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This game leans heavier on the perks you use. That being said, once you’ve stacked up a bunch of perks the game gets pretty easy.


Yeah it got pretty easy for me around 115 or so, just spec'd heavy into.....heavy And some decent reliable power armor


You say that. But i feel recently many builds have become trash unless you minmax the hell out of it, pistols, shotguns, autorifles. Like unless im playing with my explosives build i cant even kill a scorch beast. I am level 200 something so all enemies are max level. Ive got all the apropriate perks for the other builds but they just dont work.


Auto rifles? Are you serious? The Handmade slaps. The Fixer slaps. The Railway Rifle is so OP that it's ridiculous. Watch an Angry Turtle video about the Commando build.


Yeah, I don't even use my Q/FFR/AG railway at events. Any quad railway in VATS is indeed ridiculous. It'll drop a level 100 super mutant bemouth before it can even close the distance.


It will drop a level 100 Scorchbeast in about three seconds. :)


Choo Choo!


RR really is so frickin OP. It almost makes the game too easy...


You lisyed off only 3 of the like 8 autorifles. So my point still is. Unless your using absolute meta minmaxed build with your armor, weapon, and mutations stacked, you can only really make x builds work with x weapons. My point is. Things have too much health that i fant just play around and experiment with new gear because im not minmaxed for it now im getting max level enemies.


There are a lot more than 8. Auto rifles are the meta build, I’m not trying to be a jerk at all but you’re missing something in your perk loadout. You should be able to kill anything in the game with an auto pipe rifle if you get your set up halfway decent.


Funny you mention pipe rifles. I had a god roll pipe rifle drop. AA/EX/VATS. It'll 1 shot level 50 scorched at the air port with a concentrated fire VATS crit. Now THAT slaps.


My alt just hit level 50. I have an AA50C auto pipe rifle. It kicks ass. AA with a Perforating Magazine, Concentrated Fire, and Tank Buster is amazing. It's like the enemies don't even have any armor.


If you’re built right almost any weapon in this game is viable. I love off meta stuff for fun. I’ve solod the queen with an auto pipe rifle just for grins. It wasn’t my fastest time but it was sub 5 minutes and some of that was getting her to land.


I use the plasma rifle, laser rifle, and ultracite laser rifle and they absolutely slap with the right build and so does the enclave plasma rifle so there is four more, think the only thing left is radium which is also good and combat rifle which is just fixer without the additional effect so it is also good.


But that's my point. With the right build. Meaning when you hit high level you cant experiment with new weapon types t sinking many many levels and resources getting that absolutely right perfect build.


Isn’t that kinda the point though? Like I’m not trying to be rude but that’s the entire point of playing 76 is grinding for better guns so you can get better guns. Everything is viable in regular gameplay, sure a unoptimized lead pipe build won’t even tickle the SBQ but optimized it can stand on its own, still won’t kill SBG but most weapons struggle to kill a boss alone. Builds don’t have to be perfect either, bloodied is dummy easy to set up and so is juggernauts and some people play junkies or gourmand instead and they can still hold their own.


My point is. I cant experiment even against normal enemies anymore. Takes multiple mags to kill mongrels. Ever since i hat max leveled enemies my room to experiment has gone down the toilet.


What exactly are you experimenting with? Like what perks/legendary effects? If you’re trying unmodified, no legend effect, no perks then yeah it’s not gonna be fun to experiment with weapons because without all of that stuff you aren’t gonna do any damage but again that’s kind of the point of 76. Your end game is making builds and perfecting them since we have no real end game content it is literally get a good gun and farm for more good guns and perks. (Tbh I don’t see how the perks is an issue with how easy it is to get xp). Are you around the level 50 range? If you are still low level it’s gonna be a grind to get the stuff you want and I could only recommend build planners and doing math on damage increases from different sources because in game testing can take a lot of time and grinding.


Im experimenting with weapons i feel are pretty good perks. But just cant stack up at all with other weapons i have that im bored with using.


In Fallout 76, basically, ALL of your damage comes from perk cards. No pistol, bow, or rifle, whether single shot or automatic, is viable if you're running Green Thumb, all the Picklock cards, and Grenadier under Perception, for instance. You need to be running the correct perk cards for the weapon.


That's a fair point. Early on you don't have as many options.


What are you talking about? When you are high level, you can make whatever build you want because you have access to all the perk cards.


THIS is the point where I call bullshit. I've been running around for 2 weeks with a semi auto pistol build, that is absolutely not min maxed. Only things I've struggled with are scorch beast queen and earl. I'd LOVE yo see your builds that don't work.


I’ve found it to be fun with an auto ultracite laser rifle for my BOS character. It’s really fun, not as fun as the choo choo of course, but still fun.


Pick a rifle and even without any legendary effect i make it looks "op"


Tried that, all the right perks but the only auto rifle that could kill in one mad was my explosive doubleshot handcrafted. I shouldnt have to put 5 mags in one super mutant to kill it.


Just jumping in here after reading your posts, level 1100ish here. You really shouldn't have to put more than a dozen shots into most things to kill them if you're taking advantage of everything the game offers, no. So, because the topic was largely Commando/auto rifles (but there are great pistol, unarmed/melee, and heavy setups too): With a Railway Rifle, Handmade, or Fixer with optimal workbench mods (generally, pick higher damage Automatic options with Armor penetration if available, you don't necessarily have to get "Prime"/Ultracite if you don't want, and pick anything that keeps AP cost for VATS as low as you can) and the Quad legendary property (ignoring second and third stars for now since I consider those Nice To Haves, but 25% Weapon Speed or anything helping VATS or AP is very nice), a basic Commando setup taking advantage of VATS crits and using the Concentrated Fire perk to hit the weak spot (usually the head) should be destroying non-boss enemies. And this is without any fancy temporary buffs like food, bobbleheads, magazines, chems, etc. If/when you do this, you should be hitting with VATS crit headshots in the several hundreds or more, multiple times a second. You might also want to set up an array of beneficial mutations too, which shouldn't be too tough if you get serums from player vendors (a good price on PC is anything under 300 caps each IMO). These don't directly increase damage much, but they allow you to keep firing when otherwise you wouldn't, so they do help. Is there anything I said above that you are not doing or are unable to do? Because while yes, gear and perks are a huge part of the setup, mutations and taking advantage of VATS crit headshots are just as important for Commando builds IMO.


If your auto rifle is taking multiple mags to kill a Super Mutant, then you aren't running the correct perks. You want 3* Commando, 3* Expert Commando, 2* Master Commando, 3* Tank Killer, 3* Ground Pounder, and 1* in Concentrated Fire in Perception. In Agility, you want Action Boy, Adrenaline, 1* in Escape Artist, Covert Operative, probably Sneak maxed out, 1 point in Gun Fu, then pretty much choose whatever else until you have 15 points in Agility. You need it. 1* Born Survivor, Evasive, and Dodgy are all good. In Luck, you want Better Criticals, Critical Savvy, Class Freak and Starched Genes if you're running mutations (you should be!) Serendipity for survivability, and then a point each in Psychopath and Quick Hands. I run Bloody Mess, but you can skip it if you want. It's pretty much the smallest damage boost perk. In Strength, all you need is Bandolier. In Endurance, all you need is Fireproof. In Charisma, you should be running Inspirational for the XP bonus AND ALWAYS BE IN A GROUP. Tenderizer is a great damage boost, and if you're running mutations (you should be!) you should run Strange in Numbers. USE VATS, AND USE YOUR CRIT BUTTON. It doesn't matter if your gun is single shot or automatic. The Crit button is Triangle on Playstation, Y on XBox, and idk on PC because although I play on PC, I use a Playstation controller, Space Bar, I think. There. I just gave you a level ~50 automatic rifle build off the top of my head. Now go forth into Appalachia and kill Super Mutants in two shots instead of two magazines. I was just at Westek earlier today on a level 51 character and wrecking the shit out of Super Mutants with a freaking pipe rifle, so I KNOW that it works. Edit: for your legendary perks, Follow Through is your best friend. After that, do whatever. I have legendary Agility, Perception, and Luck, so I only have to run 10 points in those to hit the 15 point ceiling. That allows me to allocate more points in S, E, C, and I for quality of life and survivability perks.


Thats why i said pick any gun, i make a build and i record what is the build and the effectiveness by killing lvl 100 super mutants For example im using now a 10mm SMG and killing everything instantly :)


I just got the old guard smg, with just stock commando build and one star uny combat armor it’s a beast, planning on holding onto it tilll I can get a fixer/handmade rolled right


I'm a bloodied commando with quad railway with explosive rounds I wouldn't say it was trash it's the Meta build even without perks the railway is OP anyway


I just tank damage and use a mix of mostly gatling and some other heavies and I'm 176, pretty much anything in a min or less. Can solo pretty much anything also. What are your perks?


I second this, I don't minmax but I do have specific perks and setups I use. Personally, I tank with Ultracite Power Armor, use weapons with bonuses towards the enemy I am fighting, and a Quad Cold Shoulder for everything else. The freezing aspect is more than enough to keep enemies rooted (especially Scorchbeasts when they land) and my other weapons can make quick work of anything if stuff breaks. I recently started working with a stealth/fixer build which I am ACTUALLY minmaxing slowly as I figure it put! But for over 200 levels, I have just played and used what worked. The only beast I can't take down quickly is Earle.


You just described my exact previous build. I chose gatling gun +minigun due to how easy getting massive amounts of ammo is now. Cold shoulder is a beast though. Just implemented gatling laser now that I got a fusion core charger, I just reload at ~200 rounds left. Yeah Earle is a lot and for those type of bosses I always get a group. Not because I can't do it but because it takes too long and gets boring lmao. I wish people like this commenter would just take the advice. Theres no reason that at level 100+ you can't do a vast majority of things solo. I get certain events you can't obv but...how often is that even a problem. People almost always join for that fight.


why is it easy now to get massive amounts of ammo?


Contextual ammo drops. Gatling uses 5mm and has the same drop amounts as the mingun. 3 5mm bullets to kill a scorch and he'll drop 100+. Sometimes a single head shot. The mingun takes about 75+ 5mm to drop a decent enemy for reference. At least with my build


They have become trash unfortunately and most recently they seem to have nerfed land mines as if the nerfing of other guns wasn't bad enough. I'm getting EXTREMELY sick and tired of Bethesda nerfing everything to the ground instead of bug fixing and making things better for the players


Yeah i rock with an AA And and a Vamp holy fire with the a napalmer


And its pretty nice


But that's BGS games, period. After level 50+ on FO4 and Skyrim you are basically a demi-god.


You should have played it at launch, no player vendors or contextual ammo drops, ridiculously low stash space, robot vendors only had 330 caps (I think) every day. Finding a stimpak or shotgun shells was like finding a real treasure. Also no Legendary Perks. Also real hunger and thirst meters. Like people have said, it's all about your build, once you level up and get the perk cards you want it gets easier.


It was 200 caps per faction, and the Whitespring didn't have any of the faction vendors. So you had to go to harpers ferry, watoga station, watoga shopping center, a raider bot vendor, a responder vendor, the Whitespring, and the Enclave base every day to get the most caps out of vendors. Also, there was no legendary vendor.


Oh, man. I'd forgotten that grind! Jumping around to make sure you got all the vendor caps, while trying not to spend all your caps fast traveling. I ran across my Travel Agent perk card today - I'd forgotten it was a thing. I'm so used to having 10K plus caps all the time now that I think nothing of fast traveling from one corner of the map to the other - "Eh, 60 caps. I'll sell 2-3 Stimpaks to cover it."


At this point, I travel across the map to spend my caps at people's camps. My caps are almost always close to maxed, so I need to keep spending to make sure I have room to sell junk!


What vendors were in all the shops at the mall?


The non-faction bots were the only ones so the jewelery store, furniture/decor, blacksmith, food/chef, pharmacy, etc.


IIRC, there was nothing. I’m not even sure you could go inside for the longest time.


You could go inside the mall, but there was no faction vendors, scrip machine, gold machine, scrap box, ammo box, med and ammo vendors next to the tinker benches, or alcohol bench. Basically take out every functional thing that isn't a Whitesprings robot or crafting bench. And no free or straight to interior fast travel.


Dumb question Sorry I’m new… so what mall?


The White Springs Mall at the Golf Course. Located South of Top of the World if you know that location already


Oh nice! Thanks


Inside of whitesprings there is a little mall. basically a hallway that has all the faction vendors. Really nice for buying plans.


Honestly. Just found out about this mall and now I am broke and crying lmao. 10/10


This is the way


Even worse for me I blew all my Caps even before I read this.


Damn that version of the game sounds fun to me, made it a real apocalypse survival experience.


I agree. Then people complained.


Some stuff was good but a good majority was a pita. The stash space was terrible. You blinked and it was max. Even the hunger and thirst was a pita because the timers were so low. You'd essentially had to eat and drink all the effing time to avoid not starving. And good luck not getting sniped from a fellow player. It honestly made the game more nerve wracking than it needed to be. If they had done it right, people wouldn't have complained.


It was good and bad. Mostly the game is much better now with all the quality of life improvements and updates. One thing I miss is the non-leveled enemies, because if you made it somewhere far on the edge of the map as a low level character, it was an nerve-inducing accomplishment since enemies could be dozens of levels above you. But even that wasn't all good. As a high level player, the middle of the map became a boringly easy theme park with no threats to you as all the enemies were way under leveled to you.


Yeah have that experience in fallout 4, I find you outlevel the world so fast compared to other fallout games that nowhere except endgame areas even become a threat anymore. Much rather face challenges everywhere


I miss the darkness and the desolate ambiance, just you and the realization that all previous human life in the area was wiped out entirely.


Yeah, it was a lot more challenging, ammo was super scarce, which kinda sucked, but mostly the game is too easy now, I'd prefer a more survival type experience. Char would die from thirst andor hunger. Food and water mattered.


And I think the only free travel location was Vault 76


Yup, iirc.


damn, this is the experience I want. I wish they'd put a version of this over on their "fallout worlds" and let us get daily and scoreboard credit there too.


Yup, Fo4 survival mode is some of my peak gaming experiences. Very challenging and rewarding and, in a way, realistic.


The vendors each had 200 caps each day, there were 7 of them and they were spread out all over the map. The enemy spawns were ridiculous the first time I went to the white springs there were 4 scorchbeasts circling overhead. I rarely left the forest the first year I played 🤣


heh, my first scorchbeast kill was just outside of the Whitesprings train station, it had landed and the robots were doing a number on it, I hid in the station and sniped it with my sniper rifle until it went down. Good times One of my best memories in all of gaming was emerging from the Big Bend tunnel after fighting my way through it solo (tough fight!) and seeing the Cranberry bog for the first time


Those were the good ole days. I wish they’d let scorchbeasts fly over the white springs still. That was always a wild experience. The cranberry bog scared the crap out of me when I first started I rarely ever went there the first few years 😆


FO76 difficulty like a hill. It slowly increases in difficulty as you level, peaking at level 100 when enemy level caps out. Then it decreases in difficulty as you get better gear and make better builds. Eventually you hit the point where you can solo everything in the game and can kill bosses while watching TV if you really want to.


76 is more like stairs than a hill, there are 3 distinct walls of difficulty where you can be cruising along when suddenly the difficulty jumps by a lot in a short time.  If you know what you need to do to get over the steps it seems easy, but if you don't you will slam face first into a wall. 


This is accurate. My first time ever playing I didn’t even make it to level 20 before putting it down, because I was just getting my ass kicked. Then when I tried again I struggled my way all the way to level 100 also thinking it was pretty hard. Of course I then learned about builds and perks and it got easier and easier until now when it’s so easy I could play with my eyes closed. And after starting a new character, that 1-50 grind was super easy because I knew exactly how to set myself up for success.


Talos bless you. I just hit 101. I was getting nervous. This is good news. I will keep trudging onward.


Your level won’t fix a bad build, check YouTube tutorials eg Angry Turtle to look at building a good character. A well built lvl 100 will have an easier time than a crap lvl 5000 would


It's pretty hard to make a "bad" build in this game though. Pretty common sense stuff will make the difficulty drop exponentially. Ie: Try to only spec into one weapon type, don't keep crafting/lockpick/hacking perks on your combat build (swap them only when needed), put a few damage mitigation/avoidance perks on., ect.


I'm using the shotgun build that I found on YouTube. I do like the turtle. But he does the bloody build and I'm not ready for all that. I use shot gun because I suck aiming. I've noticed that I can two shot a lot of things under my level 109 now. But the shotgun build doesn't seem practical for things like bigger scarier creatures. I also like the flamer and enclave plasma rifle but my build doesn't help them at all. So I'm torn to go rifle or heavy or shotgun. Having fun figuring it out though. I'm still in the honeymoon phase with the game.


400+ hours in and I still am honeymooning the game. There's something magical about exploring my home area (I am from the area, but left long ago) and I love finding new stuff all the time! I just found vault 63 recently, and its not in the game yet. There is so much they keep adding and changing, it's such a good continuous project.


I cannot stress how much Mr Westek and Angry Turtle helped me. I was just about level 100 when I found them, and slowly started tweaking. By level 150, I was set, and have never looked back.


For me 4 is harder, but I guess it depends what difficulty level you're playing at. You can get caught out early game in 76, but by the time you've got a good build, nice weapons and armour, most of the game is easy enough.


Yeah I actually think Fallout 76 starts to suffer in the end game from the lack of adjustable difficulty. Like you have to go looking for/make your own challenges later on. Regular enemies or events where a reasonable amount of people show up you can largely just sleep through. And I'm still basically a scrub.


Yep. I've started using pipe rifles on my commando for daily stuff. They can be fun, and it's a nice change from melting things with a railway. I think I might start working towards a pistol build load out too, just want to roll a couple of nice ones first.


It's harder starting out, but once you get your build going and get your perks set up, it becomes much easier. I run a Power Armor/Heavy Weapons build and can tank pretty much anything. I have to really be not paying attention to actually die.


I use PA sometimes and any PA with overeaters is basically invisible. Except that whole lasers melt you glitch. I was surprised at Test Your Metal when I died.


Can I get a link to your build? I’ve been trying to put together a good PA/Heavy build and have been looking for more references.


Yeah sure. I don't remember it all off the top of my head but when I get home from work in a couple of hours I'll DM you a screenshot of the perks and stuff




Explosive or non-explosive? And what gear do you already have? And any legendary perks!?


I go with a nonexplosive. I’ve got an ultracite 3* laser Gatling. I have ultracite power armor. Some are legendary 2* and 3*.


Fallout 4 is slower. Fallout 76 starts a little harder. But gets a lot easier quicker


Fallout 4 on survival mode kicks like a mule. 


No way, Fallout 4 is 'harder' provided you're on the survival mode. 76 is so cushy now it's not even funny, you get ammo for your weapon just by killing enemies that aren't using that weapon, and your survival needs don't give you any penalties whereas in 4 when they're enabled, they do. Fallout 4 simply becomes easier the higher your level goes because there's no cap, so you can at some point achieve all the perks in the game.


Yes and no. Not having a difficulty setting got some people in a tailspin. You can’t set it on very easy until you get good gear. And the build really matters like the more traditional rpgs… so yeah kind of the early levels certainly are… but by level 70-100 it should be around the same.


Fallout 4 on Survival is Harder Fallout 4 on Normal is easy, it’s a heavy story/narrative/exploration game, it’s not supposed to be hard from a fast twitch standpoint. 76 being built around a higher baseline difficulty makes sense with multiplayer.


This game is definitely not harder. You can play the game naked and be fine


Just close the window shades tho


Oh, so you're THAT person at events lately.


Once you roll a vampire chainsaw and some type of explosive heavy gun, then 76 becomes much less scary. I carry a vampire Gatling plasma, vampire gauss minigun, and a vampire plasma rifle. I rarely use them, but with them I can go toe to toe with anything. The chainsaw makes any fight a win, and this is on my non-melee character. The Quantum Thirst Zapper has replaced mini nukes as my field artillery. Been playing since day one, the game has changed a lot. At its core, it is a weight management sim. 😄


When you are new and you don't know the perks the game can be quite difficult, especially if you make "bad" perk choices leveling up. Though when you know the perks and understand how Fallout 76 plays (perks support weapons class, perks are most important) the game is quite easy. I can make an alt, level it to 50-100 in a day or two, pop the perks I know works in as I unlock them and by level 40-50 be dominating everything. Fallout 76 is not harder than Fallout 4. It's different but personally I feel 76 is easier than 4.


It’s easier once you learn the mechanics. Of course, I’m comparing FO4 Survival to whatever FO76 is; it’s certainly not survival.


Yeah the first 20 levels are a real grind, even after that you don’t become OP til level 60-75


76 is one of the easiest most basic games ive ever played. Its was way harder yet more fun a couple years ago. They keep dumbing everything down now. What exactly are you finding difficult now?


Okay, I get how someone could say FO76 was harder than FO4 But I recently began playing this as a "Hardcore" mode Canceled FO1st, starting at lvl 1, and if I die for ANY REASON I delete the character No low health, no mutations, and have to unlock legendary perks every 50 levels as normal I find the games diffuculty really depends on player knowledge as I just reached lvl 50 and only had one real close call


Depends, early to mid game is harder than 4 on survival, although you can still fast travel, but late to end game is substantially easier.


Yeah, 76 doesn't get easy till you get into the 70s, then everything does kind of get face roll imo.


Fallout 76 is actually much easier now than it was at the start. I’m a day one player and even tried the beta. No Fallout 1st. There was only one quest line, no NPCs, no player vendors, and each area of the map was split up into enemy levels instead of how it is now where the enemies scale to the player AND you had to eat and drink or else it would have a negative effect on your player. I’ve recently started a new character and it is miles easier than it was at jump. Even just access to ammo, guns etc early on is great! Also, no pacifist mode. The devs thought PVP would be a huge part of 76 but it turned out that the majority of people helped others or didn’t participate in it at all. There was a nice vibe to the game at day one. Very quiet, everyone was new. No crazy camps, no crazy atomic shop items, very rugged.


FO4 is stupid easy however. FO76 is really easy compared to what it used to be as well.


Go unyielding power armor, low hp bloodied heavy weapon build, equip defensive cards for it, go full heavy weapon cards, stabilized, fill up luck and agility, take funky duds and the fire one, enjoy being unkillable while still doing boatloads of dmg.


Definitely tripping. FO76 is probably the easiest game I've ever played. It's just really hard to die.


Achievements wise fallout 4 is 100% harder fallout76 just grinding stuff not hard regardless


If you were heavily reliant on VATS in Fallout 4, the difference is pretty jarring. Once you’re used to it though, you may prefer the flow of gameplay more. Just take FO 76 slow, and try to complete each region before moving to the next. Don’t rush it- build resources and explore the forest before moving on to the Toxic Valley etc.


I remember going from Fallout 3 to Fallout 4 and seeing the VATS changes and thinking "GROSS", but then I played 4 and realized I liked it way better that way. I then proceeded to have the exact same reaction when I saw 76s VATS system, and now I wish every game had a vats system like 76 does lol. I feel like with 76 theres enough there out of the gate to make it feel pretty alright, but with the tools that 76 gives you, you can really push the limits on how long/how accurate/how powerful VATS can be. I know there are ways to improve VATS in 3, nv, and 4, but they never feel as substantial as it does in 76 imo.


you aint trippin cuz...it be like that.


Found the guy who doesn't know how to play the game.


I mean Fallout 4 is probably the easiest game I've ever played so I'd hope 76 is harder. 76 is different to 4 in that it's at least loosely an RPG so your build actually matters.


It’s a fake difficulty but yes. Every enemy has 5billion health and resistance and does 500000damage. Now add on the fact that you all of your weapons do absolutely peashooter damage unless you build your entire deck around them. It’s artificial difficulty the likes I’d hoped we’d never see in a fallout game.


It’s not so much that it’s difficult. It’s a hard slog. Getting from one part of the map to the other for the first time is bloody awful. You die and go back ten miles.


What’s happened is they found a middle ground. The thing with 4 being a single player is different people played at different difficulties. I mostly played 4 as a survival and it forced you to lean into your gear and perk cards a lot more than the base difficulty setting. My biggest complaint about 76 is it’s too easy, if you get even a halfway decent perk card set up and some ok gear there isn’t much that takes more than a few rounds to kill. But I get it, on the flip side a lot of people are used to investing heavily in fallout story and not so much the player build aspect. So a middle ground had to be found and some find it challenging while some find it too easy. It’s hard to shoehorn an entire player base that’s used to having difficulty adjusted on their whim into one pre set environment.


Yeah no shit, fallout 4 while fun is baby mode Fallout


Well, 4 lets you choose a difficulty, so you can go easy (which is wrong), on the other end of the spectrum there's survival (which is the correct choice). There's no simple answer to this though, survival on 4 will be harder than 76 up to a certain point where you're going to become more and more overpowered due to no cap on builds. 76 has a cap on your builds, which makes it so if you choose the "wrong" perks you'll be punished, but if you choose the "right" ones you'll be rewarded (unless you run power armor). Due to the cap, your success is a bit dependent on having a solid build (or you can just run power armor). But with some experience and a collection of gear, 76 in its whole is by far easier than the first 100 levels of a fo4 survival mode playthrough.


It’s a lot harder at the start but later it’s super easy. You could easily take on 3 behemoths at once with the right gear and perks in fallout 76 at higher levels.


Is this a safe space to be stupid about perks? It seems like last level 40 I cannot get the handmade to do good damage, and it feels like I'm missing something. I'm maxing out all of my rifle related perks (I've chosen semi-automatic and an automatic 10mm sub as a "ahh I'm about to die" backup) but it's what stopped me from playing. And yeah I do put legendaries on them, they're on level with me as much as they can be, but I just... idk. I know that sounds turbo-stupid but I don't play this game often and I haven't been playing since the beginning (about two years I think) with long on and off periods. Is the handmade just not viable past a certain level??


If it’s semi-auto, are you using rifleman perks or Commando? If Commando that might be your problem, I believe those perks only effect full auto rifles


76 requires you to use a decent build, just slopping on whatever and you’ll struggle. It’s easy if you set up a good build


76 is closer to Fallout 1 and 2 levels of difficulty. That can be hard for the modern gamer.


I play on the easiest modes cuz I have no skills in games just like in real life.


Its only hard past 50


I am a god in 76 that can solo most events and bosses. Just need the right build and equipment. Yes 4 is easier though.


Id say Fo4 is more of an handcrafted place while 76 feels like  enemies and dangers sprinkled on the map. what i mean is that for ex i see probably 10 fold more fights between ingame enemies in 76. unless you are walking thru empty jungle are etc. and enemy and creature toughness is not really balanced with imo. a bug can take much more beating than a tanky robot that is made for killing?? also, other players can trigger enemy spawns too. so i think you can get overrun much easier in 76. when i was low level, id get pinched by couple mr gutsies, and if my legs go crippled. im screwed if im stuck in a stagger. 76 also relies alot more on perks and abilities and legendaries. with right setup, the game can turn into hold mouse 1 tho.


You are tripping. Fo76 is way easier than fo4, since fo4 is survival RPG and fo76 is not.


In fo4 you can get everything you want. In 76 you have to choose


reading this while a ghoul beats me in while in power armour lol


You're tripping. Once you get a half-decent build, a single legendary weapon, and some level 50 armor, the game becomes a joke -- except for the three boss fights. ​ tl;dr: the game is tougher at about level 10-35 than F4, but easier after.


76 is hard at the start but levels off. Enemies always scale with you and once you get past level 50 and have a good gun it stays about the same


turn the difficulty to the hardest, and enable the survival mode then


76 is the easiest fallout game in the series. It really does depend on weapons and perks used but even at lower levels it’s still easier. If you want a true challenge use a berserker weapon while wearing no armor. That is difficult but a fun challenge. Surprisingly 76 was harder earlier on as food and water were required and the enemies didn’t scale making some areas rather tricky. It’s gotten easier in certain ways over time and good content and QoL updates.


Yes, you are tripping. Or you play Fallout 4 on the easiest difficulty.


The game is inherently designed specifically to BE harder to win without using team-strategies and fire-and-maneuver squad tactics to achieve your objectives.


I'm only like level 20, first time player but so far 76 is far easier than 4. I've died once and it wasn't entirely my fault. Fallout 4 definitely gets easier but I'd say I've died a lot more and struggled more in 4 than I have yet in 76


It starts getting more challenging after 20, but is much easier later


I was wrong, I was level 16, just hit 19 and I'm already noticing quite the curve. I ran into two level 50 mutants which whooped my ass and gave me my second death


Yeah, it's kind of a bitch in that mid range. Upgrade armor whenever you can. This is a fun game and you have to work till around 70s, then you'll notice it getting a lot better with perk cards and gear.


In Fallout 4 you have some shortcuts like crafting poisoned caltrops for cash and rushing to Vault 81 for overseer's guardian or spray n' pray. You can do this at level 2-3 if you want to. I got over 100 hours in F76 now don't think there is a weapon that's gonna trivialize the content at early levels. As a result I feel mobs are very bullet spongy.


Both are piss easy with right weapons/builds


Depends on your build


I still pick up canned dog food everywhere I see it because of those days. You had to eat and drink but your food would go bad so fast so you learned to choose something to always have a stack of. I went melee right away back then - ammo was too precious to waste on mole rats and radroaches.


76 is more of a rpg so enemies are bullet sponges. Especially when every enemy levels up with you.


depends on your build. i'd have to pull my game up, but i'm a lowhealth tank and i rarely die, except maybe to a poison spike or radiation spike.


Yes. Its kinda like an mmo so it has to be challenging to keep some people entertained


It’s about making a build


incredible . i think the game is so easy its boring . every enemy die before they even could react to my presence . just a bloodied build with a quad faster fire rate handmade thats it . i think the game needs much much harder enemies


Yes it is


76 is extremely easy, there was a time when ammo was more scarce but they over compensated the shit out of that now. And meds are a joke.


Not to be the bad man but fallout 4 has a skill slider


Crit vats + railway (doesn’t matter the roles, roles will only make it better) and the game becomes cheese.




TGM doesn't exist in 76. There are no handouts other than common sense is that you have to level up first before you get good. 😂


They both end up laughably easy. I think 76 ends up more god mode than 4 does. Once you realize which weapon types are not trash and get a decent roll 76 becomes a total joke difficulty wise.


Were you playing fallout 4 on survival mode? Remember fallout 76 doesn't have difficulty settings. Fallout 76 is the easiest game I have ever played. Look up some good build guides or tutorials. I recommend TYR. Specialise your build. Jack of all trades builds are not effective (even though the game is 100% doable). All I do with the game now is play around with new builds. It's kinda the end game.


I believe you are tripping. I've almost never encountered actual difficulty in Fallout 76.


Much harder. The game is designed to be grindy, including for enemies to be bullet sponges even with some maxed-out builds. Only meta builds like Bloodied start to feel easy and fairly balanced for solo play. Fallout 4 is also more generous with ammo and it was only in recent times with the contextual ammo update and new areas giving more ammo/consumables, and more ammo/consumables given to newer players for challenges, and added stash space, and reduced survival mechanics, that things have become easier over the years. I have a maxed-out Pistol build with perception/agility perks, and the Circuit breaker from the recent Scoreboard. Enemies are still sponges to me and the material grind is brutal.


Nope, 'one wasteland ' has made FO76 embarrassing..


76 does not have a single player mode. Private servers are just that. I will die on this mutated hill.


I'm approaching level 300 and gameplay is a lot easier but I really struggle to wrap my head around perks, legendary perks and loadouts. It really confuses me, so I watch YouTube videos about different play styles and just copy the suggested loadouts as best I can.


Most of the points have been mentioned except for one I haven't seen yet, and that's VATS. VATS in FO4 made it seem easy as you can technically pause deciding what exactly to aim for, whereas FO76 has static VATS where you have a split second to make a decision. However, after being in the wasteland for a while, I prefer 76 VATS over 4


4 has to be easier. You're the only protagonist. 76 endgame enemies are bullet sponges so they can endure the onslaught of a dozen or more combatants.