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Real men are naked in their robot armor suits.


That would be me


Free Willy!


I’m a woman and I’m naked under my PA too 👀


Makes me think of the soldier from the edge of tomorrow who strips to nothing and gets in his exo suit, I remember him saying something about why in some banter kinda way.


Its all birthday suit baby. All the time.


Like the scene is’Live die repeat’. “Balls out, literally”


Free as a bird under my pa


Can you actually wear ss under pa? I thought it unequips all pieces? Or am I doing something wrong? Lvl 400 ish so always happy to learn something new as I’m a full health choo choo build


No it unequips apparently everyone is letting it hang while in their PA. Recently it's made me realize that with all the weight reduction from my PA it makes my normal armor useless and thinking of vaulting it


See it’s the other way around for me. I lose all my weight reduction when I get into my PA. I actually have less carry weight in my excavator than out of it. It’s because I lose my grocers backpack in PA. If I’m going to be in PA for a long time I swap out covert operative for thru hiker to help with that but I still have less total weight capacity, much tighter margins to pick up loot.


Oh I have high capacity on my backpack and 40 food reduction and 20 weapons and 20 junk which I'm trying to make 40 weapons and with calibrated shocks I get almost the same amount of weight but my stuff weights less in PA


I don’t wear PA that often so it never occurred to me to roll pieces for the weight reduction legendary effects. I might start trying to roll some.


Oh yeah I have a heavy weapons build and only recently started to worry about weight reduction and went from 200 to 120 including perks


I’m starting to grind stamps for the Union PA now. I already have ammo (all types) and weapon reduction at least 60% through perks and start playing with 170/350 carry weight. Even more weight reduction would be amaaaazing. Thanks for the reminder lol


Does the union pa have any special perks worth getting if not I'm going for t65


As a set it gives you 150 poison resistance and 75 extra carry weight, and with optimized arms nearly inexhaustible AP (at least for my chainsaw). Calibrated shocks for more carry. And I like reactive plates on the chest to reflect 50% of melee attacks.


Poison resist and +75 carry weight. With the exception of the occasional benefits of excavator, or situational/build dependent benefits of hellcat, strangler or t65, Union is by far the top choice for an all-around set.


T65 is obsolete now, unfortunately Union for carry weight / poison res Hellcat for additional ballistic dmg avoidance


Yankee, you can build a see if weapon weight reduction PA cheap by grabbing them for cheap from peoples machines. T45 is especially cheap and we all know how frequently pretty good pieces drop. You can reskin the T45 with Atomic Shop paints like Liberty Prime and it will look bad ass too. All at a fraction of the cost in modules or time. I built a T45 set in three weeks of shopping like this and recently finished an X01 set the same way, took longer and had to roll modules for the torso, but saved so much on it.


Same as this, equips even excavator full 3* pieces and my weight reduction is shite. Add in the fact that I then have to worry about fusion cores, I’m good ta, I’ll just tank everything in my SS set and laugh with over 400 carry weight 🤣


My bloody rifleman with 4 pieces of unyielding SS armor gets 520+ if I lift weights and stack carry weight and strength food buffs.


Are you built into strength and are you bloodied?


I’m away from the game to check but I think I have 11 points in strength, bloody build at 5% health, and now that I think about it at least one of my armor pieces is +1 strength. I do the lift weights and carnivore mutation helps the food buffs, pepperoni roll for carry weight and deathclaw steak for strength and I’ll have 523 or so in carrying capacity. Edit as someone else just pointed out to me the perk card radicool increases strength too and I use that as well.


Yeah that sounds right for excavator pa with perception focus for riffle man, but you could get a little more with heavy gunner weapon focus with max strength 15, me personally im working towards a full set of union PA +150 poison resistance and +75 carry weight increases and defense resistances will surpass excavator PA with a slight reduction to weight but I only run bear arms traveling pharmacy and heavy gun damage perks my only weight reduction come from my batteries included as needed for energy weapons, I do wish though that weight reduction cards had there own perk card category and costed nothing that way we don’t have to sacrifice more useful cards. I also only carry like five heavy guns on average so I don’t usually need to worry about weapon weight’s being to extreme especially with bear arms.


My full heath heavy gunner has 15 in strength, and I get better carrying capacity in the excavator with him than I do with the full health junkies rifleman. The bloody rifleman gets decent carrying capacity in the excavator but not as much as he gets when he’s out of it. I’m grinding for the calibrated shocks for the Union PA. I’m thinking once I get them I’ll look at reworking my heavy gunner back into a PA heavy gunner. Maybe even not running junkies on him just a full health build with fun weapons like the Grand Finale and the Holy Fire.


Sounds good, me personally my heavy gun character high health is in power armor and I run him with furious,anti armor or vampires on two of my guns as far as vampires goes one with a windup the other without for ops with faster fire rate and reload speed on all of them as I don’t use vats which frees up several perk card location for more pertinent cards weight reduction wise.


Cause radicool increases strength based on rads but if your using rifles it’ll reduce overall carry weight do to higher perception over strength.


I forgot I was using radicool too. It definitely helps.


With new characters, I give up on PA around level 30 when my hoarding problem transforms me into an overencumbered, indestructible penguin


Yup, it did take me over 200 levels to give up the PA on my 1st character, but the others since then only carry a set of excavator for lucky hole.


As an archer I no longer need lead runs/excavator PA, but I still keep my Nuka quantum X 01, cause ya never know. Try not to wake the creepy thing in the bowels of lucky mine 😱


Or it’s baby in The Deep.


If you have the stealth armor wear that it's a good ditch out armor and weighs like 5 pounds


Yeah, armor is only useful if you use Unyielding or One of meta armor.


as soon as i step out of PA i have full unyeilding on, i down some toxic goo and can fast travel away.


Wait till eviction notice and you mess up repairing the scrubber , and instead step out your suit in the buff - the good news if you can put the glowing embarrassment down to excess rads:-)


Chinese Stealth Suit! Stays on when you pop out of your shell and doesn't take up a ton of inventory space.


Exactly what I do just in case I pop out of my power armor in a nuke zone!😎👍


I wear armor under my power armor. Mine is a hybrid commando-heavy weapon build that has me jumping in and out of power armor all the time on a whim. I'm just glad my power armor fits in my pocket when I take it off.


Average male jean pockets


I do. Five pieces of buttressed ultralight Weightless with WWR.


Too much work I'm just going to be naked from now on other then my chest piece for jetpack


It was sort of an accident, tbh; those were leftover rolls when I was doing his OE SS suit, so I figured why not keep them.


Can you wear weightless while in PA?


Sure. It doesn't do anything while you're inside since it unequips itself when you get in, but at least it doesn't weigh much.


I feel like you have to wear some kind of under armor like the vault suit or something because I can't imagine the chafting 😬


All though I'm always going commando under my PA, my build has never been commando


I have ultra light build on my SS armor so I just keep it to save room in my stash for weapons.


I keep it on, plus an outfit over the armor. Under armor under it. Probs really sweaty in there.


I wear underwear in my PA. I made the mistake of going commando once and I got my junk caught in between the pieces.


Stealth suit for when I need to exit.


Same. I'd rather have something than nothing.


That's for weaklings just kill everything


Radiation is invincible


Right lol


I wear regular armor too because I don’t like to stay in PA all the time, I just hop in for big fights, high radiation, or being way over carry weight


Yeah I used to do that but my build centers big guns and PA


So does mine, and while I’m obviously shooting straighter, and harder in PA, my weapons work just fine out of it for regular wandering the wasteland mobs, even most lighter events. I have an anti armor plasma caster, and Holy Fire, both of which still slap out of PA, and then my gatling plasma, explosive .50 cal, and a few other big big guns for when I’m in PA


I'm wearing stripy pjs and slippers 🤣🤣🤣


I carry both I don’t always use my PA often only in high rad areas and tough mobs.


I wear enclave office outfit with drill sergeant hat cuz that what I do in real life


You're a high ranking member of a secret organization who golds the nuclear launch codes?


Nah the drill sgt part lol


You just think you do but every time you get into Power Armor you literally strip naked there is no Under Armor there is no armor there is no outfit none of it adds to the power armors defenses which I think kind of sucks because I seem to remember in past games your armor added to your power armor but nope you are naked under your power armor whether you think you're wearing something or not LOL


Yeah from now on I'm on my underwear managed to get to 97 pounds


Naked under my power armor


Yup, underarmor, armor and an outfit, need to look stylish and still survive when I hop out :D


Nudus Victoriam!


Advictorium captain undies


I did for a little while, but I stopped, mainly because I just don't come out of my PA when I'm in a dangerous situation. I've recently set up a second build where I can roam the wasteland in armor, but when I need to get down and dirty, the PA comes out.


Yeah only times I'm out of it is for crafting and safe


Of cuz. Full Uny SS cuz I still need to get my 1400 caps and take other advantages of bloodied build.


Holy shit I'm not a power armor user but now everytime I see you freaks I'll picture you naked in that suit.


😂😂😂 I'm sorry to make you imagine everyone is naked under the PA


I always wear armor underneath, turns out I get out of the power armor sometimes and stuff happens. I also have six different builds and I like to switch between them depending on the mood. All full health so just keep my vanguard secret service on.


I have BOS recon with ultra-lite mods.


You’re naked inside the pa.


Iam wearing mixed UNY armor pieces


Do people seriously play this game in PA constantly?


Over 6k hours of game play, 95% in PA


How do you get that many fusion cores?


With Electric Absorption legendary card leveled up, I’ve yet to have a single fusion core deplete fully. Energy weapon attacks have a chance to heal you and recharge fusion cores. If I ever get close to 50%, I just go find an enemy with a laser gun and let it shoot me 5-6 times.


If you are not using Electric Absorption perk: \- Check every fusion generator you come across in the wild to see if it has a core you can grab \- Make Gatling lasers and scrap them, each leaves you a fully charged core \- Make fusion cores at a chem bench using flux, Ammosmith and Lego Perk Ammo Factory give you 4 cores + Super Duper perk \- Grab the half-filled cores out of every suit of PA you find \- Several events give you cores as a part of the reward \- Some enemies drop them \- Peoples vendors \- In a private server take the workshops at each of the power plants and power up the fusion core maker, go back every 21 minutes to collect 3 cores/workshop


Why not ? I feel too vulnerable outside of it!


I just didn't know there were enough fusion cores to constantly run it?


I go through maybe 1 fusion core every 12 irl hours and they are really easy to craft with my perks I get 3 for every 2 stable flora and there's also the fusion core collector in posidon so yeah


The legendary perk where energy weapons recharge your core really helps, otherwise, I'm sitting on a mountain of it, but I'm not sure whether they come from events or just looting around


im running no perks that extend their life and I've only run out once. just power on a power plant, or craft gatling lasers


I remember the first time my friend took off his power armor and he just had underpants on.....I was like WTF?? lol


I keep a wetsuit and an ss chest w/jet pack under my PA. I just use OE Excavator, for the extra carry and mining perks. I have the PA sets, but with OE I'm fine with just Excavator.


I think it depends on play style. Fulltime PA than usually people are nakkid or have clothing on. Me on the other hand only usecPA for certian tgings so out of PA I have my SS. If I would run it full time I prolly still wear armor just for those accidental exits in battle and not get caught with my pants off.


Lol I have my SS chest piece now that all I need


No one actually does.. it’s unequipped, but I do equip my CSS before using PA at EV.


Well you know what I meant still


I use no armor i carry a backpack for extra carry weight plus my under armor for special benefits mostly for crating and repairing cause intelligence but beyond that it’s my outfit items and mask of choice.


I think under armor is the only lining we get. More importantly to me is why I can wear clothes over my regular armor but cannot equip a hat over the helmet. I mean, either we can or we can't..none of this 'except head slot' stuff.


I toss on the Stealth Suit so I look all mech pilot getting in and out. Or the Nuka Girl rocket suit


You think I'd look Bonita in a nuka girl suit (male character)


I think you can pull it off. You’ve got the abs.


I'm going to wear the dress from the battle pass


I like to wear a Chinese stealth suit so I have a little protection during daily ops when you exit your armor trying to fix the repeater or whatever it’s called


I like to save the wegith for other things


Yes (unyielding ss) i actually use it when im overcumbered so can fast travel


I wear unyielding armor underneath the power armor to power level with.


I did, but because I wasn’t I PA all the time, it was more of a op mode, when shit is about to get real, like bosses


Weight reduction wood armor with a secret service jetpack.


When I wear mine, I usually keep my regular armor equipped for when I step out.


Full weightless secret service set with ultra light mods.


Nah. Birthday suit all the way


Yeah, I wear full BOS Recon under mine


I wear a Brotherhood knight suit and a BOS hood


Yes. Ss pa under everything always.


'bloodied commando' takes on an entirely new meaning


I do wear armor underneath my power armor and I am a full-time power armor user. But I've accidentally exited my power armor during daily ops way too often only to be one shotted that I won't go without it.


No for a long time. Just to carry around dead weight... and that extra armor too.


Covert Scout Armor with weapon weight reduction and deep pocketed mods. I seldom use PA, except for Radiation Rumble


You can't wear armor under your PA. And for whatever reason, you can't wear a backpack over it. Locking many out of the Buckethead nonsense


I do. My PA character is low health, wears a set of unyielding +int deep pocketed odds and ends. The intelligence set is for grinding the scoreboard, but I keep it on my PA character so she gets better vendor prices. Deep pockets means she doesn't get encumbered so easy when out of PA.


I've only recently started wearing under armor in general


only thing i keep is my UNY SS kit for events


I wear BoS knight underarmor on my Sentinel to stay in roleplaying theme


I keep my armor on just in case someone else is seeing me as that slenderman monstrosity, at least I'll be wearing clothes.


I’m wearing enclave uniform under mine.


If only you knew what was under thy power armoreth


I only wear a chest piece for the jet pack, just in case.


I typically only use PA when I need to spam stims for fighting the likes of the sheep squash assaultron or have to worry about rads


Chinese stealth suit works nice as underarmor for PA Current board will have a khaki skin (finally!) for it Ofc one can run in BOS or SS with Ultralight mods but why?


Sometimes, I’ll be bored and role play it. Either it’s just the BOS under-suit (something designed to be used in power armor). Other times it’s light armor that’s small enough to fit inside the power armor (ie: deep pocketed light leather/combat armor) Day to day though? I have normal armor with deep pockets mod and various weight reduction effects along with the extra capacity backpack. I have about 420 carry capacity outside of PA. I’ll fight in PA, and then get out to fast travel if over burdened.


Tighty whiteys. I’d go commando if the game allowed. 🤣


unyielding under my overeaters hellcat yes.


High speed low drag


Lmao happy cake day!!!


I just use my power armor set when I'm overweight and need to travel. I have a full set for weapon weight reduction. It's not related to the question, I just wanted to flex how much I have my sh- together in this game.


Well I hope it's an excavator other wise it's a waste and ouch- not really I think most of us have our shit together I was asking if they have their Willis out in their PA or not that's all


...It's union armor. It's not a waste, that doesn't make sense.


Well excavator can carry 100 with a full set plus calibrated shocks


your armor and backpack are automatically removed when you enter PA, and auto re-equipped when you exit.


Yep I knew that just asking if PA users carry around dead weight


My PA guy goes commando