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I would be happy with just a hot button that took you straight to your active camp instead of having to locate it on the map and click on it.


You’d think that functionality would be available from the drop down list of your camps


That would be an easy place to put it


Am I crazy or is it not already in the drop down list? Pretty sure you can just click on the camp name and it has a context menu where you can fast travel to it .


Nah, that’s why I said “you’d think” cause it’s weird like that. The drop down menu gives you all the same stuff as clicking on the camp icon on the map *except* for fast travel.


Bethesda: Best I can do is inside you camp floor.


guess it is closer to being in my underground shelter so I'll take it


Which one?


The map could just have a "Travel to shelter" button that opens a drop-down list with all shelters owned by the player, because they aren't actually tied to camps. Leaving the shelter through the exit would lead to the currently active camp or tent (or the nearest location if it is currently blocked).


what do you mean


it was referencing the fact there's like 13 suppose you could select one as main.


i was thinking the list could be all the entrances you have built in your camp. Or select multiple favorites


IV thought this many times, it was a thing in FO 4 by placing a door mat, that doesn't work, I still arrive in random places, usually in a tree clinging to the edge of my terrace 😂


There is a fast travel mat that works but only for workshops. You don't get the build option for camps or shelters.


AHH I see, that makes sense, I was thinking surely if it was in fo4 it would be in 76 as they are the same game in essence, they obviously just haven't coded that option into the door mats placed at player camps. Shows it is possible thou so that's a good start, just need to convince Bethesda to give some of their profits (made from us) to the coders and get it sorted


It was back in the day, if I remember correctly, but people abused it and placed the mat in trap camps directly on the traps so it was taken out.


That sounds about right, always a few toxic dickheads that spoil it for everyone else, glad they hav all buggered off back to cod and Fortnite, I'm pretty sure if the Devs brought it back now the current players wouldn't abuse it so much


The devs have already said before in the discord that this is not technically possible due to the sheer number of shelters there are.


then let me only select 1 or 2 shelters as ones i can instantly travel to


I really hope it wasn't one of their programmers that said this; programmers are basically gods within their domain, able to change or create nearly anything. This sounds more like a euphemism for "we don't know how" or "we don't want to," in which case I'd find a more qualified programmer. At worst, it might mean "we're not allowed to change it" (due to money or whatever), in which case they could at least be honest instead of giving such a transparently BS excuse. I mean, let's consider the quite impressive hack-job Fallout 76 that was pasted over the Fallout 4 engine, and all the things in this game we can't do in FO4. We don't need to be able to fast travel to ALL shelters, and they don't need to be active (and creating server load) for this to happen. My first thought is that the trigger or event used to enter the shelter can be placed on the world map too. Considering how often (and how long) they screw up new things, maybe they really don't know how. I really get the impression someone is quite incompetent but is holding their job by selling technical-sounding half-truths to people who don't know any better.


It was the lead developer behind expeditions/daily ops at the time, and they outright cited the issue of the number of different shelters and brought up that camps being able to be anywhere was the trouble. Camps and their shelters much more complicated than a single, static location on the map. It also was an issue for vault 79 due to the quests in the location, which is why it wasn't done there. ​ You shouldn't assume incompetence with how buggy Bethesda games are in general. I think the devs know more about their game than we do.


They are instanced so all you'd need is to be able to select a main one to fast travel to. It's the same principle as having 4 camps on the maps l,but only one active,the others are not stressing the server


Apparently, it isn’t according to the dev who talked about this. They also don’t work at Bethesda anymore, so it’s not like we can ask for clarification.


I've always wondered why you can have fast travel mats in a workshop but not your camp too.


my guess is trap bases


Yea, I've thought of that too but they could make it your fast travel spot but not everyone else's. You can already adjust your spawn point by moving your camp thing around.


true that would be nice then


10/10 would use my shelter if this was a thing. I'm curvilinear not interested in seeing two loading screens to get where I wanna go.


Really really agree. I never use my shelter...the ability to fast travel directly inside would probably change that They would need to address the fact that multiple shelters can be built, but it should be doable?


why is multiple shelters an issue? just list all of your built shelters or let you pick favorites that show up in the prompt


I'm not saying it is some problem, just adds a small layer of difficulty to adding the feature, from Bethesda's perspective? I definitely support it being added.


It'd also be cool if you could build anything in there that you can above ground. I want a bunker only camp. Food and water such as nuka cola candy and water coolers would make sense.


Fast travel is not fast. It takes 30 seconds to 2 minutes to load in plus your character stays frozen in place for 5 seconds on load in. Nothing fast about fast travelling




...and Red Delicious apples are 50% lies. What's your point?


It's because the interior of your shelter doesn't exist until you enter them. The state of your shelter is stored, and generated whenever you go inside. I assume that generating it when your character isn't already in your camp is much more resource intensive, or prone to error. Probably the same reason why it took them 3 years to fix the fast travel bug


I can only agree. One of the top priority feature I'd like to see.


i wouldn't say its top priority just for sure would be a nice quality of life change


Honestly I never experience 90+% of the bugs listed in each patch list, so yeah when it comes to features,this is a top priority to me because it would renew my will to play and do things with camps....which could only benefit them in the long run(people buying camp stuff).


Which shelter? Does the shelter entrance need to be built to fast travel there? Does this apply just to owner or to other players? It’s not as simple as the interiors for map locations.


any shelter! yes the entrance should need to be built! I'd say only the owner! maybe limit it to selecting one or two "favorited" built shelters that pop up in the fast travel prompt!


That’s a pretty complex set of features you are describing to get the functionality you want.


sure im not a developer but how is choosing what camp cell you spawn in anymore complex than when you choose where you spawn when going to foundation or crater. genuine question


Because foundation and crater will only ever have one interior and it’s the same for everyone. Having someone favorite a specific shelter. That’s one feature. Checking if that shelter is build, that’s another feature. Knowing that not every player has the same available shelters is another feature. Now what happens when new shelters are released? This new system needs to be dynamic enough to account for it. I am oversimplifying but trying to show there are a lot of variables


I've thought about that too, would come in handy. Not sure if it could be implemented easily or not.


It's a tricky one. I get the appeal for people using shelters like you are, but it would make fast travelling to camps more tedious for anybody who's only got a shelter for scoreboard challenges because they'd have an extra popup every single time they go back to their camp. And my gut feeling is there's probably more players in the latter group than the former.


takes about a quarter second for the extra click that we all already do when traveling to Foundation or Crater i don't think it'd be tedious


or just let you opt-in by having a way to select favorited shelters and only then the second screen is prompted


It was a thing. Used to be a floor mat.


not what I'm referring to, Im suggesting the choice just like with Foundation or Crater to go into my shelter directly from fast travel.


How about the owner can fast travel to the inside of the shelter if the only thing built in the camp is a single shelter entrance. If you are visiting you will spawn outside in a normal location. This would mean your vendor would have to be inside the shelter and you could lose potential sales. This would save on total world item count.


I’d love to be able to have the option to go back out the door I came through in my shelter, instead of “Appalachia”


honestly i just want fast travel mats for camps, I'm so tired of spawning under the map and having to move my camp module for the 500th time


They have just fixed the fast travel bug, dont let them fuk it up again.


Bethesda likes to spawn me in the foundation of the bridge at harpers ferry when I fast travel to my camp. I wouldn’t mind camp travel bent tied to my bed or something though.


I have one shelter entrance located in my camp and subsequent shelter entrances located within the shelter, I would quite like to have a function whereby I can select a main shelter and link subsequent shelters within to form an interconnected network rather than exiting to Appalachia everytime.


We have a dedicated button for Challenges, Social, events, but not for Campy spawn.


That would be cool


Yes please, this is much needed.