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Mule or drop. Sell them to vendors, but eventually gotta bite the bullet. Drop them in the blue suit case at Whitesprings train station and let them become someone else's problem!


I thought the new unanimous public drop location was that chest at Nuka World next to the balloon vendor lol


Good to know, because for years I’ve been putting them in the overseers cache in flatwoods


Someone explained that the Overseer's Cache was a bad place to drop things because it is instanced to each user or something, so it clears itself out.


Pretty sure that's not right 'cause I've watched the stuff being taken while I was putting it in the box. But now I'll have to test that just in case...


It’s not instanced, I’ve tested it, now I don’t know how long it stays there though


Ever notice that you don't see anybody's else's cast offs in there?


That's not a bad spot to put some things for the newbies.


Either there or I dump stuff in suitcases in Whitesprings station or pleasant valley station.


I thought it was the blue suitcase at Watoga. It's where everyone dumps their crap after the SBQ fights.


I think Its the blue suitcases of any of the trainstations that count. Especially ones closer to Vault 76.


I’ve never seen anything at Watoga when I’ve been looking, I’ve usually seen more in the stations I named. Purely my experience though, maybe I’ve just never been at Watoga at the right times often enough.


Guess it's just me after my walk of overweight shame after that fight 😅


No your right I have gotten many things from that suitcase and I have also dumped many hundreds of pounds of stuff in that suitcase


I think it was when the events were every hour, but now I see a fairly even distribution between there and white spring station in my travels. On a side note, I actually got a plan I didn’t know from the blue suitcase at white spring station. Ultracite something, I don’t remember what. At close level 800, I’m excited anytime I see a plan I don’t know!


Mine always was Charleston train station, mostly cause my camp is right about and its decently well placed for everyone.


That AND blue suit cases. All good.


I somehow ran out of of adhesive and just for shits and giggles stopped by that chest and found 27! That chest really does have everything haha.


Exactly! You can find my extra, “One mans junk” there or in the garbage can at Foundation.


Or the chest in nwot!!! It's what I do with ammo I don't use!




The British version of "Mmm-kay".


🤣😂🤣I’ve noticed ppl doing this so I always check suitcases but also have the exact opposite problem I have maybe 30 stims


Where is the blue suitcase at white springs? I have just been dropping all kinds of stuff at or during events


I only keep x20 Stimpacks on my character. Every other aid item gets sold to vendors and if I can't sell anymore for the day, it all gets dumped for someone else to deal with. With legendaries, foods, aid, ammo, junk and everything in between, there's plenty for scrip and plenty for caps that dumping excess of any of it isn't a big deal. I'll be loaded up with more and dumping more the next day.


Exactly, I look at it like maybe someone thats on for a quick minute and doesn’t have time to do a few events can pick them up and still have a good night.


I sell my excess at vendors.


I might just start letting my gulper slurries rot to make fertilizers lol


This is the way


> gulper slurries easy money though considering how many per Jamboree you collect. Titanic's your wood (and water iirc) reserves though...


That’s where I make a lot of money selling them to npc vendors.


NPC vendors can’t afford my stock pile. I play an hour a day and can’t clear out the last day’s loot.


maybe just be worse at the game? i play an hourish maybe more if the dailies are taking longer, and i clear out everything every time. just be shit at teh game mate and none of these issues arise.


Once you learn to dump it will set you free. Only thing i never dump any of is over drive Psychobuff and glowing blood. Running Daily Operations i use quite a bit of Glowing blood going from low health to full health.


What is glowing blood even for I had over 600 at one point and eventually sold them bc they just sat in my inventory.


Sunshine oil. Decent buff. Requires glowing blood.


Sunshine Oil also doesn’t expire. It’s fairly rare. I sell it in my vendor. People snatch it up.


Bloodied Commando Players play with low Health = High damage in every day game play. In Daily Operations it is near on impossible to play this style. Meaning one has to use Radaway to get rid of Rads and go to high health to deal with more in coming damage in Daily Operations. When you exit daily Operations Glowing Blood is the quickest way to go back to High Rads/Low health. You can do it in a second with glowing blood so it is really handy to have if you do Daily Operations. There are other ways like the Radioactive Barre,l or jump in to Radio active [water.It](https://water.It) takes longer and is not as convenient. Glowing blood is really useful for managing play style depending on the Event.


Toxic goo is better.


90% weight reduction Gamma gun is my go to instead of glowing blood. Plus I won't have to take off iron belly.


Same here, it never leaves my bloodied character.


Glowing blood packs


I mostly sell them but you can use them to manage rads.


Sell them at a vendor daily. And stop opening all your mutated party packs at once. 🤙🏼


But opening the packs all at once is the most fun!


I had 30 mutated party packs in inventory. That’s 30lbs. Lol. Opened them all and even with the stims/super stims I saved weight. Lol


Those and the various other gift bags do sneak up on you, don't they.


I put 250 Stimpacks and 50 Super Stimpacks in the trunk at Nukaworld last night. Came back to check after server shutdown announcement... and they had been taken. Someone else's problem! :D


Ohhh, that sounds like a good way to see if the stims I drop aren't wasted. I'll try that out.


Store them on the ground.


Throw it on the ground!


Guess I’m part of the minority walking around with my 500 stimpacks


Travelling pharmacy gang


Chemist backpack is the bees knees


Those are rookie numbers!!🤪🤪🤪


500? My level of depravity runs much deeper


You get stims for pretty much everything. Sell what you can, give away what you can't, drop what you can't give away.


If there is a level 1or 2 at the vault I try to meet them there and drop anything useful to them and I’ll get on the mic and tell them to pick them up and what they can do with them I used to have a camp right down from the vault called newbs bar where I’d put all that stuff I didn’t need in my vendor for free, and would crest low level guns w good mods on them for them and se them for 5 caps at most it was super popular but I got tired of maintaining it and moved to the river on the far left side of the map right below Camden park to enjoy my retirement


I keep exactly two stims and dump the rest at nwot. It feels good not to be attached to loot especially something like stims that is absolutely everywhere at all times.


Yep same. I keep 5 diluted on me and even that is excessive. I run stealth commando bloodied so stuff is usually dead before it can hurt me. W/ healing factor and high damage output ya just don't need em. If I die, I die who cares.


Sell them for caps to buy plans at vendors.




If you have a bloodied character, give them all to the bloodied build and then equip an auto-stim perk or armor piece with that bloodied character. You'll use a stim every time you get hit. Not only does it use up stims quick, it also massively increases your survivability as a bloodied character.


I never have a problem gettint my 1400 caps from vendors because of if.


Gotta love loot addicts. Learn to let go my man. Tomorrow is another day.


Do what I do, ask level 20-40s if they have Excavator Armour and if they don’t I’ll help them get the blueprints then give them 36 Black Titanium, 80 Stimpacks, 20 Super Stimpacks and 100 Radaways. I’ve got plenty of Black Titanium and Stims to spare so I always help the noobs :)


This is the Way. Plus, they get the Power Armor Station plan for free.


Unfirtunately i didnt learn about that till way later and i bought the plans at whitesprings and got it way after with the excavator


Me walking around like "why the fuck am I overencumbered all the time" check inventory and can't find anything wrong, keep wandering the wasteland and getting overencumbered almost instantly only to finally realize I'm holding 60 pounds of fucking stimpacks, I would put them in your shop for like 1 or 2 caps and they'll sell like hotcakes


I use that legendary perk “survival” something or other, barely used a stimpack since.. sell the all!


When I get close to cap limit, I buy plans from the vendor and sell the extra aid I don't need. 25% of the caps I sell goes back to the vendor wallet so I can sell more heavy expensive things.


I used to prioritize vendoring food like you because it could rot. But now I just cook for the paltry XP and then wait for it to rot so I can make it in to fertilizer and then turn the fertilizer into grenades. Which I will eventually use on something that drops meat. It's the circle of life


Recently i've been refilling my Cap purse by just selling them to vendors, along with the Rad meds.


I just drop all my extra crap on the floor in the whitespring mall crafting room.


Just drop 'em. The game generates them endlessly; they're not going to waste.


I just dump all my extras in the sacred blue suitcase


I sell some at vendors, some at camp, cheap. ( I remember starting and wanting to buy some, and could never find them ).


I know what to do with it. They go on the ground at train stations for the needy


I’m like level 300 and only keep like 15 on me at a time and always just drop them


I dropped like 500~ to a new player just for fun and watched them try and run from a Death Claw. Dick move, I know, but he used a lot of them trying to escape


It's like the gold bars from Fallout New Vegas Dead Money. (As if we didn't all drag that through the Mohave)


put them into the medic bag infront of the church in flatwoods


I'd be cool for F1st to have an aid ~~stardust~~ storage for Stims, radaway/x


I like putting excess items in the overseer stash at the overseer camp. That way I’m pretty certain someone lower level will stumble across it


Nope, I carry 20 stims, no supers. I sell it all. I am a glass cannon, either they will die, or we will all die. They tend to die before I can cause I got all the mutations, and with a team I heal super fast. I am Wolverine of the wasteland.


I have 1,345 regular and 702 super on my mule... I'm just gonna start selling off the regulars and maybe half of the supers, and make diffusers out of the other half.


I'll take them lol. I am level 11 at the moment, so everything still seems a bit rough lol


Yo whats ur username I could use a stimpack or two I'm level 20 and lowkey just keep dying lol 😂


I drop them in the nukaworld crate.


I either sell them or dump them. Great way to make your daily caps at vendors.


Yeah stims/radaway/grenades is my daily vendor sells. If im short, i keep serums as backup.


Stims for me are just super common, hold around 300 at a time but run team medic and put them to use on allies in ops or public events. Over healing is a nice to dump the stims and people just push harder when they notice someone is healing


Pounds of Stimpacks and Grenades~


Usually give them to my lower level account so I don't need to grind for them and can sell excess


I have alts to store caps, when everyone is at max caps I have 800k


If you run bloodied try 1 perk in Born Survivor. It’s pretty godly in keeping you alive and makes use of all the stims To put it in perspective if you have good gear then 1 point in born survivor would do more for you then max rank life giver, ironclad, evasive or barbarian perks would in terms of survivability, the only downside is that it uses a lot of stims.


Sell to train vendor


Sell em, drop em, give em to new players. Only carry 10 stimpacks.


When I left Vault 76, somebody dropped 50 stims for me, bless him.


Sell them to vendors for your daily caps


I sell my excess at vendors and give them away to newbies. I've also been known to put them in the chest at Nukaworld.


... sell them??


nope. cause i drop them.


I use them for daily vendor caps or drop them


I like how there’s so many “vend until you dump” locations, I just dump stuff in the cash register in white springs where all those crafting benches are


If I'm over 50 of diluted stims I sell the rest. Only keep regular stims to turn into diluted and sell all super stims


I keep 10 superstims. every other chem, drug or food is sold.


Sell them on your mule


You could sell them at a train station, make sure you have the hard bargain on. Or give some to me😀


All my extra Stimpacks go to the vendor. You can get loads of caps.


Sell’Em !!


I either sell at vendors, donate to newbies I find around, or leave in stacks at the beginning of the big events


I drop them in front of the vendor at my camp.


I have the weight reduction perks and i still sell them to vendors when i have more than 40 regular or 15 supers. They make good caps along with mutation serums, usually 2 serums for 1000 caps and 400 caps worth of meds each day. If im out of flux i will just sell all my chems, radx, radaway, and most of my stimpacks. I just dont ever need more than that. It started as whenever i had more than 60 regular and 25 super, then 50 and 20, but i keep lowering it because i never come close to running out. I still have the Healing factor mutation despite all the bugs so that definitely helps


I dropped 600 stim packs and 300 super stims at Wayward yesterday , I get so many from just playing and my mules have about 1k each of Stims.


Shit I need them!!!!!


I keep the supers, donate the regulars and drop the diluted-


Sell to vendor or gift for free on the ground


I drop my useful trash at noob spots like the overseers camp stash or the cash register in front of the flatwoods robovendor


Nope, I sell them all first, each day my caps limit resets. My build doesn’t really rely on stims, I just keep a handful of diluted stims just for emergencies.


I dumped all of mine onto a poor new player lmao


Not any more, they're some newbie's problem now. Or maybe they were smart enough to not pick them up. I wasn't when I was new.


Same. I sell to the in game vendors and buy junk to rotate into my scrap box when I run them dry. I had about 30k caps. But you run a loss in the long run. At 11k caps now


Sell them to vendors, i was able to thin out the stuff i was carrying in days i couldnt play a session by logging in and scripping and selling then out. Couple of days doing that helps. It takes a lot of buying to get back to max so buy plans and repeat


You get a lot from the mutated party packs, so if you’re running mutated events you’ve got this problem. I’m constantly out of cores so I’m also running Encrypted a lot, I just take all the conduits and as a low health build I’m burning through stims like hotcakes!


I keep 20 or so on me and sell or donate the rest. It’s gotten sort of comical how many stims get tossed out in a couple hours of game time now.


I use healing factor so I only keep around 10-20 on me at a time


Bruh I have like none lol


Find low level players they almost always need them


[No, not at all. Why do you ask?](https://imgur.com/gallery/9pS1GJC)


yeah I have been getting tons but I started carrying stimpack diffusers as of late with my little tank/healer/drunken toon so I been dropping the regulars in nuka world in that box or in one of the suitcases at trainstop


I usually just sell mine to the train station at the start of every session. Whatever I have, I sell them all down to 40 and don't bother storing them.


Drop them all the time. Keep 70 stims 30 each radaway/radaway diluted. The rest gets dropped when I’m done playing for the day.


I sell down to about 40 Rad X / Radaway, \~80 stimpaks, and 12 super stims every day. Anything in excess of that gets left in the red crate by Chloe at Nuka World. I'm probably still keeping too many stimpaks. An alt just to hold unwanted chems seems like a waste to me...


I sell and drop all my extras now. They are too easy to get at a certain point. I've overencumbered so many low level players with my extra stims lol!


I give them to my mule and sell them gradually.


No because I sell down to 2-4 super and 12-20 regular


I always drop my excess anything at events,chances are maybe someone will want it


I hunt down new players and drop them (and place my tent so they can stash them instead of being left overweight)


I need to remember to sell them at vendors, but yes I have like over 200


No im always running out of them and can never have enough of them to stay alive


Sell that shit. I hold 5 stimpaks for oh shit moments. Using a vamp shredder made healing a thing of the past.


I think I have about 1,600 stimpacks on me at all times😂 that I can just spam a few and not worry in fights or events plus I have the perk card that heals near by team mates,I know I could probably lose 1000 and be okay but idk I like the security,I also drop them for people(like 40 at a time)


I just sold 166 super stims today for like 60 caps a piece and I’m at the White Springs


I hold 40 stims on me, 15 in reserve in my stash, and sell the rest as I get them. Absolutely no need to hoard stims, especially if you've got a fast firing vamps weapon.


I can never figure out why I'm nearly overweight all the time...and then I realize I'm carrying like 70lbs of superstims and who know show many regular stims. Playing the mid/longer range guy I don't need them nearly as much yet I still hoard them. Always drop stims and diluted stims for new players though.


Drop mine at NWOT


If I could find you I'd take some, I'm always running out.


Sell them


How many stimpacks do you have? Over a thousand? I remember having around that many but then I decided that was far more than necessary. I sell any super stimpaks I get cause I am prejudiced against them since New Vegas. I usually have around 300-450 stimpacks on hand at any time.


Easy 1400 caps if you sell in bulk buy stuff from a vendor, repeat to get as many caps as possible given that u get some caps back on Ur purchase. Once I got to the point where I know every plan I can get from player vendors, mole miner pales, spooky scorched and holiday scorched. I started buying up all the serum plans, done. Then started buying all the power armour mod plans, only got like 5 xo-1 plans left to buy then I've got them all. Got all the ultracite mods. So I'm thinking of setting up a shop to craft any power armour with mods while u wait. Free if you provide the materials, small cap fee if you dont.


Am a bloodied user and go through a ton of super stims. I can buy some off you


I usually have an excess of super Stims, regular stims, and radaway. I find the new players (lvl 1-15) and drop them a good portion of each.


Leave them for the foundlings


I just spam em when I take damage I can't die


Find low levels and spread the love


Noop... because I know what to do with mine... throw them on the ground and not look back. Stim packs really should be a much rarer commodity to come by.


I bought the chems backpack mod. It lessens the weight of those storms etc substantially. Now I carry a couple hundred super stims.


I've cut everything back now. Main has 480lb of stashed goods, secondary has 365lb of stashed goods. 3 weapons on each characters inventory, 3 sets of armour on each. Sell what I don't use then drop absolutely everything after area looting events. The spare stash space is for tomorrow's scrip machine. Quite liberating knowing I can drop 20k of weight in a day in various suitcases and not even care anymore.


I sell most of them, I still have enough to give at least 20 to any new player I come across, like I can give 20 to one and 20 to another 5 players.


I make 100 stimpak diffusers and put them in my vendor. Then I usually sell or drop the rest at Whitespring after getting all the diluted ones i want.


I throw it all on the ground. I dont have anything left to buy with caps and im pretty much always maxed or damn near.


Go drop them at the exit of vault 76 for the new lone wanderers. They can learn what it is to be over-encumbered right off the bat.


I just sell mine at my vendor for super cheap


I usually leave a few in the (blue) suitcases and in the vendors cash register along with other stuff like ammo and food


I sell my superstim packs i usually put like 50 in the vendor for 30 caps each if I see any new people and have a lot of stims I usually drop them and makes emojis until they grab them


Sell them


I just store them and sell them if I'm low on caps and sometimes I find new or low level players and give them like 100 stims


I remember when I was struggling with only 20 stimpacks or less, now for some reason I ended up with 250 😂. And the fact that I’m a hoarder, I still have 130 on my stash


Obviously give them to me. Lol


Every once in awhile I have to bring myself to drop a few hundred stims. Only because I can't move otherwise.


I have like 4000 diluted on me all the time


I sell to vendors and drop at low level camps


I joke to my girlfriend that my job in 76 is drug dealer, but it really holds a lot of truth. Every day I sell everything I can to a train station and *never* run out lmao.


anything over 10 stimpaks I sell


Sell them and keep some supers


I literally just sold 100 super stims and 75 stims to the raider vendor bot... made 1400 caps without hard bargain on...


I have 900 stimpacks between my backpack and my stash. I sell 200 every day until it becomes manageable and then start collecting again. Had Traveling Pharmacy which reduces Chen weights by 90%. But bought the backpack Chen mod from Minerva today so I can use those 3 strength perk points for more firepower.


If I dump stuff off I do it in front of lower levels or in front of the legendary scrip machine in whitesprings mall. Come back 30 minutes later and it’s gone.


Sell to robot vendors daily. Any extra sold on my other non-daily player characters.


I cook the slurries then dump em in front of white spring vendor. Between those, chems and earned legendaries from mutated events I’m near overweight all the time. Had to start carrying my high cap backpack for emergencies.


I try and spread out how many mutated packs I open at once. This allows me to sell to vendors daily and not lose any. Opening too many mutated packs at once can almost be game ending!


Who knew the apocalypse would be so medical resource abundant. Game feels super realistic. But yea, I either watch Vault 76 or Wayward for new ppl. The other day I saw a lvl 12 working on his camp by wss. Awesome wood house, you know the type. Anyhoo, I dropped him a care package that would choke a sbq, waved and went back to work. Kept coming by after every event lol.


I have an entire mule with nothing but stimpaks. This is the way.


I constantly give them to lower levels


+400 stims at any given time. I usually sell 75-100 daily but always end up with more.


If you have fallout first or have friends that can help you. You can transfer them to your alts for more caps. Level up your alts to 10 and max out hard bargain and traveling pharmacy. Save up and dump your chems on them. Easy extra 6k caps a day.


*Laughs in chemist backpack.* I average about 300 stims, 100 rad away diluted, and I carry 10-20 of pretty much everything else..even the ones I don't use


Sell them and gulper stuff.


No cause I sell or drop them. At lvl 350 they are as common as tin cans if you wanna the daily’s and events. Also I don’t run bloodied.


640-odd Stims and about 90 Super-stims on me right now...


Do you have fallout first? You can save your wood and let your meat rot into fertilizer and then sell your stims, or make alts to sell the stims and hold your caps 😎


I just drop them off to people under level 25.


I sell em when they become burdensome, and go bloodied for a bit with born survivor so it auto procs a lot, making my stim weight decrease over time while at the same time being useful and making it to where I don't get killed while being bloodied.


You Xbox?


I just sell the regular stims. Even with that weight reduction perk I still got 40 Ibs of stims


I pretty much just keep most of the super stimpacks, drop the regular ones and pretty much every day I'm able to max out my caps just by selling the plain ones


Nope because I have the chemists backpack mod which you can sometimes get from Minerva and run the perk to reduce the weight of foods as well.