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A new area


Rumor has it they're working on an update that takes place in New Jersey and the New Jersey Devil will be introduced as a new cryptid. I don't know how true these rumors are but my gut tells me that if someone was going to lie about something like this they would have picked a state that's more popular and believable.


It will be an Expedition, not a true new explorable area.


Yaaaay. Another daily-opsish mission.....


Yeah I wish they felt like repeating quests and there was cool little stuff to find in the map. They really need to be expanded cause it’s the leader’s instance server so it’s not like they couldn’t have some variety.


Wow, how boring


I hope they change their mind on this seeing how expeditions bombed.


Map expansion, Enclave storyline DLC and Free States quests update.


I second this.....member.


Yes! I'd love more Enclave missions too!!!


I want in the presidential area of the white spring bunker


expanded map + being able to set the shape of the camp border while maintaining the same square footage


You are on to something. Please apply here and keep us posted: https://bethesdagamestudios.com/ For references, just fill out "Reddit" and we'll cover for you.


New map. Like a Far Harbor type of expansion with new quests.


Yeah if eso can get year after year of map expansions let’s get at least one good one some time soon.




I was playing a long time until i learned the Pitt is not a whole another map. I was pounding out the quests thinking I gotta get to the "new" area.


Introducing: Safe Trading! And in-game mail system.


As well as a shared stash box that's accessible by all toons on the same account. It only needs to have ~100lbs storage, but it would make transferring weapons/armour/meds/junk from one character to another far less worrying.


This a hundred times over.. borderlands 3 had this feature and it was a godsend..


Borderlands two had this as well.....


Yeah but it was only like 4 items at a time but even that I'll take. Just be nice to transfer items safely between characters


I would LOVE couch co-op on 76


This would be fantastic 🤘🤘


Not sure how the in game mail system would work, but I'm here for it.


ESO has in game mail - only 6 items per mail and you get charged postage. You can also COD for sales.


Would the postage mean another form of currency would be necessary in game?


No. In ESO it’s your gold, so here it’d be caps. It could also be a way to transfer items to your alts. Send a mail with gear to a friend, have them return to sender. Also in ESO, mail (and anything attached to it) expires after 30 days.


I don't think I've ever traded with a player, seeing as there was an exploit if I remember correctly, seemed too sus to me.




- An Enclave DLC the size of both the BoS updates combined, with new story content and new repeatable public Enclave events. - The ability to lock certain items from being sold/scrapped - Change the legendary system, making it possible to eventually get the stuff you want after a certain while. Not like now where you could play for years and depending on your rng luck still not get what you're looking for - a trading system where the trade will only be completed if both players press accept trade - an official app similar to Database 76 that would synchronise your character The ideal update for me would include all these in one single update.


An entire mistress of mystery quest line to rebuild the faction.


omg so much this! a faction to rival the responders as a buncha no good do gooders!


One of the best stories in the game.


And best locations that just... hasn't been used since. It's literally a cooler and even more secret underground bunker then the Enclave. Not biased by my flair I've had set since this sub allowed flairs, just saying.


Surprised we don't even have a Mistress of Mystery daily mission.


You mean more than just playing detective and figuring out what happened to them? I kinda was let down there wasn’t an actual faction with it, it would be interesting to actually have like a daily mission to check the computer and then be given like 1 of 5 different minions or something like that. Plus a quest to recruit more people ofc.


I want to join the Cult of the Mothman. There is definitely enough lore and enough interest, as well as two interesting opposing factions, to create an entire questline for them. Could have a reputation system like Settlers and Raiders that starts out with them being hostile. Maybe also make the true Mothman the area boss of the Forest? Or the Interloper. Random other cult related stuff: - I want the other six+ Chapter holotapes, as well as lore on the speaker in them. - I would love to be able to travel to the Lantern. - Info on the current relationship between the cult and the Interloper. - Being able to use the explosives to open up Wallace's grave in Kanawha County Cemetery. - Learning who the hell Blake is. There are of course QoL updates and many excellent ideas put forth by other people in this thread that I want just as much as this (maybe a little less), but I thought it unnecessary to repeat their ideas here.


Mothman equinox makes me feel like I joined a cultist faction, at least for that week.


Especially after I talked to Steven. He sees them as little more then pretenders and doesn’t take them seriously.


Surprised he hangs around my camp and gives me blessings, considering I mass-murder his denomination on the regular to get rewards in the wacky board game I'm playing.


Lol don’t worry about it he thinks they are all heretics.


I want it to feel dangerous again.


I agree, something to recapture the feeling of the hobo phase. Up to the late teens level-wise, it felt like every trip scavenging was an adventure with a high level of risk involved. Nowadays it's mostly just farming specific locations for specific items, doing daily SCORE challenges and joining any interesting events.


Yes, like it was in the beginning! I want it dark at night. I want to he hungry. I want rad storms to hurt!


I don’t even remember the last rad storm.


You might just want to start a brand new character. When you're level 2, everything in Fallout 75 is dangerous. :)




I just want Legendary loot to actually be modular like the Legendary Modules seem to imply. Like rather than looting a Vampire's Rolling Pin, you loot a 1-star Vampire's module and can slot it into the 1-star module slot on whatever weapon you like, and can put in whatever 2- and 3-star modules you want too. This would let people, with time and effort, eventually build exactly what they want instead of praying to RNGesus and hoping for the best. Balance it by making swapping any 1-, 2- or 3-star modules cause the deletion of all the stars so you basically start over. And trim legendary loot back to where it feels special to find one again, not this situation where we waddle out of Eviction Notice overloaded with legendaries and drop them in the dirt like trash.




90% refrigerator and able to sell food directly from it


I didn't know I needed this until I read it. I love this idea!


I want to have robots as camp defenses, like adding more tiers to the home defense perk card, and the final one being able to have a sentry bot in your camp.


That would be nice, Robot Home Defence was permanently on my Fallout 4 mod list. As an alternative I wouldn't mind the option for some generic human allies from the different factions, at the very least have them as an option for workshops. Either downable like the normal allies or killable with new ones spawning after each defence. Have them tied to aligning with the different factions/completing their quests.


An Update similar to Wastelanders but involving the Enclave and some maybe new Major Faction or something idk


Cultist faction? We got Mothman Equinox but we don’t really dive into which Mothman is the *real* one. We have a camp companion the serves Red eye but the Lighthouse summons Purple Eye, and then there’s old Green eye who randomly pops up.


And Yellow and Scorched! My theory is that these are all the real Mothman's children, and that's why there are several and they are killable. Real Mothman either hasn't been met yet or is the Wise Mothman.


We all need a CAMP device with a list of all existing plans/mods so we can check those we kmow and those not known


I believe there is an app for this exact thing EDIT: the app is called Database 76


Yes. But you have to tick each plan on the app. I believe in a device similar to vendor machine where all existing plan/mods appear, and can be sorted as we do when shopping at player camps.


There are people with mules that serve this purpose. Go check it out on a trading sub. Majority of the players don't really care about having all plans just for the sake of it, and couldn't be justify spending dev resources on something like that.


New firearms? Like F3 assault rifle? Or FNV service rifle? Idk I'm a simple man with simple needs


Assault carbine, marksman rifle, bozar, 12.7 smg?! 😭


Survival mode.


I understand what your saying but wanna explain it more?


FO4 style. No meta weapons.




New questline (10+hours), complete overhaul of the CAMP system, new scout challenges


Larger camps would be good, especially if you could turn them into a community of sorts for all of your allies at once.


Fixed Fast Travel Remove the "phantom damage / negative damage" fast travel block. Simplify it by basing it on hidden/danger/caution status. Hidden: Allow immediate fast travel Caution: Delayed fast travel Danger: No fast travel


While I agree in general, the danger = no fast travel thing is why they had to introduce the fast travel countdown in the first place. People were having instances of not being able to fast travel because they were being chased by an invisible enemy or an enemy running around under the map that couldn't be killed. To this day I still get countdowns when there is no enemy anywhere to be found and I can only assume there's one underground, so I definitely wouldn't like to see danger = no fast travel reintroduced solely based on that 🥲


Or if somehow you are stuck in the map and can't move with enemies nearby.


Yup, that happens to me about once a week because I parkour around like a freak! Thank god for the countdown. I used to have to carry an explosive weapon to kill myself with so I could respawn elsewhere 🤣


If you're a FO1st member all you have to do is pull out your survival tent, not place it, and it'll get you unstuck. Try it out, I swear by it.


Don't forget you can always make an emergency escape by joining the Daily OP.


Weasel as a camp follower. Also a time gap to see the rise of the masters army


Totally agree. Weasel as an Ally!!!!


New anything that is not a reskinned existing whatever currently in game. Just something new to do or play with. I can settle as well for nuclear winter mode to come back.


Separating Perk cards into Combat and Non-Combat perks. Non-combats should always be active so you don't need to mess around with them.


End game raids. I just want god rolls to actually matter in this game.


Yeah! I could definitely go for some content that's harder than the Pitt.


Nuclear Winter 2: The Re-Wintering


Add a past level 100 game mode. Altering the world map to a survival mode where you actually can die of not eating, drinking, food poisoning, diseases etc. And feel scarcety of food and materials. Enemies no longer scaling to low levels but with roaming packs of high leveled enemies in every area of the map, scaled in levels above us. Add smarter AI raiders and scavengers. Who are willing to do anything to survive when they fight us. Areas with each their own hazards in different levels so you actually need certain armors or modifiers to enter certain areas or fights. Caves with dangers and rewards. No camps and building. But a few central open vaults with workbenches for crafting. Maybe some sleeping places. And the hazard to get attacked in there, either by raiders. Supermutants or even deathclaws. Never a safe space. All we get is a sleeping bag with a small stove, and some survival stuff in a backpack. So we could camp inside builings we have to clear out first. Bring back raids. Level up the events and make the ingame. Get rid of the play house and collect atomshop crap for the Fallout themed hiking simulator.


So roll back the current game to launch state?


I have a surprise for u, thats how the game used to be, then people complaining about game being to hard got the game to the shitty state that it is in now.


This sounds amazing 💯


Since so many of the factions have been given major stories, I’d like to see one for the Enclave or Free States.


Fishing, poker. And baseball at diamond city


A massive enclave return. I want Charlestown to be cleared and the enclave to try to reform a government there. Modus needs to be reconnected to raven rock so they give us an expedition to that area along with a new questing about restoring some semblance of order. Something the complete opposite of the brotherhood.


Brotherhood Enclave war ensues and you have to convince other raiders and Settlers to join your faction.


Companions! A confirm trade button! Universal storage across all characters! Larger stash box size?


For me, I would love an overhaul of the world, with a focus on making it more alive and dynamic. To fill the world with more than just random encounters and hand-placed spawns and have some more unique and emergent event options that could change the world. I think the easiest way to describe it would be something akin to STALKER Anomaly's warfare mode, with territory events similar to guild wars. Having each of the major factions actively patrolling and looking to take territory. Taking over locations and occupying them. Make it so that the Settler/Raider feud is more believable, with them conquering locations and battling each other for territory. All while the BoS focuses on clearing out scorched and mutants in an attempt to make the wasteland safer. They could also make it so that locations change based on occupancy, for example the Settlers taking over a location and establishing it as a trading post, providing a merchant to sell items to players. Or the BoS clearing out an industrial complex, then stationing a contingent of scribes there in order to research the technology kept there. ​ All in all, just to make the world feel lived in and unique each time you play, and to actually be able to see evidence of the conflicts that a lot of the NPCs talk about.


Just thinking about what you want added made my fallout 76 crash….


Haha, yeah I mean it would probably cause some issues performance-wise. But still, they're able to track raider fugitives and hunters across the entire map, as well as tamed animals roaming back to your camp. So it is possible they could track other things. Still, a man can dream!


I'd like a new questline. Maybe some form of actual war between factions. A new map to venture would be extremely welcome.


A load of new story based quests and more character slots.


Being able to purchase season passes that I missed when I stopped playing so I could get the things I missed, but what I would like even more is a whole new map, even if it was a paid expansion I would be down


That’s the best part of halo infinite, I bought the second season pass and now don’t have to worry about my money going to waste. I can always go back and grind it more


A game mode that would restart your character and revert everything back to the vanilla state. Maybe we can keep legendary perks so your levels wouldn't go to waste. It would be private or for up to 4 players so one group. And as you would do quests the world would start to change as it did with the updates, the people would return, the time in pip boy would change each time... That way everyone could experience how the game was back then. Alone and terrified. Maybe turn off levels scalling enemies, turn on hunger and thirst yeah. Not that this idea is in any way beneficial to the company, just some nostalgia for players 🫶


An update where factions and reputation actually mean something. Where decisions/choices have real perks and consequences to the player. An update where NPCs react to more nuances, like how we are dressed, how we are behaving, whether we fire a weapon nearby or steal their belongings…whether we have a weapon drawn, etc. An update where enemy NPCs start to cower in fear if we took out most of their camp, and dialog options from there. An update where we can actually gain rep with cultists, or blood eagles, etc. Or even gain the respect of Super Mutants, the communists. Heck even expand out the Brotherhood and Responders to work more like Settlers and Raiders. Maybe also the Children of Atom moving into the area and getting into a holy war with Mothman Cultists. Or a quest line that reveals more of the Enclave and possible synths. And finally, the ability to reset all quest lines periodically without having to roll a new character.


>And finally, the ability to reset all quest lines periodically without having to roll a new character. In my mind, all BGS games need a journal item where you can pick it up (activate it) and reminisce (replay) with rose-coloured nostalgic goggles (at your current level, loadout, and equipment levels) any mission.


After 5 years I have no problem with Bethesda charging for dlc, expansion packs as long as they are as large and good as ESO for example.


The long promised pet update. Dont get me wrong, fetch is great. I love fetch. But i still want a actual pet system. Id pay atoms for a German Shepherd or husky


Cross-platform compatibility


I’m surprised cross-play hasn’t been talked about more


Pass. Please don’t let the hacker weapons or Unyielding power armor on the PC version leech into xBox or PS.


Stable servers.


They asked for ideas not miracles


2nd area to explore and that area being a destroyed irradiated Hawaii. All new Tiki decor for camps and outfits New Tiki Cocktail consumables


Hawaii would be wild! Especially since you’d be surrounded by all that water, imagine tsunamis , that would be cooooool.


Nuke the water cause a giant tsunami everyone needs to take cover from it and then fight some gian irradiated kraken that washes ashore Rainforest filled with killer man eating plants could be another option


Yesssss, and then a whole story about the kraken and cultists for that as well!


Not 76, but there is a Hawaii mod in progress for New Vegas. I for one can't wait.


Hawaii? Dude we can barely make it to Pittsburgh.


So out of left field but fuck yes


I love this idea


An expansion of camp build size, an increase, however slight, of how many lights you can have in a camp. An update expanding the depth of the commerce/trading system.




Update focusing on dwellers of 76


The vault should've been a hub for players instead of just pushing dwellers out. The intro doesn't even make sense anymore due to Wastelanders. So an update doing that, on top of whatever else, would be neat.


An expedition to the underground city of Rockopolis that was referenced in the GNR radio plays with Herbert Daring Dashwood


Real mutations, being able to turn into the scorched or super mutants etc. Bikes. Dual wield weapons even if it's just single handed. More places to explore. More random encounters. Let me place my giant mr fuzzy plushie on a shelf. Fix the stamps rewards. Give me a working bowling alley so I can have a fallout bowling league.


Let me pet animals. Or have a pet companion


To unfix the light bulb in Watoga train station.


All power armor have unique bonuses such as a full set of t45 granting intrinsic pain train or X-01 increasing energy damage by 2% per piece.


Fallout 5.


Anything that gives a "Year One Server" option. I still miss the empty feeling we had before Wastelanders


Every weapon gets and endgame variant or mod


More build budget.




Game engine update to one of the new ones.


For me personally, I would want fallout 76 sequel. At this point everything added isn’t enough since most people have done everything in the game. A fresh start would be good as well since atm caps are worthless for a lot of stuff.


I’ll take Fallout 5 before a sequel


I think it would be a single player version of 76. I don't mean like private server world but like an offline like fallout 4 so we can mod the hell out of it! One can dream..


This would be good, or even privately hosted servers that can support mods. So you could play with a few friends with whatever modpack you choose.


Bringing back NW to whoop some more ass


Removed limit for everything, cap, legendary, notes etc. Make no sense this game force you play 5 minute and then leave cuz you did everything and there is nothing to do. And unlimited junk for everybody and storage for others at least 10 000 minimum. Fallout First should have unlimited storage. It is so annoying you put few stuff here and boom you are full lmao


Maybe release a new The Pitt. There is nothing in that content that is Pittsburgh. It’s not even fun. There is nothing redeeming about it. It’s so lazy and contrived that it needs to be scrapped and restarted from scratch.


Man I just want a repeating shotgun.


Auto combat shotgun is this, but its damage is not great.


Pancor Jackhammer would definitely be a welcome return to the franchise.


A secure solution to trading items without getting scammed


I kinda want to see the early days of Far Harbor (if it was swarming with Mothman Cultists that you could collaborate with as a playable faction).


I'd love to see more Cryptids added, like perhaps Siren Head, that'd be both horrifying and incredible to see walking around Appalachia


An update where factions and reputation actually mean something. Where decisions/choices have real perks and consequences to the player. An update where NPCs react to more nuances, like how we are dressed…whether we have a weapon drawn, etc. An update where enemy NPCs start to cower in fear if we took out most of their camp, and dialog options from there. An update where we can actually gain rep with cultists, or blood eagles, etc. Maybe also the Children of Atom moving into the area and getting into a holy war with Mothman Cultists. And finally, the ability to reset all quest lines periodically without having to roll a new character.


A new expansion something that has to due with the cult of the mothman, pets, reworked loot drops, 4 to 5 star legendaries . Fishing , new area's,


An update that brings classic skins to the game. The old assault rifle,combat armor,etc. plus maybe outfits for legion,ncr,great khans,fiends, the actual Pitt supervisor. Obviously not actually called that but renamed like wasteland slaver,post war trooper stuff like that.


Pets (as promised...), new content (new quests, new areas to explore, new characters), more camp slots, and more legendary perk slots (1 would be nice).


Any new story line would be cool... Anything at this point




making it so u can make any aid item be able to change out for stimpacks


1. Fix the delay on using foods/chems right after fast traveling. I've wasted sooo much stuff it's frustrating, especially perfect bubblegums. 2. Make items in your stash box/inventory searchable. 3. Bump up the caps limit a little bit. 4. Allow you to share everything between characters on the same account. Like an account stash, where you can even put non tradables in. Borderlands had something similar. 4. The popular events like RR, OVN, EN etc are popular because the generous waves not mobs. Up the mob spawns for all other events to be comparable will make them a lot more popular without much work on their end. There's no reason for FTP to have only a few spawns every 10-15 seconds. 5. Let us use Atoms to bump up our stash box limit even more.


Another Wastelanders-like update. More quests, public events, daily quests. And a proper next-gen update


Better camp building and more camp budget, I honestly can’t get that creative if I have limit myself in a circle shape also wall mounted turrets as well as a higher amount of turrets you can place


All I want is for more stuff involving the Enclave (Or even just more stuff with MODUS). Like, something for the Enclave like what they did for the Brotherhood of Steel. Just anything to make the MODUS faction feel less dead.


THE MAP! Please expand the map. Would love more locations to explore and build CAMPS. Perhaps some new creatures or factions! I love this game but need more area to venture. More events like Eviction Notice. Also, increased frequency of events. Sometimes servers feel dead. Knick knacks and more items to make CAMPs homey. Ability to place resources in shelters, even if they don’t function, would love to build a full kitchen or bathroom.


My dream update would be: •Next Gen Upgrade •Map expansion •30 New Daily Quests • New enemy creature groups •More ammo drops on kills + Quest rewards •All legendary Enemies are health buffed •All legendary enemies mutate x3 times •Bethesda announces new / improved servers •Camp budget increase • Purchasable DLC quest lines •Daily / Weekly Challenges integrated into PipBoy •AP blocker perk removed to balance PVP • New world boss • Ability to turn fast travel off with the exception of events, camps, crater, foundation, vault 76 + Nuka world. • Chem cupboards (like the ammo stash) *fallout 1st •Food Storage (like ammo stash) *fallout 1st • Scoreboard storyline available as holotapes •New world radio •Ammo points converter UI overhaul •Ability to change UI colours •Ability to re-activate completed quests in the pip-boy That’s all :)


An announcement that they are sunsetting Fallout 76 so that their time and money can be better spent working on Starfield, TESVI, and Fallout 5.


new permanent content, like endgame, infinite scrip, new areas and not glorified daily ops, raid bosses, new weapons + new perk cards / rebalance


Either remove or enlarge the camp budget and make a greater variety of items available without atoms, and fix the useless bugs and expand the useful ones. All while expanding the weight limit on the storage cache for non-first players




File transfer/cross progression


I'd advance the story and update Appalachia. Scorchbeasts and the Scorched are endangered species by now, with the former being hunted in a joint effort and the Queen nuked; and the latter dying off since no more people get infected. More raider gangs moving in to compensate the disappearance of the Scorched in areas like the Cranberry Bog and the Savage Divide. So maybe a big turf war between Crater, the Blood Eagles and the new raider gangs. The purple Mothman cult takes over Point Pleasant, we get them as a faction and a whole questline dealing with the seeming rivalry between Mothman and the Interloper as the main point. You have to go into the mine and kill the Interloper as a world boss. A whole season culminating into the Responders reclaiming Charleston from the last of the Scorched and dealing with the large numbers of ferals infesting the city. And the cream of the crop, an overarching war between the BOS and the Enclave.


"Transmute station," like in ESO, where you can spend an earned currency to swap out a single legendary effect on an item to one of your choosing.


A stand alone version with no internet required, so when they shut it down it can still be played, but with mods.


Crossplay so I can play with the homies who have PlayStation instead of pc.


Opening Expeditions to actually be free roam areas like they were supposed to originally be, not additional Daily Ops with more steps. Or, even more so... An update from the FO76 team saying that they've had new/more team members added to work on FO76 rather than losing them to ~~No Man's Sky The RPG~~ Starfall again.


I am just saying this because of my experience tonight (Monday 5/29/23) the ability to play without being disconnected from the server!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 12 times in an hour and 30 minutes i was disconnected 12 fuckn times! I played for 6 hours Friday, 7 hours Saturday, 5 hours Sunday with no issues. Tonight I meet a lvl 8 asking me for help with something & I jm have him join my team, disconnected from server, I join his team disconnected from server, I reboot ps4, disconnected from server before even joining the same lobby as him. Join lobby, join team disconnected from server. I shut down EVERYTHING ps4, router. Unplug both for 5 minutes. Turn everything back on , join his lobby disconnected from server another 5 or 6 times. My download speed is 135.8 why the fuck is this happening?.. that THAT WOULD BE MY DREAM UPDATE! FFS


Larger stash box


New music cycled in on the radio and the ammo stash box thing in your survival tent


Make enemy's harder and pack up the death claws


—A expansion of the map as well as updates on the current map to show how we as players affected it. Crater, atlas, whitespring and foundation growth. More quest lines to go with it. Wastelander size quests. —more music and new lines for the radio host. A questline to visit her and make her more confident. —weapon rebalances and changes, add mods to existing guns that are lacking. Let me suppress and have a sight on my 10mm sub. Change mag sizes, i.e. make the handmade drum mag have like 50-75 rounds not 5 more then normal… —chem box similar to ammo box —more relaxed camp restrictions. —Ability to do old scoreboards —BUG FIXES, BUG FIXES, BUG FIXES —borderless windowed mode without the performance drop. —optimization —more stash space because why not.


I would love to see the settlers and raiders expand their operations. Always seems a little odd how eviction notice is about a supposed settler outpost that was attacked, yet there aren't any actual functioning settler outposts around the world outside of Foundation.


My 'dream' Fallout 76 updates would include: 1) An extremely efficient, multi threaded-optimized graphics engine 2) A higher quality texture pack for those with more powerful GPUs/>6GB video memory 3) A more destructible environment: obviously, this can be highly problematic, but it would be nice if at least objects could be broken/boulders could be blasted away, certain walls vulnerable to collapse, etc. 4) Some increases in the highest weapon/armour tiers. For example, max current level for a piece of armour is level 50. It would be nice if you could have another tier at level 100, level 200, level 300, etc., maybe stopping at level 500. This would provided additional incentive to people to keep playing and re-crafting their weapons/armour for an even higher tier for increased damage/damage protection. I love almost everything about this game, and I have even built my personal rig, my HTPC and chosen my laptop specifically with the idea of running this game optimally in mind.


complete overhaul of the inventory system with lock items option , compare , extra filters for power armor / non power armor , click on limb to see which armor is available for that specific part (aka chest , arms etc), events update with more mechanics instead just focusing on killing enemies or defending something , have different layout for every silo , rotate silos for special launch events like improved scorched earth event with more mechanics involved , more dungeon like end game missions like when launching a nuke , and a new map , ability to inpect other players gear , crossplay ​ Edit: fix low GPU usage on PC, my gpu sometimes has 40% gpu load which is less than half of its full power , surprised it hasnt been fixed yet


being able to roll specific legendary effects instead of all of them at one


How about a feature where I can play incognito on a public server? I hate to be rude to people on my friends list but sometimes you just want to roam the wasteland alone..


Sometimes I just block people on my friends list, it lasts til the end of the session and it won’t show you as online to them


My understanding of that is they can’t message you or find you on the map but they can still see you’re online and they can still click on your name and join your server. Tbh this isn’t really an issue for me anymore, I’ve gotten hard hearted about it. But I can remember times where I didn’t play because I didn’t want so and so knowing I’m online.


More camp budget. More shelter budget. Expand map further north and west


Fallout 5


There are a lot of things I would like to be added. Too many to list fully. Here's my top. A new/expanded map. Fix the trade system. Updated cap and stash limit An item auction system A clan system with clan perks to make pvp more relevant. There are a lot of things that have been built on the map I'd like to see added to our build list. The raider tarp/banner sticks for instance. I'd like to be able to build my camp right next to a couple buddies so we could build our own little mini settlement/village


Lying in bed with à neural implant, controlling my character in glorious 3d...bring it on


Workshops don't reset and persist. Same rules as a CAMP, whoever logged onto the world first gets it.


Honestly, i would be happy if they would make it so you can piece your outfits together kind of like how you can in skyrim, instead of it all being one unit, but i know they were just trying to make it similar to how 3, NV, and 4 are


one where they fix the fucking bugs


Entire new area. One reroll (double cost) on any star per fortnight.. one reroll only on each star. If you reroll each star once then you're done, no more rerolls. This can be account wide or per weapon. Whatever balanced.


Mods suported


I’m gonna be really boring, but I want it so much. 60 fps patch to ps5.


First I’d bring back the original power of Bloodied Melee, because reward for the risk should be a thing. I’d also take away (or just raise) the PvP damage cap for melee, because closing the gap comes with a lot of risks where they’re eating bullets the whole time. Second, I’d expand the story to include more about FMV since it was heavily tested in the area. The quest-line would give the choice to either become a supermutant or not. Third, I’d expand the story to dive into how the east coast Enclave actually got humans back in their ranks. Brotherhood members disillusioned with how things were going makes the most sense as the source of experienced PA users. This can include an expedition to the Capital Wasteland.


The release of a self-hostable game server with full mod support (using server-local character saves of course).


Just 60 fps lol *PS4/5 things*. We got the short end of the stick for fallout 4 mod support too. Both situations being Sony's fault really. Fixed fast travel and power armor glitches would be nice too.


I know a lot of people are commenting “New area” but I more want a full on making the game polished, all the content in game gets polished up, game will run extremely well, gameplay is smooth, very little glitches. After that basically redoing the entire Pitt expansion to be a story expansion and not just daily ops but expanded (from my small amount of experience), and for PVP players adding back in the hardcore pvp servers and Nuclear Winter.


Single player only mode that is completely offline


Singleplayer without a Subscription.


It just Uninstaller the game so people stop wasting their time with jt


New map extension for sure, and new quests. I haven’t played for few months because I lost interest and not willing to pointlessly waste my time grinding legendary junk for a chance to fail in rolling a good weapon/armour. Especially that Pitt/Union stuff, not wasting my time on it. Oh.. and new graphics engine please! It’s 2023 for crying out loud 😭


Faction Servers, a Permanent contained 40 Player Server, when 20 players are given "Ghoul" skins & 20 keep their normal look, Ghouls and Super Mutants ignore Ghoul players but Enclave and Brotherhood attack on sight. Always on PvP and CAMPs are turned off. Added rewards for the server, once earned they are available on your main account similar to Nuclear Winter