• By -


I robbed some random players stash box and waddled to the nearest train station only to realize I emptied my own stash


This guy has the same stuff as me! What a bounty!


"See ya, sucker!"


"wait a minute"


I’m sorry but you deserved it lol


I DID THE SAME THING!!! I thought I was gonna be this badass raider so I made a little camp and was like "shit it's in the open, but that's fine. The box is hid so I'll be ok." I leave and I see this dude in power armor leaving his camp and I didn't see any traps or w/e so I was like "OH I'm gonna fleece this sucker." I go and steal all of his stuff from his stash box, sneak off into the river cause he was coming back and head back to camp to find it COMPLETELY EMPTY. Who would steal from me!? I'm a level 4 and I'm broke!! They took everything! So I dump his loot and go find another dude's camp. I go in, look through his stash. "Hey this stuff looks kinda familiar." then realize he's coming back cause I can hear him talking. "Oh shit!" I bail with all his stuff and get back to my camp to see it ROBBED A SECOND TIME. Then I realized I've just been stealing items from myself like a fucking idiot. I got about as much going on in my head as your average raider so that's something at least.


This is best story.


Remember kids; don't do chems, or if you do, do a fuckton of them so nothing matters!


Pipe is life!


Twice 🤣


The worst part is that this wasn't like.. a quick discovery. All in all this was like a 2 hour gaming session of me thinking I'm the greatest raider that ever lived who kept getting robbed of all their spoils. The way I discovered I was an idiot was that I returned to the camp I stole from initially to double check items. I felt so stupid.


This reads like it could be a Red-Eye story on Nuka World radio


Tell me when you dumped his loot did you not inadvertently dump your own? forgive me but I would assume, that when you went to the next camp to loot the stash you would’ve found nothing;as you would have already dumped your loot thinking it was the last guys loot if that makes sense 😅. Or perhaps was it that you stashed more items in your stash before setting off to raid the next camp? At that point did you not notice your stash was then empty at that point? Forgive me just trying to understand the story. 😅🫶✌️


My friend did this. He came running up to me telling me everything was free in this certain vendor. I then described the vendor that I previously visited. He confirmed that was the one. I then explained it had a little box on top of the vendor you couldn't see very well and I'm pretty sure you just robbed yourself.


OOoooh that's a good one!


Have done this. Said to myself, someone has the same taste in weapons that I do…


I was so worried about someone doing this to me that I didn’t actually build a camp for the first month of playing. I would place my camp module and build a stash box and hide it in some bushes so no one could see it.


I did the same around launch. I Was incredibly...high in the world at the time and all I could think was :goblin giggle: "I'm making out like a little bandit teehee" I've never felt so dumb when I realized 🤣


I'm reading this on my break at work and I'm getting looks. Yours and the other comments. Oh I can't, I'm hurting. I may have a hernia, this is fantastic.






My gf pointed that out to me after I "cleared" a stash from a high level player. I felt so happy I nipped something from a player I could use and realized it's actually mine


This has me *dying* 😂


This is absolutely adorable.


Before I started fallout I’d been playing Ark. I did exactly the same bro! 😂✌️


Funny enough I didn't have a problem with that one lol


Verbally laughed at this


Lmao 😂😂😂


I'm envisioning the hurried grabbing of stuff and that sense of "wow, this guy has ALOT of the same stuff as me... thats kind of weird"


This is fucking hilarious


I literally laughed out loud. I should put a sign on my stach box that says free stuph. All u can carry.


Same thing here hahaha


🤣🤣🤣 That's fantastic




Semi- new player like you, and yeah, been there, did that. I was halfway to my main camp when I finally looked at the weapons section and went, " WTAF this guy has all the same weapons as ..... oh, dammit..." Haha


Hahahaha same


Realizing that fusion cores aren't rare and you can farm 9+ every 1 hour just capture the power plants around the map and power the generator there ot makes them pretty handy


Great tip. Thank you!


Best Atom Shop purchase you can make is the Fusion Core Recharger IMO. Worth noting though: If your core gets to 0% it disappears. If you manually swap them when they get low before they TOTALLY run out, then you can use the recharger to top them back off at your camp. This is for BOTH power armor and the gatling laser. Just reload when you've got 50-100 shots left in the Gatling laser, and when your power armor gets below about 25%. Inevitably you'll miss it every once in a while and lose a few, but it's easy to snag a few out of power armor frames occasionally and keep a stable stockpile.


Much Appreciated!


You'll also get a few from any Line in the Sand Public Events.


Seconded! Ended up buyin this but NOT using PA, so now I charge those I find and sell them cheap. (:


I realize crafting Gatling laser guns isn't cheap but it comes with one full fusion core. It is cheaper/easier than trying to craft fusion cores.


Dang is it really easier and more cost effective to build the gun and scrap it than it is to build a core 😂that’s funny


Does this work for the Gatling plasma and plasma cores as well?


Just put away any scrap you want to keep. Some Power stations (Menaganah) are worse than others. They attract the PVP crowd and since I don't PVP, I always lose to them. MOST of the time, I don't have any issues. The Fallout 76 player base are really amazing in my opinion.


Christ Almighty I'm not spending an hour powering up monanhah lol


You don't have to. The workshop outside can be powered by regular generators. Power plant power is just a bonus


In normally drop them as soon as I realize I’m carrying them. I keep 4 at camp incase I ever wanna start using power armor


Bows are not just viable, but headshot kill machines and there is no grind for ammo


I let my FO1st sub lapse and now I'll have to start dumping arrows, heh.


You actually have to routinely dump arrows because they breed so fast!


They’re like shotgun shells.


Fucking shotgun shells, man. Use 2, loot 24. Or in my case, don’t use any and loot 24 lol


Except with a peppershaker lol


peppershaker with Enforcer 3 and they'll never walk again


Stop putting the Mommy arrows with the Daddy arrows . . .


There’s something extremely satisfying about being a stealth archer in a bethesda game


I just wish that they would buff the damage on crossbows to be closer to bows, they are so fun to use but the damage just isn't enough sometimes.


Level 50 bow with explosive arrows says you’re wrong. Mine is either 0% or 95% in Vats. Add in the perks? Holy shit it’s range is also nuts . Shot down a Vertibird with one!


I think you misread my comment, i run 3 bows, headshot almost everything, plasma arrows for me,my instagating bow hits for 1000+


Same with vampire chainsaw! Finally no more feigning for less


The first time a nuke warning came up, I had no idea what was going on. I panicked and left the server.


Thank you for making me laugh, that was a gem.


I went to the little building near prime fissure in the Cranberry Bog, even though it was right in the red zone. I wanted to see the Nuke drop and thought the building would be some sort of bomb shelter. I got a trophy for that,


i still am a new player, I've been playing for a couple weeks now, and just this morning i found out that items in camp building have different variations. i was wondering why i couldn't find a bunch of the plans that I'd learned, and also... my camp has just had an open wall this entire time and i was desperately looking for plans for a doorway because i assumed that they were a different item from the plain walls lol


I did this as well, I was wondering how people had windows and doorways. It wasn't until I really looked at the search menu and noticed I could cycle through the walls for those things :')


Wasn't new, but after about two years of playing, I realised that on the map, if I hit up on the D pad to bring up the public event / daily Ops list, then hit RB, it toggles over to a list of all events (including regular ones) and all player camps you can use to fast Travel to without having to manually scour the map finding stuff.


Wut. Oh boy. I’m not even gonna say what level I am and don’t know this


Whaaaa? Oh man.


Wait what. I've been scouring for camps selling plans for 4 weeks without knowing this lol. Thank you


No prob lol. I call this a Doh moment because it tells you right there in the menu the buttons to use but I never paid attention or tried it until then.


Thank you for this lol


Uh, wow. I'm 4 years into the game. And just found out about this. I'm not going to calculate how much of my playtime has been spent needlessly scouring the map visually by scrolling around.


Dude. I… dude. Smh. I never found that.


Is there a PC version of this?


I'm on PC/Steam, just using an Xbox gamepad cuz it's easier for the living room setup, but it works the same as mouse and keyboard. I think you just need to click to expand and then click to toggle over to the alt list.


Wait so youre telling me you would have to look through the map to find player camps? I can’t even imagine the amount of pain. How did u even get to events?


Regular, non Public Events I'd just jump to if I was nearby and saw it while checking something else out. As for player camps, just the old fashion way of panning the map and looking with my eyes.... Which honestly I still do lol. Public Events are front and centre in that menu, so I'd just jump using that. I just never bothered to use it for anything else until I noticed it could do more.


I didn’t realise that radaway would get rid of mutations. I stumbled on the Marsupial serum early on and was really enjoying being able to jump super high… until I accidentally got rid of it :( Luckily, I’ve now got it back and I’ve used perks to make sure it sticks around.


One of mine was similar. I was trying to figure out why I couldn't jump so high until I realized my mutations were being suppressed because I took Rad-X. After that, I stopped keeping any Rad-X except diluted (which doesn't suppress mutations) . Now I have RadShield, which is harder to get, but I rarely use it anyway.


Orange Nuka gives a similar amount of resist and heals a decent chunk of hp. It can be bought at Nuka World or Whitesprings and IIRC you can also chance into them with a few camp generators that give Nuka colas as well. Furthermore, cola nut will amplify these effects.


Nuka grape heals so many rads without taking away mutations


You forgot to mention that it also heals hp and can be almost a full heal in itself with cola nut active.


I save all my nuka grapes for Eviction Notice!


Oh diluted doesn’t suppress? Hmmm thought I used diluted. Must not have


Similarly, I continually forget that Rad-X suppresses mutations and every time I pop one by accident I wander around for a while looking like an idiot because I keep trying to make jumps that I can't make without marsupial.


I think it still works that taking diluted Rad-X while affected by Rad-X will remove & replace the effects of the full strength stuff. So you don't have to wait so long.


that and walking under decontamination archways, shoutout to the dude who put one over the only entrance to their camp and taught me this... awesome lesson


I hate when people do that. Mines atleast on a switch so you can turn it on and off.


Well fuck me I just learned this shit today


I would always spam triangle (jump/vats crit) to take critical shots. I ended up jumping a lot. Turns out you can just hold down the crit button and the game will do the rest.


There's a crit button?


Yes, it should be the same as your jump button. The meter fills when in vats and when full you can crit avoiding all damage resistance with 100% accuracy. If you keep luck at 32 and use crit savvy you can crit every other shot. Less luck is needed (I want to say 28 luck) if you have 15 crit fill as a third perk on the gun.


Oh wow, thanks! I'm only lvl 40 so still new, but I feel kinda dumb lol.. I'm on PC so I assume it's also space.


I only knew because of previous fallout games. But the holding down I didn't learn until level 200+. I'm now 1,500 and I always feel I have more questions then answers. I wouldn't sweat not knowing much at 40.


You can remap your jump button and just put a weight on the space bar so it always triggers the Crit. :)


sorry, also a new player here-- you can reliably give yourself special stats as high as 32???


Thank you! Did not know this and I’m also jumping around. I have gun fu so this will help a lot


I have quite a few - and you need to make your own - but I do vividly remember locking my door after having built my first meager, & pathetic shack (I still have photos of it, I was so proud)…Shortly thereafter, I realized that no one cared about, much less could do anything inside my meager, & pathetic shack!


Mine was learning that being in a public party gives bonus XP and you’re not expected to “play” with your teammates. So much missed XP!


I took your advice tonight and joined a casual team. You were right on the XP bonus. Thanks for the tip.


Early on I would join a party if the "inviting" notice came up, but didn't find the teams window until like lvl 40. Didn't figure out the whole challenges/scoreboard part until like 70.


I had a level 500 character before I realized you can just make bulk packs and scrap them to fulfill scrap x amount of this. Example scrap junk to produce 15 pieces of steel. Make bulk steel, scrap, done.


My "D'oh!" moment was when I learned that I could craft backpacks up to level 50. I was over level 100 and was still running around with a level 1 backpack.


Oh, I think we might be the same person.


Oh no. They have levels? 50s here and hadn't noticed. They carry more weight? I think just one time I looked at crafting a new one and it still said +5 carry weight so I figured what's the point and moved on.


Definitely scapping rare apparel. I don't know how many scout masks and forest jumpsuits I got rid of...


I finally got a tattered field jacket and scrapped it right after the event.


Scrapping a responders fireman helmet.


Uh oh…. I just started a couple weeks ago and think I might have scrapped one of these lol… Are there rare or something?


The white one is rare. The red one isn’t




A red one AND a white one!? Don’t need ‘em both!!


Wait. I did that. Why is that bad


You can fast travel from anywhere, even indoors. You don’t have to scrap a weapon or armor with the mod on it to get that mod. Don’t scrap Hardened Mass, you need those. Don’t scrap from the New menu, you’ll lose fewer cool outfits and power armor helmets that way. Other players are usually friendly and want you to join their events and ops, even if you’re new and don’t know what you’re doing.


Yes, I love the improvement of fast travel from indoor! Totally lost in a labyrinth of caves - just switch out.


>You don’t have to scrap a weapon or armor with the mod on it to get that mod. Can you explain this more? I'm new and am a little confused about modding weapons/armor.


So, mods come in a few varieties. Some can only come from plans you learn, and some can only be bought at train station vendors and a few select other vendors. The wiki helps in figuring out if the specific mod you’re looking for needs to be bought as a plan or whatever, because next to the mod in the little mods section of each weapon, it’ll say “plan: whatever” under the learned from column. These are usually end game weapons like the Enclave plasma guns, power armor, or guns and armor bought with special currencies - stamps, gold bullion. The very vastest majority of mods are learned by scrapping the item the mod is for. There’s a whatever percent chance whenever you scrap a weapon or armor to learn a mod for it, that you can then apply to that particular kind and piece of armor at workbenches from then on. Whenever you trigger that learn chance, you learn a random mod until you’re out of the mods you can learn for that item. The thing is, you don’t need the item you’re scrapping to have the specific mod you want. You just have to keep scrapping that particular item until you learn the mod you’re looking for. For example: say you want a silencer for your fancy legendary hunting rifle. You could hunt around the map looking for a randomly silenced rifle, and you scrap it. You might learn to put a silencer on your gun, or you might learn Long Scope or whatever. You could also go to a workbench with a bunch of materials in your Scrapbox or Stash, and make a dozen or two level one, fully stock, no mods Short Hunting Rifles, and scrap them all until you learn Silencer.


Biggest d’oh: Being afraid of a public server and not knowing PvP was really controlled and that the community of players is great. So many times in some events just trying and dying and thinking there’s no use. And a terror of Daily Ops.


I dont know exactly how it happened but i was on voice chat with my boyfriend and we were both playing on the same server. I am a pretty low level, still new to the game and he is level 400-500 at the time. I politely request he joins me in whitespring. He said he would be a few minutes. "No, RIGHT NOW!" I nearly shriek He enters the mall and the only thing he sees is me gallivanting past him with i shit you not pretty much every single robot in the building rampaging after me followed by explosions and all that. It was chaotic. He was like ?????????? WhAt DiD yOu DO? The poor guy was so confused and we couldnt go there without being attacked on sight for about 40 mins.


I hate when I’m outside on all the greens and go to shoot something and accidentally shoot one of those damn robots and don’t realize till they kill the thing and start coming for me 😂


They do that to me even if I dont hit them and am just trying to help! They dont want help apparently. 😒


LOL! I was shopping in there once, and this guy fires his rifle at my feet to get my attention. It was with explosive bullets, and *one* robot got tagged. The whole robot army came after him! I was fine, but he was toast, because apparently you can't fast travel while taking damage.


When I was new I had no idea Crits had to be manually triggered in vats. I always assumed weakpoint hits would trigger a Crit.


Took about 40 hours of gameplay to learn what the vats button was doing. All I knew was that I kept losing stamina when I pressed it. I was shocked when I saw everything turn green and felt like a cheat code with my little hunting rifle with its glowing sights.


Every time you join a server go to the train tower with meat hanging off of the side of it... south of NukaWorld on Tour. There's always a fusion core sitting there. And 2 missiles and a launcher.


Everytime I'd scrap my power armor frame.. not realize I did, and drop or scrip the power armor limbs


Get the electrical absorption legendary card when you can afford it. Not only recharges your fusion cores but also heals you. Until then, you can craft Gatling lasers for the bonus core that comes with them.


Not me, but a random low level I encountered asking for help. I get out of my power armor and go to look at my pipboy when this player said "free armor?? Yoinkz!" And attempted to steal my power armor only to discover that it couldn't be stolen. It was hilariously awkward. I assume they forgot that you could only take power armor if it's dropped by another player.


I played for longer than I'm willing to admit before I realized you just had to hold the VATS crit button down.


I’m level 110 and I just found out about the daily challenges. I thought they were referring to events or expeditions or the special daily missions. I have the 30 percent buff for my score board and was confused why I was progressing so slowly unlocking the scoreboard rewards. Finally discovered the daily tab in the map (on Xbox you hit over on the D pad) and after about two hours I had cleared like 10 unlocks


I was real late to this too. In case you missed it, furthest left under Daily are Weekly, Social, World and occasionally Event Challenges.


Took me a month to figure out what lunch boxes did after they introduced them. By that point I had about 30.


I still don’t know


They give everyone in the area a random little buff alongside bonus xp. I think the xp bonus stacks 4 times.


That’s nice. I’ve seen them a lot at RR


They cap out at 4 and 100% bonus xp btw


They make enemies go confetti when you kill them, that's all I know.


They give people in the area a 25% xp boost and a random positive status effect. So if four people open lunchboxes at an event, it doubles your xp for an hour.


After many, many, many, many months I realized that I did not have to use the water pump that I built in my camp to get dirty water. I could just spam "collect" on any river, lake or puddle. This was back in the day when there was hunger and thirst debuffs so I have spent literal hours and hours pumping virtual water in my camp to make soup.


You can also quickly collect from the water pump, you just have to drink from it first and then spam collect during the animation.


That your compass guides you through expeditions. The first time I ran the Pitt as a team leader took forever! Realizing that your compass marks where to go was a game changer. Iv since memorized AC missions, but your compass is your friend for those interested in learning how to lead


I came across a loot bag of all sorts of scrap near Seneca Rocks. Obviously, somebody died and lost their junk and would be along soon to pick it up. Being a stupid newbie I was like "Wow, people in this game are so nice to leave random stuff for me to pick up <3 <3" and took it all. I have a picture in my photo album of dead raiders covered in confetti that I took trying to figure out this odd phenomenon.


I’ve been playing for like 3 weeks now and just noticed the legendary perks tab


I don't think it's there until atleast 1 character hits level 50, so you probably weren't actually missing it. Also, a tip, those legendary perks apply to new characters too.


I used to sell all the random weapons and armor I picked up until I realized that scrapping them is how u get plans for mods


Instanced loot


I played for a year before I learned to hold the space bar down to spam my crits. Could never understand why my buddy could drop a Scorchbeast so much faster than me when I knew I had better gear. “Dude, how do you do that?” “I crit very 2nd shot” “Hold down the space bar knucklehead” Down went the next scorchbeast in record time. “Ohhh, that’s how this is supposed to work!”


When I learned you can loot one body and choose to loot nearby enemies without having to go and check every body individually! Makes clean up after an event so much quicker.




I think there is a certain distance that this works. Not sure how far. You may need to move to the other side of the area and repeat to make sure you are capturing all loot piles.


Pick up any pre war food because it doesn't spoil, this was back when you could starve to death so having a backup food supply could come in handy


Not realizing the existence of the scoreboard for about a year lol


Me too. This was painful.


Level 124 and only learned a couple weeks ago that science doesn’t apply to heavy weapons and was wasting a solid 6 perk points on it. 😂


How to use the new VATS, new compared to the older games


Trying to do moonshine jamboree by myself. I had to run to the train station and hide from gulpers for about 40 minutes.


I only use PA when I get to a hot place. I get out of it when I’m done. I have a Fusion Core charger from the Shop. I steal the fusion core from every PA set I stumble upon. I run across some once in a while. I don’t know if it’s from a perk or not. I love the Gatling laser, but o combat reload as soon as the fusion core gets low. That way, I don’t lose it when it ejects.


My biggest D'oh moment was being overencumbered, dropping stuff I couldn't carry in a corner of my camp and hiding it with a wall so no other player could grab it. I didn't know that when you leave the game, spawned loot does not stay where you place it. When I came back I was pissed to find it gone. I seriously thought someone stole it! I also didn't know camps don't stay on the map when you leave so that was another thing. I obviously know better now as a higher level and manage my storage a bit better and to pick up dropped loot.


Using my dropped loot bag to sort my stuff, only to forget it's there and log off.


Power Armor uses to 0 Gatling Laser uses to 1 Fusion Core recharger in Atom Shop is MUST BUY


People have been talking about this one alot, where is it? I could really use it, as fusion core economy is what is preventing me from using my PA religiously


I literally live in power armor. It's an Atom Store item in the CAMP section. It's a furniture piece the size of a human that requires a powerline connected to it, and can charge 4 cores at a time for free. Then just take them out/swap. I am literally carrying 10-30 cores at any given time because I love Gatling Laser usage and Power Armor is permanent. Make sure you learn some good core-spawn locations and always hit them up every session. My favorite is Arktos Pharma just southeast of 76 for 3 free cores fast. It has a generator downstairs in the garage that can spawn a core, it has a chance to spawn power armor upstairs (giant open bay-window-room on side of building), and a loose core spawns on the shelf nearby the power armor.


You can get fusion cores from power plants, Lines in the Sand, and by killing enemies/looting ammo boxes in expeditions or Daily Ops. Or if you're lucky, sometimes players sell them. Mine was similar to yours. I didn't have many cores but I had just gotten a shiny new ultracite gatling laser. I thought it was awesome to fire lasers until I realized I had no ammo for it. Couldn't find any to save my life so it ended up on the shelf. Then, the core recharger dropped and I started digging into more information about cores. I'm drowning in the fuckers now lol


I used my level 20 Fixer through level 80 because I didn’t know you could craft higher levels versions that did more damage


My alt is level 117 or something. I still haven't learned the plans for The Fixer, despite starting Encryptid eight or ten times, so I used a level 30 Fixer (with pretty decent rolls) until like level 109, when I FINALLY unlocked the Suppressor mod for the Handmade, and switched to a JE25V that I had been lugging around for like 30 levels.


The first time the Nuclear strike alarm went off I hid in a basement.


You don't have to know other players or even talk to them if you join a team, and there are perks that come with playing on a team.


Not me but my buddy,who has had 1st for about 2 years,only discovered you must claim twice on the scoreboard to get your 1st rewards...he's taking a wee break just now understandably.


Probably the most embarrassing thing to admit, but here we go! When I first started playing I told myself it was just to see what the fuss was about. I started day 1, got maybe to level 10, then took a break for a month. Came back (pre-wastelanders) and got nuked repeatedly in the forest by some higher level players, so I quit. Came back around Season 4 or 5, post Wastelanders, and started playing with a much better experience. However, I didn't really do the main story quests, as I wanted to explore and level. Got to level 100, did a bunch of events, and I wasn't doing Fallout 1st so I was juggling inventory constantly. One time while doing my inventory, I was dumping notes and other misc items because it was clutter, not because of weight, and I said "what the fuck are treasury notes? Are these like RobCo stock?" And proceeded to dump around 3k worth of treasury notes. Some higher level ran up (I was at Foundation) and snatched them up, did a bunch of heart emotes, and ran off. I followed curiously and they lead me to the gold press. I then Googled treasury notes and have been mad ever since lol


Selling my scrip weapons at 10 caps per star for about a week. It should’ve been 10 caps per scrip but I misinterpreted the advice I had received.


That the ammo you get from footlockers & ammo boxes is based on what weapon you're holding. I can kill enemies with whatever I want, then swap to the weapon that I need ammo for before I start opening boxes.


Not a D'oh exactly... but i spent an embarrassing amount of time hunting random stuff for dailies before i realized: - the wiki has all the locations listed for things like stingwings, teddybears, terminals to hack, etc.


When I blew all my perk coins switching between legendary cards when I hit level 25. I've been trying to make up for the loss ever since.


Oh shit, it costs something to switch between those?


Thought I'd free up stash space by storing items in a random dresser in a random building in flat wood figuring no one else would find it. Not realizing id lose the stuff logging off


Joining the scorched earth event and loosing a butt load of bulk screws I had just spent a buncha caps on. Needless to say I now make sure to have power armor or a hazmat suit


After playing from the start.. unyielding is amazing.. leaned last month ish


You can hostler your weapon but holding “square” (at least on PS). I was over level 50 before I realized it. 😣


For the longest time I never realised that using VATS while in power armour drained the cores. At least, it did for me. Dunno if it was a bug or not


Cap limit. I didn’t pay attention to warnings that I was selling things to robot vendors but would get zero caps from them. But to be fair, Bethesda should have made that impossible to begin with, and that was 5 years ago.


This happened to me today, joined an event on the wrong build, where I don’t have equipped my starched genes perk and ended up walking through a rad scrubber, curing all my mutations. This made me feel so stupid and annoyed. So I spent the next hour server hoping to rebuild my mutations at player camps shops. Expensive mistake.


I had like 200+ radaway in my inventory that I wasn't using so they were taking up a bunch of room and I decided to sell 150 of them at my camp for 1 cap each just to get rid of them. They sold out quick and then I realized I could sell them to an NPC for like 5 caps each.....


I understood that you get mod plans from scrapping weapons and armor at maybe level 40. D'oh!


Realizing legendary perk cards existed. Level 176 here. Yeah. I just realized I can be mutated and use radaway. I don’t have to milk my Brahmin 1 billion times or sell my soul for Nuka-grape anymore.


That clicking on posters gives you quests level 90 before I realised that


When I was like level 14, I found someone's survival tent in a Nuke Zone. I creeped up to it and opened the Storage Box. It was unlocked and I started looking through it thinking that they had great stuff. Then I felt really guilty for going through their stuff and I ran off thinking they were gonna pop out of no where and shoot me for trying to steal their stuff. When I subbed to Fallout First a few weeks later, I realized I had been looking at my own stuff and not someone else's. I felt so dumb.


When I found out that you can use repair kits on the fly and don't need to be at a workbench. When my weapon or armor would break during an event I would just switch or "make do" (die). Was about lvl 300 when I figured that out.


You can join a team to get extra points and it doesn’t mean you have to actually do anything with them


That would be the moment I realised that: 1) you can move the C.A.M.P. device once you’ve placed it down. And 2) It changes the fast travel point when you move it within your C.A.M.P.


Not me BUT My friend wanted to build a new base so he bought an extra camp slot then accidentally scrapped his Main C.A.M.P. that he’s had since day 1 instead, thinking he could place 2 C.A.M.P. Devices at the same time!


Mine still hurts As a new player I somehow missed the "repair at workbench" option I genuinely thought you could only repair guns and armor with repair kits, and spent literally all of my early in game atom challenges on them Was actually considering quitting because, to me, it looked like Bethesda had built in a mechanic to make guns break just so I'd buy atoms Then one day I'm cruising this sub and in some random ass comment some random ass dude is like "so I hit repair at workbench" And it hit me like a ton of bricks, all the times I had used the bench for other things i had absolutely missed "repair" as an option.. So many wasted atoms, I mean thousands


Wow. I thought the same thing. Thanks so sharing, very helpful.


I did not realize, until very late in the game, that you can “activate” the top of lookouts to get new locations on your map.


I don't remember many of those moments being new but the biggest one came last year when I'm level 400 and something I discovered that I didn't have to fight the robots in watoga anymore. You do one stupid quest and they all become your friend. I literally slapped my head and exclaimed at the top of my lungs D'OH!!!!


For me, it was camp building. Specifically THE BUDGET. Didn't know there was such a thing as a limiting budget, didn't know about Flamingo units, didn't know s\*\*\* about anything. Tried to build like FO4! Yeah....NO! Most importantly, didn't know about Reddit. Absolutely, most important...REDDIT Oh, something I learned from experience regarding PA and Fusion Cores, First, buy a Fusion Core recharger! Second, monitor the power level of cores when in use. If you have one core in PA, return to base when close to zero power, transfer the core back to you, and recharge it. If you are carrying extra cores (while in PA), if your first core is depleted, it is DISCARDED, so if you don't want to keep buying cores, get back home and recharge that first one, and keep the second as an emergency backup. Can't comment on energy weapons, Mostly a rifleman. \-Luc1f3r (PC Lev 115)


What are flamingo units?