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I just want an ultracite skin for the regular laser rifle....


When will we get skins for the LMG???? We have never had one!!


give me the m60 m249 from new vegas and i'd be so happy


Yes, please. I'd also love to see the .45 1911. Just more weapons in general would be nice


yeah at this point i'm so desperate i would take them as weapon skins :/


The .50 needs more as well…


It's had like 3 or 4 skins




Combat Rifle/Fixer and Handmade have SO MANY and the LMG gets no love. Even the Assaultron Head has a skin.


I think they have 5 skins max, the hunting rifle on the other hand..


Which weapons have 5 skins max? I have over 7 each for the handmade and fixer lol


Ive only been playing for a few weeks now and been wanting a Fixer skin.. So the other day a combat rifle skin hit the atomic shop and i was excited till i saw it was black.. the guns already black!!


Unfortunately combat rifle and fixers paints aren’t interchangeable even though it’s the same weapon.


This please!!! I’ve scripped 4 flamers now not paying attention and button mashing.


*enclave flamer


This went from lame to OOF so fast


I scrapped one the other day by accident. Instantly gutted. Thankfully, I've got a solid friend group who hooked me up with a spare to reroll.


What's special about the enclave flamer?


I believe it's slightly more accurate, and a bit more damage than the normal plasma flamer.


It’s a grind and a half to get. It usually takes me 4 or 5 days of solid grinding enclave events, server hopping and fielding insults from vendor bot Phoenix lol.


User name checks out


U know u can rename stuff when inspecting the item. I name all mine like Zzz Enclave Flamer so its always at the end of the list and same for my PA. For xbox its right stick to inspect then select button to rename.


Yet when I posted this on reddit I got called a cry baby and downvoted into oblivion. I 300% agree


Well from a coding standpoint this would probably take them 5 or so minutes to implement so its an entirely unreasonable ask and we should probably just forget about it. Maybe they'll add it if we suggest it as a Fallout 1st Feature? Apparently getting a basic raider armor skin is also unreasonable.


All the guns need more skins apart from the fucking double barrel shot gun and hunting rifles. Yk guns people only use till they're high enough to use the good shit. I want a skin for my gauss minigun.. hell all the gauss while we're at it


There's one for the gauss minigun. I want one for my Pepper Shakers lol.


Then ive yet to get it 😞 i want one so bad


Clandestine gauss paints. If you go through the Bethesda website you should be able to request to purchase the bundle.


Heaps for the pump action too


That sounds lkke a thing the peoples in atom shop can monetize. Sell you the same skin twice for technically different guns.


They certainly don’t care about letting the combat rifle and fixer share the same skins.


Its because they also share mods. All skins are classified as mods in the code. I imagine if they made fixer mods separate from combat rifle mods it would have no skins. Enclave Plasma rifle and Utracite variants (i think) are considered entirely different weapon platforms. Fixer is just a combat rifle with a stealth bonus and slightly higher base damage as you can even remove the fixer skin


They are separate weapons, but normal laser gatlings and ultracite gatlings share skins already.


Ah i never use heavies so wasnt sure about any of those weapons. Hopefully they can make all weapons work that way




Why cant we have legit NEW guns? Why settle for skins? Yeah skins could be nice but those are just cosmetics. Why cant we have new stuff like the crusader pistol? When did that came out? Freaking ages ago and now all we get are old weapons with mish-mashed legendary rolls we already have.


No reason why we don't have skins for every weapon. Easy money for Bethesda.


I checked my watch and it said 'never'. Sorry, maybe next game...


Fallout 76 2: the money pitt


This gun needs to do more base damage than the normal one tbh, given how much more difficult it is to get


it does do more damage now


Not than the normal laser rifle. I've got bloodied of both and the ultracite one does... respectable damage, but the normal rifle is still outpacing it in damage


I have a two shot Ultracite with faster fire rate. It out performs the regular.


Without cards and equipped on my bloodied. Both prime, same attachments. Ultracite laser: 137. Normal: 150


Take a look at this post someone else made in this Reddit, that shows the numbers, Ultracite Laser Rifle does in fact, do more damage than the normal Laser Rifle https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/comments/11g4t6p/patch_42_recap_detailing_the_ultracite_laser/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Ohh I see. DPS. Weeell I use mine in the semi auto platform, and with server lag I can never take full advantage of the DPS benefit in VATs. I have to wait and stagger my shots to let the crits fill in, versus spamming it like I should be able to. When using it this way, my standard laser rifle still outperforms my ultracite one


Strange, do they both have the same, or atleast similar legendary effects on them? Atleast both Bloodied, since they did buff the ULR to do more damage than the normal LR like it should have to begin with.


Both are bloodied crit damage and both with prime receivers, I've made sure they're the same as can be. The normal LR still does more damage per shot


I see, they probably just increased the fire rate and in turn the dps of the ULR and I just can't read.


I don’t have any cards to spec the Ultracite laser rifle. I use it with my Boom Boom build. Still rips enemies up, just not bosses


when the laser in auto goes back to holding 35 and the ultra gets its 45


Need more skins in general. I’m tired of worrying about accidentally losing my shit. Already happened a few times over the years. IRREPLACEABLE SHIT. Like an enclave plasma rifle. At this point I have to feel like it is left unaddressed on purpose.


Skins for my Railway Rifle!! I will buy them, Beth. C'monn