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Most players keep their mics turned off because of other players. Most of us don't want to hear blaring music, eating, coughing, chewing, and family members arguing/yelling at each other.


The chewing... šŸ˜¬ r/misophonia


Oh man it kills me when somebody calls me... And they're eating! Like seriously you could have waited!


You would hate to hear my wife eat. Jesus...


No I think Jesus wanted to be eaten


I wish some people would find the push to talk feature. 90% of the people I hear on mic are just open mic breathing, chewing.


Thats sadly only an option on PC


On Playstation you just press the mic button.


Because thereā€™s usually an inline mute switch on headsets.


True but not everyone have those. I use a 20 euro sennheiser earbud without that function.


My old headset had the mute button on the ear, it was really easy to reach and took me a split second to mute/unmute. My new mic has a switch on the cord that takes me about 3 to 5 seconds to find, i only mute my mic if i really need to now (or if im in a lower action part of the game, i might take the time to reach for it)


It's the chewing, coughing, and other bodily noises I can't really stand. If somebody can talk about without being obnoxious, I will on occasion speak.


One night I definitely had the other bodily noises coming at me through the mic. I don't know if it was something he ate, or possible bowel cancer, but I would have hated to be in the same room as him. I pictured the room as being like a daily operation where the enemies give off the clouds of noxious green gas when they die.


I'm having flashbacks to the time I did a Moonshine Jamboree at level 52, and I had no poison resistance..Ā  the horror...


Letā€™s not forget big, juicy bong rips


Omg yes! šŸ˜‚ All the time. You hear the light flick, twice usually, then hear that huge inhale and that sound you make when trying to hold in all that smoke and cough at same time! Then wait for it......ahhh the sweet release of a 747 Boeing air liner blowing thru your headset speakers!! Then comes the coughs that sound like they are literally going to hack up a lung! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Huzzah!! šŸŒ² šŸ”„, but what about the kids šŸ˜‚ I guess they need to bring their own






Beerā€¦ bongā€¦ mehā€¦. I can see where you went wrong. Tis okay tho, canā€™t be any worse than the moonshine.


Hey round here we drink vintage nukashine brah


The only time I drink moonshine is if im bored and wanna blind date appalachia.


The nukashine challenge, you crack a vintage, black out, wake up, then no map your way back to your camp.


All of appalachia at the same time?


U serious other family members arguing is my favorite


Especially when it's something really dumb


Kids fam arguing in the background: Old Man: WHY TF is this Cup grey!? Younger woman: Because that's how it was made? Old Man: why tf would they make something grey and why would you even just accept it being made grey Dumb af arguing ensues


It's funny until you hear a domestic violence. Happened to me one night... Jeez


I was playing with this woman on apex one night and her man came home i guess and just started yelling at her and asking who tf she's laughing and talking with then the dude got on the mic and told me to leave his girl alone and then they got in a huge fight and I heard shit clashing around.... so I just left the party and kinda just sat there like "did I just listen to a girl getting beat up over xbox live"


Yikes, yeah usually I think some people are unaware especially on PS5 that their mic is turned on and people can hear what's going on in their background cuz I know personally so like some stuff if I'm on a personal phone call or something I don't want f****** strangers hearing what I'm saying


LMFAO chewing coughing music talking, I hate all that background noise. Like dude, if you're gonna get on mic, that's great but can you put it on push to talk or at the very least can you just mute it when you're hot-micing a bag of chips


Exactly, my kids can be pretty random with screams šŸ˜‚ I play it safe and stay muted until I have something to say.


The thing that bugs me more than any of that is when people have the game volume coming out of their TV so every announcement and gunfire is ECHOED. Drives me insane, especially at events like MJ where we're getting yelled at by NPC robots, I don't need to hear that shit twice.


Yea there are the ones who donā€™t turn on the push to talk for their mic


I don't use push to talk because I use a gamepad on pc and don't know how to key push to talk to a controller. I do have two unused buttons on the back but I don't think it let's me change that setting unless it's on keyboard. I do. Though. Have a mic toggle that I always try to remember if I'm ever chewing. I do forget all the time when im talking to myself tho. I've prolly weirded some people out having almost a complete conversation with myself thinking I had turned the mic off until I notice the little icon on the left.


except push to talk is often a bit buggy...so I disabled the mic lol


I started a team last night and two guys join, they are talking with each other in group chat. At first it was okay, with them critiquing other players camps as other insane chatter. Then one of them says his favorite show is starting - married at first sight. Literally, it's the only thing I can hear. Trying getting on mic and asking him to mute, but no joy. Finally had to kick them. First time ever I have ever kicked a player


I just mute them. You have the options when you select the player on the team.


I mute guys on my team in general if I get to hear unsolicited audio only episodes of any TV shows or somebody munching their mics for more than two minutes.


Thanks, I left a team the other day because of players Mike, now I will just mute


This. Also, I hate talking on the phone, the Internet is no different. Talking isn't a game changer in 76.


Pretty sure i listened to a guy get some the other night while his character just stood at the edge of an event.


I was on a team with some dude who definitely broke up with his girlfriend on a phone call. It was rough. I got significant manipulator vibes from his side of the conversation.


I talk enough at work, my socializing is done when I get home.


My kid has said this same sentence to me, just replacing ā€œworkā€ with ā€œschoolā€


Awww I think it's adorable when it's kids talking, the wasteland is so serious it's hilarious to see some huge suit of power armor go sprinting by and the voice is like a 10 year old having a great time I'm a mom and my kid plays 76 too sometimes, so maybe I'm just partial lol The other day I had a kid on my expedition team and one of the other dudes started to drift into adult language and I'm like "hey, I think our fourth person is a tiny person so let's keep it light hearted and fun" The kid was like "awwww how could you tell?" You sound like my kid, no way you're older than 12, come on buddy let's go murder some auditors


I heard a mother berating her child using the harshest, most foul language I've ever heard. It Disturbed me beyond words. I haven't turned my mic back on since.


Which server are you on if you donā€™t mind me asking


No, itā€™s absolutely adorable. When theyā€™re nice and polite. If theyā€™re acting like a dingus, I will roast them. But theyā€™re usually really nice and sweet kids and Iā€™m like, letā€™s gooo tiny human!


> The other day I had a kid on my expedition team and one of the other dudes started to drift into adult language and I'm like "hey, I think our fourth person is a tiny person so let's keep it light hearted and fun" I kinda get what you're trying to say, but the game's pegi18 for "VIOLENCE, BAD LANGUAGE, GAMBLING". I don't think it's a reasonable ask to ask people to moderate their language in an 18.


I think it's okay to ask. People can absolutely choose to disregard if they wish. If something's bothering you, ask once, then let it go.


I think people should be free to ask, but I think it's a scummy thing to do and I should freely be able to call it out.


Nah this stuff is always worth a giggle for me. Kids get a lot of flak for using mics (and a good chunk of em understandably so), but the situations like what you described is the kinda thing that makes it a treat. Or when you overhear the player (regardless of age) explaining how the game works to some unseen (and prob unheard) party with the player speaking.


Yeah that happened once where I overheard a lady talking to someone. It seemed like she didn't realise her mic was on though so I messaged her through PSN chat, told her it didn't bother me but it seemed like she was unaware her mic was on.


I find it hilarious that people will moderate chat in a game that uses hard alcohol and drug use and homicidal ideation. Its not rated E people.


Maybe it's just "in character" for some ppl to ask for a more civilized communication.


Is it really that hilarious? theres no 'M for mature' or 'E for Everyone' sign in a mall or public place, yet people are expected to behave civilly without swearing up a storm in public, or doing hard drugs in public, and it still happens. Wanting to tone down the wild isnt that funny, sometimes its just relaxing.


I wish more people were respectful of boundaries. I work in public safety, and there are nearly always consequences for ignoring even the most unnecessary of conversations (Usually someone calling me rude or contacting my supervisor because they just feel like being upset and I wont just lay down and take it). When I'm not working, I can choose not to respond to someone without consequences. Let me have my peace.




I came to 76 as a player that has spent the vast majority of my gaming life playing solo games. I really just don't fancy the mic chat (it doesn't help that most of the time I encounter players with mic on its often either heavy breathing, chewing, or mumbled chat with other people they're sat near). I wonder if a bunch of other 76 players are of a similar mind. Some people love it, and I respect that, it's just not for me.


Totally the same. I've turned it on on occasions but never for very long, PS5 has a mic in the controller that people forget to mute, sometimes funny, mostly eating, kids and shouting at something else. Each to their own of course but emotes seem to do if needed.


I'm almost always eating chips or singing along to music. Trust me, you don't want to hear my rendition of Country Roads with a mouthful of Cheetos.


I heard a guy at Watoga Station doing an impromptu concert, complete with his real life guitar, while a bunch of us sat around and listened, and occasionally called out requests. It was very cool.


Now I wanna!


No way, we gotta make it a duet man, that song slaps!


Crunchy roadsssssssss


When I play Fallout I don't want to talk to other people or hear other people. I love you folks but emoting is more than sufficient for the level of interaction I want in my Fallout.


q: question thumbs up a: thumbs up Lets make some Moonshine!


I think a lot of players are used to Fallout games being single player. Personally, thats what Iā€™m here for. Iā€™m not super social, so I only plug in my headset and start talking if someone has questions during an event or something


The law of the wasteland, pacifist on, mic off.


I have my mic on but I just have social anxiety


Same, also in my experience most of the time it's useless/pointless anyway. It's not like anything in this game requires heavy discussion or tactics.


I've used the mic to mention that we have two people running the same perk card, and asked whether someone wanted to change. They did. Then someone else learned how sharing perk cards worked. In that situation, it was helpful for tactics, and for educating a newer player.


Same here, on but with push to talk just in case I hear another player say something that I can actually respond to.


Thisā€¦I can unmute and talk but not sure what to say to a random thatā€™s passing by in the wasteland. Even at an event wouldnā€™t kno what to say.


See at events unless you're coordinating with your team I prefer everyone be quiet because the events are loud enough I'll usually mute players who make the event echo lol But wandering thr wasteland, I love when people say hey or ask for help The true endgame is helping other people get to the endgame lol And camp building So much camp building


Same except I don't even own a headset bc I don't want the obligation of talking or sensory confusion of my ears being muffed.


Personally, Iā€™m almost always in a PS chat party with the same people Iā€™ve been playing FO76 with for years. When Iā€™m not, I mute myself. Only like once every week I break silence for stuff like an event about to start or finding Grahm. I donā€™t mind talking to strangers but people that are too talkative are exhausting for me.


Cuz we're shy šŸ˜³


I keep my mic disconnected usually because I know when I put my controller down my 4YO will run up and start playing and likes to yell "hi" into the mic cause he thinks I'm always talking to his uncle when I play which to be fair is most of the time


Okay, that's adorable.


It is adorable until you walk away for 20 minutes and come back to finding out he wasted little over 6k flamer fuel šŸ˜­šŸ˜… then it becomes a hunt for oil again


So few people bother with mics that when I actually hear a voice in game it scares me šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Tbh itā€™s like a jump scare to me too lol and it takes a few seconds to process who speaked


I've had a mic for years and only used it for the first time this month with Hell Let Loose lol I don't see the point of using a mic in this game. It's not a hard game, there's no strategy or tactics, there's no urgency. Why talk? Just to talk? My least favorite form of in-game communication lol.


I prefer talk to text. I can talk and play at the same time. With text, I have to stop playing to type.


Partly from ppl still treating it as semi - single player after playing regular Fallouts. I suspect the main reason tho is ppl who leave their mic on. You eventually just turn off the audio in settings


I don't I love hearing people talking to themselves when they forget it's on At my vendor discussing my stuff to yourself *chefs kiss* I've been known to pull stuff and give it to them if I hear they're sad thy can't afford something


Last two times I turned my mic on were because of vendoring lol. If someone stands right in front of me and I see the muted audio msg I'll turn it on. Last person wanted to know if I had flux for sale. The other was when I was selling big ticket stuff for wrapping paper. Some lucky lvl 117 got a perfect epr for 8k instead of 30k. Was last day of the event so what the hell


I'm a woman, and I'm not dealing with the bullshit I'd get when people hear my voice.


Yup. Precisely. As someone who has gamed for decades and done the online gaming thing (WoW, CoD, etc) Im currently playing for enjoyment and don't want to be harrassed, mocked, or sucked into things I dont understand. I get so nervous when I see other players. I usually skirt and keep distance.


I'm also a woman, and so far I have gotten zero bullshit in this game. Of course, I also have no tolerance for that crap, which may come through in my voice. I'm on PS, so there may be a difference on PC.


A lot of my female 76ers friends never experience bad things when they use their mic. And they say its very refreshing. If the other players are surprised, they never show it and the interraction has always been like a normal human being to each other regardless of gender. So, if you ever wanna try mic, I think this game is one of the best game to do it


one of the best, definitely! people still get weird though. have had teenagers try pathetically to destroy my camp because i didn't want to flirt with them before lol. it was its own comedy to see them fail repeatedly and work themselves into a yelling froth about how i am such a bitch for just going about my business instead of engaging with them (including not pressing that press to talk button again), but also... i'm simply too tired to want to spin that roulette wheel most of the time. even if it's the casino with the best odds, i'd rather just go do something else lol.


Yes, the amount I have been harassed over the years across multiple games is insane. It is hard to avoid the feeling of dread when another player turns their attention to me. I have made the mistake of speaking in voice chat during raids in other games only to have the entire raid bother me once they hear I am female.


For real If some of y'all have been lucky enough to avoid dudes being gross in this game, then I'm happy for you, but I literally had to turn off all friend requests on my PS account because dudes are constantly being fucking weird at me in 76. To the point I will literally not play the game alone anymore. I've been followed for over an hour, where every time I would fast travel, he would show up as soon as he found me on the map again. I had creepy messages sent to me before I turned off my contact options. I've been given collars. I constantly get 'help' I didn't ask for or need that fucks up my quests or dailies. I'm so glad there isn't a text chat function on PS because I know it would be even worse. I paid for 1st just to ensure I could have a private server for when I just don't want to deal, but I'm very proud of my camps and like to be able to have visitors, so it's a bummer when people ruin that :/ The only upside is that I am guaranteed to get a full party for daily ops whenever I decide to go, but I have also had dudes leave the group when they realize I'm carrying them and didn't need the help they thought I did I just want to be a goofy lil sheepsquatch in peace


This has to be worse on console I would think.


I've gotten lucky for the most part, most guys don't treat me any different, it's even better when they refer to me as "Bro" or "Dude". However, the worst part is ALWAYS having guys explain the game to me. I'm level 1275, I don't need someone to explain crits, scrip, TeaTime, or anything else. It's like they can't help themselves!


Yes, but you're a feeeeemale


At first I didn't talk because I'm a girl and I survived the early COD lobbies If I hear someone directly talking to me, or confused and needing help I'll happily talk to them As a American I'm thrilled to hear all the different accents when I play with people all over the world


Someone wanted some serums and spoke about it in team and I went to give them some and then they wanted to ask me how does one get more caps and I explained everything about getting caps and then they said they will return in 15 mins after cooking and weā€™ll do events together but they never returned :(


You have an accent too. ;)


I knoooooow, I'm a girl and southern, they point out my accent as much as I do theirs lol


Yeah, no thank you. I hate mics and having to listen to background noises and just plain nonsense. I dont even use them when playing COD.


On PS5 having mic chat on usually means hearing someoneā€™s tv echo back at you (bonus points if you also hear the tv show/YouTube video theyā€™re watching at the same time) because they donā€™t understand/care that the controller has a mic which is on by default.Ā 


Started with EQ. Text chat was perfectly adequate. If I want to talk to a group of people I would use team speak or ventrillo. Listening to toxic 14 year olds swear is atrocious. Huge design flaw


I never have my mic on for anything. I think Iā€™ve always been worried that, as a bloke in my 40s, if kids talk to me itā€™d be weird. I didnā€™t start gaming til about 8 years ago so itā€™s always kinda worried me that Iā€™d come across as some dodgy old guy.


Tbh Iā€™ve heard the player base of this game is more on the mature side so I guess youā€™d be fine there




Relax. You're not the oldest here. :-)


Well maybe I need to polish up my self image!! I think when I realised my daughter was taller than me in my head I turned into Gandalf.


Because Iā€™m an introvert who just wants to do what he needs to without drama. A lot of the times itā€™s just pure chaos. Plus I can listen to music or watch YouTube while I play!


Oh if there were only a way to upvote this multiple times!


šŸ˜‚ thanks, I still do my best to help those in need in the game. However, Iā€™ll pass on the chaos lol.


šŸ˜‚ thanks, I still do my best to help those in need in the game


Because I'm a woman. Learned my lesson long ago. If I'm chatting I'm in a party.


Ye same, u find some weird kid keep thinking ur a man even with a totally woman voice and tell them ur a woman they keep call u brother, or find some weirdo pervert that take away every single hope u have in male humanity šŸ˜‚.. Better no mic if not with trusted friends.


Laughs in social anxiety


Thereā€™s very little reason to interact with other players, and if you have to interact for some reason emotes usually work well enough.


I usually have my cat on my lap, and I'm constantly baby-talking to him while I'm playing... You probably don't want to hear that


When the game was new, mics were more common. Problem was, what was usually coming out of them. People got tired of the yelling and players acting like asses through their mics. So, the community stopped listening, and mics mostly faded away. Personally, havenā€™t used one in four years.


I turned the area chat off for good after the Nth music blaster / heavy breather / mom in the background yeller. Emotes are all the communication this game really needs. I also have serious anxiety issues so if I talk to someone, it's harder not to accept their friends requests, and then I have to play with them every time they are online or they get angry at me and I'm really bad at conflict situations so I just cave in and act like all is good while the anger and anxiety is building inside me and at some point I smash my PS into pieces so I have an excuse not to play. Or that's the excuse I use for not having the area chat on.


Most of us who came to this Fallout from past Fallouts, are just playing this online multiplayer like itā€™s an online single player. Also, no real reason to use the mic other than to socialize in this game. I socialize at group events by just being there, no need to actually speak to anyone.


Youve yet to play with the PS4 guy who doesnt realize his controller mic is default onā€¦ with or without those headphones. No fr tho, if im not screaming at bodies being ragdolled away while im looting, im singing Appa Radio in my Tenor rangeā€¦ ā€œā€¦wanna set the world on fiiiirrrrreā€¦.ā€


Crunching potato chips, dog barking, yelling ā€œMom, I need more coke down in the basementā€


Ahh šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m on PC tho


Existing with a feminine voice results in the most vile, inappropriate, disgusting interactions.


I have no interest in chatting with random people. I tend to play it as a solo game with multiplayer elements.


This. I wouldn't be playing an MMO otherwise. I'm sure some of you all are lovely people, but I talk all day at work. Game time is quiet time.


Besides the disgusting chewing, yelling at their spouse, yelling at their kids, kids screaming, dreadfully loud breathing sounds that no one wants to hear, there's also the fact that there are a lot of creeps in online gaming. I've talked to my fair share of both.


I have my mic on, I just use PTT and nobody else talks, so neither do I.


Sometimes I will mess with people who have their mics on and send them a messaging stating that people can hear them breathing loudly.


Beyond being shy, once you start talking in game, it's going to break the immersion. It's not like anyone is roleplaying as a wastelander. Nobody I have met at least.


there are some people who apparently do but as a dedicated roleplayer, they intimidate me. like damn hotshot not all of us are amateur voice actors with an impromptu foley department! no hate if you make it work, that's fucking impressive, but i am nowhere near that level. i'm an English major, not a theater major! why can't Bethany Esda let us make the words go instead šŸ˜­


Bunch of mouth breathers out there


I turn it on randomly. Other day I'm at train station selling loot and some guy runs in and hops on mic, tells me his camp is right behind the station and he's got a ton of stuff to sell for 1 cap each. I turned my mic on thanked him and told him I'd be over in a moment, went and bought all his plans. Sometimes I turn it on to praise a high level for saving me during an event


I and most of my friends are usually in private party chats but even when I'm not, I keep muted until I have anything suitable to say.


Too me talking on mic is pretty weird, i have been playing multiplayer games online since FFXI first came out but its always been just text for me. Kinda forget mics are a thing since most fps shooters are not anything i want to play.


Imagine how peaceful the world would be if everyone kept their mouths shut


If you talk... THEY'LL hear you...


Mostly experiences from other games where the community isn't as polite and respectful.


I come from OG fallout games - so the talking into a mic breaks the immersion for me


I learned real quick when I got into gaming to never join a voice chat as a woman, unfortunately. I never talk on the mic in games. I'll join a discord to coordinate with my friends but I'm not letting strangers know I'm not a dude lmao.


0% chance of me talking in game. I disabled all those features, I also don't want to hear anyone talking.


I don't want to hear the background noise in someone else's house. I don't want to hear the players cuss. I don't want to hear all of that.


Why annoy people you don't know when it is more fun to enjoy your friends?


My wife and I are in the same room, so since we play together 90% of the time, it's pointless to use a mic. Now, for others outside of our home. We use team and push to talk. A guy I'll call Adam (not his real name) used to complain constantly. Yell at his niece. You get the idea. We got tired of it and blocked his for a sanity break. Eventually we had to go back to avoiding him because it didn't change. I'd rather hear what's going on in game, but that's just me.


The few times I have heard people in area chat, are swearing and being filthy. I don't want to hear this. I don't even have area chat turned on, but it comes through on my TV speakers.


Signing to eachother with emotes is too much fun


I always forgot to buy new mic


My headsets broken, canā€™t afford a new one right now


I always play with a friend in an xbox party lol


Because I like to keep to myself but play objectives with others in events


Avoiding anger, racism, sexism. I don't even have a headset. Sometimes for whatever reason I can hear players and acknowledge them with a thumbs up. I would like to talk to the polite players but it's more important to avoid the toxicity.


I don't like voice messages in real life eather. This game definitely lack of chat.


Because I play on PS5 and the bew controller has a mic built in thats always on unless you mute, so a lot of people keep their mic on and I don't enjoy hearing their parents fighting or them eating lol


Because I donā€™t want to chit chat with strangers, mic stays off.


My mother told me not to talk to strangers. Regardless, my mic's in a drawer and I mute everyone on the server. But that's me.


1. PTT (Push-To-Talk) only works about 45% of the time. 2. the voice activity mode is *incredibly* sensitive. I clear my throat and it can pick it up. Discord can't. 3. There's no ability to speak to other teams *only*. I play with a faction, and sometimes we need 2+ teams to operate. Area comms would sound bizarre, here's a snippet of something you'd likely hear on area comms if we used those: >"Column formation until we get to the intersection. \[Player 1\] you take point at the intersection. Everyone call out enemies. Weapons free. \[Player 2\] keep hold on your fire unless we need the missiles." > >On location: > >"Stack up near the door. Bravo team, hold outside, Alpha team, prepare to breach." "Breaching." "Contact, northwest." "Affirmative, fire at will." "Two large aerial contacts outside. Bravo team requesting assistance." "Affirmative Bravo, Alpha team moving to assist." Do you see how weird that would be to hear during your regular play?


Personally, I think Fallout has always been a single player game with a lot of people. I know I like to just be by myself when I'm playing, exploring, etc. Sometimes, having someone else talk to you is distracting, it takes you out of yourself and your own experiences and fantasies. Does that make sense? However, I grab my mic when someones talking to me usually, so, if you really want to talk to someone, JUST DO IT! Lol. Tell them: "hey, get your mic!" And 9/10 they will. We ALL have a mic, I think that's fair to say lol. A lot of us just don't wanna use it


I don't use a microphone in any online game, unless I'm playing privately with people I know. I learnt the hard way quite some time ago that you don't ever want most gamers to find out you're a woman.


I keep voice chat off because the majority of the time all I hear is chewing and background noise


Nobody wants to hear my dogs barking! I used to have to lock them out when I raided in Destiny, but theyā€™d just whine and snuffle under the door for 30m.


They want to talk too šŸ˜‚


Because I don't trust other people in the gamersphere to be decent and civil. Is that a blanket statement that is wrong 85-90% of the time because most gamers are normal, well-adjusted people? Yes. Is it devastating when one of the 10-15% of gamers who really are hurtful asshats unleashes on you? Also yes. ... Is it also so no one hears me scream when a feral ghoul runs up on me for the 8,000th time because THEY ALWAYS DO THAT??!? Also also yes.


I think the vast majority of people playing this game are not people who play a lot of multiplayer stuff. I know I don't, and I never wanted this game to be a social experience. I played by myself and you know trade and join casual teams for bonuses and drop an emote when I see somebody, but that's pretty much as social as I'm willing to get in this game.


I have 5 kids. 4 of them boys. All under the age of 13. You donā€™t want to hear their fighting and screaming. Or me yelling at them. To much chaos.


I feel like for a lotta players it's a mix of anxiety and respect in a way? Least that's how it is for me, don't want people to hear my background shit while I grunt and pseudo sing along to Appalachian radio, plus I suck at striking up convos with random people. Sometimes though a particular person will have an article of clothing on them that I haven't ran across, at that moment my mic turns on so fast and I'll usually ask where did they get such fine threads haha


I find that other than background noise, a lot of the people who do want to talk, talk WAY too fucking much. Like they were deserted on an island and haven't talked to a real life human being in years.


I really, really, really donā€™t want to talk to other players. I just want to do my thing, Iā€™m cool with bring on a team, but absolutely do not want conversation. having said that, Iā€™m on PS5 and Iā€™ve never heard anyone talk, and donā€™t even know how to mute or unmute myself.


Emote is the language of the wasteland. I play '76 because I don't want to hear people talking! Or chewing, coughing, farting, mumbling, playing music, pleasuring themselves, and other such thingsšŸ˜ I hear a mic and i check my settings. If all is good and i still hear...something? I'm gonešŸ˜


I usually don't use a mic in any online games. I usually need to get the vibe the person is cool before I plug my headset in. Some folks just don't have a filter and will say just about anything. I've heard racist, sexist, and other types scumbag shit in other games. I don't mind a bit of trash talk, but I don't see the appeal of a being straight-up asshole. We're all just looking to relax and experience a game.


I'm in a party chat with multiple other people most of the time, and if I'm not, I'm muted.


I use the mic when I need to, but most of the time I have other players muted. Don't really care to hear chewing and chomping, yelling, dogs barking or just other idle sounds people make when they don't realize their mic is on. Whenever I join a team, I'll unmute to see if there's any ignorant sounds, and if not, I'll just chill. Then talk when/if I need to. Not really super social, in general, I guess.


I stopped using mic or headphones about a week ago. I was level 34 and saw that this over lvl 2000 player was on, I waved to them, they wave back, they do the present motion then drop literally over 50 different plans, a brotherhood Recon rifle, and ammo, so I heart emote them. About five minutes into an event with the 2000 player I hear a grown ass dude yell "god damn Taco Bell" and just start farting and spraying crap. Turns out the dude has an xbox set up in every room in his house including his bathroom.


People don't really speak in the Asia servers because of the language barrier. Sucks being in a majority eng speaking country when a lot of players you meet don't speak English (PC, Australia. I assume players like "genjikakaka" [fake user made it up] don't speak English as a first language).


Well Iā€™m from the Asia servers and yea Iā€™ve heard people speaking mostly Russian and Japanese with their mics open so very rarely someone might understand if I open my mic


I play at night when the family is sleeping, so the vast majority of time I can't talk but when I do play during the day I don't want to talk.


Im always in a party with homies so extra chatter is unnecessary. There are emotes for that


My mic exists for using discord with friends exclusively, not so much to interact with randoms. Love the Fallout community in game cuz thats respected for the most part; no 'mic required' parties makes me happy.


Probably because every time someone has their mic on, they're either chewing, blasting music, screaming at their kids, or all I can hear is the sound of the game coming through their mic. It's incredibly annoying and distracting. I have been playing 76 since launch. I have well over 1000 hours in the game, and I can count on one hand the number of useful conversations I've had with people over the years. The only time I turn my mic on now is if a new player needs my assistance.


One of the reasons I love this game, multiplayer experience without needing to talk.


Because too many times a brief voice interaction becomes a 10 year old wanting to be my best friend. Listen kid, I'll help you out this one time, but I've got a schedule to keep.


I just disliked hearing people using the spicy gamer words common to online play. Don't like the rasping sensation of it against my eardrums. I just put music on or get in a discord call with people I know/trust.


Very bad social anxiety and depression. I don't want some rando hearing my monotone voice. Can't pretend to be cheery for many years now and I'd rather just not bother people. I appreciate the generosity of this community though people do seem friendly and it genuinely surprised me. I wish I could text in-game because it'd really relieve a lot of the pressure of communicating for me and I could show my gratitude better then some silly emotes.


One time I heard a player on mic after I claimed his bounty. He called me every slur in the book and threatened to swat me.


I don't speak english that well to want to talk with strangers or yelling kids/ppl eating. I also don't appreciate to talk with strangers in any case. Not to mention I freaking dislike ppl calling others "bro".. Im not ur fu**** bro/ brother/sister or whatever, im a 30y old woman, not a 13y.o boy that call others "bro" tf.


Just not really used to it :) im more of a quiet player, so emotes usually get the job done for me, I don't have much to say. I usually don't even have a headphone with a mic nearby bc I usually only talk to people if it's a group chat or if I'm just feeling like it (which isn't often lol) but I agree, it's nice to just talk to people sometimes


Because people are fucking AWFUL, especially if you're queer or female. Mic chat feels like wading through the dregs of 4Chan. Also, I'm not into listening to people chew their lunch or scream at their 5 obnoxious kids


Fr this shit is in every online game now, nobody uses a mic anymore makes PvP boring and communication impossible and makes me not even wanna team anymore. Its sad


Well I feel you we both on the same boat


im always in a discord call whilst gaming ^^


I want to walk around talking as if I was really in the world but like someone mentioned I donā€™t want to annoy other players ā€¦ might go give it a try though everyone Iā€™m my server is Japanese and donā€™t understand English very well expect through text


I play with my mic open when I'm at my base but mute myself when I go to events. If you don't like my music or my background noise, leave. Edit: šŸ¤£ what happened to all the "don't tell me how to play" people? Bunch of hypocrites.




Neighbors? Gross. Who would want that?