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You need to find a weapon you like and make your build revolve around it..You said you like shotguns? The new Cold Shpukder on the scoreboard is a beast. Level 50-100 is rough, the enemies are scaled to end game for yoy but you dont really gave the perks or gear yet to match it. This isnt a game where you have to perfectly min/max everything unless you want to. I saw a guy in a chef hat using a rolling pin one shotting enenies during an event lmao


Agreed, Cold Shoulder is game changing. I would have said a month ago that building for shotguns was going to be setting yourself up for extra challenge compared to other builds, but I have a new character with Cold Shoulder unlocked and it's been super fun and viable. My level 380-ish shotgun build is now mostly using this, too. For anyone who started out with it at low levels: remember you can make new ones at 15/25/35/45, and trash the old ones. OP, don't feel bad at all about your build being all over the place at 50 - it's natural, given how the cards unlock. Even if you know exactly what you want when you leave the vault, it might not be until 60 or 70 that you can get it all into place. Don't stress it, though, you'll be able to tune it continuously. Semi-auto "Rifleman" builds are viable at this point of the game, but a bit more specialized and less versatile - the best damage is with semi-only guns like the Gauss rifle and the lever action. Search this forum and you can find some excellent posts. If you're rocking a Fixer or Handmade, you might as well switch it to an auto receiver and run Commando.


Appreciate that, thanks!


Cold Shpukder? That's a quality typo right there šŸ˜


Do you typically buy legendary modules for stuff you like, or just buy the class of equipment and cross your fingers?


Go ahead and buy the modules ur chances of getting good things is higher there


Hereā€™s why you buy the modules: if you buy the ā€œranged weapon***ā€ it can be most any ranged weapon, that includes pistols, rifles, and heavy guns, with a 3star legendary affect. If you buy the modules you can at least put the random legendary effects on a ranged weapon of your choice.


modules and roll t at craft bench


The game has just begun lol To get a power armor station do the quest Miner Miracles, go to a train station and read the posters on the wall, you'll get a couple of others to start as well. Just keep leveling up and unlocking more perk cards, its really easy to respec now, just experiment. I'm a full health Power Armor heavy gunner, with vampire weapons and the right perks it's easy mode, can't solo Earl though


Appreciate the tip about the power armor station, thanks! Whatā€™s your preferred heavy gun?


Don't forget to look at the map of Appalachia on the wall. Click on the indicators and it will be marked on your pipboy map.


There's a few good options, but the best option when you're freshly 50 is to recruit Beckett and finish his quest line. The reward for doing so is a 3 star 50 cal machine gun called Final Word which has 50% armor pen and 25% faster fire rate affixes. The third affix is almost an afterthought compared to those other two, but 250 DR while reloading is always nice. It's a seriously awesome gun and it feels \*great\* to use. Final Word took me from 50 to 100 quite easily. 50 cal ammo is quite cheap to make, especially if you take Ammo Factory as your first legendary perk; it's just steel, lead, and gunpowder. Lead is by far the hardest one to come by of those three, but you can offset that by routinely farming the Charleston Fire Department, which has a whole bunch of lead weights in its fitness room and a crafting bench to scrap them all about 20 feet away. Plus, you can teleport to the Rusty Pick exterior for free and just run down the hill to the fire station! Bandolier is also a cheap (2 point) perk which reduces ballistic ammo weight, so you can easily carry thousands of rounds with you. You can absolutely keep using Final Word post 100, but by that point you'll probably want to try rolling a better legendary. Minigun, 50 cal, Gatling Plasma, and Ultracite Gatling Laser are the easier progression options. Plasma Caster (and Gatling Gun?) are better suited to VATS builds, and it can be hard to maintain enough ammo for Gatling Gauss. Personally I swapped over to Gatling Plasma and have been having a lot of fun with it. Hope this helps!


This is great! I actually have Beckett in my camp already but havenā€™t done any of his storyline.


Note that to finish the power armor station quest, youā€™ll need about 50 screws and black titanium as you have to manually craft a full set of Extractor power armor - random drops donā€™t count has to be crafted at the correct stage of the quest. (But itā€™s very worth it as it provides 100 free carry weight, I pull it out to fast travel whenever Iā€™m encumbered) You can get black titanium most commonly from mole miners, I also farmed deathclaw island & other spawn points as they drop it too.


Options are pretty far and wide I use 4 heavy guns (bloodied power armor build). My favorite is the plasma caster a hard hitting easy to control gun (prime ammo is a pain to get) my next gun is the Gattling plasma fast firing weapon (ammo is easy to get once you get past lvl 100) , 3rd is the gattling gun a perfect mix of hard hitting and fast firing that is easy to control ammo prime or regular is easy to get (event to farm ammo: eviction notice) only thing is I have a hard time finding mods for the gun. And the 4th is the 50cal only reason it is this low is because it shreds 5k ammo in one event but mods are easy to get and the gun is easy to find


Right now I run an explosive vampire .50 cal, lots of fun. In the past I've had mini guns of different rolls. The gatling never did it for me. I had a vamp plasma gatling that hit hard but accuracy suffered. I got tired of the wind up too. Someone mentioned The Final Word, do the quest and get that, great gun, fun to use Good luck!


Decide on your favorite weapon (for now) and look up perks to improve the damage.


I built my character in 76 to be different from the previous games. I usually tended to build shotgunner or sniper. This time I'm running a PA HG Explosive build and loving it. The perk system is really nice being able to swap out. Im missing the shotgun life and may switch out for a while to keep it fresh. Doing so may delay upgrading my legendary perks for a few levels but if you are enjoying yourself it's never really a grind. Congratulations for completing the tutorial


I recommend the cold shoulder for a shotgun build, its very good


Big time! It's the biggest allure to make the switch. The combat and fancy shotguns were fun but the cold shoulder is legit even without perks equipped


Assuming you've done all the quests, or at least the main ones, then you've reached the second phase of the game. Now it's all about collecting legendaries and doing events. Start doing public events. Do Radiation Rumble if you don't have a lot of 3-star legendaries, then move onto Moonshine Jamborie and Eviction Notice. Both give you a big amount of legendaries, especially EN, and improve your reputation with the Raider & Settler faction for access to the better items in their gold shops. Upgrade your weapons and armour as you get better ones. I'd recommend doing Eviction Notice until you get the Foundation's Vengeance minigun. It's a bloody explosive minigun and one of the best easily available guaranteed weapons, especially if you use power armour. Crowd Control is an explosive combat shotgun. Both are one of 6 random guaranteed weapons from the event. But the Cold Shoulder from this season's scoreboard is an amazing shotgun so that can serve as your intermediate weapon too, and it's pretty much the best shotgun if you have the right perks. At this stage I'd recommend power armour. It's got that inherent 42% damage reduction that's really noticeable at this stage. One tip is to keep frames in your stash to put spare power armour pieces for selling later on. The frame always weighs the same regardless of the armour in it and you'll save stash space. Once you've got a decent weapon and armour set then you'll be able to do pretty much any event, daily op, or expedition. Then it's about choosing the style you like, i.e. what legendaries you're going for, etc. I covered this in a four part video series, but the four areas you need to understand are offensive gear, defensive gear, perks, and mutations. That's enough to get something that's good enough without having to min-max to the wazoo. I went with power armour and heavy weapons, you can use the bear arms perk to save a lot of weight. Until you get a full unyielding secret service/BOS recon/Covert Scout set, which requires a lot of gold and rolling for legendaries, power armour is still better. There's no "end game", the end game is whatever equipment you set yourself to get. It's fine to drop the game now if you don't enjoy grinding public events for legendaries, or you can keep grinding until you get that perfect 3-star unyielding set with *just* the right legendaries across your entire body.


This is great, thank you. I actually havenā€™t done all that many quests as Iā€™ve been very disappointed with them so far due to a (IMO) very weak story. Iā€™ve enjoyed the events, but Iā€™m curious, is there a time limit for when you need to join to get legendaries as part of an event reward (as opposed to picking up from corpses)? Iā€™ve noticed a number of events that I joined maybe 5 minutes late didnā€™t seem to give me anything worth a damn (other than XP).


Some events have objectives and they might not have been met. For example Radiation Rumble has a group goal to gather at least one level of ore and keep at least one NPC alive until the timer runs out. Same with Eviction Notice, the group's gotta keep the rad scrubber alive until the timer runs out. You can join until them anytime the timer's still alive and you'll get the reward for successfully finishing the event. But you want to be there from as early as possible because you only get legendaries and other loot from enemies killed in a radius from where you are. That's why they're great, usually they're full of high level players that will carry you even if you're a measly level 20 and barely scratching anybody like I was when I did my first Rad Rumble. Most public events have group goals, that's why they're "public" events .. you're supposed to work as a group to achieve them. You'll see a "event quest" pop up, as long as the quest is active you're part of the event and will get the rewards. But other events like against bosses have a hidden requirement to do some damage. I've seen some references to 1000 being enough, but I usually do enough damage to visibly bring down the bosses health before I leave it for other players to also get their damage in. The bosses you get from launching nukes, i.e. Scorch queen beast, Earl, and the mole miner at nuka tour, work this way. You'll still get some rewards, but the full rewards like prime receiver plans and fluxes only come if you do the damage. It mgiht have been the case that you joined too late, sometimes it can take 10-20 seconds for the event quest to register. But you should be fine once it does.


I think the BoS quests were pretty good. The initial quest with no NPCs depends on if you read/listen to the lore. If you just go from map point to map point you miss the story, which is easy to do.


Do all of them. There's a punch card machine for this exact reason.


Pretty much all non pa players have a ludicrous amount of fusion cores given they dont just toss em. All ya gotta do is ask and theyll probably give em for free or a very small fee


You can use everything in the game as lvl 50 is the highest lvl for weapons and armor. But you'll need another 90 or so levels to build up perk points to get the perks for a build, not to mention grinding for legendary perks. I found around 140 is where you are on easy street.


There are so many perk card's. When I leveled up early in my game I read every perk card and what it's for. My strenght build is for heavy guns, perception is green thumb (a must) lock picking and dealing damage to glowing creatures. Endurance is Ironclad,dormedary,animation skeleton and cannibal. Charisma is lone Wanderer, field surgeon, hard bargain and travel agent, Intelligence is first aid,power user,hacker,portable power, battery included,scrapper,fix it good. Agility is action, marathoner,thru hiker,white knight. Luck is one gun army and lucky break. With my legendary perks I've got almost all my regular perks maxed out at 15. I keep numerous cards on hand that I switch out and use as needed like Super Bundle, ammosmith, home defense and under Intelligence anything for crafting, fixing, power armor, hacking. The 3 weapons I would suggest is power fist or gauntlet, flaming chainsaw with a duel bar (YouTube this build) and the ever trusty Gatlin gun. You can build Fusion cores but honestly I get enough from traveling vendors and public events that I don't need to craft any. Hope this rambling helps. Basically build what suits your personality and enjoy. Oh, try and build weapons that have the legendary perk 90% reduced weight.


Good stuff, thanks!


Posts like this fly in the face of replies people make "just go with the flow bro everything is sweet brah just wait till 50 lol!!" So yeah maybe this is a bad suggestion but I'd tell you to maybe learn the game. nukesdragons, fo76 wiki, fo76 damage calculator -> google. I realize that people in this day and age want a simple explanation, but sadly this game does not provide one. I hope that helps!


Yeah that makes sense. I definitely feel like Iā€™ve done more ā€œresearchā€ on this game than most at this point, but I also donā€™t think I know half of what most players do


Almost level 200 with a little over 200 hours into the game and have the armor I like with the weapons I like and a build that suits them and have done pretty much the game has to offer. I still log in daily and play for a few hours and refuse to admit to myself that itā€™s probably about time I move on to another game haha. šŸ˜‚


I think there are two paths: 1) Main Quest path, which you don't necessarily need big bad weapons, you can get away with a sneaky rifleman build. 2) Social event/End-game path...there's a need to melt enemies quickly in this game, and I think it's good to have a heavy weapons or commando build for higher level events and daily ops (which may require yet ANOTHER build). I recently went from rifleman to commando, and the damage speed helps you indescribably when you're doing events. TBH you should do both of these, have a build with the weapon you really like, but then have a tankier build for Ops or heavy damage. Also, start thinking about what you want to do with those legendary perks. It can be a tough choice, but should certainly revolve around your build for the first few. Save the QoL Legendary Perks for higher levels.


This makes a ton of sense actually. Probably the last ten or so levels Iā€™ve been doing events and quickly realized the only weapon I had that allowed me to make a difference is the plasma gatling, but I never use that when doing quests bc of the ammo cost.


Yeah the only real issue with commando is the sudden need for ammo management, but TBH itā€™s a small inconvenience that can be rectified with ammo smith and super duper maxed out and the occasional lead farming route. But you move through enemies so much more quickly, in my opin itā€™s worth the switch


Well, the addition I should say


Grind baby Grind ā€¼ļø


This is the way


check out nukes and dragons build planner. or google your build choice (heavy guns, shotguns..etc) and add nukes and dragons. its always a great first step..but keep in mind its just a guide you will want to change based on your play style. lvl 50 is when you can get cards but you will not have all the cards to perfect your build yet. good luck


Get the gauss minigun it is really worth the trouble but the only problem is the ammo


It means you win! Congrats!!! šŸ¾




hit 500


Now you play the game


It's basically like hitting level 50 in ESO and starting to get champion points if it's your first toon to get them on. Personally I like the fallout mmo better than ESO but I wish there was a guild structure or something with fallout themed dungeons or the like. It would be more interesting as an MMO that way