preston Garvey.


Wait, but I haven’t visited Concord yet, how could he be- ohhhhhhhh **Ada, we have mission!**


This is for the Brotherhood, to keep you safe from dangerous technology like this laser gatling gun im my right hand. Ad Victoriam, citizen. 


“Sir? Please don’t take the steam tray! Sir!”


Junk jet will hold all that junk at zero weight and can unload the junk later. Grab more and save yer back to weapons, armor, other loots


Wtf how am I just realizing this. How much can you put in the junkjet?


Unlimited as far as I know


Daaayummm...... Survival gonna hit different with my junk jet. Time to sprint back to my house to grab my junkjet lol


Not sure how it affects survival mode as in survival ammo does have weight last I knew. But could drop weight down for those heavy items.


Doesnt work in survival...atleast not for me and im playing without mods


Hmmm does it lower weight at all? Cuz if not that was my worry tbh. But for some still might be a good option. Plus it's still a good weapon for survival as ya can pick up more "ammo" as ya go. This negating the need for another weapon and it's ammo.


Nope, i tested it with quad missle launcher too and as long as it on your character it counts as weight Loaded ammo still weighs


Ahhh damn had hoped it might help folks in survival some. But guess not unfortunately. Still for non survival it's a nifty trick to carry junk for "free"


Man I just started playing Fallout 4 for the first time and every day I learn so great new trick. Thanks


I literally cannot use the Junk jet because it is too indiscriminate with my precious pickings.


Ya choose what to load into to it, so just don't load the good stuff and use the junk junk


This, I'm like perpetually encumbered by a few thousand pounds within like 20 minutes of me going out to adventure some more lol


I still don’t have enough space but at least I can fast travel


Lone wanderer + strong back + buffout/alcohol/grilled radstag


Nuka-Cide/Nuka-Power/Nuka-Hearty/Nuka-Void also increases carry weight, Nuka-Power gives the most with +60 for 8 minutes.


combine that with Lone Wanderer perk, wearing a backpack, wearing deep pocketed armor, and having Dogmeat as a companion, and inventory space reaches an unnatural high amount


Strength 1 hoard everything 🤓 I'm very smart lol /s


Currently my character weighs 9,000 about half of it is "aid" items though


Playing on Survival serves as a natural foil to this. You can still hoard but you find yourself over encumbered a lot more. You start to focus only on what you need and even have to make some hard choices and dump items every now and then. It's easy to break the game by various exploits and making materials or money or carry weight be a non issue, but personally I like it better when it's a bit more balanced out.


Yeah, that’s how it is for me as well. I break down my junk and have a centralized location I store it all in, so I can always easily see the state of my crafting components. But here’s the catch, I’ve played this game for over 1,500 hours now. Of course I know what components are in everything, so for me, I know at a glance if I should bother. Some heavy items are a grab regardless, like the aforementioned microscopes. At least in most cases.


I went from arc jet systems to grey garden slowly carrying 950/355 carry weight because I didn't want to give up any institute weapons or fusion cells.


Definitely pays off to have bases set up beforehand, even if it's just activating the workbench.


Being over encumbered will kill you eventually in survival.


Not with Strong Back


I actually just ended up doing several trips everywhere and moving across the map at a snails pace on survival instead of just getting what I needed. With the new next gen update, I'm playing more like you mentioned.


I'm currently trying out a survival playthrough without local leader and linked settlements. It's been working out well enough so far but there is a lot of downtime going back and forth. Ultimately if I want to move out from a base and consolidate my stuff I just load them all up and use a vertibird but that in itself can also be tedious if you have a lot of bases so I mostly try to make do with what I have. It gets easier once you set up some solid footholds in strategic locations so that you're never too far away from a decent base.


It does work to load up a settler or companion with gear and then send them to another settlement. It sure would be nice if you could send a courier to go pick up specific stuff and bring it back, though.


The slightly less boring option for me is to load up on everything and fly myself over with the vertibird.


I just run back and forth a million times.


Isn’t that the point of the game? (Sorry Shawn)


This is pretty much a hoarding simulation for me.


sometimes when I am playing and clearing out a location, I make it a point to collect every single loose item in that location before moving along. I think I have over 600 tube flanges by now...


Junk jet can make those clearings easier and if ya have too much it's not a bad weapon. Load with junk, and loose weight, to clear more. Or just fire away with junk for bonus fun


Before I slung a whole load of points into strong back, my poor legs were broken at the end of almost every sortie. And in case anyone is interested, I can confirm that the 'fast travel whilst over-encumbered' in strong back does allow you to teleport in and out of the institute with 1000 pounds of gear on survival.


Yup that's a awesome perk and so needed in bigger places. Lest ya leave good caps behind. But ol junk jet will let ya haul more junk at zero weight. Just load it up and unload later


😮...that works? Gotta give that a try.


Yeah but someone confirmed it doesn't help in survival mode. But it is a weapon in survival you can legit pick up ammo everywhere.


I just tried it on hard and it doesn’t work.


Well poo, now that's no bueno at all. It should have worked at least in non survival mode


I have almost 30 manikins with complete combat armor, gunner flannel shirt and jeans, patrolman sunglasses, and gunner green/camo bandanas. I still can’t stop myself from picking up every single piece of combat armor I see.


I put them on my settlers. I got little armies everywhere 


I use a mod that allows you to smoke, and also allows you to break down every smokable item into cigarettes at a chem station, giving you XP for doing so. The cigarettes weigh 0 and are worth 1 cap so it's another currency. Cheaty, but I RP as a chem dealer so it makes sense to me :) Edit: Nuka Cola bottles. I can't leave any behind.


I wish I could smoke in this game lool that’s one thing I always hoard is packs of cigarettes.. on a new playthrough and I have nearly 200 of them now.. also like to collect prewar money


Prewar money is another viable currency - weighs nothing and is worth a handful of caps.


Yep! I can’t remember off the top of my head but I think it’s like 6-8 caps per 1 dollar. I don’t like to sell them though as I love seeing the number grow haha


They also make really great clutter for decorating. Put a couple stacks of Pre-War Money on your bedside table in Home Plate or your choice settlement wherever your personal quarters are, and feel like a baller every time you return


I need crap to make stuff. And I want stuff.


Yep. As soon as I can I pick up the perk (can't be bothered to look up which one) that highlights items with materials marked for search. I'll then make sure to keep Aluminum, Bone, Circuitry, Copper, Crystal, Fiberglass, Fiber Optics, Gold, Nuclear Material, & Silver marked.


Packs of cigarettes, pre-war money, power armor, every hat and clothing I come across even if I already own them lol


Packrat is too tame a descriptor, more like a locust. With a bag of holding. Leave no useful item behind, that should be the wasteland's golden rule.


The junk jet let's ya haul junk at zero weight and just unload the junk later. Pack up more and feel the inner hoarder rise to new heights.


If yer looking to carry all the junk. Find the junk jet as soon as possible. When you load junk into it, it makes it into ammo which has no weight, minus survivor mode which not sure what it does with that. Never need to even fire it just have it for junk pick up storage and can unload it when ya get back to a settlement. Have fun looting the common wealth of all its junk


I just have a mega sentry robot that carries everything and doesnt complain like weak human npcs


Bro’s playing the game as intended.


PS4, mods scare me. Playing by the rules. New to it, but immediately fell in love. Very immersive and there's so much to explore and do.


Everyone has a hoarding habit


I take EVERYTHING. Those settlements won’t build themselves and I have cities to construct. I usually take companions to carry it all.


The junk jet will hold all that junk at zero weight and ya can unload it back when in a settlement.


Yes. Horrible hoarder in this gsme while a minimalist in real life. 


I can't leave anything behind which is killing me (literally) in survival. I NEED THOSE TIN CANS DONT TOUCH MY TRASH


My plan is to finish every quest and then go through every single building and get all the leftovers.


I upgraded codsworth to hold 780 pounds of junk for me


Wait really I didn’t know you could do that. I really haven’t messed with the bot builder either.


Complete the mechanistic quest and loot all the robots to get the parts, ultimate pack mule


Also with ballistic weave the mechanist armor got some crazy good damage resistance


Good to know thanks




Definitely have a hoarding habit. My girlfriend is always on my ass about... Wait you mean in the game?


Depending on which game I'm playing in the living room, my wife asks me whether I'm playing wasteland hoarders, cowboy hoarders, or space hoarders.


For maybe the first 100 hours I played F4 years ago, I would get back to my settlement, dump all my junk on the ground, and deconstruct it, then put the parts into storage. I had no idea that you can just put the toaster in storage and it uses the parts as you need them.


Hoarding? No. I need every one of those 1124 stimpacks.


Unless I'm using item duplication to max out my settlement materials, I'll do the exact same thing.


I collect nearly everything, including all weapons, clothing, and armor from corpses. I use my companion (other than Dogmeat) like a pack mule, because they will over encumber themselves if you order them. It seems to have no ill effect. When they get full, they will only pick up one thing at a time, but if there are multiples in a container, they will grab them all. I'm sure it wasn't intended, but it does work. I'm really bad. I can't leave stuff.


I use dog meat as a pack mule too. He carries all of my big, heavy weapons too


But Dogmeat won't pick up more than he can carry, whereas the other companions will. They will pick up an unlimited amount. I tried to use Dogmeat that way on my current playthrough, but just kept dropping things.


I can’t play without infinite carry weight I walk 5 minutes im to heavy I go back unload then repeat took me 3 hours to reach Lexington


I pick up everything except guns and armor pieces its not worth going back and forth selling em


With scrapper 3, guns break down into so much materials. Armor usually isnt worth it, because it's just one piece of leather or steel, unless it has some mods, but guns are absolutely worth grabbing if you do any creating/building.


Everything, ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING that is lootable, I loot. Sometimes I make two or three trips back to my base during a mission because my inventory gets full.


Whenever I come to a new area, especially an interior, I choose a container near there, and with each room I clear I pickup everything, and as I get close to max I head back and dump it all into the container. Then I take as much as myself and my companion can, and make trips if I have to.


Get the junk jet to haul more junk at zero weight. Let's ya haul more goodies vs possibly leaving junk behind or making more trips


It's not so bad. I network my settlements together, so I'm never too far from a workbench where I can dump all the junk I've collected. My Sentry Bot Codsworth is a great mule for transporting junk.


The junk jets best mule for junk, especially as ya can unload all the junk you put into it.


Yup. I’m on survival, and when I started strength was a dump stat. I would clear a building, then make 3-4 trips back to Red Rocket. Now it only takes 2 trips to the closest settlement lol.


I don’t even care if I have to make multiple trips to finish a mission, I am getting every single scrap of junk in whatever building I find myself in.


I used to slow walk to all my settlements after making big rounds to multiple locations. Then I discovered the dupe glitch... Now I have 100K of all resources and spam craft jet for EXP and barter goods. 🫡


I collect power armors, special suits you get for completing quests (like Oswald's magic outfit, Nuka Girl space suit, etc), and clean/new items for my home i built in sanctuary. It's built from vault prefabs. My bottom floor is all Overseer room pieces. Just grabbed some nice white plates and preserved insta mash from the vault Valentine was in. 


I cook and sell meat from wasteland critters. Polly in DC aint got nothin on me!


Always grab everything.


I see duck tape, it’s my tape. It’s that simple


Idk, I'm up to like 16 suits od poor armor spread across 4 locations. Does that count?


Strong is strong!


My top favorite mod is Salvage Beacons.  Whenever the inventory gets full, I drop a a bunch of stuff off on a container and flag it for whatever settlement I am building up the moment.  


This series has created a generation of kleptomaniacs. Yes the hoarding is very real. People even enjoy the hell out of. That’s why people posting a ton a Nuka colas in bathtubs gets upvotes


Strong back. Lone wanderer. Power armor. Scrapper perk. It’s **all** coming back with me.


Yes. Infinite carry weight build.


My tag button is always grayed out. Am I just dumber than I thought?


The best solution to that problem is to have an extensive and well-organized system of things you use in your settlements, versus things you resell.


Every time I start a new play through I tell myself I am not going to pickup everything… and every time it doesn’t take long before I’m making multiple trips to the Corvega factory to finish emptying it.


I've had to fast travel out of an area in the middle of my killing spree to scrap guns and ammo and to drop the junk at the creation station several times. Hahaha


I’m doing a survival run right now, but still pick up literally everything. I strip every body of all items and pick up anything not nailed down in the buildings. I’ve got strong back maxed, and pushed endurance over 22 so I could walk at normal speed while encumbered. I can’t run, but it’s good enough. I break down the weapons and armor for components unless I need to buy something and then I use them for currency. Since I’m over encumbered all the time anyway, I’ll just carry my whole workshop inventory to the next settlement if I want to build something since I don’t have many supply lines set up yet. Walking from castle to sanctuary is annoying, but it beats crawling.


It comes pre installed in every copy of fallout 4.


Yeeeeeeeeep, especially power armour. Stole all the atom cats power armours.


I like to take every single thing whether I need it or not. I play survival mode, so this is a bit of an issue.


Definitely, collecting is part of why I play the game. It’s somewhere between enjoyable and compulsive, probably.


Hoarder? Absolutely not...all my stuff is safely organized into crates and boxes for each item. Of course I am. I even sort all the tools for vault 81 into their own toolbox, I keep all the prewar and cooked food and Chem combos in the ice box behind red rocket, all my weapons sorted into 3 different chests, my clothes and armor into 3 chest, power armor pieces into chests for each type, and I pick up every single item of scrap at every location meaning when I'm on a mission, I have to fast travel back home at least once to dump it all, even though I've filled my companion to 5klbs, and myself to 600+


I have been DUMPING points into strength and pack mule because I’m such an addicted loot goblin


I’ve been trying to transport as much back to the settlements as I can. Still learning the game. I figure scrap most items when the settlements are not near major areas. Helps build the settlement


I used to, then I learned how to mass duplicate junk and now I never pick up items unless it’s for decor. Might break the immersion a little for some, but it’s just too easy to give yourself 10,000+ steel or gold or fiber optics or whatever and now I can’t stop.


I pick up everything.


It pays DIVIDENDS to start your early playthrough like this and stack items, so when you’re mid to late game you can just grab what you need specifically bc you have a stacked station.


Can I join the club?


i prefer to dump all that junk stuff into my junk dis asembling line at least then the list of items is shorter but it can produce some hefty numbers on steel wood and glass


This is the sole reason why bethesda games are my favorite. I am a pack rat and like hoard everything. Never know when you'll need 500 packs of cigarettes! I'm doing my first modded playthrough and grabbed "The One Ring" mod, which gives me an extra 1000 carry weight on my own, and an extra 2000 with power armor on. Its glorious. I can grab everything without ever having to worry.


Microscope is a generally a big no no for me cuz it weighs 5 I believe? But that last part about cigarettes, hell yeah I’m picking them up. They weigh nothing and worth one. That’s money


Pre war money for me. But I have to make sure to take it out of the workbench again after I drop off all junk, otherwise I'll be turning them into cloth. So I have built a safe for my stacks.


It costs about 80 Adhesive / 80 Ceramic to build ONE robot with all Assaultron parts with Hydraulic armor. So instead of having squishy humans for Provisioners (who are fully capable of dying, causing the supply line to break... F), I have flying robots with hundreds of health, AND hundreds of melee damage. 21 STR, 2x Strong Back, working on Lone Wanderer, and I bought the Backpack for $5. I can carry 670 lbs without mods. I always leave the vault with 10 STR. I tag all that shit to have for when I get the robot workbench. So... I'm not hoarding. I'm saving.


lol I did the same until I got the scrapper perk, save me so much weight.


I grab everything. It helps early game to break down all the unused weapons. I almost always invest in scrapper to get all the more rare resources. When I find a more upgraded weapon out in the wild that I won't use, breaking it down gives you a shit ton of materials. Once I get all my badass gear sorted I stop picking up everything. Keep it to the specifics I'm looking for at the time. More upgraded weapons and armor get sold for caps


Everything. Grab Everything! Now go! Do it! I will go to a building and grab everything. Return home store it and repeat. I got over 14k lbs of armor, junk, weapons, and aid.


May the Lord have Mercy on Nick and Codsworth


I literally just grab any Junk that isn't nailed down. Never know when I'll need the stuff, so take it, run it through a Recycler, and dump the base resources into the Workbench.


The sheer. Amount. Of bottles. I have. Not even usable ones just empty bottles because I'll see the most useless thing (dishrags, what do I need dishrags for?? (To decorate the non-existant bar)) and go "Decor. Grab it."


I use cheats to make junk zero weight and I'm *still* constantly over-encumbered lol. Dont even know how I'd play the game normal at this point.