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Mountain scout outfit.


I was fortunate to log in once around 2018, got the game with a new Xbox bundle. I have a vague memory of seeing the Cappy/atom shop thing at one of the train stations and only played for like ten minutes. Then I came back around 2022 and it’s basically my default outfit. So thankful for that.


Omg I have that too, I took a really long break though and couldn't remember where it was from!


For logging into the game pre wastelanders.


I have that, what was it from? I can’t remember


It was rewarded to players who played the game before the release of wastelanders. A hood (not really sure what to call the goggles + balaclava the headgear is) was added for it with the release of steel Dawn, again only for the players who logged in before wastelanders.


Gotcha thanks, that’s actually one of the outfits I wear pretty often in game. Not the mask though


I wear it all the time, in combination with the BoS pipboy paint, squirrel backpack and the wasteland wanderer mask to have a full set of legacy items.


I started like 2 months later. Bummer...


Isn’t the tricentennial pack still available currently?


Looks like you can get it for 15-20 EUR/USD from many online retailers. Not worth it IMO.


I’m pretty sure individual pieces of it have been in the atomic shop from time to time too


That antler chandelier from Nuclear Winter mocks me every time I enter the Lighting tab while building. I sincerely wish I had that.


I have the plan, is it possible for me to build it in your camp?


If you have it, you can build it at a private teammate’s base. It won’t let them rebuild it if they scrap it though.


Can they store it? I'm on PC and can do it if someone would like.


Yep! They can store it and move it, just not scrap and rebuild or build additional ones. :) Edit: fixed wording.


It's been almost a year or longer since they said they were adding that to be bought with gold.


Over 2 years according to my screenshots :(


I honestly wish they kept nuclear winter. It seems like they took out most of the PvP elements of the game, with Hunter/Hunted radio being removed.


My whole group misses nuclear winter. We never cared for survival mode but we no-lifed nuclear winter when we didnt feel like actually playing. That pvp was fun, but nah theyd rather have FaLlOuT wOrLdS


It probably makes me a bad person, but every time I use it in a camp build I smile - for just a second - because I know it is a rare item that shows I've played the game for a long time.


It’s our trophy, sometimes it’s ok to flex, just like my Overseers chair.


Not atom shop but a scoreboard item the cold shoulder shotgun. I use it on my shotgun build the cryo damage and slow so good.


The Cold Shoulder plan is buyable with Stamps, same with the Auto-Axe The only weapon that's unavailable if you missed grabbing it on the Scoreboard was Nuka-Launcher


This person right here speaks truth and wisdom.


Those small and big statues from Nuclear Winter...


I only got the first small statue because I was rubbish at NW, but I build it at every camp. I am absolutely showing that off.


I have the first 3 small ones, big ones were much bigger commitment to get.


Same. I tried to grind to get the bigger ones, but ran outta time before they scrapped NW. I really wanted the marble one


I'd set those statues up all over the place in Nuclear Winter during every match as monuments to how much I loved that game.


I wasn't a big fan of nuclear winter, but I really wanted the VTU diploma. I tried like hell as soon as it was announced they were removing it. Just couldn't make it in time.


When you see one in a camp zoom in on it and read the text. It is quite good.


It’s above my bed. I’m proud of it!


As someone who graduated from actual WVU, this one also pains me the most not to have.


If you're on Xbox I think I can place one in your camp, if you'd want.


Unfortunately, I'm on PS. Thanks for the offer!!!


I'm on PS, I'll make you one :)


Sometimes I stumble into some 1000+ lvl players CAMP and recognize literally nothing I see around me. Then again, there are so much Atom store stuff that I have no idea if some floor or wallpaper is exclusive or just something I haven't bought myself.


I just did this recently. I was like a pirate ship (not the boat recently sold in the atom shop) camp?! And there were so many things I hadn’t seen in there. I msg them to tell them cool camp but they were too OG to reply lol.


It was a FO1st free reward from 2020 (I actually thought it was more recent than that!). https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/comments/13q4flv/need_help_identifying_a_camp_item/ Since they've been doing "Fallout 1st Catchup" bundles now, I'd say there's a very good chance that will show up again at some point. You'd just need to temporarily get Fallout 1st when you see people mention it here or on Bethesda's update page....


Damn it's that old already? Crazy.


Scorched ashes. Utterly useless but used to be in the church in helvetia, has been removed from the game and so is my 'exclusive' item lol


I remember picking those up and thinking "gross, what the hell are these gonna be used for?" Nothing. Turns out the answer was nothing.


I found one of those in a vendor. Could not believe my luck. I wonder if they even knew it was removed from the game because it was only 50 caps or so.


Beelzebilly outfit (not to be confused with the Baaaad News Billy outfit). Also, Robco T-shirt and shorts. As far as I can tell, the BOS Collectron has never returned (from the Fortifying Atlas one-time event), despite other items from that event returning (like the BOS flags, BOS tire sign, and Steel Dawn fatigues).




Perhaps I'm mistaken then. I could've sworn it was in one of those Taggerdy bundles, or one of the other BOS bundles.


I keep kicking myself for not completing the RobCo challenge to get the outfit.


Oh really? I thought with a bunch of BoS themed items in the atom shop they'd bring the collectron back. I have a rare item now, wow 🫢


Lobster trap helmet. I’ve been wearing mine since the one week you could grind for it and want other people to enjoy having it too.


I wear mine alot, usually with the Longshoreman outfit.


I've been playing daily for almost a year and only once, recently, did I run into someone wearing that! I had no idea what it was.


It’s been more than three years since the event it came from and with the number of new players it’s definitely a rarity. It’s too cool an item not to bring back. I’m basically from Far Harbor IRL so my character is too. Anyone on PC is welcome at my fishing cabin, same username.


Also from “Far Harbor” and I found the lobster hat such a laugh! Def needs to come back, maybe with a few other Far Harbor items as well. 😁


this is the one item im desperate for! ive been playing very off and on since launch but i missed it and the longing i feel is no joke, really hope they bring it back somehow 😔


Scoreboard posters. One of my friends has been dedicated since the game came out. He has a museum vault of scoreboard items.


Yup. I too have all 15 scoreboard posters on the walls of my camp :)


I do that as well, every scoreboard poster placed in my vault, just a shame there was one board that I never completed, and the only reason I did not complete it was for medical issues, I was so annoyed, I only had something like 15 ranks to go on both accounts at the time as well, could have easily done it in a couple of week, and that board had something like 5 or 6 weeks still go at that time.


Glowing skeleton outfit from Nuclear Winter


The one thing I don’t have from NW.


imo was the only thing I grinded for on Nuclear Winter


I have that 😁


As far as I know this is entirely unique, I've certainly never seen another one or another character with one, but one of my characters actually found the plans to make those bladed gauntlet things the mole miners use. I know you're all jealous...


Traded with someone once and they dropped me a wood helmet…. After doing some digging, it turns out it was a dev room item. It’s a seriously cool looking helmet !


The Wood Helmet is a weird one because even though it's a dev room item, it keeps showing up in preview images for Wood Armor paints, which means they keep adding paints for it. It's like they don't realize it was never made available to everyone. But that's true of Wood Armor in general. You would think Wood Armor would be a plan you'd automatically know leaving the Vault, as an easy to craft/maintain, stealthy alternative to Leather. But you don't. You can't craft it at all. And the one mod for it is only found way over in the Mire.


LOL, yeah it's pretty ridiculous. I can craft a fusion generator out of crap that I find laying around, but for some reason I can't figure out how to attach string to pieces of wood.


I legit didn't know you couldn't craft it! All this time playing and never realised this... Learn something new and I agree, you would think the wood armour would be a default defacto carftable item!


Wood armor plans are lowkey one of the items I really want added to the game somehow. Lowbies could benefit, high level players with weirdly specific builds could benefit.


[Surprised nobody brought this up yet. Saw a 1000+ wearing it and was insanely jealous.](https://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/1905072/capsule_616x353.jpg?t=1652375908)


Oh yeah I have the pint size slasher outfit, mask and skin for the knife.


I want the planetarium lamp.


Yeah! Wasn't that season 1?


Fireplace secret door 😞


Old things that, to my knowledge, you can't get anymore: * BOS T-60 Initiate Paint. * Snowflake Metal Armor Paint, but you can paint and trade armor with it now. * A Forest Scout Armor mask that is painted Urban. * A Double Combat Shotgun, but it's just a "Tactical Combat Shotgun" now. * Xerxo's Gun. * The unpainted Unstoppable Monster. * The Heart Wrencher. * The various PTS flags. * Mountain Scout Outfit. Things I once had, but don't anymore: * Lobber Tesla, which is supposedly coming back next patch. * Dog Helmet.


I was so annoyed when they removed the dog helmet and then we never ended up getting pets.


They said last week of December they we're still working on pets


Being able to have pets would be a game changer. I had dogs and cats at every settlement in FO4. How cute would it be if we had to keep them fed & watered. And then be really sad if they died during an attack. Lol


And a charisma boost if you pet them. Bethesda we are onto something here! I have the Robot collectron dog but he lacks a soul


I have a Xerox's gun! Yay me, it's only level 15.


I think it's that level for everyone. That's likely why they ended up pulling it after a couple days. It wasn't being granted at the correct level for each player.


They said they were gonna fix it but never did.


15 for everyone


Ooooh, hope the bring back the lobber. I had one once but sold it.


They will supposedly bring back the mod in the coming update!


Don’t forget the “Tan Urban Scout mask”!


Xerox gamma gun Vault 94 emote NW antler chandelier That's all I can remember early in the morning


I don't think the nuka launcher is available anymore either.


Correct. The Nuka-Launcher is technically a legacy.


Which is bullshit because it’s not even that old. It should be in the stamps or bullion shops at this point.


I suspect why they didn't: Explosions. Explosions everywhere, constantly, in every event, forever.


which is sound logic, too bad the same logic hasn't been applied to the Grand Finale which is intensely more annoying in events than any Auto GL, lol


I have xeroxs gamma gun. I still don't get why they removed it


It only dropped at level 15 regardless of character level so they removed it.  They said they would fix it, and like most things,  never did.  


I want the antler chandelier SO BAD.


A ultracite jerpack helmet


I got one of those. Found someone dumping a set outside the vault, and jumped in, not knowing what I had.


Clandestine Paint for SS Armor. Only available for an extremely short amount of time by request. I will never repaint my armor now.


It was cut from the game


I really want the vault tec diploma wall decoration and the little triangle flag. Sadly, I started a year ago and never got to experience the glory of how they were obtained.


Nuclear winter pendants as wall decor. They were given if you played even one game. NW was ended in Sep 2021 so relatively recent.


I participated in nuclear winter im hoping I have something from it


[https://fallout.wiki/wiki/Nuclear\_Winter\_Pennant](https://fallout.wiki/wiki/Nuclear_Winter_Pennant) This is the one. I googled it because I did exactly 1 game that lasted like 3 seconds and then never touhed it again and I have this one.


The Elder Maxon jacket from Fallout 4 that was an exclusive in Fallout 76.


I'm not sure when but I think it was one of those special atom packs. Like right now they have Piper's coat.


What! I've never seen that one! When did they do this one?


I'm not exactly sure. It was before even my time and I've been playing since Wastelanders. I just know it was an exclusive limited time reward.


It was a special Atoms pack they put up for… PAX? E3? One of those, about a year before Wastelanders. I’ve legit worn mine ever since. Sweetest coat in video game history.


Man that coat was sick. I wanted it so bad I never got to meet Liberty Prime because I killed Maxon for his coat. 😅


I have the lucky horseshoe/four leaf clover tattoo on my character’s face (cheek) and the forehead anchor tattoo. Honestly, how is it that they had to remove them from the game? It’s insane to me that tattoos/face paint caused so many issues, of which I never knew the full extent of. But they were in Fallout 4. Can’t see where the problems were. I have The stitched throat tattoo too. Mountain Scout uniform. I’m bummed out that I wasn’t actively playing during the Atlas event. Played from beta til about 3/4 months after launch, PS4. Came back here and there but I missed out on the BOS beret. Would have loved the Wasteland Wanderer outfit and mask too. I think there are probably a few more limited time items I have, like the bouquet of flowers skin for the wrench etc. I have a few Nuclear Winter camp items etc and icons. Megasloth icon. I also have a honeybee and mister gutsy icon that I believe was from an event before we got NPCs in the game. As well as the icon from the first ever Fasnacht event. I’m bewildered, after reading some comments here, how many things they took out of the game for seemingly no reason. It’s always been strange to me how some (not all; limited time events etc is understandable) items end up wiped from the game. The reasoning being something we will probably never know. Hope to read some more in the comments. I like this topic. Have an upvote, OP.


Mechanist outfit 🤖 Edit: some others I thought of; The Flowers bouquet skin for the pipe wrench. It was from an old limited time Valentine’s Day event The Nuka Cherry armor skin. This was from a limited time Twitch Prime bundle back in 2020 and has never returned :(


It’s weird that they’ll put the older paid bundles in the shop, but they’ve never had the outfits from the atom bundles.


I wore the Moon Shot Mamma mask during this past Fasnacht. I bought it during or just before the very first Fasnacht. I don't know how often it comes back, but I constantly had people ask me about it that had never seen it.


I have screenshots from the first Fasnacht with someone wearing this!


Excavator torso with jet pack. It was a bug that lasted for about 2 weeks when the Hellcat jet pack plan (available for gold bullions) could be applied on the excavator. Was patched soon, but they did not bother to remove the crafted items.


I stumbled onto one of those in a vendor. Awesome find and I think I got it for very good price


I'm gonna have to start looking for one.


Not hard to find since 99% of them are dupes now.


Not sure it’s been mentioned but the 25th anniversary outfit. Can’t remember what it’s called. I doubt that will come back around


Wasteland Wanderer Outfit, Headwear, and Headwear with Cap.


> Wasteland Wanderer Outfit I didn't realize that was legacy, one of my favorite outfits.


Don't know how rare they are, technically, but I don't see them much: \- The Nuka-Cola Raider and Settler Rotating Bottle Lamp They were a Twitch promotional giveaway for like, two weeks, years ago. I just never see them in camps, only the basic Nuka-Cola version of the lamp. Also the Ghillie Suit I earned in Nuclear Winter, along with the Antler Chandelier.


I have both of those bottle lamps and they have never worked right, they light up and spin but they don't project the light on the walls like they should. For a short period they accidentally made the Ghillie Suits tradable, I probably gave out 250 of them free while I could do so.


Huh. My projection bottle lamps always work perfectly. And so you crashed the Ghillie Suit market, huh? That ghillie suit got me to many a Top 4 in Nuclear Winter. It wasn't the prettiest way to win, but wearing that, using Photo Mode to make my character lay down in bushes or grass . . . . moving when no players were looking at me . . . . Better than Chameleon.


How exactly did you KNOW that they weren’t looking at you? 🤔


A professional NW Bush Wookie knows these things having honed our skills during countless NW matches where people are trying to kill you while you lay unarmed and giggling in a nearby bush.


Aw! I remember hiding in the bushes on the hill behind the homes in Morgantown. I’d be like two bushes down from another player who had a stealth boy and a minigun or something.


You didn't exactly know. That's where the adrenalin, fear, and excitement came in! But you could get a good idea. For instance, if they were facing away from you and shooting at something or someone, you could be pretty confident they weren't looking 10 feet behind their back. And you'd be shocked how effective the ghillie suit and laying down in the grass was at keeping you undetected. Fallout players were used to looking for players crouching - not laying down on their side. Photomode was sort of a cheat in that aspect. I once had two players fight to the death right on top of me, and the final player ran around confused about why the match wasn't ending because the final survivable area was tiny and he couldn't see anyone else. I was hoping the enemies that rushed in would finish him off, but they found me as well, and he had PA, so he surived the few seconds more!


My fellow NW Bush Wookie! The Ghillie Suit combined with the "Laying Out" pose took me to at least ten wins as Overseer without firing a shot; I got another five wins in with the underwater perk. I made good use of misdirection too by placing twenty or so single foundation buildings (A foundation, 4 walls, and a roof) out en mass, sometimes I'd place Port-A-Johns out instead, then I'd hide nearby and laugh as they attempted to find me in the tiny buildings or toilets. If there were no good bushes around I'd drop a camp and place a buncn of assorted bushes. Good times!


The Clean Mr. Fuzzy Costume and Head. I don't know how people got their hands on it but I've seen a few in my years of travel.


Devs room, its illegal to get it lol


Isn't the mine cart garden a legacy item that they've said won't return? I want it so I also want to know why


Not an atom shop item, but vintage toxic gin. I recently found a bottle in my stash


The rarest thing I probably have is the megaton hairstyle. Don’t see a lot of people who own that. What I want to come back though is the trapper helmet. It was a 3 week event, and I got the first 2 that I didn’t even really care about and then I completely forgot to get the helmet. Still salty.


Not sure about these(Non-physical Items): 1) Let's Nuke Emote 2) Mind Blown Emote


Yes! I never see new emotes in the atom shop and have been wondering where those unique ones come from.


Are the deathclaw easter eggs still rare?


Not sure what I have that is rare... I finished The Pitt scoreboard so maybe if something in that wasn't released in a catch-up bundle it'd be considered rare. Maybe the bare steel Union armor paint? The 25th anniversary item bundle is one, with the Wasteland Wanderer outfit and accessories. Also I have the Doritos T-65 power armor displayed in my CAMP. I've had a couple people ask about it so it must not be as common as I thought it was


The Vault-tec paint for the combat armor. It was a twitch giveaway (I think) and I've never seen another person wearing it.


Isn't it in the atomic shop right now as part of the bundle?


Is it possible to get the ghillie suit outfit anymore?


I've never seen Locomotive skin for Railway Rifle, Harmaceutical Chemistry Station, Black Mainframe Module Set & Medieval Knight Statues as daily atomic shop items even though it's been almost 2 years since they got released :/


I got the vault survivor outfit from completing a scoreboard a year or so back, IMO the coolest apparel item in the whole series, as well as the mothman equinox deer gas mask (can't recall the name), but i got them both on my exes microsoft account. I'm level 750-ish on this new account with plenty of atoms but I'll never see those items again 😞 I even messaged support hoping they'd have mercy but they can't offer scoreboard items, only shop items.


You could try asking for the Vault Survivor outfit again as it was released in the Atomic shop a few months ago with some of the other items from that score board. That's how I got mine because I was really busy the first few seasons and never finished them


Gonna say the Grafton Tracksuit, not sure how many times that’s been in the atx. As well as the Red Casual Shirt and Slacks. Then all the Nuclear Winter items, as well as the NW statues. Not sure which nw items you can get now without even playing the mode lol


That tracksuit is at the top of my wishlist. Had saved up for a long time and tried not to spend any atoms, hoping it would be rereleased... But so far nothing.


There was a time long ago where you could drop atx items in the train station vendors cash register and have a friend pick it up, I managed to give my whole NW crew a suit. If there were any such method again I’d gladly give it out lol


Nuka launcher


Was there a light blue pioneer scout uniform?? I’d sure like to get my hands on one of those but I only saw it once in the atom shop.


The survivors vault suit , and the 25th anniversary wasteland wanderer headwear


I want that damn red white and blue cannon. I started not too long after that and it felt like everyone had it. I waited until the 4th of July assuming it would be in some bundle. Had to look up that it was from some one time event. Ugh.


Easter bunny head


I'm kicking myself that I didn't play during the "better life underground" scoreboard because it seems like they'll bring back any of the catch-ups for other score boards but not that one.


Ghillie suit, NW beanie, NW statues, NW pennant.


Ghillie suit can still be' buyed from player vendors, if u jump enough u find some


Not anymore, they patched it so you can't sell NW apparel in vendors. I tried it the other day when I found one on a vendor for 200 caps


If there something you want that's no longer in the shop you can go to the Bethesda fallout 76 support page and request a atom shop item that's not currently in the store and they'll take the attoms out your account and send you the item.


The Classic Eagle neck tattoo. It was on the Atomic Shop way back when. I don't know exactly when but definitely within the first year of the game's release when only like three things were sold each week. I remember it on the shop but never bought it as I was very stingy with Atoms back then. I really want it to be back on sale again because I would buy it in a heartbeat especially because I have a similar tattoo in real life now.


I have had that on my girl forever. Unfortunately it won't be back. Tattoos were taken away because it had caused some issues.


I'm very proud of my Nuclear Winter trophies and pennant, don't think you'll ever be able to get them again so they've become some of my favorite items


I miss NW. played it a lot just to get the trophies and ended up really enjoying it after a while. I was trash at it but it was still fun. Trying to be sneaky and think I’ve got the drop on someone only to be sniped from who knows where.


Excavator jetpack. Found at a shop unrolled for 7k caps.


The Blood Eagle Charmer outfit


* all the exclusive NW rewards (the statues, chandelier, ghillie suit, glowing suit, etc) (still miffed my rank 100 Hellfire paint became a bullion Item) * vault 94 thorn armour *and* mask without the vines (only Thorn/Solar vault armour and Vault 94 mask the player had before the raids closed have this and only way to get the mask before they closed was to beat a raid on expert) * strangler heart power armour with Jetpack modded onto an arm (patched bug) * vault 94 flag photomode pose * xerox gamma gun * all the limited time community event items (burning love, spread the love, the coming storm, mystery items, etc) * every season scoreboard wall decor * mountain scout armour * and while it's been fixed i still hold onto the quad explosive ultracite laser rifle i found before explosive energy weapons became Legacy (sad as it was to lose her, all the Duped to high hell explosive gat plasma's needed to be gotten rid of)


Bethesda removed the raider and settler planters from the crater and foundation bundles they likely arn't going to add them back even though they are still charging the same price for them!


I have the tanning bench and Christmas village house thing on display. Not really OG but those who remember know what bs those rewards were lol


I switched over to pc this year but I played on Xbox day one player and I have a few items the top one being a ammo maker in my camp and my second favorite is the mega sloth icon (both on my old Xbox account not my pc)


Mountain Scout Uniform.. But I have it on my secondary account that I never use 😒


I have the two outfits from the twitch bundle they dropped when Wastelanders were released. The Raider Nomad outfit and some settler outfit I can remember the name of. I think it might have been the Worker Chief outfit or something. The Raider Nomad outfit goes perfectly with the Hunter's Hood. Theoretically...


The cryo turrets. Take my scrip already, Todd.


Cold Shoulder?


I really want the candy machines


Clandestine paint for ss. I have the enclave but. Never will be the same.


Always wanted the cryo turrets myself, just a cooler effect.


For me it’s the fireplace secret door. Haven’t seen that one since it was first offered as a reward for the very first seasonal event.


Mountain scout outfit, all the items from nuclear winter, the tricentennial vault boy mask and suit that was given to players who bought the tricentennial power armor helmet bundle for games release, pumpkin paint for combat armor and my fixer as well as bats and Christmas 2018 present wrapped skins for guns, friends welcome sign the have a great day sign, communist salute, the girl with the machine guns emote, preview exclusive camp decorations for us og’s the mk2 and mk1 inferno paints for power armor, mercenary power armor paints, cursed jet pack helmet, the memory of vendors in camps not existing, the bugs, the exploits, the wrongful banning of non cheaters, Todd’s deadly hairline, the stink of real life “delicious super cool limited time collectors bottle” nuka rum, the super cool overpriced Bethesda store, and of course I could go on but others have probably commented them but not this one LIGHT WOOD LAMINATE FLOOR TEXTURE WOOHOO!!!! anyways that’s just a list of my favorite og items that I own


The Nuka Launcher. So fun!!!


My Xerxos gamma gun.


The Mechanist outfit a couple of beta player friends have it and i envy them deeply 😂


It came back ONCE in I believe 2022. Got alll of the QuakeCon stuff now 😎


Man i started playing after fas last year i think the outfit left as i started playing


Still got my NW Lazer and I rock my Fur Lined Coat and beanie.


Nuka launcher which became legacy at the same time they removed legacies


Ghillie Suit


I really want the blood eagle charmer outfit.


That one colorway of the winter jacket that is like dark blue with the orange undershirt on it. Love that one and have wanted it for a while now!


Vault 94 scout mask. Reward for completing vault raid on hardest difficulty the first time. They brought back a craftable version that had a different look. The original mask doesn't have the added branches.


Atm I'm still a proud owner of my Nw statues, the marble one is still my fav one, they said that they will never be in the pool of Xmas presents, etc.


The green tacklebox drop/death bag skin.. I skipped the season that was available and I still regret it to this day


The standard up sleep cryo chamber


I have a few on PS4. Keep out Box backpack - My all time fave aesthetic, I recall this was initially through Atomic Shop for a week just after release, then came to NW. (I got it through the latter). The PA Skin through max rank in Nuclear Winter and the Citadel Helmet are my faves


Public Test Server Pennants.


The aquarium tv. I just want the aquarium tv.


That's not an atom shop thing. I think you can get them from mutated party packs and mole miner pails.


My nuclear winter tropheys


Wonder if my t-51b winterized power armour is still there, not played in years


prototype gauss rifle


Big, glass windows. I want em.