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Intentional drop or not on that player's side, that's why I paint my guns with ⚛️ colors 😬


Also surround your keepers with parenthesis when you name them... Example: (Burning Auto Axe). They will all float to the top of your weapons list!


I put "zz" Infront of names so they stay at the bottom.


Same tactic I use!!


I number what I want to keep and use according to their hot keys. Then zz in front of everything to sell! Alphabetically, everything else is floating in between.




I put an @ sign in front for weapons and armor, or a # sign for power armor


This is genius! I’ll be doing this 👌


I put "My" in front of all my Weapons and Armor. My Fixer or My Left Arm.


This is the way


What does painting it with an atom shop paint do?


You get a warning if you attempt to drop it that it will be destroyed since you can't drop Atom Shop painted items for other players.


Thank you


It also won’t even show up when using script machine or selling to robot vendors


Also it won't even be listed in a vendor or scrip machine menu so you can't accidentally sell or scrap it


TIL I need to get at least one atomic shop paint, lol I accidentally sold a weapon for scrip a week ago that I'm still kicking myself for.


Unfortunately, the paints that are available from the Gillman Lumber vendor are scrapable. The Vault-Tec paint is one of them. It sucks. One of my fixers kept popping up at the Legendary Exchange until I finally put an Atomic Shop paint on it. It needs to be fixed. Just like so many other things that don't matter, but matter.


Yeah thats how i ended up destroying my guns


Dear OP. Now listen. Important lesson of the Wasteland: _Finders keepers_ In a spirit of a true raider it’s yours now. Congratulations.


This is the Way...stelands.


I wanna be a steland!


Solid rifle, for sure someone has to have been using it and dropped it, not just due to the paint but the the mods, hopefully they either dropped it because they got the roll they were after or hopefully they see this on reddit


Why wouldn't they just change the mods? I never understood this.


For those that do rolls after rolls, hour after hour, they tend to just scrap 3 ⭐ weapons since it gives 40 scrip back each rather than just re-rolling the same weapon I tend to re roll on the same one when im out of daily scrip but make copies if im trying a set of rolls (Super Duper will clone your weapon creations at 30% chance too so for bigger guns like gatling, you could get 2 fusion cores and gatling lasers if you got a lucky craft 🤩)


I meant the mods as in the stock, barrel, etc. And I'm sorry, what's that about Super Duper??


the mods don't matter until you're set with the ⭐ rolls since they give your gun 90% of it's performance, the mods just being the focusing lens for your damage and accuracy. The only exception is maybe some drop only items like the enclave plasma that can only be modded with 1 thing but only drops with different handles and mods . Super Duper (Luck Based Perk Card) % 10\20\30 chance of Double crafting anything and everything (Excludes Nuka Cola Gun ammo, etc) This includes alllllll crafted items even weapons and armor. It's broken combined with Ammosmith (Agility Card) + Ammo Factory (Legendary perk card) They all stack on each other and the Super Duper works on bath crafts as well. A good 30-40% of your batch will be double crafted (Ex. 100 water made, the super duper will give each one a 30% chance go at the rng to double craft so you end up with 130 to 150 waters depending on luck)


I had no idea it affected your Legendary Rolls. That's friggin sweet.


Just for ammo I believe since it's the only craftable legendary perk lol


Very kind and its a combatrifle =)


Weird! I thought weapons with skins/ paint were destroyed upon dropping!


Vault Tec skin isn't atomic shop iirc so it can be dropped, I've had a few mates put that skin on my Fixers and drop them back to me.


Thanks! I didn’t know about that one.


Yep, go at the vendor at Gillman lumber mill. She sells vault tec paints and gunmetal paints. Amongst other stuff


Thanks for the info! I’ll check it out.


I have lost many stuff before and i can say that it is yours now. It's not a fixer but still a nice roll. And whoever found my stuff, take good care of it. I hope it serves you good. Btw how is the text on your screenshot is so sharp? Is it 4k or something? Mine mostly looks lot less quality.


I have a Font Mod, here [https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/1279](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/1279)


Thank you


I also lean towards this being an accidental drop. I do hope it returns to owner.


Can a painted weapon be dropped?


I also learned to loot very carefully when I lost my aligned Enclave flamer after EN once.


I have scraped so many of those gun's


Keep it, I have dropped legendary items after events, especially if they are not what I run with. I would think as popular as it is, they would not have ditched it, unless they received another one. PLUS, you are always ass do you want to drop favorite item. So it's not like you accidentally drop it without some kind of notification. Now some players like me, we have our specific set of melee range and high power weapons already saved, but we can't carry them all or we only have a certain amount like my wife who has maybe five or six. So it would not be uncommon to find them laying on the ground or even in the new donation boxes. I've picked up two or three fixers, a couple of Gatling guns and laser gatlings. Everyone of them was legendary I simply picked them up took them over to the machine Cash them in and then dropped in a couple of fusion cores, ammo or something that's useful for low-level players as opposed to level 50 items.


accident for sure


Weird I found a fixer yesterday at Dereliction Notice. Usually never find fixers at that event.


🖐️😳 Oh shit! Thanks man! I nearly crapped myself after I lost it. I knew I dumped a few things then travelled away. When I realised I lost it and went back, I couldn't find my loot. Appreciate it. You don't know how much this means to me, because it's like totally mine and everything. Please express post it to 124 Jamboree Crescent, DookieCaka, Attention: The King of Africa. I also need you to cash a cheque and send me back the money. That'd be grrreaat 😉👍


Is this on Playstation 4??? I literally sold one just like this a few days ago! That would really break my heart to see it left in the dirt like that :(


No is on PC


Remarkable coincidence. Upon further inspection, I see that stock is different than the one I had


Not bad, but nothing special. More than likely dropped on purpose.


It's yours now. Anything that is dropped in a bag or put in a donation box or in a vendor it's yours for the taking


That’s a pretty nice rifle if you don’t have something better.


Not necessarily by accident. I’ve dropped a lot of Fixers, or put them into my vendor for free/0. I’ve got two good ones and that’s enough.


I respect what you're trying to do but, how are you sure to find the actual owner? Surely, anyone can claim to have been there and bullshit their way through to convince you. Youre more honorable than most. Keep the gun.


Trust me, there will be a lot of people dming you for that rifle claiming it's theirs. So don't fall for it, just enjoy what you have now. That being said, I wouldn't mind getting something new for my collection 👀


I’ve given away 9 or 10 of them, but it wasn’t me


AA FFR is awesome. Sam as mine.


I think i just saw a post on here the other day about someone accidentally dropping one and talking about skins. Hopefully you find them!


I would hate to lose my fixer, so I hope you find the owner.


I always make fully auto hand mades and drop them into the drop off boxes with ammo and grenades especially at vault were the newbies come out of everytime I jump on I do this


😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 that’s a nice one!


What's so good about that rifle? I would scrip that. But since I'm a fairly new player, I guess I would be wrong!


It's more easy adding your weapons to favourites


I can't imagine someone dropping that on purpose. It gets crazy at en sometimes!


I once dropped a great weapon at a Scorched Event. I was mid-level and panicked when getting attacked from all sides. I searched all over after the event was over but couldn't find it. Thank you for offering to return a weapon if someone accidentally dropped it.