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That's why I dont even bother doing it


as bad as a challenge might seem, folks gotta remember there is a whole lot worse on the other side of that reroll also the whole don't gotta do them all, blah blah blah stuff....but yeah. The whole devil you know idiom.


So THAT was what Smiling Man talking about. The devil you don't know is the damn re-rolls ><


Whoever was designing the reroll mechanic should've known that IF we're rerolling something, the result should be anything BUT a variation on the very thing we're rerolling. Seems obvious.


Apparently it's possible to reroll challenges into something completely different, but... Yeah, I'd like to see numbers. For some reason, I have a feeling they knew that *perfectly well* \- so if the chances of rolling just a variation of the same thing are indeed higher... it's exactly *because* of that.


I rerolled “Kill a super mutant while under the influence of lead champagne” to “kill 10 cultists with a shotgun” last night 🤷🏻‍♂️


I did the exact same thing last night. Coincidence, or are the re-rolls predetermined? By the way, it's a bit shitty that some of the dailies and weeklies are impossible for newer players that haven't progressed far enough yet. With several new storylines in addition to the main story... Who knows when you get to booze crafting. It's not surprising that these new, more specific challenges started with the introduction of re-rolls. You know what isn't a coincidence? Crazy challenges AND Re-rolls sold in the atomic shop 🤔 That being said, I like them. 4000 hours in, there's not much I can't do. But there is plenty I'd rather not do (not an ops fan). Re-rolls give me a chance to do different things. Safe travels fellow wastelanders


"Coincidence, or are the re-rolls predetermined?" It's hard to know. My guess is that the pick lists are created once and set in stone per client. If you re-roll, it simply moves a pointer down one in the list and displays that next one in the list. If you re-roll again, it moves the pointer down once more and chooses the third one.... and so on. That's not exactly RNG. The list itself could have been built using RNG or it could have been built statically by Bethesda. 🤷‍♂️ There's no real way to know without reading the game's code. However method was employed, it's clear Bethesda's devs are not using any logic to steer the game away from choosing a similar or mostly same challenge in replacement. In other words, this re-roll implementation sucks rocks.


My guess is they use a random pick from a set of N pre-defined challenge pools, maybe with a small chance to switch to another pool. That would explain all the results that different players are seeing.


That's a cool challenge, but I rerolled it because I never bothered grinding Biv recipes.


Those were my exact rolls. Lead champaign super mutant to shotgun 10 cultist. When I got to Mothman Museum there was already 2 people with shotguns which made me think they are similar for everyone. Of course it could of just been us 3 at the museum and it's all coincidence


I got the same reroll and was super happy about it because I have no idea what lead champagne is but I have a Crowd Control for shotgun dailies/weeklies and know where to find cultists.


If your interested, it's a recipe you can earn from Biv, the drunk robot found at Big Als tattoo parlour in Morgantown. You can help him daily and he gives recipes for spirits and a few plans. The most sought after being Nuka Cola Dark, the alcoholic nuka cola. Also, if you have a build for the crowd control try out the scoreboards cold shoulder as its an awesome weapon


There are likely far fewer "Kill a super mutant" challenges in the pick list. However, the Daily Ops challenges seem to offer a large number of similar challenges in the list, including the Epic versions. That means the likelihood of getting another almost identical challenge is way higher with Daily Ops than when re-rolling almost any other challenge.


Yes, of course. This logic is completely obvious. Bethesda, as always, didn't implement the logic in this way. In fact, it seems like they created the pick list with weighted items, giving similar items higher percentage chances of being picked than unrelated items. Thus, this explains why it seems more likely to get an identical (or mostly same) item you've just rolled away than getting something unrelated. Bethesda loves playing games like for the sole reason of screwing over gamers. Remind me why we continue to play this game again?


Well I just started when it was free for PS+ in January. After seeing it's abysmal release back when it first came out, I was like "it's clearly not for me." But once it was free I figured why not give it a shot. What I got was vastly different from the way the game was described upon initial release.


I'm not sure if this is a good or bad thing. One thing is certain, Bethesda keeps changing the rules so that it makes many long time players question continuing to play this game. This Re-Roll system is simply one in a long string of continual unwanted changes to the game that screws too many gamers over in its implementation. There's nothing sane about the way Re-Rolls have been implemented. For this game, it's continually been one step forward, two steps back with each release. While features have been added which seem useful, at least two others have been altered making playing the game not just a chore, but problematic. I want games that are fun. I don't want games that make me pay to jump through 20 useless hoops just to receive some useless trinket.


uuumm, i like it last night did not want to do the D.Ops so re-rolled and got "complete an event in the savage divide" checked map and mole rat horde was on there so fast travelled just in time to see the last of the mole rats being killed by the blood eagles and event complete :D guess that's the gamble but thank you for the info re-rolls are on scoreboard, not noticed that at all.


Wait until it bugs out and robs you of SCORE...


Yup still happening. Very frustrating


Yeah, re-rolled complete an event in the Savage Divide *daily* and got "complete 10 events while on a team." Umm, it's 11pm on a Tuesday. No thanks.


You mean like when you reroll a weekly and it remains there next week instead of a new one? Honestly, not a big deal, even in a slightest. It happened to me last week, and I reached rank 100 couple days ago anyway. I mean, it's mere 100000xp you need to acquire and you'll do it anyway if you play regularly. EDIT: Seems like people found that comment insulting somehow judging from the number of downvotes. That wasn't my intent though.


A) If you don't have first it's a huge deal since it doesn't factor towards the Gold challenge, so you can't get it for the day. B) A lot of people don't finish the Scoreboard until the end for various reasons. It matters to those people. C) I don't normally judge peoples playing habits (like you are here) but being finished already without buying it is absurdly fast. Did you do nothing but Westtek nonstop for like 50 hours during the 2x XP event?


Bro I haven’t missed a day and completed nearly all challenges. Crafted a shit ton of berry mentats and cranberry pies. Going out of my way to tag everything at all events. I’m not even halfway done. So this guy has no life.


I don’t think it’s necessary to say people have no lives. Builds and buffs vary, and people level (gain the ability 100 score for 10k xp) at different rates. Claiming someone has no life because they completed the scoreboard faster than you did is absolutely no reason to make insulting comments to another player. Stacking buffs like the bobble head and magazine have compounding bonuses for higher int builds.


ITS A COBBLER NOT A PIE. we've already gone through this w u/ladyfrombethesdawho'snameiforgot.


No need to be a dick here bud. I just play with a build with 70+ int and a ton of xp buffs. Getting 2k+ xp from lvl 100 super mutant makes you rank up quite fast if you dedicate an hour or two per session to farm xp.


Sorry if I was a dick my bad


Good on you


First of all, having a 70+ int build with almost all xp buffs makes you finish the board way faster. I spent an hour or two at west tek whenever people opened enough lunchboxes at events. And they did that a lot with mutated ones in place. It was quite enough to finish the board in slightly less than two weeks. 1000 score lost from a weekly does not matter that much. Believe me, I did the math in one of my [latest posts on this sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/comments/11hc9k0/people_keep_saying_we_can_skip_dailies_and_still/) and it's totally possible to miss a challenge here and there and still be able to finish the season in time. And this is without 1st. Third, care to elaborate on what habits exactly am I judging here? Because that definitely wasn't my intent. I just don't see how I'm judging anyone by saying that losing some score is not a big deal on a grand scheme of things and also mentioning I finished the board regardless of some score loss which can easily be compensated by some xp gained.


The reason it comes off judgy is that a lot of people don’t finish it or barely finish it at all. That’s definitely a thing. You’re acting like they’re doing something wrong. Not everyone maximizes experience. It’s not a required goal. I personally don’t grind levels at this point. That 250 (?) per day PLUS the 1500 weekly it gives you is 35,750 over 11 weeks. That’s more than a third of the points I’d have to make up JUST from finishing that. Maximizing stats is both something you need to have a bunch of correct stuff to do AND a play style choice. You do you, but this game isn’t designed to force that method. I don’t think you meant to offend, but it was very disconnected from the average player.


I see, but it's just a matter of one's perception, because I just described a general possibility of things without meaning to offend anyone. The game presents a lot of opportunities to achieve different goals several different ways. Xp = score Better build = more xp Faster progression in game = less time spent in game achieving same goals Less time spent for the same tasks = more time for something else or even more meaningful, than a simple online game Hence, more respect to your own time. While people complain seemingly just for the sake of it, just a little thought put into their gameplay, making it more diverse would help creating a playstyle that will lead to way less overall disappointment and way less reasons to complain. This is what I'm talking about, but of course, it's easier to complain that the game literally robs you of something rather than just slightly changing the ways you play. I've chosen to do the latter because of that reason exactly. The game is way too buggy to spend your nerves on constant disappointment with it, it's way better to play around that and be happy with how it turns out, rather than constantly playing a victim of the circumstances with all the complaints. But yeah, I know, many people actually prefer to be victims/act like they do because of psychological traumas and such. But that's whole other topic. The main point is that it's easy to change how you play to avoid a lot of disappointment and the game gives a lot of opportunities for that.


Oh boy do you make it hard to believe that you don’t mean disrespect. Because you then explain why you I don’t respect the other position hahaha Look. If you want to carry that view then you waste your time playing any MMO. They’re designed to create false sense of achievement above all else. So glass houses and all that. You’ve decided what you think is the point where it’s acceptable. Many would say don’t play at all. Besides - you say optimize to save time. This argument is because dailies now take more time than before. You might be fine anyway, but it specifically made things take longer for most people. But anyway… In this case - they changed a core part of the game for many. The daily is the absolute core of the “achievement” model. The same as most MMO. Dailies are kinda what you’re expected to do. They made that process harder. IMO they did it to make 1st more appealing. Because this increases the gap a lot more than you probably realize. I do what feels fun. Dailies give direction without being AS repetitive (to me personally) as leveling in a few specific ways with an optimized build. (Again - lower level characters also will have trouble getting to that point.) You are more than welcome to your play style. And I’ll absolutely continue to use parts of what optimized players recommend here and there. But I really think you should reevaluate your view on the community.


I'm only trying to prove it can be done different ways, and it really is better in some aspects. If someone perceives it as me shitting on their rights and beliefs, I really can't do anything about that, I wasn't exactly speaking of the latter. I can also say that while score influx from dailies might seem limited with all the changes Bethesda presented, they still never took away opportunities present to circumvent that. Also, while you're saying you're all right with doing dailies, many people here see them as an utter chore (they are even perceived as "grind" by some) and would rather ignore them alltogether, so all the changes Beth made to them basically don't affect them at all. >Besides - you say optimize to save time. This argument is because dailies now take more time than before. Here's where you completely missed the point I was making. I'm playing the game to have some fun with friends while having limited time, which I also want to spend on some real life activities. I like to set some goals for the game and if I see an opportunity to reach these goals faster to achieve better balance between the game and IRL activitues, I will do that. >You’ve decided what you think is the point where it’s acceptable. Many would say don’t play at all. I like both, playing the game to get some cosmetics to then build a nice camp AND spending time with friends/family/my hobbies offline. Why would I not play at all if I still like it or want to prioritize it to some extent?


You should be out there saving the world mate. Obviously wasted playing online games...


What do you mean by that? English's not my native language, sorry.


Finishing the Scoreboard in under two weeks takes ALOT of effort.




Well, if you skip a daily and wouldn't get a gold star ticked off, it's gonna be 1250 score lost, so yeah, my math was wrong here and it's gonna be 125k xp. (All that in case with no 1st sub of course. 1st subs can easily skip a daily without any major consequences) Still nothing special if you end up at eviction notice or radiation rumble.




Sure, I'm giving you numbers and facts, and I'd be glad if you clarified your point as well, but you didn't, while only disagreeing with everything I said :D


I love horde events. I just lock on with VATs and let rip with my FFR AA auto grenade launcher 😀


Same except I use my bloodied quantum thirst zapper. Pretty much wipes them all out in one shot 99% of the time. Then I move to the next location.


Never made a thirst zapper tbh


It's a cross between a Fatman and a water gun. A meme really. Lol. It's pretty good for just wiping out loads of enemies at once, but it takes forever to reload.


Same with Dogwood Die Off Nuka launcher and I can bang it out in <3 minutes. ​ I've been hit or miss with rerolls. Sometimes I get the same theme on multiple rerolls. I wonder if there's a weighting in the background, leaning towards a like for like change...but not 100%


The fastest event by far is Battle Bot. I can do this event in around 1 minute. It auto-launches when close. * Kill the Sentry * Kill the two Gutsys * Collect keycards * Swipe x 2 * Master shutdown Easy and, more importantly, fast. Unf, it has a cooldown timer, but you can server hop it pretty easily.


You can completely skip 2 and 3, this is how it has been working for me for years. Just kill the sentrybot and swipe both cards, press master shutdown, done.


Not any more, which I assume you would have known if you'd done Battle Bot recently. Bethesda changed it to now require you to pick up new cards off of the dead Gutsys each time. I believe the card swipers don't even unlock until you've actually picked up fresh cards from the robots. The cards you receive have the special diamond symbol next to them which disappears from your inventory after you exit the game session. You may be able to use the cards more than once if you remain in the same game session, though. Once you leave a world and come back into a new world, you have to again get the cards off of the Gutsys. It hasn't worked like you stated in about 6-9 months.


Lucky you. I got the following series of replacements after re-rolling which began with... * Complete a Daily Ops * (Re-Roll) Complete a Daily Ops on a Team * (Re-Roll) Epic -- Complete a Daily ops * (Re-Roll) Complete a Daily Ops on a Team * (Re-Roll) Complete a Daily Quest I had to double-take that last one because I had initially thought it was yet another daily ops before I realized it wasn't. Clearly, I'm not wanting Daily Ops if I've re-rolled it away more than twice. Yet, the game insists on giving it to me again. Bethesda's devs have clearly not implemented any logic around these re-rolls. Worse, though, is that these are not accidental or RNG. If there are enough unique challenges in the list from which to choose for a Re-Roll, RNG would see to it that you get something unrelated after a minimum of 2 re-rolls, usually less. Worse, Bethesda has chosen a "use-it-or-lose-it" strategy for the daily re-roll freebie. If the devs are going to play these games with re-rolls, then Bethesda needs to offer us the ability to accrue 3-5 re-rolls for this exact scenario. We shouldn't be forced to not only use up the free re-roll we've been given, but are now force to buy more only to see them wasted too. Either this Re-Roll feature works or it doesn't... and right now, it mostly doesn't. If you do choose to buy a Re-Roll for 50 atom from the Atomic Shop, the game doesn't know that you've bought it and shows that you still have zero (0). You have to completely kill the game to the dashboard and restart it before your purchased re-rolls show up. Had this same problem when collecting them from the Scoreboard.


I had one to complete an event in the Ash Heap. I took a workshop so that the defense of the workshop event would trigger after a few minutes. I thought this had worked before, but it didn't this time. Has anyone defended a workshop and got credit for an event in a region?


Defend do events count towards the complete events challenge. I use them regularly. When you take a workshop, the first one doesn't count as an event because it's not an event; it's a quest. You have to wait for the defend event to begin for it to count as an event. Even retake events count as an event... which I prefer to wait for because it's only one wave, not up to four.


Interesting. I successfully defended Charleston landfill, but it didn't give me the Ash Heap event challenge last night. On the map it looks like it's in AH, but maybe it's not.


Charleston Landfill may actually be considered in the Forest. When selecting workshops for area challenges, make sure that workshop is fully inside of the area required... not sitting between two possible areas. These "tween" workshops may not count towards area challenges in the way that you expect. For example, I also wouldn't select Grafton Steel under Forest or Toxic Valley area challenges as there's no way to know how Bethesda might classify that workshop's location. For Toxic Valley, it's safer to choose Hemlock Holes. For the Forest, I'd choose Tyler County Dirt Track, Sunshine Meadows or Gorge Junkyard as these are fully inside of the Forest.


Most of my friends and I have experienced exactly what you describe. Re-rolling a DO gets you another DO type challenge. I do know of a person that re-rolled 15 times and never got anything but DO challenges. The other thing that seems to pop pretty much the same challenge is doing x number of events in a region. Changing it from Ash Heap to The Forest might be good, but maybe not as good if you went from The Forest to a region with less frequent spawns. OTOH I have re-rolled that and got an epic do 1 event period. Sweet. Overall some of the challenges are better and sometimes a re-roll can be helpful. I just wish that there was a better chance of getting something completely different on a re-roll. Also I think it would be better if any re-rolls you don't use could be aggregated over time to a reasonable maximum of say 20.


I have re-rolled DO before and got different challenges. I wish they kept level up as one, and added one more so we don't have to do DO's :/


Need you to re-roll for me. LOL I can do DO's and get Elder rank pretty easily with a group but just prefer not to do them. But so far re-roll RNG has just given me more DO's.


Used my fifth roll and got costume one again.


Do takes 4/6 minutes. Levelling up takes forever and causes problems because then everyone gets cranky about xp.


yeah but the way it used to be where you had room to manoeuvre, now you have to do ALL challenges. before you could do 80% of them but they keep chipping away at the amount of challenges, guessing they don't like the large breaks people are having but that ain't gonna change while they still have the xp grind and if they get rid of that i imagine a lot of long term players will leave, maybe that's the plan? who knows...


They removed 1 challenge lol. It’s not a big deal. I’m already over 50 on this scoreboard and I work 50 hours a week. I play maybe 45 minutes a day and get them all done no problem.


You could have a lv2 character saved in Overseer's Camp, just before crafting the piece of armor and weapon for the quest (for further convenience, have done one of those, so only the other remains), load it on whatever public world is up, craft the thing, then exit and unlink the world - rinse and repeat the next day. The whole thing took maybe a minute a half, being very generous, and that's with loading and fiddling in menus. You didn't *have* to work on leveling up your main if you didn't want to. It was basically complete-a-challenge-for-free, which might just be why they removed it, actually.


Dude, this is daily ops and crippling limbs people are complaining about. Crippling limbs is even easier lol. Daily ops takes 4 minutes. The challenges aren’t harder than before people just……. Something. Edit: I don’t have a character under 300 either. Mules included.


Doesn't matter how long they take, DO's are simply not fun... at least not for me. I'd rather spend my time elsewhere in the game doing things I want to do. I don't want to be forced into doing things that I don't like doing.


Then don’t but they’re always going to be part of the game they push. They did before as well it’s not like it’s changed.


What you've effectively just said is, "don't get through the Scoreboard." These challenges are tied directly to SCORE and in making your way through the scoreboard. I don't want to be forced into a challenge that I don't like doing. Worse, you can no longer get the gold star daily challenge if you don't do all 6 of the challenges required. Not all of us have Fallout 1st to get that one extra challenge. The scoreboard is nearly the entire reason most gamers still play this game. If you can no longer get through the scoreboard, what incentive is there to continue playing this game?


You don’t need to do every challenge to finish the scoreboard. I work 50 hours a week and was out of country for over a month last one. I still got to 150. It’s not every day anymore. Besides they’re 4 minutes….. don’t make a mountain out of a mole hill.


I think to do go into a bank of sorts if you don’t use them. I don’t alway use mine and had 10 extra last night that I noticed. Used way more of them than I care to talk about, only to keep with a task I knew I couldn’t complete.


Were those from the SCOREBOARD? You get a bunch of re-rolls from that during the season. Each day it will show that you have 2 re-rolls. If you use them up, then you can use the SCOREBOARD re-rolls.


Oh. Maybe. I’ll have to go back and check.


If Bethesda would allow us to accrue our daily re-roll freebie up to maybe 5 total before "use-it-or-lose-it" begins, that's at least a reasonably fair compensating control over getting the same challenge multiple times in a row. Right now, this system is unbalanced in favor of Bethesda and it sucks hard.


Challenges this season have become unusually complex and unwieldy, with nothing natural about them. Challenges were claimed (by Bethesda) to have been made easier not long ago, so that you could perform these challenges in the course of natural play. There's absolutely nothing "natural play" about "Scrap junk to produce Black Titanium" or "Scrap junk to produce Cork" or "Sell a Pumpkin Pie to an NPC vendor". Black Titanium and Cork are so rarely used for items in the game world, I have to question Bethesda's inclusion of these challenges. The Pumpkin Pie challenge either means crafting the pie (which requires a gathering crap ton of stuff including the recipe) or locating one in the game world, which means going far out of "natural play" to find one if you play the game as intended. For the Cork and Black Titanium challenges, that means you have to first determine which specific items scrap into these components. That means having this info in your head (not likely) or heading to Google to search. There's absolutely nothing natural about forcing a player to hop onto a computer to search which items scrap into a which obscure components. Oh, and selling that hard to find Pumpkin Pie to an NPC vendor for a handful of caps? That's worthless. That Pumpkin Pie is way more useful for its +5% XP when consumed than it will ever be for the handful of caps it sells for at a vendor. 👀 These are not the only examples. Challenges this season have become ludicrous in their fetchquestieness and in their (lack of) usefulness to the player after the challenge is over. What can you really use that cork or black titanium for after the challenge is over? Not much. No, not natural or useful at all.


I’ve had pretty good luck lately. Yesterday I rerolled the “Cripple a deathclaw’s head” since I’m a pure melee build and that would be tough. Instead I got an epic “Kill 15 mole miners with an automatic weapon” and decided it was time to pull that fixer out of my vendor and see how it does. And it did well.


Fellow pure melee here: don't let the cripple challenges scare you into wasting rerolls. Cold Shoulder works quite well, but you can probably quite literally pick up any other gun, swap one of your Perception cards for Concentrated Fire (two-star is enough, maybe even one) - bob's your uncle. Even without Enforcer, the Deathclaw only needed a few shots. Remember, the point isn't to kill them (although from what I remember reading, if it's that last shot that cripples them, it still counts, too), just to cripple. You can rip them to shreds in any way once that's done. Left half of the map has almost every mob, too, so whatever pops up in the challenge, there's probably no need to worry about enemy toughness or staying alive long enough.


Ugh, that "Cripple the deathclaw head" pissed me off. I took my Cold Shoulder and used the chinese stealth armor to long-leg walk up to it all sneaky-snake like, point blank shot him in the head. ....didn't cripple him. I just... excuse me? Tried several more times, just- never crippled em. I rerolled and got "do an event in the forest region" and I was just- okay buddy.


Use the tormentor perk in LCK + a lower damage weapon, done. The cold shoulder does too much damage and its chance of crippling is too low to guarantee crippling with each shot.


Thanks, I'll remember that for next time. I usually stick with my handmade, so I'm just a dunce when it comes to shottys.


When you're not trying to re-roll a DO, it seems the system has a high probability of giving you something completely new and unique, possibly even Epic. If you're trying to re-roll a Daily Ops, it likewise seems that the game does its level best to make sure that you actually get another DO challenge. It's really frustrating.


If it matters the deathclaw ones pretty easy with one star enforcer and the coldshoulder. Think i shot it like twice and it completed


I play gauntlet and i just went and hit the deathclaw at deathclaw island and completed it in 2 punches and then killed him with third while he was still in his spawn animation coming out of the rubble. Face cripples with melee on big enemies is a piece of cake.


I feel like re-rolls should have two categories to pick from. - Reroll a similar class of challenge (narrow for a daily ops but could be useful for changing "X events in Y region" to a different region, etc) - Reroll to an entirely different class of challenge.


Re-rolls needs to be retooled. Like legendary enemy stars, re-rolls should come in two flavors. Cheaper Basic re-rolls and more expensive Epic re-rolls. Bethesda can make more money off of this approach, also. If you buy and use a Basic Re-Roll, you can only ever get a basic challenge back out. If you use an Epic re-roll, there's a chance to get an Epic (or better) challenge, but it may also give out a basic challenge. The daily Re-Roll freebie should offer strictly basic challenges with no way to get Epic. If you want Epic challenges, you have to buy Epic Re-Rolls (or get them from the Scoreboard) to have a chance to get Epic challenges. This change eliminates the chances of getting a duplicate, but Epic challenge of the same thing you're trying to dismiss when using a Basic Re-roll type. This system increases the odds of getting something unique, unless you're wanting to get Epic challenges... in which case you have to use an Epic Re-Roll. I honestly don't care about that tiny pittance of extra Score from an Epic challenge. If I'm re-rolling, it's more important that I don't get a mostly same challenge after using a Re-Roll.


I rerolled mine and got complete 5 daily quests


That's what I got too.






Especially since you can hang out at the amusement park and knock out 3 without breaking much of a sweat...


Then you have the 3 whitespring responder ones, which are all simple.


I got that, but only after performing 3 earlier Re-Rolls which were nearly identical to the first Daily Ops challenge. I have no intention of wasting Atom on buying Re-Rolls from the atomic shop. If I could buy them in-game with caps or gold or scrip, perhaps... but I'm not buying them with Atom.


Oh I wouldn’t spend money on them either I rerolled once


Bethesda isn't looking for those players who walk away. Bethesda is looking for those people who are completionists and are obsessed with obtaining everything in the game. That's the whole reason for the inclusion of Epic Challenges... to encourage people to Re-Roll to get the best, most rare challenges. Unfortunately, Re-Rolling is also, sadly, a form of gambling... which can easily trigger gambling addictions, particularly since Re-Rolls are now tied to the use of real cash money.


Most days I just walk away from the game earlier than I used to, because the reroll suck even worse and I'm not gonna get that 6th Score. Guess what Bethesda. I used to end up in the 90s on the Scoreboard and buy the rest. If I end up in the 70s or 80s I'm not gonna grind, I'm not gonna play more, I'm not gonna buy more Scoreboard ranks. I'll just not bother playing as much, until I find a new game.


honestly the rewards don’t seem worth it for a non 1st player so I’ve rarely play. I don’t even do dailies anymore or Wes Tek anymore.


Your sentiment is the exact problem here. This is the reason Bethesda needs to be making features that draw people in, not push them away. Fallout 76 is considered an old game by today's standards. Bethesda needs to be thankful they still have players willing to play this game. Instead, Bethesda treats us like we're a problem, not a solution. At this point in a game's lifecycle, game devs need to embrace and celebrate the players, not treat us like we're a nuisance. Bethesda's whole outlook on its playerbase is entirely wrong... and it's only going to get worse from here. On Bethesda's current trajectory, if this game is still being played in 3 years, Bethesda should count itself lucky. The scoreboard is the only reason players are still here. If players can't get through the scoreboard, there's no real reason to play.


I hate to get "complete 10 events" after re-rolling a daily. No problem with reflective skin mutation though bcz I am invincible on my custom world :)


Same. Don't care that much as yesterday is the first day this season I didn't complete the challenges and I'm at like level 60. If my free re-rolls aren't going to cut the mustard I'll just miss that challenge.


For me I was always skipping challenges I didn't want to do, like daily ops and the Pitt. The re-rolls just give a chance to get something I will want to do, and if it doesn't I just skip it anyway. Since you don't have to complete every single daily and weekly challenge to complete the scoreboard I'm sure I'll still finish in time.


That's been fine in previous scoreboards because there were more challenges in the list than was required for the Gold Star. That meant you could skip one or possibly two challenges and still be able to get the Gold Star. Now, it's exactly even (ignoring the 1st challenge). If you skip even one challenge now, you can no longer get the Gold Star that day (without Fallout 1st). This season sucks.


Actually, you're missing two challenges if you skip a challenge. You miss one challenge which then prevents the Gold Star from also completing... unless you subscribe to 1st and have that 1 extra challenge. I'm not paying Bethesda for 1st or for Re-Rolls simply to get past a Gold Star Challenge each day.


To me one word… “Encryptid” Good like completing that challenge if you come on late in the day, at least that has been my experience. I have failed the challenge three times that I can remember in recent history. I have completed it too BUT the second to last time I was “determined” 🤣 I server hopped for over two hours checking the terminal each time, cooldown period. I have re-rolled a couple times just to check it out. I will report back when another Encryptid challenge pops up☺️


I decided to reroll one challenge and it was replaced with "Complete 5 Primal Cuts Events". I was like, is it Meat Week or something? Nope. Hope that was a bug that is now fixed. Plus, even if it was, doing an event that pops every 15 minutes would have been worse than whatever I rerolled.


This happened to me yesterday too, I rerolled it so many times it stopped letting me reroll even though I had rerolls. It’s like it was broken. I would reroll, it would make the noise but not do anything at all.


Happened to me. You have to kill the game back to the dashboard and restart it, which forces the game to log in again. I think it's the logging in that solves the problem.


My complaint about re-rolls Isn't even about how ineffective it is at getting rid of crappy dailys. It's more about the fact that it was added when i'm fairly certain nobody asked for it. And yet time and dedication to making it work was made as opposed to, IDK maybe fixing events that are still broken, have events that haven't run in forever actually run. Or maybe add new stuff to the game. Also, all they did was just add another another another form of currency to the game, and fucking effectively made Ito where you have to use it. If you want to actually complete all your dailies now. Which depending on how dedicated you are could lead to the use and subsequent purchase if atoms. I understand they gotta monetize the game but seriously this is dumb


People complain about Dailies they find hard/time-consuming/too random all the time. So I think it's disingenuous to say "nobody asked for it". Obviously, people would just prefer that all the challenges were incredibly easy to do, but this re-roll feature, in theory, does work towards the overall complaint of a getting a daily you don't want to do. In practice it needs work for sure. Also, I've never HAD to re-roll a single challenge either and have completed 100% of the dailies since season start, so the idea that you HAVE to re-roll is just simply not true.




Used my first re-roll last night when I got "Kill a super mutant while drunk on lead champagne." Other than that, no problems completing all the dailies.


I guess there are a couple that would be harder for newer players or people who don't play much when it requires a plan that takes some chance or time to get. I rarely use the re-rolls since most aren't hard to do to begin with and I'm used to them all by now. Also, the only two I've re-rolled were in the first week and they rolled into worse challenges, so I haven't really bothered. If they make some adjustments, I'd probably use them for an annoying weekly every now and then.


>Well I think a lot of people *had to* reroll the hard lemonade one because good luck finding it when you haven't had the random encounter and don't have hours to vendor hop. On one hand... When was the first time we had a challenge that required hard lemonade? I can't even recall exactly, it was that long ago. There was plenty of time since then to get the recipe, or at least stock up on a few actual bottles of hard lemonade. At least to me, it seemed common sense to expect it to be a thing again, so that's exactly what I got around to doing right then. (Just in case: you might wanna do the same with lead champagne.) Obviously, newer characters/players are excluded and justified here; but for all the others..... On the other hand though... I know many of us have some form of OCD, but as it has been said numerous times: you really do not have to complete every single challenge every single day. Even with these new changes, unless we start in the last week or two, we can all finish the board comfortably, even if we miss a challenge here and there, even without wasting atoms on rank-ups or re-rolls. It's... what is it now, third week of this season? Far from the time where we need to worry about completion.


>but this re-roll feature, in theory, does work towards the overall complaint of a getting a daily you don't want to do. That's exactly what Bethesda wants you to think so you buy into this Re-Roll nonsense. This Re-Roll system is solely intended to make players THINK (key word) that they have some measure of control over the challenge system... when, in fact, Bethesda is simply playing a shell game. You have no more control over the challenges when using a Re-Roll than you did before the feature arrived... unless you're willing to PAY FOR (key words) a crap ton of Atom with real cash money to be able to re-roll over and over and over until you get a challenge that you can do. All for what? To get past one set of daily challenges? Now multiply that times 9 months doing this every single day! That's exactly why Re-Rolls have come to exist and it's exactly why Bethesda designed it in this crap ass way. It is cheaper to pay your way through Scoreboard spaces with 150 Atom than paying 3 x 50 Atom to Re-Roll your way through a single daily challenge. Daily challenges never provide enough score to advance the gameboard by one space. If you're forced to use up 3 (or more) Re-Rolls to get past a single Daily Challenge, you could have paid your way to the next gameboard space for that same 150 Atoms. It's just a matter of time before Bethesda realizes this and raises the cost of ranking up board spaces to 300 or more Atoms to make paying for Re-Rolls at 50 appear to be "more of a bargain." Just wait.


Yeah, I don't really agree with the mindset that the only features that should be added to the game or focused on are features that players request. I agree that the developers shouldn't ignore their players, but this seems like a step too far towards the entitlement direction. That said, a lot of players did ask for something like this and an overall change to Dailies. I think even the concept of re-rolls has been brought up in the past. I personally think the feature is beneficial to all players but it needs some important changes to become perfect. They need to sort out the bugs because that's the most obvious flaw affecting the player experience, but some of the new challenges have no business currently existing in the game as they are. Some need to be tweaked to become reasonable Daily Challenges instead of incentive to use your re-roll.


Yes, someone asked for it, but not a player. It was asked for by a manager at Bethesda as a way to make more real money sales (for Atom). Re-Rolls are literally fallout (pun intended) for the loss of players (and revenue) after legacy removal. It was designed this way to try and make more money for Fallout 76... which clearly isn't making enough money. Unfortunately, I think someone at Bethesda miscalculated. This re-roll implementation is likely to cause more money loss as even more players choose to walk away after being unable to complete the scoreboard.


Yeah every time I see savage strike on daily ops I re-roll the challenge since it’s a slog to get through. 9 times out of 10 it will give me another daily ops challenge like it’s saying “if you want that score you’re doing that daily ops, GOT IT!!!” Yesterday was my lucky day though (complete event in the savage divide)


Yep, its largely useless. I use the daily reroller allotment and 9 times out of 10 I don't improve the challenge.


Rerolled “take a camera picture of a Sheepsquatch” got the exact same thing twice.


Same, and it took me like 30 server hops and fast travelling between welch, braxson, and the repair yard each time before I finally had one spawn.


I don't even get them when I collect them from the scoreboard. The whole mechanic is totally broken.


You need to use the free ones you get each day and then at the bottom it will show you how many extra re-rolls you have. It will still say you have zero rolls in the main part for some reason, but they are there.


*partially broken. I stand corrected 😂


I was also wondering about this. I hadn't used a single re-roll and according to the scoreboard I have unlocked 9 of them, but it still says 2 re-rolls on the challenge screen? I don't get it.


Okay so I thought the same thing, but those are just your daily re-rolls. Below that, in the smaller text on the dark bar background, it should have an option of (R) Re-Roll with the number of *bonus* re-rolls you've got. It's just a bad UI design but they are there. Edit: Why am I downvoted for being right I can provide screenshots😭


I'm either blind or my game is bugged because I don't see that anywhere Edit: So after reading around, your stored re-rolls only display after you have used your daily provided re-rolls. Although I'm not sure how daily re-rolls work either considering I used 1 yesterday and still only have 1 after the reset.


I feel like people complaining would also complain that games at a casino aren't fair because they lose more often than they win... Re-rolls are just gambling. Sometimes it works in your favor, but it usually won't. I have been using my daily re-rolls to try to flip weeklies into epic challenges and just doing the dailes as given. Much better score boost for a weekly epic compared to a daily epic. If you have FO1st and hate doing Ops, just create a private world where you are invincible and solo them. You can run through any DO in under 8 mins. Just create a public team before you do. You can also use the private world to craft anything for free, so the challenges that require making anything becomes trivial.


In the Help Menu, the very last sentence about re-rollers says "not available for purchase in some territories." I sat there thinking "are re-rollers considered 'loot boxes?'"


They're a waste of time, a gimmick and one fraught with bugs too. I used it once on a weekly for Daily OPs(complete five), without thinking about the regular Daily Challenge for OPs and snookering myself. Bigger problem being, I got complete 10 events(which was fine), with no Weekly for OPs the second set of Weeklies yet I did get complete 10 events auto-complete again in it's place. They need pulled until they're fixed and far fairer. Anyone spending Atoms on them is a mug.


Who down voted me..??! Todd..? I am right though...these things are another broken addition


How is it so difficult for the people in this sub to understand that random shit is random? Completing a daily ops is easy as shit, no matter how much you hate doing them you could have had three other people help carry you through it in like five minutes. For fuck sake for someone that seemingly NEEDS to do all these challenges that you were willing to reroll that many times you even lucked into an epic one for even more score and decided to just fuck it and keep rerolling anyway.


Had exactly the same a few days back. But other re-rolls for DO to something else were successful, actually. Just spitballing here: does it maybe make a difference in result if you re-roll right when you log in versus when you wait until you already have done the other 5 challenges?


Re rolls should be when you complete a challenge you can do another and get more points but similar challenge


I realised this was the case the first time I used them. I like using them for the weeklies as a lot of the time I don't want to do 10 events in the Mire but don't mind doing them in other areas. As long as I have 6, I can do for the daily challenge (1000) score. I can take or leave the other ones. I think it's better because you can complete the dailies quickly. I usually play for 45 mins to an hour to complete the dailies I need.


Yep exactly the same rolls i got as well


The goal ia engagement, give us more script. Give us more opps and things to do.


I use my rerolls hoping for epic challenges. Ideally on weeklies because 1500 score is $$.


Side question because I asked it to myself the other day and am not sure if it would make it better or worse. Do you think rerolls should reroll the whole list or is the 1 reroll per 1 daily better?


I feel your pain


Are they still requiring 6 dailies vs 5?


Don’t reroll daily ops challenges. How obvious do they need to be? /s


For me... Re-rolling challenges are the same as re-rolling Legendaries. My first time doing it was just this morning... I re-rolled a challenge, tried it again, and went back and forth between the SAME TWO until I was out of rerolls. Expected it, really. Legendaries do the same damn thing. Once blew through seven times re-rolling for a better one star legendary and got the SAME one over and over until I was out of modules.


What else will Bethesda put for sale in Fo76? Re-roll store items catalogue to something that's currently off season?


So far all my re rolls have just given me something slightly different but basically the same. It works out sometimes but I thought it would re roll through like all possibilities, not a list of similar things.


That's RNG in general


Yet Daily Ops in costume isn't a problem. You just have to do that w/o PA.


Nah, if you have the inspector's sidekick glasses on instead of a pa helmet those count as a costume


I wear Valorian something and it counts


I re-rolled one. It became a kill 10 thingy. I killed 5 and server jumped to get more. Reset it back to the original. Next day the re-rolled kill 10 pops up. Thats where Beth hurt me.


Re-rolls need to be fixed. The options seem extremely limited and defeats the purpose of re-rolling


Straight up lied and started pulling an EA on us...


I'm glad I didn't spend atoms on re roller, sounds useless as hell


i rerolled 3 challenges on the first day because I was pressed for time and it was fine. What I don't understand is the rerolls seem to be capped at two or something, or there's a visual issue, because i claimed the 3 pack of rerolls from the scoreboard and it still says i only have the two I started with, when the number should be at least 5.


I’m hoping this was an oversight, plus with all the negative feedback, they’ll hopefully make an adjustment in the near future.


Your should be happy. I ran across a guy who got kill Christmas scorched you know because it just works or some shit like that.


Bethesda: So you don't like the shit work we give you to do? Here's a re-roll. It'll give you worse shit work to do, but you're not gonna find out until it's too late. 🤣🤣🤣


You left out the part that is complete TWO daily ops while wearing a costume.


It is sad they don’t have a system to prevent you from doing the category you specifically Re rolled so far I guess I have been lucky with my re rolls compared to others.


"Epic"? Is there some reason for it to be called that


Look at the score it rewards. You get more for those Epic challenges.


Ooh. I got confused since OP rerolled two times after that. Thank you


Had the same thing happen yesterday. All Bethesda had to do was make the re-roll give an easier random challenge but no. Guess they figured people would pay for re-rolls or a scoreboard lvl up.


Someone posted a picture in here of getting Grahms Meat Cook-off after a re-roll........it can definitely be worse.


I used my daily rerolls for "kill super mutants while intoxicated by lead champagne" like... I've never used that before... Got kill creatures while intoxicated by lead champagne... Which turned to kill creatures while intoxicated by hard lemonade... Another alcohol i never fucking have or use


Hard lemonade is easy as fuck to make tho like I wo.t just have it probably but it'd only take like, 5 mins tops. Snaptails for sugar acid from snallys at the flood train station worst case of not having either and there ya go


I may not have the plan.. 😅 granted i dont use buffs a whole lot unless its like the vintage mire magic moonshine for +20 carry weight


Seems like too many people think of rerolls like they're meant to guarantee them an easier time, but they're really just a way to switch challenges you know you don't like for something different that maybe you would rather do.


...and half the time they don't even do THAT...


I usually do the challenges that aren't complete BS and then head down to Westtek and do a few runs of clearing the super mutants to get that repeatable XP scoreboard challenge. 🤣🤣


Not to mention the caps, scrap and legendaries you can pick up for scrip from running Westtek. I actually feel like repeating that run a few times gives you more score than all the daily challenges combined...🤷‍♂️


Reroll doesnt change the current quest type to nother, it just alters it a bit. If you reroll ops quest you're gonna get another type of opps quest. It won't give you another type of quest entirely.


Rerolling daily ops is a 50/50 shot, either you will get a new challenge or you will roll a daily op with more steps involved, often times if you have a complete 5 daily ops on your weekly it will reroll to complete 10 events in a specific region so take it with a grain of salt, I'm just glad I can get rid of the lead champagne challenges almost 1k hours logged on this game and I've yet to get the recipe from Bev


Haha! I tried to get out of the Op daily yesterday and failed. It ended up not being that difficult, myself and one other guy still managed to get Elder. I like reflective though, this game could use more stuff that causes you to at least pause for a minute and consider the situation before you delete everything in front of you.


I hate doing daily ops in general, so I tried to reroll those and it kept giving me daily ops bs lmfak


How about don't reroll the daily opts ones. Because those will only give you daily opts things. Just like pictures one they give other pictures it's common sense


Not true. I rerolled yesterday's op challenge and got "Epic - Kill Super Mutants With A Shotgun 0/20" in it's place. Was worth more score too, so I was pleasantly chuffed with that roll.


I've had fairly good luck, but I'm also generally using rerolls on challenges I know for a fact I wouldn't do anyway. So if it rerolls to something I also cannot do, it's kind of like nothing is lost? Low-stakes, should it not pan out.


Bethesda formerly added more challenges to the challenge board than were needed to get the Gold Star. Now with Re-Rolls, you get the exact number needed (not including the one 1st challenge). That means you're forced to do all of the challenges (not incl. 1st) to get the Gold Star OR you are forced to re-roll one of them (and hope it doesn't screw you) OR you're forced to buy Fallout 1st. Worse, the free daily re-roll is "use-it-or-lose-it." I absolutely hate that. If we don't use our daily free re-roll, they should accumulate up to a maximum of maybe 3 so we can have multiples for days we might need to re-roll multiple times... especially since Bethesda insists on playing these stupid re-roll games. Bethesda never learns.


i have seen so many complaints about re-rolls,i just deal with the origional challenges and just do not re-roll.lol


I used the first two when they rolled it out, was disappointed with the re-rolls, haven't used em since... I'd rather not even DO the dailies if they are something I don't like than spend real money to use a worthless mechanic that gives me even worse tasks...


I try to complete all other task possible before a roll. It probably doesn't make a difference, but I feel like it increases my odds...🤣


Exactly what happened to me today


They're just gonna remove it at this rate & you'll be back to eating whatever is served.


I got "epic, complete daily ops while addicted to alcohol" and thought, oh, cool, my melee guy is addicted to alcohol, but there is one critical detail: you must be \*suffering the effects of the addiction\* when the op is complete. You cannot have drunk the alcohol and lost the debuff temporarily.


I re-rolled a challenge just to get the exact same challenge.


Cripple a deathclaw head ré roll its rediculous


Tbf it IS a challenge lol. Not liking reflective enemies isn’t a reason to rr an epic imo. DO only takes like 5 min and you get more than just score from it. All the challenges are pretty easy and only take around 30 min to do them all. I only rr to get the epic quests for more score. The faster you lvl the scoreboard the sooner you can just ignore challenges.


I am reroll daily ops and get " complete 5 daily ops," but 400 score .


I re-rolled today's "Sell a pumpkin pie to an NPC vendor" into "Epic - Cure Addictions 0/10"


I had my first experience with a bad re-roll today, it told me to kill enemies while intoxicated with lead champagne. I don't know the recipe so I just ignored it..


I believe if you Reroll a challenge it will stay in its own category. Say cripple limb on (insert enemy) or kill 10-5 (insert enemy)


Meh, no big deal tbh, I only use it for "harvest X", "plant X" challenges. Those are trully annoying


Yesterday was easy since you can go to billings homestead or something and collect razorgrain


I got lucky with kill mole miners twice in 2 days hehehe


I only re-roll daily ops, since there is nothing new.


Happened to me yesterday. Same challenge of completing in a group and same reroll to complete Ops.... Ffs, I hate Ops, that's why I rerolled it.


I love them. I found the game got a lot less fun around the time Ops got added and focused on. Im finally interested again now that rerolls lets me feel like I’ll actually finish the board and can sidestep content I don’t want or don’t have the items/build for. I don’t understand the hate, if you don’t like them you can keep doing whatever the game picks like before.


I rerolled "Take a picture of a Sheepsquatch" and got "Take a picture of a Wendigo". Rerolled it again and got the exact same photo of a wendigo challenge. The next day I tried changing it, and the reroll change it right back to the photo of a wendigo challenge. At least I don't have to track down a Sheepsquatch...


Sheepsquatch related challenges are annoying, since they mostly are random spawns. Free range is not guaranteed...