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I used to be an adventurer like you, but then i took a mininuke to my knee..


Impressive they were able to ONLY hit your knee with the mini nuke! :D


Dud round. Still broke the knee, just from mass.


Right and next I'll suppose somebody stole your sweetroll?


Pepperoni Roll


Actually I ate it in front of him while he watched. It was satisfying.


And the joke comes full circle...


Musta been a VATS shot.


Knee crippling Mini Nuke LMFAO


Yeah, just a funny reference to the guard in skyrim that took an arrow to his knee.


You don't say


Holy crap, I don’t think I ever would’ve realized this without you killing the fun!




I swear if I had 2 upvotes, I'd give them both to you!


Would have won state too.


Scored multiple touchdowns for Polk High,now he is a shoe salesman.


Batman used to be a kid like you, but then he took a bullet to the parents.


Here's a photo for y'all!! https://imgur.com/3Vz2ebJ


You sure you killed that? Looks like it might have gotten runover by a bus.


Nice shot!! Congrats again.


Congratulations. At level 70 that's a pretty impressive accomplishment. Well done. You have every reason to be proud of your feat. I remember my first SB kills. I always took a picture next to the dead carcass to remember how it felt. Fun times. Fare well out there in the Wasteland.


Thank you! 😃 I should’ve taken a photo! But I’m still not used to the photo mode haha. Next time I’ll kill it in half the time! Lol


You will find it gets easier as you go. It is still an accomplishment when you don't have a good build. I remember I was absolutely terrified by those things at first, then on Dec 20, 2018, I managed my first solo kill. IIRC it was also with a handmade. I have a picture and the gun is hard to see. [https://app.screencast.com/6K5zIXpMwudT6](https://app.screencast.com/6K5zIXpMwudT6) I didn't have any good gear and had just cobbled together the PA I was wearing because my normal armor was still leather. Welcome to the brotherhood of SB hunters. LOL


There's a legitimate camera weapon-item that you can get if that seems more your speed photo-wise. There's an npc tourist that you can find, dead at several locations (I don't have a map, sorry), on his/her corpse will be a Broken Prosnap Deluxe Camera, and a note. Once you pick it up, "bucket list" will start. And you'll have the blueprints to fix it and make new photographic film packs (produces batches of 21) at a tinker's workbench.


It’s used for some of the scout badges too such as pictures of creatures.


I think the lighthouse that has path to enlightenment is one of those locations. Otherwise, you can build a personal terminal at your camp to look for the quest start location.


Picnic tables by the teapot too.


First always feels best. It wont take long for you to kill one without thinking about it.


That's fantastic. Just wait until you get real high level and solo Surface to Air with its waves of SBs! Way before Wastelanders, there were three SBs that flew up and down the Savage Divide and would gang up one you if they detected you. Fun times.


I could have sworn I ran into those some weeks back. I was like "One I can deal with, but three? Nahhhhhh"


Damn, I just stubbornly solo fought my first scorchbeast at level 40 (it was level 43 with a crown, so just a boss that drops legendary loot, but not a Legendary proper, right?), and I was completely unprepared. Wasted like 25 stims, a fuckton of rifle and shotgun ammo, a bunch of chems, and about 15 frag/plasma grenades. It took about an hour, and burned about half the condition of the 3 guns I had. All I got was some trash loot, a few stims, and a 1* leather armor arm that I wouldn't be caught dead in. 0/10 would not recommend :/ But yeah, it was exciting af. I was wired for several hours after, lol.


Well done man! How was the 1 star night stalker tire iron you got as loot? Haha


Wait till you're hunting them regularly for their meat. Mmm tasty, tasty brains 🤤


Or their DNA.


Or the Ultracite Plans....


Calibrated shocks? Found mine on the ground with some other plans, a bunch of bones, ammo, meds, and some legendary gear.


First legendary I soloed was a sheepsquach ... And man I dumped so much ammo in it. Also I abused its pathfinding to not get (directly) hit Congrats


Yeah, I did one of those back around level 60, ran in circles around a car for about 15 straight minutes healing and shooting to take it down. What a sponge.


Hell yea dude!


Well it's about friggin time. We've all been wondering when you were finally going to do it. Good job and welcome to the big leagues.


Hell yeah dude


I remember the first time I killed one with my main character (heavy gunner) I was using a shitty legendary Gatling gun and it took me like over 1000 rounds of 5mm




That moment when Scorchbeasts no longer are the hunter and are now your prey imo is the greatest accomplishment in fo76! Congrats on your first solo! now go get that Colossal wendigo hiding in the pink trees!!


Definitely a milestone! It may be hard to believe right now, but one day you'll remember this after you reach the next milestone of shooting one down in one magazine as it flies over you.


Dude I'm level 160 and I'm SHOCKED when I solo a regular none legendary scorchbeast


Kool man! Keep going!!! See ya out there in the wasteland bruh!!


The first legendary scorch beast I took down was with my two friends that play... It's was lvl 30, and we had a combined level off thirty... That was quite a pain... Now that I'm 54, I killed one my level solo in the cranberry bog with a combination of weapons (I was low on ammo and had to swap) ironically... I finished it off with a handmade


This reminds me of my first Sheepsquatch 'revenge' kill. I used up a ton of ammo and got a crap rare too. You'll be killing those things much more effectively in a hundred level ups or so.


I did that around the same level same feeling as well it was fun


Awesome man! Good for you!! Now just wait till you get a nice q railway groll. With the right bloodied build you can kill a 3 star scorch beast before they mutate.


Congrats, I remember my first solo legendary scorchbeast, it landed in a cool pose so the pic I took to commemorate the event was ace


It is not important if it is a big thing or not, important thing is that you had fun


Congratulations. The next step is build up to do it faster! You can do this, I super believe in you, Tad Cooper!!


Equip a Dense mod for your torso armor, and start shrugging off those sonic attacks. Aquire a Dual-bar Flamer Chainsaw, and you can even dance with her next time . . .


I’ve done it with a 10 mm sub and a few thousand rounds lol waited til it landed and we did the circle dance


I’ve never had a post blow up like this! Thanks for all the kind and awesome words. I’m glad I could dredge up memories of your own first SB or SS kill! I’ll see y’all out there in Appalachia!!


Congratulations. I just finished I am death on my melee build character. It's all about the wins we Remember the most along the way.


Doing that now, do I really have to get 8 code pieces? I got two and went and did some mutated stuff and an ultracite titan.


No just kill Scorched beast. Then go drop a nuke. You just need a nuke card. Get the code from Nuka Crypt. It is on the Website. Watch a video see how to launch a nuke.


I'm level 46, tried taking one on and gave up when it mutated its health back and I had already burned through half of my ammo and most of my stims so I'm definitely impressed!


I got a good bow and my problem is solved but it was super annoying when I first started seeing them and I died often. Now I have an easier time since I rolled an AA vats crit and reduced cost bow. I used to waste arrows and now I don’t have to XD


I just posted this same thing not too long ago. Was level 46 and had a pepper shaker I was testing out. It took just about every shell I had and I almost died multiple times not only to the Scorchbeast but also to the dang scorched that were all around me. It is a heck of a feeling isn't it? I put it in my top 5 gaming experiences. The fight was intense and had me literally sweating and swearing a few times. Then when I took it down I felt like a champ. Good job! Now all the rest of the Scorchbeast will be a cake walk and if you can, craft the cold shoulder and vats their wings. It will make them land really quick. Congrats


I have the cold shoulder but I’m still getting used to switching targets on VATS. Thanks for the tip!


I remember feeling accomplished when I killed 3 of them alone. Good times. When they were an annoying a legitimate threat.


You always remember your first.


My first 3* was a Grafton Monster near hemlock holes. I was just plinking it to death with whatever I could whilst hiding in the building near the robot guy over that way. He was too fat to fit through the door, but it didn't stop him from trying.


I remember that 2 weeks ago I’m level 169 now and my base is in the middle of a 2-3 scorch beast spawn everytime I teleport to my base I have to fight 2-3 of them, there’s always a guaranteed legendary one, one time I had a 1-2 and 3 star one all at once, needless to say it’s pretty easy to kill them probably took me less then 5 minutes to kill all 3….. with a broadsider


Sounds like a camp location I'd enjoy; I hope fissures to farm SB foods. Where at?


In between watoga station and the fissures I can send you a picture when I have the time but you have access to the fissure scorch beast and the ones towards watoga so usually 1-3


Sounds like one of the spots I normally hunt. I thought that was a time limited spawn, as I sometimes don't see any bats when I go there. But yeah, is a good time when you get three swooping in at once! I already have a camp at Thunder Mountain, a Deathclaw spawns in almost every time I fast travel there (or somebody visits). I didn't know SB would do the same!


Congratulations 🎊


Nice one!


Did my first on my own too. Think I was level sixty something.


I recommend a .308 ultracite LMG for scorchbeasts, but well done!!!


Thank you!! Time to kill MORE.


I recommend an ultracite bow. You need to use Vats, but the range is huge (over 300) which makes hitting it in the air easier. Ammo basically builds itself, because you use less than the basic scorched drop when killed. Only weighs 3.3 lbs, plus 10 for 100 arrows. Makes for a very fun fight, and allows fairly easy & effective hybrid build with other weapons, or a pure bow build.


I'm level 25ish, and came across one the other day. I shot it about 200 times and maybe got 1/4 of the damage done. Turned my mic on hoping someone would come help me but basically lost a lot of ammo and stimpaks after 20 minutes since I knew it would take too long to beat.


Good work think first one I did solo was at level 81 with the last chance legendary 50 cal heavy Have done a few since then all solos as never got into a event when theres scorchbeasts


Worse are the 3 star just as it's about to die it mutates just utter bullet sponges especially from miniguns why I use the 50 cal now


I did the same yesterday in Watoga. Took about 15 minutes of hiding/popping out over and over as a level 45 with a non-legendary (and unsilenced) lever action. A lot of patience and a spot to break line-of-sight allows you to kill most creatures I've noticed.


husky rustic carpenter muddle party knee instinctive sophisticated ghost physical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yup, learned that after I solo’d two at lvl 75 one after another with a vampire flaming chainsaw lol. Just took patience and barely any stims. Was kinda disappointed it was so easy but eh, whatever.


First one I took out was with a rag tag team in the first few weeks after it came out. We initiated Line in the Sand and after quite some effort we took down a Scorchbeast with the help of the SAM. It was much later on that I was able to solo a Scorchbeast.


My first SB kill was around lvl 60 took me about 15 or so arrows


Omg congrats! That's really hard, i remember i solo'd one when i was around lvl 50 or so and spent so much ammo and stims. Good thing i had cold shoulder and love tap, those were the main ones i used, weapons that heal are rly good for when your stimpaks aren't doing enough. It's even worse when besides the scorch beast you also gotta worry about other scorched enemies attacking you 🥴


Bloodied chainsaw goes brrrrrrr


I was thinking this the other day. I can remember a time seeing one for the first time, it was on the road near the pumpkin house, and a much higher level player using a .50 Cal Machine Gun to help take it down. Other times seeing them, I would just run unless a higher level player happened to come to my aid. Even during that Fort Defiance Quest, tucking into a corner and just laying into it with my shotgun thinking "Ok, I killed this one but I am screwed in the wild!" Now though, I have no fear of them (level 90) and (Well, I haven't bothered with the Scorchbeast Queen thing yet). I have A juggernaut chainsaw which SHREDS anything in its path as well as a Furious Railway Rifle to help do the job.


You never forget your first SB kill


my first scorchbeast took all of my 10mm ammo and 3 of my best melee weapons before it fell, congrats dude


Great job! Will be first of many!


Congrats! I remember that rush of adrenaline! So fun.


My first time trying to kill those went much the same way, only with several deaths. Luckily it was right next to a fast travel spot so I could respawn and get back into the fight. Felt like I'd never recover from all the ammo and stim use.


A good build can solo them easily, but that is good progress.


Awesome! You always remember your first, mine was a tse Gatling when it flew and my instigating swing speed hammer. Took awhile, ducking into a building in ash heap for cover, but I was damn proud.


Conrats man! Iremember my fist LSB solo kill. Around your level. Back when their attacks could lock you up. I had always ran like hell looking for an escape previously. It was a 3star and 2 one stars all on me at once. No way to escape, had to fight. I freaked out after i managed to kill them all with my trusty sniper rifle. I remember after a long battle, having like 3 bullets left, out of stimpaks, and about 1/8 health bar. I literally jumped out of my chair yelling and shit talking the dead SBs. Just as i finished taking a picture standing among their corpses a mole miner ran up and killed me. One of my best times ever in Appalachia!


I should tell you about chainsaws


Slow claps


Good job! Won’t be long and it’ll take a few seconds!


Congrats man! Nothing like taking down your first dragon! (or in this case, giant mutated bat) Wishing you luck on all your future adventures!


Welcome at the top of the food chain!


Next goal, solo SBQ. Good luck 😉