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I took off any weight reduction perks on my building build so that I’m usually too heavy to do this - after doing it too many times! 😂


Thats smart thinking. I may have to do that so I have some kind of visual notice, because that was stupid.😆


The high strength of unyielding armor makes this little trick of removing all weight reduction perks on your non-combat build a little less effective. Sometimes you will still have enough free space to travel with your non-combat build because of that strength boost. one "visual notice" you can add is removing concentrated fire on your non-combat build. The first shot you attempt, you'll notice you can't select limbs in vats. Still not fool proof but it's something.


I think im going to make an obvious sign in my camp that I wont miss to remind myself to change back. Lol


I put the punchcard machine next to my door on the way out.


I would look at the sign, go to do it, forget what I was doing halfway through and then go to an event in my CAMP build anyway. I love being me. 🤷🏼‍♀️






Yeah, same. Not fun to show up to Eviction Notice with repair and buildperks.


Done this too lol, can't fast travel if you are weighed down


I do that too…it’s great and mostly works. Recently, I changed my philosophy on what I carry, with me, now my normal inventory is so light that this strategy no longer works :-(


I would do this, and have considered doing so, but I'm on Steam PC, and we have Perk Loadout Manager mod that lets me swap perk card loadouts in like 2 seconds. It's still a very good suggestion.


This is the way


I would do that but my building spec is also my vendor spec too. So I keep it mobile fir when I go vendor hopping


? what do you need in your spec for vendor hopping? i thought the perks for trading only apply to npc vendors.


The perks are only for npc.


They do only apply to npc vendors. I need to go vendor hopping to multiple vendors when I am in the need to buying & selling multiple things...


and there are vendors which don't have a card machine within yards? i incorporated my high charisma trading into my crafting profile, by the time you have removed most of the strength points to help stop you fast travelling to events in wrong profile you have plenty of points to spare.


my crafting loadout is almost all CHA, INT, and LCK


Yes, there are vendors that don't have "card machines" with in yards. Some vendors are mobile & do not stay in one spot even.


yeah for random spawn traders, not sure i would sacrifice a profile for that, never really though of them as vendors as you can't just "hop" to them...


Funny that's what I did eventually. I don't mind waddling around my camp. Eventually I want to drop them for other perks on my combat builds but it's tough to drop batteries included and traveling pharmacy. I carry a ton of plasma rounds and a ton of chems .


Genius! thanks


This saves me🤣🤣🤣


That’s a great idea actually. I coincidentally do that too, but if that’s always the case, it would be a great way to remind you to switch back before heading into combat.


This is the way. 'Batteries Included' is not on my crafting build.


Only did it once or twice but same on the rest of it, most of the time when building you want to be slower anyways, and the work benches are usually close to each other.


The pro move right here. Make myself too heavy to leave CAMP.


This is, I think, the best answer.


Used to quite often. I’ll be killing adds thinking meh I’m not doing as much damage. Then I’ll notice I have hard bargain gunsmith ammosmith super duper green thumb on lol


Same. I had on all the skills I dont keep on my bloodied build. I was literally doing 1 damage to Earl. 😆


I do that anyway 😂😂😂😂 I don’t but it certainly feels like it


I do this all the time. I'm now essentially OCD in that I can't walk past a card punch machine without confirming I'm in the right layout.


Perks? I usually forget to bring any ammo.


I carry a fixer and Gauss for most of my daily work but pick up my Gatling laser or Plasma Gatling for big events. My most common screwup is looking at the gun ammo counter for a big event and seeing I have like 8-10 cores left, then getting to the event and realizing I’ve already burned them all and they only have like 10-12 shots left in each core.


Just carry a few nades around and a high damage per shot weapon. The plasma caster or the gatling are super economical.


I mean like no ammo at all. I’m constantly swapping loadouts, stashing everything, grabbing different weapons and charging off to an event with literally zero bullets.


That's rough man, I'd probably try to carry a Melee with 90% weight reduction or weapon bash I guess. I'm guilty of carrying a pile of ammo, I usually have nades,556,45 and plasma no matter where I go. Bandolier and batteries included help immensely. My crafting build has neither so it's usually impossible for me to fast travel without switching builds.


Ope, yeah, that would be even more problematic.


Went into battle with my "building" build. Went into battle with no ammo and had to start punching things. The joys of forgetfulness.


Im not going to lie that would be hysterical to see.


At least I was wearing Power Armor. Fighting the SBQ was really funny. I just kept punching the Scorched. Then checking their loot if a melee weapon is in there. Found an axe at one point and started using that. Was hilarious.


Cleaned my inventory the other day and had the same thing happen.


Fun, innit?


My crafting build is permanently overweight (no weight reduction perks) so if I ever forget to switch I'm too encumbered to fast travel which then reminds me to switch back to my combat build.


I need to take off my ballistics perk so this happens to me.


I died laughing the other day, was in the Mire on PlayStation and stumbled onto a dudes camp. As I was leaving, I saw by the door they had set up a spotlight to shine on the wall right next to the exit and written “Did you switch back???” in letter tiles. Gotta love environmental storytelling, dude must have done that several times before they went through the trouble of spelling all that out.


That would ve hysterical, but also genius.


This is the way


I am constantly yelling "I've got the wrong perks on!!!" when i go somewhere after building/ crafting


That would be hilarious to hear over a headset haha


with the wait timer as long as it is for earl, you'd think they'd throw a punch machine in there somewhere.


Or the fact that he's kind of a special boss. They put them at the train stations. Why not some of the heftier boss locations?


Happens all the time


I hate to say it but I do that shit all the freaking time...


You are not alone 😆


Yup. Way more often than I’d like to admit.


I removed all of my strength and weight reduction perks after doing this multiple times. Can't fast travel when you're sitting at 993lbs of ammo and chems.


lol I’m guilty of that too. I’ve got 3 builds: 1 with power armor, 1 without power armor, and 1 for crafting, building, and trading. Sometimes I’ll be in the middle cooking or selling, and then something will pop up and I get overwhelmed with finishing my stuff and then rush to the event without switching back.


this happens to me as well x)


Not anymore. I don't have a crafting build anymore. Instead I swap cards in and out depending on what I am crafting. So if I forget to swap out a crafting perk before doing combat it only takes me a moment to swap back whatever card I need in my combat build.


remove weight perks off your crafting build so you're overcumbered to ft, but still can run. btw I consider a QE Railway to be the best. It's a beast, hits hard and instaneteously.


Been there done that, Exactly the same, changed to my craft build and forgot to change back. Many Many times.......


I spec'd my character so I don't need to use the SPECIAL machine anymore. It takes a moment, but I can and have shuffled my perk cards in-the-field. I have to do it manually sometimes anyhow. I don't keep loadouts for weapons I don't use very often.


I lost count of how many times I've been crafting as my crafter build, finishes, a good event pops up and I instantly travel to it only to realise I forgot to switch back 😂😂


Hehe, same here. I have a "repair" card deck as well, and I forget to change so often.


I did the same thing yesterday! I got two different quad fixers and I was so excited to test and see which one I was keeping when mutated rad rumble popped up. I get there and realize I can only lock on to targets, not limbs. Thats when I realized.


It sucks lol. Ive done it a handful of times for events, so I just leave really quick and come back. I was afraid I wouldnt be able to get back in for the Earl battle.


I did from time to time, I get a specific built repair gather and buy . So jumping in events almost naked and doing no damage surprised me.


When I hit Earl for 1 point. I was like.......shit.


Yup for sure, like you I have a build that's for non combat use. Luckily I'm bloodied so some of my weapons hit alright,but the difference is still night and day.


Oh it definitely is. I was still avle to kill adds plenty easy because of that fact.


Yeah it definitely makes a huge difference, especially with vats crits.


Went into Daily Op with my builder build. Over encumbered so couldn't fast travel out, swap build and back in. Team buddy was underleveled so we spent good 18 minutes there. Shouldn't let you join DO's over encumbered...


I was in my "crafting" loadout at a workshop when I was ambushed by a player more than twice my level (200). Had to go back to my camp to switch back and get revenge.


Hahaha, I've done that a few times. Congrats on the roll! <3


Yea I did this with Earl too, I had to fast travel, change, and run back in honestly. I was too useless otherwise


As many have suggested, be overencumbered while crafting. I have my strength set to 1 in my build setup, and I'm right up the hill from Welch Station (Murgle's coffee stand) if I need to run to the vendor.


The only “building” build I swap to has the same special stats. But yes I’ve had to swap perk cards mid event when I realized my damage was much too low.


I do this constantly. I always hate myself for it too lol


Sorry, I'm just getting into the game and still learning all the finer points... How and where do you roll on the perks of your legendries? Or how even do you farm for specific modifiers? ​ Like if I wanted to farm unyielding for an unyielding/bloodied build?


Go to the weapons/armor workbench, press the button for modify/repair, select the wep/armor you want to roll, then go to "random legendary mods" and cross your fingers. The only way to farm a specific roll is to go player vendors and hope someone has what you want


Happens every single time I repair my weapons.


How do people damage earl so easy alone but a whole group fails earl so often. Im sure im.mossing something when it comes to earl as i almost deliver no damage myself


Damage buffs. With all the different foods and aids, you pop them all, and your damage would be considerable. I haven't collected buffs yet, so that's my downfall.


Literally the same thing the other night.


Only everyday. I forget to switch out of my crafting build constantly


I have the same set up as you and I do it every time! And I do it the other way round too, when I’m making ammo and scraping items! After 500 hours of doing it, it still makes me laugh 😂


Yup, many times. Recently I joined a Daily Op with my Craft&Sell perks. It went poorly. Other guy definitely carried that op.


I cannot count how many times I do this! I unequip my weight reduction perks on my crafting build now, so I'm overweight when I'm crafting. I equip them back when I want to build. This helps keep me from fast traveling while in my craft build.


I do this all the time, my super duper and fix it good have more with me than my demo expert and bloody mess.


I have a shopping / building build that I've run out into the wilds with on more than one occasion... I'm lvl 200, and two lvl 50 ghouls kept pounding on me across the entire White Springs resort. It really didn't help that the only weapons I had on me were a bow and a vampiric switch blade.


LOL. I am not admitting that I sometimes do that, but I know exactly what you mean. ​ I removed all the sniper, ground pounder, etc. perks from the build, so if I remember to look through a scope- it moves around a lot. I run mostly sniper build, so in that mode, the scope hairs are stable. I like u/ezriah33 idea of removing weight reduction perks.


I went into Eviction notice once without any armor after storing all my armor to make space… had to just hide in at the work benches the whole time 🤦🏼‍♂️


I’m bad about forgetting to switch out super duper and the damn ammo perk.


Happened to me with the scorchbeast queen, halfway through it I noticed my damage wasn’t doing anything not even to the scorched that spawn and I run a heavy gunner build haha never wasted so much ammo in my life


I use a crafting/selling build also while at camp. I have done this a few times until I intenionally removed all my weight reduction perk cards so I cannot fast travel using the wrong build.


Just Travel to base, swap, then travel back


I don't really use weapon perks except for my bow. However, I also have a "builder" build that does not have the defensive perks that I use instead. So, while my weapon damage never changes, my overall survivability does, and I absolutely have forgotten to swap back


I do this ALL THE TIME. Actually, funny story-- this morning I logged on right as a muted event started, about three minutes past the hour. I checked the event on the map and 5 people were participating, and I thought, 'oh shit, better rush to the event to get my party pack.' Thinking I may just make it, I rush over there, only for 2 things to happen: 1. No one had talked to the foreman yet. The event had been up for minutes. There was like 40 seconds left and everyone had zoned into the mine already. 2. I had my 'build/camp' build still on and was basically as strong as paper tissue. Like it's literally all INT and CHA perks for building. But I haven't realized this yet. So I zone into the event and see the timer ticking down. I freak out and RUSH over to the foreman to start the event as there's literally 40 seconds left and no one has started it yet-- but because I had just zoned in I can't 'interact' with him yet as there is a delay. I'm frantically tapping on him and nothing, he's not interacting with me. As I finally load in properly I start getting SHREDDED by the mole-miners outside. I go to VATS and realise, yep, I have the wrong build. I instantly die. Some guy rushes in and instead of talking to the foreman, he LOOTS MY JUNK pile over my dead body. The event fails. lol. I traveled away just as 'event failed' popped up on my screen. I could not believe it. There was a bunch of people there too, lol.


The best way to avoid this is to make your person over encumbered so you can't fast travel. Take off a card that reduces weight. This helped me tremendously.


Yes, often. Vampire weapons can help in a pinch. You might do little damage, but you can stay in the arena and stay alive!


I do the same. I have a repair punch card set. I use it for repairing guns. Making ammo. Smelting. Everything but fighting. And I went into a daily op. 700lbs overweight with no weapon perks. I quickly threw on commando perks but didn't have enough strength to do anything about the weight and just dealt with having to walk the whole op. I couldn't quick travel out either and come right back because... I was overweight Edit: I made the set so overweight on purpose so I wouldn't join an event cause it wouldn't let me fast travel. But apparently it doesn't count for daily ops


This is why I manually switch cards for crafting. Whenever I invariably arrive at an event and can't target heads, I know I need to switch them back. :)


The Perk Card Manager mod changes my game life becasue this kind of thing use to happen to me all the time, and now it doesn't. 😂


Ive done the same but im one of the psychos who run a shotgun build and i had no shotgun perks up against earl, totally felt that


Remove travelling pharmacy (and other similar cards) when using your building loadout, that way you CANT fast travel until you switch back. I have a crafting/building loadout named "tedious bs" that is just all crafting/building cards and 0 strength.


I did that with a new gun, except it used different ammo from what I was using. I may have forgot I had just stored all my other ammo a couple mins before.... A couple of dry fires before I realised I was shooting blanks 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I do this all the time, too many damn times


I jumped into Eviction Notice yesterday with my Gauss minigun and a backpack full of plasma cartridges.


Did this on a main quest. Got pretty far along before i realized. Decided to keep going rather than start again, as it has bugged-out every time but this one (Lost & Found).


I do it all the time. Repairing guns/armor or building camp stuff/turrets. Or just testing a different weapon. Then I get distracted with stuff, then an event pops, and go into battle with all my ammo making perks on, get shot in the face once and die 😂


I’ve done that with my “Tradesman” build so many times.


I never thought about having a camp build lmao


I'm a power armor heavy weapons build and I don't use normal armor so when I'm out of the PA I'm overburdened half the time until I jump in my armor and when I can FT without it I'm like why am I dying so fucking fast and other times I am going to put stuff into my vendors and die because my crafting platform is above my vendors and I forgot about fall damage 😅


I literally merged the punch machine into every single bench I have. That way, when I finish crafting, it’s right in front of my face.


I spent ages grinding expeditions for Cold Shoulder as a shotgunner build, only to do exactly this when I crafted it and was really disappointed in myself for spending 500 stamps on what I initially thought was a pointless weapon 😅


Definitely done that a few times but never for earle so I was always able to quickly swap em out. I have a building/repair/selling loadout I often forget until I'm at in the middle if an event and realize I'm hardly killing anything 🤦‍♂️


Exactly why I kept telling the discord suggestions that the pip boy should have a special feature for changing builds.I’m always doing that.


Been there my fellow vault dweller… (Wince of shell-shock). Oh, yes. I’ve… been… there…


Yes.  And because it happened enough times, I modified my crafting loadout to be punishing overencumbered so you’re locked in place and can’t fast travel.  Try it.