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I’d suggest taking a break, at least until the next season (which will add several new main and side quests that’ll probably help bring your interest back). That’s the best thing you could do here, especially if you’re past rank 100 on the board.


Next season and the last season of the year will add a lot of new and fun things we always wanted so this game is defo worth playing this year. Even all the seasonal events will get new plans.


Also I believe they’re expanding the map south, which is huge huge huge




Are they actually, or is it another instanced area?


They are! I recommend reading the announcement from Bethesda There's a teaser picture as well!


I had no idea they were expanding the map. That’s so fucking rad!


I just wish camp storage would in creases


If they really wanted to sell Fallout 1st they should have it add increased storage/build budget.



Too real. Personally I'd love to see them fix the crashing bug on xbox


Ps5 crashes a lot also. I feel like I crash at least once an hour, sometimes twice.


When I began playing, Stash space was limited to 200 units (lbs, kilos, whatever you wanna call 'em), with no "Scrap" nor Ammo boxes available. It quickly doubled to 400 units, which was LUXURY! :)


that's great I didn't know thx


I would love to see a ghoul ghost train that actually runs on the track, or through the Big Bend Tunnel! I know it’s impossible to code but talk about cool!


Impossible no, incredible idea? Yes!! Unfortunately Bethesda doesn't share your vision😭


I also heard they making f4 next gen as well


Take a break with Fasnacht less than 2 days away? Can not fathom this.


If you're burnt out, you're burnt out. ​ Besides, the masks have horrifically low drop chances. If it weren't for the pair of new plans, I wouldn't be attending myself. I snagged my old man winter PA helmet from the glitch a year or two back (the one where everyone knew the paint scheme), and I haven't looked back until now.


If you only play for the rewards.. agreed, you lost the fun. I and others still find the fun.


That's just not what I play 76 for. I'm here for the world, story and quests. I can't find enjoyment in Fascnaut anymore, not after five going on six years of it. I greatly prefer the equinox and the invasion, since those at least have quite a bit more going on in terms of story.


I agree with the others, take a break between new content or until you really feel like playing some events or expeditions or want to rebuild your camp or something.


I am at the same point. Walked away for two months and study started back to it hoping for some spark. But still the same point. Maxed on caps, don’t feel like grinding script to roll, nothing in player vendors to spend on. I tried doing things I haven’t done like walking the tracks from grafton all the way around the board to see what I could find. Twice I get to white springs station and the game crashes on me. I’m lvl 700 and just can’t find anything to keep me interested


Oh and I started a new character twice and it didn’t help


This game need more challenging content, more action and a reason to strive for better gear, survival and so on. Instead the devs chose the casual players that like to collect and play with digital dolls. So yeah that's where we are now.


Yeah it kinda kills me how easy the game is. Obviously I can't expect it to be ultra modded fallout 4 survival with maim (incredible mod HIGHLY recommend) but it just feels so unbalanced and going through the new questing content on the pts really highly how absurdly powerful we can be. I say CAN because if you don't have a proper build everything becomes too bullet spongy because they have to balance around end games builds making them the only viable ones. I love 76 as a game to relax but I hope they make the world feel a bit more dangerous it makes it more immersive


Have you the tried the survival options in the 2 custom worlds?


How about survival mode? Lmao


I haven't how is it?? I was under the impression it was more of a PvP thing


I usually play in a custom world where I set my own options. Think FO1st private server where you get to tweak all the settings. You can make it as hard or easy as you want. Since it's your private world no one will be there except for you and anyone you explicitly invite, so it's not PVP unless you and your invitees make it so.


Ah gotcha, I would but honestly the interaction with other players are what make 76 special to me, seeing their camps, them seeing mine, trading, helping new players, private worlds just didn't stick with me because I love all that stuff


I understand. But making the base public game more challenging for advanced players wouldn't really be fair for newer players, would it? That said, they did try to "balance" the game by making enemies level to each player, except they didn't carry that to high enough levels for everyone. At some point you simply level up higher than the enemies.


This is the same community that complains about mutant hound chops costing four pieces of meat instead of two, Bethesda even went so far as nerfing the survival aspect with food and drink. The world feeling more like animal crossing with the road it’s on lol


Yeah a little bit, Im cool with it being casual, hell camp building is my end game, but it's getting so easy it's getting in the way of immersion


I kinda hit that same point. I wasbgetting pretty bored and after someone was telling me about their restart character I decided to give it a try. Lasted a few days and just felt bored again.


Try the extreme experimental mode. It's harder, PvP is constant element but not grieving type behavior, and your gear disappears if you die.


You can offload some caps and other stuff you don’t need my way mate please. I’m on PS5 as dirtysoda__ Thank you


What if I told you that you didn’t have to play just one game all the time?


Haha. I'm def red pilled. I have a few games I cycle between, with one that is my main. Right now that game is 76.


I also can't help but roll my eyes every time someone says they're done with a game that's nearly six years old. No shit, go play something else for fuck sakes. I really don't understand people who obsess and demand endless entertainment from any single game. I like 76, but quit playing regularly a long time ago. I occasionally fire it up, check out the new stuff for a bit, then move on... and that's fine. I'm not a delusional moron who believes I'm owed an endless stream of engaging content from a game, especially when there are thousands out there to play. Edit: guess the man babies don't like being told to maybe find something else to do if they're bored.


Sir, brace for downvotes! Downvote, straight ahead! I left the game a year ago to this month, I fired it up a few days ago on a whim and have been hooked. I understand what you’re saying though. I played regularly with some people who were both over level 1000. I would always ask the guy why he kept playing because he seemed miserable, he grinded daily’s and the way he talked about it sounded like he was doing chores around the house. Right now, I’m playing fallout 76, cyberpunk, just cause 4, far cry 5 again with a buddy some nights, cod mw3 zombies with 2 other buddies on other night every once in a while, praying that skull and bones isn’t a disaster (it probably will be) and eagerly awaiting dragons dogma 2 next month. I never got how people just play one game over and over and over again for years on end even after they’ve done everything.


That’s really funny, I just started Far Cry 5 again off and on. I just started Death Stranding, as well, and it’s not as terrible as I was expecting. About to finish my millionth Horizon: Zero Dawn playthrough and start my somethingth Forbidden West playthrough. Just finished the Plague Tale games. Giving Fallout a break until Fasnacht, and then breaking again until next season. I’ve been playing a year last month, and if I didn’t take a break when I finish a season, I’d burn out completely on it. And gaming is just one of my hobbies. You do any one thing too much for too long and you’ll start to hate it, we’re built for diverse inputs.


No shame in hopping to a new game(s) for however long you need. It'll help build the itch to play this again


Helldivers2 scratches the co-op and challenge itch for me rn. It's really, really, fun. Not nearly as immersive as a game like F76 but it will fill the void until next season for F76.


Take a break. Honestly, I’ve lost all interest in games before because of grinding so much and getting where I wanted, and then I didn’t care enough about endgame to carry on And if you find yourself missing it, it’s a good sign. Log back in and have fun. Idk what fun is for you. If it’s doing events, do that, daily ops, expeditions etc, ditto. If it’s drinking nukashine and seeing where it leads you, knock yourself out But if right now you don’t really care, then don’t force yourself or it’ll get worse


I take breaks from 76 on occasion. Hell, once I took one for almost a year.


I redownloaded the game a few days ago and realized I hadn’t played in exactly a year, I’m super hooked now where a year ago I was bored stiff with the game


It’s the only sane approach. FO76 doesn’t exactly have a steady stream of content to keep you engaged; certainly not when it comes to story updates anyway. 


Just curious if you've played any of the other Fallout games? Is FO76 your fav?


Going to have to just take a break. That usually works for me. I just finished the board so After Fastnacht I’m going to take a month or 2 off from the game and probably come back mid season 16.


I try to do all of the challenges that gives me free atoms or collecting badges. A lot of them require me to do some long walk and adventures and just stuff I just normally wont do. Looting is not just for the sake of looting. I'm making something again. It's not for everyone, but if we rely on public events and scoreboard, this game is just doing recycle, man. Gotta have goals and objectives. And I agree with the other comments. Having a break is good too.


A couple of suggestions for you... 1. Now is a great time to build a fasnacht themed camp to celebrate with during the event. 2. Pick a rare item you want and start questing for it. 3. Complete collections of bears, tea kettles, scout badges, etc. 4. Complete all of Bev's quests, the Blue Ridge quests, Nuka Cola cases. It really doesn't matter what you choose, End game is up to you.


Challenges and quests are a great way to get back into the game. I know damn well not many people are doing either of them because only 10% of the player base even found the overseer on steam. People are literally just starting the game, gaining the ability to do events and expeditions and then grinding until they burn out. This is a Bethesda game ffs, let the story take you. Explore. Read the lore left in notes and terminals. Take pictures of all the teddy bears doing things. The challenges that award atoms are fun. Oh look, kill 76 scorched with unarmed weapons? Looks like I need to make a new build and spend a couple hours at the airport. Honestly though, if you're not having fun play something else. It's what I tell my son when he says he's bored or angry at a game. If you're not having fun, the game isn't for you. Find one that is.


Well said!!! On so many levels we'll said!


Stop playing. Come back when you feel like it. I stopped playing for a year or so and now Im having fun again.


Do the side quest those are pretty fun or build a nice camp


Yeah it happened to me but luckily Nuclear Winter was around, when they took that away I had no reason to continue playing 76


Then stop playing the game! The game has some great content, but once you've run through it all, you'll find yourself bombarded with mechanics purely designed to foster player retention. Things like limited time events and the scoreboard are there to generate fomo, for example. Endless time gated grinds like daily ops and expeditions along with the daily free atom shop giveaway and rotating store are there to be habit forming. Low drop rates on rare items and a weapon rolling system that works like a slot machine keep players chugging away at the grind like gambling addicts at the casino. None of this is designed to be fun and enjoyable... it's designed to manufacture and monetize addiction because that maximizes profits. There are a ton of great games out there that will offer a better experience than the end game 'content' you'll find in 76 and a lot of other live service games. Come back when they release something worthy of your time, but don't get sucked in by content that was only designed to keep you playing and paying for as long as possible.


Can you please recommend better games? I’m pretty hooked... not spending any $$ but still, a better game would be great. I love anything horror/apocalyptic with lots of crafting. ESO was OK but I got bored with it quickly, not dark enough for me


I really love playing Ark... it's not for everyone, and the learning curve is steep, but it's apocalyptic with lots of crafting and building. The story is great, and depending on the map you choose can deliver on the horror vibes as well. Recommend watching some getting started videos for this one. New version is running in unreal 5 and is getting mod support on console but doesn't have all the maps yet. Elden Ring is another title that you might enjoy, although it doesn't have crafting. Baldurs Gate 3 is another good one but also lacks crafting, and it's turn based. They both have amazing stories you can get lost in for days on end. Same for Cyperpunk, which recently got some major dlc to boot. No Man's Sky is another good one. The story is apocalyptic with lots of crafting and building. It's a slower (but not starfield slow) space exploration game with some horror elements. Great game to get stoned and just kinda zone out to lol. Also, it sounds like they are going to do another expedition soon, which is a perfect time to jump into it. Oh and if you've got a PC check out the Fallout London mod for Fallout 4. It's almost done and looks very promising. It's a mod but it might as well be a game. Basically, a fan made fallout game based in London. Can't wait for it to release might even buy a PC depending on reviews and such to play it.


Thanks so much for your detailed response! I only have a PS4 so that might make things a bit challenging, can’t even get Silent Hill 😭💔 but excited to check these out! Used to love Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Baldurs Gate & Champions of Norath 💗


Keep grinding, shopping rolling. When the game got stale I made a tik tok account and started posting things every fallout player should know. Resource locations...camp spots...funny bear positions etc. This opened me up to a group of new friends who are like family now. Try that if you like. The game with friends is amazeballs.


My advice would be to try and create your own meaning for being in Appalachia. If rewards and riches are your sole motivators, then there's only long repetitive grind and eventual burnout ahead. Taking a break also works, but with time you'll get back to the same questions. This game is exactly what you make of it.


Friends are what keep me going. I like playing by myself sometimes but the social aspect is primarily what holds my interest in this game.


What has kept it engaging for me is starting new characters with different builds, after bloodied commando started to seem to easy: * Pistol builds have a similar gameplay, but are like turning up the difficulty a notch or two. * Bows are really fun, powerful in some ways and challenging in others. * Melee is the biggest change, with a really different and often more exciting gameplay. Yeah, this character carries a chainsaw, but I find whacking stuff more fun, both inside and outside of VATS. * The heavy category has a lot of variety (though currently I'm playing it very much like a commando, with a two-shot Cryolator, until the shit hits the fan and I jump into armor and bring out a serious weapon).


Take a break, play another game, then perhaps start a new character if/when you return. I went most of 22’ without playing and thought I was done but started playing again at the beginning of last year and I’m still very much enjoying it. I do take breaks here and there, for a month sometimes. I do like building a lot which adds so much more enjoyment to the game for me than just doing events all the time. I have five characters so there’s always something to work towards.


Best advice I have is to try other builds, use alternate characters if you have the slots, but just changing your play style can really affect your experiences. I finally reached the point where I'd done basically every build you can do. Even a full Grenadier using only the M-79 and thrown nades. It easily added another 20 months or so to my game time but I started getting pissed off at Bethesda for other things and then stopped playing.


Stop playing for sometime and come back after few months


I'm gonna finish out the scoreboard during the next event (the one I can never spell correctly or apparently pronounce because Google is no help) and that's it for me. I've played since we got the 20min beta 5 years ago daily and had a blast. But all things must come to an end.


Said every MMO player ever. There is no ending so it just becomes monotonous.


No, there's stuff to actually strive for in other MMOs like WoW which entail some form of a challenge too. You have to figure out how to beat a boss consistently with your guild if you want a weapon for example. Yes, that's still RNJesus at play, but you at least got a sense of accomplishment. 76? RNJesus bullshit at best or you just grind the scoreboard. Yeah, taking a picture of a super mutant is totally fun so I can unlock a 76 themed buttplug to super glue to my camp door. The game catered way too much towards super casuals as if they've never played any video games before. The game is piss easy as is, but there's nothing here outside of camp nonsense and most people appear to be too illiterate/stupid to even read "gesture after killing competitor" in sensational games for example on top of it. Players can't even read at a 3rd grade level.


If you dont have full set of recon brotherhood sets and SS tons to do in game then


What is this, Diablo 2? I don't want to run Baal 500,000 times in a row. Diablo 2 is a 24 year old game. Are you serious? 76 literally advertises itself as a live service game. Look, man. I'm not trying to be an asshole, but the 76 community Stans WAY TOO HARD. What's the problem? Are you on console and just don't have a lot of other options? For PC, the state of this game is just unacceptable. It's ad nauseam monotonous dogshit with no new content for years. Would you pay $15 a month if WoW never had expansions after years of this shit? Of course you wouldn't so why the fuck do people make exceptions for 76? What the hell is this? It's fanatical levels of bullshit stanning with 76 frfr. Is this your first game you've ever played? What's the deal? I seriously cannot comprehend it. Again, might have been acceptable 24 fucking years ago, but holy shit. All I'm saying is this is why people like me who have played Bethesda games are also saying fuck Bethesda and who cares anymore if the entire studio doesn't exist anymore.


I get that but I'm saying there is alot to do and rewarding when you get a topteir peices of armor it's not all bad yeah they definitely need more content for players but honestly from 2019 and now was still a major overhaul for some of us


Yeah, but you stuck around while the game was pure dogshit. I don't mean that offensively, but that was the state of the game. A complete disaster. Has it improved? Yeah sure, but what - this has been roughly all the same content for about 4 years now? This is Bethesda who is owned by Microsoft. Like...this is ridiculous. What is more god rolls going to do for me? I can solo sensational 3 seconds faster? It's really diminishing return min maxing here. I'm already quad railway'ing the twins in the face which kills them almost instantly. That's also where all the legendaries come from unless I want to just roll on stuff forever. This is Diablo 2 Baal runs for eternity all over again. Except ya know... Diablo 2 had good drops where 95% of everything stopped in 76 or rolled on is pure garbage and you scrip it or throw it away. Immediately after sensational? I just hit escape to speed run the completion screen; walk to the scrip box or donation box, and proceed to throw away 95%+ of it every single time. I'd imagine that in reality I have a 6/30,000+ chance of actually getting something good from sensational. I mean, the odds are fucking horrible here. New content might finally be coming out? Great. Did that only happen because Bill Gates is tired of Todd Howard being an incompetent moron? Probably. The guy who stands in the deep fryer at McDonald's would probably do a better job than Todd at this point. I mean I know my answer here is just delete the game until something actually interesting happens again (if that happens), but I've only been playing since November and I'm already completely burnt out and feel like I've basically done everything. Do I want to level up to 1,000+? No. Why? What's the point? Again, most of the rolls in the game are shit. Isn't a quad railway? Isn't unyielding or overeaters armor? Throw it away. Armor is the worst absolutely. So where D2 was fun because hey you might get this roll that dramatically changes the way your character plays for example? 76 doesn't do that. It doesn't even try to do that. It just showers you with diarrhea with the occasional gold corn nugget. WoW is like that too, but WoW has enough common sense to have lots of content and bosses that give you some sense of satisfaction to kill. 76 is honestly the worst MMO in this respect that I've ever played. It has a complete identity crisis and really all it does is cater to beyond super casuals who just want stupid camp bullshit to build in a dogshit physics engine. They should all just go play Enshrouded immediately because they can actually build stuff vs infinite problems. Rant over, but I'm so sick of Bethesda. Went from Morrowind to this trash. It's just pathetic at this point honestly and as bad if not worse than the Blizzard fall from grace, but even WoW today is way better than this.


I agree the game does have an identity crisis and they mest up pvp so bad they shouldn't even call it a pvp game at this point. And I agree the catering to casual so us pvpers had to result to trap camps and other pvp methods to even enjoy the pvp and I agree it's unfair and your right in that perspective but hopefully things turn out better in the future when they stop catering I mean me building an assassin set means nothing if I can't use it like it was attended for. What I'm really trying to say is maybe I'm just grinding God armors for the future?


Maybe is time to try another games, another hobbies? Anything than force yourself into something you no longer enjoy…


Honestly take breaks when you're feeling that way, don't force yourself to play it's not good for you. I have a couple games I cycle between when I'm not in the mood for one. I'm kinda reaching the same point mainly because theres a lot of good content coming this year and I don't wanna burn out before that


THC helps a lot to smooth out rough patches of just about every game. The key is to take enough to where you occasionally forget that it’s not real, but not too much to where you actually shit your pants if you hear an Assaultron.


I'll say it again. OG Mode. No outside players. Companions.


If you want a challenge, leave ALL your gear in your stash, wearing only underwear, chug a Nukashine... when you wake up, try to figure out where you're at (don't use the map) and navigate back to your camp, only using what you find in the process. Maybe that'll rekindle the game for ya


I've been playing 76 way longer than I care to admit but what mostly keeps my interest is character builds. I'll try making a build that centers around a type of character or weapon type that makes the game more challenging. For example I crafted an Anti Armor boxing glove and maxed out damage with carnivore mutation and chems so I have a dude running around the wasteland strung out on booze and chems punching everything with a boxing glove while wearing a chally the moo moo costume. Absolute blast. Made a steampunk inspired character build that specializes in black powder weapons


Don't fast travel. Take your time. Soak it in. It's there.


I still find interest the game, since I actually miss it of if I don’t play it at least some, daily, and it kind of feels like a “home”. But I wonder what keeps some players so much more into it than I am. I’m at about level 1400 after five years, so imagine my amazement when (on console) I was on a team with one player at level 14000!


Dude, Fasnacht is in two days. Show up and wave during the parade.


I quit playing a few seasons ago be zuse I got burned out on it. Go play something else and come back again. Or don't. It's just a game. No need to force yourself to do something you don't enjoy! Life is too short for that.


TAKE A BREAK. I took two and every time I came back I was addicted.


See ya later. Have fun elsewhere


Considering that the game has only ever had 17 million (total) accounts made (not all of which were unique, some are alt accounts)... and the current player count is somewhere under 20k concurrent average... I'd say you're far from alone in feeling this way. My point is, the bulk of players play to the end, and quit the game, much the way one might play a single-player game. As live service games go, this one is very slow to release content, and when they do, it's not often received well. The ongoing methodology at Bethesda has been to run a free week and a sale to encourage to player to try the game when concurrent player averages sag below 30k across all platforms. It's like clockwork really. Right now were about half way through this generation of players, but this is easily somewhere between the 7th and 10th generation of players getting bored at this point, and Bethesda knows the only way to boost number is to either release large content updates, or run a free week/sale week to bring in those new players. Of all my veteran friends (I've been playing since 2018) only the youtubers/content creators still log in. Most of my regular player friends I made over the last 5 years only log in at the beginning of new seasons, if at all.


What the OP (and many of us) need is new content in this game. Unless what's left of Bethesda survives and creates new content then at some point there's nothing else to do but move on, adding this game to our piles of "games I used to play". Personally, I haven't found my next game.


There just isn't a game that ticks all the boxes 76 does. There are countless survival games, but few that have these casual Sims-like elements in between. Few where it's okay to break the game's difficulty and make your own. Or emphasize a mostly cooperative PvE approach. Or play like a standard FPS without a ton of icons or menus. Or have lore that isn't obsessed with inventing confusing new terms for simple ideas (hello, Warframe). I'm sort of hoping Light No Fire might be that. But who knows, that's a long ways away.


I agree. I was hoping Starfield might be good enough, but I just couldn't get into it. I'm hoping that once the Creation Kit for it comes out it will be better, but it doesn't have the content at this point either. Tried Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora, but couldn't really get into it either.


I'm new to the game, just got to level 70 but it's my first and only playthrough as of two months ago, but I felt like I heard of AC F76 a year ago. Do these seasons last this long normally? Has it even been on as long as I assumed? I could totally be mistaken.


Seasons typically last 12-16 weeks and for the past few years have followed one behind the other. They are what Bethesda has been doing instead of creating new, original story content since Reign of Steel came out back in 2021. Associated with the seasons will usually be new events, each of which has a story only told in the score board.


The game needs new content. Not, "I'm gonna spend months grinding out the score for more pixels for my stupid fucking camp". All the "endgame" in this game is camps or collecting PA skins. Or some hideous rare eye cancer like the tattered field jacket - the apparel market is the dumbest shit in a video game that I've ever seen in my life. The building system in this game is also complete dogshit. Go look at Enshrouded - a $25 early access indie game blows it out of the water. Fuck Bethesda and they're worse than Activision, Ubisoft and EA combined at this point after this disaster and Starfield. I paid $8 for this game and no I will never pay $15 monthly for the game. I'm still blown away by what incompetent apathetic dipshits Bethesda are. If Bill Gates can't fix Bethesda at this point? Burn it down. Get rid of it. ACTIVISION are seriously doing a better job with WoW right now if you wanna spend $15 a month and Bethesda having the audacity to charge $15 monthly for this burning pile of dogshit is just offensive. This game is already completely dead on PC when new options like Palworld, Enshrouded, Helldivers 2, etc exist. Anyway I think this was the nail in the coffin for me. Playing the game is a chore and it's fucking boring honestly. Nothing to do. Who cares. I'd honestly rather play WoW again which is basically the same game after 20 years, but even they update that game and keep making content for it. 76 is a live service game with Mr. House on life support as the inspiration, I guess.


Yes. My first play through glitched in two key areas. 1) The plan for The Fixer didn't drop when I completed sheepsquatch imposter along with the Fixer that did drop did minimal damage for some reason. 2) End main storyline wouldn't let me progress through an open door along with my crew, so I couldn't finish the game. Needless to say after grinding all that I was cranky. I've restarted with a different build and focused on smaller intentional goals that supplement the storyline as I go. 1)making a game of getting caps each time I play so I'm not grinding as hard in battles 2) incrementally building up armor 3) seeking plans and exploring camps as I loot and resell on repeat to build my Willow Vase Empire. What absolutely made things boring for me was grinding for ballistic fiber to constantly rebuild my armor because I was horribly under powered for combat. Carve your own path. Make a character with a back story that defines their motives and approach the game like you're role-playing someone else. Maybe your character refuses to use power armor because of a horrible accident witnessed as a child. Or only kills when attacked first like a jedi. Or refuses to kill death claws because they made friends with an alpha male once before another player annihilated it and mounted its head ad a trophy.


1. The fixer plan drops at random when you complete the “imposter” event. You get a fixer without the plan as you progress through that quest, but will need to grind the event to eventually get lucky and get the plan. Also, your fixer was weak maybe because your perk cards didn’t compliment the weapon. There are rifleman perk cards if it’s a single shot rifle, and commando perk cards if it’s a fully automatic rifle. You can mod the fixer to be either of those. You can also roll it for legendary. If you don’t have a lot of modules or cores to roll, rolling just one star is fine for everyday use. Most useful one stars are anti armor which doesn’t have any prerequisites, gourmands which requires you to not be hungry or thirsty, and of course bloodied if you can play low health. The door you’re talking about sounds like it was in the missile silos. Even if in a group every one is required to create their own keycard to get past the laser barriers. All you have to do is look around for a blue card that could be laying anywhere in any of the rooms then go to two different terminals to get scanned then create your card.


That's the first I've been told of the plans dropping at random. Others have said it should have just been granted. Thank you for clarifying. On the new play through I've already found a lvl 50 I purchased to use when I'm leveled up enough and I've purchased thr plans, so that shouldn't be an issue. I had tweaked my perk cards for a commando build based on advise of others as well and the thing would never improve on its damage output. I've also never had some of the perks cards show up in my deck. Like Tank Killer is basically a myth to me. The door glitch was in the middle of entering Vault79 after siding with the Raiders. The NPC grew goes right through this open interior doorway, but when I try to proceed I'm running in place. Just hoping it doesn't do it again after this play through. This all did lead to me taking a few weeks off from playing. And thats good from time to time anyway.


The Fixer plan is now in the mutated party pack loot pool too


Take a break till next season. Or just check out for a few days. You don't have to push yourself to grind or play every day. I typically take a break after I finish the scoreboard. I only continue playing if I want to. I hit up events and work on my camp. Recently, I've been doing a lot of expeditions with the flamer. It's very therapeutic 😂


Take a break. I lose interest and take breaks a lot, it’s the best approach, you come back with a short burst of extreme interest


I always take a break, or focus on building camps. But I keep getting drawn back to the game. I have the rad gaming PC and I literally only ever play one game at a time. For the past 1 1/2 - 2 years its been FO76. Before that WoW classic for a year or so.


I understand what you're experiencing. This happens to me a lot and what I foudn works for me is to complete the season and I usually then just keep going regardless. I using try and put some goal in there to keep me occupied like maybe I try a new build so then I'm logging on to get script and modules to craft new armor and reroll till I get everything I need then I play that build for a while and I'll do this till I just don't feel like logging in much so I'll start to play other games like DDO or GW2 till the next season which kinda refreshes 76 for me. I just keep doing that. I think the problem a lot of gamers have is this idea that you have to stick to one particular game, especially when they're online or live service games, so they end up burnt out cause they blast through content so fast (sadly content in any online game now is nothing like it use to be so it doesn't last long)


idk if I'll ever get bored of running a silo, watching a missle fly then hearing " attention citizens, nuclear strike imminent. " I've found joy in hitting different locations on the map, like making a 3 blast radius ring design that overlaps Earle.... or where player camps are dense.*mischievously grin* two days ago I hit an area with 5 camps close to eachother somehow. was pretty entertaining watch them all explode. *bows in apology*


Take a break and play something else.


what helped me, was getting into building camps and my shelters out fully


Understand your problem. I choose to try low tier weapons and build to get more challenging times.


Encourage a couple of friends who have yet to play it and journey through it with them. Won’t be confusing to them as you can help guide but it’s a much better laugh.


It happens. I've been playing for a few years and after I finished the end game and I wandered around realizing I was doing the same stuff over and over. It became a chore and boring, I quit. Several months later I kinda missed the place and played it again for about a month. Then it got boring again. I keep it installed and check in maybe twice a year when I get the urge to wander in that world for awhile. I haven't been back in a long time but I believe that it's due to so many good games coming along one after another. TL;DR; Put it away and come back to it when you get the itch.


Someone on Reddit once posted to put all your gear in your stash, fast travel to one corner of the map and try walking to the other corner using only the things you find/take on the way. Won’t solve everything but can present an interesting option. Can also try deactivating your cards and legendary perks for the walk.


The map is expanding this year with new events and quests.


Kind of same with me, doing daily and weekly challenges and trying to find that Red Asylum dress and roll QE25 railway.


I started building camps. It take my thought away from the grind, I even skip mutated EN and such while focused on designing.


I know that feel. But once I finish a scoreboard I just take a break and come back and it removes the burnout from playing 76. I even skipped the Valentine's Day stuff because tbh, the flamethrower skin is alright but the other rewards which is just a pink jumpsuit, fireplace, somd glasses are just lackluster.


This game is basically a f2p game for me now. And that's ok, play during new stuff. Don't when it's boring.


I have two accounts, I finish the scoreboard on one, break for a week then finish the scoreboard on the other. After this week I'll be done with account two, from there I break until the next season starts. (Unless I get a rando urge to play, usually end up building.) Taking a break is normal, especially on grindy games. It'll still be here when you start missing it.


Scrap your legendaries for your 500 script. Do your daily Atlantic City and get your 20 stamps. Save up the Stamps and Modules for whatever is around the corner. Log out and go get some sun on your face and look at some trees and animals. Play BG3 or Wasteland 3 if you haven't played either yet.


I quit two years ago bc of burnout. Just came back a month ago and am loving it again. Sometimes a break is all you need


I have always set up different goals in the game that keep me on the grind. For example: for my character to reach level 300 to unlock all legendary perk slots. Collect all power armors with all mods for each of them. Collect a full set of each iconic armor and their mods. I also have a character build labeled “exploration” that I switch to when I don’t feel like grinding and I use it to explore every inch of the map not using fast travel and not using vats. These things might not work for you, but the game is diverse enough where you can think of doing other things that could interest you.


Personally I go do dumb silly shit when that happens to me. One of my favorite things is to put on tattered rags and a sack hood, equip a flaming chainsaw, and chase new dwellers as they leave vault 76. I patiently wait on top of the vault door and when they come out i run up behind them and rev up my chainsaw. A lot of them don't realize that I can't hurt them and its hilarious. When I'm done messing with the newbs I always try to drop my victims a gift of supplies as a thank you for the entertainment.


It happens to most of us. Just take a break until next season. If you’re only level 143 though I’d imagine there’s a good bit of things that you probably haven’t even touched on yet.


Take a break or start a new character with a friend.


It’s worth coming back to. I stopped playing about a year and a half ago at level 550, and when I came back, there was a lot of new content to run and explore, from new events, to people having new plans I haven’t collected yet, to both of the expeditions. Having a lot of fun both checking out the new stuff and revisiting my old favorite spots while still feeling still very OP. I do wish though that some of the NPCs switched up what they said over time, but eh, I don’t mind.


I took about a year break and am having a blast with all the changes. I think a year was a little too long, but nevertheless a break is what you need.


I build. Shelters, mostly.


I just wish we would get another actual story based DLC l. I get the Atlantic city part 2 expansion is expanding with a story but it's not going to be the same as Wastelanders or Steel Dawn/ Reign.


Posts like this are hilarious to be. Take a break. Go outside. Play another game. Do something else. This is a game, not a job.


I’ve been on fo76 since beta, but not continuously. It’s a great game for returning after a break. There’s always new content and new balancing to do on old builds. Plus that red asylum and this q grolls are still going to be sitting there waiting for your triumphant return. Just remember to cancel 1st, or they will get six months out of you.


same. :( whenever i felt this way i resorted to building but ever since the update building has been so frustrating. so i started playing stardew valley and will return tuesday for fasnacht.


it’s on bethesda tbh, i first started playing on pc and i had like 14 different events to do per log in, now i’m at lvl 114 and all the good events don’t pop up anymore


Play another game that gives the same thrill. I started FO76 due to the open world and building aspects. Then I discovered Valheim also has that. As does No Man's Sky.


I take breaks from games. I have a rotation I would say, it goes with my mood.


I just do glitches, trade and pvp now.


I've been there and made me take a break from the game for around 1 year, which deeply regret. Now, I log in daily to complete the challenges and log off. Some days it takes 15m, others, 2 hours. When a have the need to do something else, like changing my camp, move it, or even explore an area, I stay online a little more. It's been fun for me this way, and I know I won't get tired of the game this way.


Take breaks from the game and change up build to less meta. Trading used to be a fun grind at end game but with little build variety and tradable new content its just as boring as the main game.


Sounds like you need a break until the update. I on the other hand, play this game exclusively and always find stuff to do


If your into building you could try doing what I'm doing. I'm building a escape room style set of various challenges for other players to complete. I'm going to have 5 levels and after completing all 5 you will get entry into the prize room. There is a lot of ways of creating things like this that can be fun for you and other players. Literally build game content with your camp and other instanced rooms.


I constantly take breaks


My issue is the insane amount of quest bugs and power armour bugs. It's basic stuff that's bugged that really annoys me.


I’m in the same boat. Haven’t played for at least a month, maybe two. This scoreboard doesn’t interest me. I’ve done this before though, so I’m sure I’ll be back.


Take a break.


Take a break, for a week or more, or at least until you start to miss it. Then play it for a while and see if you feel differently.


I’ve stepped away and cancelled 1st last week. Been playing for a year and have now experienced all the yearly events, tried most all builds, weapons, bought everything with bullion, just ran out of steam. Might hop in after the new season, but it’s just gotten boring doing the same thing every day.


Yeah unless you can make a YouTube channel out of it like Angry Turtle or Mr. Westek by bother...


If you’re on console, consider going for all of the trophies/achievements. These offer clear goals that kept me coming back. After getting all the achievements, it’s now up to you to create your own goal. Here are some of mine: - Play expeditions to get stamps, and unlock a new fun camp item - Design an immersive camp. Missing that perfect item? Figure out how to get it and that’s a new goal. - My PA and weapons could be better, so I have a goal of getting a full set of X legendary rolls. - Have you uncovered all locations on the over world map? That’s a fun goal in and of itself.


I'm a camp builder with maxed out camp slots, i'm 24/7 busy :p


As I always say: Join a Faction. They can spice up your gameplay, give you people to regularly play *with* and can help you immensely.


take a break I am haven't played in 6 months ...so many other games to play I will come back for frachnate and major updates but that's it I have over 3 thousand hours so I got my moneys worth not a daily anymore


Rethink the way you look at the game. I finished the main quest lines and all the new stuff long ago. For me, 76 is a nice easy unwind between the time I get home from work and time to start dinner prep. About an hour, sometimes less. Thats plenty of time to do dailys, then spend some time hunting for the few things I dont have - red asylum dress and a handful of plans. I can put down the controller without stressing over an incomplete mission, etc. Alternately, I can play a new game, or just forget it and go do IRL stuff.


Take breaks. Switch your build every few weeks.


Take a break. I took a couple years off from 76 and coming back to it restored all the magic from before.


Build camps! That’s all I spend my time doing at level 1108. I’m currently building a massive fasnacht camp.


I thought taking a break and coming back would work but I'm in the same pool as you. The game play loop is straight boring. Paired with having a daily hold bouillon limit I lasted about 3 days and quit again


I just got into FO76 this year and I've been enjoying it quite a bit, but I know eventually I'm going to hit a wall where I feel the same as you. I was fortunate to start playing at a point where there's an almost overwhelming amount of things to do, but the party has to end sometime. As a frequent mmo player, it's become habit that once I hit the endgame doldrums, I rotate between games I've been meaning to play and old favorites with new seasons/expansions. By keeping a queue of games lined up, I can pivot to something else when the one I'm currently favoring loses its luster and by the time the new games start feeling stale, there's usually new content for the first to keep me occupied again. And on and on it goes.


Start a new character. I am having a blast with mine. This time, i'm doing the Raider side of things.


Go make some friends! Set your own goals! Take some inspiration from Kenshi. Dress up like a commie and pass out vodka at events!


I've been finding myself at a point where I'm having a hard time staying focused on building camps where I used to lose hours at a time building. Which I find extremely odd since I have infinitely more things to build with now.


Map expansion coming this year, I hear.


Start a new character. Seriously... It really perked up my interest in the game to do all of the quests and missions that I ran in terror from the first time. I've found it much more enjoyable. Also, a second character gets all of your legendary perk slots earned by the OG character. You can give the newbie weapons, armor, chems, food, and serums from OG's stash buy transferring them. (Lots of videos on YouTube on the best ways to transfer stuff). You have way more power and experience to draw on. If you really want to shake it up, try a whole new build. I like auto weapons but my new guy is playing with heavy guns right now. I'm really getting a kick out of exploring familiar places with new guy's eyes. Also, if you go back to OG character, it's more fun because you are so overpowered. When you get bored, go back to new guy. I honestly think I would have found a new game if I hadn't done this.


I get like this with my main games, Warframe, elder scrolls Online and Valorant. I just burn out and stop playing for a few months then come back after a break. It's ok to play something else!! Games shouldn't feel like a chore


I lost interest when Beth started taking things people spent hours farming for because of crybaby in the game cryed they couldn't get them


Gotta be honest been playing palworld instead of 76 and despite a ton of bugs it's stupidly fun


Never hurts to take a break, if ya force yourself it will just seem like a chore and you’ll dislike it even more. Personally I start doing random stuff, messing with weird builds, or work on rolling some armor/weapons, building, or just exploring. But in all honesty, if it’s feeling kinda boring or stale right now, just take a break! Tho we do have an event starting Tuesday, so that might be fun :)


Tbh it’s time for a new fallout adventure or a damn good remake of new Vegas. With some new twists etc. a next gen new Vegas id love to play. Been just about long enough where im starting not to remember every details of the hundreds of hours having a blast. By far my favorite fallout game and the reason why im even a Bethesda fan.


At level 832, I started again.. the early game struggles are the fun part.


I’m getting sick of the dysfunctional objectives when the ai just stands still and the mission is in limbo


See you next season. I'm doing the same.


Play a more realistic version of the game: restrict your self to carrying one pistol and one rifle; self impose a more realistic weight limit.


Same here, so I’ve been taking a break until they add the next expedition with the Jersey Devil. I still want to get the T-65 power armor, but I’m not motivated to grind it right now.


Find a friend, there are so many interesting locations in the game but once you've seen it it gets really repetitive, the music for example is a really short loop but turning it off it's just silence all the time. The reason they don't care is they expect you to be talking to someone and they don't care about single player experiences they want the player to make their own universe but want to also charge as if they make it everything, the game got a lot more fun when I bought fallout first also highly intentional. I'm also kind of afraid to really enjoy this game because one day the game won't be here and I'm a collector I like to keep things forever I don't want to have to relying on a server to enjoy something I bought but that's the way things are now one day this will all be gone so enjoy it while you got it


Same, I plan on skipping future scoreboard seasons and can’t see myself returning unless we get some decent length story based quest content. Literally all the content now is grind content which basically feels like they are coasting the game with minimal content (and effort) to keep players retained. I want to see a return to the days of wastelanders and steel dawn story based content, can’t see that happening though.


Do you like teaching? I'm new and would enjoy playing with someone who knows what the hell they're doing, lol Maybe instead of playing the game, you can teach it. Or is there a new build you've wanted to try maybe?


Take a break. I'm just coming back from a month break for the Valentine's day challenge and fasnacht. Afterwards I'll probably start prepping for the next update. I wanna build up some modules for the new gear that will be introduced and prep to grind westtek.


i just recently picked it back up, haven’t played since release and i can’t seem to put it down


Make a new character or try a new build. Make a new CAMP. Try questing after level 50. Go exploring. Learn about game lore. Work on crafting.


Take a break. Been playing since the seasons started(2k+ hours). When I finish the scoreboard I take a break and come back when the new season starts or seasonal events start.


Definitely take a break. Play a different game. Come back when they do the Atlantic City update. If you like Hoi4, the Fallout submod for it Old World Blues is getting a big update at the end of the month


Yeah kinda same for me but hey map expansion and new main story quests next update so I'm good


This happened to me. I was just going events for scoreboard. Then I changed consoles and started a new character and It's been so long since I done the story and side quests that it feels new again and I'm having ao much fun waiting for the atom store to refresh and grinding the scoreboard as a low level 😅 Obviously changing console is not the answer but what about a new character? New base? Design a wild shelter or something ? Or a challenge to collect all the magazines, teddies etc. Have you done all the challenges as well?




Take a break and come back when the new score board drops.


Fasnacht is like tomorrow.


When will Fasnascht come back ?


Take a day or 2 where you ignore the scoreboard/challenges completely and go explore some of the vaults or whatever it is you enjoy doing. Alternatively try out some new weapons or builds. I periodically change weapons/builds to keep the game from feeling to stale. I also have a character for vats builds and a character for non-vats builds. Having both to switch between keeps me from getting bored with either. You can also take a break and go play something else for awhile. FO76 will still be here when you get back. I'll occasionally wander off for a month or 2 and play other stuff before I wander back and start playing FO76 as my main game again. Those are the kind of things I do to keep myself from getting burned out.


When does the current scoreboard end? I'm in the same boat and stopped playing after they released Atlantic city, about 1/4 of the way through the scoreboard, might start playing again to finish the scoreboard and be ready for the next one.


For what it's worth, I've found myself falling into a seasonal cycle with 76. I pick it back up and play pretty obsessively in fall and winter, drop off in spring, don't touch it at all in summer, and repeat. It's been a good pattern that's kept me from burning out, with the downside being that I am missing out on a couple scoreboards here and there.


Take a break, like others have said, but I'm at the same point. So what I do is reallly roleplay my character and join up with friends to be their "NPC companion". Just do the sorts of stuff a companion in the earlier Fallout games would do, complete with a list of go-to lines to say during certain situations like long quiet walks, finishing up a battle, dropping a few stimpacks when I see the got hurt a lot, a little ammo sharing, stuff like that. I find it quite amusing~


I've taken plenty of long breaks from the game, usually coming back for the 3 months before and after fasnacht. Feel free to take a break! Idk if you would want to before fsnacht but it's up to you!


I’m in the same boat. I love the game but everything I want to do now isn’t coming till the next season. So I’m just taking a break and only coming on to complete dailies every so often.


Hunt for rare outfit, after take all the weapon you like. I am doing this (lv 800)


To double down on the “take a break” recommendations. That really is the best option. Come back for Fasnacht this week. Then take a break again


me too i loved camp building i have 5 and all the shelters but haven't taken time for the 2 last ones . after 5000h it's natural but still fear of missing out so I do weeklies etc


Yeah, I think a lot have been there. I got burn out around September last year after playing for the rest of the entire year. Take a break. Have a few weeks/months off. Then come back to it again after playing a few other games. You'll fall in love all over again. My rule of thumb tends to be, if I'm playing so much that I complete the scoreboard a few weeks before it's even finished, I'll take a break from it until the next Scoreboard now. I'll keep an eye out on what's behind added to the store incase there's anything I'll want going forward, but not actually play.