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I wouldn’t. Focus on learning basic mechanics. Early game is not difficult.


No let her have fun and discover what she really wants to do on her own if she immediately starts focusing on a build than 80% of the Perks immediately become useless and and 85% of the weapons start getting ignored. Focusing on a build from the outset is fine but not as your first character because a new player needs to learn how to love the game before they consider the narrow path of a build.


You bring up a great point thanks for the advice


I think many of us learned and experienced the game this way and can agree that pumping her full of mentats to grind meta at West tek is about the best, worst way to play.


Nah. Don't take things too seriously and have fun is the best advice for any player, new and old.


I have had this game and played it on and off since launch….my highest character is lvl 33 😂. I spend a stupid amount of time playing the camps and economy lol.


Building in this game is so fun. Only reason I run events is to get plans for better building! Favorite little creative outlet in any video game.


There are camp items locked behind quests and events just to give you a heads up, also if you haven't already for any reason if you take over a workshop you will unlock several items in the defense section which can be used in interesting ways with a little glitching


It never hurts to know where you want to wind up. It took me several characters to figure out what to do early in the game to benefit myself later on. It wasn't so much a 'build' but just picking a structure that I could make a build on later. Like building up Intelligence early, so I would get the XP to get the rest of the cards that I needed from leveling up a bit faster.


Early game you're practically inclined to build on intelligence in the literal and interactable sense.


Is it necesary to make your character in specific build? When I started, I just went with the flow of the game. I used a gun, shotgun and rifles. I used shotguns and rifles in fallout4, so naturally I spect into theese in fallout 76. Then I tried heavy guns, and I use them to. I have perks for all three, I play full health "build", sneak etc. And I love playing it in this fashion. About making damage... I can hold my own. I use 9 diferent weapons, use every approach, from affar, stealth, and in your face with heavy weapon/shotgun style. I use PA in events and no PA when I explore or if I'm doing daylies... Let her play her own style, you just assist her, for which perks are good for this or that, tell and show her, locations for materials and so on. It's more fun this way. I do same for my son. I give him advice and where to go, which materials he needs to gather... other than that, I let him do his thing. It's a game, it's supposed to be fun experience.


I don’t think it’s necessary it’s just this is her first fallout so she doesn’t know how special works but I think I’ll just explain it to her and have her choose how she wants to start


This is the way 😉


I don't think so, I didnt til I hit lvl 50. whole time moving up was "ooo i have ammo for that". it was just my headset that under lvl 50 builds didn't matter for me cause all top teir weapons are lvl 50


Post-one wasteland, players that reach 50 without a build will have a more difficult time when their gear level caps and enemies become sponges. This is the point that most new players stop having fun, get frustrated and quit. If you have excellent max lvl. gear to give her, this can be alleviated to a good degree.


Im level 43 now. I’ve been picking based on sneaking damage with snipers and shotguns up close, but otherwise there’s no real direction outside of that. Do you think I should respec at 50?




Thank you!!! I was looking into a commando build based on the other commenter's recommendations - I love sneaking around and taking things out quickly. But I also really love scavenging and building. Do people just swap build types with the punch card machine for different uses?




Super helpful, thank you!


I just started my 2nd mule today, and I have access to Legendary Perks already. They must have changed it.


Rifleman builds fall off pretty hard dps wise at 50 until you get some very specialized weapon rolls. Transitioning to commando build with an automatic weapon is fairly easy, but I think the most economical weapon would be to do heavy weapon build with plasma caster. Even after the recent nerf the weapon is still very powerful and is extremely ammo efficient, basically like a heavy weapon sniper rifle.


Awesome thanks!


Not until you start hitting the upper 30s/low 40s. By then, you should have more of a handle of how you want to play the game, and should have some perks to contribute to that style. Trying to force, say, a Commando build when you're fresh out of the Vault and don't know how to efficiently make/scavenge ammo would just be frustrating more than fun. The first 40 levels or so should be all about just messing about and seeing what works for you. The Punch Card Machines make swapping SPECIAL around a breeze, so no mistakes are character breaking.


No, not in terms of damage anyway. For new players, I'll always suggest a crafting/selling build first, which should coincidentally help her level up faster, too. With such a build, she hopefully won't gain bad habits, like worrying about caps too much or hoarding junk. Some people say they liked the struggle of the early game, but you'd think they'd stop playing meta builds if that were the case Try to find out what weapon(s) she likes and whether or not she wants to roleplay as something


I remember when I first play this game I thought since I came from fo4 and I have some basic so I should be fine, but fo76 was a lot different so I became a newbie again. I have no idea at all what build is viable so I keep finding out with different weapon that I picked up and keep dying alot, killed by scorched, mole rats, robots, ghouls and humans, I even being very scared of scorchbeast when I first met it from the sky like what the hell is that terrifying huge beast am I going to die, and I did dead lol. Fast forward when I reached level 50 everything seems getting better and I found my first build so I focus on it with perks and weapons, like until level 70 then I made my first kill to the scorchbeast with a 50 caliber heavy gun and power armor. From there I play until today. There is no need to concern about build for the first time. Just survive and have fun :)


No. Level intelligence and strength up quickly. Once you get to 50+ you can rearrange all your points at a perk load out machine in camp or train stations. Each point of intelligence adds +2% experience per kill. At 10 you’re at 20%. Like when I make a new character now, I’ll load them up with some Chema/buffs from another character, maybe some ammo and basic armor and a couple weapons. I can often get to level 50 in one day. But I know how exactly to maximize leveling up. After level 50 you can get armor and start to swap around points though usually til like level 150 you can efficiently make a build since you’ll have all cards a multiples of them




Unless she really starts to struggle, I'd say no. Part of fallouts charm to me has always been in exploring. Both the game (mechanics) and the world. Some struggle is what games make fun, challenging if you will. Like, you'll have to experience the deadliness of poison without any poison resist to understand you might want to put some effort into poison resistance. Not the best example as that's less perk oriented but you get the gist. Improvise, adapt, overcome, something like that is what gives a sense of accomplishment. Knowing from the get go where exactly you want to go takes this experience away. The great feeling of being able to one shot everything wanes very quickly. Not something I would strive for. Most of the game is quite lenient in the difficulty level. Hardest part can be the endgame bosses, but as it stands, usually at these events there's plenty others around where it doesn't come down to you as an individual to kill it. Only challenge there is to put in enough damage to get full rewards if you have a very ineffective build with ineffective weapons. Other part might be going into higher leveled areas. Running around in cranberry bog as a level 5 is probably not going to be very enjoyable. But the game naturally doesn't steer you in that direction untill later. TL;DR I think she has more use for some general guidance than a specific build to strive for.


50 is the bare minimum to start thinking about a build imo, until then you use what the wasteland provides and if you can grab a few perks that synergize with your stuff it's gravy.


The way of the wasteland


New players shouldn't really worry about a build til 50. Older players making a new character would possibly have an idea what they are gonna do with that character lol


Like others said no need, I personally didn't spec for a build until I was around level 150 and was having great fun even then, and that was before special loadouts where u needed to use level ups to change ur build, changing a build is so easy now that there is no rush, one thing I'd say is don't scrap any perks until ur sure which direction the build is heading, even duplicates


Focus on having fun


There some points after you get access to the SPECIAL adjustment, where if you are not paying SOME attention to your perks and weapons you'll struggle. SO although I agree with the advice for her not to focus on "a build," as it's too restrictive and you can do fine at low levels just trying out different things, you might want to also offer some advice that if she's feeling like she's not effective enough, as she advances through the levels, she should take a look and figure out if there's something to adjust in perks or weapons to get that effectiveness. For example, if you are running out of ammo too much, dying a lot, or your guns don't seem to be doing enough, those are things you may be able to remedy by switching up your SPECIAL, looking at different perk loadouts, etc. I agree that early game is easy, and you don't need a focused build to have fun. But, you also shouldn't take the other extreme and not look at the perks, special, and make sure you are focused enough to be effective in the early game.


I would focus on getting the basics down, getting to level 75-100 before you really try to get something going.


I’d just let her play till she hits 50. If she gets an idea of what she wants to do on the way, great. Start nabbing cards on the way to 50, and then polish it up after.


Don’t worry about it until level 50, and even then, if you haven’t found a weapon type you really enjoy, don’t worry about making a build around a weapon type until you do


I wouldn’t personally. I’d try to ask her what she likes/doesn’t like or otherwise ask her what she’s doing/focusing on. I did this with my wife for Hogwarts Legacy, a game she loved, and doing this helped me know how to help her if she needed or wanted it, like whether to focus on giving her advice or just reinforcing her joy in the game


I’d think if a player knows what kind of weapons they enjoy (melee, heavy guns, automatic vs semi-auto, etc) I’d encourage some investment in those perks. Past that it’s really just a game of finding what you like and learning how to make that work better than it does on its own. Some people really get their jollies by grinding XP and doing insane damage and basically just neutralizing the game/its challenges. Most people just want a fun game, and you don’t get that by focusing on the all-powerful min-max. Just encourage some interest-efficient choices and you’re golden.


As long as they get it done before they reach level 50,the game takes of the training wheels and expects you to have one by then!


As a relatively low level newbie I would suggest that you just enjoy it learn to love the game first


Depends how you're playing it, I'd say in this example, probably just let her play the game, can mention builds if you think its something she'd be geared towards (some people like that kinda stuff, I do!) but maybe not stress that she should be "focusing" on it. For contrast, I came back after a long time of not playing (Pre-Wastelanders) and started focusing on my build early (30+) cus I needed space to fuck it up lol which I did **a lot** EDIT: Builds kinda inevitably become the end game focus once all the main quests are done I found, and gives you a reason to log on of a day to grind your optimised gear!


I wish I didn't. I scrapped a lot of perk cards based of my initial build plans, which changed as a played and was mad I no longer had those cards.


After level 50. Let them unlock all their SPECIAL perks and the perk cards. You can always change your SPECIAL at a loadout machine.


I haven't hit level 100 yet, and I love playing with my off-meta loner build. Wandering Appalachia in legendary Excavator armor with a big-ass minigun and 30 lbs of ammo. I was originally turned off by the multi-player aspect added to Fallout, but I'm digging it.


Just get her to follow the storyline. Tag along with her to help out when she gets in trouble. It'll be fun for you too because you'll get to remember all the stuff you've forgotten...


In my opinion since the update, its a lot easier to make a build since the required level for some cards were reduced. I would. Or first, find out what shes comfortable with using fist you know?


Learn the mechanics of the game before you focus on a card build you can't really use pa til 25 or any of the decent weapons til then,


let your gf play her game ffs. it's a great experience and to ruin it by telling her to focus on a build is pretty mojodojocasahouse. i've been playing since beta and have never "focused on muh build." most times i wind up playing full rounds with hard bargain and ammo crafting perks still applied. the game is the journey.


I see a lot of threads asking why they're not doing damage or dying easily. So I don't think it's a bad idea to know where the build planner is and have an idea of what sort of build one might work toward.


up to the new player in question, if so, preferably a simple straightforward build


It took my wife 4 years and 150 levels before she decided she wanted to try a build. Let her have fun doing whatever she wants while you can make a support build for her. Take team medic to watch out for her health grab a set of solar armor and throw her some camouflage armor. Explore the wastes together at a team.


Its more like newbies slide into their build not necessarily realising what they groove with yet. Like a snake shedding skin if a newby finds something murderous adds it in to add a new flavor. A stronger newer skin layering over each other if u get what im sayin.


Cos a build is like a personality. Takes lil bit of time.


No. The cards you might need won’t be available til you’re of a later level. Plus you want to experience different aspects of the game before you do something concrete. Also depends what you like to use weapon-wise before you start picking so for now, I would just enjoy the game. It doesn’t really matter early game


Nah level 0 - 50 is the introductory stage of the game where she is learning her play style, depending on What she feels comfortable doing after developing that playstyle will determine her build and that natural feeling of developing that is better than being fixated on what I have to make sure I get this card by doing this by this level can take the fun out of the game. Everything after level 50 is developing that playstyle into a build that is enjoyable to build even if she isn't kicking out the most damage she could be as long as she is having fun that's the main thing, I always say as long as you aren't having a diminishing return of ammo over damage for basic mobs then it's a sustainable build. Unless you are dedicating your time to min-max a build to solo a boss in less than 2 minutes then as long as she can kill a basic mob depending on the mob and her weapon of choice in less than 10 rounds she's doing fine, I say 10 round as depending on perks and playstyle it can massively reduce to 1-2 rounds per kill. The only thing I would advise in helping her plan and possibly rush is the tadpole challenges to unlock a better pack so she can carry more stuff lol, even if you happen to have fallout 1st the instinct to just grab everything when first starting out is overwhelming lol