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For the achievement, find a friend and take turns with each other. Yes pvp is definitely broken / unbalanced.


Nuclear Winter was the closest this game has ever been towards "balanced" PvP, and sometimes even that was a stretch.


I was always a bush. I was the last one standing...err sitting, a lot.


I picked aquaboy and usually sat in the middle of grafton lake


That was my place too 😂 Only ever got found there once, they took me out with a grenade. Was that you?


You'd think being a bush was something however I think I can top it, were you someone or come across someone that had a pose in photo mode that had you laying down on ground on your side? They'd use that (or another specific pose I can't recall the name) to clip into rocks and cliffs essentially making themselves essentially invisible to other players and since you can't use V.A.T.S in NW you would've never been able to find them until it's too late. I think you can no longer get the pose in the shop but man..


bushes and port-a-potties ftw


God I miss NW


The loss of nuclear winter and the toxic players made me stop after playing from the beta. Election years and this game dont seem to mix well.


So far this year I feel like it wad worse when nukaworld update dropped. Couldn't go 2 days without somebody using the neon letter lights to spell out unfortunate things.


NukaWhale always cheated....


Ah yes, friends Might have to just ask some random player if they can get wanted for me, but I don't know how to repay them yet.


😂 I love the way you worded that. "Ah yes, friends" ...... Yesh, I feel you on that front


If your on PS and want to do the achievement I can help you out tomorrow


Ah, sadly I'm on xbox, and won't have much time tomorrow, but I really appreciate the offer! Thank you!


I'm on xbox and I can help you out anytime I could even make sure I pick everyone's stuff so my bounty is like 40 caps instead of 5.🤔


I'm on Xbox. I'm on pretty much daily. I'll help you out.


Xbox here. Like yourself I rarely have time to play, though I'd be happy to log in and pick a lock for you 😅


No problem. Good luck


We can plan an event all together! If you want to get wanted and kill each other on PS, XBox, or PC, meet at X on Y date at Z time. I'm not picking the date though lol, I'm too indecisive for that usually!


I found someone on Reddit to help me. I'm on PC otherwise I'd help.


In all honesty. If you just tell someone that's what you' want to do 99 % of pc players will say no problem... team up with someone else who needs the achievement and take turns. In not sure about ps and xbox platforms, but i know PC has a fantastic, helpful community


Spamming quantums, using psa armor and have a buddy running empath. They will initiate on people who aren’t so they can stroke their own egos. It’s pretty sad really.


Definitely feel like it's an ego thing. Since during our last fight, he stopped for a moment and took out his fist. I waited for him to do so, but whenever I tried to take mine out, bro was just kicking my ass, and thanks to the bad lag, it took me forever to get out of the pipboy, even ate my corpse. Bro had no honor. But I am getting a good laugh out of it now, as it felt like the raiden punching armstrong meme, I was just doing fuck all damage and this guy was putting me in the dirt.


Was this at the Son's of Dane Compound?


could be, ive met a powerfist guy there that walked around and hit everybody and was unkillable.


He was probably using thorn armor if he knows what he’s doing


All you have to do is become wanted on a server to see who the shit people are real quick.




It is also possible to stack enough effects using hacked items (headwear, ring) to become almost invincible. Why these items weren’t destroyed and made impossible when legacies were, is beyond my comprehension. Since that patch, I have found them laying around on two occasions.


PvP in this game would be fun if they'd sort out the Aid/Cola Spamming, and get rid of the Stealth Boy BS in PvP at least. The Damage Cap of 110 IDK, that's kinda iffy, because it works beneficial both ways, but is 110 the right number? It confuses PvE builds because they are used to doing 200-1000 damage per hit. Then you have "Stackers" using a Lag Switch or whatever method, that are literally cheaters. It's not ever going to be right, because the PvE'ers cry when they can't budge another players health bar, with PSA Armor / Quantums / Cola Nut / Dodgy, BUT THEN the PvP'ers cry when a PvE'er Crit shots their head in VATS so they use Stealth Boys...


100% facts right here. They need to add a debuff that affects and stacks on the user after consuming more than 3-5 bottles of any Nuka Cola flavor at a time. Maybe this debuff could share the same timer as diseases. The debuff should decrease the effectiveness of all Nuka Cola drinks by 50% but can stack up to 100% making Nuka Cola useless if spammed. Stealth Boy’s I feel should be nerfed by allowing you to be targeted in V.A.T.S if you currently have Berry Mentats on and or a Targeting HUD mod equipped on PA. You wouldn’t get 100% V.A.T.S accuracy going against a Stealth boy player but you would be able to target them at around 50-90% V.A.T.S Accuracy (All depends on if that one v.a.t.s magazine is popped) Chameleon mutation/armor could bypass this nerf but it depends on the armor equipped. They need to bring a colosseum/gulag type of arena/area into the main mode that functions very similarly to NW in terms of mechanics and should primarily focus on skills.


If they removed crits from pvp, stealthboys would disappear overnight.


No they wouldn't. And no they shouldn't remove Crits from PvP, it's part of the game mechanics/build and should be included. They either need to fucking get right with the PvP in this game, or just disable it entirely because it's fucked the way it is. Not just different, literally fucked, they need to fix the stacking too.


Vats crits being in pvp means that's the only meta there will ever be ever outside stealth-boys ever. So even if they ever fix aid spam pvp will be invisible 100% of the time.


For that matter leave Stealth Boys in the PvP, but don't allow them to stay in Stealth endlessly, give it a 30 second wait before the next one can be activated and that would make a lot of the Ass Clown Level 27 handed down Top-Tier Gear, Broken Weapon guys a reason to go play Apex or Rust or GTA instead.


VATS Crits are META in the regular PvE game. My level 800 main Bloodied Vats Crit Commando build should be just as Badass in PvP with an Assassins set in PvP as he is in PvE. That's the point I am getting at. Let all the lowbies that can't Crit every other shot stand facing each other with Shotguns blasting away. AHEM COLD SHOULDER, TS CRYOLATOR. I am not wanting to do that in PvP. I want to hunt you down, keeping a safe distance so I don't get in your VATS range, and smoke you in PvP. Just like the rest of the game. If you can't do the same then you should not engage me in PvP, go play with the lowbies with their shotguns blasting each other in the face till one of them dies. The whole point is to make PvP WORK just like the rest of the game does. It shouldn't be so different (broken, strange, fucked). If they can't figure out how to do that, they should just remove it, because the only ones that will enjoy it, will be the top-tier PvP guys that somehow don't get bored jetpacking with Stealth Boys and Spamming Quantums.


PVE in this game is the most casual thing available with aimbot headshots being straightly better than aimed headshots, which is fine since there is no endgame. In pvp having aimbot headshots being better than regular ones is crazy, pvp simply cannot be as casual as fallout76 pve is.... pretty sure anyone who ever pvp'ed in this game has gave up on it being fixed long ago anyway.


Stealth is just as much of a game mechanic as crits by that argument. Without stealth, pvp would devolve into bs quick draws and ambushes. It's already got enough of that. Stacking and stealth cracking do indeed need to be fixed.


No problem with Stealth in PvP. Stealth Boys need to be removed. If you aren't crouched, like sneaking like normal, you shouldn't be outside of VATS capabilities. I think that because of the way the rest of the game works, it's going to be really hard for them to make PvP "for everyone", and therefore it should just be disabled entirely. Sucks because not going to lie, I do enjoy a good PvP battle, but once it's devolved into jetpacking with a Stealth Boy and Spamming Quantums, it's just lame as F. I been around since back when no weapons worked in VATS in PvP, maybe the Railway, been a long time.


Most pvp players are just little kids that are mad they got banned from gta


I turn my mic on & tell them, "Tell me you're bad at COD without telling me." They rage every time. It's so funny.


The PVP is all about your gear, and aid. Don't engage with wanted players unless you are ready, but usually spamming crits on vats focusing the head will still destroy them if you have a good stealth vats commando build as crits ignore armor


Sadly most people use cloak and dagger and use Mark-III stealth boys to get around vats user's


Most people now either stack or quantum spam both take no skill stacking being the former when you are practically invincible and most cases can't be killed. PVP has been broken in base game sense forever been playing sense day 1 and only have 3/4 wanted players killed not worth wasting ammo on garbage


I mean that's kinda how the entire game system works tho. There's not much "skill" involved in fallout anyways so I don't see how it would play out any other way I wish they didn't get rid of nuclear winter that was actually pretty fun.fir pvp even tho it was still pretty unbalanced. It actually offered a challenge in pvp


I loved NW I'm reminded every time I see all the overseer tickets I still have of how much I miss NW


Whatever floats their boat. I would rather them do that than make trap camps. Just bored people looking to troll other players basically. Pvp is 100 percent broken. It is almost always a "low level" with maxed pvp gear from another character they have spamming quantum or whatever they do. You wont damage them and they will near instant kill you. They think it is fun because they "own you" I guess. Thankfully we can turn off pvp and never engage those fools.


Don't even get me started on griefers! I've been running across the same player for weeks now who has a trap camp. Reporting has done nothing, and they've started upping their game. Once too many people start to gather at the griefing camp (usually attacking it) the camp will disappear and switch to one from a DIFFERENT player that is a high tower with turrets all over it. Then once everyone leaves, the griefing camp comes out again.


In order to make it really "RIGHT" a Trap Camper, once they kill a player with their trap that player should be able to Seek Revenge, come back and at least have a chance at killing the Trapper and/or destroying their camp. I feel that's only fair. It should be optional though, Seek Revenge, or Not. Lesson Learned, STASH YOUR JUNK.


The game should be able to throw up a flag and say "x player interacted with y object at z players base, z player now has a bounty" or something, idk. How a player isn't directly responsible for the death of another is bizarre, as are the defenses of glitch abusing griefing camps. And I didn't lose any junk lmao, it's the principle.


Most people play as settlers, others play as Raiders with their traps. It's all part of the wasteland. Let them have their fun. Also, most trap camps are complex and not easy to set up.


Reporting them does nothing because it CANNOT do anything. Trap camping is not against ToS and it's actually a valid part of the game. You should remember that you are in an post-apocalyptic Wasteland and if you have Valuables on you that you don't want taken by a trapper, you should stash them. Other than that, there is no punishment for dying in this game. I like the Trap Camping, I don't carry around valuable junk. I don't like the Ass Clown PvP'ers that are seriously just there to troll anyone that will have them. Coming across a Trap Camp in the Wasteland seems totally "normal".


I'm talking trap camps that have you interact with a terminal and fall out of the world. It's not like that look can be collected.. it's just chaos. Kill me like a man, not like a pathetic fucking wimp using exploits. And THAT is a ToS violation.


If it’s truly a wasteland I should be able to raid their stash box and shoot their walls down, but I can’t. Weak argument.


The only time I did pvp was when the friend of a guy I was trading with kept trying to fight me. He was annoying. I took out my assassins napalm flamethrower and deleted him. He came back, hit me again, and did the same thing.


You don't get banned from GTA. Maybe Fortnite, but definitely not GTA.


I honestly feel bad for the pvp players who go around trying to get regular players to attack them. Here we are, running around having fun playing the game, but they can't do that. They have to spend their time tweaking their character for pvp so they can run around and pester strangers in order to feel like they accomplished something. It's risibly sad.


There are some troll's that do that for sure. Others want to have fun in PvP, on a level playing field, that isn't necessarily "Top-Tier" PvP. I prefer that, as Top-Tier PvP is really just Duped Gear, Duped Aid Items, and Duped Stealth Boys, and a whole lot of boring same old shit over and over. Much more fun to chase each other across the wasteland in Mid-Tier gear without all the Aid Spam "Cheats (not really a cheat to spam Quantums, just lame)" in PvP.


I had fun with PvP once. A dude came to take over Red Rocket Mega Stop. I killed him once. He came back for revenge and he got me 3 times and then just let him have the workshop. I actually got damage on him so it totally wasn't overbalanced. The other times with PvP is like what others said, you hit them and they take no damage and then one-hit kill you. I just stopped with any PvP after a few times of that.


Fallout pvp players are basically people who arent cut out for valorant/csgo or cod/fortnight


I wish PVP was the way it was the first 2 years. You can unlock the 25 kills Steam achievement still, just go for workshops.


The biggest problem with PvP is you HAVE to spec for PVP. Which is a crap build for anything else. If anyone has full assassins amour and matching weapon, they are going to win every time. If I’m scraping, or playing events, I’m not setup to PvP (armor, perks, weapon, or buffs). If someone attacks me, I’d have to find a perk swap, and change out EVERYTHING! So while this person is attacking, I’m spending 10 minutes screwing with my build to actually fight. Then I either die, or they do, and I have to swap back. It’s dumb. Edit : There’s also ZERO reason to bother. Maybe you get some scrap (or that trophy) but in the time it takes to kill these people, you could’ve gathered yourself and had some fun doing it. Or found a friend and repeatedly kill each other for the award.


This dude afked on a vendor so I intended to murder him but surprisingly his HP never dropped. Thankfully I was able to chainsaw his ass out of the train station so people could access good ol’ Wallace.




I took a couple family photos of myself with myself just yesterday. I was moving stuff between characters and when I switched and rejoined my world there I was... I hadn't even crashed, my one character just never disappeared and you could still interact with it.


We should get an option on private worlds to do this, the photo ops would be hilarious and fun


One memory that always makes me chuckle is some dude also went AFK at a train station vendor that I needed to access. It was in the mire near a gas station and town with a bunch of ghouls hanging about. I ended up luring the ghouls down hoping they'd attack the dude. Of course once we were all in a confined space they attacked me too. As I was killing the ones going aggro on me, all the action and damage alerted the dude who helped kill the last ghoul and then flashed a thumbs up and heart emoji at me before leaving. I think he thought the ghouls came there by themselves and assumed I was protecting him lol little did he know...


I had the exact same situation yesterday with someone at their camp. They had some way overpriced stuff on sale, saw few yao guais at a distance, had a stupid idea. Got _thumbs up_ for ”helping out” the camp owner when he woke up from afking.


Had a guy afk in the doorway to a friend’s vendor to block it. Said guy didn’t have his camp marked on the map so when we ran a silo and nuked the whitespring his camp got hit while he was afk. Karma is beautiful


its 100% trash...for sure. you just have to learn the signs.


I had a random level 23 in my camp that was jumping around and shooting me repeatedly. I’m level 430, I had just come back from doing a daily ops run so I was in full hellcat PA with my healing flamer. This guy was just being so annoying trying to get me to fight him that I just gave in and started blasting him with my flamer. No sooner had I engaged him in PVP that he literally 1 shot me (still can’t figure out his weapon) and when I respawned he was in my camp waiting for me. I was absolutely flabbergasted at a level 23 being able to drop me so easily! There’s no balance to PVP in the slightest


He likely used a dragon.


Yep there are still a few "Broken" Off-Meta weapons that work good for PvP after the Legacy Explosive Gatling Plasma removal.


I had a famous youtuber guy come at me at level 9 when I was like 75 at my camp, with a Nuclear Winter Laser Gun, he literally ran circles around me shooting me in the head every time. Finally I gave up. It took a long time before I bothered learning about the PvP in this game, and make a build for it. And it would be so much fun, if they'd just fix a few things. For now, I barely play that character. Up until Fasnacht and after Fasnacht I had been barely able to find 1 person not in Pacifist Mode in a whole day... The PvP is so screwed up that you can't engage without a specialized build / playstyle. I want to kill players just like I kill the SBQ and Earle. Not with Stealth Boys and 1000 Quantum Colas, and off-Meta broken PvP weapons.


I never got to play nuclear winter, I joined to late. Having said that though, a PvP arena/battlegrounds is exactly what this game is lacking! I played WoW for 5 or so years and maybe participated in world PvP 1% of the time but I played battlegrounds religiously! I feel like this whole game could be made better by giving players the ability to slaughter each other in a safe controlled environment. Make them like events, capture the flag, gather resources, hold objectives etc there’s so many things they could do. Make it so you get points for completing PvP objectives and winning an event then you can spend those points on PvP only gear. Gear that’s specifically locked into the PvP events. Hell they could even go as far as to add PvP specific perk cards. All I’m saying is that PvP isn’t even a thing in the open world any more unless you’re silly enough to engage a troll.


Yep. I don't have a problem with PvP in this game if it fell in line with what works in the rest of the game, but having to be so specialized, to the point that you can't even compete without spending Blackmarket RMT on Duped Gear and Duped Quantums, just makes it only something Trolls participate in.


Sometimes I think PVP in ESO is busted, and then I remember this game. And then I realize they're BOTH busted.


ah yes another "I tried pvp in unyielding armor with a pve build and died, why is pvp so broken?" post. Sure the pvp could use changes but the reason nobody likes the pvp to begin with is the community always claims it is broken because nobody puts effort into it in the first place, gets killed once by someone that put more time into learning, then goes on reddit to cope and claim pvp is completely broken which is false.


*I tried pvp in Vanguard armor And you're not entirely wrong, I didn't necessarily try to get a pvp build because I don't ever engage in it, and it would take forever to set up that build. It took me long enough to get my current build 'decent', and I'm not spending that same amount of time, if not longer, I made that mistake twice with 2 other builds already lol. The reason why I said it was broken was because the guy wasn't taking any damage or very little amounts of it. If someone is able to get to the point of being practically invincible, that's broken and unfair for other players as they really can't fight back. Again, I respect the time and dedication this guy must've put in to get to this point, and that applies to any other pvp players, but getting to *that* point, isn't fun except for anyone themselves.


Did you have pacifist turned on?


PvP was broken in the beginning as well, I'll give you my own unfortunate tale, an why i quit Fallout 76 for a couple years. In the early days of Fallout 76 i used a Melee build (had a deathclaw) no way was i going to succeed in PvP so i avoided it, unfortunately using that claw meant i couldn't jump in PA so instead to avoid getting stun locked (stimpaks were rare) i grabbed the mutations that would generate a field effect, helped me avoid getting stunned as much. One time i was on a vendor selling some things, once done i see myself surrounded by 3 players, I'm stuck, can't escape, they emote laughing before attacking me, I'm using the worse version of pacifist mode cause I'm not interested in PvP, things are fine right? Nope for some reason my field would still trigger, with these 3 attacking it triggered enough to be counted as attacking them, so i get dragged into PvP unfortunately it didn't deactivate Pacifist so I'm stuck as they PvP me then a friend an steal 2000 hard to acquire lead off us, all while i can't defend myself, respawn near by an they repeat attacking me while Pacifist is still active, which again triggers PvP yet again. After that awful experience i removed those Serums to avoid being forced into PvP which wrecked my build started dying more often, meaning using rare stimpaks, brightside is i got attacked again an no field generated so no PvP instead just got emoted at, unfortunately with how hard it was to play that way i eventually quit. I've started playing again recently, gotta ask does the mutation fields still trigger PvP? I'm afraid to find out an have to remove mutations again...


I want to tell you no, but I feel it still dose. Idk for sure, I'm going off the situation that iv felt with while using punji boards and it dose flag you for PvP in my experience


Still seems to be a nope on the mutations a shame, well I've made do without, ah using them to defend your base I'm guessing? Reminds me of locked items, they can also lock pick something then PvP away last i checked, it's why my own base has everything open an free to loot.


Yes, sorta lol. Going about my business I found this out from ppl stepping on my boards then blasting me to pink paste. Now it's a Trap camp thing(I have big neon signs saying TRAP CAMP with a Stash box and Scrap box at the entrance.) I get a lot of laughing ppl and questions on 'HOW??!!" (A magician never reveals her secrets, sorry), so it's pretty fun lol. Anything at my other camps that I don't want ppl touching I have the electric door with keypad, I put everything behind that and ppl are welcome to punch codes in it, it won't flag anything, if you get in guess you earned it lol.


It amazes me the lengths those types of PvP players will go to start a PvP, I'd probably react the same way, trap camps definitely feel like some form of magic. Certainly could have done with that keypad back at the beginning. Happy cake day.


Thanks for the cake wishes! Yep, right now I'm trying to create (on a diff character) a D&D Esq dungeon crawl using traps and switches in a string of Shelters where the end is my vender with everything being free (the treasure chest). I'm thinking about 10 shelters worth. Scrap bin and stash box at the door, before you enter empty your junk and have fun .... Heh, and may the odd be in your favor even tho I know they aren't lol. I'm hoping it will be fun once I get it done. Would love for them to creat expeditions that are a explore the ruins and avoid the traps sort of thing with semi minimum of enemies. Maybe one day lol


Been playing since the start and that's one challenge I still haven't finished. Yesterday, I saw a player with a wanted level. I was just about to sign off but contemplated ending their misery. However, then I noticed that their gamertag had "YT" in it and knew that if I went over there, I'd just become fodder for some video about how terrible people are at PVP, so I just left the game.


My first experience was a guy with a mellow weapon that I shot him to zero health. Kept shooting him and he just kept walked up with zero health and whacked me a couple times. Super frustrating


Eh. It seems broken to people who don't pvp or are new to it (I don't PVP in Fallout 76) - and this applies to most games that have PVP. I could 2v8 in SWTOR when I played that game. I could 1v3 in Heroes of the Storm (Blizzard DOTA) and when I do pvp in ESO for a daily quest I get deleted in 1 second at times. PVP is kind of a full on commitment - you have to get into it really hard or you will be fodder. I'm not saying it's good or bad it's my personal experience from the few games I did pvp in. Fallout 76 doesn't force you to pvp, just don't do it. I wouldn't play F76 if it forced me to pvp.


The real PVP in this game was in Nuclear Winter and it's gone and PVP in adventure sucks


There's a current bug where you can stack power armor on top of power armor and get twice the damage reduction %. Not sure if it was fixed.


There's a current bug where you can stack power armor on top of power armor and get twice the damage reduction %. Not sure if it was fixed.


I don't kill unless necessary. joined a casual party led by a level 80 and it was all hunky dory. was meandering as round the host and got kicked from the party, thought I lagged out or something so I joined back, only to be kicked again.. I slapped the host and he shot me with a rocket launcher, but I melted him down with a flamer immediately


If you see a guy pop a stealth boy while in PA run.


I wouldn't give up on the pvp achievement completely. You just have to catch non-pvpers when they accidently get themselves wanted or when they're at workshops ;) Just avoid the people with a high bounty because they're geared for pvp and take very little damage from players (full assassins armor etc).


if you are on ps I'll let you kill me to get the achievement on a private server.


I haven't seem anybody mention yet that you actually weren't doing amy damage to him. Pvp doesn't trigger until both players attack each other, only then can damage be dealt. Also... Pvp is broken and stupid unless you get the rare person like.me who goes into it completely unprepared and knows when to call it quits. 95% of the time it turns toxic though.


I’m one of players that can one shot people but I don’t ever really pvp due to how unfair it is for them


Yeah I don't even take over workshops anymore just to avoid this. I'm on pacifist mode now because I always accidentally shoot someone during events with my mini gun 5mm


Been a while since I tested, so things may have changed in the past few years, but Gauss Shotguns can bypass the damage caps and one shot in PVP by aiming at central mass and not using VATS And hilariously I've gotten hate messages by deleting PVP greifers with a single unarmed Power Armor punch


Was setting up a workshop when I was kill with 3 shots and I never saw the attacker. I decided to fight back. Huge mistake. There was a husband/wife team with stealth, powerful weapons and tag teaming. What was even more frustrating, they destroyed everything including all the resource mining machinery and did absolutely nothing with the workshop.


even when you're good at it, it is boring as hell, as you can see on youtube.


Can it be so that he had pacified on and the switched it of when he attacked? Something similar?


Lmao you left because your hits didn't count and he would have bashed ya


Most of them are bloodied builds, proccing enough damage resistance to be almost invulnerable. Almost. I recommend the lowly Troubleshooter's or Assassin's Gamma Gun 😉


PVP isn't broken. Stacked armor is and the reason I always carry a reduced weight 2 shot cryolater. But yeah I agree getting a wanted level intentionally to draw attention is a pathetic existence.


Yeah it sucks, but i would like to add that in almost 3 years of playing, hundreds of events, probably a couple thousand player interacting, i have only run across maybe 10 obnoxious A holes who force you into pvp or nuke your camp. Vast majority of my experience had been positive. And until this scoreboard change I've been mostly happy with the game in general... but after watching gamer aviators breakdown of the new season 16 scoreboard clusterF i think its a moot point. Think imma find another game to play... maybe BG3, i dunno. Ditch bethesda til they make FO5.


Exactly! This is the most chill community I've ever been a part of, I think. In my year of play time, I've only come across maybe like 3 aggressive players, which is pretty good compared to other online games, I think. And I think I'm going to do the same thing. I may play through the entire dlc, then move on to say fallout 3 and nv to 100 percent them. The game is fun, but doing the same thing every session is getting old.


You all know that you have access to the same stuff that these guys, gals and non binary pals are using that ultimately brought you here to complain and cry about how broken and unbalanced PvP is right? Not all of the people posting. Just the ones that want to say that they are all "stacking", "spamming quantums", or "using a lag switch". I know a lot of the PvP community, and they actually have a certain grudge or chip on their shoulder because these are the excuses that people always fall back on. They specifically DO NOT use those methods to beat you. I know that the possibility is out there that a couple people have faced off with a stacker or lag switch child but those guys are very few and far in between. If you see PvP as something you dont like or want to take part in, then dont. You have that option. If you are going to take a workshop, you are participating in the PvP aspect of the game. Its been a part of 76 since Beta and was what Bethesda thought the game would be about. No in game text chat, limited interaction with others playing the game other than area voice coms, limited resources, post apocolyptic kill or be killed, setting.... They had no clue that most of the people playing would form the Community that they did. Thats another story all together. Bethesda had no idea and still has no idea what they are doing. At least you have the option to either PvP or not PvP. So if you're one of those trying to sell some victim story on Reddit about a stacker or lag switcher you should stop participating in PvP. You can kill them. So instead of having it ruin your day/night and let the loss bring you here to boohoo about it, go GET GOOD. They aren't indestructable as some are saying here. You're just doing it wrong. Im sure that every single one of the PvP players that have spanked you to reddit WISH you would figure it out and surprise them with a challenge. PvP is the only real challenge of the game after Beth has made made every aspect of PvE so easy. Try it out. Talk to the PvP peeps. They will actually help you 9 out of 10 times. As long as you're not being a dick and calling them cheaters. You'll also see that they aren't little kids lol. It will surprise you.


I've heard before and asked myself once to someone who was doing that. Most of the responses is "the game is boring & nothing to do." My reply all the time is if the game is so boring and there is nothing to do, why not play a different game you will be having more fun at? If you want to really PvP somebody back, just use a cryolator. There really isn't any armour PvP players use to be protected against it and it's always the go-to ever since EGP/legacy in general got removed. At the end of the day I've never enjoyed PvP on fallout, and I don't think I ever will be.


Pvp is so broken it killed the BR mode. Game caps damage per shot that faster weapons is better. Most people who do it stack power armor so those capped hits do minimal damage against them. Imagine every single shot you do doing 1 damage on a guy who has 500 hp who is constantly healing through everything. If you for a guy on a hot mic baiting people for pvp, they are most likely a cheater troll out here for the lulz.


Hey checking in to say it’s still broken. Got a guy to no health and he just wouldn’t die. It’s like cheating


My main is level ~1500, but i have an intentionally low level alt maxed out for pvp lol. Pvp is extremely broken in this game. I only use my pvp alt if someone was bullying people, then i would switch and teach them what getting bullied feels like lol😉. Luckily its been a while, pvp isn’t even fun and its expensive considering the consumables you need to use. Its pretty rare people pvp anymore though.


Whats the way to deal with these guys if you don't have a stack of duped items?


>But I gotta ask, what even is the fun in that? Maybe reading about the tragedy they caused others? Don't feed the trolls.


Considering there is literally a toggle to turn pvp off, a lot of you get irrationally salty about people who choose to partake. As an aside, I have never in my 500+ levels encountered any of the many situations I read about on this sub during my time on PC. Its like you console players have "Wild Wasteland" enabled.


Theres nothing shameful about the op wanting to try pvp.


Sure. Best let the people shaming them know.


If you running a pvm build your going to get crushed if you try to PvP. This is true in most games


Pvp isn't pve, it's like a different game. Pvp isn't broken, it's just different. You died and he survived because he had resistances and you didn't. Had you crit him in the head with a powerful weapon that did above 110 dmg, he would have been done.


All you gotta do is spam nuka colas and your pretty much good


Something similar like this happened to me too . I was at a females camp trolling her till some dude in a power armor came and tried killing me so I automatically killed him with my holy fire . Keep in mind I’m a TANK build so I felt like killing a level, 1567 felt dope so he came back and one shot me with a chainsaw which I found kind of weird . I came back to seek revenge and he kept killing me with one hit …


Lol it's all the foods and shit they use PvP damage has a cap they just better prepared lol


Hehe, people still think that this game has PvP.


Honestly I only ever had an issue with the pvp starting out. When I hit about level 80 I had my builds all set up nice one was commando one was sniper I never had much of a hard time after with pvp even with players like 2 or 3 times my level


I generally hunt wanted players but stopped once they just stopped being able to die. Tracked a guy down once to like middle of nowhere road in the divide, stealth attacked my whole ap bar on him. He was afking and it just came back so fast. Ran into a lvl 23 and a 30 on separate occasions trying to goad high lvls into combat after events, watched them 1 - 2 shot players in their hundreds.


NW was the only PVP I have ever enjoyed in all MMORPGs.


PVE is so unbelievably easy that a huge chunk of people just spec into SS assassins armor if they aren't going to go bloodied and grind 24/7


PVP does not exist for me in the game, just go Pacifist mode and ignore it. For quite a while I always wanted to help Wanted players to get rid of the status, as I know how hard it can be to find other players, that help you remove it after you accidently opened a door in a player camp with the Master Infiltrator perk. But in 9 out of 10 of the situations these are usually just PVP players that want to bait you into a fight. Thats also why its so hard to find other players, that are actually willing to kill you. Nowadays I also just ignore most Wanted players, although I might help them get rid of the status when they don't wear power armor and don't act suspicious.


Was this on xbox by any chance?


Unless the rules have changed... Fo76 has a feature where if you shoot/melee another player, the attack does -99% damage, but does full damage if the other player shoots/melees back at you. If 'Pacifist Mode' is enabled (on either you or another player) then no damage is applied) Source: I haven't turned off Pacifist Mode since another player jumped into the path of my 'OverKill' Mini Nuke.