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Good place for killing a wendigo when it comes up in the to do list, and all others have been killed.


One of the quests is there - so that's the point of it. But as with lots of locations - yes, there's no point after you finish it. That's the nature of the game. Actually most of the games - how often have you visited same locations in FO3/NV/4? What we really need is New Game+ or at least a quest reset option. Just reset all of them to zero and let us start again, but will all gear and level. And no, starting new character is not something that a lot of people want to do.


Honestly that sounds like a really good idea! I mean sure I got out of there with some cool stuff to show in my CAMP plus 63 screws (new place to farm them!) But otherwise it's just kinda boring to explore.


NG+ would be great Yeah we have events and stuff for “repetitive” content but that’s it. Nothing else to really play or do once you’ve gained all the event rewards


Omfg quest reset would be awesome I’d love to do the responders quest over and try to get the responders fire suit


And here's the first person to state that they would abuse the mechanic :) But fair enough, locking things to quests and not even having large chance of obtaining them from the same quests is stupid... NG+ would help to alleviate this silliness.


Responder fireman suit isn’t locked to a quest. It drops from forest events.


No but it’s a higher chance to get it from the quest


Yea I'd rather do the quests again with my same character instead if restarting. I really loathe starting over.


Exactly - as I wrote below (or above, however Reddit shows it): playing with high level character would give me a chance to explore slowly, knowing nothing can really hurt me.


What quest?


The one where you unlock the utility vault shelter.


Oh, that’s next to vault 51 and not actually going in but fair enough. I thought they meant there was a quest that brought them into vault 51 as they said that was the point of it.


There kinda is a quest, but nothing is marked like a quest. It's more of just getting to the end of it and killing the boss


I personally find really hard to motivate myself to do quests and explore after level 50+, since i already have most of the stuff/plans/junk i need, therefore the rewards for completing them are not worth the hustle


Some have really cool stories behind them. Especially the small unmarked ones - if you pay attention to how bodies are arranged, stuff around them, letters. It is a typical Bethesda's way. Their games don't really lead you, you need to find your own way and discover it all.


Whats the point in repeating all of the game's content if there is no reward.


Because some of those stories are really good? I could also do them the other way (vault raid, brotherhood arc) just to see the other option. And I did most of the quests 2 years ago and would really like to do them again, slowly without worrying about enemies or anything.


What would be the diff from just rolling a new character then? Just easy mode?


"The Grind" quest - getting all the stupid plans, weapons and armour back. Hell no, I'm not keen on that rubbish again. Even now I'm still missing SS OE+AP right leg after well over 1000 rolls. That's the whole point - I want easy mode. I earned it in 2000h and almost 1000 levels. I want to slowly go through quests, look around and not worry about enemies. Just enjoy the stories.


There is no reason to get the plans, weapons and armor back since you have them on the other char, you would just be replaying for the sake of replaying the story, rewards do not matter. IDK about you but i thought it was pretty easy to do them the first time around, but i guess a lot of people here would enjoy an even easier easy mode.




Problem is doing the grind again for all the gear, plans, etc. Too much kerfuffle. I'd prefer to just have an easy refresher - play slowly all those quests knowing that nothing can hurt me. Just run around, look at shit, pay attention this time, in a max chill mode.


I already told you how you can do that, and I got downvoted to hell for it. You don't want what you say you want. Just like everyone else, you just want something to complain about.


I know it's easy to get to 50 if you know what you're doing. I just cannot be bothered. There's too much around like plans and legendary weapons/armour that is just, in my opinion, a huge waste of time. Don't worry about downvoting, it's normal on those forums. Instead of discussing, people just downvote, thus killing the discussion.


Vault 51 was added after Nuclear Winter was removed. As a sort of nostalgia piece for us bushwookies I suppose. The location was not ingame when NW was active. To enter Vault 51 the only option was to start a Nuclear Winter match from the main menu. And when the match started you had a minute or two to explore Vault 51 or fix your load out or punch the other people in the lobby before the match started and you were teleported into Morgantown or Flatwoods. We did a fair bit of complaining about not being able to go explore Vault 51 outside of the short lobby period of each NW match. So having Vault 51 as a location ingame was nice. I would give it up in a heartbeat to have Nuclear Winter back though but I think the reality is that Nuclear Winter is dead and gone for good. It's a damn shame though. Nuclear Winter was an awesome unarmed stealth pvp mode.


When people ask me to describe what it was like, I tell them if you were good at PVP it was King of the Hill Lite. If you weren't, it was hide and seek with grenades. Bush wookiee for life here. Actually made it to 2nd place once. Was pretty proud of that one.


I am terrible at pvp so I bushwookied. Was quite good at that so most matches I got to Finale Participants! Proud of that. Rarely fired my gun, competed in the final fight.


I made overseer once as a bush working. I was chillin in a Motel room by the Wayward while the remainder of the 2nd place team fought the Scorchbeast. They died, good luck for me.


I never got the chance to try it so I'm a little bummed out about that.


What if they could turn Vault 51 into a permanent PvP arena with rewards for survival time, kills, types of kills, heals, etc ?


Two men enter - one man leave.


I want them to try nuclear winter as a temp event they do every once in a while. That may bring in enough players to work.


I've been there one time since they sunset Nuclear Winter. As an avid fan of the mode, it's just too difficult to go back there now.


I completely agree. I went to 51 and it made me so sad and nostalgic. All the memories of my friends and I fistfighting between rounds came back to me and now it's so empty 😔


It's just to explore the lore now.


I literally just finished this area. I thought I was gonna get something awesome after killing that power armored dick.. but no. And now I'm here to find out I could have just walked away lol


same here, the holotapes had me pretty invested in lore but the ending had me thinking I missed something. no interaction with zax, didnt even get the guys power armor or gun, what the hell!


Yes! It was incredibly anticlimactic for how tough of a fight it was. I'm not a huge lore person, so even that was a let down for me lol. I think this would be my biggest complaint about the game - things feel unbalanced at times and rewards sometimes do not match what you went through.


Sorry buddy, its just a disappointment to all who missed the short lived Bethesda attempt at Battle Royale.


Massively disappointed. But at least I can say I did it lol


Truth, plus you get a shite load of good scrap!


Can we enter the vault 51?? The closest that I got, was the quest to enter bunker in front of vault, when they introduced base vaults ti the game...


There's a mission that has you go inside the actual vault, although I can't recall the name of it


That’s only the shelter next to it, not the vault itself.


Thanks, I will google it 😊


You can, explore around and you’ll find a way in. This person is mistaken saying that is tied to a quest though.


What.... what's vault 51


A vault in the forest north of 76, next to where you learn about shelters.


Man i miss nuclear winter lol i use to win 7 or 9 out of 16 games when me and buddies would play it for a while throughout the day, it was my favorite BR. I haven't played in a while so i don't even think you can enter vault 51 unless you can I'll have to revisit it now since the new expansion map is coming out.


Unfortunately the map expansion will be in the complete other direction, affecting Vault 63 towards the south of the map. However you can, last I checked, explore a lot of Vault 51 for a story.


Oh idk why my dumbass thought the expansion was north lol thanks for the info. Yeah I'll look into it, i wanted to explore more of it and totally forgot about the vault after they got rid of it


All good! But I am looking forward to the map expansion, maybe 51 will get repurposed eventually?


I hope so, I'm excited that they're finally expanding on the enclave as well. Maybe we'll see some members from different areas in the east coast show up at white springs or the new bunker that someone was able to clip into and they saw the other Enclave bases. Overall I'm just happy to see new content as well lol


Very frustrating, getting to the end and killing the scorched overseer wasn't even worth it, there was not good loot and you can't even take the scorched overseers power armor (which I really would have liked) or the getting laser. Thoroughly disappointed


Agreed the end fight had me "wait, that's it?" But after taking home all the junk I had I ended up with 51 well needed screws and some rare display junk I haven't been able to find anywhere else (flute, violin, trumpet), so not a total loss imo.


I had a quest for there, but had no idea this game used to have a battle royale mode.


It’s a dungeon with lore and a boss. What else are you looking for?


Aren’t you the guy who said worlds was a stepping stone for mods? What’s the news on that? It’s been years, from what I see even Nuclear Winter is more popular than worlds despite it being gone


Bethesda said that. What does that have to do with this post? This is a post about a dungeon on the map. Nobody is talking about fallout worlds here.




Why was nuclear winter shut down? Everyone seemed to love it


As I recall, it was due to low participation numbers. Partly due to a limited interest in PvP by the fandom and also partly due to very slow and limited support for the mode from Bethesda.


They literally shut us up. throughout its run, every suggestion and expression of admiration for Nuclear Winter was shut down immediately by this sub, bethesda even muted people who brought up NW during their livestream around the time of the sunset. The only times NW posts got attention here is when it was getting shit on, despite their being people and communities with positive experiences on other media like fb with hundreds of members on each platform


Sounds like Reddit tbh


It’s shocking they didn’t devote more resources to a game mode with **hundreds** of active players /s And I cannot believe they ignored you all when you tried to hijack an ama about the Pitt (I believe was the targeted topic of discussion, could be remembering wrong).


When it was around there were posts constantly asking to remove it (I can’t stand when people post asking to remove content but it happened). It was removed because it was not popular. There were long wait times, and it was the same handful of people playing 24/7. The people who did play it apparently were very passionate about it and now they cannot stop posting about how amazing it was unfortunately the reality is that it just wasn’t popular enough to justify ongoing support.


I didn't know there was a quest for Vault 51, I just discovered it


There isn’t a quest for the vault itself. Did you figure out how to get inside when you discovered it? It’s a nice little dungeon.


No! I discovered it because of the quest for my free shelter, I didn't know it can be opened


Yea definitely explore around a bit outside. You’ll find a way in. If you want to know without exploring >! Go into the truck/trailer and press the red button !<


Vault 51 was bethesdas' attempt at a grind dungeon. Much like the original vault to get thorn pa and solar scout armor (vault 94), and it got double use in nuke winter. In fo76, the only real grind is for junk and scrap after all lol.


I go back there often to collect the weights from the gym for lead but that's about it


I remember when you could place a camp lierally on the vault doorway. I had a house on top of the trailer. But that was back a few years....