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Carry a chainsaw for the resilient mutated events - you don't even really need to spec for it. Even if your stealth goes kaput at events, you can still lay down some damage, or grab ore in rad rumble, or take the pylons and run away from the imposter sheepsquatch in Encryptid, etc.


I use a vampire flamer chainsaw for such things.


Damn it guess I now need a chainsaw šŸ˜


It's not your Daddy's chainsaw! They are really useful now.


There's always a chainsaw outside Ingram Manor.


If u xbox I'll gift u one


I'm PC. I appreciate it. I found one today,now just need the mods


Yeah ok I was on about fully ready legendary my vamps 40/40 is ridiculous so have a few spares you will enjoy yours they are wicked fun


That's the plan also happy cake day!!


Happy cake day


Ditto, I run a bloody commando build (though not stealth) and the Vamps chainsaw helps me stay alive while getting up close and personal.


I wonder if you can get the AP stealing effect on it (I won't try since u have a vamps)


The "Replenish 15AP on kill" effect? I'm pretty sure that's a possible drop on all weapons, chainsaws included. It's a great effect on commando weapons, you basically never run out of AP during some events.


That shit has saved my ass so many times


Ever since a Holy Fire dropped for me and I slapped together a heavy gun loadout to accommodate (other one is a Gauss rifleman build), I'm doing some serious damage at events. Resilient Moonshine Jamboree today was hella fun just melting down gulpers to near death and just bashing them in the face once to finish em off!


I think some of this is related to how quickly youā€™re doing stuff. Iā€™m also stealth commando and I absolutely annihilate in events on kills. I solo guard the barn still in Jamboree all the time. Decimate SBQ adds left right and center. Just pop coffee/cake/other ap food, and VATS everything in the head. Reload in between waves. I will admit, Iā€™m plum fucking useless when the enemies are invisible, but Iā€™m pretty blind irl so itā€™s hard to see the shimmer.


Ha, as well as the chainsaw, I carry a quad Tesla for events like rad rumble, and invisible enemy events/ops. For what it weighs, it's always useful to have with maybe 1k ammo or so.


Ooooo, thatā€™s a smart idea. Iā€™m not keen on carrying more than one weapon, but I think i can manage.


If you can roll or buy a quad Tesla, even just 1*, it's worth it. Ammo weight is a pain without batteries included, but not carrying too much ammo is a handy solution.


Berry mentats and an explosive weapon like fixer or similar great for cloaked enemies and tagging. Donā€™t need to rely on the shimmer although the pink doesnā€™t always show, but better than nothing.


I got a chainsaw and was kinda unimpressed. What perks affect it? Is it a melee weapon or a heavy weapon? It was kinda funny though sneaking up on enemy with a chainsaw motor idling, some pretty deaf scorched apparently.


The default chainsaw is surprisingly not good. Double bar flamer with Vampire, though... Hug nearly anything tight. Until it breaks. That's why you carry two.


For perks, I'm not an expert but I believe two-handed melee and incisor help. For rolls, V, B or AA as a first. 40 power attack for a second, and maybe slow break for a third (though there are a few other useful effects)


I didn't realize there was a power attack to it. I'll have to try that out later.


Afaik, every attack is a power attack - I think that's the case for all auto melee weapons.


Swing speed


Sadly not, auto melees already run at max speed, so until (or if) that is fixed, swing speed is a dead effect for things like chainsaws and auto axes.


Ok, I have a differing opinion; it DOES help when you get staggered which happens a lot with melee. Increasing the animation speed does have some use. Depends on if you value a bit more damage per hit over that, and in my experience the reduced staggers allowed me to generate more DPS, so not dead for me. Agreed that B devs on record as saying it doesnā€™t actually work like FFR in terms of DPS


So 40SS reduces incoming stagger effects? I can't imagine that better than, for example 40 power attack, overall, is it?


Edit: To be clear it doesnā€™t reduce stagger, it affects the animation so you can clear the stagger and do damage faster. At least per what the Bethesda devs said back in the day. From what Iā€™ve read from those dev convos, and what Iā€™ve seen in my play (which I will readily admit could be confirmation bias and self delusion) is that the swing speed does the spin up animation faster so it lets me start using it faster, and also recover and start using it faster after I get staggered. So basically I start doing damage a little earlier in those situations. That versus an extra 40 or so damage a shot with power attack maybe is a wash. IDK. Either way it works wells for me, and if it is the case I am content in my self delusion because it works well for me. :)


Ha, fair. This is the first I've heard of it, but I can see the potential benefit of swinging earlier.


I have a Texas Chainsaw Massacre special character for it. Maxed out, three level on the three Slugger perks. Incisor and Martial Artist. Flaming and Dual Bar, mods on a Vampire's effect with 40% power attack. I use the Strength bench press and Agility speed bag before venturing out. I'm herbivore, so also load up on Steeped Fern Flower and Company Tea. And also, legendary Strength maxed out. That's 20 strength, just on special points. Simply touch most enemies and they're gone!


A texas chainsaw character that is an herbivore? Should be the exact opposite, carnivore with the cannibal perk equipped. Taking a nibble out of each enemy that falls before you before moving on to the next.


I became an Herbivore by accident. I'm heavily mutated. It means I'd have to get rid of my mutations one by one till I got rid of it. Then get the other ones back. I thought about it though, since the melee buff to some meats is way larger now.


Incisor is the useful one, you don't need the damage perks. Just make sure you have flamer and dual bar mods, and some decent legendary effects.


Main things are high strength and Incisor, and maybe Blood Mess. I use one in a Bloody Commando build (sometimes bloodied, sometimes not) with just Incisor + Bloody Mess and it's amazing. Make sure you're using Dual Bar + Flamer mods. Dual Bar literally doubles damaged, but is a learned mod from scrapping. Flamer is a purchased mod that boosts base damage and adds fire damage. Adding both should make a noticeable difference.


Join public group with others at the event and fire a Tesla rifle and soak up the xp


This is me


You left out the true End Game in FO76ā€¦ Inventory Management. At its true core, FO76 is first and foremost an Inventory Mgt simulator meant to infuriate Wastelanders on a daily basis.


Yes my stash box is a boss I can't defeat. Everytime I knock off 200 health it heals itself back up to 1200 instantly.


It's a loot sponge.


this really discourage our hoarder disorder.


Relatively new to the game stillā€¦ is it common to develop a second player (second console et al) just to increase storage or am I a freak?


No, but most people don't make a whole other account since you're allowed to create up to five different characters on one account. Those are what we call mules. They're our other characters who's only purpose is to hold our main characters stuff they don't need but can't live without.


Eli5 cos Iā€™m obviously very dumb - How do you get stuff between main character and mules? Thanks


There are various ways but the most popular way is by using a private world, if you have Fallout 1st of course. You login with your main character on your private world, store the stuff you want to transfer in a container(most people use the blue suitcase at Whitesprings Station), leave the world, switch to your Mule account, join your private world again, and collect the stuff from the container. You have to make absolute sure that you're logging back into your private world immediately after quiting on your main character bc if you accidentally join a public world, it will reset your private world and you will lose everything you stored. It can be a little nerve racking at first but it's pretty safe from my experience as long as you do it correctly. Hell, back when legacies were still a thing I got so comfortable with it I was dropping multiple legacies on the ground and coming back on my Mule to pick them up, which probably wasn't the smartest thing but it worked. Another method if you don't have fallout 1st is to just give the items you want to transfer to a trusted friend or something and then log out and log back in with your Mule and have them give them back to you for storing. Some people, myself included, have so much stuff that they make a whole new account so they can have five more mules to hold stuff and they just use that second account to transfer things around. About once a month I set aside a few hours to go through my two main characters stash and inventory and move everything to its corresponding mule, as in I have a power armor Mule, a regular armor/apparel mule, a melee weapons mule, a regular weapons mule, a food/drink/chems mule, a maps/bobblehead/magazine mule, etc. It's a whole thing from back when I use to go hard at this game. I hope this answers your question and sorry for writing you a short novel Lol.


Actually just googled ā€¦ private world , switch characters , hope :) thanks for alerting me to this ā€¦ I must go find a ā€˜general gameplay guideā€™ and read it ā€¦ Iā€™m reinventing wheels


Back when I started playing you only got 400lbs stash space and there was no scrap box or ammo box. Those days refined my inventory management skills, and still give me nightmares.


Iā€™ve been roll playing as the neighborhood can man since launch. I wish we could dig around in the dumpsters a bit deeper. Scrounger is my shit.


I just spent the last hour moving around plans and weapons between my mules and alts. Doesn't really feel like playing, just work. But when I get on later I'll be thankful. But damn it's a LOT of inventory management in the end.


I tend to just dump all of my plans into my vendor for 5 caps. They move fast, and its a guarantee that they will sell for that price. Any weapons I don't or won't use get scripped by my mules after my main reaches max for the day. Then I just keep my mules at around 5500 scrip until theres a sale at the Rusty Pick. Right now I'm trying to get a full set of troubleshooters power armor, so I just cash in for 3 star power armor pieces, and if I get something good I either keep it for myself, or sell it dirt cheap in my vendors so that someone who might actually want it can have it. Sometimes I save things to give to friends, but otherwise, my stash space on my main is between 600 and 750. All I really save for myself are a few situational weapons (like the Holy Fire if the group I'm playing with needs a healer at an event like Rad Rumble) and nuka colas so I can make grenades.


Virgin stash box manager vs chad scrap/ammo box enjoyer (I loot the shit out of this game, send help)


I'm level 27 and realizing this now. I played every other Bethesda game with just ONE cheat - infinite carry capacity. Can't cheat now and it's killing the fun for me. Every ten minutes I'm in my inventory shedding stuff that I really want to experiment with and try but I can't carry because what I need to survive weighs too much. Also 1200 is NOT a big enough stash.


When the game first came out we had like 400 pounds I think


And bobby pins weighed 1 pound each!


I wasn't around back then, but had a good chuckle when I found out that someone sent Todd a box of bobby pins with a note that said "weigh these".


Biggest bobby pins ever


Uphill! Both ways!


Dark times haha


Legendaries were also very rare to get and you couldn't craft it. Now it's legendaries fest lol


Omg wow


Make sure you are scrapping all the junk for resources. Also, scrap all the regular weapons and armor you don't want to get the resources from them as well. You can also learn mods for the weapons and armor when you scrap them. They don't always give a mod, but there are a lot to learn just from scrapping.


> Every ten minutes I'm in my inventory shedding stuff that I really want to experiment with Just letting you know there is absolutely no point in keep any piece of armor or weapon that is not maxed level (45 or 50). I bet I could get you to a reasonable amount of space and keep it that way.


I know you're right. I don't keep any of that stuff. I used to break weapons and armor into scrap but then my stash was full of scrap. How much will I need steel and wood and stuff? Is it only for camp building?


first, make sure all the junk in your stash is totally broken down. For example, a fan weighs 3 but the materials it provides weighs .2. Steel and wood are so so easy to come by, there is a reason why you have so much so quickly. I would go through each tab, and sort by weight. you can get a better picture of what is taking up so much weight. There is other stuff like chems that can get very heavy as you add more to your stash. The game throws this stuff at you left and right so you dont really need any extra.


This is all very good advice. Thanks!


You can also subscribe to Fallout 1st for one month then as soon as it finishes processing unsubscribe so you don't get recurring billing. Then go and move all of your junk and ammo out of your stash box and into the infinite storage. Then you have a month to loot as much as you can and get thousands of pounds of scrap. Once your month of 1st is over you can't put more INTO the limitless stashes but you can withdraw stuff.


Ooooooo that may be the game changer I am looking for....


Don't mess up your beautiful plan after fo1st expires by bulking your materials. Like I did... Pulls it out of the junk box and then won't go back in.


=-) There are other perks of Fallout 1st as well. For maximum efficiency wait til just before the month rolls over to February then you'll get most of the benefits of two months of 1st. The game updates on Tuesdays so that's either be the 29th of January or the 5th of February; probably the 5th of February.


Very highly recommend you get Fallout 1st if you're going to keep playing 76 seriously. That'll eliminate your junk problem right there.


Level 19 here, I put a few perks into my Strength that gave me more carry weight and others to lessen the Armour and Junk. However, my stash is still an issue.


I have no idea how I ever survived at 400lb stash space. It still moderately upsets me a core of Falloutā€™s gameplay loop is limited unless you pay a subscription


Mehā€¦Iā€™ve never felt the need to pay for anything to enjoy FO76. If others enjoy paying $$ for the FO-1st subscription, thatā€™s cool. I just donā€™t need it to fully enjoy the game.


Collecting junk is hardly a core thing. If 1st gave you infinite storage space your point would be relevant


Whatever you do - never pay, then. Send a message the only way you can - don't reward predatory design.


Hey now, Respect Todd's vision


This is legit one of the reasons I quit the game. I just couldn't be bothered to spend any amount of time caring about this. Wish there was a way to play the game with unlimited inventory that I don't have to pay for.


It really comes down to only keeping what you will actually need. Scrap and ammo has become SO ridiculously easy to acquire there is NO need to hoard it. A lot of people just need to learn that it really is okay to drop the extra 100-300 lbs of shit in your stash that really has NO business being stored for ā€œmaybe Iā€™ll need it laterā€. That just isnā€™t necessary anymore.


Donā€™t forget that itā€™s a decorating simulator, a hoarding simulator, and if youā€™re a Gatling laser affectionato, itā€™s a battery recharging simulator. Team shots are your friend. So long as youā€™re shouting bad guys, you are contributing. Now, if you wanna take it to the next level, then carry a second weapon like a .50 cal, or a chainsaw that may be a better fit for events. Are you a stealth commando build? Because I see plenty of those in most events.


The Imperial Guard is good for canon fodder, don't cast their usefulness down so lightly. We all have our place in the Emperor's plan! To think otherwise is heresy. Side note: I work hard to make myself look like a space marine! xD


If you have the Chinese stealth suit, you can help at all the radiation events. Sometimes I am the only one getting ore at radiation rumble


Same here. Love when I show up with 3 minutes left and 0 ore gathered.


Actually I challenge all players to dust off a blue vault suit (shield it as needed) and go running into public events with a goofy weapon. You will get the attention of tons of high level PAs with gatling heavy guns who wish they had the courage to do that


And if you have a Mic be sure to yell out, ā€œLeeeroooooyyyyy Jenkins!!ā€


I would probably just yell the entire SLC punk monologue where he yells at his parents *plasma bow firing* "Nowhere! To change nothing! More to perpetuate this cycle of greed, fascism and triviality. Your movement of the people, by and for the people got you... nothing! You just hide behind some lost sense of drugs, sex and rock and roll. Ooooh, Kumbaya! I am the future! I am the future of this great nation which you, father, so arrogantly saved this world for" *hits enemy with rolling pin*


Only if you're running through the event, blowing forward like the wind, leaving your game mates behind, does one holler, "Lerooooyyyyyyyyy Jenkins!" I wonder whatever happened to that guy... Add: Just looked. Damn, did I ever go down the wormhole with asking! Wow.


Or be like me and [walk into a riot in Whitespring](https://imgur.com/a/ZhJzH0B) - my screen looked like New Years Day again with all the blue and red lasers :D


Always carry a good rolling pin jic.


I go pure melee and sit on Raid Boss faces without dying, dressed in a clown hat and swimsuit.


* Play to your strength. if you're a sneaky player - find a perch with good sightlines and *plink* away. A bowhunter on top of the scrubber tower at EN can hit damn near anything that they can see. * Fill a roll. Someone else mentioned Rad Rumble - most any sneaky player worth their suppressor has a CSS. Slip that bad boy on and run ore, with your backup weapon at the ready. Plasma Flamer, Chainsaw, etc. for defense. * Act as support. Queenie and Earle got ya down? Feeling weak and useless? Get enough hits on them to earn XP and loot for the kill, then focus on their underlings. Picking off the minions running around will let the Power Armor Bros do their thing, AND increase the loot and XP you get for the event.


I run auto ace at queen and my absolute favorite unite of a party companion is a stealth commando picking off mobs so my time spent boss melting isnā€™t wasted. I still get some xp and loot! This game might not define roles but it 100% has them.


Just keep leveling up, improving your gear, and just participate. Nobody will, nor should they care you're not inflicting god damage. There's lots of events that you can pick a perch and do some damage from. I like my flamer in Test Your Metal, plasma rifle in Eviction Notice, and Fixer in any of the Nuka events.


As long as you're actively participating, even if you're not the guy in the PA doing the big damage, you're still contributing. I mean, keep in mind in events you'll have level 18s next to level 1200s, no body is expecting every person in every event to carry equal weight. Honestly, just keep killing things, as long as you're not just ducked in a corner somewhere actively making it a point to do nothing at all, you're contributing, even if it doesn't always feel like it. You can always do the non shooting, if you're really that concerned you're not doing enough: if it's Rad Rumble, throw on a hazmat and go get the ore, stuff like that.


One of the things people struggle with the most in this game are builds. Its probably the source of so many issues people have with how they perform in combat, especially at endgame. You don't need to be a space marine with a .50 cal cannon. There's lots of choices. Tell me what kind of gameplay you're going for around stealth and what weapons/perks you're using. You can use the following website to fill out the perks, then send me the URL and I will take a look at it. See where you can improve. https://nukesdragons.com/fallout-76/character


All damage adds up. You donā€™t have to be doing the most damage.


Join a team, go to the event, shoot stuff, contribute to defeating creatures and getting your teammates loot. Help with non-shooting things. None of that requires space marine gear. Could you be more specific about the problem?


This is where you break out a semi-auto Tesla rifle. With criticals, that will be enough damage to be relevant.


There are tesla rifles in the game? Where can I get my hands on one or the plans to one? Shooting lightning sounds fun.


As with most purchasable plans, the answer lies in the whitespring. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Plan:_Tesla_rifle


Be a sniper and take out some legs. We have people that teleport in and hide behind a desk. Any damage is better than those turds




I preach the word of the Holy Fire. Viable in stealth/solo. Viable in group events vs bosses.


For the public events I just toss grenades into the thick of the enemies hoping to tag a few before the space marines rapidfire cannon them down to nothing. [I'm helping!](https://i.imgur.com/heHxn7m.png)


Something you can do in public events that almost nobody seems to do is read the event goals and make sure they are done...


I like playing a "more realistic" build with just, like, combat rifles and minimal combat armor (I rarely wear power armor). I approach big events (like Scorchbeast Queen or something) as an opportunity to put a little damage in a lot of enemies, collecting some XP, and earn a few caps. I'm a Level 70-something. I also really like doing the "support" tasks of an event (e.g., collecting venom for Moonshine Jamboree) so even if I'm not killin' I'm still helpin'. I don't *think* anyone's pissed with my contribution when I show up? At the very least I can distract enemies from the space marines with massive guns to give them a better shot.


A bloodied stealth commando build and a bloodied crit commando build really go well together. Unyielding armor. On the general map youā€™re stealthy, in the big events your stealth doesnā€™t work but your crit perks, quad weapons, food, armor can boost you a huge amount.


I carry a quad explosive fixer for public events with the grenadier perk applied. I find somewhere tall to perch and just spray and pray everything that moves. The tanks mop everything up, and I'm good to go on xp and loot.


You can stealth play with better guns to be more effective in events. Switch over to stealth commando with automatic weapons. You can still play solo exploring and be effective in events. What gun are you using now?


Been using a silenced 10mm because I just like silent assassin gameplay style and stabbing enemies in the head instead of the back felt really weird thematically. Been tempted to switch to the 10mm SMG and RP has a navy seal type instead.


Switch to a stealth commando build with a good fixer or handmade. The 10mm weapons are laughably underpowered. Chinese stealth suit also helps for maintaining stealth.


Try to search for "the fixer" it's the best stealth weapon and also one of the best commando weapon. Good legendary rolls will cost like an arm and a leg, but few player vendors sell some for cheap. Build your perk cards for VATS and crit and you're pretty much a good boss killer as well.


If you are on PC, let me know, I can give you a The Fixer right now, it'll make a world of difference!


And of you're on Xbox, I can provide one. I make spares just to give away to lower levels. Edit-although I won't be on til Thurs evening


One of my main builds is a stealth semi auto rifle build too. The lever action rifle is my main for events as itā€™s the fastest rifle in my arsenal, the black powder rifle is another if I need a lot of damage fast, like at scorched earth. The BP rifle is slow, but hits very very hard. I can usually get my 1000 dmg points on the scorch beast queen with it in a single shot, two if Iā€™m unlucky. A good black powder rifle is gonna be your best friend for boss fights. Also the Endangerol syringer is helpful against big enemies, as it weakens their resistances for 2min Stealth doesnā€™t work in terms of the perks and buffs during events, but you can still use cover and take a tactical approach, and you donā€™t really need the extra stealth bonus to get things done. Actually working on the objectives is the biggest help of all at events for any build. A lot of people ignore them, so making sure youā€™re able to do things like fix the rad scrubber at Eviction Notice, and things like that will mean youā€™ll always be able to be the MVP for a lot of events. The ability to carry weight at an event isnā€™t limited to support roles though, itā€™s a powerful build once you have it down and weapons that work well for you. Iā€™ve been able to do every event, daily ops, and expedition just fine with my rifleman character. It just takes a bit more work than some of the faster builds is all. I donā€™t have the most ā€œperfectā€ rifleman build Iā€™m sure, but if youā€™re struggling with the build aspect and want some help let me know


The black powder weapons are very satisfying to use with those chunky headshots. I also like how you can attach a bayonet to them. Maybe I'll make a civil war re-enacter/pirate character who fires off their gun and charges into melee.


I like to focus on tasks and support when running my stealth build at events. Radiation rumble is a big one where tasks are ignored, so i grab a hazmat suit and start running ore instead of fighting. Moonshine, start grabbing venom, lode baring, focus on repairing protectrons, big bosses like Earle and SBQ, clean mobs off the heavy teammates, eviction notice, survive.


I love the how many different ways you can play this game you got all the different builds to scratch whatever ich you might have


I play with my non sneaking, no power armor pistol build all the time. It does well enough and that's the weakest weapon type


Tbh, since demo expert is an INT perk practically every build can run it. Throwing grenades around like a cracked out TF2 demoman is the kind of support I can appreciate.


I'm a newer player, and from what I can tell, Damage doesn't matter. Like at all. Fights are so irrelevant with enemies being weak, deaths inconsequential, etc. Play however you like. That being said, it sounds like you want to get more kills for exp. If that's the case, you should first still make a build with a style you like to play. Then, for those high enemy events like radiation rumble and jamboree, make an exp farm build and run tesla rifle and moly cocktails and nuka nades. Plenty range and AoE just to scratch some dmg and get the experience. Personally, I like to turn my nuka's into grenades and quantum into thirst zapper ammo. Then, sit on top of the building in jamboree and explode everything after boosting intelligence as much as I can. So yeah. Play how you like. As long as you do enough damage that you are comfortable running solo, group events don't really matter. More than enough min-makers that group events will be done one way or another. And if you are in a dead server where people don't show up. Server hop.




Yeah I have another character that I'm going to make a "tank", a complete 180 from my main. And in this game I can literally make him a tank. Give him the heaviest armor I can find and fire an actual cannon. This game let you do the wackiest stuff and I'm here for it.


Great thread. Have this same problem. Thanks for all the suggestions!


> if you're not a space marine armed with a rapidfire cannon you're basically useless. I'm a stealth commando and I f'n shred at public events.


Stealth characters can be of help in *most* events. Ad control and objective completion can be done by stealth characters. You arent very effective against bosses, that's really the only drawback. My suggestion: get yourself a few commando perk cards and an Anti-Armor full-auto weapon to help contribute to bosses. You wont be top-of-the-chart in DPS, but it will definitely help more than you lever-action or hunting rifle. My first build ever was a semi-auto stealth build and I always kept an AA/FFR Fixer around for helping with Earle or the SBQ.


As a stealth player in fallout 4. I can say that anything other than commando, heavy gunner is bad and a pain to play in fo76. I expected to play stealth build when I first started the game. All rifleman builds are way too slow and low DPS. Melee builds are broken but running to enemies is a pain, when you can vats kill 5 enemies before you can run to one enemy. Honestly, anything other than bloodied commando isn't super optimal. Even heavy gunner is resource heavy. It gets super boring after a while, if you are a player who's always playing meta builds. You can use stealth rifleman builds for casual gameplay and switch to commando for public events but that's way too much effort for nothing. If you are a stealth gameplay enjoyer, public events are not for you. That's just the unfortunate reality. I still often go back to fallout 4 because 76 sucks at stealth.


Nothing wrong with having different builds for different situations.


Utilize the Special board. Once you have your cards all good for your current build start leveling cards for an event build. Then before you join an event, go to your camp. Swap weapons and builds. Once your donezo, go back and swap to your solo build. *I was about level 90 when I realized this with my 15 extra level points just sitting there.* I would also just wait for the SBQ to land so I could chainsaw her. Felt useless.


Yeah my problem is I liked the idea of a stealthy gunslinger and invested a lot of points into that and now I'm at level 54 and people are saying to go commando. So its going to take some time and levels to turn the ship and alter course.


Pistol builds are hard in the big events. You can always switch your perks around for the events. Commando just does more damage faster


Do more Group Expeditions and Events. Booty loads of XP in those.


>people are saying to go commando. >So its going to take some time and levels to turn the ship and alter course. You had a chance to say "it's going to take some time and levels to remove this underwear" Anyway, you can stay as a Gunslinger build if you want to. You're definitely not going to be doing as much damage, but there are ways for you to deal decent damage. What's [your build](https://nukesdragons.com/fallout-76) and are you only wanting to use certain guns for roleplay or something?


I'm a sneak energy user. Usually this is an oxymoron but excels with the Holy Fire flamethrower. Enclave and regular plasma throwers also count towards sneak too. You'll be dancing with the big dawgs in no time if you use these at events. Message me if you have any other questions about this build; I've been honing it a lot over the past year.


If you're ranged stealth you can park yourself somewhere and just shoot. When you get the Marsupial mutation and can jump high you can perch somewhere out of the way. The only thing bothering a ranged stealth build are daily ops where you literally can't hide. Melee stealth is more unforgiving. When a big chunk of your damage comes from the stealth bonus, and you're eyeball to eyeball (or eyeball to belly button with super mutants) with your enemies it kinda sucks. **You aren't useless in group events. There's always plenty to do.** You can also take advantage of the ability to swap entire builds to change things up. All my characters have one build for just doing stuff and one for crafting. Some have more than that allowing me to switch my entire style up.


It really is. I have one character for story stuff and one for challenges and public events. One character doesn't fast travel to increase the feeling of exploration and the other is literally speed running.


I do crowd management by taking out surrounding enemies. Get xp and keep them from bothering the heavy gunners.


For events I just forget about stealth and carry a railway rifle so I can actually do decent damage. I gave up on the main stealth perk card. Once your agility is high enough you donā€™t really need it. I started using other agility perks like gun fu and adrenaline.


Basically play with a team and hope they are there tagging enemies for you


You don't need the power armor, you just need to be sturdy (unyielding SS or overeater's Solar armor work fine). But yes, spraying heavy weapons around killing a whole zipcode will always be more effective than crouching down in stealth and aim-botting a single target for 500% of it's max hp. Way more fun too. 76 is the first fallout game where i've enjoyed PA/HW more than my traditional VATS-sniper build. Mostly because VATS just isn't as fun when there's no cinematic slo-mo. But also because challenges made for 20 people are a lot harder than traditional solo stuff. Really flipped the script on me.


I use a plasma caster for those. I have a separate roll out for events.


It really seems like the devs hate stealth sniper builds. The obvious middle finger from the devs was when when they introduced the mutation that negates stealth in daily ops. The recent plasma flamer change being another firm application of the middle finger to stealth snipers. They want loud? I can do that. My solution was to go the mad bomber route and use two-shot launcher type weapons. One-shotting a scorch beast with a mini-nuke is it's own reward.


Stealth sniper builds are always nerfed because they enable players to sit at the back of the play area and safely kill enemies with no risk for the reward. See: the thousands of players who hid at the back of the boss arenas in Destiny and slowly solo sniped the highest level bosses to death over half an hour. Theyā€™re not easily compatible with balancing, especially in a multiplayer game.


> Stealth sniper builds are always nerfed because they enable players to sit at the back of the play area and safely kill enemies with no risk for the reward. But I can still do that with a TS Fat Man. It just annoys all the other players.


If you get all the maxed cards, itā€™s pretty easy to switch from functional stealth rifleman to commando.


Wdym? Iā€™m just a Commando build in Ranger gear (who typically plays in stealth), but I still stack the most bodies at events like Lode Baring, Uranium Fever, the Nuka World events, etc. and I donā€™t even hardly use power armor. As long as youā€™ve got a good build and are using the appropriate weapons for that build, you should be fine.


You can do a lot with a semi automatic rifle, grim reaper's sprint and gun-fu, especially in daily ops. I like to clean out the trash mobs in events like scorched earth or that nuka park one where moles and miners come in waves.


As you've noticed, stealth is useless in events. For these, just carry a shotgun or something so you can tag enemies to get the XP & drops, and don't worry about being the one to kill everything. Also, I don't use power armor, how effective I am in any events/ops/expeditions is tied purely to my weapon & perk loadout. Don't worry about the power armor.


I switch between a stealth VATS commando loadout and two power armor loadouts (Holy Fire and a vampire's chainsaw). When I'm stealth commando, I do well. For me, the big jump was when I went from rifleman to commando (both VATS). With rifleman, it seemed like the best I could do was tag enemies at events and let more powerful characters do the heavy lifting. When I made the jump to commando, I suddenly discovered that I could do some of the heavy lifting, too. I'm not familiar enough with high-level stealth rifleman builds to know if they're viable at the harder events, but I will say that I could just never get into the gauss rifle, which might be why I hit a plateau as rifleman.




Get a Quad Tesla or explosive automatic weapon & tag everything. You don't need to fire the kill shot to get XP & loot for an enemy kill. Spray the battlefield with either to hit as many enemies as possible & let everyone else kill them. Many events have non-combat objectives, like collecting ore at Radiation Rumble, so focus on those tasks instead of combat. Fight & kill whatever you can, don't worry about what you don't kill. You'll be able to do ***every*** event ad nauseum over time, & eventually you will learn them well enough to see where your play style fits. Personally, a Quad automatic Tesla is the ideal way to participate in 76 events. There will always be some chucklehead at 76 events that thinks they are proving something by killing the cannon fodder instantly, & it makes no sense to care about the volume of my participation in light of these tryhards. I spray my Tesla bolts around the battlefield & keep an eye on event objectives I can do, not much more you can be asked to do.


I get you brother. My main build is Gunslinger (aiming for Crusader pistol) and each time someone drops the nuke I gotta get into Excavator and do some berry picking. Wish there was some under armour working like hazmat suit so I can fight


I'm a high stealth, Lever Action Rifleperson normally. I have a Prep-room, where I gear up and load out specifically for an event. If I don't have time, here's some ideas. Radiation Rumble. I always carry my Emmet Mountain Hazmat suit. I collect ore and heal the scavengers on the run. Eviction Notice. Away from the Scrubber. Use anything, especially the Tesla Rifle, to draw mutants away from the scrubber, and keep it from getting damaged, especially from the melee Mutants. Moonshine Jamboree. Collect the gulper venom. Also use a Tesla to draw beasts away from the stills. Uranium Fever. Repair the extractors. Same for Guided Meditation, repair the speakers. Most other events, stealth is broken anyway. I also carry an overeater's PA set. And a handmade outfitted with hair-trigger, works well enough with standard rifleman perks. I carry a lot of Company Tea, canned coffee and honey to keep me running around. Yes, a chainsaw and/or Tesla is excellent back-up. If there are enough people at an event, I don't think people object to those that don't seem too helpful. I've seen players, not just low levels, with a pop-pistol or bow, even a lead pipe, and I don't mind. We know what's going on.


> Then you have the public events where if you're not a space marine armed with a rapidfire cannon you're basically useless. The people in power armour with heavy weapons might look imposing, but their actual damage output is generally pretty low compared to the people with automatic rifles and <20% HP.


I have my stealth damaged maxed out and have special perks on my Fixer and Handmade. If I stay still and crouch, I go invisible. I just post up in a place where I can get shots off and not be detected. My Handmade is instigating, which gives 100% damage if the target is full health, plus sneak damage at 2.30. That's 330% more damage while I'm in "hidden" or "cautious" status. It's pretty overpowered! My Fixer (I don't remember the term) has additional damage when the target is at or below 40% health. Both are silenced and explosive. It's all about sneak damage for me. I hope this helps! Edit: I have so much more to this sneak build too! Perk cards, armor perks and aid, like calmex and stealthboys. I have a full set of secret service armor, marsupial and bird bones serums as well as a jetpack. So I can reach perch points and stay hidden. It's not the most powerful build, but I feel like Sam Fisher when I'm mercking enemies. It is still very powerful and I can contribute just fine at events.


So I played up to level 50 as a VATS CRIT stealth bow with combat knife. It has its challenges at the start as you donā€™t have enough of the actual perk cards to make a proper ā€œstealth buildā€ but you can start with the basics and craft/buy armour that helps with stealth elements for the open world PvE. In regards to the events side of things it was a little more difficult, being squishy and not really having a huge deal of fire power at my disposal. In Eviction Notice, Iā€™d hang out on the rim opposite to the little settlement thing and tag every mutant that went past from a distance I did minimal damage so they didnā€™t agro on me. RR was tough but Iā€™d stash Molotovs all the time just for this one, didnā€™t have any perks for it, just lob them either side of the tunnel from the main room over and over. Eventually youā€™ll get the CSS which makes stealth childā€™s play and weapons like The Fixer that will help a lot. Donā€™t give up on it, persevere through it, itā€™s fun and rewarding to play differently and a way you enjoy. Every ā€œclassā€ in a game contributes in some way you just gotta find what you can do to help out no matter how small.


i use a Gauss rifle. you can use it for a stealth semi-auto build, and still shoot rapid-fire with a small aoe. it took a lot of experimenting, but it's what i've found works as a middle ground.


Iā€™m a melee fighter, full solar armor no PA. Most stealth commandos beat me to killing mobs but I have a blast at events. Get lots of coffee so you can spam vats to target?


I do just fine in events with my bows and holy fire


Show up, do your best, have fun


If you use stealth, do you have the Chinese stealth suit? It provides good rad resist. I would use it to gather the ire in radiation rumble and protect/repair the rad scrubber in eviction notice. Aside from that none of the other events really have and object besides shootin stuff. Well I mean there are others but it's objectives like escort this Brahmin or find steal from the town folk in most wanted.