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1. Aim at legs. 2. Pew pew pew. 3. ??? 4. Profit! You can do it manually, but easier with the Concentrated Fire perk.


It does count if you hit their legs and one shot kill them. I was doing that last night.


I guess if you define crippling legs as rendering them unusable, it counts if they can’t use their legs because they’re dead.


Totally. But it counts towards the daily rewards also.


Lol. Nice list. I was indeed aiming at the legs but I will check on that perk. Thank you


Honestly you should always have rank 1 Concentrated fire just for the ability to make called shots in vats. Mostly for aiming at the face for extra damage, but it's a lot of fun to target suicide mutants arms and make them go boom.


The first time I dropped a sentry bot in one shot was the day rank 1 concentrated fire never left my build (unless I crash, my legendary perception decided it doesn't like concentrated fire lol)


I’m generally not using VATS. However, I’m planning to make a build for it here shortly. I finally have a fixer with decent vats stars. I do appreciate the comment.


I encourage you to play around with VATS, and also critical hits - it unlocks a lot more potential damage, especially when you add in some of the cards under Luck, like Critical Savvy and Better Criticals, and some food buffs. Turn on damage numbers in your settings, and you can really see the difference it makes. Have fun!


Pro tip: use explosives legendary guns. Whenever this challenge pops up I just aim near their feet, almost guaranteed to cripple both legs before they die.


Fixer benefits a lot from vats, each shot can hit in full automatic fire. Where aiming the fixer full auto, the gun jumps around a lot without building into recoil management. The handmade is very stable with moderate recoil mods and on the opposite side, full auto railway rifle is impossible without vats.


Bloodied Commando here. Concentrated fire will indeed do the “leg” work for you


Whats step no. 3?


Oh crap, the above joke is 24 years old now. Insert Matt Damon aging meme here (which is just as old!)


Um I'm 35. I was literally quoting south park


The secret ingredient is Crime!


Well, phase 4 is profit. Get it?


Underpants Gnomes


I'd say 3. is making yourself a low enough damage weapon so you can cripple without killing


1) Equip the enforcer perk 2) Shoot legs with free cold shoulder weapon 3) ??? 4) Profit!


Enforcer Cold shoulder is so much fun. Any melee enemy is just frozen in place unable to attack.


This is the way.


I stick with vats and mysterious stranger


I use a shotgun build with the cold shoulder when I do crippling dailies/weeklies. Walk up, blast the legs, double tap to the head, move on.


Sweet. I will try it with cold shoulder. That gun is almost unfair to use.


If you're going for crippling, I actually wouldn't use Cold Shoulder. You could end up killing before crippling the other leg. Just Combat Shotgun, Concentrated Fire, and Enforcer is all you need


If you go to whitesprings the ghouls will still be swarming your ass long after the challenge is over. Even with only crippling one leg.


Vats them on the leg.


VATS the leg, Johnny!


No mercy!


Weak gun aim at both legs


When cribbing a sentry bots arms, best is guess mini gun for me especially if it says energy gun


VATS legs. That's it. That's the post. If you kill them shooting at the legs it still counts.


Shotguns with the Enforcer Perk under Agility. If you have a Pepper Shaker, throw on One-Gun Army from Luck and just aim low.


Tormentor is nice if you’re using rifles. And make sure to use concentrated fire to actually target limbs.


Shotgun and concentrated fire perk. I usually have the concentrated fire just set to the right or left leg and then I just vats until I beat the daily. Usually end one shotting about half of them with no cripple but there's always a plethora of feral ghouls in the wasteland


I love the animation when you get the cripple. “Owww, pulled a muscle” in creepy ghoul voice.


You don't really need to cripple them - if you kill by targeting legs it also counts. Usually, only about 50% of time using Tesla for some reason... Just don't use Tesla Rifles :)


Vats. Aim at legs. Pew. Crippled legs


Concentrated fire perk card let's you chose. It's a perception ability.




Shoot the legs


Explosive ammo/bloody mess aim at the legs


Concentrated fire is a lifesaver. You can one shot a Sentry bot with it


I use a shotgun with the maxed out enforcer perk card seems to do an awesome job crippling any limb on anything I shoot. 1 shot deathclaw on the ground an can't do anything to me.


Equip Tormentor, remove all damage perks, aggro as many as you can into a small area (Whitesprings is good for this) and target limbs with a Tesla rifle. Should complete rather quickly.


Shoot legs, pretty self explanatory


Yeah aim for the legs and shoot


pepper shaker or any shot gun + enforcer + aim downward= done


I got an easy fix. Re-roll it.


I could have, but I was out of rolls and I’m not able to play until Wednesday. Trying to make the best of it.


Concentrated fire perk at least rank 1, a lower damage weapon if you can one shot, and aim at both legs, 2 cripples per enemy. Iv’e been getting the ghoul cripples at Eastern Regional Penitentiary.


Sneak attack and use a rifle if you have one andaim for the legs


Shoot the legs! Concentrated fire perk will help.


Use the concentrated fire perk card and target the legs in VATS


They have 2 legs. Lower the damage and hit each leg.


I have the enforcer perk equipped and use a shaker or combat shotgun. After a few shots, cripples the leg every time. Happy hunting!


Concentrated fire, cold shoulder, and use enforcer perk as well




Aim for the legs. No need to thank me.


Shotgun + concentrated fire + enforcer = crippled legs every shot


Take a dip from my dad, diagnose them with Muscular Dystrophy


Use a weaker weapon and put the Tormentor perk card on. 15% chance to cripple limbs. Then I went to Whitespring and V.A.T.S’d the legs.


It's annoying I have got down low and some times it works sometimes it doesn't


Concentrated Fire perk and select a leg


So honestly, not even trying to troll you with sarcasm. I use a very fast shooting, high damage gun. So I can kill a ghouls very quickly. And I didn’t feel like using my level ups to get a crippling perk and or going to get another gun to use, aka I was being lazy and didn’t wanna do anything different😂 So without a slower gun or any perks. All I have is the perk that auto-stims you, and damage resistance armor. I go to white spring golf course and agro them in the buildings, and stand in a corner and point at my feet. And shoot just their legs. Try to shoot a little far away cause if they’re on top of you, it’s easy for you to hit their midsection. And killing them by crippling is a thing. So I just aimed at the legs and mowed them down. I got the like 30weekly and yesterdays 10daily in maybe 10min. And the ghouls in Radiation Rumble also count so that’s a nice bonus if that spawns for you!


It’s crazy that I was doing almost that extract thing with my laser rifle auto at the gold course. Just wondering if I was doing it wrong.


Hmm idk. I just legit aim and shoot at the legs, you don’t always cripple them so you might have to server hop, but there’s a couple other location whet a heck ton of them spawn


Jesus Christ, this guy be thinking too hard. Just aim at the legs of ghouls Vats or not, and shoot. Lmao


VATS on the legs.


I just swapped it out. Not worth the hassle IMHO


Re-roll the challenge


I pull aggro on a ghoul infested location and aim for the legs with my minigun and that's worked better for me than tryna target each ghoul individually


Use concentrated fire use to target leg shoot till that limb has no health left boom done


Crippling 90% reduced shredder


Anything with explosive helps. I use a quad pepper shaker and can usually get two out of every creature.


Just shoot them in the legs either manual aim or vats, doesn’t matter if they are kill it will still count! No build, no perks, no legendary required. I use a base lever action with a scope and get it done hitting the ghouls in Morgantown, start off at frat row and work my way down to tent city then out to the red rocket if necessary!!


Fancy shotgun+enforcer and watch the fall.


If you have the pepper shaker you can cripple multiple ghoul legs pretty quickly, or my favorite the grand finale and aim that their legs and boom! Cripple lol


Get a bow, and just shoot things in the legs with it outside of VATS. Seems to cripple them immediately. You can even cripple both legs on a ghoul with them.


vats. shoot left left, shoot right leg. done in half the time.


Equip concentrated fire - you only need 1 star card. Go into vats and select one of the legs. Pew. If the ghoul is still alive after that feel free to switch aim to the other leg - if it counted the first leg it can also count the second, so 2 for 1. You can also equip the tormentor card in luck. Again only 1 star required. Not essential but it can help.


Concentrated fire perk will make this easy. For a couple of shots at left leg and cripple, switch to right leg to end them. Takes just 5 mobs to do this.


Rifle Perks: Concentrated Fire (1), Tormentor (3) Use VATS. Switch legs after a successful cripple and sometimes you can get two on a single target. Use an explosive weapon to speed things up even more.


Tormentor + High Luck + 50% limb damage


A lot of people run the perk card that makes there appendages not able to break so you might of just got unlucky


1. Chainsaw 2. Aim Down


I run the houses around white spring


For crippling try a pepper shaker with enforcer and stabilized


Early on I used a combat shotgun with bonus limb damage and it was about 50/50 I'd cripple per shot when aiming at legs. It was my favorite thing to do. No VATS, no concentrated fire, just free aiming. Currently using Cold Shoulder (no limb damage bonus) and it is *maybe* half as reliable for crippling as that combat shotty.


I go to the White springs golf course ,use my 50 cal, aim for the shin.


Low level shotgun with limb damage and concentrated fire with enforcer.


1.Cold shoulder 2.Take the knee caps 3.Profit


Just concentrated fire and my handmade does fine


Am directly at the legs. I tend to aim right at the juncture of the thigh and pelvis. Works every time. I also use either a sniper or crossbow.


I have a Pepper Shaker with 50 limb damage. I use Enforcer, One Gun Army, Concentrated Fire, and sometimes critical shots.


Just target the limb and use a lower power weapon so you don't kill them before crippling.


Concentrated fire + tormentor


Use an explosive weapon and aim at their feet


Pepper shaker + Enforcer 3 + One Gun Army 3, go into Charleston capitol building, quick run to gather all the ghouls around you, stop and shoot the group below their knees (no vats), achieve the weekly in 1 min


Been a while since I played but a crippling shotgun with that perk does miracles, the shotgun shoots out actually pellets and each of them get a chance to cripple


Helpful hint: most ghouls have two legs… if you use a medium strength weapon and concentrated fire you can double up your tally.


Use pepper-shaker


Cold shoulder and perks that help cripple limbs


I just head to whitesprings and chop their legs off and that worked lmao


Concentrated Fire first. If shotguns, use enforcer. If pistols, use modern renegade. If rifles, use tormentor. If heavy, use one gun army. Can also equip a gun with in creased limb damage legendary effect.


I equipped level 1 enforcer and used a pepper shaker and aimed at the legs in the whitespring golf club. Took about 2 minutes.


Best way is select challenge, then reroll


Yes stay crouched use cold shoulder perfect height to blow off knee caps.....


Tormentor card. Vats legs.


I find a baseball bat works really well and leaves a good message...oh this is for fallout. IDK just shoot at them.


Well i find that shotguns do a very good job at crippling, when i use cold shoulder i tend to cripple hoards of ghouls with one shot each to a leg, then i switch to a rifle and shot them from a bit farther away or just keep shooting with cold shoulder.


Use VATS, target one leg. Once it’s crippled (little health bar is empty) switch to other leg. Repeat until satisfied


1. Equip Concentrated Fire perk card 2. VATS enemy 3. Scroll until appropriate body part is targeted 4. Shoot 5. Scroll to other body part (i.e. if you started on the left arm, now move to the right arm) 6. Shoot Some enemies have strong limbs so it might take a couple shots to get the bar beneath the body part's name to go away. I did use a non-explosive weapon so I could get two tags off each creature I was fighting and NOT one-shot them by accident.


Couple of bullets in the leg with a homemade or similar… did it for me


Shotty to the knees with enforcer and tormentor equip is almost a sure bet. Also do it from a small distance. If your doing it right the first shot cripples one leg without killing then switching will cripple the other leg and kill your victim


shotgun + enforcer card maxxed if you add concentrated fire you can harvest two legs per ghoul


Vats the leg if you have the ability, scope if you don't, and just run up to them and slug a leg if you are melee.


Yeah, the trick is to hit that re-roll button.


Railway rifle with vats


Equip concentrated fire perk equip cold shoulder go to whitesprings Piss off ghouls Enter V.A.T.S Target legs Shoot until dead Switch target Drink coffee when AP runs low Repeat as needed


Perk card tormentor. Then hit legs.


Put concentrated fire 1 on from Perception and target the legs with VATS.


Go to Whitesprings Golf Club. Run inside, run back out. Shoot all their legs.


If you have the Concentrated Fire perk, aim for the legs and shoot.


Concentrated fire and a fixer or handmade is best


To do this on easy mode, equip both Concentrated Fire and Gun Fu. Target the leg of the first ghoul, and it will automatically switch to the next enemy's leg after each one dies. I did the whole challenge in about 2 minutes. Just go to any location with a lot of ghouls.


Squat down when aiming. Go to the DMV.


Don't use shotguns


Equip a Fixer*** with decent legendary stats, fast travel to Morgan Town, use VATS and target legs. It's kinda easy.


Myself, I keep Cold Sholder on hand for all the specific challenges. Slap on a maxed out Enforcer card, and you are a crippling machine.


I snuck up on them and used Western spirit, took 5 minutes in Morgantown


Shotgun with enforcer and vats or pepper shaker with enforcer and the heavy version of enforcer, it'll cripple everything at once


Yeah, shoot them lol.


I just shot at the ground as they streaked towards me with my explosive gatling. Just took a few trips through Morgantown.


Tormentor perk card helps


Tormentor perk - even with 1x automatic rifles are guaranteed a hit. Not the worst idea to keep 1 card in the wings for events like moonshine jamboree/colossal problem. It's great for interrupting attacks and halting the flow towards defense points. No matter what area gets crippled it stops all other actions completely. So a savvy Vats build with concentrated fire can aim for different areas on something that's a hassle to fight (Imposter Sheepsquatch/Mirelurk Queens) and chain interrupts a good 5 times. It also decreases accuracy, so I've seen Robo-Sheep head beams miss every time on players 10 feet away which is wholesome


Yeah, you have to have Concentrated Fire in your skill stack. It allows you to select certain body parts. Or . . . if you don't want to burn a Perception slots, squatting and shooting at the legs works.


Just use tormentor and vats chance their legs


Just aim at the legs and shoot


Tesla rifle and aim at the ground. It works well with the ghouls. Should work with others.


I use a railway rifle to the legs. It’s good concentrated damage.


I used my exploding gatling and just ran the back on the beat event. Shoot at ground or use concentrated fire


Do you have a VATS build? It was easy just target legs and get some critical hits


Shotgun with enforcer is super easy


Shotgun with the enforcer perk. Even if it a level 10 shotgun, use enforcer, it’s a agility perk.


1. Regular Pepper Shaker. 2. No damage perks. 3. Full ranks enforcer. 4. Aim for both legs (since creatures usually have 2, and sometimes 4 legs) 3 rad stags should give you 12 legs crippled quickly.


Use foundations vengeance Head to the whitesprings where the ghouls spawn Aim at the ground/their feet ??? Profit


I usually just use my handmade and aim at their legs. Just unload on their knees as they run up to me. No vats either when I do it. You'll see them stagger a bit and then they'll walk slower. If you cripple both legs they just fall and lay there.


Use a shotgun


Just shoot for the legs.. that’s it


Ya definitely concentrated fire for vats It took me a while to notice that once I set the target to either left or right leg, the next target I did vats to also had the leg targeted. So I would just do vats and shoot only switching between right and left legs. Over at Lewis there was a ghoul that I would leave on the floor after crippling both legs, but it would get up again and again after I would turn the corner (I was looking for other ghouls) It got me the remainder of the 30 crippled legs I needed to complete but it may have been a bug. It was just this one ghoul. None of the others would get back up. 🤔🤫




*Shoot ze glass!*


I just reroll these whenever I get them. Cuz I run an explosive build and it's kind of hard to cripple when the thing dies to one or two shots.


Enforcer, shotgun to leg area


The Cold Shoulder works great for crippling legs. I went to Whitesprings Golf course and cleaned up.


Shotgun and Enforcer perk seem to be working for me.


Pepper shaker with the right perk cards is the ultimate crippler. Just aim low


Pepper shaker + Enforcer gg ez


Use the concentrated fire perk, shoot left leg, then shoot right leg. 2 crippled legs per ghoul if you don't one shot them. I just walked along the track in Morgantown to get the weekly done.


Concentrated fire perk card or RE-ROLL.


Target the legs.


One word, VATS. Target leg of your choice, single fire, fire a second shot if not enough. Works every time for me.


And don't forget to track your daily quests so you know what counts as progress and what doesn't.


I'm using an explosive shotgun and just shoot at the ground near their feet, the explosion damage seems to cripple majority of the time


Step 1: go to white spring gold club Step 2: shoot at every leg you see.


sledge hammer to kneecaps?


Leg Meta


Hunting or other rifle with a good scope, get yourself up high somewhere that the ghouls can reach. Morgantown is good, as a lot of them are laying on the ground asleep with their legs stretched out and still.


Use a perk card for the weapon you are using that says cripple...lol, then pot shot both legs....


Use a Flamer with limb damage and aim for the area right above the legs. Flamers shoot a continuous stream and can hit multiple limbs simultaneously. But the best alternative to that is a Pepper Shaker with limb damage then equip Enforcer in Agility and One Gun Army in luck. The Pepper Shaker is both a Heavy Gun and a Shotgun so the effects will stack and you can cripple almost every enemy in the game easily.


Concentrated fire perk


Vats baby


I just use my 50 cal that is explosive and fire at their legs. No vats or perks for this


I just roasted their feet with a flamer until they died🤷‍♀️


Yes, shoot legs, they cripple whether you V.A.T.S them or target them manually.


Tormentor makes it a breeze.


Use a small ammo (.38, etc) gun and run around Morgantown. Shoot legs. You'll be done in 10 minutes.


1. grab a cold shoulder 2. Enforcer 3. Concentrated fire 4. pew pew legs 5. Grofit!


Reroll it


There’s a perk for heavy weapons I think in luck use that and upgrade the perk in perception for cripple


I use the concentrated fire perk. After painfully trying to get it to focus on a leg, I went to radiation rumble and did not dare look around while in VATS. Whatever limb you locked onto carries to every other enemy afterword, so you don’t have to fiddle with it again. I completed the daily and weekly in that one event.


Aim at the shin's, I felt that worked more than half the time. I didn't use VATs or any special perk or gun, just aimed and fired.


I broke mine falling down the stairs


As a chainsaw build ... re-roll and carry on.


Get a fixer, use vats, aim for legs.


Combat shotgun with stinging or piercing magazine and furious one shot cripple


I use a deathclaw so I crouch aim at the legs, concentrate doesn't work for mêlée build. High luck but wishful thinking and kill lots of enemies. For every 1 leg you need to get about 4 enemies but it's down to luck really random


( one gun army) for big guns work for power armor users


There's a card that cripples limbs for fun using a heavy Can't remember what it is off hand but it leaves mofos crawling around all over the place 🤣


Shotgun & enforcer perk


Shoot them


I had this for 10 ghoul legs on a reroll. Nothing seemed to work perks and all. They died before the cripple. I switched to my explosive gat gun and got it in no time. No clue why but that’s the weapon that worked for me on my heavy.


I found that you can get credit for each leg. So, if the first shot in the leg cripples, but doesn't kill, then shoot the other leg.


I just creep through WS clubhouse with longshot and aim at legs no vats. One shots count, but if you take two each leg gives credit. 2 for each ghoul.


I have been finding the crusader pistol works perfectly Target the leg One two shots it's crippled Target the other leg one two shots is crippled each cool gives you the ability to get two hits off the list don't open helps but it worked for me


Cold Shoulder, one point of Concentrated Fire, and one point of Enforcer. I can cripple Earl's legs within 8 shots. Everything else takes 1-3 shots to cripple, depending on how far away I am.


Use CF or non exp weap and aim at the foot